HomeMy WebLinkAbout2066515 1111111I�f�11I 20 I of 2 IN 1111111111111111111111111111 ma�,y� . 2002 04.48P Shelley Vence-Gallatin Cc MT DEED 12.00 QUITCLAIM DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,receipt of which is acknowledged and in hand paid,the undersigned, Margaret M.Hausser Living Trust,of 1102 East Kagy Blvd,Bozeman,Montana 59715,the Grantor,does hereby remise, convey,release,and forever quitclaim unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN a political subdivision of the state of Montana,P.O. Box 1230,Bozeman,Montana 59771-1230,the Grantee,all of its right,title and interest in and to the real property situated in the County of Gallatin,State of Montana,and which is described as follows: A tract of land in the SWI/4SEI/4 of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., and NWi/4NE'/4 of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said tract, which is North a distance of 140.9 feet and West a distance of 92.9 feet from the South Sixteenth Corner of the SETA of Said Section 18,said sixteenth corner being S.89° 19.5'E.a distance of 1308.9 feet from the Quarter Conner common to said sections 18 and 19;thence from the said point of beginning South 1° 40.0'W.a distance of 385.46 feet;thence N.88'28.2'W.a distance of 228.11 feet;thence North a distance of 385.46 feet to the Northwest corner of said tract,which is on the South line of the County Road;thence along the South line of the County Road to the point of beginning, which bears S. 88° 30,1'E. a distance of 239.30 feet from the said Northwest corner.Containing 2.068 acres,more or less. Recording Reference Film 66,Page 398,Document 91080 jr IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned have set their hands and Seals this , 23 day of Joe)1)0Y ,2001. MARGARET M.HAUSSER LIVING TRUST Mari nn F.Mausser,Co-Trustee Da id H.Hausser,Co- rustee 1111MIN01111 2066515 Pays: 2 of 2 04/i Shelley Vanoe-6allatln Co MT DEED 12.00 7/2002 04.46P PROVENCE OF ALBERTA ) )ss. County of Wainwright ) On this 25 day of ©CT09t=9 , 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the Provence of Alberta,Canada,personally appeared DAVID H.HAUSSER,known to me to be a Co- Trustee of the Margaret M.Hausser Living Trust and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for an on behalf of the Margaret M.Hausser Living Trust. I,N WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Sea]the day efid year first above . , • a Nottry Public for the Provenck of Albci c .; Residing at Wainwright ='�•, Y o'r r ' My Commission is Pe et , T n1v11i" N�&tC b BARIZISTE'A' SOLICITOR. STATE OF OREGON ) I"I 1 57!.4 A1,7-?-%t?E }ss. County of n' C%r,C)j1 } 'v1/r`•i i:v'. G' i F; r''1i1 Imo:to On this 3 day of 2001, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public for the State of Oregon,personally appeared MARILYNN F.HAUSSER,known to me to be a Co-Trustee of the Margaret M.Hausser Living Trust and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for an on behalf of the Margaret M.Hausser Living Trust. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) L CtLE YLC� / -r�-'YZC.rL.� Notary Public for the State of Oregon Residing at C'' /ze��r) - !� OFFICIAL SEAL My Commission Expires iC" - Dt'JRENE FRESHNER NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO,346426 MY COMM SSION EXPIRES JUNE 3,2005