HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLEY UNIT SUB PH 1 J-92 A PLAT OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION PHASE I A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4,NE 1/4, SEC.10, T,2S, R.5E,PM.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA I SHEET I OF 3 I I 4S0/ WEST PARK AVENUE I SDD'2B'/2"{ice G08.7f' NOTGS 500.74' --- ------. .. -BOCD' L LOTS d-Q 4-4,5"19 6-,9, BLOCK/,ARE - - - - -4sa - - -- 1 POR rUTURE H/GNWAy R/W gCQU/3/T/QN I P1 ?NO D/RECT ACCE55 70 U S./!/ ^ROM \ 0 1 /Y69•S2"3/"/t//5.OD' ANY LOT 00' 1 4O/2� ACRES 0.6060 a /BSG}7" ACES J LOT 6-A�6-6,GLOCK!, S5'ALL NAVE NO 9D0 DIRECT ACCE53 M/ERGUJON AVENUE. 00'-i d o 1 B L 0 K 8 I Q Q O B L 0 K 2 l j�e 0 g 4.LOT/7,GLOCK C/LOTS 14'/?,OLOCK 9/ /S5?4.92 /4849.73 /4849.73 /4849.93 /4849.>3 /4849.>3 /5524.>PO v 4 O O LOTS/�12,DLOCK/O qN0 L07 J 4/7G64.Gd /B/i9.73 /S//9>3 /S//R73 /S//9.73 /6//9.73 /5//9.73 /5//9.73 4999.73 0 to q OLOCK/f JHALL HAVE NO D/REGT OAGCOCK -S/T /4 /3 /2 // h h A al 3-G ACCESS TO ST74EET. \ I\n PG 2? 24 t3 22 P/ 20 /9 0 /d Z h //D.DO' //O.DO" //0.DO sss oi' //Z.DO //C. o" 0 //2.G0' D' //P. ' m .6,4-0,5-a.04-G,OOCKJ, TH4LL.T v co6' //no 00, HAVE NO OR STRUCTURES EXCEPT FOR S AND/ 9 -- - YELLOWSTONE AVENUE - - - ac - •�_ � - _ - - ----- - - - - -- HIGHWAY 41-1E. /30 OO' /30.00' /30.00' /30.DO' /-30 00' /-3D.Gb' / .TOO' /30.OD' /90.DO' /3C.DO" /-30.DO' /SD.00' /.?O,00' /2?DD' S.90,&5' BOO' �/6t49.70 /Ge49.7o /GP49.>O /G249.70 /6,ef9.70 /G2497D Q Q110874.el9 /6P49.70 /Ge49 70 /6e4970 /G249.70 /G249.70 /G249>o O� 424>2 0 1� pp B L 0 C K 9 h BLOCK 5 f- �1 / 2 n l 3 4 -S G 7 1 8 N 0 ---- -- - - - ----- --_-_ 99 /3?00'- -/30.ao-A_-/30.Oc0. -/30.00= -/30.0p -/30.00=- -/3D.00=- �__._-_-_\ 3.7B30ACRES 066-73 -- --- ---- ----- ----- -- --�0 w-- a ACRE3 Qw - r - ---- ------- /3500-`- -/20.00'�/�o,00"-- 0o`-/Z%.Od'- - 92- �f �4G.00''=p I-------- e 7h I (n� pQ/6e49.70 /m249.70 /GZ497D /6e4970 i /G24970 /Ge4970 Q/Gd74G9 /4499.7¢' 144,39,74 14499.74 /6/34.dG /57S'SP3Q V2S91c5.3? p `1 0 m F g N tt i/5624.7P 9 w h1 f A /30.00' /-30.00' 150.00' /30.00- /30.00" 4510 00" /3500� /ZO DO_ /PD.00" /2D:00' /Z/0e, N e�� ��P 2 311� I r `^ uw n N Coo'za'/z"E I EAST GRANITE AVENUE S Rp IFJ e4.7C @� cr /30.00" /30 00' /3o.00' 130.00' /SO.00' /50.00' aW /2SD0' //2.50' //2.5D- //P.9D //2s0' .>Z' b, /�968.7G I<1 m 532.44' Qo00' Q p A Q .3 4 � \ p-- -- 8 L 0 C K 10 0 i 0 / z B L O K 6 �` Q G o ,g5 h/6P49-70 /6e49 70 /6e49.7o vC49 >� I /ot497o /G24970 h le Q/5624.%2 /4062G4 /40GE64 /40G2/04 /40G2/o4% A09?2.8/ /e6'38 I �' B L 0 C K I 0 / 2 3 4 S �i+ v U op �\ Q ` .s b 3.7953 ACRES .`1, D.51o93 �x - - - --- ---- - - --- - _--- p O b ACRES Q vriury EA n ( n ^e �0 0//e49.7o /GP49.70 /GC49>O /GL4970 16el" /GCf970� J �J5624.72 /5/Z4.15 /5/C4.73' /5/E4.73 /5/24.73 /S>49.7/ Q - -i- m 11 a ��------� I------ . 0 _ a /Z // /D 9 B 7 h > Ill R -- i----___a �. S-A 5-80 1 m U a s /2 // /D 9 d' 7 N O 71D.dD' i i ` b W /30.00' /30.00' /30 00' /30.00' /,JO.00 /30 00' \/25.00' /Z/.DO' /2/00' /2/.00' /Z/.00' /E/o.00' J �/4399.7¢'I %4999..;. p p�j y UTILIT G Y 'ASEMI= v A/G�'--,0 E } AVENUE A PO_NDERA \ --- --- - --- _ _ - ^^ 9 /30.00 /30.00 /30.OD' /30.a0" /3Q00' /3DDo' gI /2500 121-00, /2/.00' /t/.00' /2/.DO' le" do g ` a------ .534.23'----- --- ---pg00 ? Z L.L. 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I � W G-OR/VE/P r-S/8 PEGiq P O/P AS /UOTEOJ Bg5/5 OF �iEA P/NG: I `1 J SET /"X 90"P/� C4P AS.SUME� /UOATt/ L/NE q- 5'E7- 5/B" F2EBAiP� CAP SC-GT/ON /O �/E GYEST � - - - J � Q - - - - -- I IV 537.8/' 6D.00' TA A `� p /SO(/TN TOL REA= /2d' 40 4977 ACRES nt FERGUSON A V E N U Er EiQ'QSS C,qt' llim Z7 oti' PARK AREA` B 5 ACRES Q - - - - pp STREET AREA= 217d// gCRE.S /YDO°Pd'/2'"E G76 39' 3 S e0""ERC/A4 AREA=22./03B 4CfdES _ I k I z cis ` J IQ(,1 SCALE /'•c"Uoo' � - `l LOGAT./OrV M.�10 A PLAT OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION PHASE A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4,NE 1/4,SEC 10,T 2S,R.5E,PKM.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA NE CLW SEC.b 7-/5,RSE SHEET 2 OF 3 4 FND I'IP MEAGHER AVENUE ! - - r - - --- -- Q a I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I I I � off. , I ' oo•PB'/�'I sr/ /4 sDD" I I ! - I -- -� I ! � , -- --�- -� B L 0 C K 28 �J I_ __- _. ._ ----� I ,SDO°P8"iV2"W 4c94.4'D" I 1 PARK CH OUT EAU AVENUE T 44998.49 - - ascMEVT-1 ------ -- .� I �DD'P8"/�'.� 780�10" e h "- •/,'_;• 95.-19 85.00 8500 BS OD BS.DO 8?.00' 90.00"' 90.00" 8500 BS.dd' B5.D0' BSOO' 85.00' B'S-DO 9o.Od �9500" 94.00' 94.TlOT 94.00' 94.00' 94.00T �SDD" T I /4 /3 B L O C K/ 1 9// /0 9 8 B L O Ci K 13 gN97cLu99 7� 8499.1/ 8499.7/ 84999/ 84997/ 8499.7/ 8999.fo p8999.10 8499.7/ 8499.7/ 8¢99.7/ 84997/ 8499.1/ 8499.7/ 99.f0 09499.68 9399.68 1311.18 939968 9399.G8 9399GS3P f.3i 30 29 28 27 LG LS Q ' 24 23 2 2 2/ z0 /9 /8 /79dOJ ' 85.00' 85,00' 8500" 85Dd' 85.Oc' 85.00' 90.dd'� 090.00' 85.00' 85.00' 85.00" 8500' BS.00' 8500" 90.00' �95.00 94. 0 94d0' 94.00' 9 ' 94.Od' 95. /d0.00" I-I 7GSDD" + 7-570 At/00'ZB'/2'E �o 7-000' X -+ tJ33.79 YELLO`NSTONE 0 YELLOWSTONE m AVENUE g AVEIIUE ro 9000' 85.00' g500' 8:500' g50D' dSDO' 8500' 90.00' 9DOD' g50D' gS.DO" B5D0' B'S.DD' T- 7- D' 90.Gb9-COD' /7d.7/' w . /D339.65 0339-65 0339./05 0339 G5 4139.G5 D4<9.6spw. d99G1 934969 9349.69 9349G9 9349f9 9349G9 9349.69 9999.G7g wo9B99.b 9349.69 A?4'9G9 9349G9 93f9G9 9G9 9B99670 \ ptB- -K- - --- ----------- ----0 W�, ----------�4B- -o 3K- - 2 9_ vt� 79LO '- ---5- 3-- 4-- 5--- - 8`-o^n � O /f /3 - -�- C A - �-- On � O 44998495.{.� 0 �1 /4 /3 /2 // /0 9 0 to 6 O N OO nl D I o a8 d92f.7o 8924>D 8924>O d52470 P47D 9247D 9449.G8. �94f9.68 892490 89C4>O 892470 892470 B9e47D 8924f>O 944968 f� 9974G6 9969.67 9869.67 9869.6> 98GR6> 9869.679974.Gr� In 01 r I o a Q D N Vlw h { IQ 90.g9• g"S.Q9' gS:00" BSDO" B6.DD' 8500' 83D0" 9DOD'\ Q \90.00' g�DO' BaDO' 8(f.OD' 8?cYJ" 6'S.00' 8:SD0' �•00' I \9500' 94.00" 9f 00' 9400' 9�00' 9¢00" 9500'0� �m ,�7 ,0 IU 7SOG�' .v Oo• 2B'/2"E •� ! {� 720,00 m +-�•z ---/BO.AO___~1 --/7B./G•-- -- �, `. - _-_i ' 7G9'.DO' E GRANITE _ TETON R AVENUE � AST GR II11�� 9o.0O' 85.OJ' 850D' 85.00' 8560" 85:00' 8509" 90.00, 90.00' 8.5.00' S.SDD' 8.500' BSOD' 85.DD" 86G�' 90.00' W 9.5D0' 94.00' 9400' 94.00' 9400' 9400' 9500' $ASE, ,ter AVENUE / 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 / Z 3 4 5 G 7 B O a / 2 3 4 S G 9 B L O CI 1 4 - _ 8 a �fl899.G7 93¢9 a9 9349 G5 9349.69 9349.G9 93f9G9 9399.G9 89967� �9899.67 9349.69 9349.G9 9349G9 9349./dj 93f9G9 93f9.69 18-11,17 ` O/0449 /oDa9.65 /OB39.65/03996 /0339.G5/D339.65 Off9bd� N p B L C K 38 O B 0 C K 3 0 unury Eas�naE r g ---- --6 L �_K-- 2 ---____-- r 0 ^ P La 741--- - - -- - - - -- ---- - - - -- f?58Z. x - - J --/io /5 %4 %3 i2 %/ /0 9 9 0 o . o 9 9899. 7) O/049. /a339.65/0339 G5/0339oD339.6 . aN o f9899. 7 949.69 9469 9. . 9 - a Z 9 9349.69 349.69 9349G9 9349G9 9349.69 D Ir a N m 4 m a /BD.DO' \go,00' 8.500" 8'S.DO' BS.DO' 8,5G1'I' 83:010' d.'1.00 90.00 90.00 8000' B,l/.Od' 8500" 8500" B'5.00' g500' 90.00' 9SD0' 9400" 94.00" 94.OD' 94.D0' '4.D0' T 7GS.00" 7so.co" .y oo`28'/2 E A � �, 72o cx�" - L.L FLATHEAD � 9 rt, AVENUE � I 90.00' 8?.00 85.00" 85.00' BSOd' 8.5"09' 85.Od' 90.Q0'. 9 90.po' 85Gd' 8Sov" &SOo' BSCO' BSAO' BS1b 90.60 l} pp9500" 94-D0' 94.00' 94'OO' 94.Do' 9L.Do PON DERA 3B L C K 4 3 9 S G 7 ® p O� �/ 2 3 B L O C K 31 2 '9 B L C K4 2 2 5 G 7 0 O p AVENUE Z 4 5 111 09449.68 89C4.f0 ~4.70 8924.70 892470 8924>0 892.70 9449.68 p M p'9449.68 892470 9994.70 892¢.7o S92¢70 f9Z4,70 8924.>0 9f49.d8 0 09974.6G 9869.v1 586Aro1 9869.G7 98G9G1 986A67 997f000 4f99B.49s" 44332.335.{' „ ! O81Od= BSOo' 8.500= BS.DD' B?Gl2 dSD2'- 9D.Le1'-- 3R,-90.Od- 85.Q0- .T Do- 810Q 8SD0'-. 50 BS.DO= 9D OO'-- �90".OLi--94.00- _94.60' -94.00= -94.00=-94.d0 N N ! '^ i � Uriu�r EASE,N n/r I I i /VOD'28'/Z"E 2�G5.OD ' I I I � M - SANDERS AVENUE I� .v,-a co,P.vE,e SEcriov/o I �l 1� �� SET BRASS CAP I WEST GRANITE Z w,_� GENTE.P QF SEG/O AVENUE _ NOTES: SE!- BRASS GAP a z 77 S. A 5'E --aE�f/O / NO oIREcr ACCESS Ro OURJTON STREET Fi40M SG4LE /" /00' ANY LOT. - 2 LOT B,BLOCK/3 AND LOT/,BLOCK/4 ARE ` , L/M/TEO To ONE ACCESS ONTO YELLOPISTONE Ti I AVENUE AND ONE 4CCE,55.ONTO EW BCOCK LLJ STREET, AT LEA5T/SO FEET FROM 771E J INTERSECT/ON 3 LOTS 243, BLOCK/4 ARE L/M/rE0 TO 77NO ACCESSE5 ONTO G1adCOCK STREET. 4. 7HE-TORN LR41NAG-- 5Fc/MENT 7RAP, LIETENTow 1, James A. tans, Re a Registered Professional Engcertify that and Land Surveyor s the. State of Montana, Reg. No. 3111 65, do hereby certify that all block corners are h,��Q BASINS,AA1,P ALL leR/4A7/ONOITCHES ANO set. All lot corners will be set within 180 days. These monuments are being vRA/NA¢E5 AS/DENT/FIFO/N SPK/AL /M- delayed because of Special Improvement Districts in ubdivisio Q g c/�n_�,E Nq ti, PROVEMENT L7/STR/CT No.625 TO 7f/E C/TY OF 'C BoZEMAN SHALL BE GRANTED PERMANEJVT Doted this 31day of Q�roFiElz.. A.D., 1980 J es ummi gs, Reg. No. _ j• EASEMENTS. 3A/D/RR/QAT/ON ANO DRAINAGE I EASEMENTS SHALL CE 7�N(/0) EET EITHER S/OE OF 774E CJ AL OVEL. I i. SNEEr/ 1 sHEEr� 9 scam /"-aoco 1 JJ p Loc.AT/orV MQP A PLAT OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION PHASE I A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4,NE 1/4, SEC. 10, T 2S, R.5E,PM.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA SHEET 3 OF 3 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided, and platted into lots, bloeke, and streets, as shown by the plat and Certificate of Survey hereunto included, the following described tract of land to wit: Description A tract of land located in the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4, Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, City of bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, add being more particularly described as follows: I beginning at the Northeast . oornar of said Section 10p thence West, alomq the Leat-NMet Section line, a distance of 909.90 feet, to the true point of beginning; Shane. South 000 28' 12" West, a distance of 1485.00 feet; thence West, a distance of 260.00 feetb thence South 00 28' 12' hest, a distance of 79*.Q0'fa,s4s-.thence East,a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 00 28' 12" West, a distance of 449.41 feet; thence North 89 52' 31' West, a distance of 115.00 feet; thence South 000 28' 12' t9ost, a distance of 1755.00 feet; thence North 890 52' 31" West, a distance of 15.00 feet; thence South 000 28' 12' West, a distance of 185.00 feet; thence South 890 52' 31" East, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 00 28' 12" West, a distance of 608.74 feet, So the northerly right-of-way of U.S. 191; thence South 890 47' 38' West, a distance of 1670.08 feet; thence North 90 28' 12" East, a distance of 678.39 feet; thence South 890 52' 31' East, a distance of 595.00 feat( thence North 000 28112' East, a distance of 2327.10 feats thence East, a distance of R5.00 feet; thence North 00 28' 12' East, a distance of 2265.00 foott thence East, a distance of 1080.00 feet, to the true point of beginning and containing 128.4977 acres. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as "Valley Unit Subdivision, Phase 1, to the City of Bozeman,' Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all streets, and parks shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. Dated this day of A.D., 19eO. Virgil JahnXe Phyllis Jahn e NNOTARY Subscribed and sworn to before me, this_ , day of <LW-5FJVT OF M0.47Y--AGEES _ WE,THE GdYDERS/ONEO MORTGAGEES; 70 HEREBY✓VN/N AND CONSENTT07F/E Notary or the tote/o/ OESfX/GEED P111T,RELEASING 0./RRESPECT/VE LIrIV5,CLA/M5OF ENCUMBRANCES C11 AS MANY P6Q770IV a-SAp7 LANDS NOW BEING PLATTED lHrV JT7AV&75,AVENUES, Residing at O` -AWS OR OTHER Pd44/C415E5 ANO DEO/lA7PD 70771E USE OF 77/EPU6L/6 FORE✓bP. My commission expires • - i -7 TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY By: Title: Attest: r NOTARY ul Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , 1980. UN r_ a dNotary for the State o Residing at , DO My commission expires < T CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR r�-- I, James A. Cummings, a Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor in the State of Montana, Reg. No. 3111 ES, do hereby certify that between g_-7�and� I supervised the survey of the above described tract of land known and designated ne 'Valley n-HTt—SubdivisionFase 1, to the City of Dozman, " Gallatin County, Montane, and platted same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montana >' Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-614, M.C.A., 1978, and the applic ble subdivision t� regulations. ODated this 31!X day of e , A.D., 1980. e ace uzza ngs, eg. No. 3111 E CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINAT ON _> This drawing has been examined for errors and ommissions by qualified G in oun p r e1. ' /'y'� Dated this 34 day of OVEWf3M, A.D., 1980. W CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR I, Y AUPlanning Director, of the City-County Planning Board have reviewed the accompanying plat and-4. t con orsu to subdivision requirements of Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-614, N.C.A., 1978, and the applicable subdivision regulations. (1 e Dated this 3Lday of GGT, , A.D., 1980, '�OA Ly 1�• � Planning Director,city- ounty Planning Board CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE I, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to law, approves it, and hereby accepts the dedication to public use of any and all lands shownon this plat as being dedicated to such use. / 7 Dated this 3 day of kti , A.D., 1980, i '2� ✓.y7 1jL,_ wDire or of Public Servide, City of Bozeman J CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Q 'Valley Unit Subdivision, Phase 1, to the City of Bozeman, " Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, Montana aster Plan and can be provided with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and soliMd waste. Therefore, under provisions in Section 76-4-124 (1) M.C.A., 1978, this tract is not subject to / sanitary restriction clearance.. S1 Dated this _JL:day of 1980. Demo"' o-pf/Public Service, Ckty of Bozeman CLERK AND RECORDER I, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed 1. my office this day of l �0 1980, - //,•SO A2" Records of the Ccimnty Clerk and Recorder, allatin o ty, Montana. , ,;r✓ Clarl and Recorder