HomeMy WebLinkAboutCATTAIL CREEK PH 2A & 2B - J-369 PLAT OF CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A & 28 J - 369 AN AMENDED PLAT OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NOS. 145A & 1456 A TRACT OF LAND BEING LOT 1A OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 145A, LOT A OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 145B AND THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT OF RECORD FILM 12, PAGE 1159 LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 & THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 35, T1S, R5E, P.M.M., CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES) CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA I(we), the undersigned mortgagee(s) or encumbrancer(s), do hereby join in and consent to the described plot, releasing my(our) respective liens, claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being plotted into streets, _^ avenues, parks, or other public areas which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public and enjoyment. Dated this 37day of 474- 01ZAAW CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Si ure B: American Bank of Montana W Sandra D. Hamilton and Daniel S. Madison and I Keith Waring, a registered Y ,� r/ o �/ -{ ,p e, ( ) 9. 9 rUYY R. f/!lrr ,Jai s�/ The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corporation, professional engineer licensed to practice d the State p Montana, do hereby certify that the u n following improvements, required as a conditions) of approval of the PLAT OF CATTAIL CREEK 13nn ed eras and -Pte whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric Aa�a/ power, as, Internet or cable television service to the public, the right to the joint SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A& 2B, have been installed in conformance with the approved plans P 9 P1 and specifications: 7# Im I STATE OF use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under and across each area designated on this G1a -YA/1 OrzEe,,' ,5-aADid/,SA•W - 'A&E'?L /M r/EM$NA/S County of plat as "UTILITY EASEMENT" to have and to hold forever. (f,,y-bJY AS N 01►.K04rr✓7S bGR6E I' On this Aid day of (' CA-,'D,r 2003, before me the undersigned DAVrSLAAAtEr LA1fAiL Ong V riR �YA for RKA&Oilf YNANI'Mai ' Notary Public for the State of Min�ny, personally appeared nk of _ CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvem ric ents for a period of one known to me to be the SVP of Amean Montana year from this date.The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure improvements and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and I (we),the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that I (we) hove to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and improvements ubject to the above indicated warranty. American Bank of Montana. alleys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by the plat hereunto IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the included, the following described tract of land,to-wit: By: Subdivider Date: A0 4-0-3 day and year first above written. • t..OFC By: Subdivider Date: '�a Jc_ DESCRIPTION � Oto Notary Public for the Sate Of -}.� 7 " Printed Name R4.r., Hy: "+-�-- Montana Lic. No. 15161 PE Date:JO_�,r/o� A tract of land being Lot 1A of Minor Subdivision No. 145A and N $IEAL < Residing at glAkl Lot A of Minor Subdivision No. 145B, and the property described C\ ` P My Commission ex ireq M.,�r�a411mo'7 on the plat of record, Film 12, Page 1159, Gallatin County By: i-Ala Director of Public Service Date:� � records,the herein described tract being located in the Northwest V t OF M� CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Section 35,Township 1 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, STATE OF MONTANA Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described Count of Gallatin I, the undersigned, Steven C.Anderson, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that as follows: Y between June 26 and August 21, 2003, 1 surveyed the PLAT OF CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A&2B,and platted the some as is described and shown on the accompanying plat On this day of ��ob¢r 2003, before me the in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections Beginning at the west 1/4 comer of said Section 35;thence North P 9 89'41'24" East, along the north line of Lot 1A of Minor undersigned Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared 76-3-101 through 76-3-625, M.CA., and the Bozeman Subdivision Regulations. I further Subdivision No. 145A, a distance of 30.00 feet;thence North Sandra D. Hamilton, known to me to be a certify that all monuments to be set upon or prior to completion of construction will be set by 00'09'17" East, along the west line of said Lot 1A, a distance managing member of SANDAN, L.L.C., a Montano limited liability company, June 30, 2004. of 360.24 feet,to a point on the south line of a plat recorded •�- �pQ'--1,4,r on Film 12, Page 1159 of Gallatin County records; thence North and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and - / s/ n 2 yt. \ti 89'48'56"West, along the south line of said plat, a distance acknowledged to me that she executed the within instrument for and on behalf Dated this_L day of.�. G OTC 2003 z . . of 30.00 feet; thence North 00'09'17" East, along the west line of SANDAN, L.L.C. of Section 35, a distance of 149.88 feet; thence South 89'50'32" East, along the north line of said plat, a distance IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Montano License No. 12251 LS of 30.00 feet to the southwest comer of Lot A of Minor r, c Subdivision of Lot 14AB;at hence sNorth 29019017" East, the lalong said hest `�P\kGARe 11, Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT -� }u-s corner of Lot 1, Minor Subdivision No. 145;thence North •.��v ^.�n OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW 89'43'57" East, along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance _*:NO rq '•: of 223.37 feet;thence North 00'13'52" East,along the east - C• _ (SEAL) o lic r the Sta a of Montano line of said Lot 1, a distance of 195,10 feet,to the northeast - a�L+'^r - Printed Nam ¢I The PLOT OF CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A&28, Gallatin County Montano, is corner of said Lot 1; thence South 8942'52"West, along the 9- AL•••*� Residing at ,rw, within the City of Bozeman, Montana,a first-class municipality, and within the planning M north line of said Lot 1 and its westerly prolbri ation, a : -- P My Commission expires area of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan, a growth policy adopted pursuant to Section distance of 253.63 feet;thence North 00'09'17'q East, along r""MOWN `�� 76-1-601 et seq., M.C.A., and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and ­L7­Cotk,hsir CA the west line of Section 35, a distance of 830.93 feet,to the STATE OF MONTANA adequate municipal facilities. Therefore, under the provisions of Section 76-4-125(2)(d) southwest corner of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 2050; M.CA., this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of M thence North 89'44'23" East, along the south line of said County of Gallatin Environmental Quality review. w Tract 1, a distance of 1126.47 feet; thence along the westerly and southwesterly boundary of the Plat of Cattail Creek, Phase 1 On this 3A day of 6CAQ6#.f 200-3, before me the N through the following 10 courses: Dated this_Lr day of Nmw 6%i. , 2003. undersigned Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared South 00'13'52"West, a distance of 194.08 feet; Daniel S. Madison, known to me to be a South 89'46'08" East, a distance of 58.43 feet; managing member of SANDAN, L.L.C., a Montana limited liability company, South 00'13'52"West, a distance of 60.00 feet; and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and ire or of Pu lic Service North 89'46'08"West, a distance of 58.43 feet; acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf City f Bozeman, Montano South 00'13'52"West, a distance of 893.36 feet; of SANDAN, L.L.C. South 30'22'l9" East, a distance of 236.99 feet; CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE Q North 5937'41' East, a distance of 87.36 feet; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my South 30'22'l9" East, a distance of 65.00 feet; 1, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the South 59*37:41"West, a distance of 87.36 feet; ``w16ARE n�� Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. accompanying plat has been duly examined and have found the some to conform 05 a,1 f•11*0 N South 30*2219" East, a distance of 483.25 feet; to the law, approve it, and hereby accept the dedication to the City of Bozeman •i�% ^ for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to c•oc /t"51-CA r= ¢taws �7e� such use. 'CAtsr+N'/ to the southeast corner of Lot A of Minor Subdivision No. 145B; r► (SEAL) Notary Fulblic for the of Mon one thence South 89'41'58"West, along the south line of said Lot A, Printed Name Ay R/G'C 6i•E e� T Dated this Ag day of mf_-^o0\ 2003. 11 a distance of 198.91 feet; thence South 00'13'15"West, along the p`; Residing atepja­ east line of said Lot 1A of Minor Subdivision No. 145A, a distance '. •••' My Commission expires r of 331.47 feet; thence South 8F41'44"West, along the south line of said Lot 1A a distance of 1324.60 feet; thence North 00'10'12" CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE(S) ire for of FIVDIIC bervice East, along the west line of Lot 1A, a distance of 331.34 feet to City of Bozeman, Montana the Point of Beginning. 1(we), the undersigned mortgagee(s) or encumbroncer(s), do hereby join in and The described tract is as shown on the accompanying plot. consent to the described plat, releasing my(our) respective liens, claims or CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER The decribed tract is along with and subject to any easements encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being plotted into streets, and contains 59.03 acres more or less. avenues, parks, or other public areas which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman I, A "t',4W Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do for the public use and enjoyment. h reby certify that the a componying plat has been duly 3rd ©��R examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments ^ The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as the PLAT OF - Dated this_ day of , 2003 assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided are paid. V/) CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A&2B, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, r),nd � � Montana; and the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or By: erican Feder I vings Bank-Bozeman Office Dated this� day of 2003 public squares shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. Common Open Space C, Common jq,� IvLOJrN✓ (fit �a� ICU Open Space D and Common Open Space E are hereby granted to the Cattail �a Ilatm County re surerJ�x S�rLLti Creek Community Association, subject to a public access easement. Lee Oldenburger, o man nk resident l / Li We OF CLERK AND RECORDER We further certify that all the downstream water user facilities and irrigation STATE OF MONTANA LJJ ditches for downstream water rights will not be affected or impacted by this County of GIN I, Shelley Vance, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, subdivision. �pLQ do hereby certify that the for oing instrument was filet( in my office On this day of,N-.CiW�fJ`� 2003, before me the undersigned at 3'.�'i o'clock,,Q_.M. this 4A day of /1/0 v1..v.l�J/', 20Q�3_ rr Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Lee Oldenburger, and recorded in Book of Plats, on Page Q(o9 Records ^^ �// of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. U Dated this�k`day of 6Z�`FOL� 2D0� � known to me to be the Bozeman Bank President of American Federal Savings Bank—Bozeman Office, and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and SANDAN, L.L.C. 8y a4r. D. Hamil on acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of _ P American Federal Savings Ba -Bozeman Office. Document No. a(3 Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the By aniel S. Ma ison day and year first above w u x �tARd (SEAL) N94yPu lie f e to f Mon t SHEET 2 OF 2 136-PH2-PLATAd q •sited N me - L Residing at DRAWN BY: SA DATE: 10/01/03 QUALITY CHECK: My Commission expires '*,'sl NV• SURVEYED BY: SA JOB NO. B01-036 FIELDBOOK 126/26 Due to a relatively high ground water table within the area of the subdivision, it is not recommended that residential dwellings or % Q commercial structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional engineer licensed in the ^^""" �IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2131566 TD& THOMAS,DEAN &HOSMNS,INC. State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial construction. B =em3 as Is, ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS sn.tr.v v."�.-c.rr.u„co sit agar 41.S. ' GREAT FALLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELL MONTANA U SPOKANE WASHINGTON LEWISTON IDAHO Ng µNE,23 TRACT 1.C.0.5.2050 1126.47' °° W° BLOCK LENGTH N88'44'23"E 5]9.37' _ PLAT OF CATTAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2A & 2B I J0.a0 o 50.00' -- --- 80 0' -Imm MMME-r11 �`a AN AMENDED PLAT OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NOS. 145A & 145B MDa I 1 BLOCK 13 TrP x'- GS CATTAIL CREEK PHASE I n i i A TRACT OF LAND BEING LOT 1A OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 145A, LOT A OF MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 145E AND I BLOCK 18 I I w w w w O BLOCK i T n 1 �$ �$ I�y co�soN PRIVATE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ON THE PLAT OF RECORD FILM 12, PAGE 1159 (J J z � a g� 4 $� 5 "g° s I ' I OPEN SPACE E OPEN I I LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 & THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 35, T1S, R5E, P.M.M., $ 38000 SF ( I zae14 Si 18939 SF 17008 SF Iro78 SF 17147 SF 20BI8 Si I J3108 SF - SPACE A CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA M ME- Mon. I J 369 N -------- L�a9 e9 - -t39.T9- -948g ---e�r69 - B9aa- 74a.83-- ------------------ -----------------i �- SURVEY PURPOSE: FOR SANDAN L.L.C. TO CREATE 73 LOTS 1'NO-ACCESS STRIP I -g 204.49' S47. _Y_ 58974'48"E __- -�9-9•��_ �S.Q•46'2E_�o-O FT1GGl-_-_ '45.0)LF`_ _ c� NOTES ALONG LOTS FRONTING I - - -GA7A6N --- DAVIS LANE I 104.41' 260.00' 227.85' 140.85' .......... OcY 8000' ---- 720.-- 8000' --•-- --1-- �' �-1,3,50 ______5.c___7� L �F ------+-- --------------- THERE IS A V NO-ACCESS STRIP ALONG THE WEST LINE OF ALL LOTS FRONTING ON DAVIS LANE. P I ARMY Ew /1 20.00' I Mtm'Be.1 p 2p.00' / V1U,Y FARE-J \ 1lMf,M. J uwr•ttP. '',,JJ MEM,T,P. �l I PHASE 2A AREA: 17.42 ACRES Y B g 6 ! 2. THE PARCELS DESIGNATED AS"COMMON OPEN SPACE"ARE PRIVATE PROPERTY AND ARE INTENDED 70 BE $ 1 1 ns87 Si 1 6 TRANSFERRED TO THE OWNERS ASSOCIATION,SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT, 934 SF \ PHASE 28 AREA: 41.61 ACRES 111134 8F 11904 Si 1J852 SF \I , I I $ 1 �' 1 1D 80.00' I m � �,S11WAu i I , 3. THE TEMPORARY TURNAROUND EASEMENT AT THE SOUTH ENO Of BLACKBIRD DRIVE SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 8` SE i i i TOTAL AREA: 59.03 ACRES SAID STREET IS EXTENDED TO THE SOUTH. 39589 SF 'I- I I 0. 19. 1 I i. i I , _ I 4. THE 10'UTILITY EASEMENTS CREATED BY MINOR SUBDIVISION NO.145 ARE VACATED WITHIN THIS PLAT. 1 2 7 8 2 7 8 "'I a l 2 10080 SF q 10080 SF 10055 SF U7 9572 SF n m 12905 SF i I [_ 5. MONUMENTS WILL BE SET UPON OR PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION,BUT NO LATER THAN JUKE 30, n -dd it 6' " 11 j• . i 7 i 2004. USAF 99"' Y� 1 n 3 8 �Tn'I 3 �� 8 8 I 3 o I q 10080 SF 0 IMSD 5F 'I 4 10055 SF 9572 SF $ I 114M SF I _ CURVE TABLE I p r 2 1 i 11p 7 88119-6' T ; I I9 w 11985 ! CURVE RAD US DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH 24480 SF I ""�� a'0 1 6 Cf 31.50 90'00 00 49.48 54513 52 44.55 4 i,§N I 9 xr 4 n 9 R n 4 Y d \ C2 31.50 90'00 0G 49.48 N44'48 08 a4.ss • g 100B0 sF 6 i1 100e0 SF a 10055 SF •4 9540 SF 1zo9e SF S ,11 ! I I C3 31.60 90'00 00 49.48 N4513 52 44.55 Na i C4 31.50 9VO0'00 49.48 S44480BE 44.55 LEGEND jr I 589.46'0B'E I .1 4" ,) i I I I C5 625.00 14.01554" 153.97' SOT7719 153.58 G�3 �Li 4 „7.70 �. 1 , ' ' CB 180.00 1T0138 53.49 S81'1520E 53.29' I ® 3 8 °' T I 20.00'ALLEY C7 20.00 1T01 36 35.66 581'1520 E 35.53 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Y N I q 5 20.00'ALLLY �gl IT 5 i',, i i DB 010.00 10'0425 142.41 N09'1833 142.23 24469 SF 23 S ^+ 10 5 10 1 tztt3 u -. �, ! 5 , , C9 810.00 16'5944 240.27 NOW2823 239.39' SURVEY BOUNDARY/PHASE LINE 11935 Si 119J5 SF 71905 SF 1>6>8 SF p l g°1 '� y I 1 C10 1Z0.00' 19'19 28 40.47 580'34'08 40.28 c I 2p,9g - - ---- \ rc 1 7 , , C71 180.00 IW19 28 60.71 S80'34 OB 60.42 ----- UTILITY EASEMENT,EXCEPT AS NOTED 4i 4 I 2 . 60 00' _--r - a 00' y„ pbp 7 \ I I C12 810.00 DT04 34 1 o0.G4 N24'45 14 99.97 W y o I I 280.00' 7t3.xt Ce •T 6 j PRIVATE I I C73 267.50 30'0707 140.62 S74'4115 139.00 0 W - 7v �• I ------- DRAINAGE EASEMENT 3 I I ' $•� $p74g•08'E_--ANE-J�49'�'96,F_ !4�130' e4+, a 11985 SF R1a __T OPEN 1 I C14 332.50 30'07 07 174.78 S74'41 15 172.78 >3? I 4 I• $ - "- S A-44.58 1 SPACE B I 715 390.00 30'3623 208.33' S150420 E 205.86 44' N78• 1 ---Y I ------- 35'STREAM SETBACK LINE I w I 433.21' 7 ,T��,. /,p, H•a7Tv - , I CIO 15.00 48'1113 12.09 523.1928 11.77 ` 30833 SF , -----------------` 77.4g• /� o/ 145.02' ' I I C17 50.00 27722 26 237.89 N89'48 OB 89.23' 0 FD YPC(9094 S ' 2r----- 60.00' 4 1 1 C18 15.00 4511 13 12.09 N2751 44 11.77 ) -Jo.am'we 1IR111,' -�hx' , ,p PARK C / , I L- CIO 450.00 3013623 240.38 S1S'C420 237.54' • ID 2"ACAP(4955 S)EXCEPT AS NOTED 30.00' uRa' 90 a =n 30803 SF �' i C20 750.00 42'38 17 558.13 N0558 23 545.34 203.63' 90F4x'BxYI,0.20' / T45, N)8'44'07 I 1 FIIOM cm. /- 0.7' 'w 7 i , C21 685.00 14'0654 168.75 S0T7719 168.32 0 ID 5/8°RB W/YPC(12251 S) 42'S2'Nr 253.63'-1 / I 7 7B.2B• 4 I CATTNIL CREEK PHASE 1! I C22 685.00 04.28 34 53.11 50727 09 53.10 / / 10340 SF A, a14( I C23 685.00 0621 35 76.03 S0T51 13 76.00 B SET 5/8"RB W/YPC(12251 S),EXCEPT AS NOTED zo'Puelu 9,HEEr LssEAIFBr •, I SANDAN PARK NBOJB't3Ty � UL i9: BLOCK 6 1 I _, C24 8&5.00 03'1B'45" 39.80 57741 23 39.80 ♦ 5/8"RB W/YPC(12251 S)TO BE SET[SEE NOTE#5] I 1 0mc.12 R4s74 I 3e03z SF / ,43.J1 - O 1 PUBLIC PARK B 3 i i C45 750.00 055344 50.99 N172354 E 50.98 """___°''_N/N/N/000 m 1 1 C26 750.00 0551 18 76.63 NT31 24 E 76.60 1/2"RB W/RPC(12251 S)TO BE SET AT POINTS OF 8 LOT 1 '-` / 8 4J I I C27 750.00 OIV3507 50.02 NO2'1813 E 60.o0 ® CURVATURE AND TANGENCY[SEE NOTE/5] I 1 / 0395 SF C28 750.00 OFOS 37 79.77 NO3'02 09 79.73 rII MIN.SUB.N0. 145 COMMON F ,1 R: RADIUS DISTANCE 1 se424'J6'E i..� i C29 750.00 W05 37 79.77 N09.7 48 79.73 145'65• OPEN SPACE D i I C30 750.00 06'0537 79.77 N15'1323 W 79.73 A- ARC LENGTH I M1m 619E-�r2 �I 9 S i67W SF ' j t C31 50.00 34'S455 30.47 N89'46 OB 30.00 WC WITNESS CORNER 6.ao' i' i ! t0430 sF , 2 1 C32 750.DO' 06'0537 79.77 N21'19'00"W 79.73 I ' ,3�J --------- SBe'21'4I'E MW48'0e"E ' C33 750.00' 03.55 43 51.42 526'19'40"E 51.41' ACAP ALUMINUM CAP ----_-----_ Q I 11\ a9- I9T 1 117.61 "v R` i 11 C34 810.D0 01.26 09 20.30' NO9'34'23 20.30 RPC RED PLASTIC CAP 14 ---------------- pT�' 1 I 1 C35 810.D0 06'4048 94.43 N1S3751 94.38 YPC YELLOW PLASTIC CAP gg 4 _Nm$:43'S7"E_-_�v._ �4§' ,-_ _ _ 39'OR4WGE ER41101f I o I e -844VANNIAFI- - TFEEr -I U S} C36 870.00 OB'S24B 125.54 N04'2454 125.41 ' e $ 'g °IN. -- m1.471 9--� d . i C37 625.00 09'3513 104.58 NW3309 104.45 RB REBAR I 203.9' l,... 38821'41 E o _ 9.5 75.0 ,\ C39 180.00 0703'59 49.39 N072943E 49.38 WC WITNESS CORNER m -_------ Y 745.ee' 35'STREAM ``\ C39 180.00 0703 59 6.49' S88'44 OB E 6.49' FD M1m FABF- I sElsWx R C40 180.00 06'23 47 20.10 S84'30 15 E 20.08' FOUND T N 1 "�I•TIP• i$ I «$ I I$ 104209F 4 1K POND AS DESIGNED I 3 C41 160.00 053350 26.90 57To1'27"E 26.86 (12251 S) SURVEYOR LICENSE NUMBER _ C42 180.00 OV2854 13.97 N88.00'25 E 13.97 NT POINT OF NON-TANGENCY 28211 SF R 1 2 3 p Q,}G 1 5 6 1 I NI1BaB'1a'E ,8 .,. W 9775 SF -9375 SF �q� 3�9375 SF- 11JJ5 SF X E 143.04' C43 180.00' 74'5233 46.73 N78'20'41"E 46.60 Y I y 1 C44 50.00 118'4346 103.61 S13.24'32 86.04 N I 21 124J8 SF - - -Pell z 20_00'Al EY 1 sa S 11 ' 1 I ` o� _ C45 50.00 118'4348 103.61 N775648 86.04 S89'46'oe"E w, IOIBB SF T vPc x7. C46 267.50 18'29 37 86.34 N80'29 59 85.97 �0 203.1t' [20.0T S89'46'OB"E 4' 1 I N7Q 1 ;4 � rw • C47 267.50 11'3730 54.27' N65'2826 54.18 as__ ,rznm:-- - 145. C48 332.50 1T33 08 101.86 N80'58 14 101.46 2 2 }� W 'nlri r,rn.1 1 , 12 j ,� C49 332.50 1733 58 72.92 N65.54 40 72.76 1008 BE ry's I al n364 SF I- 12 1ft 1 10 9 B 7 \ \ 1LT0 COMMON `b ' ILe I I � 2888�` \ 1 is °�1 sPAce c $ (r COMPUTED PHASE 2A AREAS ( Q ET) 1C SBW46'08"E I 10• 18868 SIF (SQUARE FEET) 4! 202.95' yXyX iZJJ7 S 9J00 SF 0300 SF 93W SF 0'9' 10.74' 3- ,\1 \ t�BE ,G .�A'�yY\ l\y'F- /" A' 5 DESCRIPTION LOTS OPEN SPACE PARK TOTAL C 410.24 Ate• AAy� ^�• LINE TABLE BLOCK 5 90727 90727 N HESE4 PO M5 AAE �u1$� 3 L $_VI 1N`I _�R §QB�_ .___ $ R:166� �'/ T�\ � .' ' REFERExCEo AS SHOWN. I 410.4' 1 �� \ 14 ' '�'` /' BLOCK 10 333543 34956 368499 NMING SET. NO Pi 30428 SF - I _ 124. L ---_4 y43- \ .+ti'w) 1SO42 SF / ..'Y / ( UM Bearing obtaTlce 'S5 BLOCK 17 40084 = - 40084 �• y,I I-a I '@R 2 --- -- ---- --- MNIY FARE- \ \ / 'Y //1 \ SUBTOTAL 373627 225683 599310 i• (Ya K I ) w $ uHTr.n°. \ / •D- `.,, L1 589'48'0B°E 58.43' •b 1Ft L2 SW13'52'W W.00' I 8 Se20275!"E I I 1 $ 2 M$ 3 _$ 4 :m - gQ' / // I 202.73' 31 7JBB SF 4000 SF 14000 SF 14003 SF ^g 5 \ 1� ....' /' / ` 13 NS9'46'G854 58.43' - $a 30223 Si '( a.� �b. / y L4 N5V37'41"E 87.36• STREETS 159329 I I I z PHA E 2B / // L5 53022'19"E 65.00' $ 4 [ s / ,\ j TOTAL 758639 8000' I 124.20' 100.0' 100.00' 100.00' / ` LB $ST3T41'1Y 87.38• I. \ L7 NM 41'24 E 30.00' R 30398 SF f SB9 48'oet 7 1.95'f 589 46'OB"E 239.25' �Y� VVI PHASE 2A C9 /' �\ MFM.71P. SDefia -� t,� IS NBW50'S6"N 30.00' _ CATTAIL CREEK PHA Lg SBgrrp• "E 70•00• m I A 1 / / `�' \ t BLOCK 5 L10 N5T07'41"W 59.42' COMPUTED PHASE 2B AREAS (SQUARE FEET) 58202.5 B'E 8 •. • - - I W46'5 I I 1 7 49084 SF /// // /// \ \\ PARR E DESCRIPTION LOTS OPEN SPACE PARK TOTAL 1'NO-ACCESS STRIP -.yR,, SIF ///•••\\\ ALONG LOTSDAVIS NTLANE I I I x�, 43822 SF / 'S1� / �M. \ g \ 7p� ,,) PUBLIC PARKA BLOCK 1 33108 33108 -'�^ \ TR \ OGl ( BLOCK 9 163298 37575 72818 273691 BLOCK 11 143907 143807 I 32481 SF // /' \ \ L9 BLOCK 12 9378 119378 TxESE 3 Palms ARE / ./� / \ 2 - - INHINGSE AS SNONN. I Y .A, BLOCK 13 109632 1096.72 nmlxlxG SET. I L 20.00'WC h I I �� .....q��/• / ' 1 a' '1 `1 -20�c--- emoo. ---- 013 /� •"- ♦0 1 BLOCK 14 108218 - _ 108218 ............J' / Y 7 W POINT OF BEGINN91c� 'L7 .S. qB¢ ��� /I1y7 id L ------ - ---�'- ------ BLOCK 1 s m9aa 1079M N 168'44463_ � 300.00' 4 / Q " Li m c W • VI r ----__--- '• S 41'58W 198.91' WEST 7/4 CDR,SEC.3S -4 a y- I BLOCK 16 123476 - - 123478 POSITION ESTABLISHED 20.26 I 100.77 FROM COR.REC.3-348 --------- 80 00' ---- ^ _ _ ILIf- I Mun EASE- },� I � MARCELLA SCHEER,ALFRED SCHEER BLOCK 17 133535 133335 U '& I $p I I 1 FILM 3, PAGE 51 BLOCK 18 3B000 - 38000 1'NO STRIP I I $ $ I I 7 n SANDAN PARK 138032 1341032 ALONG LOTS FRONTING 1 I 8 'zl 2 3 4 DAVIS LANE I ng 521M SF J I \ 54544 SF I�BE 92W4 BEI 1 SUBTOTAL 1047428 70683 108850 1329981 1 I 4 \1 STREETS 465768 J N u- TEMPO.1 NRNAROUND 0 100' 200' 300, TOTAL 1812747 Q y g N EASEMENT(SEE NOTE 0) , I I ! C17 �/ I \ C1 ^ q \\ 1 �MUNIG110NS 1♦N C31 n' I !R_5p.pp• �" S C A L E SHEET 1 OF 2 136-PH2-PLAT.dieg \ E4M 70,ME 166 n o I m A-136.94' WARNING BASIS:W40R SUBDIVISION NO.Me _ na mM DRAWN BY: SA DATE: 10/01/03 DUALITY CHECK:rj I xk I JO.aS 215.92' 340.32' n / SURVEYED BY: SA JOB NO. B01-036 FIELDBOOK 126/26 \ \ N89'41 44 E 6.43 Q 50.00' I 200 UTILITY EASEMENT 013.38' PARK F 34956 SF 80 0' R 201.22' p i 4GP,.yyy I IIII I IIIII IIII I III IIIII IIIII II III I II TD g,� THOMAS,DEAN & HOSKINS,INC. �o 11-9FAR5 5]t 12 E 2131566 1324.60' 136 1-I R P•P; .1= ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS A FO Z RE64R BEARS n3'42w+, $69.41'44'W 2nmmm ma a9P fiD'couNn ROAD --139.aF 1a LZJ'FRmu xr.w/c0unlr R/w. RONALD U.AAFEOT, MARY K.pAFEDT sn.11w v.,,a.-c.11.ua co IT PEAT a1.sm GREAT FALLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELL MONTANA U D''z• P SPOKANE WASHINGTON (5929 S) LEWISTON IDAHO