HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING DELL ADD GUY'S SECOND ADD-C-9-B � ��,� .7�,°e�•_ "�Q)LJ i-1 L�J � t3�L C!N'IH IV _ - — f EAST ST0R),' ST A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE S.W. 1/4 SEC. 7 19 & THE N.W I/4, SEC. 18, T 2 S., R. 6 E , M. PM., CITY I I OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA I I I H DESCRIPTION NOTE: L6NO7-ES D/STANCE FROM g/ r OR/G/NAL PLAT i3O \ I A tract of land located within the corporate limits of Bozeman, Montana, in the Southwest k of Section 7 and S '�'1''• the Northwest k of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, and being more k 11� I particularly described ae follow,: /�\J REFERENCE 7-O WORK DONE BY I IW � I T//O I RPE. TOP NC/M.BER i?EF6Rs � Beginning at the k corner (a Lis" iron pipe) cannon to said Sections 7 and 18, thence North 89°41' 29"West, TO L3DOrY!✓UMBERj BOTTGY✓7 IW, I I along the ace tion line, a distance of 271.65 feet to the true point of beginning and the west right of way nc NUMBER.4E�Ei9S TD P9Gc NuNLBER I V of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thee South 37 15' 21" West, along said right of E.G9MPLE ABOYE: BOOK 6 P�9GE 9. 2 b N I I way,.distance of 42.59 feet; thence along said right of way and along a 1910.17 radius curve to the left TNORPE BOOKS ARE ON F/GE y 7' I I� having a tentto angle of 6° 21', an arc distance of 217.24 feet; thence South 30° 54' 21"West, along said W right of way, a distance of 521.50 feet, to the east boundary of the Springdell Addition; thence along a T.✓E C/TY Gb�F/GES� 6bZE/✓J,9N, I I' of V 1407.70 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 19° 27' 14", an are distance of 477.96 feet, MONTANA AND THE GALLAT/N W I IV I said curve being the east boundary of the Springdell Addition; thence North 00° 30' 24" East along the east COUNTY QDURTNOU$E I .r6`I 1 `V bounds of the Springdell Addition, a dietsnea of 25.00 feet, to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Springdery ll Addition; thence South 89°08' 24" West, along the south boundary of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Springdell Addition, a distance of 265.16 feet to the east right of wav of South Black Avenue; thence North 00° 15' 24" East, along said east right of way, a distance of 109.00 feet, to the northwest corner of said Lot 4, common with the south right of way of College'Street; thence North 84° 08' 24" East, along the north O I boundary of said Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, a distance of 265.63 feet, to the northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence O O �,• North 00° 30' 24" East, a distance of 60.23 feet to a point on the south boundary of Block 2, Guy's Second Addition; thence North 89 41' 29,West, along the south boundary of said Block 2, a distance of 51.81 feet, to a corner which is common to said Block 2 and Block D of Hoffman's Addition; thence North 00° 45' 52"East, slang g a line common to the Hoffman and Guy's Second Additions, a distance of 457.26 feet, to a corner common nc to Block 2 and Block 1 of Guy's Second Addition; thee South 89° 47, 38" East, along the boundary common to said Blocks 1 and 2, a distance of 41.50 feet; thence North 00° 58' 45" East a distance of 205.00 feet; thence North 2° 12' 15" East a distance of 276.76 feet to the south right of way of Story Street; thence east, along h I I asid mouth right of way of Story Street, a distance of 57.00 feet; thence South 2 12' 15"West a distance of ",`S•5 276.88 Eeet; thence South 00° 58' 45"West •distance of 205.00 feet, to a point an she common boundary of b' r Block 1 and 2, Gvy'e Second Addition; thence South 89°47' 38" East, along said boundary, a distance of 91.91 �` I qj I I feet, to a corner common to said Blocks 1 and 2, on the west right of way of Dell Place; thence South 00° �.'+ I ',. '•% I I 54' 00" West, along a line common to Block 2, C and H of Guy's Second Addition, a distance of 457.70 feet, o to a corner common to said Block 2 and H; thence South 89 41' 29" East, along the south boundary of said O O I I Block H, a distance of 466.89 feet, to the true point of beginning and containing 5.387 acres. I o I CERTIPICATE OF SURVEYOR 9/9/, I I, James A. Cummings, a Registered Profeaaional Engl�ineer and Land Surveyor in the State of Montane, Reg. No. 3111ES, do hereby certify that between 5-/L•74 and _S-23-7•¢ I supervised the ` -- S8947:38"E I survey of the above described tract of land as shown on the attached drawing; that such survey was made in •i .: ,...+...r...;'y c.. I accordance with the provisions of the Revised Codas of Montana; that steel pin monuments were set as shown •.C:: Dated this; day of 1974 Survey Party Chief Data Jam A. Cummings, Reg. No. 3111E CERTIFICATE OF THE DIRECTO OF PUBLIC SERVICE I, Harold A. Fryslie, Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman, and as such, the Supervisor of Plats paid City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that I have examined this plat of the above described tract of land. By the direction of the City Coimiaslon and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3, Section II-3305, Title II of the Political Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, I approve said plat. TZS R 6E ��j ''�' Dated this day of 1974 Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman, IN) , County of Gallatin, State of.,tlontone 1�9\ Approved this day of , 1974 Approved thia�day of '� 1974 —_ CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD BOARD OF OUNTY''t COMMIS-�/11 .SEC Ile/a BY By 4 A0.Ai.-- -. --- GALLATIN COUNTY CLERK 6 RECORDER FILING RECORD Date Survey No. Recorded 3 Film Sheet No. Remark. � t Stab:M Montana 0 0 :.l f.•� inure m.vi Gall�,,, ac 0 0 I ae+! 1977 Z t0 i. 'A A and 1 Rer.Or din hour. f l�rs ,R„ FOUND Cpont Clack B eaymr I TRUE fb/NT DE,BEG/NN/NG 7 L_— 2/� 7,g^ NB9.4/29"l-✓ �- S89'4/'29"E 4G959*' '- //r �-• - ------..�_.�-537/32/"l�✓ _.._. .._...._- N894/29"W COLLEGE ST 4zs9' / 2'/as' O FALL /rV LREEK \�T 26L./'� � li COULLW'T SET \�� N 89"08'24"E 2`-`6.3 TOTAL T.44C7- AR—z, \o I N 23a G79./6 SO.FT b I I I +rE d b a Q °J V p 0 I 0 CUR✓E Lb4TA Y.R It,Olol I I I Opll�l ti B-6'2✓'RT 0 I I T=/05.96' I I I t o L a 2/1.70, S 89.08"a4"!•,/ 265•/6' 266,/tf N83.56141�✓TORP W NB9.29'3L"W�`' 1� ellv I ` Q iI Q-Z z h f �I 9 Q. L-- � 11 A[ArRSON � 0 P•t —— Pa�ro� 2 56 44 I �� ;jl• COLLEGE Sr E/VL7 �'ma ——— 96 y��pm ——— — Pi40PERTY BOUNLLgRY N P� cFF/STING^GOT OR SW490/✓/S/ON L/NE 1 � ( /�,�,� >r� RA/LRDAO�o�a cLEv �o W ►� FOUND QUARTER CORNER 1 / • SET 3/8"X/B"KEBAB W/Ty GAP 1 —/ ggqi �� � a FDUNO PROPERTY P/N OR MON!/MENTAT/ON t N pp