HomeMy WebLinkAboutFERGUSON MEADOWS-J-312 ( !I - Owner of Record: The Vector Group, LLC. PLAT OF PO. Box 160165 J - 312 Big Sky, MT. 59716 FERGUSON MEADOWS SUBDIVISION THAT TRACT OF LAND SHOWN ON COS 1610,LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA C t3jNI�� CQvWIP'l/`" 1 No*"11111) DURSTON ROAD opt SET- 3 2 S 89159' "E 630.44' aw 45.00 rl,NO I ACCESS STRIP ) srww 1969.5 10 11 OoaV Via, 16.4' °m0 TON 280.01' 7- 140.00, _ I 60 l ` ,ssuw snow 2a4 riur eta A. rwei as A. PAN a11s JA. , rear seed swim '1'1 Y , x • 1111.00' 110.00 110.0o 00' aloA. 9 t 8 a 8 I $ 1 110. R am As rem Aa am A. t i 110,00' 110.00, I 110.00' 2 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION 6 )10.00 an AL 0.1n A. d 1 d 0.177 A. Ws tin undosigasd properly amen,do n«eby certify that ass caused to be surveyed. subdivided and platted into lots,P., Node,roods,and dk)s cod other d 16 1 g 110.00, 110.00' I 110.00' and dedications,as shown by this plat hereunto Included.the Miss"described tract lam A. R I $ • '}� '� '$ of land,to wlU I am ale Aa 0.177 As 3 110.00' 1'NiACCE i STRIP i E I 110 Do' 110.00, I 110.00' r,t DESCRIPTION note A. 1 ate A. ate A. I at7r A. a� 4 That Tract of land shown an COS 1616.located M the Northeast One-Quarter of Section CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR 6F PUBLIC SERVICE L A$ W I dSf 10,Township 2 South,Rape 5 Eat P.M.N.,City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana l yy g7t� //pqI77G�1, I D 4 110.00 110.00' 1. I� being more Particularly devoted a°followed 4 Director of Public Service•City of Bozeman,Montana do hereby ar1Hy that the BIMLDMIC�SElBACIt lath A. .+ �(Yyr B '� 14 E occampan11n9 plot is boon duly eeomMed and rear.round are sale n or the to 1M low, by _i77'- u+ BLOCK C � B nhq of the Center One-Quarter Comr of sold Section 10;thence N00'ffi't YE a approves it,and hr.by adepts elm dedkalkn to the Cl y of Boone t fa fine puMk uw 1110. F 11`r (� at ,y d arts A` ale A. I-• 5 did once of 2865,79 feet to the North One-Quarter Corner of sold Section 10; thence of any and all lads shown on the plot as being dedicated to much use. L $ I$ S89'59'56"E,on the north fine of the Northeast Ono-Quartr of sold Section 10,a ptn BAa g z 11 110.00' I- 1 ' distance of 630.44 feet to the northeast caner of acid COS;thance on the male ly The Dated this$2 day of jv'�pCL,1„2001. T tl $ • $ t a 6 of sold COS through the fallowing three aoums S00'21'43"W a distance of 2264.82 Not V 5'11110. I (� ate A. 0 ale A. Iz am A. (di 6 N89'S9'24"W a distance of$4.71 feet SDD'26'12"W a distance of 402.16 feet to the ubssoutheast comer of said COS; thence N89'SY29'W,an the south the of the Northeast NV r AS TO FOitll 1R� • I 110.00' 110.00 110.00 One-Ouorter of sold Section 10.a distance of 545.39 feet to the Point of BeginnNp. �ejL �,e xw r n lain A. Q 8 ' }, , ' a e 110.00' Fi ate A. an Ae. R I ale As Said tract catalne 37.707 care man a tee,together with and subject to a6 existing City of Bozeman,Montana 0 ANKMl easements of read or of fat COMMON lam A. 110.00 110.00 I 110.00 7 The above described trot of lad M to be Iwown and designated a Forqusm Meodoee g '8 p $ $ • SubdMelrh City of Seasonal Call Gaudy,Montana and the lands hdudd h dT streets OPmEEN� FOR a,n As RELEASE OF SANITARY RESIRIC110NS 55 IMI0.00' a+n A. 9 am AL f: � avenues.alleys,and public paW a WNk memis Nara a NW plot are hereby grated air � Sell'I 7'ES89'31'IYE donated to the City of Bozeman for the public um and enjoymentThe Ferguson Meadows SabdlvMkn,Gallatin County,Montana,Is within the Cloy of BozeRs``�s R a+ri Aar I 110.00' 110.00 b I 1 00.00 Montana Master Plan area and con be provided with municipal real for the supply off water and disposal of sewage and solid waste.Therefore undunderthe provisions of Section ��era 20,31' I 0.11r As 0.211 A. 1 'Vr o916 A. 6 CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER 76-4-124(1),M.C.A.,this subdivision Isnot subject to sanitary restrictions, ' 11 We,the undanigce n d property awns of this Subdivision,do hereby solve the right to Doted this_aL day of A-,,,L.-2D01, N88gq�5Qy W protest creation of pedal Improvement districts for Improvements to Damon Real Wamt zao.$p9ot• ___"O. . _ $ Baca&Street,Ferguson Awnue,and fa the creation of°city wide Pork Mahtenaa -77TOjE STRF'�"1� Dletnct. In doing ea we do not wive my right to comment a,protest and/or opped any assessment formula which may be prol If we Wave It to be hegultable. This Ate.IMM U 19 f6ft {1000' 110.00, 110.00 110.00' solver shall be binding upon the hake,assigns and purchosre of all tracts within this Dirm of PublicService ��. e.Ap,AswsA..e- 20.31• p SubdMala. City of Bozeman,Montano a21e Aar - 0.214 Aa $ ail:M �' M21e A. 1 Clay A(10n1Ey E i 1 t • '� 1 10 S�9'31'17'E I S89'31'17'E UTILITY EASEMENT 0 $ 10.00 1 110. 110.00. 110.00' The undrYgtd hereby grants unto each and every Person a km. whether public a CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR X, n 8 1 = $ . $ E g tp $ $ private,prodding a offering to pro isle tekphas simbic paver.gas c"tub&" , y am A. 9 a 2 Aar d aI Ae. � n 8 � water,ever and/or storm drainage eervke to lid public.the t to the t use of a 4 the undwsi evil Paul D.Cook Registered Land Surveyor,do hreb ortify that between n ate7 Aa n 2 / 9e and t� 99qn9 hereby o easernanl for tiny construction,maintenance,repair and removal of thek Ihee and otter Nowmbr,1949 and November,2000,I muMyd Ferguson Meadows Subdivision,and mc n 0' facpities.In,over,under and across each area designated on this plat as'utlity eeement' platted the same as Now an the aaompanying plat and a desaebed In accordance .00 110.0 110.00' 110.00 I to haw and to hold forever, with the 8-2-6 .0 the Montana Subdivision and Platting Ant Seetlan 76-3-101 $ at•Aar 8 'f>r $ 6 $ $ Ecl13 a through 76-2-6�5,M.C.A.,ondn,tfW� q Area SubalMslon ReWilatlone o.m A. R o.+�A. Q i f o.te7 Ar. 3 /� ti w f2J r. Dated thls�day of 1I10.00, ti 110.00' 110.00' Ct 110.0 C \ AUL D. '8 i '8 I� 4 td n DATED the(wf.`day of r .AD.,2001. r COOK e j ale Aar n $Q ate Aar $ ��d 0.tn A,- o^ I i ate Ad. ^� 7569S' 4 +Q 111D.00' I61 110. 110.00' L �. F' ". �kl Pau D,C p VF' d`' E S ,vI612 $ BLOCK E 'S 14 E 9a Marta°Rpbbalkn F589LS10nq�C D gale A. g am A.. d .BLt)CIC F g Vepclor lawLLC. Lt 0.157 AIL 0�M Y WE 5,1Dp5B 10.00' ^I$ 110.00' 110.00 n 5 Slate of Montana CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS vAl, $ ; $ 1 ZO R-2$ m no.00 SAC o^ an Aar g a e Aar d d N $ $ County of Gallatinn ate A4 r $ • ^ I 'Gxra�SL.d� and 1,Cordell D.Pool,P.E.,a registered z Ode7 A.. prolerlonal angIner licensed to practice In the State of Montana,do hereby certify that I 1 .00 110.00' 110.0.0 I > 6 On this,ZZ-4 day of. 1 ,2D01,before me,the und"gnec,a Notary the following Improvements,required as a condition(s)of approval of Ferguson Meadows $ $ I $ 7 8 $ 110.00 Public fa the Slat.of Montag personally appeared James R.Schultz,know to me to be have boon Installed In conformance with the approved plans and specifications: Water lines n 1 77 Aa ale A. 0 0.1777 Aa I g $ the appointed Representative of the Vector Group,L.LC,and the person authorized to eta and Sower Ilnee.-The mubdlvldr hereby warrant against defects In them improvements for 6111 5'STREAM TCH n r 7 a behalf of old Group,and ocknoddged to me that he executed the within M:Nmal( the period of one year from this data The subdivider;rants possession of all public UI ING ACK ^ 0.187 As far and on behalf of the Vector Group.LLC, Infrastructure Improvements to the City of Bozeman,Sod the City hereby accepts $ ;10.00 I .g 110.00' 110.0, .g possesdm of all public Infrastructure Improvements,subject to the above Indicated ' 1 d • $ of--,- 1 . 110.OD IN WIINESS WHEREOF,I haw hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day warranty. 0177 A. 0.777 A. n R ' $ 1 $ 7 area year Pet above wAtien, 0.1e7 A,. 1110.00' I M1 S89'31'17"E I 589'31'17"E r d noon A. 8 n i", 110.00' vv`' (� /Jn AsW` ON7� era sl wi,wl�a aSgnoN I ^ I TOT PARK AREA �.•`�pA De VpG%,.' dWider Oats: 59 N�. '3117 0.600 Ad. a.=, Ad 6 C 0... ',d�, 2a xP otter era m - ;NOTAgy Notary Public fed the St •of n / U01'14LI ORDECL D:' YP "a x I 220.00' I p - -.-A4' = Residing at 0ou..w paccl.�.�cA� Z�21-OI nt = En ineer Uote:160.20' 280,01' 140.00' �anw•SEAL (MyLatuminron exphe. 9�- "W�'E`'I� C10.00 110.00 110.00' 11000Yl Dirac r of Pub 20.2W City of Bozeman,Montano D :a.2/e A. m o.211 Aar g Q2'!Aa `� unite Am. 1 Al As lu F11A16 I S09'31'l7"E S89'3'17'E S89'31'17'E CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES 110.00' •0 110.00' 110.00' g $ 9 p g 1I g ; $ We,the undersigned mortgagees a encumbrancer,do hereby Join In air consent to the CERTIFICAIE OF COUNTY TREASURER d1V A dllev 2 0^ 6 0.m As. ,� 0.171 A. I 017 A. d 2 1101n A. described plat,releasing our respective Ilse,claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets,avenues,Parks,or other public noes which are 1,Jest Krauss,Treasurer of Gallatin Canty,Montana,do hereby certify that the $ 110.00' g $ $ 110.00, $ 110.DO' $ dedicated to the City of Bozeman far the public use and enjoyment. occornpanylnq plat no been duly exomind and that all red property tax and specialY2 A 8 d assessments assessed and laded on the lad to be subdivided how been paid, t" Tv o f •A. d d 0.7 Ae. d 0.177 Ad. n 0.177 ^ 1 r 0.1n . 1 110.00' 1 110.00' 3 DAfEO this z2. day of Fce.'•.ncr A%2004. DATED this 1 day of fEbtuA2Y .A.D.,200t 8 g $ 110.0a' $ $ 110s $ $ •� qp 4 ry 11 Z d 4 ry 0.177 Aa F o.177 Ae. A. t` 9� 10.10.Ae FFF I -- A , 77 35'STREAM ITCH 1I w 110.00 110.00' a dt BUILDING SACK o I1110.00' r Ell 110.D0 1 $ I 4 Officer OCK 13 N g BLOCK H $ >• g w o BLOCK �� D ty Treasurer Gallatin County T)EPUTy ^ o.m Ad. ^ �18 ^ o.m Aa am A. Bli+ n 0177 A. sza 11t0.00' 110.00' 110.00 1"'DO ^' Stale o1 Montana ST LLCM - I $ • $ 16 $ �Ig $ • $ County of Gallatin CERTIFlCATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER VALLE S OS t00 i0.177 Aa. 1 0.m A. n a o. 7 Aar, o z o.m Aa 5 r>7 ,BRACT On this Q day of, Flak, ,2001.before me.the indrelpad,a Notary I,Shelley Vance,ark and Recorder of Gallatin Canty,Montans,do hereby cerllfy that n 110.00 I 11a.00 fv 110.()0. m Public fa the State of Montana personally appeared Robert D.Hopes,know to me to M $ 7 $ 7 �,$ 11 $ $ 7 g the Leon Officer of the Ama loon Bak of Montano.and the person authorized to elan on the farapdng hstrumanl ware tUd In my o8ka at I'Vfo ododC(am ate) this o �m,py Aa " a.m A. o.tn Ac. o.m Ac. bandf of said Bank,and acknowledged to me that he aecutd the within Inatrumanl fai_day of NAa+el. .A.D.,2001,and recoMd h Book of ^ I I '� 6 and on behalf of the American Bonk of Montano. 110 W n o Plash on Pnge 3tz ..rxade of the Clerk and Retarder,Cooal'n County, I 110.00' 110A0' 1 11000' N WITNESS WHEREOF,I how hereunto at my hand and alRad my Notarial Sod the day Montana. :203)(vA4 V N ACCE STRIP $ i 1 $ ' $ / $ 17 -8 d t $ and year lint above Wttm. D.In Aa d d ate An d 0.tn Aa o^ O.tn Aw. S89.31{7'E ^S89'31'gYE r` 1110.00' n 110.00' 110.00' 110.00' D✓°t� 0.m A. I .o io • 7 rear S 9'31'17"E ci g unite1 A. O.ztAk A< 0.215 M. Clark and Reader of Gallatin County 1 'n �110.00 s0 00' 110.00' 110,Q0_ 60 00' 110,QQ'YPO .\ r BROADW�JTER C1� 1p __ 29�a.Ya NotaryPublic for the Slate of _ -i also Aa N89.59 24 W 3 444 A. WC AA 71'$ t Residing at - �_' 390.01, 1 )N89'59'24"W [My commission expires ,a-.>•".AEI,1c=C 3 ) -- -- -1�--� w n IV UTILITY Ei SEMENT Post s�amwweew aeN sAa - --m All L 30.00' WATER MAIN OPEN S.r'ACE OPENCOMMON C FOR �r4'WN ooidgAai'E EASEMENT 0.0E Ac. STREAM7IT H _ PHASE 1 BDIVISION ZBLOCK JONE R 3 VALLEY UNBl�KR1 7 LEGEND CONDOMINIUM LOT allow �T IJOWTnH mTA ZEE' 8 9 • FOUND AS NOTED 1 3.291 Ad. Cl leas n17 YPC YELLOW PLASTIC CAP r' 1 a Iso.a ie.0 3 2 BC = BRASS CAP IN MONUMET I N car tzaao ml.n AC = ALLUMINUM CAP $ of 'K {,a1 I ^ e --all to J141 IIIIII� IIIII II III IIII IIIIII II Iewe I 3o NOTES: 20 of+ 4 {�w as,ee,zmm+m+:AeP N $ i)Basis Of Bearing Weal Ilse of NE 1/4 Section 10 per C.O.S.1610 ShelleyVenom-6ellwt In La MT PLAT no so 1 03' V NO ACCESS STRIP m 2)12'Utility easements are provided on Lots,Parks and Open Space �j 1• g adjacent to streets,except fa Strem/Ditch open pace along YliC vr. 415.36' 1sot 1 Ferguson A-us. AREA TABLE NOV'S2'Le a 495.39' 45.00' 3)to'UtHty easements are provided an rear property Ines and 5'Utility SQ.FT ACRES X 1 P.O.B. °A.TKIN I 11 eaeements are provided on side property lines on Lots,Parks and Doan NROADI 846 675.72 19.375 51.2% Space,except for Stroam/bItch open pace along Ferguson Avenue. 145185.48 3.291 8.70% CB - N89'52'29 W 545.39' 2154.64 10 BC SEC10 BABCOCK STREET 44778.64 UEI 4.17% 65 078.64 1.578 4.17 X C 544 674.24 12.505 33.10% A COS Y COp100MNa 25'1 IN ly �( 1,646 393..76 37.797 100.00X hCI ONE'p)11 CREBCEMINOR EL 13 4 1 12 1 IgRE B,4 g o N ti m FERGUSON MEADOWS SUBDIVISION 2 11 2 rh.". Drawn By: Date: 114 Sea T. R. S.TECCA 1-24-00 F L v I D Y N E ® t0 z3 SE P.Cook 1-24-00 1 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 Scientists En B f lneo • • Inventors Revised By: ['H/R - �221�L SCALE 1'= 100' 25 NORTH WILLSON,SUITE F,BOZEMAN,MONTANA 59715 4%6W2289 FAX SW2335