HomeMy WebLinkAboutALDER CREEK PH 2-J-398 SURVEY REQUESTED BY MAHAR MONTANA PLAT OF HOMES, L.L.C. TO CREATE 46 LOTS AND 1 PUBLIC PARK AREA OWNER: DE DRREFO-.MDOC.HNO.E 2086537 ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION PHASE 2 3 9 8 LEGEND LOCATED IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. (R) RECORD DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH OF P.M.M., GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA COS N0. 252 20' wide Public Utility Easement /� (M) MEASURED DISTANCE OR AZIMUTH 30' Water Main Easement per 85 Fm 4825 m FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH N 1 PLASTIC CAP OR AS NOTED E 24 m ------ --�---- FOUND 5/8 INCH REBAR WITH 1 1/4 INCH c r PLASTIC CAP MARKED (CBzH 9518ES u'•`i----1 -�- - -0. ) Due to the potential of high ground water tables in the areas of the subdivision, it is not recommended that residential -- - - --r,�4 Car. ------- - - - � }i326. � ---=J O SET TIC INCH REBAR MARKED WITH 1 51 INCH dwellings or commercial structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional 2 - null I y�PLASTIC CAP MARKED (C&H �9518ES) 9 P 9 P ��' 1 � engineer licensed in the State of Montano and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial construction, az I � 720.o0 DENOTES CENTERLINE LENGTH OR TIE TO CENTERLINE TRACT A m I I 5 BASIS FOR AZIMUTHS FROM NORTH: THE WEST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, a I•�--COS N0. 793 9 x SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E., BEING 000` 14' 01" REMAINDER Bon Ton Inc. of Billings w I I I [N45'00'00"E] BEARING COMPUTED FROM AZIMUTH SHOWN 125 Fm 2272 'a I � 4 I I d1 I I % c [N89-47'247E] I �I I / S line of N 15 Rods (247.5 ft) S line of N 15 Rods (247.5 ft) 0Bg47•y� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION NOTES of NE 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 24 -�--_of NW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 24 _ 329.B3(M) L_- ---------- ---- r_-------- 7 --- --__ r 60.00 --_J_-- 1,the undersigned property owner,do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed,subdivided and 1. Property shown hereon was annexed to the City of Bozeman pursuant to Annexation Agreement dated November 4, 2003 I I i T OCiK •a•� r j j platted into Iota,block.,street9 and alleys,and other divisions and dedicafxas as shown by the plat hereunto and recorded on Doc. No. 2135876, and Commission Resolution No. 3638 recorded on Doc. No. 2135877. 1 l 1 yo+ / a+ P LIC PARK included,the following described tract of land,to wit: I I �q R 1 U w±'cmznor o I I 2. Ail lot accesses shall be built to the standards contained in Section 18.44.090 of the Bozeman Unified � I � �,^�.� ..,yj• y /� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Development Ordinance. I 1 I ryi F .0 •pt1 Op •Y�b�41IQy88��I 1 3. Develo ment of each phase will not interfere with an agricultural water user facility or irrigation ditches I vg - - -w-_ -___i___ A tract of land,being a portion of the property described on Document No.2088537,record.of the office of the P P Y 9 Y 9 Clark and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana,and being a part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter,and the for downstream water user rights. __i___ ____- =125.45 Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24.Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M.,Gallatin County, 11' EAST _B7'OOkdale z/I4Ve- $ Montana,including the abandoned 50 toot wide right of way of the Chicago,Milwaukee,St.Paul and Pacific Railroad, 4. Existing Zoning: R2 _--� •�lo ] •pE z 125.40 9000'00" _^ conveyed by Deed recorded on Film 98,Page 3679,record,of the office of the clerk and Recorder,Gallatin count', 5. City standard residential sidewalks shall be constructed on all public street frontages of a property prior to occupancy - _ -_ ___--_-_--� '-- (\,J0 Montana,EXCEPT the following described tracts: � � l I 1 I of any structure on the property. Upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision, _-_-T---'=-� w lDf 1 60 $ LOT 16 i I EXCEPTION N0. 1: the north 15 rode(247.5 feat)of said west Half of the Southeast Quarter any lot owner who has not constructed said sidewalk Shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days said sidewalk _r I ^� I EXCEPTION No.2: the north 15 rode 247.5 feet of acid Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter 1 0,973 Sit R r"Q 9,000 Sq R -�`a,5•40 ( ) for their lot(s), regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. I r i I I 270'00.Of>+ I EXCEPTION N0.3: Certificate of Survey No.482,according to the plat thereof,on file and of record in the I / H I H- offoe of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana,and containing 28.759 acres I I I r t 20.00 9V00' "I 20.00 9P00'071 yfWESTrI I I EXCEPTION NO.4: the east 50.00 feet of that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, g p g yet been installed, i I $ LOT 2 � LOT 15 lR&M) l I I 6. Lot corners have not been set as of the date of filing of this tat because underground utilities have not QQ-- ���(/�� Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M.,lying south of the north 15 rods(247.5 feet)of said BLOCK I Lj 1 / West Half of the Southeast Quarter,and lying north of the north line of Certificate of Survey No.482 Lot comers Will be set by September 1, 2005. BLOCK 111 I � r I '� 4'L00 S9 R � �I ? 8,4W Sq R I �2 I I I I I I Said property is more particularly described as follows: - ---J / _ --- l 1 (20.0o sR00' I zo.00 91roo'00'I I n- Commencing at the South Quarter Comer of said Section 24; z LOT 3 $ o I $ LOT 14 I IM 3 I I I I thence northerly 000.14'01',assumed azimuth from north,990.06 feet along the west line of sold Southeast . / 8.400 Sq R rQ' 8,400 Sq R ny I ''1 I I I I Quarter of Secdon 24,to the point of beginning of the properly to be described; G4 -� ----LLU LI- thence northerly o00 14.01'azimuth 30.00 feet; ,OF MOYT4N / / 120.00 9000YXn 120.00 9TOVO' thence easterly 089'36' IT azimuth 69.19 feet; CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR �� 9� .4 jR�13•yy��'� LOT 13 I 1.4 I I thence rartMrly 000'00'00' azimuth 506.91 feet,to a point on a curve with the center of circle lying northwesterly 1, Mark A.Chandler,Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 9518-ES,do hereby certify that between Feb. 15, 2002 / _� �'400 R �F `V 8'400 R I^ --- I 1 337 22'2Y azimuth 300.00 feet from said point; and Sept M.2OD4,ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION-PHASE 2,was surveyed under my direct supervlalon, and I have A Mi11�C b - H- thenee northeasterly 45.74 feet on said curve,radius 300.00 feet and central angle OB'44'OY; platted the some as shown on the accompanying plat and as described,in accordance with the provisions of the Montana S',1 CHANOMma,951KS Q$si 20.9L1 9000' y 20.00 90WO®rI I ///rrr��s- I I thence northeasterly OW 38'20' azimuth 54.04 feet,tangent to said curve; Subdivision and Platting Act,Sections 78-3-101 through 76-3-825 M.CA,and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. o / ?b� $Y LOT 5 g g LOr 12 g I o LW 5�I I theme saaterly 217.84 feet on a tangential curve concave to the south,radius 560.00 feet and central //]] y9� RfGI S1ERv'�p1'"� / fib rQU,400 54 Tl ,^a i ,^a? 8,400 Sq R d I angle 22' i7• 18% Dated this 30�day of SEoTc"MBER 20Q.4-. thence northerly 000.00'OO'azimuth 575.50 feet,to a point on a curve with the center of circle lying southerly Mark A Chandler r 4 12. 9000' �.' 20.00 9P00'Wn- 176 48'26' azimuth 870.00 feet from said nt Montana RagieGation No.9518E5 "i✓ 1 Del FUTURE' Rj�r PARK E pm LOT6 s $ LOT i, IDTB thence aastwly 54.05 feet on eaitl curve,radius 970.00 feet and control angle 03' 11'3C; C E RTI F I CAT E O F DIRECTOR O F PUBLIC SERVICE € E r`f 8.400 Sq Ft $ 8•�Sq R-^ thence eostedy 090 00'Of azimuth 65.98 feet; PHASE/ // € R Ig ---- u- I• Director of Public Service,City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat N w w' 20.00 9000'ODI s 120.00 9000'00' I I thence northerly OW 00'00" azimuth 60.00 teat; I lid thence weateriy 270'00'00' azimuth 85.98 set has been duly examined and has found the some to conform to low, approves it,and hereby accepts Yb'r $ L• LOr 7 lOT 10 LOT 7 the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plot as = I thence weatedy 133.29 feet on a tong curve concave to the south,radius 1030.00 feet and central angle OT 24'SY; being dedicated to such use. ,, _ _LL ',__„_ � os c $y r I I 8,400 Sq R 8,400 R thence northeastery 024 36'5T azimuth 130.82 feet; Dated this�t day of tkf&9 w(oe.I 20 J --- I H- thence...Zy 0"47'2e azimuth 329.93 feet; Diredon of Public ervic � SO• 20.00 sO I 20.00 WW I I \�I I I thence southery 180 02'31' azimuth 171.53 feet; City of Bozeman, Montana so. / 92gg$y R a3 I $ LOT 9 8 I LOT 6> I I I I thence westerly 270 00'00'azimuth 5.40 teat: �y t�•1� �..gg01'22 IL- Sq-- `- thence westerly 269'36' 10"azimuth 659.33 feet along the north line of Certificate of Survey No.482, CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT �. Fg4 27000'00' to the OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW - �' ,�! 2, point of beginning. R-560.00 ek ,1•yVe '¢�--g�'t`20�-- Area m 598,749 square feet, 13.7683 acres or 55,718.5 square meteor. Subject to existing easement.. ALDER CREEK SUBDIVISION - PHASE 2, Gallatin Count', Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, ` V' B,CS ��- ` 1,]Qry• Cre p_2rll3T1s ' r '900000" i Montana, a first-class municipality, and wdhin the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy AO" / j 0��•r� &vU Rs,WX �.�--1 I _4,�-_ r-- p pursuant to Section 76-1-601 et ice M.C.A., and San be 4,e -T Affii ('.hi In was ado fed q., provided with coon to N Scale In Feet t the above described tract of land is to be known and designated as ALDER CREEK SUBOMSION -PHASE 2, storm provisions P '- `d u, , 1:q1 �'-, 8=1QLOT 1• $ $I�' LOT 1 l I water drainage and adequate municipal facilities. Therefore, under the Montana of Section City of Bozeman.Gallatin County, Montana; oM the lands included in a0 streets.ovenues,alleys and parks 7g-4-125(2)(d) M.C.A., this subdivision ie excluded from the requirement for Montana De artment of (' !][ 100 0 100 %` A`` 3 �1 41654 1 I 16 g 0 y or public square.shown on said plat are hereby granted,donated,and dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the Environmental Quality review. ,tic L 0 l (-tm 9�' 8,789 Sq R n 'rrtl 9,1100 Sq R F`1 Ica`o public use and enjoyment. pp1y; D jT(j�' �� _ --- I LOT 15 I $__ r I I The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person.firm or corporation,whether public or private,providing Dated this,2ly�day of'pC3Yr.]ou 200�. AAI �1AA ✓�. 30 0 30 _ �_ 62��`� '1` �x' �i 11'�45gR 120'0o sVoo I 20'00 87oo oo"I S 8-W8�1 or offering to provide telephone,electric power,gas.intemet or cable television,water or sewer service to the public, r of Pubic'Service rX' I I r the right to the joint use of an easement for the conatruc6on,maintenance,re Scale In Meter. LOT 2 $ $ 5 $ lDT 2 ( I I rig j pair and moval of their lines City of Bozeman, Montana _ -�� l and other facilities, m,over,under and across each area designated on this plot as'Utility Easement'to �8 AS EI 1Y0•00 9ry00'W 8,400 Sq R OZ I I 6,400 Sq R d I I have and to hold forever. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS / �' T tKj9 �' y'l 1 I I I w MAHAR MONTANA HOMES.L.L.C. LOT 1 soil $ LOT 14 1120.00 9000'ODl i 420.00 9000'OD Dated this?_day of � W^b� �` L Joe Mahar, president of Mahar Montana Homes,LL.C.,and I,Mork A,Chandler,a registered 11,838 Sq R 1- y'� UM Sq R �3 I I I I r ;/ LOT 3 r 2�1' py,. en in P�licensed to p - Y certify 9•l p q PUB ARKN T i �r i 11.�9R I I STATE OF MONTANA as a condition of a roval of ALDER CREEK SUBDMSION PHASE 2,have been installed In conformance with VICINITY MAP o 12000 9000'00' R $' ,9 -- I I oe ohdr,president PP ( „ g practice in the State of Montana,do hereby certi that the following improvements.required W COUNTY OF$ALIATIN the a oved lans and s ecTcations: cur w U- On this day of�. c'4-%r`,tG in the year 20Qi,before me,a Notary Public Sanitary Sewer Mains and Services,Water Mains and Services,Storm Drainage Improvements,and Street Improvements v 11 O.DO 90'W 1p LOT 13 s Ill 0. WOO 1 ty 120.00 Wo000' I for the State of Montana, only appeared Joe Mahar,known to me to be the president of including curb,gutter,gravel base courses,pavement•signage and striping on Hidden Springs Lane.Summemet Drive, LOT 2 8.976 Sq R �i LOT 4 `1' g 1 I I MAHAR MONTANA HOMES, L.L.C.•a Montana Limited Liability Company,and the $ S I rX i, yam+ LO7 3 LOT 4 w dYuperson whose name is subscribed Cambridge Drive,Alder Creek Drive and Brookdale Drive and within the Public Park lands. R ' R 7,700 Sq R ,�' V7,897 Sq Ft i=$ 8,4110 5iq R y I to within this instrument and acknowledged to me that he ezeauted the same,for and on behalf of soid Limited The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for car of I �l Liability Company. In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m official seal the day and year 9 Pr period of one year from this date. 120.00 9000'OO' r r r -ijs col lE--- I in is certificate first above written. The followingimprovements have NOT been completed, but are y Improvements g O N 180.00 9000'Ob'8 $ LOT t2 $ 1 9000' I 8 n 20.00 9000'OO'I U I i p p guaranteed b an Ira ovements Agreement: I t3 residing at L4 ; I Sidewalks,and street light improvements on Hidden Springs Lane.Summerset Drive,Cambridge Drive,Alder Creek Drive J n LOT 3 g-4 g x Ii Sq R ��.m LOT 5 $$ bJ e$ LpT 2 $ LOT 5 1 1 I r �t� ` t r and Brookdale Drive. Sod, boulevard,tree.,and irrigation system in the public right of way boulevard strips along 7,700 R "'8,400 R - ^ 8,400 R d spy U N PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA my commrsalon expires a ,J( all external subdivision streets and adjacent to subdivision arks or other common o i m m Sq J I 01 p pen apace or common area. 1 li v _ 110.00 9000' ra p 120.00 9000'OO' os I I n- $. I 1112g,DO 9000'OOI 20.00 9000'00' f I I I PRINTED NAME ��.••�'w•] Carle V.M illion The subdivider hereby certifies that he will warrant against defects in these' `" W` Z = d LOT 11 $ b I 8 I I •� I CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE ,,'p}...t°s,. rxxery ruWk from the data the improvements ore accepted b th City. The subdivider �ro�gvementa for ao period of one year F e f.-or LOf 4 S'r' O1 LOT 8T .� 1 I 1,the undersigned mortgages or encumbrancer•do hereby join in and consent to Bic 1Asn "por lot,"Stamof Munn e P P Y Y 9 possession fall public infrastructure 2 1 oN O 8 7,700 Sq R �+",'h X 6A76 R '� `T8,400 Sq R t7 $ a'"" R r9 -- I i gy j `fisted'p�at Aleleing shy improvements to the City of Bozeman,and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements, a0p u -. respective liens,claims or encumbrances as to any protion of said lands now be!'•98kl,irtti steradW, ow o- subject to the above Indicated completion and warranty. --L-I U- W parks or other public uses which ore dedicated to the City of Bozeman for the Musa d edjyieeins"won F.pires i 0.00 9000' � 120.00 900000 12t700 9000' 1 I (20.00 9000'OO I I z June a,20oe ���,, - g LOT 5 g .� �' &LOr 10 " 7 $ 0 d I 1OF 7 I I I r Dated this_day of -.' :, ',�s:NO +%i Uc. ,..(!(fie f I r3' 7,A10 Sq R 976 Sq R CJ 0.400 Sq R p ( & R I I I I Q Dated this �J day of�E ti..200 C �._i- I "' i k.. Mark A Chandler R --N H- STATE OF MONTANA �, Montana Ra Registration No.9518ES +� I iB0.00 9000'Ob' 120.OD 9000'lNf ,1T0.00 9000' r 20.00 90'00'OO'I I I I I COUNTY OF 96LLATIN t MAHAR MONTANA HOMES.LLC. g 1 I fL6ps o On this..Y-a daY of =�� Lc,xL�t in the r 2 r ( ���___ NNN Q i LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 8 l l�8 I I I I C yea 0<Yy,before me•a Notary PuQllc fir the �, %I L• ,) A I].�51�SW� , w,[ 8'36'10"E] 9,043 Sq Ft quo i 0.720 Sq R 9.620 Sq R t: 9,4 Sq R - State of Montano,personally appeared f'e,�f� 1.,-� •- 1•m- t✓us,cc;.J of by �f�ii actor of Public SSSdddnnrvlce �- - - 3810' _ 1 L HERBAGE BANK,a Montana Corporation.and known to me to be the w /'Joe Mahlon ty N7<q NOT TO SCALE N - J L_12d00.--J L_.J 20.00--J L_azaoD__J L______J rpo person hone name is subscribed /. President Ci of Bozeman,Montana p�hf�'B��B' o p 9 t10.01Y _-_ -� t �- a to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the some.for and on behalf of --� / LTqA a�g 179. 8536'1U r 240.01 38'10' R l 269'36'10' ,n said Corporation. In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and .,,__!..._-- - \ �'� 209d2 - -_L n! year inthis certificate fiat above written. CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER �#� o Fnd 5/ rebar with Bross Ca N line of COS NO. 482 � z POIN_f_OF_BE_NNNIN�C-_Cap Cambridge VC -R ________________________ bi /�,��1 T.Y. y1; residing at ,. �c:�.l I,Mna Rosenberry,Treasurer of Gallatin Count',Montana,do hereby certify that the accompanying UTILITY EASEMENTS u M-33 (N7C W6 PU8 R TH STATE OF MONTANA plot has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments 2 M) N 1 I aeaeased and Ira led on the land to be subdivided am paid. 10' FRONT AT ALL STREETS [S89-36'10"W] l ll-�l- .�.:.�. my commission expires /*-� nt�'(t"/ (�,W t,� ,/],-_ '1� 1_i 10' BACK I EXISTING 30'WIDE PUBLIC M PRINT D ht , �R Dated this qn day of �4w6M.r,200_I By: 'y"•� y T-Y m yC'I O/,yC Dedlity Treasurer of Gallatin County ' H STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT OSARIgtl •_ AREA TABULATION oa� SW 1/4, SE 1/4 C � SEAI- CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER �vo � I,Shelley Vance,Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County,Montano,do hereby certify that AREA OF SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 400,702 SO FT 9.1988 ACRES ��m � COS N0. 482 c'4 th foregoi g natrument was Ned n my office at lOt�o'clock&.M.this�!'1_ day of AREA OF PUBLIC PARK = 24,730 SO FT 0.5677 ACRE o Trustees of Grade School District No. 7 a P S 1/4 Ca.Sec.24 w •97); �J t41 es A.D.,200� and recorded in Book�� of plats, Page $_, AREA OF PUBLIC STREET= 174,317 SO FT 4.0018 ACRES to 62 Fm 1318 OF 8 1/2"x Squared SandstonejliII Engineering and Surveying Inc. records of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County, Montana. per COS NO.482 'S g 205 EdeWe es Dme•Bozeman,Montane 59718 Document Number_,en 1XV4 . 2173874 TOTAL AREA - 599,749 SO FT 13.7683 ACRES v Phone L4061 587-1115•Fax(408)587-9768 c II III I I II III III II III III P.e.:+el t www.chengineere.carn info®chengineerw.com 12/2312000 t0.11P 0401 1 ah.11.y V.....G-stirs Co in PLR,' 2a.60 ; MJ2