HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLEY COMMONS BUSINESS PARK J-212 PLEA T J- 212 OF VALLEY COMMONS BUSINESS PARK CONSENT OF SECURED PARTIES S UBDI N I SION CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR We, the undersigned mortgagees, do hereby join in and consent to I, the undersigned, PAUL D. COOK, Professoonol Land Surveyor, do hereby the described plot, releasing our respective liens, claims or (A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) certify that between /Mqy , , and /✓fiV- / encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into I surveyed Valley Commons Business Park Subdivision, and platted same streets, avenues, parks, or other public uses and dedicated to the as shown on the accompanying plot and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, City of Bozeman for the use of the public. TRACTS 4A, 5A, AND 6A OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION PHASE 1: LOCATED IN Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-614, M.C.A., and the Dated this 10 day o/ tom, 19�5 THE SOUTHEAST ONE—QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. n� EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, Dated oi, day of O q�l�rlZ. =_ Michael Potter GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA MAUL D. C N President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, INC. Montana Registration No. 75695 75 3s 9 '?piyrcaY•,y0 p'' State of Montana FOR POTTER CLINTON INC. DEVELOPMENT TO CREATE 9 COMMERCIAL LOTS yo Sj a+' County of "J UL4 i M CERTFICATE OF REMOVAL OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS On this_10 day of AuaT in the year 199�, before me C.6hale-T.'M6ft9b9b0 a Notary Public for the State of CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT UTILITY EASEMENT GRANT /hereby ceretify that I have examined the annexed forgoing plot of Montana , personally appeared Michael Potter known to me to be the Valle Commons Business Park Subdivision, and find that said plot President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, Inc., the Corporation that We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have The undersigned owner(s) hereby grants) unto each and and every person or y P P 9 P P Y y Y conforms with the amended Section 76-4-124(l), M.C.A., Removing executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such caused to be surveyed, subdivided and lotted into lots, as shown firm, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide 9 y P telephone, electric power, gas, cable television,.water, or Sanitary Restrictions since the plot is inside o master planned area Corporation executed the some. by this plot hereunto included, the following described tract of sewer service to the public, the right to the joint and non-exclusive and will be provided with municipal facilities for the supply o/water z fond, to-wit: and disposal for sewage and solid waste. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, official seal the day and year in this certificate first above repair, rep, over,nu and removal of such utility lines and other Dated this ZOL of ter.2� W- 19� (1" written. Tracts 4A, 5A, and 6A of Volley Unit Subdivision Phase 1; located in facilities in, over, under, and across each area designated on this y the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 plot as a "utility easement;" which easement shall be granted in /J // /_ � Q, 16/Mdr East, Principal Merdian Montano, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, perpetuity and shall run with and bind the real property described S—/�r_,� m Notary Public f the State o Montan Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: herein. PH/LI�f Director of Public Service FORM _ Volley Commons by its Managing Member City of Bozeman My commission expires Atfomey Y Beginning at the southwest corner of said Tract 64, which bears N21'0556"E, a distance of 141.92 feet from the South One-Quarter Michael Potter '" ��- Corner of said Section 10, said point o/beginning being also o President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, INC. CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBIC SERVICE Doted this ��� day ofd(�r 19 point on the east right-of-way line of Ferguson Road, Thence on said east right-of-way line, NOO'28'12"E a distance of 53Z 15 feet 1, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, do hereby certify to the northwest corner of said Tract 6A, being also a point on the State of Montana that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the f� �c �� south right-of-way line of Fallon Street; Thence, on said south some to conform to the low, approves it, and hereby accepts the W JimWW Wysocki right-of-way line, S895236"E a distance of 1239.89 feet to the County of �YJtAt1n PP e P Z y g y dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and Z Manager, City of Bozeman northeast comer of said Tract 4A; Thence, S00'2654"W a distance 0 this— day of ,4v2yat in the year 1998, before me all lands shown on this plot as being dedicated to such use. of 530.87 feet to the southeast corner of said Tract 4A; Thence, et T• 1'{�p�d�, a Notary Public for the State of /� / �- State of Mont a S89'50'01"W a distance of 1240.15 feet to the point of beginning. Doted this Z6--da of 4Lr 19 m yp Montana , personally appeared Michael Potter known to me to be the y County of President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, Inc., Managing Member of Volley i � Commons L.L.C., the Corporation that executed the within instrument and z On this day of - ems- in the year 19 before me Said Tract contains 15.201 acres along with and subject to all acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the some. PHILLIP J F B£ n 0 / -A F/�� a Notary Public for the State of existing easements of record or of fact. Director of Public Service Ap_P p I�FORM 2 Montano , personolly appeared Jim Wysocki known to me to be the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my City of Bozeman 2 Manager, City of Bozeman, which executed the within instrument official seal the day and year in this certificate first above 0 and acknowledged to me that the City of Bozeman executed the same. AttO(Dey 9 y The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as written. r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, / hove hereunto set my hand and offixed my Valley Commons Business Park Subdivision CERTIF/GATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR J official seal the day and year in this certificate first above Notary Public Or the State of Mont no I written. My commission expires 9�NinPii , Andrew C. Epp/e, Planning Director of the City-County Planning J —� Board have reviewed the accompanying plot and find that it conforms Q to the Subdivision Requirements of Section 76-3-101, et. - ' �' — PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT GRANT � �C1 day of 19q� seq.,MC.A., as amended and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Doted this — Notary Public for the State of Montana y Regulations. My expires e�commission ex i;% y Valle Commas b if Managing Member The undersigned owner(s) hereby grants) l non-exclusive easement ��//qq yy�� y 9 9 for ingress and egress by pedestrian travel only, over, Dated thi�_ day of `J�PfCI'h/3B1z- 19�5 through and across a five-foot wide pedestrian walkway located /_ f /j / President within that forty-foot wide Common Open Space shown and ( • G/r/44(t_i CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER described on the attached plot. Said easement shall run with and Planning Director IPotter Clinton Devolopment, INC. bind the real property which is the subject of this plat in perpetuity City County Planning Board FORM !, Stan Hughes, Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby l Valley Commons, L.L.C. by its Managing Member certify that the nrrompanying plat has been duly examined and that State of Montana &61 no real property taxes assessed and levied on the land to be County of (—IW PI divided are delinquent. CERT RCATE OF INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS y� On this 10 day of AuQu�in the year 1915, before me Michael Potter Dated this day of ar 19�. Geenit S Thp� o Notary Public for the State of President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, INC. We, P.C. DEVELOPMfNr, and/RlCHARD T. KER/N, a Registered Montano , persona*appeared Michael Potter known to me to be the Professional Engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Manton?, hhereby certify /� President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, Inc., Managing Member of Valley that between A/ovt,�•rarz' /7 , 19�, and Auau:.+-I ,19�, X�< ` a a Commons L.L.C., the Corporation that executed the within instrument and State of Mon ono the required improvements were installed in accordance with the approved plans STAN HARES acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the some. County o/ 1�d fr►� and specifications iwC ,*r 4544Rrtb aPpN id ZmPwt/eAerm" 4G4'EE.R/ENrs. TREASURER OF GALLATiN COUNTY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my On this 10 day of Au— °T in the year 19_q5, before me official seal the day and year in this certificate first above tAmic 3:Tk.AftPdM , a Notary Public for the State of DATED this /3 day of A.D., 19?1 . written. Montana , personally appeared Michael Potter known to me to be the m 3/� g3 CLERK AND RECORDER President, Potter Clinton Devolopment, Inc., Managing Member of Volley IINMts4 Zlvrueil/�� Commons L.L.C., the Corporation that executed the within instrument and B °J •� ,� - acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. U dt�c s 1, Shelley M. Cheney, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Title: Notary Public r the State o/M ntanp Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed M commission expires �1/p11 1 a! in my office this_day of w 19 ,afAl•SSQ.m., and y P +—� o WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my recorded in Book�of Plots, on Page 2/2 , Records of the official seal the day and year in this certificate first above y 3 t County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montano. written. lRichard T er', P. . By. &Jde i_ i� �T CAWLw iQ. ;*fPgOl�i�� al�ration o. 3570E Z/ Notory Public fc1the State of Montana My commission expires 11%1 off REVISIONS 6/2/95 C.T.S. CERTIFICATE SHEET P.C. DEVELOPMENT 2 SHEET gy C.T.S. DATE 81219.5 DESCR CHANGE cERTrfrcATE r£xr DATE: DRAWN BY: KERIN & CONSULTING ENGINEERS/PLANNERS VALLEY COMMONS BUSINESS PARK 1757 HIGHLAND BLVD.#2 BY DATE DESCR NO SCALE P.D.C. ASSOCIATES BOZEMAN, MONTANA SCALE: DESIGNED BY: 219 E. MENDENHALL BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 SHEETS BY DATE DESCR P.O. BOX 1315 LIVINGSTON, MONTANA 59047 PLA T J- 212 OF VALLEY COMMONS BUSINESS PARK S UBDI VISIONmi JIa �'y1u � $ WS LOT #3 CORNER DETAIL (A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ND SCALE jll � - 2.00 TRACIS 4A, 5A, AND 6A OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDIVISION PHASE 1: LOCATED IN � ,.5.96k N,I;S:TE THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 70, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 SW57'5rE EAST PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, _ CALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA VALLEY COMMONS&SINESS NO DIRECT ACCESS TO FOR POTTER CLINTON DEYOLPMENT INC., TO CREATE 9 COAMIERC14L LOTS ro BOZEMAN clrr CENTER-� C� CENTER 1/4 COR. FALLON STREET FROM LOTS SECTION 10 aRASS CAP IN 1_4 WILL BE ALLOWED VICINITY MAP MONUMENT Box - NO SCALE - ° (ZONING BP - BUSINESS PARK) STORM EASEMENT COURSES Z16311 2 58931 E 21.63 C - - - - - SET W.0 2.00'WEST OF CORNER - - - - 4 5S71T2299' E 2770 IS'UTILITY EASEMENT a.78ft S SSS22VYE 48.15 Sar52'36'E 1239.89f1 6 N8P00'OTfW 23.90 244.94ft 241.3211 131.02ft 333.48tt L a Sa9'S2'3PE 96.00 239.14n 7 N0007'29'E 322 9 N000T24'E 6.17 20'STORM EASEMENT T 12 SOOR7'4Tw 18617 S STORM EASEMENT - w L,5'UTILRY EASEMENT / TO•STORM EASEMENT 10 S8r20'OSE 247.30 - .. T - - - „ SOO27'47 E 247.30 _ -� 1 I VALLEY - 13 =-0;orE 2a7.12 1 m l u N000T2PE e.Rx J 07 9 r LOT 1: >..' COMMONS o ( ;e wew522• w ,63e:402 Y 3 # n W W PARK21'w w.37 le s000�i2rw 1s1.o7 3 - 23506 SF. 19 S7f 1T12'W J9.64 Q 1 - x LOT LOT 4sa39�. W r O.SQ AC. 11 I LOT �( 220 2 N1f17'ItE 39.49 A ; $ 1 � 2 Ig I 1.006 A.C. }.� J 'ti g I 4 1� 9 22 N00'07.29•E 136.22 TL f' I H I 5240a SF. 52745 SF. © ry pi �I :. 23L21, Nar52'3K'w 157./3 - 1.203 AC. ^ 1.211 AC. I u SEE DETAIL 5 §0 7a317 SF. r Vw' r N7zor55 E 4z.s7n I c y �_ G 1.796 AC. 5 = Z N7z02.5rE 35.93n le I N11'45'4TE 5.11ft 20'STORM EASEMENT CURVE LENGTH DELTA RADIUS C3 145.96ft I 5. C� , �® R G, J9 D7• ,T51.3 ,25.00' 1 Ce ci si.M• iTiS%i'3i�Y i775.w 2'UTILITY EASEMENT _ C", MONUMENTS SET• L C5 5�6.?3' tr2„2'Ir 17S.00' i LC C12 _ 171.77R i .9M 240.4 L- Ct 7 1M1 SKS7'SYE 272.741t CORNER POSITION C6 29�65' 011`44 11.00, E 6 ,. // C7 a1.42' 2945 1,2500, i NM'S71SE 111601t '�' 272.74tt C7 �0 �. 1632:1 175W NB9'57'3SE 41,62tt Ctt C• -Y12.77R-- € 1 I' iT3.00' -. :I C JI'4rE 92.51 SWSO'5Sw 74.93ft CIO 16N ?TS�Jr 15000 NO DIRECT ACCESS TO F I NOolzzrw zs{.Bbtt ^CI4 14 7. n -�FI0.73Tt- 77t-31H C2 N7T0T'S'SE 59.22n C13 7370' 1T59'1S 150.00, FERGUSON AVENUE FROM , saa311eE Ue�7 4F�.� NT c1s 7s.7o 2ra'os 1so.00' SarJ1'1rE 19.71n U LOT 9 WILL 8E ALLOWED 7 N7zoz s5 E 19.2att I -z � -20'STORM EASEMENT � ` �T'4Q'�TeT.IER T AIIMR: J c•\i ACCESS AL LOTS(EKCLUDESAREASV ROYADS): 11.a69 L 20'STORM EASEMENT SET W.C.2.00'SOUTH OF CORNER ACCESS R UTILITY EASEMEW(ROADS). 1.653 i�i�i OPEN SPACE TRACT: 1.1. j off LOT # LOT 8 # L0� # a-N LOTT # LOT # TOTALPARX(AREA. S Rows>: 5.5w O TOTAL AREA: 15.201 ACRES z-� u c� 55019 Si. 55555 SF. ; 83727 SF. I I u 49443 SF. 5 1.264 AC. 1.275 AC. 1.922 AC. $ 1.135 AC. ^ �J 45970 SF. 1.055 AC. q NOTES: _ DIM TO THE RELATIVELY HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLE WIMIN THE SUBDIVISION, IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED THAT STRUCTURES WITH FULL 1 - OR DAYLIGHT BASEMENTS 13E CONSTRUCTED. IF DAYLIGHT BASEMENTS ARE INCORPORATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES,THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE A DEPTH GREATER THAN THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB OF THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. 15'UTILITY EASEMENT -- - -- T-15'U1IU7Y EASEMENT J- BASIS OF BEARING:FAST LANE SE 1/4 SECTION 10 PER 242.19N 2/2.02tt 320.481t 201.76k 2J3-6a/t PLAT OF VALLEY UNIT SUBDMSION,PHASE I 40'COMMON OPEN SPACE MW50'01'E 1240.13" EASEMENT LINES ALONG VALLEY COMMONS DRIVE 49605 SF. 40'COMMON OPEN SPACE O COINCIDING,ACCESS BOCK OF IIDEWALX LINE. CORNERS ON THESE 1.1395 AC. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT THIS AREA (SEE SHEET 2) LANES ARE SET AS 1.00•WITNESS CORNERS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED P.0.8. S89'SO'01*W 1240.15tt O-SET 5/8r K 2C REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP AT CURVE W o" qh NO DIRECT ACCESS TO V.S HWY 191 S AND P AND 5/ .2C /tCBAIi WITH ALUMINUMCAP OWNER OF RECORD: VALLEY COMMONS L.L.C. CAP AT ALL LOTOT CORNERS FROM LOTS 5-9 WILL BE ALLOWED •- FOUND REBAR wHH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP • • a0 D 60 ISO _ uluv Sar57.OrE Scale 1" = 60 ft S 1 ♦C0R11[It SECTK/N 10 RE-[SLF�L15f1ED SMSO'51rE 26f13.36R S.E. CORNER SECTION 10 FROM PLAT OF VALLEY UNIT SM.PIMSE , FOUND ALUMINUM CAP IN PAVEMENT REVISIONS HEET 'y C.T.S. DATE 812195 DESCR ADD PEDISTRMN EASEMENT DATE: 6/2/95 DRAWN BY C.T.S. PLAT OF P.C. DEVELOPMENT 1 No. KERIN & CONSULTING ENGINEERS/PLANNERS VALLEY COMMONS BUSINESS PARK 1757 HIGHLAND BLVD.#22 °"`E R ASSOCIATES i = 40 ft P.D.C. 21 9 E. MENDENHALL BGSTON, , MONTANA 597,5 BOZEMAN, MONTANA BOZEAIAN, MONTANA 59715 BY DATE DESCR �'t'LE� DESIGNED �� P.O. 80% 1315 LIVINGSTON, MONTANA 59047 SHEETS