HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARVEST CREEK SUB PH 1-J-285 SURVEY REQUESTED BY HOMELANDS DEVELOPMENT CO., L.L.C. PLAT OF TO CREATE 59 LOTS. 200.3749 I CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION II III III III Fege ra y prape•ry oar de -say certify:hot - rave ca sea 1. be s ,eyed, sue wire, a OWNER: HOMELANDS DEVELOPMENT CO., L.L.C. tzrzznsss ma zma pdtneccinto let., lack., street ones and otner di�sons and dedicauo-s as shown by !me plots he'eurto sh.11. vene._aelt.un C.hF PLAT 36 50 HARVEST CREEK SUBDIVISION - PHASE 1 nch,dea,the following do-111,d tract 7Yland, to wit LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEG E N D rut cart or the Southwest Oucrter of Section 2, fownshia 2 South, Range , East of P.N.M., O J-�285 LOCH TED IN THE SW 114 OF SEC. 2 T. 2 S. R. 5 E. °'at.n °°arty, '°'an:ana, 'a"e_aC e `Bows R RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH � F Beqn^ng a: me South puane-Corner of sac Section 2 (M) MEASURED DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH thence westedy 269' 2 06", Come, azimuth from north,861.75 feet along the sou-h ine of the Southwest OuartA, OF P.M.M GALLA T1N COUNTY MONTANA of e.i. • FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR OR AS NOTED F I tnerca west"" 269'28,006.,im thr 224.35 feet, !fierce no•thw eat"y 302- 31-4/:' azimuth 63.82 fee:; O MONUMENT BOX WITH BRASS CAP AND PLNCH MARK VICINITY MAP :herce no-the,y 352'28' 29" azimuth 173.3t fee:; !hence ha,th,,iy 39 1'26' 39" warn 6OCC feet; O SET 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH thence easterly 0/1'26' 39" a zm„th. '9.03 'eel; PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H #9518ES) thence"-,,Ile,,y 341'1,- 39" c warn uo.00 faeq thence easterly 07" 26'39" 0A:1,th 600.00 feet; BASIS FOR AZIMUTHS FROM NORTH: THE SOUTH LINE OF SW 1 4 herce southerly �6" 26' 39" a -ten 15.03 feet; / he"ce easterly oe9'28'00" a math 'S6.03 feet; OF SECTION 2, T. 2 S., R. 5 E„ BEING 2ST27-06" NOTES 4 -hence no tn, 359' I/ t6" a mat, .'S 81 feet, 4 thence eoe,e•ly OE19' 17' 16' c mu;h I'0.00 feet; [N45'00'00°El BEARING COMPUTED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN p p ere we a S ,.w•� there northerly 359' I/ 15' o m.,th 2287 feet, 1. as sr' r o s rrexed [c s Cty of Bwema, :,rsu r• to An^exoion A.reement dated 1211197, ,'�6 p !hence eastery 089' 'T le r m4tr 31250 1e dndp r ecorded`an^Films 179. Page 2395. and Commid n Resol,ton-No. 3217 recorded err F'm 179, P.2'07. ♦,'."'°' f wine,Hc!ercau•sA Set acc,<s shawr for Icrmon°J'ich a m red from the man high wa er :,es for _ thenc sauthearly 17T 17' 1C azimuth 840.00 feat c.ong the east ,re o`the Southwest 0,,°•:e•°I said Section 2 _h e g : thepoint f beginning. so c d tc p Ma.ah, to Sec'on 'C 14'30 or-.he Bozeman Arso SuacW,lu R q t rs. _ - 840,4`0 s cue feet, 19 294' acres a' /8,077.H gu square meters 3. he m 'elct've1 warn-able w 1';•, .ne c of tie subd vs y ,'q, g 0u^ reds recommended -het .e.... Sub)eet to exist rig ease-ants. 'es dehtnl dwell, w'tr fella basements be c .:ctetl wthaut first consult n fess:ono - g�'e� S Il gs a g a pro enga need•. w the above described t act of and s to be known and des AREA TABULATION f day!g bcsements are incorporated ',the corst'act'on or •es1d,,C,I dwel gs, trey sho.,ltl n t n ve 1! 1 .. gate A111' CRE'K sJBD J SION �rASE ' a depth greater than three feet her,ow the top o` the curb e`the street from wh ch 't s served [ ftF „°„ { 4 i g:r City at He's G I:t n C linty. Montana, and the .,as rcl d d a. streets hues clays and pars or _':'-A� OF LOTS - 475,846 SO F' '0.974C ACRFS 4 'he property bang subd'vde° Fereor s c ad, of the property arnexed to:he City of Bozeman, pursucn: to tj f 1' a' sr- acalc use and .1j. y Ant sa plot.,a ne y granted, .fore, d dad toted to e y f Bozeman a tie �a a co«.5t. " cant«x s Iry? o m ,d '^e C o f ARE-' O= PARK - 103,330 "^ - Cu•a--ss o^ Resolu.'dn No. 321 7 receded 'm '79, e 2107. - ahe c herea ants aorta eacr a -,w T >.,3721 A�4•S °O ° 9 6 ! •veers n grants oc very or �irr and Dor c or ate pro r'.RE= OF ROAD 26',774 SO FT pu a,- ., ry easemen[ as shown and described on F'm '79. °aqe 2110. 's fo' the future e � e "�°'-' - ef%er'n toe de te�eohone elecirc po wer,a r'v o'ng s reef .. 5 ��, 5 [ or ,Poole}clay s'an,rwateraorh ea to ppubl'c,they _.998" AC a e b V t -ne aourlda�es of tns suadvson p,ot. �4. ; �.." ;. _.!t«h St. °erg right:o the;o'Prt use o1 an a se ant for the ccnstr,cl'on, mo n[eronce repo rsy emoPal a!their Tres extensor pf Ock 8tree.arc s not s:uatec w;hn O A AREA 840,450 SO -1 92941 A.CR S o. -e pubic street one utility easement as shown and described on Fi�m 179, Page 2114,is far the luture ( code other f. hold Iles,ir, ov urtle drtl across eacr area designated on this plat ras s'JtVity Easement' to ' -- NOT TO SCALE old•. hold forever.e extension of Anne Street ord 's not situated within the oo�ndories of t,'s subdivision plo-. `l 7. Vorur-er: do as yr;tr Brass Caps a d Punch Marks w-e.set at centerline points of curve, r w v vy- nit^, -IOMELANJS DEVE'�Orri CO., L_C. Pd.r. Gated mt,s day a Vim,A.D.. 19� .onge^cy ord at the "te-section or feat cente'ines nP1h road right of way :nes, unless chorea otherwise. 41a oy_` .�• 8. The averhecd acorn', runt of why merit granted to :he Montana sower Company or Firm 103, Page 2459, C 1/4 Car. Sec. 2 STATE OF`MONIANA veal:Wolff.:Wolf,Maria Memos, 51r'o o` and cdja'sin to, I:he of the SW 1 of Sec. 2, T. 2 S.. R. 5 E_ ano is not -`� End Iron Pipe .AUNTY F- GAIA-:N Managing UTILITY EASEM EN-S is `o a g /� =,r> situated w'trih the bourdor''es or tn', subd:"isia, peat. �' 0, this 7- day l.if. _ I,the year '999, before me T.S� Sd.P4,41 a Notary Pubic'or the 12' FROM 9. Due to -adi^g activity and 'nsta-:anon. of impro ents on this site, not all m e,ts shawr hereon rave v E �' \ State of Mohl',%, persdrally appealed Wall 6`lalf, Mc naq'ng M-ber of Hom,,,-ds Development C t.:..C., q rem a,i,m g x a Mo,tort Lm'ted cI'ty arnpary, krawr - e to as the pe'sc, ,o ran s su,sc''ped o IO' BACK beer se, as o1 .re acre cr this s_bc v'sbn plat. A. merumerts veil be set by Apr, ', 2000. -__ '., !_ ... -- - ---- to w,i,the rs rent aid acannwlAagea to e t^a• he e ec.,ted me, and or behalf of sold m'IeA rn a- In 'tress hereof eve hereunto - hand aid saffxeca ctfccl sea. the c v aria NOTARYcPUBPIC eFOR'THE above TAT rMONTANA _ reeding Y n 1,UEt Cam f"Y Year aE I ! I ! S. A.h dl,q at Q1S 1.C_ li m m ss on expire Oo 7 CURVE DATA CONSENT OF -- '�... -* I" _ - - _1 MORTGAGEE �' [N00'42'44"W1 ;� - - LENGTH RAD U5 - ." I,the unde's'gned ma-igagee° erc,.mbra noel. do hereby join 'n and co .a the aescr'bed plat, r my 359`1 T16° 50' Radius Temporary v I Lillie Drive espaot',e Pena. cra'Ts a r hbrances as to to, of said anoshn w being l ttee r sea 50' Radius Temporary +.+...', P y t`10 715 32.5 any Pro y pa °,.es. 0 2`_1.64 AG G'6G1'21" 22.87 Cut De Sac Easement ' par<s or o:rer public uses ewnch ore dedicated to the City of Bozemor for d the pml,c se and er,oymert.ey © 23J 6' G 40 a9(,)C Oh" \3 43 Cu De Sac Easement l _ �[ 0891 7'16E1 - , i......... .... - AMEwcAN BANK o MONTA NA © z s " � ,I I '' 1 ..aced ins dp! day o Ai-cull ll}�A.D., 19" 282.50 UF1v,):n:S CEM1TERL-Nr_ _ENCTH ,1R =. ,O CEN�_R..N- -`� ��l.rt n� �'i `17°16° 1 S_ATF OF MON'4NA ay: s 'A 2 t �N- N 110 00 li !I I COUNTY OF CAI.LATIN g9 E� Hoep �N T N \ e 3112.50 z� 6�39 x L 1�� •JW l O�^r [N89 17°16"E - O^ thisAl of 1�oV4:r�b.�.fd n:he,ear '9 9.J`�m $1�rxtGL.kv'� a Notary Pubic'a,the pt ( 0 ----�� state of Montano II l \2 ..f1 1. .p M r I ; personally app •p_�_N.4ln a V.0 PrlS:df�d• of N no �, 00� �09"1, r . tt0� ° Z � ;r : e ' AM BANK OF MONTANA a Montana Corp at^n x to me to be the panne, w se me's su bscr bed 25�16391a-, 89'28 QO°E!,tt I "P In- N • ^"q to the ry th r instrument and acxnowledged to me that he/she a cuted the..,a. for and o, behalf of sale 1.,14`l0 �'+O 1 LDT 1'"} Nm� r m$ Corpo ti- Ih wmess whereof, ' nave hereunto set my hold one off'xec Ty official seal the d° and far a0•-� f TIP q, t m. O°-BQ2`•° O89`28.00" OJ� <m 08 8 n tr s certificate first above writer. y Y zn 7pOp � r s �''Q� .�o d'z 3�s 158.03 �1ooB I� Ism oo"r �sw t - - 1 -_ rending at 11�•rTde sn. n L % "���°� 05;'44 gpl� L-261.08 290.79 169'28'00' 220.00 269'28'00' t --= a9... NOTARY FLBl1C FOR HE S�T�A} OF MOMANA my c°nr•ss'on exp es Mu�e.1111.2.0 C, m. i 8�° tit R"g',1(I.W), - - - ..-_$T---!Rose Street-near Rose Street --------------7 'Zr 321iB9 Wi �0p �r0�� g.y r �-'s _ p ,�y `e-- -� -- �plF-� 1rlq,� TCERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR r hQ IAA�A x. �r $�$�. � 15 ` _- `k=70.00�L 2422l1 290.m 08928'00' 220.00 8 089'28'00" 1 T,^-_ P ,` O $N p0--' 12- 7 _! 3 -I1Ra1_ 'b ]5d10�.• �70.0� •r y� - ,..I...- oD a yna Engines,a any 5 rveyor N - hereoy certify that y 1 � flora Chandler, ofessional En rid o o. 9518 ES,d Too gam`' ]9 ]4 t �s _ Ii'lk MARK A.\CC't6`;, aetween Ju 26 1998 no Oct 79, '999, surveecuHARVEST CREEK SUSDIVSION - PHASE ', old p ted �:v Oi\� �'ig iO qSN 180.59, 6 LOT 1 .fir, LOT 12 1� f,. n�8+'m,c-�� I ,�,'sry CNANDLER �t'-' the same as snow,on the occompany'rg plot and as descrbed, 'n-accordance Montano 5,.ad vision and P: l ,•� "r1,lr n 4.105 Sq FE, , # �, °w3 7.592 sq Ft ,� a li �I N; NN c 'r9 '= t 150� 2 Y �� rR ti� \`:an NO. 951BE$ A"-t Scotian 76-3-10' through 76-3 625 M.C.A. as uM-d-, and the Bozemcr Area SubdVei., Requl°lo,s. e r e �T s F�^ P e r,� :gee. ^�,r � /� r �,-, tr 15�i rw 4.52 �1 110.00 Olf. Q� Doted Iris z"filda f a✓rrfB�R A.J., 19 yy. r z o .,1p?A' oo Ra a` p�YYo r N �' 2Fi0'1 t'`.y �t �� of n J -g ! o c 1 sTF.a�'� L lL+.,reLC/i�- 0 1 - O "'AiRit 7 R _ -t ���o Y a 1✓ 8 LQT 11 8 Inca- 090 �5 aBJ - - - N _ _ _ - ' [= z GG S P� 33 k 269 7'1fi" yy Ff T Z !, � N qR'i/ Mark A. Chandler r g, J p P ) P n LO F y 1 , 0 5q Ft r--LL D89'17 a c\t uJ 0,� A4<E �o :b otoo59 1 s. e,3w c LL �o° Momard Ragsraten Na.9518Es 082'03 38° f. .. `• t15.t3 `v �i 110.00 „5 ,o�, 31.5 N N o0 1, tr ,� `Y�• 28g'1y16° ,- �`^ �N i ,y CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE �O.O ?\, �6 O r� .jp ✓ -G "'LOT eJ pi 2635152 I \ ! N LOT 10 g $�O$ K 13 O D'rec:or of a,Glic Service., City of i3oze ran, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying 1:O `� `�: 1 5`4 c7.262111 a" LOT 3 w 7,150 sq Ft "`III S Y Y plat p ��aOj „`StqA1' �^ �• o c�u.7,gM Sq Ft,� ,'^ 1 _..._I L Z� _I _ y _ _ has beer ably exam ned and has found the some to conform to ylow,r aoproves 't, and ner_b acre is # L rn J �f 01'''F s`..J4Th T-c =086'34'21` 26T3532 ,! � 2fi91TI6" y 270.W 2691796' 1 .. _.._ AS se y am 9Ll [ Z"� ao O"Nv �A��',Y ,Sr 015t426}9 12 tOj],9Ft� 8E 9902 1$ 1050 Q'I�;! 1 L1OT 9 �napdraaao'r1.-ROadmo O�� Snapdragon Raad M FU the denicctio, to ine pub.'. a of a and all lands shown an :he plat ds oein de7iccted to P U nSen q sq LOT 4 S a LOT 4 4 ]:,sO sq 282 0 ro gss E. n ee. -6 A • ',P •,j2� ]39 r^pD`K 7,535 Ft 1_j I I, Era 220.00 '� 0fl917'i6` ^N _ Dated this_��day of.��`��. 19�. _ r 6 tiI W Nr� \lg `d+ �' p,d1. �Z 95 'r� 7.665 Sq FI,- l I 11UAB O __ -_- TT --f-- (atq A to• of Public nary c 9'28' y ac < T 1 pT5 1 d 4 N 0(2Jg• 0 11000 l i I 269'1Y16' $$ � •} -1 �� i I � City of Bozeman, Montana .1p x4709'23° ,089'2B W" 2691716 Q O q FICATE OF RELEASE OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS o ° \Otay'' �.^''i Y,B LOT 10 LOT 3 �B 3 I LOo sgF1 w1 o a„q _mrq 8 I cn i CERTI a �'� o f 13.401 s Ft soo s Ft LOT 5 i �� 8 . 8 g te o- � LOT 11 q ea' bb 0 � $: - 'n c.J \ '�],436 5 Ft,�•' �M '�^ 7,700 Sq Fl g I 110.00 yg,On _ 1,I Suca' ed, s vein's master clan a`the C', of Bazerran, Montana, arc x' be ' 6. o q 089'28 DO 0891800•_1 cfti '2 / ' 2691T16° \ 6 ug J�-�J _ J,^,- u - the Y pray dad with !' Jp J .3T ---121.88 - - -�7.24-�7:0 �Ofltlfl .r., 110.W._.. yy P Al r I 7411}- -70 7H6J $ _ runic pa c'I ten far the sappy of water aid tie d,spascl of sewage and sold Haste. Tr erefore, under IL 2''4Q �2,gp �g 269171 -W__ ! > OTT 1 8 p,. provs'ons of Section 76 4-124(!) MC.A., as amended, this subdivision 's to, suolect •a sar'tory rest,idtor N ry L '35 �' m�.Is-269-97'4s' a716- �� w _ �..-_ M1^-- 1 tnlw cearance. 28, q4n 224.35 N` 89 LOT 6 Y 7dsssa 4 4 - 1' _r- Ap4yDYFC AS TU ... r 77WieD 0 >- 'r e,e 269.28 00 FSC g- rX - g ' t1 A 4, $• \ cv R `",R I 1 A[l1M �yt, 0::led the s a.day or L 19�� ` [S89`28�00=W1 O S or^.OB £ 110.00 r t93 r � !� 8F_ re '�-� �' i ! i :k4' -L=_ l'�r ° I- A•ke actor o` Pubic 5 0 �t� 7,70015g6Fl T -d; &� �'�O9Npp0y5<� �R2o 8 000�2691 1 3 1� _ -1- f _ ! 'y L4 Ifep Cey O Boze•M Montcr a � �J I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLET ON OF IMPROVEMENTS 269'2600 157op LOT q 1 e _.. 619 9 h > r l 1 Ma,a toe d o -+mecnds Deveo U v 3 8 ' 3 0 13 - Da anti Drive e 9r9 _ pman. e c Ve ace nscn Oder err ace°ate n liver-Streete no.00 3 t y g0 1J250 10 18700 E; NO A -� �� g e e e, .o of tanr do - M 2691716" ', K•1j s -fait tc a Mo� he•ehy end II er-t ff ,prover ^N OB9�00 I5700 \ \ J ,°s' ~ ✓✓ '1% 0891716' 1 l aor a copra ':P. C4`E< SuoJr_'ON L _ e _ .. w. 7 q ' g � PUBLIC �r ° r 0 N- 7500_ -b200 w e LOT 8 s"i PARK 7i. \ ti� a 4 AT«{�, _65.0 he apam,ed plans ahc p r t ns '_'"<. r� 7700 5 Ft �l 'I9• ti °p' 'water Ma rs and Services, Street Im�pyry - > q �1 � 1034705q Ft ,�, pN $•,� - w 1 1 ! \ Y^'lary Sewer Ni and Sery ces, provements, a carton of the works and o AM o Q --J 2.N2 Aces r r��2 �, t' s•o,m d'drege mp......te or li-te•s*.y. Rase Sbeel. Aster Aven e,Olive'Srree:,Orchd Court an,, :he 'c,k. Z ^�I�r L 110.00 '3 \ \ �$ 1 !, -� _ A1GMrl�! me s,.bd.v'cer n r b rants t defects ', these ements far c pare. or e F-- 'h 2691r16" ee y we• against mpmv e rear from tr's dc:e 45'wide Public Street and Utility Easement I-- �5 I ..`-" s `y p � I The sabd,,:de•grants aossessior of ad pabl'c rfrasir„ct"•e mprovemerts to the cry of nadzema,, and the City to City of Bozeman per film 179, Page 2118� o r �ai tenance Ease R0 928 lI 3250 I, DTLTSI E01'E Road hereby accepts possessor of all p,.a'c nf-astructare marovements, s,afect to the .pave'',.'cared war y 20' Irrigation 2. m L7 �00� 6 Maintenance Ease nl �B6JBJ• .ST r 00 269'1 O6 157.00 , �\� 2692Y06 61fl25 Y t x ad fated this= day o _ gp�, '99 ✓ / //-'1 2 7 e 1' No Access Strip ` No SW Strip u 8zeo _ .. .. ....... ........ _._. .._. ... S Ilse of Sec. 2 --... ..... .. --. -� 867,75 1/4' < `' -�'_ HOMELANDS DEVELOPMEN" K-L.na MRegista orNo... 6 __,____ __ 60 -.... - S60 1 Chandler ` F �518E5 En Car. Sec. 2_P_-. - - M a ^ ) 9'2 O6" _ .._._... --- - ! IE ..t ; - �... , - - �5 / Cor. Sec. 2, T.2 5, R. 5 _� End 5/8' Reber with _ __ - - 1 9°27 06" End 5 9' Rebor with 2". Alum. 2" Alum. Ca In aver t r 2728.81 D ,,041MON ,- / > I 8 I a 3 L. °y [ )1 OPEN Sf t.. i £] ' TRAi 5 ^ , Cap ink iBEGINNINCmeA,l O - ebb H.arkel, D'•eato-err Pub c service AREA. r». ' SMITE SUEtDIUJ� - L7......... J POINT { ! �� wart war Monag.rig Membe• cry o° Bozam.r, Marmra 269°27'06 Scale In Feel _ '- CERTI GATE OF COUNT TREAS R 100 100 IIII"el .. y'-,� d7 1 y 7 -- ,sff Krauss,T-easu'er of Gallatin County. Montana, do hereby certify that the decompany'rq 30 0 30 O ' 1 O�) �� ?m I �yPLgTTEO a• I _ Flo: s peen duly a red and that of •ea property taxes ar7� spec al assessments z Scale /n Meters BAR? - F RAC! ., � 11 .�, � � _ � Dave Court l � -#.?--'r--- -- 147 E,•� �21._z � � I bit i _I assessed and levied on .he and to oe saadvded nave been p�tfp S'J'(ff MABDVISI 1 \� ' U L-` a 1 r ......Tv\. ./-�- ' �4�r.� L 6 `1 Oared tits� day p`IV aV(Ay,[J _ 199_1. BY ll9t!� n ...._- r SUBDIVISION JN I�� \ PARK N~ `'l 1 Ill`. flepury Treasurer of Gallati County m ENGINEERING AND e8 F _ -I I _I _� . Q D RECORDER SURVEYING, INC. 1 '�` GRE�NJvAY SUBCIVIS101v z 4 I oregon6g�rlrumerl WCL99RKmnAreco ed m B°clMllocx M r f - _ O ' I A e ens orAdOR 4'er oa d allot rrdCaunt'oak t°k 'or reby cart f the, ngrmen" •SWeturefiregineerfng •feud Serre7ivg .III... F \\ ,l�„�'-- �v� _ CL y 4 �(n I G oiras of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. - s. day of x-, Y' I puts, Page,�, rA 4055 587-1115 'ai B zeman 9NA teuA s597is Suite Fax:(4066)587-9768 4 Q tp5 e'4�� III Document Number_aC 0_S Y4 Q'N S Deputy Clerk a,a Recorder 98197(MJ1