HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAXTER MEADOWS PH 2C&2D-J-410 o PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C & 2D J - 410 CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES) CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION TWO PARCELS OF LAND, BEING PORTIONS OF TRACT 2A OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 2202A, 1 we, the undersigned more a ee a or encumbrancer, do hereby ( ) 9 9 9 () Y loin m and V (we), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that 1 (we) LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND IN .THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., consent to the described plot, releasing my(our) respective liens, claims or have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into Iota, blocks, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, streets, and alleys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by the avenues, parks, or other public areas which are dedicated to the City of plat hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Bozeman for th ublic use and enjoyment. Dated this day of 200� DESCRIPTIONS GALLOWAY STREET Two parcels of land, said parcels being portions of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 2202A, said SB➢'41'S7Yl ----- - - ---- ftr4l'57"E FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 51gna ure parcels being located in the Southeast Quarter and in the Southwest Quarter of Section 34,Township 1 1 V�yoG6frLL South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly 8 Printed ama on I e described as follows: I I R -I--_-_-_------ - ---- R - 1 Phase 2C Linear Park: I I 231 17. 248.1' 45.00' 0 108.17 20 105.00' 80i10' 'I 17.00' 42.00' 42.00' 11 42.00' 75.14' 4 33.00' I STATE OF __ Beginning at the northwest corner of Linear Park at the Final Plat of Baxter Meadows, Phase DA, said ________________________I 1 I I I corner being a point on the centerline of an existing irrigation ditch; thence northerly along the Myj�M ryp�'L,s, $ g County of wl w centerline of said ditch, said centerline being approximately dimensioned by the following 8 courses: i $ 1 ¢ I 11 I , '� s'ai 532J SF iStt I $ 52so SF 8 7� 1 I„ 2 3 $ 4 44 v7 5 $ I On this �c9-tlay of 200��, before me`the undersigned North 03*57*17"West, a distance of 100.31 feet; North 01'31'51" East, a distance of 80.56 feet; North I I 3toz sF m 2772 SF 3 2772 SF g e z756 sF bS S. sF I Notary Public for the State of personally aPp�ared V VC!�GrOI� , 20T52'13"East, a distance of 87.85 feet; North 39'29'45"East, a distance of 106.74 feet; North + ( I a g,/4 '^N28'16'22-E I known to me to be the \14iCE Q+E.s1 of FIRST INTERSTATE BANK 58741'S71Y 589'47'57'W ,/' rR 1755'37"East, a distance of 51.87 feet; North 01'19'34"West, a distance of 100.29 feet; North _ ta.D7' and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and 106.74' +y 1 tos.00' I S81.07'32^W ocknowled ed to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of 04'31'49'East, a distance of 41.93 feet; North 1,VO4'05w East, a distance of 108.70 feet; I 31 a' 1 1 mi 4, 16.1a 1 9 1 ,I 47.00, m1411m 42.011 az.o0• r Cis 2z7z' FIRST INTERSTATE BANK. thence North 89'41'57" East, a distance of 213.08 feet;thence along a non-tangent curve to the I I _ 147.14' SW41 57`W I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set m hand and affixed m Notarial Seal the Ti. °� 45.92• Y Y right with on arc length of 152.38 feet, a radius of 270.00 feet, a delta angle of 3720'09", a chord $ 2 8 12 SF ----------- 9 9 9 .9 5351 SF I g, 525D SF Sj -~\ Os°�'^• ; day and year first above written. bearing of South 01'46'70"East, and a chord length of 150.36 feet; thence South 14'23'54"West, a �' taZu' _ distance of 487.11 feet to the northwest comer of the right of way at the intersection of Galloway I "^ s20D: _tz.�___ 1l4 ___sz.°°______^ago 8" C77 6 ❑ Street and Vaquero Parkway as dedicated in said Phase IIA plat;thence South 1430'13"West, along SBPa1.5719 I I S69'4l'57 W I 4 4' \ 2690 SF I D_' o a u 1e or e e o rvA� 1 I t2'0o Print Nam 1 the westerly line of said Vaquero Parkway, a distance of 16.15 feet; thence South 8947'34"West, 1073t' 1os.00' i UTILITY EASEMENT,1YP.I Q (SEAL) along the north line of said Linear Park,a distance of 240.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. The I n W 19 +' N Residing at 1 I y � My Commission expire described parcel contains 3.677 acres, more or less. I '9 17 W 18 _$ 2967 SF s89•ai'57'W 56.00' W 1 13 $ 2478 SF 4 2478 SF pp 6• 1 J Phase 20&a Portion of Phase 2C: I 3 $ I LU _ fA $370 SF I 8� 8250� 8 I = t¢7 $ 7 8 m CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR y, SB9'41'57Y! 87.00' I O Beginning at the northwest comer of Linear Park of the Final Plat of Baxter Meadows, Phase t o W I UTILTY EASEMENT.TYP. Z I 2772 SIF[ $ $ 4z.D0' 42.00' I,the undersigned, Steven C. Anderson, Professional Land Surveyor, do thence South 05'07'47"East, along the westerly line of said park, a diatonce of 455.42 feet to the ❑ ses•4t'S7'w :� ^ 1 ^ fl+� SW41'57w LLI W _ I NB9'41'57'E 84.00' hereby certify that between October 13, 2004&July 12, 2005, 1 north line of Equestrian Lane as dedicated on the Final Plat of Batter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D. Z 8 20 13 B Phase I; thence South 89'41'57"West, alongsaid north line, a distance of 1265.26 feet; thence North 1 1°7'n7 +'3T I a„ 10S.W I $: 2614 SF p m z surveyed the PLAT OF BARTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C & 2D, W Q ; b if-(SeC4t'57'W 66.00' W and platted the some as shown on the accompanying plat and as 00'17'46"West,along the easterly line of Private Open Space B of said Phase I plat and along the 1M +s' \ described in accordance with the CV 8 UTILITY EASEMENT M. n W provisions of the Montano SUtIdIVIBiOn northerly extension of said easterly line, a distance of reef an feet; thence North r FergusonEast, a Q I� 4 G 14 $ �I W "r $ 8 $ �I Q' and Plotting Act, $76-3-101 through 78-3-625, M.CA., and the distance of 433.30 feet to the east line of a Public Street and Utility Easement for Ferus Avenue 589'47'S7'W 67.00'',n I N 61 06 as recorded on Document#2103143; thence South 00'20'56'West, along said east line, a distance of Z 1R R 540e sr 10 5zso SF mI = I I 2772 SF m U1 Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 568.04 feet;thence North 89'41'57"East, a distance of 749.63 feet; thence North 89'55'18" East, a O ;,, 1 = 8~ b I further certify that all monuments will be set upon or prior to U Ig o gl 4$ PARK 21 $ I ^ r gl z completion distance of 50.35 feet to the Point of Beginning. The described parcel contains 18.595 acres, more (n Y 56T41'S7Yl I sae•a1's7'w C) $ 10636 SF zeta sF r m �(,ON Tq4, pions xi construction or when reasonable weather-related site or less. 1 hC toe a4' os re' 2 sea+t 57w 66.00' F- 4 conditions exist, but no later than June 30, 2006. (V The described parcels are along with and subject to an existing easements. The described parcels � V I I Y BLOCK 13 hT STEVEN C. l P 9 J Y 9 P I O 1 1 J_ I 8 9 8 Dated this day of K BLSI ,2f� fj-- are as shown on the accompanying plat. 0� .A sae'4t's7w s7.Do' : 2772 SF w ANDERSON /1 W 1 $ pa 5 W $ 15 8 ( 12251L3 V J 5436 SF 5280 SF u� 10. W The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as W J 4 8 22 I S 9T�s+BTEREg O� Montana License No. 12251 LS the PLAT OF BARTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C& 2D, Cityof ( J 1 SW41'57"W 84.00' bS: 2814 SF K 1 +-S$T47'57'W 88.00' S Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all streets, 1 SB9'at'S7w :� ¢ a SB941's7'W 4z.o0' 4z.0D' i e' UR avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares shown on said plat are 10901' 'ti �.,� 1o5 W' I 8 sesal's7'w ��' W I " W hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use ( 1 3j W �°° +`t J 8 271 DSF CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER and enjoyment. The lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parka or public squares dedicated to the public are accepted for public 1 1 8 $ 25 f 24 m B Q I, Kimberly Buchanan,Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby use, but the city accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The 8 6 IB 8 I 2478 SFI."dam 2a7e sF a 23 + s6C47'S!V ( certif that the accom an in lat has been dui examined and that all ,Q 5445 SF I 5412 SF ° 2967 SF 1 Y P y9 p yowners agree that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands I 4 66op' real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the included in all streets, avenues, alleys and parks or public squares hereby 1 y' Y `NW1g'°Yland to be subdivided have been paid. dedicated to public use. The lands included in oil streets, avenues, SWWW41'S7Yl `�-_________ ___ 41b__ ____ ^ m 8.00' 11 Dated this-V4*dvo alleys, and parks or public squares dedicated to the public, which the /1` �i °°' I 32•� � - 3 3Z•e� ze7t sF I Y°f-t4uGUST 2005 ��//�� City accepts responsibility for maintaining include: Lasso Avenue, I 9629 574'37'M'wJ e•✓ ` S89'47'S7'W _ S89'41'57'W 147'14 Grp N5739'52'w N V) Kimberwicke Street, Ferguson Avenue, Galloway Street, Milkhouse Avenue 1ero ��--------�- -R------------�� ti v �31.75' C76 kR -ri--" and Gallatin Green Boulevard. I , a e' 1a7.14' 7B. , � Ser4t'S7W I epu reasurer .'ty ,"'t. �'- ---41°0.- 4,f--as m•-�16' I 6,iu'-_4DQ_-'L,`4 1200L--- --13.°d-2,'L44' l'2 .� 44.38, •' 1 O The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or 1 FIRE HYDRANT INllm• 14 12 ,J} C20 I CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide 0 40' 80, 120' EASEMENT EASEMENT, $ $ 4691 SF A OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW Q telephone,electric power, gas, internet or cable television service to the I I 7 W W Doc dztn3u° I 1 W ttP. /'� is N I public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, 9651 SF m$ 9 3$ 10 � 2.m' b$ SEE maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, S C A L E I 35082 SF § 3z4o SF 5 3240 SF 18 4 kv 15 vy� 14 1" 13 �. DETAIL A I The PLAT OF BARTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C& 2D, Gallatin County, Q over, under and across each area designated b m bi M I 33e4 SF bS 3024 SF .m s' 3024 SF -'a 2934 SF m tans, is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, afirst-class municipality, and on this plat as "UTILITY EASEMENT"to have and to hold forever. "p$ I 1 p�S �,_ in the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted w I p \! I b � o�rn nt to §d76-1-801 at seq. MCA,u nd can be provided with adequate e m.ar 1 Y P I ________________________ _____________ ___________ ________ sue________-- ----____-- ----____-- ----____-- _ Y tft wa er one a and odequ to m nicipal f cllities. Therefore, under AVMMis t r g th Dated thi�day of f 200 S uar - M84' °°•°°' 45.0°' 45.00' 60 o' b 47.0V 42.0W 42.00' 42.00' a 52.14' i I SLOW provisions of§76-4-125(2)(d) MCA, this subdivision is excluded from the 589'41'57'W 235.84' SOW41'57"W 225.14' requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. Owner: BARTER MEADOWS D LOPMENT, L.P. ��' Formerly known as W.B.C., L.P. EQUESTRIAN LANE Dated thisl�-day of Sap*i,,,,),,ItA 20%�. W By: BARTER MEADOWS CONSTRUCTION, INC., -- General Partner 12 Ure`` X !' beIVICa 1e941sn ose City of Bozeman at ,Montano Cit By: herb Williams, President / FIRE ifiDTRANT UJ COMPUTED PHASE AREAS BY BLOCK CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Y DOC.#2103140 t CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE I 0� 1; PHASE/BLOCK LOTS STREETS&ALLEYS PARK TOTAL(SO.FT.) Go I, Gerald R. Williams, and I, Keith Waring, a registered professional engineer licensed i------------------- _ I, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify 9 P i 1 W Z>> i PH 2D/BL 9 76924 - 2475 79399 that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and have found the to practice in the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the following 1 DETAIL A I _$ F-W i - --- some to conform to the law,approve it, and hereby accept the dedication improvements, required to meet the requirements of this title or as a condition(s) ! 110 g J ! PH 2D/BL 10 94283 5917 100200 to the City of Bazemon for the public use of any and all lands shown On of approval of the PLAT OF BARTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C& 2D, have t1 NO SCALE ' I �� i CURVE TABLE _ -- the plot as being dedicated to such use. been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications: '1 I - m PH 2D/el 11 75431 - 7543t 1 CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH - .........__ �4.._ � v STREETS t41062 141062 Doted thiso of V^^Nte 20(�r WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, SEWER RAVEL IMPROVEMENTS, STORM DRAINI UTILITY Ct 66.00' 28'22'09" 2.6' N13.53'01"E 8.5a' 396092 N•6L 1� CULVERTS, FILTER FABRIC, SUBBASE GRAVEL,AND 7596 OF THE SITE GRADING ale' C2 66.00' 28'22'09' 32.68' S13'53'01"W 32.35' PHASE 2D TOTAL 248838 741062 8392 C3 66.00' 28'22'08" 32.68' N14'29'081N 32.35' E 12 83836 - _ 83636 1.--���.{SQ 1 c oroCompletion of the following items is financially guaranteed and is covered by the City of BozemC4 17.5D' 28'22'09" 8.66, S14.29'OB'E 8.58' 13 74848 improvements agreement accompanyimg this plat: - 10638 85484C5 270.00' 32'20'09" 152.38' S07.46'10"E 150.36'PARK IMPROVEMENTS, POND OUTLET RIPRAP, POND OUTLET STRUCTURE, 1.5"MINUS m C6 35.00' 90'00'00" 54.98' S45'18'03"E 48.50' to 64723 - 31552 95275 CRUSHED BASE, HOT PLANT MIX, COMBINATION CURB &GUTTER, HANDICAP RAMPS, _"'� C7 15.00' 90'00'00" 23.56' S45'1B'03"E 21.21' K - - 160184 160184 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER CONCRETE ALLEY APRONS, CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER AND FILLETS, CONCRETE r-'SIDEWALKS, REMAINING SITE GRADING, STREET SIGNS, CURB BULB DELINEATORS,ANO ! ^`. ` CB 35.00' 90'00'00" 54.98' N44'41'57"E 49.50' LEYS 148521 148521 I, Shelley Vance, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Motana, do CURB BULB PAINTING. ft� ; DETAIL B s C9 35.00, 9000'00" 54.98' N45'I8'03"W 49.50' TAL 223205 148521 202374 574100 h��e��rf1e��b,,,y�,,,,c,ertify the}j,the fore oing instrumenlwas filed in my office at No SCALE C70 15.00' 90'00'00" 23.56' N45'18'03"W 21.21' 4�56l o'clock, Book thi-J of day of _, 200�, The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements fora period %r 11 W``v TOTAL 469843 289583 210766 970192 and recorded in Book�L of Plats, on Page !�_, as of one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession of all public % .` C11 15.00' 90,00,00" 23.56' N44'41'57"E 21.21' Document No. Records of the Clerk and infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts xre•41'nt 1.75' Z ``1 C72 35.00' 15'04'73" 9.21' S0750'10"E 9.18' Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. possession of all public infrastructure improvements, subject to the above indicated Y W warren FIRE HYORNr a ; C13 35.00' 33'12'11" 20.28' S31'5B'22"E 20.00' PARK DEDICATION AREA CALCULATIONS (SQUARE FEET) �o Q EASME02 \1 I C14 35.00' 41'43'36" 25.49' S69'26'15"E 24.93' epu y Clark on Recorder BY: sA�`- Zs/0 5 { ooc. 1 � Subdivider Date:8/ ►2103140 i SI O i C15 35.00' 28'34'25' 17.45' N76'00'51"W 77.27' - ! 'I ( C16 35.00' 3251'l0* 20.07' N45'18'03"W 19.79' 8y: Montana Lic.No. 15161 PE Date: Q'�i9�6S ,Ytpu;lNa7rp t_-- ----_____ to [ PARK WITHIN WATERCOURSE& WETLANDS = 68953 ` {)NTA y2r2j4, !` g C77 35.00' 28'34'25" 17.45' N1 a•35'16"W 17.27' + PARK OUTSIDE OF WATERCOURSE& WETLANDS = 141813 II II Ilill IIII I III I II IIII III ,2202818 By: Director of Public Service Date: �``\`RZ°,••••.,R 1 - 1sF ) CIS 17.50' 12'25'19" 3.79' NO5'54'36"E 3.79' / TOTAL PARK PARCELS = 210766 v"°• 2°r° C79 35.00' 32'38'72' t9.94' N1601'03"E 19.6T msnznaos ummv PARK WITHIN WATERCOURSE WETLANDS SETBACKS = 57984 ah,11,v V -wuxuh C.eT PLAT 40.00 STATE OF MONTANA = c• 1At({I{I($B •�'=� C20 17.50' 15'S6'S0" 4.8T N20'OS'41"E 4.86' _ - / County of Gallatin - ', Na.15T 61�E„ u ` C21 35.00' 32'51'10" 20.07' N48'45'43"E 19.79' DEDICATED PARK = 152782 = 3.51 ACRES On this day of T 20pS,before me the undersigney, Y< w9,a:Q�; '. C22 35.00' 24.30'38' 14.97' N7728'38"E t4.86' Notary Public for the State o Montana, personally appeared Gerald R. Williams, known to me to be the President of BARTER MEADOWS CONSTRUCTION, INC., �'t6fj7et[ricn�,1'1"11 the General Partner of BARTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT, L.P., and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and DUE TO A RELATIVELY HIGH GROUND WATER TABLE WITHIN THE AREA OF THE SUBDIVISION IT IS NOT acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf of 7 BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT, L.P. RECOMMENDED THAT RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS WITH FULL BASEMENTS BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT FIRST SHEET 2 OF 2 516-Ph2c2d-PLAT.dwg IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal CONSULTING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. IF DAYLIGHT BASEMENTS ARE INCORPORATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWN BY: the day and year first above written. T OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE A DEPTH GREATER THAN THREE (3) FEET BELOW THE �'• SURVEYED BY:eb,sa DATE: 8/18/05QUALITY CHECK: S SA JOBNO. B05-016 FIELDBOOK130/14,456'6 (SEAL) Notary D '° Oe ArW� TOP OF THE CURB OR CROWN OF THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. TD8cI THOMAS,DEAN& HOSxINS,INC. Printed Nom r' Residing at w 9 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS My Commission expires GREAT FALLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELL MONTANA SPOKANE WASHINGTON LEWISTON IDAHO Q SURVEY PURPOSE: TO CREATE 76 LOTS AND 5 PARK PARCELS. PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASES 2C & 2D J - 410 THE COMMISSIONER OF THIS SURVEY IS PC DEVELOPMENT. TWO PARCELS OF LAND, BEING PORTIONS OF TRACT 2A OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 2202A, d' LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA, 1 TOTAL AREA: 22.27 ACRES m+ I g I EXISTING PHASES IN SECTION 34 SET 2•ACAP As 10.01 1, N89'41'57'E 213.08' w4 I 22mw �t,awm�u Y /' -.' r Rl I OF TRACT 2A REMAINDER , EASLENRO #0 /r————— No 2202A ET DC. 213u3 cos N89'41'5TE 433.30' (Exwe.c e B) � Pwsr+ rahn so SEWER dr WATER PIPELINE• ---- - NW41'57"E q ACCESS EASEMENT DOC.02103142 -—- $ ---------------— -- KIMBERWICKE STREET OF TRACT 2A p°'r9 x a T---—------ REMAINDERgPpenn 82z If .49' 1 OO.i N 22o2A Y W+o c°as"° I a w�a 6L49' - I �--'---�"W�------ '---im.a3__-___b --T C.O.S. O2 p I ��}} ___N�____ )gT [13n4PL9] I 9 a 1 B1xrEa_WIE........... ..................._.."OXm.�...�i............. �I mm 25'DITCH IarF- 1 lie$i1 B272 SF $ I rw4r t xaw+i°En°r -- �- EASEMENT I o 8107 SF n g1 u EXISTING WETLAND g1 1 I 24'DRIVEWAY LOCATION I °f LOCATION $i 66DO SF $ 11Y 12, 599FASEIIX t °.2W M N I FROM OTHERS SaP41'57W / 0 / ee.'A' Sm4r57V I ' unu1Y I LEGEND /Q V I1m'1m'1�-FASEMD/T - 0 1000' Z .. MITIGATED WETL ND / h i a2S0 1 1 I SYMBOL DESCRIPTION � I I .7I3T�' LINE AS SURVEYED / N v2 1 2 $ 2 i$8i B I SCALE Nez't? o -r•Ke 65N SF b S• 9052 SF Ia pi 9237 5f • FD 2"ACAP[12249 LS].EXCEPT AS NOTED �j ✓a I 24'DRIVEWAY 1 I 24'DRIVEWAY I >t[ Q 24'DRNEYNY -E/SBIDIT I FASOENF a� .R / (J(� J„� i____ __ I 1ZS • SET 5/8"RB w/YPC,EXCEPT As NOTED SURVEYOR NOTES �� ( N�. '• ;� ) / Q SaB'41'S7YI = 1 1 SW41'571Y _ ! • / 1 SaP41'57W = - I 0 5/8"RB AND RPC(12251 S]TO BE SET AS 12.00'WC EXISTING WETLAND saw L_- ee.ea' --_ 1 1. The remainder of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 2202A LOCATION FROM OTHERS / \ MITIGATED WETLAND / N L_82A1_ _ I -'--- i ( ® 5/B"RB AND YPC[12251 S]TO BE SET contains leas than 160 acres. According to an affidavit recorded on A LttdE AS SURVEYED / ' r Doc. #2156024, subsequent transfer of the remainder of Tract 2A 2p .4v I- 1/2"RB AND RPC[12251 5]TO BE SET AT POINTS OF TRACT I w O will not occur prior to filing of a subdivision plat or certificate of ER OF p $ 3 I$$I 9 1] CURVATURE AND POINTS OF TANGENCY curve reviewed and approved b the City of Bozeman. REMAND 0 / w Ri 3 21 By73 g 1g gl e449 SF g ---- Y PP Y Y \O v, 12 � nl 6560 S R I[L $ I I I Z C.O.S.N0. 2202A ��tL �1 // ', � ` $ i W EXISTING EASEMENT W o > -- 2. A Storm Drainage Easement recorded on Doc. 2141238 is / \ Z I ml< UTILITY EASEMENT located on Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 2202A. The exhibit ' s�'4t•g73y o'j ee.so' ' ' eeA1' "' - - EXCEPT AS NOTED showing the location of this easement was not recorded with the g25r ool Q Nee-41.5]'e t97.a' �Z document. The location of this easement is unknown. / /sry4 °• \ ' ��°'q J l 8 g 8 p $"� O DRAINAGE EASEMENT .Y 8', ej. ,'I J a RI PARK znss R O R S9n R ---- " /�/ ���. 1• / 1 7 DRIVEWAY ACCESS EASEMENT 3. A R/w easement for electric and telephone systems as now + / / 5a9'41'5rN 1 co $B9'41'S7V'I I 197.OT /`• P Y ,M / LOT 11 4V a2A2 I W Saw i 1 ee.57' surveyed"Is recorded on Book 92, Page 178. This easement is Sly:�1 / = g I W within the S1/2 St/2 of Section 34. The precise location of this h�'0h / °jS> / / OF TRACT 2P o i i aai I LL ACAP ALUMINUM CAP easement i9 unknown. =N�,.� // / 50'WATERCOURSE/ / w / / REMAINDER $i 4 I S 4 i$q' lO YPC YELLOW PLASTIC GAP / /tiry WETLANDS SETBACK des'' / S N0.2202A C.0 $' 2471 Y $ I 8 z4 ORNE�MMY ��8i 21333 4 DRwgEWAY $ I N RB REBAR OWNER NOTE S / / ' ] / ^ I we WITNESS CORNER / P m PHASE 2C LINEAR PARK ! V J El9ELB/T FASQIDR FASEIIEIR p / / 3.877 ACRES 1 / ^ -_--� � - rn Fo FOUND i. All streets within this plat are dedicated to the public and .T�\ {�•57•W _ I SaB'41'a7Y _ 1 I 5BP41b71Y I [12251 S] SURVEYOR LICENSE NUMBER ON CAP publicly maintained.All alleys and parks within this plot are privately I DRAINAGE EASEMENT rq a ) OCK 8 82 9650' I I 97.61' I RPC RED PLASTIC CAP maintained. n u? I Imo. 1 / ro/ OIt � I I p I sv inzctim PATIO EASEMENT 2. is pro shall provide evidence that all original willtracts o record Z 4 I 1 42 of this property that are, or through this subdivision will become, I $ 2 ) IC i DITCH 0 60' 120' 180, remainder tracts of less that 160 acres were not created for the I 4 5 8 11 1LOT 1D $I 7139 SF BOB2 SF i$y1i W32 SF � 1 I I purpose of transfer, and that any subsequent transfer of said tracts O1 U may not occur prior to filing of a subdivision plot or certificate of ) Q o I 1 S C A L E survey reviewed and approved by the City of Bozeman. II I / /) 2202818 I 1 I I CENTERLINE OF SPRING DITCH _ ) .�t III IIIIIIII IIII I�IIIIII I IIII II IIII q„ t°1 2 j SaP41'S71Y I SBff41'S7'W 11 t61 58P41'S]'W I TRACT 2A I I p R OF BEARING BASIS:NORTH DIVE OF EQUESTRIAN VANE AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL I I' b'•t / m9lnl2mms+2 mmP 62.5T SIM. i ee.ST REMAINDE PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUB.P.U.D.PHASE 1 PER RECORD I I PUBLIC SEWER I -1 Pl.ar 45 mm g I it2 1rj 24 DRIVEWAY N0. 2202A 30.00'r-- EASEMENT NBP55'18'E I I- i ! V/ S 8 R 8 Ip EASEMENT12 g C.0.5. I ( DOC. 2103145 50.33' /y 6 8 $ 6107 SF i�m11 Sees SF I ry S; 7139 SF I PHAS 2D u'Q] PR � - I NBB 4-157E I -._I- �Im' j II ss.14' z++ Y 749.63 "WWEASEMENT 9e.50 4 '5.00 i SWu4 734'W `-S161.41530''13- PHAS . ----- _— m _ --_ �1NT GALLOWAY STREET IEOPEN _—_—_—_— GALLOWAY STRE ET POINT OF BECHIMGNA I I � 164685f 15.33.00' 71405E %.50' I ee.1a' " 45AM1' _________________ '� I �' 1 r______________ 7 I I I - i Ta•P19ESIRVN :1a is— EASEMENT IACf.ESS EASEMENT1 I I I 1 _ - LOT 6 --56.4/'STW- 8 1 i $1 5 - I i I sa9'a1'STw i t II BLOCK 16 _..�,JSa.._..� I 9n0]SF I �i 9616 SF 8, ( i 1 I r� 145.00' 1 I ' 1 24'ORNI"A'AY i i 2,1'DRIVEWAY I ' ` ' I SIGN PHASE 2A —_ --- EASE t`Qp'7 ME11I EA9E41EM I MEADOWS SLID T 1 T 2 T 3 __-__L (�_—__ Q 'a BAXTER LOT LOT LO ' 71411B SF Se9'{13TV zr ; ' S&T41.57-W ' I ' 1 > i I FINAL PLAT OF I 24'DRIVEWAY 1 ee5C '•' 97.07' - W '91 2 I I I FOMENT J 18456 SF i I I I I w 1 O K �- ,141'STM = I I W I /G� 1 I ' I m ' I LINEAR PAR 3 BLOCK 8 LOT 5 I ��' I 2 ibq$i 6 2 V I I W li ( Z Na5.2T'so-E: y / 9407 SF i$8i 9506 SF $ I I I Q 1 w SN41.57-W - ' Z I i Q 1 i 'w r y I m t45.00' ; 1 39.¢Y �\ STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT O L 3 a[j 7141g SF bl Q 4' z Mj O( I O BLOCK 13 I Z g U 1 ' I '�\. /DOC 03139ALLEY C 21 o $16'41'SrM^I 1 I SBY{1's7Y/ I - I D3 I O O I �RYI selrarsrw ., VUQ I I U' BLOCKI 12 I I 3 I Sr 1 B2.SB' I Q ra I 1 W I I 1 18459 SF i^1'_• ' i \ \\ 4 I J i. LOT i I 9407 SF i $i 93ee I I \\off \\ 10 G 7142 SF n I m 24' 4FASEMEMY I .{ zFASOEN Y I I ' V I SBB'41'5]'W I 24'DRIVEWAY 1j ____ ' Ile 14,1 I 7' -- EASDOIr_ I SW41*WV t! 1 ' ssr4rsr6 = I 1 { ,---------------- -_�C ----- - ---------1 Y ; t 13s'WATERCOURSE/ sw41.5TY _ I %AAO' _ 1 94A3' _ I ' > 1 '9' I I tl I WETLANDS SETBACK I LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 923Y I �______ I �-_—_—_ _ I N28'40'12'W �'-- Q U _-- -__' _-__ z7a0' 4 ' I, 25'DRCH 2 LOT/ 1 n%Isi 4 I$ i 8 - ' I t53sD SF I' I I EASEMENT I BLOCK 16 LOT I $ 9407 SF I�S 92N SF W I I I 9 I I I 0 SEE DETAIL a T ' mj (SHEET 2) I i I d �6, I 1 a I NDVte'03'W I J 11.07' -------J, l w ' a ------ ------- ------ --- 0 1 � Q_____�� _ 93,7t' = 45.00' - 210.87' �•yg• '� 189.21' - TEMPORARY STREET EQUESTRIAN WAY - SN'41'57'1Y 1265.26' EASEMENT DOC.#2103141 8 g FINAL PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUDMSION P.U.D.PHASE 1 EQUESTRIAN LANE IS WITHIN DEDICATED STREET $ SHEET 1 OF 2 516-Ph2c2d-PLAT.dwg $ FINAL PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUDIVISION P.U.D.PHASE 1 N69'41'S7"E 972.09' 1731]4PL5] - DRAWN BY: eb,jn,sa I DATE: 8/18/05 IQUALITY CHECK: �i3tT.ns7 ]Q�/• SURVEYED BY: SA JOB NO. B05-Ot6 FIELDBOOK130/14,45,66 BLOCK 2 TD W BLOCK 5 BLOCK 6 PARK � THOMAS,DEAN &HOSKINS,INC. BLOCK 4 LOT 12 ` LOT 11 LOT 1 LOT 5 LOT i LOT 9 LOT 26 LOT 33 LOT 6 PUBLIC K 3 PUBLIC PARK 2 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS ELLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELL M HONWAINGTSPOKAN IDAHO LEWISTON