HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUR DOUGH CREEK -1 G-35 aOURGOUGH <.A`AK PROP. S013 NO. 1 SUBDIVISION NO. 1 OF THE SOUR DOUGH CREEK PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 SEC. 19, & THE NW 1/4 SEC. 30 ,T2S, R6E, AND IN THE SE 1/4 SEC. 24, & THE NE 1A SEC. 25, T2S, R 5E, M.P M. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA N I STATE OF MONTANA CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION) ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) Sour Dough Creek Properties, a Montana Corporation,having its principal place of business at Bozeman, Montana, as owner by and through its duly authorized officers, and Vera McLeod as mortgagee certify that they are the owner and mortgagee respectively of and have caused to be surveyed and platted Into lots and streets as shown by plat and certificate hereto annexed, I the following described tract of land. I I A tract of land located in the South Westquarter(SW 1/4)Section nineteen(Sec. 19), the North West Quarter(NW 1/4) 30 30 a I00.00' I ^ 6 89°24. ' 78�Q, ' __ Section thirty(Sec. 30)Township Two South(T2S),Range Six East(R6E)and in the South East Quarter(SE 1/4)Section twenty- 10 s v m� n; a9O 6� ° I74.52 5e 0' 2g°? I ge- ♦ foul 30'WIDE n1 (Sec. 24),the North East Quarter(NE 1/4)Section Twenty-five(Sec, 25),Township Two South(T2S)Range Five East(RSE) -g- 9f! 9.El2fll-JSY�ASEMENT ti' o) a 's. y, °, y s• 8 g of the Montana Principle meridian,Gallatin County,Montana,and befog more particularly described as follows: � a mN 0- w r( Beginning at the Section comer common to said Sections nineteen(19), thirty30 twenty-four 24 and twenty-five 25 W0 .om 1 M 2 n� 3 a 4 ,S "_'( said comer being marked with a 10"x 10"x 40"cut stone set vertically in the ground, and marked with a hole in the top, Said :stone been flush with the round surface. W =�-0(22,010.490 O(22,046.25s000(21027630) (31,148.03af) 9 9 3N N N ON (63.966.140) (p, O z zN Thence: South eighty nine degrees fifteen and eight tenths minutes East(S 890 15.8'E),along the line common to said BLOCK a>° O Section nineteen(19)and thirty(30), one hundred thirty and sero hundredths feet to the true point of beginning;thence, North 1n 0 "' m$ ry %. o OI ;. �g mm. �,`II68' ro b O 100.00 O eighty nine degrees forty seven and zero minutes West(N 890 47.0'W), thirty and zero hundredths feet(30.00');thence,North ' °� 100,00' 6 Op I A 01 h zero degrees thirteen and zero tenths minutes East(N 000 130 E), two hundred eighty five and eighty nine hundredths feet Z 0 6' n 7 (285.89');thence, along a four hundred six and forty five hundredths foot(406.45')radius curve to the right a distance of one N S 8.9�15_8'E 241 41' -"'+� 4 e pE 14) hundred seventy and fifty four hundredths feet(170.54');thence,North twenty four degrees fifteen and four tenths minutes East S 89_°47 0'E __ - O \ 6Ae6 6 0� o Y 9 (N 24 15,4'E),two hundred nine and thirty-four hundredths feet(209.34');thence, North sixty five degrees forty four and six c.�24°02 4' 30 30 112.79 98.35�. (41,750.e40) a G tenths minutes West(N 650 44.6'W),three hundred sixty and zero hundredths feet(360.00');thence,North twenty four degrees ER`427.20' 1515 n_'Inp I- �''I 6 fifteen and four tenths minutes East(N 240 15.4'E), one hundred six and sixty two hundredths feet(106.62');thence,along a E-C = 17996' t0 I �f NI £R;134.40�, 3ro 4 three hundred ninty seven and twenty hundredths feet(397,20')radius curve to left a distance of one hundred sixty six and sixty E T 90 96' ' b I 'd� 01 2 �Lc-266.z mo,\ 0 399E �� O five hundredths feet(166,65');thence,North zero degrees thirteen and zero tenths minutes East N 000 13.0'E), two hundred 4JI I (22 T6.55fq' O T=205.09 Pl j6° ( )A h _ p O eighty and forty six hundredths feet(280.46');thence, South eighty nine degrees twenty four and nine tt:nths minutes East h6s° rp v I iz0,97e o7s0 v n o g Y 9 Y BLK. : Sg0° +. 7 r`) (S 89 24.9'E), seven hundred eighty nine and four hundredths feet(789.04');thence,Bouth zero degrees thirteen and zero k• I z9,gE v (40,41e.46sf) 01 tenths minutes West(S 000 13.0'W), four hundred fifty two and zero hundredths feet(452.00');thence, North eighty nine de- 3 2 e �°g�Oe 19 6.39 3D p mca grees fifteen and eight tenths minutes West(N 890 15.8'W), three hundred sixty eight and seventy hundredths feet(368.70'); 3 p6 m a4 30� thence,South twenty four degrees fifteen and four fee1ha:°t�scW4s�(%&1 O;A644'W),'�Yundred ninty and seventy seven 853, �� owl 3 5� o _ hundredths feet(490,77');thence, along a three hundred forty six and forty five hundredths foot(346.45')radius curve to the °�hj�N I .?S Si,02K' ', _t'� (zo,30e.s5,f) a '�° N 89 15.8�W 368.70 left a distance of one hundred forty five and thirty six hundredths feet(145.36');thence,South zero degrees thirteen and zero / °0ti I /O 5 ?V / °'a. ,;� tenths minutes West IS 000 13.0'W),two hundred eighty five and eighty nine hundredths feet(285.99');thence, along a three O 5 QFp / / q q 7 .I hundred twenty htree and nineteen hundredths feet(323.19')radius curve to the left a distance of five hundred four and seventy three hundredths(504.73');thence,South zero degrees forty four and two tenths minutes West IS 000 44.2'W sixty and zero hundre&..he feet(60.00');thence, South fifteen degrees forty and two tenths minutes East(S 150 40.2'E), five hundred sixty ^,6 \0 4 ^ I seven and thirty one hundredths feet(S67.31');thence, North eighty nine degrees forty seven and zero tenths minutes West S 4 w 4 .151,, (N 89 47.0'W), seven hundred ninty five and zero hundredths feet(795.00');thence,North fifteen degrees eight and nine LEGEND I .6'k sisr 21,000.nsq 4 j o - . -__ _ „_ _ ___ tenths minutes East(N 15 08,9'E),three hundred ten and forty eight hundredths feet(310.48');thence, North forty six degrees 3 /S o o/ /p I thirteen and nine tenths minutes East(N 460 13.9')E), four hundred sixty-three and sixty seven hundredths feet(463.67'); 60,00 0 0 / / I_' thence, North fifty two degrees fifty eight and eight tenths minutes West IN 520 58.6'W),tangent to a three hundred eighty 5,'B"K 18" REBAR '�O three and nineteen hundredths foot(383.19')radius curve, zero feet(0.00');thence,along a three hundred and eighty three -•� I"■24" IRON PIPE p � it - and nineteen hundredth foot(383.19)radius curve to the right a distance of three hundred fifty five and seventy seven hundredths --(o>-- 14'x 30`IRON PIPE I M / '� •:;I':; feet(355.771);thence, south eighty nine degrees forty seven and zero tenths minutes East(S 890 47.0'E)thirty and zero hun- ---- SUB DI VIS ION BOUNDARY r,A'� yp I�;,' dredths feet(30.00')to the said true point of beginning and containing 19.391 acres. ? H R/W LINE LOT LINE �% P _--- --- - -- The lands Included In the parks, streets and road right of ways shown on said plat of the described area are hereby --- SECTION LINE d)� y� granted,donated and dedicated to the use of the public forever, said plat shall be known as Subdivision Number One of Sour -- CENTER LINE e�y/ / / `,`I Dough Creek Properties. ---- - EASFMENT LINE I 2 Dated this day of A.D„ 1968 NOTE. ALL PINS SET 6"BELOW '-'� "' GROUND SURFACE I �`f0' SOUR DOUGH CREEK PROPERTIES,A Montana Corporation by Attest i l o• _y LOT AREA -- 8.2360c '00.24s02.4 Title Title N °q STREET AREA - 3.416ac. - 1C11 ���R-37s45 PARK AREA 7.7390C. 00 c Lc= 15793 T e 0.36' era McLeod E r TOTAL AREA���19.391ac. d I 30'30' STATE OF MONTANA ) S 89°47.0 E ss rnlm i COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) o a, In) .fT On t is 'o day of tik_ -- a be�foQre m a Cary Public for the State 0f Montana, personally �I m )� appeare , ,< known to me to be the . d'?7t2 o�ie oCorporation that executed this Instrument on be- co co N half of s id corporation and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. I NI 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first 0 above written. Lo Cr - ry Public t ate of Montana O 10. 24 19 2 1 i{TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING Residing at s;Mentan /.,,J My Commission Expires Sec.Line S89°400'W 3 __ S89_°47.0'E - _-_I- Sec.Line S89°15.8'E �- STATE OF MONTANA )130.00' 2 5 30 ' 1 93 i COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) ' � I n = fis°ze.e'�' � FOUND: -- - \ R = 5511,531 On this y day of f-/eft•�4� 1968,before me,a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally 10"x 10"x40"CUT STONE SET appeared Vera McLeod,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Certificate of Dedication and VERTICALLY, WITH TOP F LUS H ET =359.00'. I acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITH THE GROUND SURFACE I 01 MARKED WITH HOLE IN TOP I ti IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first -� DSO o/ �3 above written. /- uI- t J, It Notary Public for the Stag of Montana Residing at�,�,.- L My Commission Expires rLc 'C��✓ O 00I m°`\ O STATE OF MONTANA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 0 ss .cl _ 242 COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) ,b6� P0a I,William F.Underwood, a registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor in the State of Montana, Reg.No. 1654 ES, Nro do hereby certify that between July 1, 1968 and August 12, 1968,I supervised the survey of Subdivision Number Une of Sour Dough Creek Properties,Gallatin County,Montana;that such survey was made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6,Title II of the Political Code, Sections 11-601 to 11-616, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, and Section 11-614.1 enacted as Section 1, �j Chapter 82, Laws of 1953;that iron pins and iron pipe monuments were set at all lot corners and subdivision corners as shown on the accompanying plat. "/ �J 2$ day of 411,/J 1968. William F.Underwood Montana Registration No. 1654 ES McLeod r CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE '99° I PARK STATE OF MONTANA ) ss, (337,122.76 S.F) CITY OF BOZEMAN ss ice uJ COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) \ P N. / OI \0 I, Oscar E.Cutting, Director of Public Service for the City of Bozeman,Montana, and, as such,the Supervisor of Plats of 0 Q said city of Bozeman, do hereby certify that I hav, examined this plat of Subdivision Number One of the Sour Dough Creek Proper- 0 ties, into Lots, blocks and Streets. rn � w m oi/ I en By direction of the City Commission and pursuant to the provision of Chapter 33,Section I1-8305,Title II of the Political m Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, 1 approve said plat. O ° Dated this \\�''n da of � I Y �c'r o.--.1-°-� 1968. o t 160.00 635.00' Director of Public Servtce of tSe City 6t BQz eman - _ -- - - -- N 89747.0 W-- -795.00 County of Gallatin,State of Montana CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS We, the undersigned,- Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County,Montana,and County Clerk and Recorder of said county, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat of Subdivision Number One of the Sour Dough Creek Properties,Gallatin County, Montana, as prepared in duplicate,has been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners,of Gallatin County,Montana,for examination and has been found by them to conform to law and was approved by them on the /, day of_ _1968. --7- Chairman/Board of County Commissioners' County Clerk 6 Recorder,Gallatin County Approved this day of ,;j,f-LL 1968,Gallatin County-City of Bozeman,-CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD. President STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) I hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed for record in my office this day of�J/Y A.D., 1960,at &,'00 o'clock ._' M.,and recorded on page .5-,r _of Book of Plats,Records of Gall4in County,Montana. " Clerk&Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana