HomeMy WebLinkAbout12_Nissan Site Plan - Geotech_01.pdf GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION BILLION AUTO PLAZA THREE AUTO DEALERSHIPS BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 1, 2010 Project No. 07-115-03 Prepared for: Big Sky Land Consulting, PLLC. 5530 Burnt Road Belgrade, Montana 59714 Prepared by: Rimrock Engineering, Inc. 5440 Holiday Avenue Billings, Montana 59101 RIMROCK ENGINEERING, INC. Phone 406.294.8400 5440 Holiday Avenue • Billings, MT 59101 Fax 406.294.8405 July 1, 2010 Big Sky Land Consulting, PLLC 5530 Burnt Road Belgrade, MT 59714 Attention Mr Tom Henesh SUBJECT: Geotechnical Investigation Report Billion Auto Plaza Three Auto Dealerships Bozeman, Montana Dear Mr. Henesh� The attached report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Billion Auto Plaza located west of Bozeman, Montana. This investigation encompasses approximately 25 acres for three new auto dealership buildings and construction of interior streets and utilities. Our work consisted of subsurface exploration. laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. Based on our work completed to date, we have drawn the following general conclusions • The 25 acres of the J&D Family Minor Subdivision — Phase 1 and 2 encompassed by this report is currently covered by 1.0 to 2.0 feet of topsoil and vegetation. The underlying soils consist of a layer of lean clay ranging in depth from 2.5 to 3 5 feet below the existing site grades. These fine grained soils are moderately to highly compressible, have a low potential to swell, have a medium to high plasticity and were soft to very soft. Beneath the clay layer we encountered silty gravel with sand and cobbles to the depths explored of 8.0 below existing site grades Groundwater was encountered in our test pit and test pits at depths ranging from 2.0 to 3.0 feet below existing site grades during our exploration in June 2010 • Groundwater was encountered in all of the test pits Due to the shallow groundwater elevations. dewatering for utilities and foundation construction will be required. Our scope of services did not include designing a dewatering system or the influence 07-115-03 Page 1 of 2 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc • of dewatering on existing streets, utilities, or adjacent structures. A dewatering system should be designed by a competent engineer with experience with dewatering systems. • Conventional spread and continuous footings will support the structural loads for the anticipated buildings if founded in the medium dense to dense native gravels with sand and cobbles. These and other conclusions and recommendations, along with restrictions and limitations on these conclusions, are discussed in the attached report. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you, and look forward to future endeavors. If you have any questions regarding this report or need additional information or services, please feel free to call the undersigned. Sincerely, RIMROCK ENGINEERING, INC. ���pF MpNT.• co' BERT WAYNE :* •* KUKES • 10 Robert W. Kukds,•P.� '+ �o, Wade Reynolds Principal Staff Geologist Enclosures: Report (3 bound copies) 07-115-03 Page 2 of 2 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ..............................................................................................1 1.1 Project Description......................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Work ......................................................................................2 1.3 Authorization...............................................................................................................2 1.4 References..................................................................................................................2 2.0 METHODS OF STUDY ...........................................................................................................3 2.1 Field Exploration.........................................................................................................3 2.2 Laboratory Testing......................................................................................................3 3.0 DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................................4 3.1 Site Conditions.............................................................................................................4 3.2 Subsurface Conditions ...............................................................................................4 3.3 Laboratory Test Results .............................................................................................4 3.4 Analytical Methods......................................................................................................5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................5 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................................................6 5.1 Site Clearing and Preparation ....................................................................................6 5.2 Earthwork....................................................................................................................6 5.2.1 General Site Grading....................................................................................6 5.2.2 Temporary Unconfined Excavations............................................................6 5.2.3 Temporary Trench Excavation and Backfill .................................................7 5.3 Foundations................................................................................................................7 5.4 Compaction Requirements.........................................................................................8 5.5 Concrete Slab-on-Grade Construction.......................................................................8 5.6 Pavement Sections.....................................................................................................8 5.7 Site Drainage...........................................................................................8 5.8 Concrete Reactivity.....................................................................................................8 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES.......................................................................................................9 6.1 Project Bid Documents...............................................................................................9 6.2 Construction Observation/Testing and Plan Review .................................................9 7.0 LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................................10 APPENDICES A Plates B Suggested Specifications for Earthwork C Application for Authorization to Use 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED BILLION AUTO PLAZA THREE AUTO DEALERSHIPS BOZEMAN, MONTANA 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE 11 Project Description This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Billion Auto Plaza which includes three auto dealership buildings, interior streets. and utilities shown on the site map, Appendix A (Plate 2). The type of construction anticipated for the dealership buildings was not known at the time of this report, but is anticipated to be masonry construction. The project will also include construction of interior streets and associated utilities. Structural loads were not available at the time of this report being issued and were estimated to have continuous wall loads of 5 to 6 kips per lineal foot for long-term loading conditions for masonry construction. We have estimated interior column loads of 50 to 60 kips for long term loading conditions. Cuts and fills for building pad construction may be on the order of 3 to 4 feet with over excavation requirements in the footing locations. 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed development with respect to the observed subsurface conditions, and to provide our preliminary geotechnical recommendations and opinions as outlined in our proposal dated June 7, 2010, summarized below. • General soil and groundwater conditions at the project site. with emphasis on how the conditions are expected to affect the proposed construction; • Suggested specifications for earthwork construction, including site preparation recommendations, a discussion of reuse of existing near surface soils as structural or non-structural fill, and a discussion of remedial earthwork recommendations, if warranted, • Recommendations for temporary excavations and trench backfill., • Conventional shallow spread foundation design including soil bearing values, minimum footing depth, resistance to lateral loads and estimated settlements. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. • Concrete reactivity potential of site soils; • Structural pavement sections for asphaltic concrete, • Subgrade preparation for slab-on-grade concrete. Our scope of services consisted of background review, site reconnaissance, field exploration, laboratory testing. engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. This study did not include evaluations of site seismicity, liquefaction, faulting, or other potential geologic or environmental hazards. 1.3 Authorization Authorization to proceed with our work on this project was provided on June 10, 2010. 1.4 References The following information was provided to Rimrock Engineering in the course of this study and serves as the basis of our understanding of the project type and scope_ • Preliminary Site Plan of Billion Auto Plaza. This map showing the proposed location of the interior subdivision streets was provided by Genesis Engineering and is the basis for the Site Map on Plate 2 of this report • Google Earth Maps. Bozeman. Montana (2010) — Gallatin Co.. (Satellite Image) This image was the basis for the Vicinity Map shown on Plate 1 of this report. • Site Photos taken by Rimrock Engineering during our field exploration in June 2010. 2.0 METHODS OF STUDY 2.1 Field Exploration Our selection of field exploration locations was based on the anticipated project layout and site access. The subsurface exploration consisted of excavating ten (10) test pits in the proposed construction area using a rubber tired backhoe. The test pits were completed in-lieu of borings due to the inclement weather and the inaccessibility of the site with a truck mounted drill rig due to the soft soil conditions and the high water table. Test pit depth was 8.0 feet below the existing ground surface. Locations of the test pits are shown on the Site 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc Map (Plate 2, Appendix A), were staked by Genesis Engineering, Inc. These locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. Soil conditions encountered are presented on the test pit logs which are included as Plates 3 through 12. A description of the Unified Soil Classification System used to identify the site soils and a test pit log legend are presented on Plates 13 and 14 (Appendix A). Field personnel logged the soil conditions exposed in the test pit excavations and collected bulk samples for laboratory testing After the test pit excavations were completed, they were checked for groundwater and backfilled with excavated soil using the equipment at hand. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing is useful for evaluating both index and engineering properties of soils. Typical index tests evaluate soil moisture content, soil particle gradation and plasticity characteristics. We have performed/will perform laboratory testing on selected soil samples to assess the following: • Soil Classification (ASTM D422, D1140, D4318, D2487, and D2488) • Moisture Content (ASTM D2216) • California Bearing Ratio (ASTM D1835) In addition, the following analytical tests were performed by Pace Analytical Laboratories. • Soluble Sulfate Content Individual laboratory test results can be found on the test pit/excavation logs and on Plates 15 through 18, Appendix A, at the end of this report 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 Site Conditions Access to the project site is provided by Cottonwood Road and Babcock Street. The Billion Auto Plaza covered by this investigation is surrounded by agricultural land and undeveloped residential/commercial property. The site is presently undeveloped agricultural land. The ground surface in the area of the proposed subdivision appears to slopes gradually to the north. A total relief of approximately ten feet is currently present at the entire project site. Drainage on the site consisted of sheet flow to the north. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc 3.2 Subsurface Conditions The following paragraphs summarize the results of our field exploration. The test pit/testpit logs should be reviewed for a more detailed description of the subsurface conditions at the locations explored • The 25 acres of the J&D Family Minor Subdivision — Phase 1 and 2 encompassed by this report is currently covered by 1.0 to 2.0 feet of topsoil and vegetation. The underlying soils consist of a layer of lean clay ranging in depth from 2.5 to 3.5 feet below the existing site grades. These fine grained soils are moderately to highly compressible, have a low potential to swell, have a medium to high plasticity and were soft to very soft. Beneath the clay layer we encountered silty gravel with sand and cobbles to the depths explored of 8.0 below existing site grades_ Groundwater was encountered in our test pit and test pits at depths ranging from 2.0 to 3.0 feet below existing site grades during our exploration in June 2010. Fluctuations in the level of the groundwater and soil moisture conditions as noted in this report may occur due to variations in precipitation. land use, irrigation, and other factors 3.3 Laboratory Test Results Laboratory testing was performed as previously discussed in Section 2.2. The test data were evaluated in combination with our field exploration information to assess the engineering properties of the predominant soil types Atterberg limits tests indicated the lean clay soils have a medium to high plasticity. The sulfate content test results indicated that the soils have a negligible potential for concrete reactivity. 3 4 Analytical Methods Field and laboratory data are useful when combined with engineering fundamentals to assess specific behavior such as bearing capacity, settlement, and other design parameters. The following approaches were used in developing the conclusions and recommendations presented in subsequent sections of this report. • Allowable bearing pressures were computed using Terzaghi's general bearing capacity formula. • Settlements were not computed at this time and will be provided when a design level report is completed. • Pavement sections were computed using the AASHTO Procedure for Design of Flexible Pavement Sections. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc 4.0 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are based on the data collected during this assessment and are subject to the limitations stated in this report. These conclusions may change if additional information becomes available. Based on the results of our study, no severe soil or groundwater constraints were observed which would preclude development The following is a summary of our conclusions. • The 25 acres of the J&D Family Minor Subdivision — Phase 1 and 2 encompassed by this report is currently covered by 1.0 to 2.0 feet of topsoil and vegetation The underlying soils consist of a layer of lean clay ranging in depth from 2.5 to 3.5 feet below the existing site grades. These fine grained soils are moderately to highly compressible, have a low potential to swell. have a medium to high plasticity and were soft to very soft. Beneath the clay layer we encountered silty gravel with sand and cobbles to the depths explored of 8.0 below existing site grades Groundwater was encountered in our test pit and test pits at depths ranging from 2.0 to 3.0 feet below existing site grades during our exploration in June 2010. • Groundwater was encountered in all of the test pits Due to the shallow groundwater elevations, dewatering for utilities and foundation construction will be required. Our scope of services did not include designing a dewatering system or the influence of dewatering on existing streets, utilities, or adjacent structures. A dewatering system should be designed by a competent engineer with experience with dewatering systems. • Conventional spread and continuous footings will support the structural loads for the anticipated buildings if founded in the medium dense to dense native gravels with sand and cobbles. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Site Clearing and Preparation Prior to construction, surface soils and organic soils should be stripped and removed from the site or stockpiled for use in non-structural areas. It appears about 1 to 2 feet can be used as a reasonable estimate for average depth of stripping. Deeper stripping/grubbing of organic soils, 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering. Inc. tree roots, etc.. may be required in localized areas. Tree root balls should be removed and the resulting voids backfilled with adequately compacted backfill soil All man-made debris including dumped fills or trash should be removed from the site The geotechnical engineer should be present during stripping and site preparation operations to observe stripping and grubbing depths, and to evaluate whether buried obstacles such as underground utilities, wells, and foundations are present. Excavations resulting from removal operations should be cleaned of all loose material and widened as necessary to permit access to compaction equipment. 5.2 Earthwork 52.1 General Site Grading Site preparation and grading should conform to the requirements contained in this report and in the suggested specifications which are provided as Appendix B of this report We anticipate that site grading can be performed with conventional earthmoving equipment. Prior to fill placement, the exposed native soils should be scarified to a minimum depth of six inches, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction in accordance with the ASTM D698 compaction test method. Where fill is necessary, it should meet the requirements for structural fill found in Appendix B. It appears that the existing near surface soils are not generally capable of meeting recommended requirements for structural fill. Fill placement and compaction requirements presented in Appendix B should be followed 5.2.2 Temporary Unconfined Excavations The contractor is ultimately responsible for the safety of workers and should strictly observe federal and local OSHA requirements for excavation shoring and safety. All temporary slopes should comply with OSHA requirements for Type A soils near the surface and Type C below approximately three feet. During wet weather, runoff water should be prevented from entering excavations. 5.2.3 Temporary Trench Excavation and Backfill It appears that excavation for footings and utility trenches can be readily made with either a conventional backhoe or excavator in the native soil. We expect the walls of the footing trenches in the near surface fine grained soils to stand near vertically without significant sloughing. If trenches are extended deeper than three feet into the native gravel with sand or are allowed to dry out, the excavations may become unstable and should be evaluated to verify their stability prior to occupation by construction personnel. Shoring or sloping of any deep trench walls may be necessary to protect personnel and provide temporary stability. All 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. excavations should comply with current OSHA safety requirements for Type A soils near the surface and Type C below three feet (Federal Register 29 CFR, Part 1926). Backfills for trenches or other excavations within pavement areas should be compacted in six to eight inch layers with mechanical tampers Jetting and flooding should not be permitted. We recommend all backfill be compacted to a minimum compaction of 97% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. The moisture content of compacted backfill soils should be within 2% of the optimum. Poor compaction in utility trench backfill may cause excessive settlements resulting in damage to the pavement structural section or other overlying improvements Compaction of trench backfill outside of improvement areas should be a minimum of 90% relative compaction 5.3 Foundations Shallow spread footing foundations may be founded directly on the native gravel with sand and cobbles. Foundations on the native gravel with sand and cobbles may use an allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 pounds per square foot. Utilizing the structural loads from Section 1.1 we have estimated settlements of 3/ to 1 inch with differential settlements of one half that amount. Foundations founded in the native gravel will require dewatering during construction. Depending on the final design elevations, perimeter drains may be required for all building foundations or a permanent site dewatering system may have to be designed. If the building pads are raised, the foundations should be over excavated to the native gravel and sand layer and built up to foundation elevation with compacted structural fill Exterior foundations should be embedded a minimum of 4 feet below lowest adjacent exterior finish grade for frost protection and confinement. Interior footings should be bottomed at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade for confinement. Wall foundation dimensions should satisfy the requirements listed in the latest edition of the International Residential Code. Reinforcing steel requirements for foundations should be provided by the design engineer The allowable bearing pressures, indicated above, are net values, therefore, the weight of the foundation and backfill may be neglected when computing dead loads. Allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for short-term loading such as wind or seismic. Resistance to lateral loads in the gravel with sand soil may be calculated using an allowable passive equivalent fluid unit weight of 350 pounds per cubic foot and an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.45 applied to vertical dead loads. Both passive and frictional resistances may be assumed to act concurrently. An allowable active equivalent fluid pressure of 36 pounds per cubic foot may be used. The International Building Code Site Class for this project is Class C. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering,Inc. 5A Compaction Reguirements The following table lists the compaction requirements for the different types of fill recommended in this report TABLE 1 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS Structural Fill Beneath Foundations 98% of ASTM D698 Backfill Against Foundations 95% of ASTM D698 Utility Trench Backfill 97% of ASTM D698 5.5 Concrete Slab-on-Grade Construction Prior to constructing concrete slabs, the upper six inches of slab subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned to within 2% of optimum, and uniformly compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. All concrete floor slabs should have a minimum thickness of four inches. Slab thickness and structural reinforcing requirements within the slab should be determined by the design engineer. At least four inches of crushed base aggregate should be placed beneath slab-on-grade floors to provide uniform support. The aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction If the upper lean clay soils are wet or saturated, they may required 1 foot be over excavated and replaced with compacted structural fill to provide adequate support of all concrete slab-on-grade. We recommend that the base course be placed within three to five days (depending on the time of year) after moisture conditioning and compaction of the subgrade soil. The subgrade should be protected against drying until the concrete slab is placed. In floor slab areas where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, an impermeable membrane (e.g. 10-mil thick polyethylene) should be placed as required by the flooring manufacture recommendations. 5.6 Pavement Sections The recommended pavement structural sections for the project presented in Table 2 were calculated using the AASHTO pavement design procedure. Traffic loading was not available at the time of this and was assumed by Rimrock Engineering, Inc. based on experience with similar projects Final pavement sections will be calculated when traffic volume information is available. We are providing a heavy duty pavement section for areas which will have heavy truck traffic and a light duty section for parking areas. In our analysis, we used an ADT of 500 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc vehicles per day with 5% truck traffic for the heavy duty section which results in a traffic loading condition of 219,579 18-kip equivalent single axle load (18-kip ESAL). For the light duty pavement section we assumed a loading of 75,000 ESAL's for the 20 design lifetime of the pavement A CBR value of 5.7 was used for design of the pavement sections. TABLE 2 PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTIONS Traffic Condition Recommended Minimum Structural Section* Light Duty Pavement Section f 3 inches Asphaltic Concrete, 4-inches of 1-1/2 inch Crushed Base Course and 8 inches of 6" minus subbase Heavy Duty Pavement Section 4 inches of Asphaltic Concrete, 4-inches of Crushed Base Course and 10 inches of 6" minus subbase Aggregate base course thickness may be reduced in each pavement structural section by approximately 20% with the use of a recommended geotextile fabric Placement and compaction procedures for materials and construction should conform to the suggested specifications contained in Appendix B of this report. The sections presented in Table 2 are based on CBR tests performed on selected samples obtained during our investigation and should be considered preliminary in nature. We recommend verification of soil conditions as construction progresses so that appropriate revisions can be made if necessary. Aggregate base course thickness may be reduced in each alternate pavement structural section by approximately 20% with the use of geotextile fabric meeting AASHTO M 288-2000 class 1 requirements. If this alternative is selected, we can provide addition pavement structural sections. The asphalt pavement structural sections presented in Table 2 are designed for the assumed traffic loadings However, based on our experience in the area, environmental aspects such as freeze-thaw cycles and thermal cracking will probably govern the life of AC pavements in light traffic areas. Thermal cracking of the asphalt pavements allows more water to enter the pavement section which promotes deterioration and increases maintenance costs. It should be noted that the subgrade soils are likely to be prone to frost action during the winter and saturation during the wet spring months. The primary impact of frost action and subgrade saturation is the loss of subgrade and aggregate base strength. Pavement life will be increased if efforts are made to reduce the accumulation of excess moisture in the subgrade soils. Consideration should be given to installing subdrainage in the form of trench drains in low areas. which are daylighted or tied to the storm drain system. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. 5.7 Site Drainage Final elevations at the site should be planned so that drainage is directed away from all foundations. Parking areas should be sloped and drainage gradients maintained to carry all surface water off the site. 5.8 Concrete Reactivity Analytical testing of selected soil samples was performed to assess the potential for adverse reactivity with concrete. Soluble sulfate tests were performed to evaluate potential sulfate attack against Portland Cement Concrete. Soluble sulfate contents were observed to be less than 0,10%. Therefore, the potential for sulfate attack appears to be negligible and conventional Type II cement may be used according to Table 1904.3 of the 2006 International Building Code and ACI 318. 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 6.1 Project Bid Documents It has been our experience during the bidding process, that contractors often contact us to discuss the geotechnical aspects of the project. Informal contacts between Rimrock Engineering and an individual contractor could result in incorrect or incomplete information being provided to the contractor. Therefore, we recommend a pre-bid meeting be held to answer any questions about the report prior to submittal of bids. If this is not possible, questions or clarifications regarding this report should be directed to the project Owner or his designated representative. After consultation with Rimrock Engineering, the project Owner (or his representative) should provide clarifications or additional information to all contractors bidding the job 6.2 Construction Observation/Testing and Plan Review The recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that an adequate program of tests and observations will be made during construction to verify compliance with these recommendations. These tests and observations should include. but not necessarily be limited to, the following: • Observations and testing during site preparation and earthwork. • Observation of footing trench excavations. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc • Observation and testing of construction materials. • Consultation as may be required during construction. We also recommend that project plans and specifications be reviewed by us to verify compatibility with our conclusions and recommendations. Additional information concerning the scope and cost of these services can be obtained from our office. The review of plans and specifications and the field observation and testing by Rimrock Engineering are an integral part of the conclusions and recommendations made in this report. If we are not retained for these services, the Client agrees to assume Rimrock Engineering's responsibility for any potential claims that may arise during construction 7.0 LIMITATIONS Recommendations contained in this report are based on our field explorations. laboratory tests. and our understanding of the proposed construction. The study was performed using a mutually agreed upon scope of work. It is our opinion that this study was a cost-effective method to evaluate the subject site and evaluate some of the potential geotechnical concerns. More detailed, focused, and/or thorough investigations can be conducted. Further studies will tend to increase the level of assurance, however, such efforts will result in increased costs. If the Client wishes to reduce the uncertainties beyond the level associated with this study, Rimrock Engineering should be contacted for additional consultation. The soils data used in the preparation of this report were obtained from test pit/test pits made for this investigation. It is possible that variations in soils exist between the points explored. The nature and extent of soil variations may not be evident until construction occurs. If any soil conditions are encountered at this site which are different from those described in this report, our firm should be immediately notified so that we may make any necessary revisions to our recommendations. In addition, if the scope of the proposed project, locations of structures, or building loads change from the description given in this report. our firm should be notified This report has been prepared for design purposes for specific application to the Billion Auto Plaza project in accordance with the generally accepted standards of practice at the time the report was written. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Other standards or documents referenced in any given standard cited in this report, or otherwise relied upon by the authors of this report, are only mentioned in the given standard; they are not 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering, Inc. incorporated into it or "included by reference," as that latter term is used relative to contracts or other matters of law. This report may be used only by the Client and for the purposes stated, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on- and off-site). or other factors including advances in man's understanding of applied science may change over time and could materially affect our findings Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after 36 months from its issue. Rimrock Engineering should be notified if the project is delayed by more than 24 months from the date of this report so that a review of site conditions can be made, and recommendations revised if appropriate It is the Client's responsibility to see that all parties to the project including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, etc., are made aware of this report in its entirety. The use of information contained in this report for bidding purposes should be done at the Contractor's option and risk. Any party other than the Client who wishes to use this report shall notify Rimrock Engineering of such intended use by executing the "Application for Authorization to Use" which follows this document as an appendix. Based on the intended use of the report. Rimrock Engineering may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the Client or anyone else will release Rimrock Engineering from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. 07-115-03 July 1, 2010 Rimrock Engineering,Inc