HomeMy WebLinkAboutALDER CREEK PH 5-J-479 SURVEY REQUESTED BY MAHAR MONTANA PLAT V 4 7 9 V/ HOMES, L.L.C. TO CREATE 20 LOTS. i` OWNER: M HOMES, L.L.C.all ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASE 5 DEED REF:: DO DOC. NO.N0. 20 2086537 LEGEND LOCH TED IN THE NE 114 OF THE SW 114 OF SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. (R) RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH (M) MEASURED DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH OF P.M.M., GALLA TlN COUNTY, MONT NA _ 359-24'26" • FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH NW CORNER 2662.48 PLASTIC CAP OR AS NOTED SECTION 24 �' (M) 1347.83 (SEE DETAIL) ' 13Sao.,16.70 - I(Swart) 1/4 Car. Sec. 0 FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH 089'06'47"(M) 1/16 Cor. o8s'OB'30" 4 Fnd. 2 1/2" PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H #9518ES) Fnd/5/8"rebar wtth o Cap(Swart)Bross Bras Corp Due to the potential of high ground water tables in the areas of the subdivision, it is not recommended that residential O SET 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH YPC(Gaston) PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H #9518ES) dwellings or commercial structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional N 12000 DENOTES CENTERLINE LENGTH OR TIE TO CENTERLINE . engineer licensed in the State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and Commercial construction, BASIS FOR AZIMUTHS FROM NORTH: THE WEST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, I Bon To0n Inc. ofgBillings 089'08'24"M SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E., BEING OUT 14' 01" ' [N45'00'00"E] BEARING COMPUTED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN NOTES O [N89*08'2 E"] 110 Fm -24 1of IN 1 ( ) 089'08'24" [N89'OS'24E"] S line of N 15 Rods(247.5 ft)of 187.38' 0115& 1' NE 1/4.SW 1/4,Sec.24 1. Property shown hereon was annexed to the City of Bozeman pursuant to Annexation Agreement dated November 4, 2003 and 10'Utility Easement(Typ.) 1158.61' M --- recorded as Doc. No. 2135876, and Commission Resolution No. 3638 recorded as Doc. No. 2135877. I I I 2. All lot accesses shall be built to the standards contained in Section 18.44.090 of the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. 0.0 -L -157:38--- 3. Development of each phase will not interfere with any agricultural water user facility' or irrigation ditches for downstream water T p user rights. L�11'L $ N o 4. Existing Zoning: R2 OPEN SPACE "m 5. City standard residential sidewalks shall be constructed on all public street frontages of a property prior to occupancy of any 18.499 Sq Ft ai E g F I structure on the property. Upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision, an lot owner who + ad LOCK120 I I I I B OCK h9 has not constructed said sidewalk shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days said sidewalk for their lots), regardless of -i56•97---- - - --I---L-_J L--I-L whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. 1 51.84 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION o10'Utility - Brookdale Drive $ 6. Lot comers have not been set as of the date of filing of this plat because of construction activity. Lot corners will be set by �I 270'00'00" � Dec. 1, 2007. Easement` .) I,the undersigned property owner,do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed,subdivided and 04,93 270'00'0 WESTL -_ __ planed into lots,blocks,streets and alleys,and other divisions and dedications ae shown by the plat hereunto 7. All pedestrian/bike pathways proposed with the subdivision will be constructed to a Class II standard, unless Otherwise approved by r r __1 included,the following described tract of land,to wit: the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, that all pedestrian/bike pathways not located in dedicated parkland will be located in a 3p Ig6, 46'03 SF 3 LOT 1 LOT JO LOT 1 I LOT ZO �j LOT I minimum 25-foot wide public access easement. I LEGAL DESCRIPTION 8. Lots Restricted by PUD Guidelines include: LOT2 L---J L--_J 0> I I -- -- A tract of land,being portion of the property described on Document No. 7,records of the office of Single Family: Block 15 - Lot 32 $ L -LOT LOT 29 LOT 2 1- the Clerk and Recorder,,Gallatin County,Montana,and being a part of the Westst Half of the Southeast Quarter, Two Family Townhouse: Block 15 - Lots 30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38 1. and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24,Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M., .� 3% __J13 r- I LOT 19 1 I T 2 Gallatin County,Montana, including the abandoned 50 foot wide right of way of the Chicago,Milwaukee,St. Paul ? $ LOT 4 LOT 28 LOT 3 I I and Pacific Railroad, conveyed by Dead recorded on Film 98,Page 3879.records of the office of the Clerk and REMAINDER NW 1/4, SW 1/4, �, 35 3 SF ___ -- -- L- - Recorder,Gallatin County, Montana,EXCEPT the following described tracts: .hOF hnVPW4, PM INVESTMENTS, LLC. 4 LOT 5 LOT 27 LOT 4 I I o EXCEPTION N0. 1: the north 15 rode(247.5 feet)of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR C. 9� N DOC. NO. 222555302 ,"F, g3pg '� o1 �r I I LOT iB I I T3 EXCEPTION N0.2: the north 15 rods(247.5 feet)of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter I,Mark A Chandler,Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No.9578-ES, do hereby certify that between Feb. 15,2002 MAl3E< A. n ti-188 1L 33 m I LOT 6 '� LOT 26 LOT 5 I EXCEPTION NO.3: Certificate of Survey No.482,according to the plat thereof,on file and of record In the and Aug.�,2007,ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION -PHASE 5,was surveyed under my direct supervision,and I have platted �"49Po•S}L fir? n 3 5 SF -_ --T Is office of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County.Montano,and containing 28.759 acres the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described,in accordance with the provisions of the Montana > r I 9 NO. 951ii£;S °b LOT 32 b o LOT 7 d f--�I -- I I to EXCEPTION N0.4: the east 50.00 feet of that part of the Went Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, Subdivision and Platting Act,Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625 M.C.A.,and the So man Unified Development Ordinance. m 4,403 SF o LOT 25 LOT 6 Oi LOT 17 I I,g LOT 4 Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M.,lying south of the north 15 rods(247.5 feet)of said 'n[y/ / ///l //�1� //////J Ygc,�gl STE4� O N 1 0� I I I ? I I I I•e West Half of the Southeast Quarter,and lying north of the north line of Certificate of Survey No.482 T71 /'"L�w.�. li[. L.�i, 2y.- f, L� d' I0 1 m LOT 8 -- -- Dated this day of Jf 2007. 4L'lfaifR 0' 536 SF I _ I LOT 24 LOT 7 T I I I� Sold property is more particularly described as follows: Mark A.Chandler a+ 9 m G] (p A I - Commencln at the south quarter corner of said Section 24;thence northerly 000'14'01%assumed Montana Registration No. 9518ES n L0 55 N SLOT 9 LOT 16 I azimuth from north.990.06 feet elan the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 24; 35325E - -- �� - I�r LOT 5 - O 'om 9 _g LZ-- LOT 23 LOT thence westerly 26702*57" azimuth 1217.31 feet along the south line of the Northeast Quarter of the CERTIFICATE O F DIRECTOR O F PUBLIC SERVICE n LOT 10 I Y Southwest Quarter of said Section 24.to the point of beginning of the property to be described;thence I, Director of Public Service, CI of Bozeman, Montana,do hero certify that the accompanyinglot 3e� 2 SF �_(..) _ I-- N I Y a City by rtify P o c n 1 I (� » westerly 269'02'S7" azimuth 120.65 feet along said south line:thence northerly 359'48'24" azimuth has been dui examined and has found the same to conform to law, a roves It, and hereby acco is "r m ri ro B L T 8 $ �T 11 LOT 22 LOT 9 I LOT 15 I I I LOT 6 p m y PP y P APPROVED AS TO FORM 1082.37 fast along the west line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 24; the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as -gym rr 3t SF J ..I O1 l O N then"eastery 089'08'2e azimuth 187.38 feet along the south line of the north 247.5 feet of said being dedicated to such use. n (I � o,O1no IDYL- M,---I Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,thence on the following courses along the west boundary of T� fj"I/ zM 88 S IP A-RK8 I-P'ARK7 PARK6 I 1.7tt1K4 Alder Crook Subdivision -Phase 4-.southerly 180'DO'00" azimuth 118.88 feet;westerly 27P00.00"azimuth Dated this day of 2007. ('� � L D �lY 51.84 feet;southerly IWO'GO* azimuth 779.28 feet;westerly 26V52'53" azimuth 11.40 feet;southerly vector of Public Service ^ .48 LOT 12 - 179'56'49" azimuth 184.78 feet,to the point of beginning. City of Bozeman, Montana N $ 4,50 SF $ __ I LOT 21 I LOT 10 LOT 14 I I I LOT 7 Area- 148,750 square feet,3.4148 acres or 13.819.3 square meters. Subject to existing easements. $ 2 IQ LOT 13 I I CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT rn SF ✓✓- I LOT 20 I 1 LU 11 /"�S E's')'-- The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION- PHASE 5,City OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana; and the lands included in all streets, avenues,alleys and parks"public 3L 07 SF LOT 14 I -- -- LOT 13 I I I LOT 8 squares shown on said plat are hereby granted,and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION-PHASE 5,Gallatin County,Montana, is within the City of Bozeman,Montana,a 1 uF LOT 15 LOT 19 LOT 12 I I enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein,the lands included in all streets, avenues,alleys,and parks or public first-class municipality,and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pursuant - L 4 M I I I I - squares dedicated to the public arc accepted for public use, but the City accepts no responsibility for maintaining to Section 76-1-601 at seq., M.C.A.,and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate ^. 3 04 SF --I- I the same. The owner agree.that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands included in all streets, municipal facilities. Therefore,under the provisions of Section 76-4-125(2)(d)M.C.A.,this subdivision is '$ L 2 LOT Ifi I- LOT 18 LOT 13 I I I LOT 9 avenues,alleys, and parks or public squares hereby dedicated to public use. The lands included in all streets, excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. z 3 3500 SF LOT 12 I I APPROVED AS TO FORM Yen alleys, and parka or public squares dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for LOT 17 maintenance include: ALDER CREEK DRIVE,BROOKDALE DRIVE,SOUTH 15TH AVENUE. a 3 96 SF �{ LOT 17 LOT 14 The undersigned hereby rants unto each and eve ercon,firm or corporation,whether public r rivets,providing Dated this�fl day of (X{] 9/�2007. ���'� _• 10p LOT 18 I I -- 9 y 9 every P rP pu P P g Director of Public Service Glly Attorney LOT•I - LgT N I LOT 10 r offering to provide telephone,electric power, gas,Internet,cable television or other similar utility or water or City of Bozeman, Montano 3492 SF --- I I I I I sewer e e to the public,the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction,maintenance,repair and 102.6 LOT 16 LOT 15 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Scale In Feet - removal ' their lines and other facilities,in,over, under and across each area designated TA this plat as'Utility 30 LOT 20 L LOT i9 I I - Easement'to have and to hold forever. 100 0 100 ��F,616-SF J L--J L- J I- t - �/�,,wT�L MAHAR MONTANA HOMES,L.L.C. I,Joe Mahar,president of Mahar Montano Homes,LLC.,and I,Mark A,Chandler,a registered engineer licensed to practice to 02.5511 26852'3 .40 Lo Dated this day of V 2007. b: the State of Montana,do hereby certify that the following improvements,required as a condition of approval of ALDER CREEK 30 0 30 26852'53" Alder Creek Drive _ STATE OF MCINTANA y SUBDIVISION- PHASE 5,have been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specification.: _ o Maha, esident Scale In Meters [S88'S2'S3"W] COUNTY OF/�,AL rlN NONE ^T- -- --r--I-- r T I}•� -wfl- The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of two years from the date 18,5- W BLi CK 1I3 T On this y da of n the year 2007,P before ma,a Notary Public for the State of Montana, of acceptance b the City of Bozeman. DETAIL r oa an BlLOCKI 14 I I Y 1+ personally appeared Joe Mah known to me to be the resident of MAHAR MONTANA HOMES,LLC.,a Montana P y y Limited Liability Company,and the person whose name is subscribed to within this instrument and acknowledged to The following improvements have NOT been completed,but are financially guaranteed by an Improvements Agreement: NW COR.SEC. 24 n +N m M " `•' I I `o me that he executed the same, and on behalf of said Limited Liability.Company. rrr Phase 5-Sanitary sewer mains and services,water mains and services,storm drainage improvements,landscaping T4 P 9 5 I 9 I 8- for J I In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this W5 virr and trail improvements within the public ark and street improvements within the dedicated ri ht of way,includin curb, S I above writtep. „.(� �� P P P P 9 Y g Kag�/ m u I I I -I I ����� 4�,,rr,�'�'�//��� ,Q�l �^ P••"' q gutter,gravel base courses, pavement, boulevard trees, irrigation and landscaping,signoge,striping and street lighting. 1 � I I I 'f' L,T J madding at �t'efy1 � M/ `Jjg'NOTA ern The subdivider hereby certifies that he will warrant gainst defects in these improvements for a period of two years a 269'02'57" O.0 L1 so.�lr- o - -- OTA PUBLIC F R THE STATE'6F ONTANA - _ Ry' *-_ from the data the improvements are accepted by the City. The subdivider grants possession of all public �N -�- --- S line of NE 1/4,SW 1/4,Sr-24 1217.31 LR,y77 .Z_ Ic 1337.44(M) P.O.B. , s /e"f//� my commission expire L S ,,1l� _ infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman,and the City hereby accepts possession of all public rn S 1/18 Cor. SW 1/18 Coc iO'Utilit (yp.) 269'02'57" PRINTED NAME E+•l,j, *� infrastructure improvements,subject to the above indicated completion and warranty $� Sea 24 yEasement T SE 1/4.SW 1/4 1337.96 \\\ CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE ':91T'•. ,•�T: / 09D'29'48" Sec.23/Sec.24 120.65' [S8(R&M)7'WJ M \ L! (��•rr,�(f�iv Marcia Lee Tolstedt ( ) 1 tc Rgd„t 269'02'57" OF"'N�?.^^ MAHAR MONTANA HOMES, L.L.C. pg1E•8 Q9 I007 69.20 Not Found or Set 269'02'57" Peter L.Christian ( ) I,the undersigned mortgagee or encumbrancer,do hereby join in and consent to the described plat,reregemeliTry�,ry Mork A.Chandler (R&M o' Stephen A.Christian respective liens,claims or encumbrances as to any protion of said lands now being platted into stmets,avedue'4;' ���,s.r ry [S89'02'S7"W] P • a parks or other public areas which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and,enjoyment. by: DATE:�s•Fri7 ontana Registro on 9 i ES Fnd. 5/8" nAnn T. Slater N ERITAGE K all president V�. 4- !2 171 Fm 3972 �a06 K q �� �� [,►l 1^ ,OA-L-uI 6 rebar a1 Jon W. Tanner m Dated this-/ day of AU6U. 2007, 7 n I Direc r of Public Service PRUVL N I g' IYSl JJJrrr���iii uU F RIVI N o 80-358 r r° m by; City of Bozeman,Montana STATE OF MONTANA ..A a COUNN OF GALLATIN its. C;y Attorna�`\- aumi W On this day of Oe t y 2007,before me,a Nola Pub' for the Stet of CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER N O88'4359 1328.28(M) Montana,personally ao a TVIPm Vi dybYre ,,[(eL t�✓tCl QawJ= of nN 088'4'59"1328.28(M) �_ VICINITY MAP S 1/4 Car. Sec. 24 `o HERITAGE BANK,a Montana Corporation,and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed I,Kimberly Buchanan,Treasurer of Gallatin County,Montana,do hereby certify that the accompanying w IW 1/16 Car. Fnd. 8 1/2"x7" Squared to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the some.for and on behalf of plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments SW Corner Sec.24/Sec. ..,,. Sandstone per COS NO. 482 W said Cor orotion. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set m hand and offixed official seal the day and assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided am paid. Section 24 P Y rnY Y �" \ 25 x•yr anti 3 'n this ce ificate first above written. "t"' Fnd. 5/6"rebar I r ��71 l- y� Dated this��"day of T,2007. By:s -1ejPty Im-m r�(0.atin�q y ® sr b EN residing at �d�. 1 Deputy Treasurer of Gallatin'County TARY PUBLC CIQ FOR STAT 0 atP \ ,)• r , I my commission expires.-tlf 11,2v&)C) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER 4 V PRINTED NAME S - I N " - I,Charlotte Mills,Ga-and Recorder of Gallatin,Cpynty,Mon na, do heyeby certify that the UTILITY EASE ENTS PSI f9Cegofp nstrument was filed to my office a r o'clock M.fhb L7L�• dq�� ,g/� .."..` �' 8j CJ c•1-n�pa� ,A.D.,2007,and recorded in Book of plats, Page_6 , 10' FRONT AT ALL S REETS -^ aAFH� records of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County, Montana. 10' REAR 4 8 2 1 1- bi g By 6 ' W 10CU f l �-rliJ I Deputy Clerk and Reco r m AREA TABULATION ' AREA OF LOTS = 83,429 SO FT 1.9152 ACRES ♦� AREA OF PUBLIC PARK = 2,588 SO FT 0.0594 ACRES •�xrap.1p AREA OF OPEN SPACE = 18,499•SQ FT 0.4247 ACRES ✓ `j �L Co II IIII IIII I IIII II III III II III 228185a$iP i AREA OF PUBLIC STREET= 44,234 SO FT 1.0155 ACRES 3 CM1arlolt•sills-Gallatin to nTPLPT +s.em _ TOTAL AREA- 148,750 SO FT 3.4148 ACRES NOT TO SCALE $ Engineering and Surveying Inc. 1091 Stoneridge Drive•Bazeman,MT 5971 B Phone 14051 587-1115•Fox 141151 587-9758 www.c,_gineers.com•info@chengineers.com i 05840 MJ5