HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAXTER MEADOWS PH 1 - J-353 FINAL PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D. PHASE I J - 3 5 3 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER&THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34,TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST, AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA OWNER:BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT,L.P.,FORMERLY KNOWN AS W.R.C.,L.P.,A MONTANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SHEET 2 PURPOSE:TO CREATE BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D.PHASE 1 MATCH LINE '10`— HN n zip al L / ,yyggg 3r£0,9L00S MATCH LINE ... �._ 51R,'.'__- •f06(.f Wo � X 3„YU,4i.0UN C Fb: I.OUry + Z.0 o o / a LEGEND w $ ��' 03' H t�ti �' /' a •� {,�� I I I • FOUND 5/g" REBAR WITH CAP ° O SET 5/g° REBAR WITH 2" ALUMINUM CAP n ',r /3 00 1 ,zxfo-r I SI I I 00 I ROW=RIGHT-OF-WAY J /x x e v c 3 6S C 6006 R - /.$ r NOTES: I RADIUS sr'1s I „9 Y r 1)THE DEVELOPMENT OF EACH PHASE OF THE SUBDIVISION WILL xW L =LENGTH 66 1 NOT INTERFERE WITH ANY AGRICULTURAL WATER USER FACILITY `' w al p� �r q`� I b• 1 �o OR IRRIGATION DITCHES FOR DOWNSTREAM WATER USER RIGHTS. A=DELTA OF CURVE ;n m X $� `eo ,q w,°3 y4 % e I L'r.t '?.M o•f $m ;,y�o 2)A 5/g"REBAR WITH 2*ALUMINUM CAP WILL BE SET AT ALL ?3 I F =FRONT YARD I o� mom b`",�,;. _ I .ro soesrs. 1 0 I.o pJ o� z { a,69• k"r$ar as LOT CORNERS AND ANGLE POINTS ON ALL LOTS.A REBAR I 2 WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP WILL BE SET AT ALL P.C.'.AND ! \ I rk =CENTERLINE S O I \ '$ N7"\d,. a' O g, g ) - P.7.'e ALONG ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS. I O PER A.R.M.8,94.3001(1)(d).DUE TO ON GOING CONSTRUCTION, I U.D.E. =UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE PLACEMENT OF MONUMENTS HAS BEEN DEFERRED UNTIL H 1 e e<a1w ��� I "' 1 z9wL di'un CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE,BUT NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER I n BASIS OF BEARING: C.O.S. NO. 2202A 1 NpoM1°M1 q N.q rzl I 00 \\ p es.cLoos o,liuoN 2003. I Mtn n .1. 0. 61.BOS 1 w 3)100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN BY A.E.S.1.DETERMINED BY 1 W - erc F HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER RIVER ANALYSIS SYSTEM. I " z w I n ,... 4)THERE IS A WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG EACH SIDE I' I z l o Of EACH LOT LINE IN BLOCKS 2 THROUGH 8. I w ry 2]� I/ 5)THERE IS A 16'WIDE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION EASEMENT I ( 0 60 120 180 CENTERED ON THE FRONT LOT LINE(6'INSIDE THE LOT AND 8' { { h °ZS P' .•7 1 L Cl � '-..� OUTSIDE THE LOT)ALONG THE FRONT SIDE OF ALL LOTS. - ,- •st°ssb• z,e� 6 L-' �6.ai g69' —�— 'bO�Ng„b �� 6)CITY STANDARD RESIDENTIAL SIDEWALKS SHALL BE SCALE. 1 INCH = 60 FEET CONSTRUCTED ON ALL PUBLIC oL„ " ou; N.]90.00•, RLt91W N •— y _ e#� ET FRONTAGES OF A PROPERTY PRIOAND DJ OCCUCENT T ANY ANY RKS,COMMON ON THE Noss oe L iy oonssb' dorw, PROPERTY,AND ADJACENT TO ANY PARKS,COMMON OPEN s ss zal .Lss4rr.oav \ CONSTRUCTED oia`.' - -_._______..._..__ a SETBACK NOTES o„ nh (.zsz�.6' _ D PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT WHICHEVER COMES OAU(P m.. - � �' � PRIOR TO ir. R OTHER INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE LOTS,OR Sg S� -.. .._- ,s? sr z^. INTO G FINAL PLAT APPROVAL,UNLESS APPROPRIATE GUARANTEE,APPROVED BY THE CITY,IS ENTERED a 1ATAR L'1 � .,.. \„ FIRST. I I $ rc� p'S 7 .rfisr. R r (LOTS 12 & 13 BLOCK 5 & P>650°° "1, ^(' y3'p 71 HIGH GROUNDWATER NOTE' LOTS 1 THRU 13 BLOCK 8 91'6L"1 51 1.a' ,...,.. w r.. .00 os9 b _L^19t.3S L` . <» - // DUE TO A RELATIVELY HIGH GROUND WATER TABLE & LOTS 3 THRU 6 BLOCK 7); O 1� e�rc ^ I y`°'^ FRONT YARD=14' O I-" �'srs / WITHIN THE AREAS OF THE I SUBDIVISION,IT IS NOT e I z REAR YARD=16' S RECOMMENDED THAT RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS WITH 3 SIDE YARD=5' to n I ,y "'8 I \ FULL BASEMENTS BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT FIRST I .5,� a v 4n ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 8 O v^ „� o o CONSULTING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.IF DAYLIGHT I O REAR YARD=5' i uiO"'^ I BASEMENTS ARE INCORPORATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION I SIDE YARD-5' V Fy`> OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS,THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE A m I lor'ss9oN PQ4< H I "' DEPTH GREATER THAN(3)THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP N (LOTS 1 & 2 BLOCK 7); OF THE CURB OR CROWN OF THE STREET FROM WHICH IT FRONT YARD=35' IS SERVED. REAR YARD=25' SIDE YARD=25' S � mom, w.or eazls I n I a ' I I z I w = i J ' ---o 'd4a \\ sn w311_ I na55zpr,r sfi�ao�i oq nc 'z.°a,,;ti.' �. OPEN SPACE O °e = ,? w ;?Q K I I DETAIL No. 1 w I SCALE NTS Q c 8 I I I FIANOERS :I ._.....,.._ � MILL ROAD n � CID a W Z z _12 1036410312M 0t 0 + _ :m ga — _ -1 _ I c-V I �� qYl� 2103130 _ 9873' �I AI�p Vollft V Iletln CoRf PLAT87.25 X N _ 91J 33 -- _ NOg7g'37'W - PROJECT SURVEYOR: GLF SHEET Civil Engineering 32 DISCOVERY DRIVE Sec. T R Q I{0110 L3UBOB-H31XYD -' --- 82 5770 I _-, _-_ _. __- — -__,_,,,, _ -�_._-- „!� � Land Surveying BOZEMAN MT 59716 DRAWN B KWO QF - Geotechnical Engineering n ineerin PHONE(406)582-022 _ 34 iS 5E ALLIED g g REVIEWED BY: GLF PROJECT No 01 241 FAX(406)5 - m ENGINEERING Structural Engineering W _ ___--- _------ - _ - 3 2S SE _ DATE: 3/05/03 FINAL PLAT.dwg FINAL PLAT OF BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D. PHASE I J - 353 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER&THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34,TOWNSHIP I SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE S EAST,PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA OWNER:BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT,L.P.,FORMERLY KNOWN AS W.B.C.,L.P.,A MONTANA LIMITED PARTNER8,111P PURPOSE.TO CREATE BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D.PHASE I Ln CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR '4 &99Z 7-003 1 surveyed"The Final Plot of Baxter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D. the undersigned property owner,do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, tracts,blocks, public and private roads, streets and alleys,parks, and open space, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by the plot hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to wit: 1, Gregory L. Finck, the undersigned Professional Lend Surveyor, do hereby certify that between and--MARCH ff-) Phase I"and platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montano Subdivision and Platting Act, Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625,M.C.A., and LEGAL DESCRIPTION the Bozeman Subdivision Regulations. A tract of land being a portion of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 2202A,located in the Southeast One-Quarter and the Southwest One-Quarter of Section 34 Township 1 South, Range 5 East, and the Northeast Per A.R.M. 8.94.3001(1)(d). Due to ongoing construction, the placement of monuments has been deferred until construction is complete,but no later than September 1. 2003. One-Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montano, City of Bozeman.Gallatin County.Montana,and being more particularly described as follows: Dated this day of_-,M_ARLLL----—------ 200_3__. ..Beginning at the One-Quarter Corner common to said Sections 3&34, thence South 89*50'54'West,along the common line of said Sections 3&34. a distance of 1363.32 feet; thence North 0618'37 West,a distance of 1296.73 feet; thence n.:North 8 9'52'19 East,a distance of 384.06 feet; Gregory L. Firick GREGOR thence North 00*24'33"East,a distance of 412.28 feet; Registration No. 13174LS- Montana is FINO Y K thence North 89*52'19"East,a distance of 355.00 feet; thence South 63*08'36"East,a distance of 78.38 feet; thence North 89'52:19"East,a distance of 316-61 feet; thence South 0018 03"East,a distance of 956.44 feet; CERTmcAni OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMFNTAI.QUALITY REVIEW thence North 89*41*57"East,a distance of 1372.67 feet; L Thence along said Tract 2A through the following courses; The Baxter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D. Phase 1, Gallatin County Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, a first-class municipality,and within the planning area of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plw, a growth South 00*18:03:East, a distance of 710.00 feet; policy adopted pursuant to Section 76-1-601 et seq., M.C.A., and can be provided with adequate storm water dminage and adequate municipal facilities. Therefore, under the provisions ofSection 76-4-125(2)(d)M.C.A., South 89'41 57 West, a distance of 203.83 feet this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montano Department of Environmental Quality review. South 01'12'20"West, a distance of 325.12 feet; South 89'41'57"West distance of 800.28 feet; Dated this_!�!� day of ——------ 20Q.DL-. North 0112,20"East, a distance of 325.12 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Said tract of land being 66-54 acres,more or less,along with and subject to any existing easements. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as"The Final Plot of Baxter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D.Phase 1, City of Bo,zemon, Gallatin County,Montano; and the lands included in all public roads, streets, Director a Public Service for 14 City of Bozeman alleys,and parks shown an said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE GRANT OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY city Aft1w A""The undersigned property owner hereby grants to the City of Bozeman, Montana, for public surface access and surface use, and for the construction, maintenance,repair, and replacement of underground water and sewer lines, 1. Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montano do hereby certify that the accompanying plot has been duly examined, and has found the some to corifornin to the law, approves it, and hereby accepts the all of the lands designated as public mods, streets, alleys,lanes, avenues, and parks on said plot. The public streets,alleys, lanes,avenues, and parks designated on said plot ore accepted by the City of Bozeman for the uses dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. set forth herein. Dated this _�3_�E day of--- —-----— 200-3--. GRANT OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned property owner hereby grants unto each and every person,firm, or corporation, whether public or private,providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, or cable television service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair,and removal of their lines and other facilities in, over, under, and across each area designated on this plot as"Utility Easement Any rights and privileges not specifically granted hereby are reserved to grantor,subject to applicable laws, including the right to install high-speed internet fiber or cable modem internet facilities. D ctor of Public Service for the City of 9ozeman GRANT OF SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER The undersigned property owner hereby grants unto each and every person who is on owner of a lot or lots within the platted area a non-exclusive easement for drainage of surface water across the surface of each area I - designated on the plot as"Utility and Drainage Easement". 1. oe 404P_� ____ Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments .ss�ld�llevied on the land to 64 subdivided are paid. Dated this -!I—day of Dated this day of---ItV!,_e_A——------- 2005L. Property Owner: BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT.L.P. formerly known a W.B.C., L.P.,A MONTANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP --—------ ur r MEADOWS CONSTRUCTION , Gallatin County y. BAXTER INC.,A MONTANAsCORPORATION. formerly known as J.G.W., INC. yw;� i �J�k .91A CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER By. Gerald R. Williams, President --—------—-----_ Clerk and Recordotrof Gallatin County, Me her-by certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office at o'clock(AM .0. this-364 day of A O-V-, and recorded in Book-,J--of Plats on Page Montana, of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County. Montana. State of Montano 20 ):ss Dated this 3LLk—day of--- 200-3-. County of Gallatin) - On this -7 day of'M41rt�1 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Gerald R.Williams, known to me to be the President of Baxter Meadows ------—-----—--- ,2 10 30 A Construction, Inc., a Montana Corporation• the general partner of Baxter Meadows Development,L.P., formerly known as W.B.C.,L.P., the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed Clerk and Recorder Gallatin County the some for and an behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. ... 2103130 T�f,4...�", — ,, . ♦ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 �.-— blic for the.State of Montfina Shellft—ii—illtil Co PLAT 57 25 FVq C S F/%L (Printed Name)-= lr!�� Residing at__-130�20 Monte— My commission expir ---4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS We.Baxter Meadows Development,L.P., and 1.Terry L. Threlkeld, a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, hereby certify that the following improvements, required as a condition(s)of 7 approval of Baxter Meadows Subdivision P.U.D.Phase 1, haw not yet been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, and have been financially guaranteed. The improvements to be financially guaranteed are: a)street improvements,b)boulevard sidewalk improvements.c)installation of water and sanitary sewer main extensions, d)related storm water drainage infrastructure improvements, e)street intersection lights, f) CITY OF BOZEMAN dedicated parkland landscape,g)parkland landscape irrigation.h)public pedestrian trail system. 13LOCK MAP The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman, and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements• subject to the above indicated warranty. NOT TO SCALE Wq Baxter Meadows Development,L.P. (Date) By. Gerald R. Williams.President 2zooms. R PROJECT AREA L:: I T(E>ATh?&1keld,Montana License No. 7075 P.E. (Date) 13 T HRE;�P;KEL pO 70 2oo-3- - 5 I a, Signature.Director of Public Service (Date) CONSENT OF MORTGAGEES 1,the undersigned mortgagee or encumbrancer, do hereby join in and consent to the described plot, releasing my respective liens,claims or encumbrances as to any portion of said lands now being platted into streets, avenues, s'o", Park.or other public areas which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman far the public use and enjoyment. Dated this (�o do,of I First Interstate Bank "Umi�TRACI I E DEVELOPMENT) N State of Montano ss County of Gallatin) this day of kcpi(M CV, 200— before me, the undersigned.G Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared It", known to me to be the VICINITY (7 First Interstate Bonk, the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for and an behalf of said corporation. MAP LLJIN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my-Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. NOT TO SCALE Notary Pubfig�yor the State of Montano AN, / ,I PROJECT SURVEYOR: GLF SHEET X (Printed Nhaae) ) " Civil Engineering 32 DISCOVERY DRIVE Residing at 1�, nteno 1,44 Sec. T R Land Surveying BOZEMAN,MT 59718 DRAWN BY., KWO I OF3 < My commission eipires 34 IS 5E Geotechnical Engineering PHONE(406)-112-022 ALLIED FAX(406)582-5770 1 REVIEWED BY: GLF PROJECT No. 01-241 ENGINEERING Structural Engineering M 3 2S 5E DATE: 3/05/03 FINAL PLAT.dwg 421 .­......... BAXTER �,{-'qv�1p MEADOWS /y FIl�AI1,1�}�PLLAT�/7OF I,,/��, P.U.D. PHASE J - 3 5 3 NOTES: JLYA�TITER M wA J�yO V V S SUBDIVISION`7 ISION JL JL Jl Jld SE � 1)THE DEVELOPMENT OF EACH PHASE OF THE SUBDIVISION WILL 6)CITY STANDARD RESIDENTIAL SIDEWALKS SHALL BE NOT INTERFERE WITH ANY AGRICULTURAL WATER USER FACILITY CONSTRUCTED ON ALL PUBLIC STREET FRONTAGES OF A OR IRRIGATION DITCHES FOR DOWNSTREAM WATER USER RIGHTS. PROPERTY PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF ANY STRUCTURE ON LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER&THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34,TOWNSHIP I SOUTH,RANGE S EAST, THE PROPERTY.AND ADJACENT ANY PARKS,C OPEN SPACE OR OTHER IND VIDUAOL PRIVATE LOTS,ORMOU AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE S EAST, 2)A O"REBAR WITH 2"ALUMINUM CAP WILL LOT CORNERS AND ANGLE POINTS ON ALL LOTS..A z8e"S%AT ALL CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL,UNLESS REBAR APPROPRIATE FINANCIAL GUARANTEE,APPROVED BY THE WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP WALL BE SET AT ALL P.C.'e AND CITY,IS ENTERED S INTO SAND PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT A , PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA PER R.M.8.ROAD R WHICHEVER COME FIR T. (1)(d)DUE 0 ON GOING CONSTRUCTION, THE PLACEMENT OF MONUMENTS HAS BEEN DEFERRED UNTIL 7)HIGH GROUNDWATER NOTE: OWNER:BAXTER MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT,L.P.,FORMERLY KNOWN AS W.B.C,L.P.,A MONTANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE,BUT NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, DUE TO A RELATIVELY HIGH GROUND WATER TABLE ZPURPOSE:TO CREATE BAXTER NWADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D.PHASE 1 2003. WITHIN THE AREAS OF THE SUBDIVISION,IT IS NOT J 3)100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN BY A.E.S.I.DETERMINED BY RECOMMENDED THAT RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER RIVER ANALYSIS SYSTEM. WITH FULL BASEMENTS BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.IF W U 4)THERE IS A 5'WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG EACH SIDE DAYLIGHT BASEMENTS ARE INCORPORATED IN THE OF EACH LOT UNE IN BLOCKS 2 THROUGH 8. CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS,THEY ' (//-��' 5)THERE IS A 16'WIDE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION EASEMENT SHOULD NOT HAVE A DEPTH GREATER THAN(3) y , CENTERED ON THE FRONT LOT LINE(8'INSIDE THE LOT AND 8' THREE FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB OR OUTSIDE THE LOT)ALONG THE FRONT SIDE OF ALL LOTS, CROWN OF THE STREET FROM WHICH IT IS SERVED. z N ,. N89'41'57"E 1372.67' it PRIVATE PUBLIC SETBACK NOTES: RbADS�---FOND _ o' _ -� - LEGEND N89'+,'S]'C �1564.20' OE _ - - hQUES•1'KIAN I,A.NR 263/Z 11BBY J']3.61• I30.00' 91'sJ,f3 n.10 ! (LOT 1 BLOCK FIR 0' L•'"]'- Nfia'+I 5>"E N89'N 52T N89V I'S/"[ 353.fi1' NN-415TE W 3t u.lr 0 FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP REART YARD D=20' 90OD 30 JO_ 90.00' 98.38' - 45._... 6401- 10 64.00' R29.61' 140U 10' 8♦.OD' id1.5': _ I 130.59' SIDE YARD- 5' +s ,T o LL " 10 a In'u.n.E. TI I 0 SET 5/8" REBAR WITH 2" ALUMINUM CAP o LOT 26 ,oD TEAR EN IT uDE -I I- 8 Lot, o Lot y 8 LOT 33 8' aoo0 ,I (LOTS 1 THRU 5 BLOCK 2); Y D.o]uc • m PUBLIC PARK'2 L 0 0']°< 00]°< - ! „-$ LOT t ! 64s1, AT -",I o63 I--of. 6+ao' ---s6 _ _... b / wR M Ito°<.., a '� rul" ROW =RIGHT-OF-WAY REARTYARDD=6'0. LOT I r I -OT 5 u;- r I U.D.E. ..._ 59 38 E _...iJ4 Fd _..... l -O,11 8,� m o.z°°c m 6 Oo' I ,4'�^,�L`t-1 I 6a°0' W R RADIUS SIDE YARD s 0' AIN m 0.10°c m m - tl ry el LOT 2 $ 8 LOT 10 8 I ti'��t I 8 LOT 17 , LOT 34 s B9 69.33 p <pl No, - -moE----- DD6 °0b°` ,arr1 EE s sao'oD oo'w 18' I LOT 6 BLOCK 2 90' Row ": D.a6°a 8 o os 9r .--..__.-�( _..._--------� °< gl8 __ I �'I L =LENGTH ( _ )3 l Ow - I Ba.99 8 r o 0o 1 m m+ 8400 $ I S SB99A'2 E ........194 6B. ... I..S. I} FRONT YARD-¢' 9000' I 2J9 'u $of 0°fi c 8 .� 6400' P wasvl's>•E 4o uD.e. na.00' 8° i0T 2e $ LOTa35 Z to u°r n ���a a y. 1,.= �..s'I enseME A=DELTA OF CURVE REAR YARD 5' r 4200 ENT SIDE YARD 0' 1 a 10'U.D.f:-� 8 LOT 11 8 006« " 0. c ° I LOT 6 n 4z00' 4206 4zoo 42.00' �, " 6aoo• w �' I F =FRONT YARD (LOTS 2 THRU 11 & 13 THRU 20 BLOCK 3); g"I oa6°° S i m Lot 2 $ 6♦OD OT�' _ FRONT YARD= - 101 10 8 m 0.1]°< G I 1:; m + LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT t8 LOT 19 LOT 20 L 9 p soo fias 3 E Nd95B'w" laisD' s =CENTERLINE REAR YARD=2 0 OT1 + R 8 8 8 LOT 36 p1 ,9133--' I�I ° D 10' n i LOT« 8 W R LOT23 8 o.a°< o.Lts«. oDs°<8 oo6°<$ oos°< Op�'s� o W m e��f W or ''-NdA's93a•E tat a° III i...5,00' sENTERunE SIDE YARD=5, T 1R111 U.D.E. =UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 4',1 I 65.9a' �" u L-23.56' e v ' IT WIDE 0TCN Fy ,IofwaLtl I g (LOTS 1 & 12 BLOCK 3); F-'so oo IS 9a.D0' 9fi.,5' ,d I+9.w ,z.uo' ,zoo ,zoo azoo ,zoo +s.uo ,,.I fx t.oT a ensEMENT o_ BASIS OF BEARING: C.O.S. No. 2202A FRONT YARD=10' ,°' ]do' ]d°' K LOT x78 REAR YARD=2' '.I 81 LOT 5 _8 - MIDDLE ALLEY(.R/W) - 10 Z m WEST SIDE YARD=10 I '� 006 ac ]BO' N89'4"52" 3>5.60 1D' 0.06 a< S m! I m w ♦ " (C�j] Q^ 3 No SENER MAINH I� W 8 LOT 3 R I LOT 7 min o I s6.z' _ P? lop=Ig•UO• •LOT 21 fi I.OT 22 LOTo23 L()T 24 LO,�S is�sd 4 a 64� p '-11 ! A o I EAST SIDE YARD=5' L07 9 8 • o.n« i o.m« z m 8 o.m°r 8 $ loin 30 T :A ns°roo' u3so' LOT g (LOT 21 BLOCK 3); 81 LOT 6 8 LOT 13 8 '8 `8 `8 8 8 o 138 m .(._1.sz o -___.. Q g m j 00]J«d m 0.06 ac 006° m O.118° U f16°<a D06 ° 50896.16 W .-.. SAD9 0900"W ii FRONT YARD-14' N T 420p' _ _-_ 3 -i 1 WEEST YARD 5moo LOT 14 0 3 41011' .-5/E sz.ao' m z1o.°o�' 42.00' m 8 LOT 31 S g $ L0loosg Y y $ oo uo'o='w .� 8 se9•e1 srw IIsEiea- i6 DRIVEWAY SIDE YARD_"a 6a.ao 6a o° 8 sag -.I ...__.�__ '_ fi5 EASEMENT EAST SIDE YARD=65 9] 9821 Dod Do z 'H p T BLOCK ) o "'I +I I--10'U.D.E. of :OT 7 8 « no OW« ° Sd0' D.e>°a I w og. n I,a O LOTS 1 THRU 4 I - 2; 61.1" +gn- 68 '�;! (FRONT YARDR 10'0 e 8 LDT 4 $ LDT B f UOE. b.o°' )T S - t , •7f'> 8 LOT 8 8 t` 9j _. _ .1i ___--_ d+° o 1„c ,zt REAR YARD=2' D.1a°< o o.1s« " fiao0' o' oo P .... 5 m I" SIDE YARD-5' m _ G ` 3 m LOT 8 8 8 LOT 15 8 4 PUBLIC PARK I ! '� O7 32 LOT-40 d9'se I = I I W o' ^ ^ °.o f. u.' o o.o]« 000 (LOTS 1 THRU 11 BLOCK 5 & o.1 « a4,°< w' o41«ras >t +o' 10 ' I ! I I I.ql$ 94.52' (; 6].d] 1o' sa.ao' nssl 64w> 10 6a.00' z.,o- a PUBLLC PARK 5' 0, LOCK ). ' N89'4,'SYE N89'tt'STF N-11'S]T 30361' N89'41 5]"E 1�' I ! I i69 acres, L. i ! -� PATIO LFRONTYAR OTS 1 D- 8 B 0 60' B86.00' 1-21 00 N.U° A(1'°o _l..t69 I r 4 EASEMENT REAR 5, BOSAL STREET Na9xrs2-6_ woe- - T SIDE YARD=5 25919 123.22' ROW 3529 20.86 130.f10' N90'DO'OD i80.Hd 1..01' 1 0i¢ 96 9B f - 8 vnoE. I w 1 3 m T12°c Q, F N-11'12'E 4 5.50 Nd'41'5>f E 11AE:N I' A N89'4t'SI'E Nd8A.66 E 09. 1E M LOl n m 90.OD' 93.84' S100 w.W' 4fi 00 d6.00' +8 W' wW SU IB.W' 4fi 00' 4e50 8+6fi' 3000 I } I O 6' 4• a.O _ } 9U.D0' I ! i LOT I rvlq A7 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 to] 7 Lot 8 OT 9 ou„< ml UTILITY EASEMENT - Toe°c aw c ,Tog- 09°c o OT9« ao9°c O7 1 m ry l dA 4 I� I I n 10 d U.19 Oc o 4 c.] o I °` g 0.09°c 8 g o 8 ° g x ° m 1'11 E U LOT • ao I, TRASH AN AN 8 m oT z a " L o , ^ r 3 8 qY IT 1,8] I! <Y• m ` I o '- ABOVE GROUND I I I P=,sao• x 8 I I g �O1 6 so c ll- 1 t1t z3ss' 8 oD Tosa� 8 ono oo" �8 0 52.01' 46.UU' 46.00' , oc 46,W 46TAT' 46.Oti a6.00 335D' 'g 4 1506 2 Po ! A4. °_ .1 9zbs: ,o. xe9 a'sYE asz.6s - a=z600 3s.n L z+.xz' _1._ __ ..... .1 � siRE%ML �/ TRASH CAN AND ABOVE n I Lsse I ": L - SOUTH ALLEY(20'R/W) R-s5 oo L.n.w sas'n1�',zw 'o'PINUO;ArER - W - -•-- 10 f Ba66 ---s6 - 1sB.a2 ART)sEvreR MAN sEla"°` LOT 21 GROUND UTILITY EASEMENTS 190.52 Wa�� - v 5224' 6.OU +600' 33.50' -U51 6.00' w.W' fi.W' 6.00' ��' 0 1Dl. SEMENi LOTS 20 & 21 BLOCK 3 N50'39 LJ"W ,00B' I I a g w u aL- f-- n5z'17 ze"w_ o.as W 1 I ! LOT 20 w 26.9a' -I.=a2.60' S.19' R-35.00' Ro ! : I b I LOT 3 I 2 LOT 12 LOT 13 1.01 14 L.OI'15 LOT I6 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 _OT 20 0 m; Oi 1 11« U.9a a<rae M L-ess LOT a. g _ o .m°< ,n"< .0« .m°< .m°< - 10« la„< g .m°= n L LOT°21 -!I I W LOT 5 oml u 0 8 o a o $ 0 8 0 ° °` o � a 023 EASEMENT DETAILS 4 D p' ._ e a L -__ _.. ............... --- -- NOT TO SCALE 8^ 3..w z - IDC IYOW _J Z� AIER M N EA NENt L 8929'S5 _ I _- 1 - - .___ 11s.w' sso• b1]6 sd zs 69 JB' 29.1q' 46-00' 46 To 46.00' +6.00' ♦6.Da 4600'.. D. +aso' 1oa 66'._ 1,z.00' SOUTHEAST CORNER rva9'S0'sa"E n60Y F _._ I 9 w10E 10 N89'ai'S]"E 11111,114' - 1 PEDACCE55-� L=J797 U.Df: ACCEpS ACCEv6 8 SECTION 34 ACCE56 M90'39'03" s,R1 SO DEDICATED stain a'o'w' `- 8 FOUND BRASS CAP 34 35 Ion'wDE TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH NB9'4157'E_..- _ _. _. ........_. -__-_. ..Na9m s]•r____...._._. -_ .. I.Kff.- - TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH 2853.41 -. E'O W S89'50'54"W 1363.32' TO SW CORNER PHASE 1 DfDICAT0+ow S89'41'57"W 203.83' 3 2 3 SOUTH 1/4 CORNER BAXTER LANK � o W J SECTION 34 ~Z POINT OF BEGINNING 5°ao Arco FOUND 5/8 REBAR SB9'+1 5]"w 1 Si• JS3.1 J'IU EA-of131 89 34d -I III I> ..1H 1ESST AfIf B.JO i0 ACrI'ACfES5 '.55 -. - � -N ss I' 0 AS`w Acass8 I access I N I Im In n1 I 30 PUBLt'WATVI ND W LOTS(107) s 23.41 a.- M SEWER MAN EAES E T I TRACT 1 10.70 acres PUBLIC PARKS(3) - 2.73 ac a ._ ^I PI Im PRIVATE OPEN SPACE TRACTS(4) - 15.19 acres4s TUR6usw1 AIR I d.sa�' Du»cAwD R I" 0 60 120 180 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STREETS&ALLEYS(ROW) = 14.51 Dcrm ILL, m8 I O o II IIIIII II II IIIIIIII II IIII IIIII I II 21 2°r D SCALE: 1 INCH 60 FEET TOTAL AREA OF PHASE 1 =66.54 acres N 8nL._-__. W I 89�5I W pr 2.0.1 30 W N D4103/2003 01 a2P OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS Z nl 6^.a 11av Vanw-attar nT PLRT fii 25 PUBLIC PARKS(1.2.&3) - 2.73 acres rl z1 PRIVATE OPEN SPACE(A.B.&C) = 3.90 acres I , i't' ` PROJECT SURVEYOR: GLF SHEET x LOT 1.BLOCK 1 101 1 42NAw Civil Engineering 32 DISCOVERY DRIVE EQUESTRIAN CENTER PRIVATE OPEN SPACE r-1D acre- 4?°` 1 4 Sec. T R ��\ DRAWN BY: KWO TOTAL AREA=11.29-0.93(BUILDING FOOTPRINT) =10.38 acres / z Land Surveying BOZEMAN,MT 59718 2 OF 3 Q PHONE(406)582-0221 TOTAL OPEN SPACE=16.99 acres(26%OF TOTAL AREA) sar xx 34 15 SE ALLIED Geotechnical Engineering FAX(406)582-5770 REVIEWED BY: GLF PROJECT No. 01-241 M S89.41'57"W 800.28' ENGINEERING Structural Engineering w 3 2S 5E DATE: 3/OS/03 FINAL PLAT.dwg cFs.IN