HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING MEADOWS - J-145 J - 145 PLAT OF SPRING MEADOWS SUBDIVISION II A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT " BEING A PORTION OF THE UNPLATTED S.W. I/4 OF SECTION 19 8c C./S. 819A SITUATED IN THE N.W. I/4 OF SECTION 19, T. 2S., R.6E., P.M.M. CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: SPRING MEADOW PARTNERSHIP AUGUST, 1988 BY Sanderson/Stawarf/Gaston ENGINEERING, INC. BOZEMAN, MONTANA 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE- 1"= 1001 1 ___._....... I 5Eb'WIDE PUBLIG ITILITYB EROENCT ACCESS ROAD sRV1EEnT ExrSrvoro ro �'A womvE I 15'wide$torm Sri- , t 211.73'(R) Eaaemem S.89'0T56"E-211.80'(M) LOT CURVE DATA i0 ` - - ll -$ 10,529 S.E��_ `10,5D4S,F.o o - R _T 1 09°53'35" 83.00' 14.33' 7.18' I I/�a I m� . 2 50°43'04 50.00' 44.26, 23.70' g 5rAn 1 ' 3B m�_ NOTES 3 99°47'24 50.00 87.08' $9.37' I r 1 ", sj O°' a Found 5/d'Rebar w/Cop 4 101.°34'12' 50.00 88.64' 61 27' a to a'5 48°5615 50 0.0 42.71 22 75' I 4N 9 �w 12 0 Set 5/6'Rebar w/Cop 6 20°19'57' 167 00' 59.26' 29 95' 91475 "9,70BSF o (M)Measured Distance -1 (R)Record Distance 7 30°34'35" 167.00' 89.12' 4$ 65' I , r I - Au P p fy P s AI 9 Spring Meadow Drive a Bill-Place 8 87.37'24" $0.00' 76.47 47.97' 9=s555 E. 1 f flat creek p 6 wt C n s Set On Lot Linea Or On Radials Of Curves NIeB^55'S5 E. _ 9 96°49'25 $0.00 84.42 $6.26' I as ea i 1 89.y - N - Best.at Searing'East Line Of GRAF$FOURTH ADDITION ANNEXATION 10 18°23'17" 370:89' 119.03' 60.03' 1 11 35°4032 117.00, 72.85, 37.65' 8 8 Ig 'g 1 13 'g Gross Area= 18,718 Acs. 12 48°48'00'• 133.00, 113.28' 6.0.33' 8,945SF. 13 116°39'13" 50.00, 101.80. a1.04' I mro,4es s.e= m $ 8 Net Area =13.338 Acs. 14 32°40'27" 83.00' 47.33' 24.33' la'wmE 1 w 'u4rwwlry P0� Park Area =2.450 Acs. 15 29°48'02" 332.50' 172.94' 88.47' "ANT orw>nwc I 1 EAeExrnT - Private Street Area=L335 Acs. - - � ,ww•».,.. 16 27°18'30" 332.50 158.48' 80 J7' on v ee I ea.a5 Public Street Area =1.595 Acs. 17 15.22.38" 332.50' 89.24' 44.19' IE ."sl $I 14 g CEHTlr LCA'rE Of' 5U Nvt;Yuk 18 6U°52'38" 267.50' 1:9 21' 157.18' I I-o $e,965s.F$ 8 7 Io 1 - i, the undersigned, Dennis L. foreman, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify 19 28°45'02" 267.50 134.23' 68.56' g9Aoos.Flg wcrr \ that between November, 1986, and August, 1988, spring Meadows Subdivision was surveyed under 20 84'42'SS. 15 00, 22.18' 13.68' ( f' my direct supervision and platted same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in 21 89°56'38" 15 00, 23.55' 14.99' zo'wee urnry Ease�em (ryp.) 22 60"3U'27" 15.00' 15,84' 8.75' ( 1 BeT'/ accordance with Montana Law and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. 23 85°16'21" 15.00' 22.32' 13.81' ee.".I ..t 1 $ 15�SF g DATED this ?�- day of qfr, w ' U., 199 83 -_ _ 88A89SFI$ � �. �_ crra�u..a_,. ---";.-.k.-` K INI'LHI.I'O,. ,r,I' ;Iev(i DATA V 1 ff i Dennis L. Foreman cG' Registration No. 5606S sees' ease' Bozeman, Montana ruu.cxwll " 8 1 I6 1 42'34'02 IOU,OU' 74 29' (H.96' ;; g 5 I$ 8 2 55"3H'I1" ,5n.un' !9 ' /1.14' I ( 8e,esss.F!e °9,W8s.F8 3 41"19''1' (b�1.9U' 11.N.1/' 114.1f I ( 1 G CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING DIRECTOR 4 47"SN'u9" ul'<--.�10' 2&1.1:' IIf.47 A.se,l - 11so.le' 1, Andy Epple, Planning Director, of the City-County Planning Board have reviewed the 1 -°i accompanying plat and find that it conforms to law. - W ci cyp 8 4 1$ 9 028ST,$ � DATED this b(/'4L- day of NU�-LZ A.D., 19 !�/ NOTE =10,400SF.: a. -_� _ _ Z._ I I _ DUE TO THE POSSIBILITY OF HIGH GROUNDWATER WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION, I I 1 O ___ y��C✓"'s'� ___ `_ _...._._.,�__...,_...._,��,_.._...- ITISRECOMMENEDTHATANINVESTIGATIONOFTHESEASONALHIGH _ I (Bigndture--Planning Dl Lar) GROUNDWATER LEVELS BE MADE BY QUALIFIED ENGINEER OR SOIL c'{ ea.ea' : $ City-County planning Board SCIENTIST PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES WITH A LOWEST �.• N FLOOR LEVEL MORE THAN THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB U. ( g IB a ON THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. r4 B, 3 I� N Ib,859 S.F.� {•' 0 9,333 S FI Ut Illy Easement Aross Private Drive(Ty,.) CRRTtt ICA'IE OF DIRRCTOH I* PDHI 11 SF.RV1l1, U xeeAss'E" (; 3' -g"" I the Director of Vubllc Aervic'e., city of Brio,lea , M ntana do h r1.vhY certify that the I $ .:omlanying plat has been duly xavinu) and tat I ind ih idles• 1 •onl0rm to law, ap roves 1 181 aI 19 It, and h rehy a'-•,•pts the deidtcat till, t, pnhlle- ' 01 any and a I I landn shown on the plat Aa 2 IB z 9 9F h.•i nq dr.d it ar r•1 t., Ruch Ga., ------- PARK _-_ - 1 w 5 e F ae a 1S LA i t 1, n s a day o f _ ,�' .u t. A.1 19 R f ADC ( ease' 15.210 s. 4 p� s sf � , __ Uira for r15f711(c #arv�(r•a, 2,975 S.F 1 m nIn69°sa QS'E ,p°\x3 �' '� I'It} Irl Rr'I.'1fi.11, - 1489(M) I I Io,327S.F g -�yoo o r S 00 29 56"W. _ / 199.06(93 " eras• _Q 39 15.291R) $.89°10'37"E. 200.05(M) 15001R) 43047'(R) I ��\ 12r739S F. 20'Wide Utility Easement(Typ-I N.01°20'31"E. El zoo.zr' S.89°09'39"E. 430.34'(M) esoasai 45.15'(M) ' CERTIFICATE Ot COUNTY TREASURERN.00°37'09 E. - Aaa.-_ -ems es o od : GRA{� u i I �1`� 14,4385� e35gS asr.nsEsnEpsE ,�\ e v\ , _ �. - o _ , Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify 3O.02(M) -_ - L _ _-� p_ - 4. 5 / o ewa.Ye that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that no real property taxes assessed 30.o0(RI _. __ -- alp. 5( tii(s.EE"ea"r.� 'Ss, a�^E. P p Y N.89°II'51"W 381.93'(M) ezaw' � , ./s;�24,".m wm�\ �1 sez^A and levied on the land to be subdivided are delinquent. I 382.00(R) OQ 'P (Pr v°rsle 1 1506a ;"A _(I _ - 1 Multi-Fomil Lm r F� Is1975F.1 � .ao' wwwEPueuc _._�- day of A.D., 19�_. ' - ( y e 1 'y- tun TES EASENENr DATED this N.00°28`01"E. �140.27(M) 2 / 22 98 �.,i- r.. ,. 34,166 S F RU 140.31'(R) ® ��` efy0°J 3,a E. _- - ______.,__..__._.______ ae ee 50 w Treasurer of Ga County .89°II'S2"E./ --a" .EAST wesT x osEc ro SCENTER nE 361.94' s.ea^I2'ob'E /Z/ 5r5.Ts' AS SHOWNFON AMENDED PLAT I-.1-A o--... .- _- - __... 2.236 ACRES PARKf_._ 5.89°18�2'EJ�--0 O to L_5U'wIOE wA'fER 3T 501.71 FOUND 5/0"REBAR w/ALUMINUM CAP S 9.99°IE'09"E- Jia.ao' LINE EAsfWENr �_� ��'. 0 2i 'T / \ (:'Nt^.1(- 3 VOOK Mulfi-FamiVY Lor �� `- ' /� L Multi-Family Lat / 213,412 S.F. 63,436 S.F. 50 O On ---- M rm 8 � 5__Tens"PE°s"ExiY TURNAROUND Ns GRAF' { � N.89°10'13°W. 4T1i ADO.5, 5, 573.97' .,.,•-• 526, N.89°10'13"W. 794.43' S.00°28'01"W. 45.00' 1,11 L•ICATk lif pEDICAliaN W,-, 'h3 undersi 7ned moctgagn;:s, do hereby join 1n and ,nsont to the described plat, releaainq u wc, 1hp +yndersianed property owner(s), do her may certify that we have caused to be sur- re_ ctive liens, claims or encumbrances as to any porti-,n of said lands now being platted into veyrpd, _al dScn,$ed sod plattcri into lots, blocks, Rr r.tnes, and alleys, as shown by the plat 'nts• avenues, parks, or other public uses and dedi,^ateci to the use of the public forever. anci c"'tiflcate of survey hereunto inelnded, the €ollowinn described, tract of land, to-wit: ear"d this, _ day of rrri�i,- _ 1988. --- Description .. MURTGAGIS" I/RS/61, S STY BANK OF SOEEM." A tract of land being a portion of the anplatten Bali of tPrtion In and Certificate of BY: _ _"s �✓__ Survey sao. 819A situated in the NWT of Section 19 T.2S, R.6E., P.M.M., City of Bozeman, - Gallat.in County, Montana, and being further descrit 3 a€. €lllowo: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1988. Beginning at a point which is the NE corner of Certificate of Survey No. 819A said point ' also being on the westerly line of Certificate of Survey No. 803; thence from said point of. - _ _?- �.____.__._____beginning along the line common to Certificate 0f Survey No 7 8i9A and 803 S00'10'49"E a Notary'Public for the Stets of Monta'1W distance of 900.99 feet and 643°49'01"E a distance of 754 72' to the Sn corner of Certificate Residing at _ _ -. __ __ _ D£ Survey N0. 803; thence across a portion of ,raf Fourth Addition S00"28'01"W a distanoc My commission --fires_ _ -- q of 135.00 feet, N89°10'13"W a distance of 973.97 •t, SO(I°2R'01'w a distonre of 4$.00 teat - -' and 1189A10'13"W a distance Of 794.43 feet t0 a paint on the• easterly line of Cin,t,ficatW of Survey No. 526 th-nce N00°l3'46 E a distance of ?94 05 1 * r a point nn the southerly ;in, MURTGAC+EE RST SECURI'reIIIINK OF LIVING5TdMf of lot 6A of Am n l-i lot 6 biof 5 f Graf R 3r'A A 1 1 i.• 11 � la .I 'he so therly, Pa 9ter ty, and north rLy Tin-, 0t veld lot 6A S89`II l r. 1 t. uIl l4 r r, - N00°2.R'OJ'% a distal,'-'• of 140.27 t t ,i 1 N89'11 I W :, t ,. t 'It -.r re the .9 t. Byt t7 1-^I of Gnat St re t rtgt 1. FwaY: then al0ny rk •n: I I 111 t ny f I.t t raP duhvaribed And Rwnrn to beform me this day of N�VE� .. 1988.. '. N00Od h a d1,Fnll,n of 311,H2 I •Y anfl NU1°)(I'll 'i )1«(.,I" .t 4i.'t,^e•t. to Ih, ....__ �.. - .. 1 <•nr n.r of Clev I H 7 tr lark; thl•n nl I i,I IiI ,II r 4 tiRN"In't.'I It ""W .f1'Iii Rl nn • z l- 6 9zaE y 4111,14 t ,•t era 1 I lilt tr 11 •a-t.•r Iy I - 7 � 1 I I II f.., 4• thin,-., a l,n ea ul 1 s nun'(4 u w lI t anI 1 1 t 1 .I , N rat°y ga tahr tfl4rtata o$ h)efAtan�n I rh la Ilne rt ',•rL 11 i t 1 v ! 406 n; I I m' I 1 „ I I I i ;Gill 11 �I. 4: .ditlq •4 4"",6 ' to the. point r,l 1„•Ni nrll ), ,n'd 1rn+;.t 11, ,, ,, '+F 211.Nn I..�I M glum t#C'a irsn° II'A I/1,/I11 I,1 wilt ., IL)rol't t[I any _- .xr tint .i:..m•,rlr .,. It L,�.• d,-, ,ll,,.l r I.II I' 1 Ir1 + i„ IInI :.fir In,l M+.ade,.w: ' anfl Ih« �EHT It'LL'A'1'K OF LOCAL GOVERNING BURY tan l,^ [hr•1 VInq 9 )I all , _h.,«, „n a•1,1 r� . At A, )s*erm I" nl.,I an.i �I .-F kalatilM „ ,1 16, r..r 1,11,- I my r. 1, the Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the -ir y Plat of Spring Meadows Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development to the City of Bozeman, Dgt�a?� this:� day of f _�, A.U., 1':+9�FA Daunt this day o1 j�0?� A.D., 19 J. Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman Master Plan Area and can be provided fZ/ _ /�']�- ,��I�`�1 with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste. "'-'- spring -,/5 SL L4'^'^� _....._. Therefore under provisions of Montana Law, this tract is not subject to sanitary restriction Eugene raf III Spring dew partnership clearance. .'; scr rbed and swocn to before me this EluL¢' an sworn to betfpre me this DATED this da of �� day of _�,�s,yl✓r��-> 1988'.' ,,rr .-day of -- 19___. �..,day of N,p✓ r2 ,C_ 19 !. �irec Lor of Public Service - _ _. h___ __._.__._ Ciry of Bozeman Notary Put r, for the State of Montana Notary Pubrrc far te State of Montana Residing _ He�r'llnq at m ^-, L L My comi on expires My nurn ^.ion ,•-pines .� ,/'"j CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER CERTIFICAIK I INS1'ALI,A'r IUN Ot IMPROVEMENrS I, 4111 It, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do (lereby certify that the foregoin instrument was filed in m office this ___(7__ day of _y)gyheapc/______, A.D., 19w and recorded in Book _S___, of Plat on Page _� __, Recor s of the I, the undersigned, Paul Kinshella, do hereby certify that between April 1988, to October 1988, County Cler and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana,dt QlIOAAd. the required improvements were installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifica- tions. DATED this /9 tl{ _ day of _..,JaN.(tfA.Y ' A.D., Datad this day of k)£1'.,E p,kkeiZ _-, 1989. AAA _I^_�-f.c Paul Ki shells P i°�+"% Reg: rrat i.orl 14059E ,fi -01 ' 66-512