HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLEY WEST SUB PH 2 J-390 01 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR THE FINAL PLAT _ �9� I, the undersigned Thomas H. Henesh, Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that between February 15, 2004, and July 10, 2004, I surveyed under my (� supervision Volley West Subdivision Phase #2, and platted the same as shown on I the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the O U CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101 thr 3-625, M.C.A., and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance to P Ys• VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION PHASE #2 TTHOMAS M. T (1), (We), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that (I) (We) have caused to be surveyed, y� U) subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and ale and other divisions and dedications, as shown Dated thls_.W_'-day of 2004 by the plot hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: HENISH A tract of land located in Tracts 1 & 2, Block 1, and Tracts 2, 3 & 4, Block 2 of Valley West LOCATED IN TRACTS 1&2,BLOCK 1,AND TRACTS 2,3&4,BLOCK 2 OF VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER 1 q P 9 Y OF SECTION 10,T 2 S,R 5 E,P.M.M. CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA omas M. Henesh Subdivision al the northwest tarter being Section 1 a Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of 10062 LS `FvGV•" `•r Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montano, being more particularly described as follows: # 4!LA1��'. Commencing at the west quarter comer of said Section 10, Thence North 30'32'01" East a distance of CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION 713.03 feet, to the northwest corner of Valley West Subdivision - Phase 18, as filed with the Clerk and OWNER ZONING We,�+eid 4.Me}rers, and 1, Gregory J. Stratton, a Registered Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana and the True Point of Beginning; BOZEMAN LAKES L.L.C. PURPOSE 9 P Y VALLEY WEST PLANNED Professional En sneer licensed t1, practice J. the State of Montana, hereby C/O DOUG OBERG CREATE A TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD certify that the Improvements, required as a condition(s) of approval of Thence North 00'08'02" East a distance of 140.00 feet; UNIT DEVELOPMENT Valle West Subdivision Phase 2 have been installed in conformance with the 2415 E. CAMELBACK, SUITE 900 UNDERLYING ZONING R3 DEVELOPMENT FOR MIXED DENSITY HOUSING Y # Thence North 89'51'58" West a distance of 288.05 feet, to the east ri ht-of-wo of Cottonwood Road; PHOENIX, AZ 85016 AND VACATE A PORTION OF CASCADE STREET. approved plans and specifications or are financially guaranteed by an 9 Y Improvements Agreement. The following Improvements have been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications: Thence along said east right-of-way, North 01.06'05" East a distance of 60.01 feet; 1. Water and sewer main extensions; 2. Street infrastructure Including curbs, gutters, and asphalt Thence leaving said east right-of-way, South 89'51'58" East a distance of 287.04 feet; surfacing; 3. Storm drainage Infrastructure. Thence North 00.08'02" East a distance of 160.00 feet; The following improvements have not been installed, but have been financially guaranteed: Thence South 89'51'58" East a distance of 358.37 feet; 1. Sidewalk; 2. Landscaping; Thence easterly along a curve to the left, with a radius of 410.00 feet, through a central angle of - 3. Street lights. 35'58'10" for an arc distance of 257.39 feet; The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession of all Thence North 54'09'52" East a distance of 151.77 feet; public infrastructure Improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City here �g ' n of oil public infrastructure improvements, subject Thence North 35'50'08" West a distance of 57.68 feet; to a a;ove indica'� �'i Thence northerly along a curve to the right, with a radius of 470.00 feet, through a central angle of _ 59'18'41" for an arc distance of 486.53 feet; T A y'. Donald L. Da � I Thence North 23'28'33" East a distance of 50.00 feet; .- a'' g - -"`--` "°"�` �' 4 Bozeman Lakes L.L.C. L( # # �u+Lt .. J. Thence northerly along a curve to the left, with a radius of 530.00 feet, through a central angle of ST�TTCN -- 22'09'25" for an arc distance of 204.96 feet; '"' b. = Debra . Arkell Dated � D P " Direct of ubl e Thence South 89'51'58" East a distance of 250.11 feet; �� l S - 's,F'`•t'"sTEnE~c,� 3 m 7„H"m o�s/GNAI pia —� Thence South 00'09'34" West o distance of 131.94 feet; Gre cry Stra ton, #9933PE Dated Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Thence North 88'25'04" East a distance of 63.42 feet; PROD CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE(S) i �._._..,.: :_:_. I We the undersigned mortgagee(s) or encumbrancer, d her in Thence south 12'13'25" East a distance of 800.76 feet; _-- 1 - � � ''� O. ( ). 9 o hereby to CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER in and the described plat, releasing (my) (our) respective Thence South 89'56'13" East a distance of 110.17 feet; x liens, Ims or GC[{!!cu nce as to any portion of said lands now being I, Anna Rosenberry, Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify Platte into streeTs- p ks or ther public uses which are that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that all real Thence South 00'OB'02" West a distance of 204.54 feet; ,, I deities the Ci of z or �e public use and enjoyment. property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided are paid. Thence South 89'51'58" East o distance of 650.00 feet; - •--- r C By. ate g/,� Thence North 00'08'02" East a distance of 116.67 feet; -' y Dated this day of —A.D., 2004 Thence northwesterly along a curve to the left, with a radius of 29.00 feet, through a central angle of : STATE OFnmdc>L!+* ) . •.� 90'06'15" for an arc distance of 45.61 feet; -� r '• OF BOZEMAN' COUNTY OF��� �•�±�- ) ss ituA �""YN r ✓+�"i'�'�/ �2��" ��...� /Treasurer of Gallatin County" North 00'14'05" East o distance of 60.00 feet; „r,W,. ` ❑ ��,'n,wY'� On this�day ofs rr ram._, 2004, before me ,VIC42 r��.,�rt U (Notary) Thence northeaster) along a non-tangent curve to the left, with a radius of 29.00 feet, a chord bearin crry tiux:a Y 9 9 9 � personally appeared�ro AfL-4��P-% CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE of North 45'04'55" East, a chord distance of 40.97 feet, through a central angle of 89'53'45" for an I known to me to be the f theVcorporation that executed the ore distance of 45.50 feet; I --�---- _ "-� within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed I, Debra H. Arkell, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do __ the same. y certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has here Thence North 89.55'44" East a distance of 60.00 feet; "---- „��.,_ ,.__._.___��..... -�- ._.�- - ' - �- -----�� �-- �� � found the some to conform to the law, approves it, and hereby accepts the I QP �'�C.,;'', dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands Thence southeasterly along a non-tangent curve to the left, with a radius of 29.00 feet, a chord bearing li. 1 i ;?• .� shown on the plot as being dedicated to such use. of South 44'55'O5" East, a chord distance of 41.05 feet, through a central ongle of 90'06'15" for an ( o ary u c or e D e of on a, = arc distance of 45.61 feet; Printed Nam =*: a�. *= Dated this LLA n day of Cp o�r A.D., 2004 .... 15 ......�....__.__... residing at- , Montana ;NT _s -f\L;'ic Thence South 89*58*13' East a distance of 272.77 feet, to the west right-of-way line of Ferguson _.L I f -+%I __ _. _.... My commission expires Lt lam 7pF ..�qP�,� (� ARIM At TO FM Avenue; �F,M,O„vv` -- -�-- Thence along said west right-of-way line, South 00'28'03" West a distance of 726.39 feet, to the �o=.��+'�a.VICINITY MAP Debra H. rkeu northeast corner of said Phase 1 NOT TO SCALE Director of Public Service J' City of Bozeman, Montana Thence along the north line of said Phase 1B, through the following courses: CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE(S) �.. V Thence North 89'51'58" West a distance of 297.60 feet; (1), (We), the undersigned mortgagee(s) or encumbrancer, do hereby join CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT in and consent to the described plat, releasing (my) (our) respective OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW Thence North 00'08'02" East a distance of 160.00 feet; liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, avenues, parks or other public uses which are The Valley West Subdivision Phase #2, Gallatin County, Montana, is within the Thence North 89'51'58" West a distance of 770.00 feet; dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. City of Bozeman, a first-class municipality, and within the planning area of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan, a growth policy adopted pursuant to Thence North 00'O8'02" East a distance of 504.43 feet; By. U/�'a-t-() r l AWA-W, Dated Y`SI-DOOp Section 76-1-601 et seq., M.C.A., and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities. Therefore, under the Thence North 89'58'13" West a distance of 40.15 feet; '""' - provisions of Section 76-4-125(2)(d) M.C.A., this subdivision is excluded from STATE OF �n'{'LLY1Lt,. ) the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. e" Thence westerly along a curve to the left, with a radius of 270.00 feet, through a central angle of ( �'" _ / 1 :ss. (�'� 35'51'55" for an arc distance of 169.01 feet; By. �•-- Dated �'/�7a/,:D COUNTY OF Gta... 14b"I ) Dated this a.a...L day of ..,.1,,p,yh A.D., 2004 t_l._d f 2�Y f �QCO j"3, Ted Thence South 54'09'52" West o distance of 153.29 feet; On this—doy of 2004, before me STATE OF lr1�l/'r+r��nt,� ) / (Notary) Lp�we.lCaY� Thence southerly along anon-tangent curve to the right, with a radius of 61.00 feet, o chord bearing �� �ss• personal) appeared lr/:IlA d). fIV�Gi'YI CoOUNTY OF-jw � � � ) Y PP Debra Arkell v J of South 09'09'52" West, a chord distance of 32.69 feet, through a central angle of 31'04'S4' for an - - known to me to be the F> of the corporation that executed the Director of Public Service arc distance of 33.09 feet; ..�� 1 m � ^ within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed Cityof Bozeman, Montana On thi.—A-y�7 .-day of 20`!�✓/before me Y) the some. Thence South 35'50'08" East a distance of 109.19 feet; (Notary) personally appeared L. �� s - Thence southerly along a curve to the right, with a radius of 530.00 feet, through a central angle of known to me to be theONC&d�eada f a cfi{ orporation that executed the At--SAC CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed ar u o e a o an � 0 U/1 24'05'40" for an arc distance of 222.88 feet; Y the some. Printed Name U �OSARrq< P I, Shelley Vance, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do W Thence westerly along a non-tangent curve to the right, with o radius of 540.00 feet, a chord bearing residing at Montana. hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office of South 78.46'09" West, a chord distance of 202.73 feet, through a central angle of 21'38'18" for an My commission a Tres /!-/�-o"w SEAL at IL"ILo'clock, (a.m., or p:,,n.), this_&S—day of sCOU11, 1, arc distance of 203.94 feet; t',A �� A.D., 2004, and recorded in Book 7, of Plats on Page-= o ry u +c r e State o on a, 'y� aka (Doc. No. fl1641 7� ) Records of the Clerk and Recorder, Prin ed Nam OF MO Thence North 89'51'58" West a distance of 819.91 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. residing at , Montana. Gallatin County, Montana. i 9 My commission expires Ll /� _A ne> _. II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I I II II II I I III III III 2164279 Said tract contains 29.02 acres more or less and is subject to all existing easements or easements �--T , apparent on the ground. F•m.:+e1 2 _ ea,2anmma 1+47a The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corporation, whether public or sn.u"v 1,"".4.11.uo C.nt— 32.50 private, providing or offering to provide, telephone, electric power, gas, internet or cable television service 1/4 SEC. SECl10N TOWNSHIP RANGE LLJ to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and MORRISON — removal of their lines and other facilities in, over, under and across each are designated on this plot as swrtiae "Utility Easement" to have and to hold forever. MAIERLE,INC. s, 2NW, 4 ,G 2 SOUTH 5 EAST The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Valley West Subdivision Phase #2, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys and CLIENT:BOZEMAN LAKES. L.L.C. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA Q parks or public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for - the public use and enjoyment. PLOTTED DATE: Aug/27/2004 D WORK DATE:08/26/04 DRAWING NAME: DRAWN BY: K'N SCALE:NOT TO SCALE H:\3384\017\ACAD\FPLAT\FPlmt—PH2.dwg CHECKED BY•GJS MH PROJ ,3384.012 SHEET 1 OF 2 THE FINAL PLAT Qali�� C,2O\4\NG S89 51 58 50.11, £ J -39 0 ,, ',.i £,B 9 N£RR ON R6 of 70' UTILITY ofoIn i -Q"",.o'.P�ROO 000" EASEMENT(TYP)Mo o ^2 VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION PHASE #2 N63. LOCATED IN TRACTS 1 &2,BLOCK 1,AND TRACTS 2,3&4,BLOCK 2 OF VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER 10' UTILITY ' OF SECTION 10,T 2 S,R 5 E,P.M.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA EASEMENT(TYP) r4, FOUND 2" ALUMINUM CAP `�10' UTILITY MARKED WESTERN -' EASEMENT � o ,1 10' UTILITY1-- EASEMENTtl, I ; \ II, C 'M \ 10 11 I a 0 o PARK 11•v L o LOT 6 326,451 sq.ft , `1 q 5\ON �pClt "PUBLIC PARK" 1Y , 6t1G LINE TABLE 1 1 �l 9l 0 I LN# BEARING LENGTH Li 5158'W' ' .._. L2 51 58'E 3 37' 30' UTILITY 1 11 I 30' WATER OR SEWER 20' UTILITY/DRAINAGE 11 100' DITCH MAINTENANCE EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT r DITCH EASEMENT i Lot K p I 589'S1 "E 3.3T STREAM 1 EASEMENT 35' FROM BLS I L4 N9'1 58"W 33.37' ll HIGH WATER MARK L5 S89'51'58"E 31.25' CORRIDOR 0 R=29.00' L=45.50' R=29.00' L=45.61' I L6 SW5lw58'E 25,OD' D=89'53'45" I D=90'06'15" i LOT 9K D L7 SW51'58 E 5.00' R C8=N45'04'55"E N89155'44"E CS S4455'05"E BLOG LB 58951'58"E 31.25' 2 5\� y L9 S8T51'58"E 31.25' W S�°58'13"E I CD=40.97' .00' CD=41.05' 20' UTILITY NO£Q,6�(5� -_- -._...._- ----_I- - - _____ __. -_ _.._ --_ - L 3 L34 ._ _ _ L10 589'S1'S8"E 25.00' EASEMENT 0&1 •W�'ON8\O R5 S>`r0� 12 11D.17 I_ -� �+ $!d6'J8'13 E 272.77 60 ._....._.._......__......1 Lit S8T51'58"E 25.00 ' N A AY 2 �� .�"- - J -ro,a .--. .._.____-. _ 30 Li3 589W'51'S8"E 31.25' J n I 20' UTILITY 1'\5S +y p':L�'^ 70.21' Li9 M DE S8T. 331,65' ._ -„ EASEMENT �,,p°��y._1� 00 57 587 79_ 958'13"E EXISTING-CASCADE ST. RIGHT Of WAY o L 7, CASCADE ST. L14 589'51'S8"E 25.00' 00, L N' R-� DB�_L- L75 S89'S1'S8'E 5. 9_ �5,61' ._.. j,..-.L- tr 95.50' I I 127.03 .... LIS S89'51'58"E 31.25' - - �1 30 ors --sd y) 01 3 ON D=90"06'15" 2 .00' I�TILITY/DRANNArE / T T. I S D S .. A,y,7- �j + Sti1' \s .+A�' �6`'0 S�• �.11@9''55'� ,N K1 NS w fib'- LOT SOA I DITCH EASEMENT L17 S89'S8'13"E 59.00' 25%Sk6Rli� Tkk TQ' AT DrWlj14;. IR�T/ `5 ° om-' fi0 E.'1;.'pF. ��y.�51 I o NO£RB\,OGSN90 C8=N44'S5'O5"W q. . I t t ' L10 NWOB'02"E 59.00' _ yit` hti.� GP 30' r'3S . t, 5 R o r LL 10,7s7 s R W 1 L07 Gi L....:l1TI,kIfY'(=......Ev_N _ µ'me lf_! P ��_ '�.- - y o°j! PS "� 13i : ` _o R£ Y VI£ \\,\G CD=41.05' �'� --�3p' S89'S1'58"E I - LOT51 BLQ L19 589'S8'13"E 30.00' ACCESS EASEMENT 6• Gad 's o C tL`'G/ G +`1. b � PC 1pN o`o ill - 124.52' I � 21,024 sc;Jt. o .._T 2 L20 S8751'58"E 30.00' 20' R/�_. -__ ___ R._4}U..00�56-'._1 ...... y -�;S 1.�h� 'sy" o f8 i'lF.� ,00�p� N�9'S8'13'� �I y ytR�' b .0 I LO OCK G,rJ` L21 N54'09'52"E 30.00' 40.1- - _35 5N. o o° ���oGP Sgh\�y L R-611 0 I L-33 09 �I 20 £�\5 S89'S1'S8"E 650.00' r 9 LOT 50cP e L22 Soo'o8'o2"W 30.00' S89 51'58"E 358.37' 0 od z o S y�. L20 328.37' ALLEY 0 Z s g - Q - a. 4 715 sq.ft. SO /W �5�l'h_ L23 SOP28'03'W 30.00' \ON 5. `$so �6 F, \ 'Q ! A EY S89'51'58'E _ r _ 589'51'58"E s Cs$ d p� os s hti, D=31�04' 4" �a\ Lea soo2a'o3w 30.00' 0£R�O SUepN\ w of 1D(SOII' SS:DD'' 35"00' S5.00' ''L3 ��` m 92 0 6ti. k0o,3 \� "PA3, i 100:00'-' -lt2.50'-- S C6 L7 E6'-Lg ro n LT Ei Tt6 I-T00.Gr 124.56' 125.93' °i,�0 L25 N89'51'58°W 20.00' j I N 'u,a ,,,Oi� .� '1 0. S C6=S�Ob'd'S2"W v m I I a £ t 2• St R3 9`I b N LOT l7 ,�.f rn y oq" c a,�ti� C 1 s p o O. 8 LOT 37 I , LOT 43 LOT 49A El Y 3 '� LO 0 L26 N89'51'58°W 30.00, o o¢rn; "6,250 sq.ft. vr' ,>,,a n $ O ��n F` ''� O CD=3 6 T' �7,000 sq.ft.I 17,000 sq.ft^o ^0 8,723 s ft. n 1 LOCK __ l27 N89'S1'58"N 30.00' 10N y0 o to a N w O ¢ c> o0 9 5 'l O \i �.O"�s 2" �'' , o I q --0__-_ J 9 ENO o r w, F o F E �F," >a ,w o 6 L1 s6 �n s� F z LOT 38 " S89'51'58"E LOT 48 0 i \5P o pa' Y O o O$ g s s N 'o -A o. 9 50 0 6 1S 2 \ x D �.,, w L28 N89'S1'589Y 30.00' $" .o. 30' 015,750 sq.ft. a a ¢ c N L1 ¢ P7 U L3a 124,64' g 17,565 s (t. O Z - ..i^ a ^ cv 6 q" tip. O \ j i4 ,., ,., ,,, v 'oo q' z Y 4 L29 N89'51'58°W 30.00' a bl LOT 16 ^f `^ $ 5d q o so P z S LOT 36 e LOT 42 LOT 49 3 I w w LO aCK G o- ^7,750 sq.ft. O 69. Y6 6 g. cA 0��0�'y"5 v c�; 9 C1 p �7,000 sq.ft O O O O O O O O O O O^ 7,000 s R^o 0 8,727 s ft o o� r BL W N00'14'OS'E 0.00' S89'S1'S8"E 287.04 too.00' La 9 10 c11 L-5 .6 s •o a o" \ B o �� o s q' q' 3 a -- j -_. 00 ."�10 0 0. ha o Z s U VV N pppp 124.70' o� 124.99' z L32 N00'14'OS'E 3000' n., R_500..,558 ,620 H •.o' \N c+, ,�\ o n J'2S m m,o o o 60' S89'51 58"E 317.55' S89'51'S8'E 328.3T„ 60 - D,3 00 �� qt. `,v o O 9P'I,. O 60 1 S89'S1'S8"E 710.00' $ OS-3 0 3:"0 20 OS-0 j 8Y 5N G t33 N89'55'44"E 30.00' ^i'. - -. _---. -----RELOCATED CASCADE ST. _ 00 62. ��, ` oS6" {S�" o •° `+'Q 'Y, m - _ ........_. _ -- 80 unLITY/PUBUc ACCESS EASEMENT 1 5 5 0,00 c� -- - - o ,815 sq N L34 N89'S5'44"E 30.00' _.. Z �. �O O O0.\� 1?a os�-'�+ _ 30' m 7. 3 sq.ft .ft' V LOC C22 Il l".j'p w'l r L3 sa AAA 9y COVER ST. w ---- t35 N89.51'581Y 30.00' 62 1 5 m c�v � " 124.7Y 124.60' yr °- z 'I N89'S1'S8"W 288.05' 60 I t00.00' S5.00' S500' S500' l2 O C21 !;�`8" N 34 o g � A I !60' o ii s.� 'C Y.s it o `��I L36 N89'51'58°W 30.00' 720' R w s3 LOT �_ �. �, �� o` LOT 29 LOT 35 I�h LOT 46A 3" I ' toY fiK G 137 N01'06'05"E 30.00' I` / L, N o �7,750 sq.ft. h ._-" er .C'y,$- o n scn 9l 29 'w ''', �7,750 s.ft _ ,.,I<, d I OC o = = O. c, c 5� `,`,,y = q 7,750 sq.fl 0 8,735 sq fl. �• N o N mac-'N m O r rY� D o .s N6? 4S $ ��: ^ 589'51'58"E R 6 60 LffY IC __ N01'06'05"E 30.00' 5\o w 1 Do.00' r " F " t-^ o F U N o n w LOT 30 LOT 31 LOT 32 LOT 33 a LOT 47 EASE E 4r 6 0 0 0o Oo 0o N�' �' o �. ACCIr R.cSpG �- n ,o+. o 15,750 sq.ft. 15,750 sq.ft. 15,750 ,q.ft. 15,750 sq.R o °O a' 124.81' I 17,378 s ft llp� o III Rp1�£f W`Zp\NGR 36.Ly5 �6_200AQft SSAO', 55.00' 55A0' �55A0' L��_.90,00' �0.00.- �SS.txi'-, r_92A0'__ 52.91C� C_1r�� C5 't o �6,250sg8ft. 6,250 sq.ft,o fix. a LOT . 4 r q .17KG i a J�AS�GS 0 3 0 .__._LOT 50 L_ ....__. ^- c ----ALL Y - _____ .,...._ RT12 1p0 !.,,,, j PAS L30 L29 100,00'- ---11250'-- --144_1.'@ W_]]Q.QD' - - L312.50-__ _t00.00'- L 8 L,, ,� I BLOC £ '( a R I 10 352 sq ft. 35 LOT 34 s o: 1 _ N _ .a 91 9A 7 58g241858fE 58923'6fi,E O + 1 '�N t t ♦ •-.- • -.---f fi 203 I ♦ --N.B $t -. i CURVE TABLE o j 3 UTILNY/fPUBLIC; - 20, /W��r �' L 21'38'1 "w -- ? w LOT 44A E0Y 6 G O P.�.B. 1 A CESS EAEMENT B D= 09 2O' 0 I`? 9,367 s ft I �pCK CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD CHORD Lot S 6 0 L 3 ( 0 0 0 L Y Y 9 S CD7 B i 11��, I I i 65 Y OI`�N Y' N^ q 30 -_-__-_ C7 430.00' 21.64' 2'52'58° N88'41'33'E 21.63' 3 i t Y 0Y CA ON 1 4 02•I` VolY 6 ! LO o o S89'51'S8"E I b z A S BO 1 11 13 1 -2 Lo O! 5 W LOT45 o C2 430.00' 30.1' 4'DO'46° N65'14'41"E 30.11' O + / L0Y LOS L0Y 5 L0Y V B 4 5 R OY 1O L Y L Y L S 0 1 l 1p L£5 \NG R LO 69 -_. 0 124.93' �..__ t 1® '( S I w_ 19,701 sq.ft. q C3 430.00' 40.40' 5'23'00° N80'32'48"E 40.39' N _ _--.____ ��,;p�5� ON - t P5£ 2� o g LOT 44 11-261, LOTOCC G C4 29.00' 45. ' 89'53'45" 545'04'55 W 40.9T O I L.._ III vol 2 �'"\y NG 2 y0Y 9 I Vol Al ( , vol J OS LpS Y, Z m 10,622 sq.ft. j 20.00' - CB 430,00' 20.80' 746'15° N5533' "E 20.79' I -_� J \III ....... .___._V___ 125.00' 122.60' 2 I C9 570.00' 1.63' 2'10'28° NB9'02'49"E 21.63__... ' ... _. T 10 C10 570.00' 30.07' 3'01'20° NBE26'55"E 30.06' N89'51 58'W 297 60' Lo pcK G R6MA ER l �) 7��T BL C11 5700D' 70.07' T02'38° N87'24'56"E 70.03' / ALEXANDER ST. I III MONROE ST. C12 540.00' 16.3' 1'43'S4' NBF43'21"E 16.32' _..___ _....... _ _ --- __._._...._�-� J ___ C16 570.00' 27.57' 746'15° N55'33'00"E 27.56' I HOER VALLEY ISION Y 3 __ -_-- LOT"- ! LOi7� j 8E0CK C17 29.Q0' 45. 9P00'00' N09'09'S2'E 41.01' S� i B1 C78 29.00' 45.55' 90'00'00' S80'50'O8°E 41.01' LI A,C. ZONING LEGEND C19 29.OD' 45.55' 9000'00' N80'50'O8"W 41.017 2B5 O NOTES C20 630.00; 21.63' 1'58'02' NW09'01"E 21.63' /Y1 EXi� C21 630.00' 30.05' 744'00" N864B'pi"E 30.05'. 1 1 1 1. THE FOLLOWING LOTS SHALL HAVE THE OPTION C72 630AV 62.74' 5'42'22' NOZ34150'E 62.72' TO ACCESS THE STREETS USING CITY OF C28 63000' 26.08 722'18° N55'21'02°E 26.08' o SET 7-3/4" BLUE PLASTIC CAP MARKED BOZEMAN STANDARD RESIDENTIAL APPROACH IN C29 47900' 32.63 3'S8'38° N33'S0'491V 32.62' Sy MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC, 70062L5, No5'ae'27"W SINGLE FAMILY WITH OPTION ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE V, PARAGRAPH C., OF a5za6'(nE) C35 540 ' 30.18' 3'12'OB° N7746'2fi E 30.16' FOR AUXILLARY 23 LOTS 5.07 ACRES THE VALLEY WEST PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND C36 540.00' 30.37' 3'13'22' N69'33'41'E 30.17' ^ APT ALLOWED • FOUND 1-3/4" BLUE PLASTIC CAP MARKED RESTRICTIONS - 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC, 10062LS 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, .ro^' DUPLEX, SINGLE FAMILY OR 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 44A, 46, 46A, 49, 49A, ne�io i a coRNER FOUND 1-1/4" YELLOW PLASTIC CAP 50, 50A. --� e'� SINGLE FAMILY 20 LOTS 1.93 ACRES • MARKED MORRISON-MAIERLE, UNLESS ^ - W/AUXILLARY APT ALLOWED OTHERWISE INDICATED. 2. PRIVATE UTILITIES TO BE LOCATED IN ALLEYS. va 1J S'10 - I�� FOUND US PUBLIC LAND SURVEY 7 4 w MULTI-FAMILY, DUPLEX OR 21 LOTS 6.36 ACRES Vim! SECTION CORNER MONUMENT / 3. A 10 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT S.9 GREATER AS ALLOWED BY SHALL BE ALONG ALL FRONT LOT LINES AND A 5 ZONING LOTLINES FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG a i(,4 a� REAR LOT LINES. GRAPHIC SCALE OPEN SPACE (INCLUDES 4 LOTS) 0.84 ACRES - ROAD CENTERLINE (PUBLIC ACCESS CORRIDOR) 4. LOTS ALONG FERGUSON ACCESS S E. SHALL HAVE A 1 PHASE 2 BOUNDARY FOOT VEHICULAR NO ACCESS EASEMENT UNLESS 2164279 l2 OTHERWISE INDICATED. II II I II II III 0913313009 il:am 1 IN FED') 5h.11�Y V.no9-C9119t1n CA MT PLAT 39.50 PARK 7.50 ACRES 5. FRONT SETBACK ENCROACHMENTS ARE i inch= 100 ft. ALLOWED AS PROVIDED IN THE PROTECTIVE -- w9wlws 1/4 SEC. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE VALLEY MORRISON WEST PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. RIGHT OF WAYS 7.32 ACRES MAIERLE,INC. S1 2NW7 4 70 2 SOUTH 5 EAST 6. DUE TO GROUNDWATER CONSIDERATIONS, BASEMENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA TOTAL 29.02 ACRES GALLATIN 7. ZONING AND LAND USES SHALL BE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF CLIENT;BOZEMAN LAKES. L.L.C. COUNTY, MONTANA ESTABLISHED BY THE VALLEY WEST PLANNED UNIT SECTION 9, S01"06"05"W FROM COS NO. 1005 FIELD WORK: DATE:08/26/04 PLOTTED DATE: Aug/30/2004 DEVELOPMENT. DRAWING NAME: DRAWN BY:KW SCALE:1"=100' H:\3384\017\ACAD\FPLAT\FPIa-PH2.A+9g CHECKED By--QLsZIMH PROS :3384.012 SHEET 2 OF 2