HomeMy WebLinkAbout64-110 > > u Record of Deeds, Vol. 64 exosot upon of yment of its amount, and the Coapany hereby gives notice, that if tale voucher to signed without payment being made, it is Ben* at the SIG46 N?-R On RIB. THREN ?OFJ s BUTTS TOLL Line - Filed for record Sept . 15. 19"11 at 10:35 A.Ye N. B. Lundwall , deputy J F Harris , Recorder. *NNNNttNNMNNNNNhNNNNNNMNNAAwAAAttAAMMttN»NNNN +NNIhr . n. nnnNrM"..NN • h� •+N1�MAAN1�»w� PATl m p10141 Boteoen 011287 4-1004 TEr, TMITED STAT'FS OF AXV.RI CA. To all to wth om these nresent s shall come, Greet irtg s WT?*R11`oA39 a Certifiofits of the Register of the Land Office at Bozeman. Montana, has been deposited in the General Land Office, wherebyit sopeare that , pursuant to the Act of Congress of may 20, ld6C, "To secure Fiomesteade to Actual -attlere on the Public Dcmain," end the Rots supplemental thereto , the claim of Clarence A.Lytle has been for the eouthea:t quarter of the established and duly oonelimmoted , in conformity to Iswo, northeast quarter of tT:e southwest quarter, , the scutheast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast v_uarter of the southwest quarter, the east half of the north- west quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest nu^rter of the couthORSt nurrter of the southwest quarter, the east half of the southeast ouarter of the southwest quarter, the south half of the southeas11 qu"rter -nd the northwest quarter of the southeast qu- rter of Section twenty six in Township six south of iianRe three East_ of the 1:ont ;:sriri ian, Montens , oontm ining one hundred sixty sores, f:000rding to the Official !-flat of the survey of the sa idLand returned to the G73;7.RAL LAND nF?I C3 by the aurveyo r-,'eneral : I:OIr SOX Y�', :het there is, therefore, granted by the UVITF.D STATES, unto the selA oln iment the tract of Lund above described; TO FAYX h1-1) TO HOLD the sail treat of Land , with the appurtenances thereof, unto the a- id claimant end to the heirs and assigns of said olnimant forever; subject to any vested and accrued -water rights for mining, altrioultural , mnnuf^oturing, or other purposes, and rights to ditcher and reser- voirs used is connection with such water rights, as mey be recognized and acknowledged by the loo•-1 customs, laws; Rnd decisions of courts; send there is reserved from the lr-nd hereby grf+nted , a right of way thereon for Aitohes or onnal8 construotedby the authority of the United States; reserving, also , to the United :.totes all coal in the lands so granted , and to it , or persons authorized by it , the right to prospect for, mine, and remove coal from the seas upon compliance with the conditions of nnO subject to the limitations de the Act of June 1910 (36 atat. 9583) III _.STIy0NY Tffi7r1rC? 9 I , wARRM1 G. HARDIhG, President of the United .:totes of AmertoR , have o-useA these le- ters to be made Patent , end the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto ^ffixed . 0IVX11 under my hs,nd , in the District of Columbia, the tenth day ca 1tay in the Year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred f,nd twenty one m nd of the Independence of the United 5tetes the one hundred and forty-fift)2. By the President : WAr?RM1 G. HARDII13 By M. P. LeRoy, .,earetary, ( SEAL) L. Q. C. Lamar Recorder of the Genernl Lnne Office* R7:CORDF.D: Patent lumber 805750 Filed for record Sept . 15 , 19 1 at 1 :20 P. li. Hess Fowler, deputy J. H. Ferris, :,ecorAer. r;�.tNNwwnNwww" tn.tt•too*fin n lift nttrtnntt►tt/Nnn.NgtlotMNNNhn@tnr «nrtltrtN»•NNNnNNttn +n"gwNNNN ANSI'.Q ITT FOR SLLR OF RSIL NSTAt a #10144 ♦GREEL'?.I(T MR SALE OF R?.A1 3ZTATE. THIS AGR"LV7TT , Made and entered into this 15th dny of September. A D 1921 ,between Rarry S. Hoglroy and Anrlan A. AeNlroy, his wife, of BOZemBn , ontnne , the parties of the first part , and the CITY OF B03ELL411 , a Municipal corporation, the party of the "econd pert , WITNESSETH; That the said poirties of the first pert , in consider- tion of the covenants and agr s- rents on the part of the said party of the second pert hereinafter contained , agree to sell on-' convey onto "he sp id party of the second part , and the said second party agrees to buy, the following described reel eetnte situate in the City of Bozeman , 3ellatin Counts, State of rontens , to-wit : All that p>rt of t}:e Northwest Quarter of the ,outheast Quarter (N*. ofSE1 ) of Section Seven ( 7 ) , in iownship Two (2) South of Range Six ( ( ) past , 9 P Me contained within the following metes and bounds, to-wit : Commencing at the southwest corner of said ::orthwest Quarter o "the 6outreast Quarter of 8j) of said Section seven( 7 ) ; - thence running north threeHundred (300 ) feet ; thence east Pour Hundred Twelve ( 412) feet , more or less, parallel with the south line of said quarter quarter s^ct ion, to the west line of Church Avenue ; thence south along the west line of Church Avenue Three Hundred ( 300) -feet , more or less , : o the Routh 1 ine of ea id quarter quarter section; thonee west slona the south line of said quarter quarter section Pour Hundred Twelve (412 ) feet , more orless to the place of beeinnina. TOG?TFR.R, with all the tenements, hared itement s, appurtenances, water rights .d water ditches to the same beloacina.aM all the eet •.te , title , interest , claim end dens • of the said parties of the first part therein. For the sum of Three Thousend , Five Hundred ($3, 5 0.0� ) Dollars; and the sr id pe,rty of the second part , in eoneideretion of the oremiees, msrreee to pay to the said parties of the first part the said sum of Three ?hous*nd , Five FundredDollers, an follows, to-wit : The sum of One Thouannd ($1000.00) Dollars shall be paid at the time of the execution of this airreement , by a City warrant drawn a" inst the part ftnd of sr inity In favor of said Harry 6.A�oElroy. and first parties agree that said Warrant shall not be presented to the Treasurer of an IdCity for reaistrntion prior :.o the 15th day of Record of Deeds, Vol. 64 December 1921 ; and the bnlence of Two Thouaatd . rive auadred 142500*00) Dollars shall be Paid in four equal annual installments in the sum of mix hundred twenty five 1 -626.00) Dollars each on or before the loth Any of December of the years 19 1923. 1924 and 19-.5; said deferred instnllments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 15th dqy of December 19.1 . interestpayable annually on or before the 15th day Of December of each your. All of said deferred payments and interest shall be paid by barrents of said City drawn on the Parr Pund of saidCity or such other proper fund as the City Council or Roverninv body shell Alreot , in favor of said "nrry 6, U"Iroy. or Unriss . Ao3lroy, and the party of the second part shall have the priveleae of payinp one or ore instnllments in any year and may pay the whole of the ba ence c ssiA �rchnse prim t any time before the time and times herein specified . The portion of the first part eirree to pay all taxe" that have been levied ses inst id real estate, inoluA inn the taxes for the ysrr 1921 , but the parties of the first art shall not be liable for any taxes asminst sold real estfjte after said year, and it s sorreeA that said real estate shell be conveyed subject to and without any liability n the part of t?,e parties o .' the fire* part to p►:y sty epeeial Assessments for pavement nd storm .ewers on Church Avenue upon which said rehl estAto is looateA ; but all aeaees- ents for improvements, if any. heretofore eonstruoted , with the exception of 8814 pave- ant and stoma sewers, shall be paid by first parties. First part iee aaroo to tre-nefer to the party of the second p►irt . any snr all Policies t insurance on improvements on said reel estate which they now have. And t1.e said partier c ! the .first p rt , upon reoeivinir such payments at the t imp nd times and in the meaner ybcve man ' ioned , • gree to deliver to the party of the second art , or to its successors ►i.1 assigns, a Rood and sufficient and Auly a rsollteA deed for he oonveyinp and ansurine ur.' o tee said party of the second pert , the title to the above ascribed premises, free and olenr of all inoumbrances, with the exception of any special &seaament@ for improvements and any taxes which mny be hereafter levied. It is nPreed nd understood that the i mrties of the first perthnve► executed a deed to the party of the econd Dart , for the real estate and premises hereinbefore described . which is dated and AoknowleAreA on the loth dayof September, 19C1, and that sued deed , together with n copy of this agreement shaTT be plaosA in the Iistionrl Bank of Gallatin 1151ley at Bozeman, Lontans , upon the and erstand inp and aPreement, and with Instructions to said b• nk to sliver said Aeed to the party of thesecond part upon full payment of the hnlaneo of the rchese p,-ioe of said reel estate being made to or through an id bank for on id"arry 5. .lroy or Larien A. Uo"Slroy, and that much payments be made by warrants of said city drawn as hereinbefore specified. It is sgreeA that an abstract for said real estate has been prepared and that the same shall be plaoed in ends bank with said AeeA and be deliv. Bred to the party of the second part at the some time said deed is AelivereA . It is aareeA and underetood that the parties or the first part will Aeliver possese. ion of all of sale premises to the party of thesecond part on or before the 15th day of 6otober, 19E1, and that thereafter second party shall hove tYe right of possession and the rents, issues and profits of said real estate and premises. III 'NITNE33 WI?O:RMPS The oertier of the first part have hereunto signed their names and the pflrtyof the second part has caused these prese:its to be executed by its Mayor end City Clerk and the senj of saidCity to be hereunto affixed by order of the City ounoil of saidCity Trade and entered in its mitLytes on thel5th dayof September, 1921 ; he execution of this agreement being as of the crate hardinfliet above written. Harry &J. Uo::l roy (SEAL 1 Ugrian A. "oElroy CITY OF B0,331A119 ( DNA y) By F. J. Parkin, Mayor FTAT!P, 0. 1. Spieth, CityClerk OF KONTI:IIA ) S5' Countyof Gallatin ) On this 15th day c f aentember, 1921 , before me . A. A. Bolinger. a uotery L'ublic in and for theState ofidontene , personally spoenred harry S."oFlroy and L:arian A. HoLlroy, his wife, known to me to be the Dersons •rhos@ names are su::ecribed to 1:1:e foregoing instrument nd aoknowlsAgeA a that they executed the some. IN INITN°:SS :n.-i°:OF, ` hereunto set my hen#' and affix my Notarial .jsal at my office Bozeman,#ontens, the ddy and year first above written. A A Bolinger, • ( 5F.11L) Notary Publio for theotete ofSontana , Residing at bozeme:: ,Mnntens My commission expires Sept. 14th,1944. 8TA T? OF LXIIITAI:A ) : se County ofGallat in ) On this 11'th day of -jept. 1921 , before me ; ii. A. _3olinrer, a Notary Public In and for tr.ejtate of #ontens, personally aoDeared 2. '. Parkin, known • o me to be the lisyor of the City ofBozemen, the municipal corporation the*. executed the within instrument , and acknowlsdged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN NITNBSS YI!?nF.08, lay hereunto set my bend and affix any Notarial Seal at my office n Bozeman, 11ontans, the and ye• r first above written. F. A. Bol inner (SEAL) Notary Public for the Qtate of ontans , Residinir at :.ozA:mer,, L;ontense 1-)r commission expires Sept. 14th, 1924. sled for 3ecord Sept. 16, 19621 at 9 :35 A Y L Taber . " Oputy J H Parris, Recorler. wwnn. » .nw•+wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww•t• n»rwwnnwn • nww.wnn••. wn •.•••��whw�wwwnwww. �wMwww... wwwwwww•.