HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLEY UNIT SUB PH 1-J-92A I 101 I I I I I I r I I I 101 I I I I I I I I I 111 I 1 �ir�f ; c't I „LYil,,� h,,rltiln�l CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO.J-92-A A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4, SEC.10,T.2S, R.5E,PM.M., E%¢C.a,9S'EGf/o CITY OF BOZEMAN. GA,LLATIN COUNTY. MONTANA, FiYv /P/PE CEIRTIFICA" O/ DI•DICA2101111 ODH JAiS'N�4'c We, the undersigned 9n property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, avb- 490 5S" divided and platted into streets and parks, as shown by the plat and Certificate of Survey here- unto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: DESCRIPTION A tract of land located in the Southeast 1/4, Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Princi- pal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: F6,9Gdsoy� 'N Beginning at the East 1/4 corner of said Section 10; thence South 011 12' 30" West, along the north-south section line, a distance of 204.57 feet, to the true point of beginning; thence M .ZO'UriG/Ty South 01. 12' 30' Nest, along the north-south section line, a distance of 490.55 feet; thence 1) ,EAJ'E 'T North 89° 11' 31" West, a distance of 1205.79 feat,to a point on the easterly boundary of Valley I� 0 Unit Subdivi6 sion - Phase 1; thence North 00! 28' 12" East, along said easterly boundary, a distance of 50.00 feet, to the southerly right-of-way of Babcock Street; thence South 89" 52' h31" East, along said southerly right-of-way, a distance of 115.00 feet; thence North 00" 28' p A 12" East, a distance of 45.01 feet, to the centerline of Babcock Street; thence South 89° 52, 31" East, along said centerline, a distance of 779.81 feet; thence South 01° 19' 31" West, e Ro3.9G" q 0 distance of 205.96 feet; thence North 89° 52' 40" East, a distance of 320.39 feet, to the true ` point of beginning and containing 17.6827 acres. Taz 9 e' TiYiACT / The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Certificate of Survey Number o K City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands inclu4ftIg streets, avenues an per s shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. �-� ,S'Lh'G�7L S/T6J AVE.✓!/E V Dated this t.> day of } A.D., 1980 MOO'ZB'/2"E 650.Lk7' NPhyllis -a n e . O NOTARY V 0 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ay of f 1980. CONSENT OF MORTC7AGEES / . i✓E,771E UNOERS/ONED N1gPltiAGEES,Lb HEREBY</O/N/N4N0 C0VSE1V7-70 THE LE5CR/5E0 PLAT,RE1E45/NG a4T RESPeCT/✓E L/eNS,CL4/M5 OR ENCL/ML44ANCE5 Notary fFr t F- tate o Montana Q 45 TO ANY FORT/ON OF S4/c[ANDS NOW BE/NC PLA77MO/N7V 57REEJ5,AVEyvUES, Residing at - PARKS,OR OTHER ft/6L/G rJSEs AND LiSD/GATED r07yEUSEOFTHE'Vmo FOtzEUP.f. My commission expires TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY Ti9//C T Z i� BY: TITLE: _ w�. ��9�A.t' �1 TiPE99UyE ATTEST: - 3 ; F_ NOTARY X Subscribed and sworn to before me, this- day of 1980. QVNotary for the tate of Montana �-� Residing at n _ �O - YY�� MY commission rem - �- y CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 4 t� SCALE /°-/Ob' I , I, James A. Cummings, a Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor in the State of IL l� Montana, Reg. No. 3111 ES, do hereby certify that on _g_Z_g0 I supar- vised the survey of the above Certificate of Survey No. an p att�d s.e se shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance w-1tFi ttie provisions of the Montana v , Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-614, M.C.A., 1978, and the appli- Q NOTE A /O'EA.SEMENT/S 11/Y0V/27,E0 ON E4GN cable subdivision regulations. 5/0E OF ALL/1?R/4A r/ONO/TCHf5, Dated this 1�*�da of StPT A.D., 1980 y✓E,S'T�i9i9if� ,Q y s A. Cummings, Reg. No. `Es I 45 CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINATION �} - This drawing has been examined for errors and omissions by qua ifi 11 ti C t sonnel. Dated this 3R0 day of 0 MBE , A.D., 1980 �1 1 ? \ I �i - ------------------------- ---------`--� _'1i14IVZCA!•O•AVFN� s'*" EERVICE jp NOD;ZB%Z" �.971 00" I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do here y cerr-tify t.;at the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to S h h conf"M to law, approve it,and hereby accept the dedication to public use of any and all lands shown on this plat as being dedicated to such use. , Dated this ay of A.D., 1980 rec or of Public t ery ce LOT.G/iYE City of Bozeman .B9S'/S OFBE�9RiNG.���y/EO NO.QTj/ TDT.4L /J�F�y=/76d,Z79C • FNO�9/QE,B/7.� L/NE OE fEGT/91 /O �1 p/�yy�ST PyyK ��Ey " /G.ZDy7 yG O SETT r26 tP�c�GP CLERK AND RECORDER FjEg90N FAQ S'l/iY!/EJ'.. TO ofOE/.vrt .�v.00i?ift7i� /4809 .s�rs�ya/B"TiEl3�P :r ' y° /off/�iS'�CiS'�Y.O.f' To S,qT/Sf/'i7/EEO� '9G I - Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that t e rprego ng natruslent was filed In my office this�G z`11ay of 1960, ,(?Gs�,..�� OF ///9GGEy Uil'iT,f'UBO//'/,1'/G7yS' U- Qa-Q Records of the County'C Clark and Re r er, Gallatin County, Montana 'It', (r f3v& Clerk and Record;r