HomeMy WebLinkAboutALDER CREEK PH 4-J-478 SURVEY REQUESTED BY MAHAR MONTANA - PUT J 4 7 8 M HOMES, L.L.C. TO CREATE 74 LOTS. ti OWNER: M HOMES, L.L.C. A L DER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASE 4 DEED REF:: DO IOC. NO.N0. 20 2086537 LEGEND LOCATED IN THE NE 114 OF THE SW 114 OF SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. (R) RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH - (M) MEASURED DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH - OF P.M.M., GALLATIN. COUNTY, MONT NA _ 359.2426" \ w FOUND5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH NW CORNER - 2662.48 PLASTIC CAP OR AS NOTED SECTION 24 (M) f� FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH SEE DETAIL) ' 1346.70 089'0830" ( ) C 1/4 Cor.Sec. PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H J9518ES) - .06906'47"(M) 1/i6 Car. 24 Fnd.2 i/2" Due to the potential of high ground water tables in the areas of the subdivision, it is not recommended that residential F d. °� Sea 24 I Fnd P -rt)Bmss Brass Ca p O SET 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH Fnd.5/8"rebar with o Cap(Swart) I(Swart) dwellings or commercial structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional �°cG°a`°^' PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H 19518ES) a - - DENOTES CENTERLINE LENGTH OR TIE TO CENTERLINE engineer licensed in the State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial. construction'. IN BASIS FOR AZIMUTHS FROM NORTH: THE WEST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, COS N0. 792 SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E., BEING OO 14' 01"P � Son Ton Inc. of Billings 110 F. 843 [N45.00'00"E]- BEARING COMPUTED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN - NOTES - - o [N89"OS'24E"] FAD'Utility Easement(Typ.) 20'Utility Easement ' ' I S line of N 15 Rode(247.5 ft)of 1. Property shown hereon was annexed to the City of Bozeman pursuant to Annexation Agreement dated November 4, 2003 I - 069OS24" NE 1/4,SW 1/4,Sec.24 and recorded as Doc. No. 2135876, and Commission Resolution No. 3638 recorded as Doc. No. 2135B77. ___, 580.80'- M T -_T--r 2. All lot accesses shall be built to the standards contained in Section 18.44.090 of the Bozeman Unified Development I-r o 73.93 0 73.92 73_92 0 73.92 a 75_01 , ao60.010o i` - Ordinance. I P �b -•o ••o LL C C I P P I T y I 3..Development of each phase will not interfere with any agricultural water user facility or irrigation ditches for downstream o �+o y o H o r�o �-rX I o o I I o I o water user rights. - I o 0 0 o e o o&1 o -o E 1 wmi ,tOt 1 0^j t o CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION 4. Existing Zoning: R2 _ I OPEN SPACE z m .�, �d'G �N -�'�� oe�,-I m �n I L 5. City standard residential sidewalks shall be constructed on all public street frontages of a property prior to occupancy of m + LOI. -20 �i wi 1 a I I OCK`19 I,the undersigned property owner,do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed,subdivided and any structure on the property. Upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision, any L-- [EAST] 73,g3 -}3,g1 73,g}� -y,g}� -7$OgU N N L- ¢ 725y- platted into lots,blocks,streets and alleys,and other divisions and dedications as shown by the plat hereunto lot owner who has not constructed said sidewalk shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days said sidewalk for ! 51•g 37.66 270TO 0" 150.08 O'6Qw mar included,the following described tract of land,to wit their lot(s), regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. 8 90"00'00)p Utility Easement(Typ.)Brookdale Drive r? m� 6. Lot comers have not been set as of the date of filing.of this plat because of construction activity. Lot corners will be 02. m \ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION 50 270.00.0" 10.00 270'00'00" 10.00 270T10'00" , '• _ set by Dec. 1, 2007. r--- A tract of land,being a portion of the property described on Document No.2086537,records of the office of 7. All pedestrian/bike pathways proposed with the subdivision will be constructed to a Class II standard, unless otherwise I LOT 38 PO$'-LOTH LOT 30 �'20" LOT 1- 60 r�l&� 1 � the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana,and being a $ 4,510 SF g 60 `� S; 51 19 I g part of the West Hdlf of the Southeast Quarter, approved by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, that all pedestrian/bike pathways not located in dedicated parkland- _ 1- 5,783 SF 1 1 $T79 SF I LOT 20 I I LOT 1 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section.24,Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M., will be located in a minimum 25-foot wide public access easement. LO- LOT p 8,054 Sq R 'I Gallatin County, Montana,including the abandoned 50 foot wide right of way of the Chicago,Milwaukee,St.Paul 8, Lots Restricted by PUD Guidelines-include' I LOT 37 3.485 0.00 270'000 0. I I I 1 and Pacific Railroad;conveyed by Deed recorded on Film 96,Page 3879,records of the office of the Clark and S LOT 29 B LOT 2 -if -- Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana,IXCEPT the following described tracts: Single Family: Block 16 - Lots 8, Z3.Z4, 16. Block 15 - Lot 7 LOT 36 LOT 3 g N '�' 4,130$F P "&• 4,730 SF ' 1 0.00 270T10'001 I 1 M Two Family Townhouse: Block 15 - Lots 1,2,3,4,5,E 3,485 SF 9 $ LOT 19 g I I E. LOT EXCEPTION N0. 1: the north 15 rods(247.5 feet)of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter -- LOT 4 LOT 28 $ LOT 3 7,Y60 Sq Ft 39 1 Ica EXCEPTION NO.2: the north 15 rods 247.5 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter _, ? LOT 35 N 4,73D SF p '¢^ 4,730 IF 1 w( ) REMAINDER NW 1/4. SW 1/4, __ i 3,485E - IXCEPTION N0.3: Certificate of Survey No.482,according to the plot thereof,on file and of record in the GF hXkyr .�. PM INVESTMENTS, U.C. r LOT 5 d b I I I 1 office•.of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County Montana,and containing 28.759 acres CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR A4, LOT 34 � LOT 27 LOT 4 'U) q m DOC. NO. 2255302 ," _ & 3,485 SF P+' of 4,730 SF 4,730 SF LOT 18 I 1 LOT 3 IXCEPTION NO.4: the..at 50.00 fast of that part a the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, {} 6 CS! 93L188 LOT 6 7,Z6D$q Ft I I` Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M.,lying south of the north 15 reds(247.5 feet)of said I,Mark A Chandler,Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No.9518-ES,do hereby certify that between Feb. 15,2002 ;U MARK A a LOT 33 `(1� West Half of the Southeast Quarter,and lying north of the north fine of Certificate of Survey No.482 and Aug.=9 2067,ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION-PHASE 4,was surveyed under my direct supervision,and I have platted o h� r 3,485 SF LOT 26 LOT 5 y'9 the same as shown.on the accompanyinglot and as described,'n oxordance with the w I--- 4,7J0 SF 4,"0 SF I 1 Said o particularly described as follows: P provisions of the Montana 9 CHANDLER � Ida 6 & properly is mom pa y Subdivision and Platting Act,Sections 76-3-101 through 76-3-625 M.C.A., and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. ;{, No. 951SES a; I"f.+ LOT 32 LOT 7 $ g I LOT 17 I I Im ("� �" ,r A ,�jf Sri C 4,407 8F LOT 25 LOT 6 N $ $I LOT 4 r..r� Commencing at the-south quarter comer of said Section 24;thence northerly 000'14'01 assumed l/id!•y/ar.iCO(:/i/ai yy 'pfe gf� O C1 --- 4,73p SF o 4,73p SF ' '.$ 7.260 S9 Ft I la , azimuth.from north.990.06 feet along the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 24: Dated this 9 day of A4af/Sr 2007. J �E, 181C \per IC/O I LOT 31 " LOT 8 thence westerly 26WO2'5T azimuth 587.23 feet along the south line of the Northeast Quarter of the Mark A.Chandler NG/ry ky0 h _- , 3,485 SF LOT 24 g m LOT 7 g is 1 1 Southwest Quarter of said Section 24.to the point of beginning of the property to be described;thence Montana Registration No.951BES n O LOT 9 g• 4,730 SF 4,730 SF I 1 o LOT 30 348.9 SF o o LOT Ifi n L0� m westerly 269'02'5T azimuth 630.OB feet along the said south line;thence northerly 359'S6'49" azimuth o 7.26g H 184.78 feet;thence easterly O68'52'53 azimuth 11.40 feet;thence northerly OWOOTOr azimuth 779.28 C E RTI FI CAT E O F DIRECTOR O F PUBLIC SERVICE I 11�, o LOT 10 0$3 LOT 23 'ri LOT 8 o aao I _ feet;thence easterly 09P00'00" azimuth 51.84 feet;thence northerly 000'00'00-azimuth 118.88 feet, Mi"�9 p qg5 SF 'o e� 4,675 SF $ 4,675 SF ' 0 1 I o Y I,Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat - 1 thence easterly 089'08Te azimuth 580.80 feet along the south line of the north 247.5 feet of said m P1„, o " o I�o has been dui examined and has found the same to conform to law, approves it, and hereby accepts Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,thence on the following courses along the west boundary of y PP y p n mn1 L T 8 LOT 11 8I a, o SP, LOT pp LOT g �+ LOT 15 I P LOpI I a3 the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as yam m P 2 IIJJ Alder Creek Subdivision - Phase 3:southerly 18000'00" azimuth 127.60 feet;southerly 16807'11" rn 1C"4,550 SF m `i,' S,775 SF o 5,775 SF moo; 7,J00 Sq Ft azimuth 61.31 feet;southerly IWOO'00" azimuth 706.68 feet;southwester 203'41'OS' azimuth 66.10 being dedicated to such use. y��(�I om�I L N - = ,C'0 1 0.00 270TI0'0 Y y h APPROVED AS TO FORS u" IPAR - ° _ IARKffi,5fi3 S( FZ ARK7�,750 SPk m 75p feet;southerly 179'S6'49" azimuth 126.62 feet,to the point of beginning. Dated this n0 day of 2007. , ARK6z Is PARKS vector o Public Se ice �- Lp ARK^ R' 10.00270T10'00" corn Area=687.714 square feet, 15.7877 acres or 63,890.7 square meters. Subject to existing easements. City of Bozeman, Montano �` I 4,15115E TRAIL LOT 21 LOT 10 `' LOT 14 I f LOT 7 City Attorney N N r (TYP.) ",)I 5,830 SF 5,775 SF I I o The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as ALDER CREEK SUBDVSION-PHASE 4,City I d I 1l1�T 26 3LOT11 g I� ,T 7,71p Sq Ft T I I F of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana; and the lands included in all streets,avenues,alleys and parks or public CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT �+ {_L.- LOT 20 0 11 squares shown on said lot are hereby ranted,and donated to the City of Bozeman for the - OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW 4,840 SF 4.730 SF p y g ty public use and i _ LOT 14 - I I enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein,the lands included in all streets,avenues,alleys,and parks ar public LOT 25 3485 gF ` A LOT 13 J•'I I LOT 8 squares dedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the City accepts n respon'sibility for maintaining ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION-PHASE 4,Gallatin County Montana,is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, a I H I LOT 15 v LOT 19 d LOT 12 E 7,350 Sq R I I the same. The owner agrees that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands no in all streets, first-class municipality,and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pursuant LOT 24 3,485 SF 4,840 SF 4,840 p I 1 avenues,alleys,and parks or public squares hereby dedicated to public use. The lands included in all streets, to Section 76-1-601 at seq.,M.CA,and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate lk-- 1 -- avenues,alleys,and parks or public squares dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for municipal facilities. Therefore,under the provisions of Section 76-4-125(2)(d)M.CA.,this subdivision is excluded LOT 23 3LOT 1SF - LOT 18 LOT 13 I I I 1 LOT 9 aintenonae include: ALDER CREEK DRIVE, BROOKDALE DRIVE,SUMMER VIEW LANE.SPRING RIDGE DRIVE,and the from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. o -- 4,840 SF 4,840 SF = LOT 12 ALLEYS within BLOCKS 15 and 16. LOT 22 LOT 17 S - 7,350 Sq Ft 1 I f 1 L- ,4, 3,485 SF LOT 17 LOT 14 The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person.firm or corporation.whether public or rivets,providing Dated this�.a0 day off,2007. 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM = - - rP P P 9 LOT 18' � 4,9 4SF �' 4,64D SF 110.00 270.00'001 I 1 r offeringto de telephone.electric y - Dir r of Publi Service 3 L 1 & 0.00 270'0000 0.00 27DT1000 d LOT 11 .L I I LOT 10 provide p power,gas,Internet,cable television or other similar utility or water or City of Bozeman, Montana �� w� [NB �53E 2,50 ()F000 LOi i6 ; LOT IS $022 Sq Ft 1�I 1 sewer service to the public. the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction,maintenance,repair and 08q'52'53"LOT 20 - 1 removal of their lines and other facilities,in,over,under and across each area designated on this plat as'Utility CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS City Attorney Cale In Feet 71 LOT 19 _ 60 -5,9485F_p 20 -5,99 SF- 60 '-[- -'F Easement to have and to hold forever. 100 0 100 20 �•413-SF- - MAHAR MOM HOMES,LLC. 1,Joe Mahar,president of Mahar Montana Homes,L.LC.,and 1,Mark A,Chandler,a L 102.52 268'S2'S3 10.02 268'S2'53" 11D,02 26852'53" 16273 268'52 registered engineer licensed to practice in - Doted this day f 2007. b the State of Montana,do hereby certify that the following improvements, required as a condition of approval of ALDER CREEK 1 STATE OF MOMANA EQ SUBDIVISION-PHASE 4,have been installed conformance with the approved plans and specifications: 30 0 30 Alder Creek Drive L �a _ _ COUNTY OF GALLAi1N oa ahar,president Scale In Meters � '_ 433.91 268'S2'53" �136.15 8'52'53" Phase 4-Sanitary Sewer Mains and Services,Water Mains and Services,Storm Drainage Improvements,and Street r or _ ��Ofififl111 - -��O:Otr � -� oo r78;16-Y 641� }�, �j•�� On this day of in the year zooZ before me,a Notary Pub Improvements including curb,gutter,gravel base courses and pavement,on Alder Creek Drive, Brookdale Drive, Spring r 7<n­�� ,md,� B-/-v �!�1,1BLVCK 13 for the S of Montana, ersonaly appeared Joe Mahar,known to me to be the president of Creek Drive,Summer View Lane,and within the Open Space and Public Park Lands. DETAIL in io V r�,d'Y MAHAR MONTANA HOMES,LL.C.,a Montana Limited Liability Company,and the person whose name i subscribed a)Ln a LL in < LL 9 y g p period of two ears from the date of NW CDR.SEC. 24 r�ro m y 'to within this instrument and acknowled ed to me that he ekecuted the same,for and on behalf of said Limited The subdivider hereb warrants a ainst defects in these im rovements fora a' y I N Uabirity Company. In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and offrred my official seal the da; �,y ar acceptance by the City of Bozeman. y �_m M m < ro '� �_ o$ m I g `F1 I <o iis��4ertifi�ate1fir�st®rh�onv�el written. �y v`��$Strrrri�� The following improvements have NOT been completed, but are financially guaranteed by an Improvements Agreement: a'.Y77 - v •� ou F o^�' ^ o°�' m g'n,' �� Jo I ro" "r I m 1 N N L iYIIG(ii•rWvi'Ig1V) residing at 4si7Rr,r J�P......•*6•y I d: < o ' "�' - 1 PV '••ti Phase 4-Sidewalks,and street light improvements on Alder Creek Drive,Brookdale Drive, Summer View Lane,and 174�1-=�Q01 -ZQ�1-=7?4•Q1-^70.01 N 83.74 60.01 - I-- /�/� I�b'fARY PUBLIC F �T1 ESTATE 0 MONfA my commission expires '•6_ Spring Rid Drive.Sad,boulevard,trees,and irri t'n s t m in the :F d. 269_02'57"--_ - -i W � ,1_ r4� Y p g Ridge ga io ys a public right of way boulevard strips along all a,n _L- 587.23 \ bl'JAv.NtAvtsfoN =r: hQ /N:Z: external subdivision streets and adjacent to s bdivisian parks o other common open space or common area and m� - V 1337.44(M) S line f N 1/4,$W 1/4.Sec 24 P.O.B. PRINTED - O Iw� •0` landscaping and trail improvements in the public parks. r S 1/16 Car. SW 1/16 Car. 10'Utlity Easement o(Typ�} 269'02"57" N !.` 630.08' 2= 'V 'g� m.2 Sec.24 [S89-02.57"W] CONSENT OF MO TGAGEE :6•Z y certifies gal p period of two are 090'29'48" Sec.23/Sec.24 I 269'02'57" R o TR �. GU The subdivider hereb verve that he will warrant a net defects in thou im improvements for ye 13379E (&t4) I,the undersigned m rt a ee or encumbrancer,do hereb a 1`1 from the date the improvements are accepted by the City. The subdivider grants possession fr all public infrastructure 69.20 Nothing Found or Set [S89'02'57"W] (M) u g o g g y join in and consent to the described plat,'rfe�4hglijq'1(rpk`s. 'm rovements to the f Bozeman,and the City hereby accepts 269'02'57" c five bens,°loins or encumbrances as to an fi�wh�a€€�� ' PY° tY Y P possession of all public infrastructure improvements, R& a' park. ace Y portion of said-lands now being platted into enjoym;ripy un subject to the above indicated completion and warranty. ( M N SE 1/4, SW i/4 - - parke or other public ar which are dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. r / ///1 //����JJ rFrid.ebar5/8" m M \ Marcia Lee Tolstedt � RfFAG BANK MAHAR MONTANA HOMES,LLC. {''/�.� (,,,L_( a S O9 200 r� Peter L. Christian om Dated this , �e DATE 7 'e Ch,ja - m 7-day of 2007, Mark A.Chandler r (.' m a Stephen T. Slatertian a� STATE OF MONTANA by: w`" by: DATE:��uG7 Montana Regis do No.9 18ES - N a 6 Jon W. Tanner won COUNTY/O/A�F GALLATIN its: L oe M a president to•3- R' No Ev in t2 171 F. 3972 0 W On this yday of/DL�LLL+- In the yeyT ZDQr[,before me,° Notary Public for the Director of ublic Service DATE• NN M m 80-358 State of Montana,persoaAty,appeared_re✓JC CLdL1'SMt Vllt pN(Ll�tw'� of City of Bozeman.Montana APPROVED AS TO FOR 1 y.., mr� 088. ,59"132828 M 088'43'S9"1328.28(M) HERBAGE SANK,a Montano Corporation,and known to me to;be the person whose name is subscribed ( ) S 1 4 Car. Sec. 24 oa n VICINITY MAP / w W 1/16 Car. Fnd. 8 ne per Squared LLJ to the within instrument and acknowledged to er that he/she executed the some,for and se behalf of q SW Corner ISec.24 Sec. " Sandstone per COS N0. 482 said Corporation. In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER Section 24 < / l ar in this certifica a first above written. City Attorney •C' 25 ,gyt. cab. Ye w Fnd. 5/8"rebar � I �21ti✓ AA'r'- 1,Kimberly Buchanan,Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana,do hereby certify that the accompanying c3 3 •® ny residing;at�l(,A1- I_b; plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments a in NOTARY PU LC R THE STATE assesud and levied on the land to be subdivided are paid. y UNAME r' YGGIu inrt my commission expires 2e11) Dated this i O J G day of 1/Ml.l•(' 2007. By: I-1F 1Q. tA�.1/t RINTED Deputy Treasurer-of Gallatin Count N L�SEA UTILITY EASE ENTS CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER 10' FRONT AT bi 10' REAR 4 8 n �OF I,Charlotte.Mills.Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin Co�u�ty Montana,do hereby certify that 5 V. 1 f ng instrument was filed in my office at 5:47 o'cloc .M.this I�day��o�� '•1. e01 A.D., 2001 and recorded in Book of plats, Page eo w records of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Marto n'q�J I• AREA TABULATION By: 'y G+u AREA OF LOTS = 433,378 SO FT 9.9490 ACRES •:I c -Q Deputy Clerk and Recorder AREA OF PUBLIC PARK = o � � , SQ FT 1. ACRES AREAOF PUBLIC STREET= 206,254 SO FT 4.7349 a ,A ACRES o TOTAL AREA= 687,714 SO FT 15.7877 ACRES E1ginearting end Surveying Inc. I I IcIhI�aI(I IrI�rrII wiIIIuiulIl II III IIII I IIIIIIII IIII II INI 2281857 I NOT TO SCALE s0 8e Drive-Bowman,M59718 Phone(406)587-1115•Fx[4061587-9768 03 P wwwchenMneacom.infa@hengneers.mm #05840(M J4) ti "