HomeMy WebLinkAboutDIAMOND ESTATES-J-280 J-280 PLAT OF DIAMOND ESTATES SUBDIVISION A TRACT OF LAND BEING THE E1 /2 W1 /2 E1 /2 SE1 /4 OF SECTION 3 T.2S., R.5E., P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: DOUGLAS L. SMITH SCALE: 1 r t - O APRIL, 1999 BY: CASTON FNGINFFRING AND SURVFYING R07FMAN, MON TANA GRAPHIC SCALE se) NOTES IOT ACCESS: "LEGAL AND PHYSICAL ACCESS IS PROVIDED BY DURSTON ROAD,AN •-SET 5/8"X 24"REPAR WITH CAP EMSTING PUBLIC ROAD LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY AND MEAGHER AVE., A NEW ROAD BUILT AND DEDICATED WITH THIS PROJECT ( IN FEET) I Inch = 60 & BASIS OF BEARING SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 3 AS SHOWN ON EASEMENT NOTE: C.O.S.No.1302-BEARING IS N 89'59'47"W -THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GRANTS UNTO EACH AND EVERY PERSON,FIRM CURVE TABLE AREA OR CORPORATION WHETHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE,PROVIDING OR OFFERING CURVE RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DE A LTA GROSS AREA. 19,957 ACRES TO PROVIDE TEt&HONF,TFLFGRAPH,FI Ff.TRIC POWER,OAS,r.ABI.F TFI FVIGION, C1 180.000 60.71 30.65 191932 ROAD DEDICATION AREA: 1.145 ACRES WATER OR SEWER SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC THE RIGHT TO THE JOINT USE OF C2 120.00 22.95 11.51 10'S723 PARK LAND 2.195 ACRES AN EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUC710N,MAINTENANCE,REPAIR AND REMOVAL C3 180.00 58.13 29.32 183012 NET: 1ND ACRES OF THEIR LINES AND OTHER FACILITIES,IN,OVER,UNDER AND ACROSS C4 120.00 71.42 36.80 34'0802 EACH AREA DESIGNATED ON THIS PLAT AS"UTILITY EASEMENT"TO HAVE CS 150.00 89.27 46.0or 344 02 AND TO HOLD FOREVER." CB 1 00.00 86.34 44'40 325851 C7 180.00 46.42 1 23.34 14'46 30 UNPLATTED FAST I/4 MR SEC 3 55' NOa '24•E 650.11, No I-LP N 89'48'24" E 329. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION OAK STREET )3=3 waE Row OEpaAnm S. J Sec.2 he undersigned properly owner,do hereby certify that I,ha a cau sad Lo be our vayed,subdi dad and platted info Iola,blocks,atresla and os,a AarEs p allays,and other dlviews and dedication.,as shown by the plot hereunto Incwdad,line fallowing described tract of land to-wit. aePee74Y Ms., fat.zz' 14y Jr DESCRIPTION A lraet of land being the E1/2W1/2EI/2SE1/4 of Section 3.T2S,R5E.P.M.M.,City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,and being further d. rib, na fMlawa Beginning of a point which beers 5 595947 W o distance of 654.96 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 3,said point being on the south line of said Section 3: Thence from said true point of beginning along sold south line sold Section 3 S 89'59'47"W a distance of 327.48 fast. Than N 01'06'58"E o distame of 2646.33 feet,Thence N 89'48'24"E o distance of 329.55 feel, Thaws S 01'09'38"W o distance of 2647,46 feel to the True Point of Beginning.Said Tract being 19.957 acre..along with and subject to any existing easements. The above-described tract f land is to be known and described as'Diamond Estates Subdivision",City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montano; and the Inds included In all streets,avenues,olleys and parks or public squares shown on sold plat are hereby granted and dangled to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. Dot d a_ d of 1999. PUBLIC ~ PARK LAND Douglas I.,00finith z lss Aa,. STATE OF MON7ANA ) )SS County of Gallatin ) On this *_day or__- ____ 1999.before me,a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana,personally appeared"Douglas L Smith",known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to In the above Instrument,qnd who acknowledged Ia me that he executed the same. A IW � WITNESS my none one anal,she say one year.Dave first « - p<`�:• F Notary Pu.bliq for thq State f MIT1'L 4h1�1 Residing nl 41vI.J.lfsa' Lt} +• ` * _ My Commission expires 1X -+s� UNPLATTED a,� Pam', ROBERT J.SWENSON WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTES4`4,C�f MJN`•• JANET M,SWENSON 1.o the undersigned properly owner of"Diamond Estates Subdivlhdt situated In the Et/2WI/2E1/25v m t Section 3,and RSE.PM,M., en of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,ve hereby waive an right to Including protest c notion of Rural Improvements Districts and Special Improvements Districts for the following: Street improvements to Ourslon Road including paving,curb and gutter,sidewalks and storm drainage.Also,Street Improvements to Oak Street including paving,curb and gutter,sidewalks and storm drainage.In the event SID,and RID.are not utilized for the ompletion of these projects,the property owner shall agree to participate in on alternate financing method for completion of said improvements an a fair share,proportionate basis as determined by square footage of the property,linear front footage or the properly,taxable valuation of the property,u combination thereof,In doing so,I to not waive the right to comment on,protest,and/or appeal any assessment formula which may be proposed if we be it to be Inequitable.This waiver shot be binding upon the heirs.easigne,and purchasers of Iota within this subdivision. to D ad this__ �-g�i• f ___ 1999. QO 14y.yi ou9las Smith to N N STATE OF MONTANA 'SS County of Gallatin ) 1 ! On this _day of-_ors ___._ 1999.before me,a Notary Public in and far the Stale of Montana,personally appeared"Douglas UNPLATTED ! L Smith",known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to In the above inatrum�d,Rnd,who acknowledged to me that he executed the McDONALD LAND COMPANY G TenPerRry 20'wH, same. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP O Aura Eexenml to Paw 0 WITNESS my hand orrd seal,the day and�yaAma�trove�firstly 'lt' l Notary Public for th State of MI Realding at(MI. - R ssyysif..�7/30�.►j- t: My Comnrieewr,e4plres Lot 5 e- 14.178 Acres sAly CERTIFICATE OF DfEMPTION LOT 5 BLOCI,I IS RESTRICTED FROM I,the undersigned,hereby certify that"Lot 5 of Block 1"is exempt from Department of Environmental Quality review Pursuant to A.R.M. DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT FURTHER RENEW 17 36.605(2)(e)which reads as(allows; Parcels where sanitation facilities will not be used,In whim o structure requiring water or woge ! UNPLATTED diapos will be created.Any change in land us,subjects the division to the provisions of Title 76,chapter 4,part 1,MCA,and this chapter. ! LESTER L.A/ENGEL TRUSTEE Uo ha_ Douglas mith Cl-�--_- w 3 STATE OF MON7ANA ) Do rwwn County of Gallatinto ))S rww.wna O .)3 O On this_� _day of--Z-Afe e ___-__-1999.before m,o Notary p\,blic in and for the State of Montano,personally appeared"Doaglaa L.Smith"known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to in the above stain pfzronk;end who acknowledged to me that he/she executed the p O same. ^v l An V,r , Z .......... .. .. - to WITNESS my hand and Beal the day and year above first it;t; = �f s-t, w uzs7 - w haft'. f Ne,9T w-- Nalary Public f_orr I"''Slate of AT _y.. `"-",'t- _ r.. ... Reaa and at�.1•.�+e�•A � J K 1 L .=Q T My Commission pirea 7/ra�zw'� P, Lot 5 k I q Lot 4 �a^' r . l B 10.000 sa FT ! .� R i1,4ee So Fr CERTIFICATE OF SURVE).Olit",- ' m 2V! 1 1,the undersigned,Darnia L.Foreman.Land Surveyor,do hereby certIfy that during March 1999,1 surveyed Diamond Estates Subdivision"and L___r__.. N liiww-a platted a.ma shown the accompanying pl�a!i.-.00nd as described n accordance with the provisions of the Montano Subdivision and Plotting Act, w pie`-E ua.er' Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-625, d 1 Bommon Area Subdivision Regulations. ww.gllny Data this JZ ---say of_,IC�_K ----- -• 93T/ 3p' w lasensil Lot 4 R e Lot 3 Denhia L.L.Forman � ld oao so.rT 74 w t' .I,see..a FT Registration/5606S Eo,wRe,za IMla Iuuwvy ..� H aOEf'IT E s sm-0,si' 1.75' CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER YI 1,Jelf,ey K.Krouse.Tr-mr of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby certify that the accompanying plat or Certificate of Survey has been duly s UI examined and that all real property loxes and special assessments assessed antl levied on the land to be sub0ivided nave been pall. 0 =I Q JI Lot 2 /J Ma:IP., ►-Io,0LD0otso3FT i-MJ a w a^ml mI ,ae w FT C 0 3 N. son Doted tole_l2Je___ Y f ----r -- f cake County OBPory J day o U/v€1 1999. I t La MEL M.HOELL HANSON ro urer o aunt n Ui iV al3aTiJ'E L Nesar'4i W Hb ef' .1 ( ! RELEASE OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS r 20' The"Diamond Estate.Subdivision",City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montano,is within the City of Bozeman,Montana Master Plan Area,and an be provided with municipal facilities for the supply of water and disposal of sewage and solid waste Therefore,under provisions of Section s:eoso rt I I I 76-4-124(1),M.C.AAIMs subdivision snot subject to sanitary restriction, bm wj42 Dated this_1L- '�ekt �_ 9 ,,t•',4(:day of k �i�9.(���� ��/� ' = ��L6 �ePl4- ' N efsdiix a ..) ~ / \\ Lot 1 21.780 50 FT Phillip J.Forbes �� r In.W .� e \ CCILycofr Bozeman c Servic ��f, tie lr it las LotxI p`\ CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE 1, I,Director of Public Service,City of Bozeman,Montana do hereby certify that the oc ponying plat has been duly o my land and has found the a2.ay' " a)D,' rpr ea' Point Of some de conform to law,approve it,and hereby occepf the dedirntim to the City of Bozeman for the public use t any lands shown m the plat a6 i Beginning being dedicated to.yich use. sT °% gees ns oEpanaN 7 _. ....._ � Doted this f! n . 6 g15. _1�'_say ar-1��i�2��b.. ./ jy�, y M1i "I)"kAll!OPhillip Director of Public S 89'59'47" W 327.48' s.E CDR sea o - City or Bozeman hsJ a+w.} IND ALUM.CAP 9 Durston Road CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER _ Clerk and Rernrdar f Gallatin County, Im do hereby certify that the foregoing inabumen!-VI-d in my w sin Pffice age o� ,�Z-oRacords of thor e Clerk)and Recorder.Gallatin aCaunly,Mm of AD.,1999,and recorded in Book _of Plole m LOT 1 LOT 16 LOT 23 LOT 45 -- - - on� Dated this day of__ 1999. P U B L I C =j tar By__ u- Ate-•- _ P A R K B L O C K Q2�il B L O C K 2 Cle k Reao der 28 �Q 36 Tf y BRIDGER PEAKS SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 CA.SCADF SURDIVI.SION PHASF 1 GARTON F,NGINF,F,RING SURVEYING &_SOILS TESTING CONSIJLRNC ENGINEER. W. LAND SURVEr::R- / //.'OILS TESTINJ • ...__...__-, hozENM N.♦�lee aeeA