HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOS 1571 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No . 1�7j A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE ABANDONED g° CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD 41 COMPANY' S RIGHT OF WAY LOCATED IN THE SEI/4 AND SWI/4 Vol OF SECTION 7, NWI/4 AND SWIi4 OF SECTION 18, T2S, RIGE, PMM I ao A8 AND THE SWI/4 OF SECTION 13, T2S, R5E, PMM, r CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLAT I N COUNTY, MONTANA N oo•aY a7'W I GM FOR: THE CITY Of LANGONR BOZEMAN JANUARY, 1991 I 64•44 &BY: GASTON ENGINEERING &9 SURSURVEYING BOZEMAN, MONTANA --�..(.-t k►ttPrl-'♦ m-- PARK � SCALE: I" = 100' "I ea•03'Ie'E a� GRANT ST. 7 3e' REASON FOR SURVEY - TO DEFINE THE BOUNDARY OF THE ABANDONED CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE 1. r•PJPF I..In•PIPE_ -- ,.,•R[IM.TAP ST. PAUL AND PAC i f I C RA I LROAD COMPANY' S RIGHT OF WAY AS RETAINED BY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR GALLIGATOR LINEAR PARK AND BEING RECORDED PURSUANT TO 76-3-404 MCA 20.2a eurTE xrrw'eJ•e o.nve4w TRUE Polnraw I d00(TI pV / Oq r TRD u cvpr yyy}.. j I �_3g NL• d6%/ I" I BLOCK 2I I Q •1 3/ BUTTE I 4I • ,�!/ LOT A /AMENDED NOTES AODI TION I a4e PLAT 0 FND 5/8' REBAR W/CAP UR AS NOTED I I BUTTE o SET S/B• a 18' REBAR W, AS I 4. ADD I T ION N 00•�6•a4f W BAS15.OFE BEARING CCE ULL C., M., ST, P. B P. R.R. R/W(N29'16'42•E)MENTle.7 �'/ LOT B k •� BLOCK -20- w : al BUTTE N ADDITION reb`�TRACT 2 tno .----- N e- 02153'E 0,013 Acs. 8 L I NCOLN ST. 87.67' -� fMA J e arsAR m i 6 Le•le'12'w -- _ 4.721 ` DESCRSPSIONS f aa•02 LOT I'53'W - i PIPE J TO•M'lT'F O.JI' IIrl ea<OP'aa(w 2a.7e• FROM MUE POJITIOR, UJlD As R. p,2e• '.'[ac- 1 •/ f 1 r ac A c of !and O Ue:ng a pot Leon Of -he abendpnld llj ' Chicago, M,:wauxee, ae. Paui and Paci::c Railroad a d CVeFla" a r,ghc-pE-way :ocac d :n :he SEj of Sect ioq : 100 0 100 200 J T2$, R5E`P'M..,- end the sAj of Section 18. <25, P6E,� P.M.M., ' Boaeaan, Gallatin r-0 ni Mon... and be,ng f-theso Cesrr-i as LOT P •r Be9tnn'feet ng a- a po-t welch 1. 5166.39'4•9-.a distance V f "r a the E :i'.6 co et of th• 3W j Ot said' O; LOT / ' I Sxct ion®3` "d phe,c al JO hung on the sSW j of xighc I r f ,war 1,ne of^xagy BO ;ward; thence eto.save ttp 1 r 3 point c{ b.gof _ng along the souther:y right-pf-++ey<. !. / \ • p. Ragy sou:evard 568.15'i:"W a distance pt 58.35 ee `V a V29°'.b4i"E a d?siaace o= 105.02 £eec <a ch¢<SE L07 3 (.oc 5 of Sreek Way Subdivision: thence CI N 40.43'is. Nsa•is u-J. a die cane!of 20.42 t<ec: then[! 1T.a0' O/ N29°16'41"E a dis[axe of 11II.97 Eeee; thence �O /0 a LOT 2 / / N59°37'a'."W a d(aiance of ::.EG feet to the SE corner of P /`'Z`N 2a'IS'42' a et Greer Way Su :he«N29•16'42"E �Q•/ 173.e4 / / 9iatance oC i49.16 Feet to 11h, eoutn coenx f 1.1 1 of LOT 4 / \ < e Mi ukea Adaic ion es S00.59'45"E aodie canoe o ,7 �/ \ 71 toot: .yen a N24•_6�92"E a e, s.ance of 271 32 Oj• / ♦ l�/ LOT 3 / / =e a S&e•45 J7"W s d_scence ,f .'0.-1 feet - the / a e0.43'19•E t Y / / SElcar^e^sou-iot s_oi the Yi ivauk<o Add::ion; thence IT.a0' \ a sa•oa•Le'E onq ne erl line of .he M>1•seukae Add:t,on 17.0a a,. the'Th..panna.Addi:ion N29.16a2'E a dill.- an. o' LOT J '� / / G77.82c Ease [hence 560•a3'.8"E a d.,t`nce of 17,50 feet; thence �29' E a diatance of 17j.94 Eeet: thenco N60.43'i8"M a ci 17.50 {tee -o _:',e 3E corne of Lot 2 oC the Thompson / \ Add l-,on; thence along :he aVuth<aacar l'y line Of avid od,v l e ion //\ l07 e / / N29.16'42"E a_discance of 296.:7 fee, to point on the .ideac- lin1. o[ aec_1 -1, "" R", said Lane also b.ing the c 4ER0. YON. foxy-' \ / yO / ce[l:ne of Linco in i et. :!:e ce aLt.9 ealtl tine N09.0I'43"E e - \ COT S \ disc ante of 5'.ReL ne- a Ghencan Sl9°'.6'42"W a die,ance of 34.71 tp• \ `art 'o ,he VW coC :.oc B1oek 1, of Thompson Second V Add-on; thence 589• C2'33"'+'4 dieea ce of 20.25 feet: thence LOT B I LOT 7 \ ,ya LOT d �V 32•:6'42"W a dos Lance of 4f4.9i fee<:nt,_I, 665'05'29' a \ A.• d:stance oP 17.55 .cot .p t.,e NE corner 'Oxf Lot 4, 01-1, 1,iof Fa, \ Th...... Second Addi=ion: :nonce a ong ^_ aW these terry a of r 'In \ / / a:dmAddition $29.16'42"W a distance ai 700.72 feet to the NE a ' r of ;.< l2 of acre AI -on: thence .60.43'18•W a distance LOT 6 v f. 17.50 fs thence 529°1 '42"W a diacence o: 66.27 feet; xMnce SGG•59'15"'eea distance pE 3a.it !¢•_: thence S29'16'42"W a O LOT 4 ` 4 \ �\ / distance of 311.63 fee-, e point o'_bat;-Ring. Said t --_ \ Q / / Tents.• 3Ri ac,ea along w..n and aub3ec1 to any ezte.ing a...- LOT 7 Q / / TRACT 2 LOT 9 I I LOT 3 A cr ace of land beknq a Portion :,: the eb..d.nad Chitego. M'.twat,a<, Se. Paul, no d Pacific R-1-d Company's tight-of-wa'y :--d in the alj o£ section is, ..25, Ra, P,M al., City o. 8...... Gallatin County, Montana, and Doing further 1 / deaccrbad as °pl love: W 13 ♦ LOT d 0 / e orne[ f degvnninq a[ a cos nG which i the SE t of Block 21 o the Butte Addit ton \ z I J LOT P \ P� / Hawman; xn<nce ftoa sa ld point of bnginn:ng alono the northerly right of ♦o of Ltnco In Street SR9.02'S3'W a dietarce of I5.7R 4ae<; thence N29•l6`42"E W aideetill-mt 51.13 feet to a point on t'ne uestar ly right of way line of W111.on \\ W a •e 4a'a7'W 9 \\ �� / / Avenue: t`,ence aionq seed line 500.59.54[Qaa dietanct of 44.18 feet to the point _ a 2 31' �tj. b4' LOT 9 \ / / of Uaginni ng. Said c ing 0.013 ac along with and aub3ect to any / I I LOT l /• J % ezlac ing ease.enca. LOT f0 y\/ /t[- f at. 1 w1 C- ,,, M l iz ae, St Paul, and Pmciti, Railroad ..P M Eana, nd hei t1 an..Y raapc t 9 ;.11a NWj t toll 1III. 'T2' R6E. F.N.M., City of fl ...n, Gelletln C I LOT 7 /0 \\ / / eagi q t ( 1 NGG 59 4 W I d f j5l,S2 f om the RW corner of Block 20 II eeel�Ia�e 4a'E I / of tl h tt n,l o 'J ( t a b ' i r t ly right of way Ill, of Wiu- FMD AL CAP A+w•dd Oe•E 0.te' D471', /r LOT II \ Av¢n lY ., ( 'd ( pr' f U g ,g 1. 3 i 'gl f aY NQ0.59.59'w a die tence ,f fROM TRUE PPBTIOI,UJEO AJ R..1L `N 60•43'le'w / 29.75 feat; th N29 1.6 12 k d' ( 210 2G f. c t C n the m wtherly rfght of way 1 FND I-I/.'PIPE AL UM CA!' T•a�• / / line +rant 4 .} -l.nq sa 1 l HN9 )J E 1' t f 17.'36 (eat• thence / \ J00•PI lJ'E O.ID fRLMI- s 2Y•<42'W / S29`i6 42"W a d,s a of Jt 4.6q fret t e Poln� If on<I•n ,ng. ,.aid tract beinq 0.099 etc<a along \ MUE I0J1T/ON. J4 AJ e.. d e.27 / with ens aW,jeer ,.a etY er,atii,q e»x wen_a. a 00•59•45•E / LOT It / GREEK WA \\ I s\ /SUBDIVISION \ \ TRACT 4 N 50*37'01' ; \�/ ( A kraal of lend ne a portion c;f rho abandoned I'h tca9!�. Mi:'wa nker, St. Pnui, and Pacii is Rai 1[oa, (7.a0' ♦ I Company's right-o(tway loco red i, lh< NW j oL SettfOn 10. T2S, R6E, Y.M.M., City of Boae..e, at p' LOT 13 / 1 0a/1 (n Coancy. Mont nna, and U<i nq furl:har dean ih<d a» tot tows: LOT 6 N346.7e' • A I / \ Deg' g a M ,hich 1 sn I f T 1 f < fi ate of Survey No. 1293; thence /! fro 1 I n D . 2 J9 -1 t 1y f d T i.t 1 N29 16 42'E a distance of f \ 78]OB f k tp ( t tl _ 11 y l., C y I' f f. Id ...... hence along said line N ee•la•I I•E �64 y / \ NRP. 4 29 E a 'a f 17.61 f .t t tl - t 1 A 3ed P1 ( Black 1. (,0, 1, of F Vniver sl ty-4,v,x inn, thence »ion., nVriln+taterly if ne nt eaid epUl iviaion S29.16 42'W. 9 .42' � I ' distance p( 82.J9 fast; th¢pca 60P`I4'31"w a distance OE 20.34 feet; [hence 529'16'42"N a distance• V[ 30.7T Lee1.; thence 5G0^49'0,J'f. a aia<nnc. of 34.9V feet. to ti,e nn[th c r Of Langob[ Palk; Ia. MOM. dpx ---- aq thenco along the nOrt Aweatat ly line o said part,b29•}6'42"W a dint.nce of r 700.09 Feet to .point on N 2e•I�'42'E KAGY BLVD. the easterly line nE aloe, 20, o[ tlier8ul.lc A,)dition Lo 8oee.an: teen[!N00°S9'S1'M a diacante pf m IOa.OL eaje ell fNO.re e. 0-1/ 61i,`„get eomehea point of beginning. Said trket being .0.59i acres along with and subject to any 9�• sEe 1!, TdJ, ,e- ez ae n n----_---------_--- Deacriptiona continued n Sh.- 2 of 3. s ss•1a'1 rw SHEET / OF 3 3e.aa vtar ftu 90-aw-1 cowD.EtLE w-sw CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No . I -571 A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE ABANDONED PLAT BOOK C / CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD I PAGE / COMPANY' S RIGHT OF WAY LOCATED IN THE SEI/4 AND SWI/4 I / OF SECTION 7, NWI/4 AND SWI/4 OF SECTION 18, T2S, RISE, PMM I / AND THE SWI/4 OF SECTION 13, T2S, R5E, PMM, / CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR: THE CITY OF BOZEMAN I / BY: GASTON ENGINEERING 8 SURVEYING JANUARY, 1991 / BOZEMAN, MONTANA J / SCALE: I" = 100' I / 4. REASON FOR SURVEY - TO DEFINE THE BOUNDARY OF THE ABANDONED CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE TRACT ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPINY' S RIGHT OF WAY AS RETAINED BY THE CITY OF 6 CIS NO. 1329 BOZEMAN FOR GALLIGATOR LINEAR PARK AND BEING RECORDED PURSUANT TO 76-3-404 MCA LOT la r I N 89•I O'a7•E �/ �� NOTES •FND S/B' REBAR W/CAP OR AS NOTED Ip°LOT Is LOT 15\ o SET 5/8• a 18' REHAR W/CAP I air R.M. REFERENCE MONUMENT I s, BASIS OF BEARING - C/L C., M., 5T, P. 6 P. R.R. R/W IN29.16'42•EI I LOT 17 - J _ J e•06•28.46' {{�....o� R•1407.70'- 9p /l`� soflib LOT 18 UNIv€RSITyI t p• 87•W LOT 13 I for re p • AL. rAtLEx, Itl.3Y1 I LOT Is SUBD!I 1S10N f----7�e• �( LOT If �1--�-- W I LOT 20/p+ /, \ STREET = 100 0 100 200 \ 8 00.41�0'03•E 34.90':. Loi /O 1 /N 89•07•!!•9 0.2 \ N 29'18'42•E fno s T-E IR rC j awrf,tct EPLACep rMEaAa a CAf ' LOT 9 I LOT 10 'r I LOT 9 II a w I N 00.49 03•W\\ LOT I 34.*W t J o I I LOT 9 .a,aarq• Z // Q06J FNO. a/e•e �311 EF�W-T&Faa� I 91 N 0/ Lor 2 LOT T I CA I . CiS No. 655 /� rli 31 y ex I -- ---I J LOT I I LOT 3 LOT S I I m /6r A,IENOED vtrr I �'�, / NIWRSITr sus. I LOT 4 I LOT d 0 LOT r c_III,Was con. i 1 E---- --�l ------.--- t 88•a4•-•W o:l f'-fi eeAn.7tAP 'es GARF IELD o 37•67' n•ra re• I. eav TM*STREET e N t8•a4'29'E T------ -----7---7Ti .u�WKA�- a 29�1R .27W I- 1 xar•aa'rrE o.u• 82.39'utrxoEa vur I I UJfO AaDR.YWIiI DN/ "0",1 LOT I UNI me$IT,SPR `NO R[eUE POa 1T ION AR xIe'Je'JI'E TRACT 3 2 2 / e0Y TR O I e8 3!'31•W a O1 land S1-9 a oort:ton o the abandoned cb-go, 20°34' I LOT n ,aukee, st, eau:., an9 Pacif ie•Raiiroad Company'e right O .,ey iocetea iri the NWj of beet ion i8. and the SEj a,18 SNj O I W O 38.77't1 42•W I v; 5<cticn ]. T21. R6E, P.M.M., City of BOaeman, Gallatin County. Montana, and being Cur Cher described as follows: ti U 34.90' Beginning et a Point which is the Ni corner of section is, O ' / ' I I I T25, R6L, P.M.M., said Point also being the NE corner of ILor J LOT a eertiiicate of survayNo, 1329: thence from said porn; of m £ARRANGE NT BLOCK 21 I beginning along the north erly line of sid Car:iticats of /^O LOT rUN�'VERS,TY UBDIVIS,ON Survey O 7y 27'4a"W a distance of 202.74 feet to the.W cornet f said Cartificate of survey; chende along the nor:hw<er.er ly line 11ucV id purvey 835•a2'0{aW a L :1-ce o1 [� AVENUE 75.25 along a c n to the left with radius of C/'J No. 168 '/ _ I I 1902.36 tees a dt.Caner of 211.67 feet; Lhen<e 529•l6'42"W a dis:anus of %3.90 fact; thence N89.07'28"E a distance of Iy/LU f / { l I 20.24 feet t0 iF,e NW corner of Lot I of Vni vacs ity L---- 4 -�4 Subdiv,Sion: thence along thee ehMeet.rly line of aaid ra / I lOr rP I aubdivisla: S2'I'i6'32"W a is of 463.07 feet to a point HA YES S T. I �6 e I / for I the northerly ::qht oc '.my line of aaefteld street: O° / cllenra along sa i9 tine SGd•i4.29•'W a distance of 37.67 feet: :hence N19°1b'42" E a distance of 342.45 feet; thence N00.49 03"W a distance of 34.90 feet to the SE corner of Lot IG of Spr ing,Jeil Add Lon! thence W29•16'42"E s distance of X ( i19.65 .e<1 0 `t south c er of Lot 20 of Spring Deli A 6 I I Addition; :hence SOO•49a03"Ene distance of 34.90 Eeet: thence N29°16'42"E a di ca ce of 284.94 fast; Chance 589"L0'S]"W a distance of ''<4.38 feet to a Point on the 1 $ I LANGOHR I outhaas to rly line of SOrtrg Dell Addition; thence alony PARK I said line along a nont.angant c rva to the left with a radius I I of 140].70 !net a dim Lance of 159.2: fast having radial hearing Gros the P.C. to the radius point of 064.OB'40"W; thence N89•i0'S7"F,a distance of 46.72 feat; thence cu N29.16'42"E:a distance of 520.07 teat: thence along a rva Q y to the right wi_Y.a radius of 1917.36 East a dis Genre of w 213.33 f eL; thence N35.39'13"E a distance of 69.43 feet: O w e I 'nencs Sa8°42'20"W a distance of 56.73 feet to the SE ror Mr of Lnt 4, nt the Amended Piat of Guy's second Addition; 00 j I I thence along the aouchenaeer ly line of said plat N35.55-01"E 2 0 n atacance ar 241.4] feet. NCO. 29'll"W a distance of O I I 228.08 Eaet; thence V68.46'52"E a distance. of 223.43 feet; -I I / I thences%rlY9r ighe ofdia�a erne of 59outh Church Assets, on J thence along aaid :inew5W•43'O3"E a d:s Lance of 25.29 feat; thence S35°39'12"W a distance of 915.74 teat; thence sarl�as N88.42'20"E a distance of 130.51 teat: thence 800.27'37•'E e v�K distance of 93.50 feet to the t of be N 00$9,57•W Moto ginning. Said act being 2.645 acres Nionq wi eh and suojecc to any GRANT ST. t4.4s' eRiee tog<aaemenca. END I•P/IE fND I/t°III[ '. 1 I SHEET 2 OF 3 PLOT 1111 e0-6H-Y, f-G. iRE a0-aa1