HomeMy WebLinkAboutANNIE SUB PH 2 J-204 ANNIE SUB. PHASE II J-204 PLAT OF ANNIE SUBDIVISION - PHASE II J- 204 BEING TRACT 1 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 1240H, SITUATED IN THE NE1 /4 & SE1 /4 OF SECTION 2, T2S, R5E, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: ROGER!ROSALIND SMITH APRIL 1995 BY: GASTON ENGINEERING k SURVEYING BOZEMAN,MONTANA SCALE: 1 200' GRAPHIC SCALE \ ! ! ! T or TRACT 1 I TRACT 2 A�eE, i C/$ ND.12S8 i C/S No.126B (D7►QT) 1 moe- 6D0 1L I I NOTES e-FOUND REBAR WITH ALUM CAP UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED N 89"32'44w E 690.00' I O SET 5/8^X 24-REBAR WITH CAP C-A/1f CON SEC.2 -�-- --- --- S 00e2jeI s" E no ac °0mr1°ad 111OE BASIS OF BEARING um r,°°x aF somew fa Er nesars 100.00 S. LINE SECTION 2 I C/S No.1240F �I S 89*15*17" W I 6 - 58"08'42e I R se 380.00' AREA I L so 385.41' GROSS AREA= 94.934 ACS. I _ 2.267>A TRACT D PARK AREA = 18.512 AC S. C/$ No.1240F NET AREA = 74.155 ACS. I �}• NOTES F / A.)DUE TO THE RELATIVELY HIGH GROUND WATER TABLE WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION,IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED ROSE PARK J THAT RESIDENCES wM FULL OR DAYLIGHT BASEMENTS BE CONSTRUCTED. SI B. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT I6 TO CREATE 5 LARGE LOTS TO BE USED FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND (Public Park) '�B' )NO STRUCTURES MAY BE BUILT ON ANY OF THESE LOTS UNTIL WATER,SEWER k APPROPRIATE ACCESS 18.512 ACS. IS PROVIDED TO EACH LOT. Iv S 41'07'28" W STREAM SETBACK NOTE e o-eazY.o• 100.00' R-am.m' NO CONSTRUCTION CAN OCCUR WITHIN 35 FEET OF THE HIGH WATER MARK OF THE STREAM/DITCH,AND THAT Ea y V aDY L•Isaac' CY FlVF FEET OF MAT SETBACK MUST REMAIN IN NATURAL VEGETATION. 11 ! -S 29 52.26" W LOT 5 N 1y r w 167.14' rn F c 1 10.992 ACS. '0.S' S 8922 10 W/ m Z w 317.03' CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION N R-MWs p I CIS ND. TRACT.124OF We,the undersigned property owners,do hereby certify that We,hove caused to be surveyed,subdivided and plotted into lots,blocks, L.- -team• .S rah `11 streets and alleys,as shown by this plat hereunto Included. the fallowing described tract of land,tic wit: S I-nri y DESQ%P710N i �842t�10' I ie 8 A Tract of land being Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No.1240H,situated in the NEt/4 k SE1/4 of Section 2,T2S,R5E,P.M.M.,City of ii Bozeman,Gallatin County,Mental and being further described as fallow.: vaaz " Beginning at a point which 1.the C-N7/16 corner of said Section 2 and which point Is ciao the SW canner of Tract 1 of Certificate of C ♦SECDON 2 "°a'E''v E-OAK STREET-°iJ'°'' NE OAK ST"ST Survey No.1256; then from true point of beginning along the south line of acid Tract 1 and Tract 2 of mid certificate of Survey No. i�P 1256 N B932'44"E o di tan..of 690.00 feet; thence along the westorly line of Tract D of Certifiable of Survey No.1240E S I °°•f °'a° �gl'�s1-T- 0027116"E°distance o/100.00 feet.along a verve to the Istt with°radius of 380.00 test a distance of 385.41 tent,S I u I I I I I I 58'33'58"E a distance of 596.16 feet,S 41D7'28"W a distance of 100.00 feet and S 29'52'26"W a distance of 167.14'to the NE _ y comer of that Public Park created by Annie Subdivision Plot Phase,; thence along the north,west and south lines of mid Public Park I I I era I I L .A I S 8922'10"W a distance of 317.03 feet.S 00.37'50"E a di.tance of 405.35 feet and N 8922'10"E a disStance of 293.20 feet to Ail L- -j 1-1 the NW comer of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No.124OH; thence along the west line of mid Tract 2 0478'35"W a distance of HAP11CIDOD STRUT 602.40 feet to the NE comer of Tract 2-Al of Certificate of Survsy Na. 124OG; thence along the north,west and south lines of mid Tract 2-A,and tin south line of that Private Park created by Brentwood Subdivision(Replotted)S 8922'10"W a distance of 628.06 LOT 3 } LOT 4 y )---JI feet and S 11'01'05"E a distance of 763.98 feet and along o non-tongent curve to the right with a tangent bearing of N 79'24'23'E 6.74.8 ACS. § R 9.642 ACS. •y I .r m and a radius of 1350.00 feet a distanu of 615.47 feel to a point on the west line of Annie Subdi aI h Ph...1; thence along said line F,-- S 05'14'29"E a distance of 1025.75 Net and S 09'47'01"Ea distance of 162.19 feet to a point anthe north right-of-way line of I su I _ Durstan Road; thence along said right-of-way line S 89'15'17"W a distance of 1388.84 feet to o point an the N-S midsection line of aid Section 2; then a along.aid line N 00'44T090 W a distance of 2602.27 feet to the Ct/4 of Section 2; thence continuing long -+wu 7 midline N 0128'43"E o distance of 1334.17 feet to the point of beginning.Said Tract being 94.934 acres along with and subject to Low I I any eAwling easements. II L 1 1 .. 7 1 L- The above described tract of land Is to be known and designated at-Annie Subdivision Phase n",Gallatin County,Montana; and the o7f2a' i I I. _ lands included in II streets,avenues.alleys,and porka or public squares shown on sold plat are hereby granted and donated to the � - City of Bozem 10,the public d en)oyment. - a7.d I I eA O I C`� 1-- i?T if 1 r--!!--L ' I Dot hie T _ s not•os E I va 7� w I I °� ">;� `y�Yk-_ _ I N!]TIC E a1..ez' $ 8922'10w W 628.06' I -y �_•�Y 4�� r ea- R SM .. ROSAl1ND I.SMITH STATE OF MONTANA JSS LOT 13AfA BLOCK 4 County of calalin 1�I Q��,.'1paa__ AMEND fD PLAT OF On this_ r day of /'ANY 1995•before me,°Notary Public in and for the State of Montana.personally appeared Qt '1 (ln°• , I i- LOTS fD2A,rsA1 'ROGER M.SMITH and ROSALIND I.SMITH",known to me to be the persons whom names are subscribed to in the°beers instrument,and who ri TRACT . 124 r�Ty:4 , - �" 1 1 u - acknowledged to me that they executed the name. rp CIS No. f240C 1 MESS my hand and awl,the day and year above first written. W Nolar ublie t tare of MT LOT 2 •1_ r Reaidin at$pgr.I 30.416 ACS. p nr ` 1°r \ owMy Commission expires i1 I I qg o ern \• err 2✓ w \� r. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR D 267 err1Y 'O\ /,\\�e1r \ \�' I•the undersigned,Dennis L.Foreman,Professional Land Surveyor,do hereby certify that during April.1995,1 surveyed"Annie R 137000' �/ Jt \ / >� \� I eA Subdivision Fames II"and platted soon as shown bn the acco man mpanying plot and oa described in accordance with the provisions of the L-615.47' w N/ \ \</ L_ - M ontana Subdivision and Plotting Act.Section 76-3-101 through 76-3-614.and the Boze Arm Subdivision Regulations. Dated this -5TM _day of MAY ^' -�wr�� Den I.L.woman fn &, s Registration p5606S n \ / _ -EXISTING 32.5-WADE •" S$ ! l 1f9 / /BLOCX e EASEMENT TO THE CITY y 4 "fr \y / 3 l., OF BOZEMAN FOR STREET rT ¢ f/7` CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER rs7\ 3 PURPOSES f RI PpvAfl I• Stan Hu a Tmadiu er of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby c/ PAfrr 9h° y y certify that the accompanying plot er Certificate of Survey has to been duly examined and that no real property taxes assessed one levied on the land to be subdivided arc delinquent. x O w I U"! Dated this__ ___day of_ 1995. OQ i c-'�ia I� `- Treasurer ofjGa� Ilatin-6ou�"--� Z LOT 1 LOT J! for R 16.354 ACS. §1 , CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PIB]UC SERVICE I,PhForbes. ema ip J.Forbes.Director of Public Service,City of Bozn•de hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined s 3W EA',' �I I W VA aces nave found the some to conform to law,approve it,and hereby accept the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of R'+• °� any and all lands shown on the plot a being dedicated to such ux. g Doled this_�5*"day of__j , Ar W a Phillip J- so lr�'r'�'_-'� /N- •!![.uY_T .-IWS w ei, City of of Public 5 / � L-ttaaT I N�'l�1 .r O„ r City°f Bozeman yl i 4 p O STREBT / CERTIFICATE OF REMOVAL OF SANITARY RESTRICTIONS LOT 1 " 1,Phillip J.Forbes,Director of Public Service,City of Bozeman.Montana,do hereby certify that"Annie Subdivision Phase ll"in the _ N " City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana•is within the City of Bozeman Master Plan Area and can be provided with municipal facilities l; -S 09*47*01 E fo the supply of water and disposal of sewage and SOL waste. Therefore under provisions of Section 76-4-124(1),this tract Is not ' 16219e St aab).at to-.Italy;egtriction clearance. aa.ia' I q W Dated this day of 995. s m•.o•o.-s TOAas' tM4w --- - ( --- _ APPVE6 S11Q,S';ff41 Q0'00-_ S 5 17 1, 1 .84 DURSTON STR6'6T DAR82DN 9TRRRT - - - - - - V l Director of Public Service �'r""' FN0 n CAR4 CDR C 2 ` �'B41 c I� LOT 6 1 I IB 4 City of Bozeman O 111K118� E 6Q1 i j Tor 6 I a I TRAyo e1v 1110a", 1 b 11100. R 1paE 15' 3 � gD Iq4 w I j I CIS C. 6t9Q�bpl its P 0�1 �N k y v to 954541F1S CERTIFICATE OF PUNNING DIRECTOR 1 a" Ian ! Jr vex �I w6@Q jeer ° m 1 I lC 1.Andrew C.EPPIe,Planning Director,have reviewed the accompanying plat and find that it conforms to subdivision requirement.of s w Section 76-3-701 through 76-3-6 4,M.C.A.,et seq.,anticthe Bozeman Area Subtliviaion Requlationa, WSSTSIRN SUB I I :1� Doted this_ _day of_ _- ! 1995. , Andrew C. Planning Director r r t%), 9Y CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER 1.._._ _ _ k and Recorder f Gallatin County.Mbntan`, 1.hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office of_ clock a.m. r p.m.),this _3�.4 day of_._ ..:.. -,A.D., 1995,and recorded in Book of Plots on Page$Q ,_Reao DT the Clerk and Recorder,C°Ilatin County,Montana.O Dated this .-8J0,day of_ ­Z22_ -S-- y/)99_5..- Clerk 8 Rscortler ((///