HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3678 Intent to create SID 678, 19th & Cattail signal COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3678 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 678; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE EXTENDED DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND AND ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Prooosed Imorovements: Intention To Create District. The City proposes to undertake certain local improvements (the "Improvements") to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of the installation of traffic signal improvements at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch), as more particularly described in Section 5. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $210,846. The costs of the Improvements are to be paid from the special improvement district bonds hereinafter described. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of the Improvements and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund") (collectively, the "Incidental Costs"). The total estimated cost of the Improvements, including such Incidental Costs, to be financed by the Bonds is $250,000. The Bonds are to be payable primarily from special assessments to be levied against property in the District, which property will be specially benefited by the Improvements in an amount not less than $250,000. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 678 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and includes all the properties the legal description of which are contained in Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District is shown on Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefited Prooerty. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibit A are hereby declared to be the special improvement district and the territory which will benefit and be benefited by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The Improvements, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefited by the Improvements. Section 5. General Character of the Imorovements. The Improvements to be constructed are generally described as consisting of the following: installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch), including installation of new signal poles and foundations, mast arms, cabinet, controller, luminaires, signal heads, pedestrian heads and push buttons, loop detectors and traffic control. Section 6. Enaineer and Estimated Cost. Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc., of Bozeman, Montana, shall be the engineer for the District. The Engineer has estimated that the costs of the traffic signal improvements at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch), to be $21 0,846 and the incidental costs to be $39,111 and will require Bonds to be issued in the principal amount of $250,000. . Section 7. Assessment Methods. 7.1. ProDertv To Be Assessed. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements from which they derive a benefit as determined and set forth herein. Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefiting from those Improvements, based on the area, per Sections 7-12-4162 to 7-12-4164, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in Section 7.2 hereof. 7.2. Assessable Area. The costs of the traffic signal improvements atthe intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch), will be assessed using the area and assessable area methods of assessment. All lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District except for one will be assessed on the actual area of such lot, tract or parcel. For the purposes of equitably apportioning benefit to Tract 1, cas 2050, the assessable area of the lot shall be limited to the actual area of the lot located east of the northerly extension of the west property line of Block 1, Cattail Creek Subdivision, or 983,479 square feet. The total estimated cost of the traffic signal improvements is $250,000 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs of the Improvements that the area or assessable area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 12,807,259 square feet. The costs of the Improvements per square foot of area or assessable area, exclusive of interest, shall not exceed $0.019520. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.3. Assessment Methodoloav Eauitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission hereby determines that the method of assessment and the assessment of costs of the Improvements against the properties benefited thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 is equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed therefore within the District. Section 8. Pavment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the Improvements shall be payable over a term not exceeding nineteen years, each in equal semi-annual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semi-annual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. Section 9. Method of Financina: Pledae of Revolving Fund: Findinas and Determinations. The City will issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $250,000 in order to finance the costs of the Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District. This Commission further finds it is in the public interest, and in the best interest of the City and the District, to secure payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds by the Revolving Fund and hereby authorizes the City to enter into the undertakings and agreements authorized in Section 7-12-4225, M.C.A., in respect of the Bonds. In determining to authorize such undertakings and agreements, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) 2003 Market Value of Parcels: Comparison of Existina SDecial Assessments and Delinauent ProDerty Taxes. The 2003 market value of the lots, parcels or tracts in the District, as shown on the rolls of the Gallatin County Assessor for property tax purposes, is set forth in Exhibit C hereto. The 2003 market valuation for all the property in the District that is developed significantly exceeds the amount of assessments. There are a number of parcels, as can be seen on Exhibit C, where the principal amount of the assessment clearly exceeds the 2003 market value; specifically undeveloped properties currently held by the following persons or entities: Gallatin Center and Sandan, LLC. The Gallatin Center properties are developing into primarily B-2, or general commercial zoning. Sandan, LLC, is currently developing - 2 - a mixed use subdivision, including multi-family residential, residential-office, industrial and commercial lots. The consulting engineer is of the opinion that the 2003 market value of the undeveloped property will, once developed, exceed the amount of assessments including outstanding assessments. The special assessments to be levied under Section 7 against each lot, parcel or tract in the District is less than the increase in estimated market value of the lot, parcel or tract as a result of the construction of the Improvements. The total 2003 market value of all property in the District is $56,865,021. (b) Diversitv of ProDertv OwnershiD. There are 69 separate parcels of land in the District, with 39 separate owners. A number of individuals or other entities own 2 or 3 lots each. Gallatin Center owns five of the lots; and, of the total assessments, 38.2% will be assessed against those parcels. Sandan, LLC, owns sixteen of the lots; and, of the total assessments, 16.2% will be assessed against those parcels. (c) Parcels in County. One parcel in the District is located outside the City and is subject to jurisdiction of Gallatin County: Tract 1, COS 2050. The property owner has consented to be included in the SID. The total assessments for that property is $19,197.68. (d) U.S. Government Parcels. The U.S. Post Office's assessment of $5,094.99 will be assessed to the City of Bozeman since U.S. Government owned property cannot be assessed for SIDs under current statutes. (e) Delinauencies. 26 parcels in the District are subject to special assessments for SID No. 665, with outstanding principal assessments ranging from $3,014 to $327,959 as shown on Exhibit C. There are three parcels that are delinquent in the payment of their property taxes ranging from $7,401 to $28,832. (f) The Public Benefit of the ImDrovements. Proposals for new development have recently been submitted to the City which prompted the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the Bozeman City Commission to recommend that the roadway be improved. Installation of the traffic signal will preserve public safety by providing for control of vehicular movements through a major intersection that provides access to continuing development on the west side of the community and providing for safe pedestrian movement through the intersection while allowing for the economic benefit which attends commercial development. (g) Newly Platted Subdivision. The Sandan LLC Subdivision is a newly platted subdivision which is responsible for 8.6% of the total assessments in the District. Sandan has not done any prior developments in the City of Bozeman. Their bank, American Federal Savings Bank, has provided a letter stating that Sandan has handled all of their loan accounts in a satisfactory and professional manner since December of 2001. Section 10. Public Hearina: Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements may make and file with the Clerk of the Commission until 5:00 p.m., M.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (May 6,2004), written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District or both. Such protest must be in writing, identify the property in the District owned by the protestor and be signed by all owners of the property. The protest must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission, who shall endorse thereon the date of its receipt by him or her. This Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday the 10th day of May, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, in Bozeman, Montana. - 3 - Section 11. Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on April 21 and April 28, 2004, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. Section 12. Reimbursement Expenditures. 12.1. Reaulations. The United States Department of Treasury has promulgated final regulations governing the use of proceeds of tax-exempt bonds, all or a portion of which are to be used to reimburse the City for project expenditures paid by the City prior to the date of issuance of such bonds. Those regulations (Treasury Regulations, Section 1.150-2) (the "Regulations") require that the City adopt a statement of official intent to reimburse an original expenditure not later than 60 days after payment of the original expenditure. The Regulations also generally require that the bonds be issued and the reimbursement allocation made from the proceeds of the bonds within 18 months (or three years, if the reimbursement bond issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) after the later of (i) the date the expenditure is paid or (ii) the date the project is placed in service or abandoned, but (unless the issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) in no event more than three years after the date the expenditure is paid. The Regulations generally permit reimbursement of capital expenditures and costs of issuance of the bonds. 12.2. Prior Expenditures. Other than (i) expenditures to be paid or reimbursed from sources other than the Bonds, (ii) expenditures permitted to be reimbursed under the transitional provision contained in Section 1.150-20)(2) of the Regulations, (iii) expenditures constituting preliminary expenditures within the meaning of Section 1.150-2(f)(2) of the Regulations, or (iv) expenditures in a "de minimus" amount (as defined in Section 1.150-2(f)(1) of the Regulations), no expenditures for the Improvements have been paid by the City before the date 60 days before the date of adoption of this resolution. 12.3. Declaration of Intent. The City reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures made for costs of the Improvements out of the proceeds of Bonds in an estimated maximum aggregate principal amount of $250,000 after the date of payment of all or a portion of the costs of the Improvements. All reimbursed expenditures shall be capital expenditures, a cost of issuance of the Bonds or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150-2(d)(3) of the Regulations. 12.4. Reimbursement Allocations. The City's financial officer shall be responsible for making the "reimbursement allocations" described in the Regulations, being generally the transfer of the appropriate amount of proceeds of the Bonds to reimburse the source of temporary financing used by the City to make prior payment of the costs of the Improvements. Each allocation shall be evidenced by an entry on the official books and records of the City maintained for the Bonds or the Improvements and shall specifically identify the actual original expenditure being reimbursed. - 4 - -.---- ...----...--..---.....---...-...----.."..-..-.......-. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of t City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of April 200 . ATTEST: ~~h~ R IN L. SULLI AN ~ Clerk of the Commission - 5 - - u_.__________.__ ---------- .- NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 678 AND TO ISSUE THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 678 BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $250,000.00 SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 19, 2004, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 678 (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of certain local improvements generally to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of the installation of traffic signal improvements at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch) (the "Improvements") and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds of the City drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, and the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The Improvements shall be constructed and installed pursuant to plans and specifications prepared by Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc., and approved by the City Engineer. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A map of the proposed District also accompanies the Resolution. The Improvements consist of the following: installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street (aka Deadman's Gulch), including installation of new signal poles and foundations, mast arms, cabinet, controller, luminaire, signal heads, pedestrian heads and push buttons, loop detectors and traffic control. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $210,846.00. The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, are $250,000.00. The City would issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $250,000.00. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District in the aggregate principal amount of $250,000.00 and such payment will be secured by the Revolving Fund. Subject to the limitations of Montana Code Annotated, Section 7-12-4222, the general fund of the City may be used to provide loans to the Revolving Fund or a general tax levy may be imposed on all taxable property in the City to meet the financial requirements of the Revolving Fund. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefiting from the Improvements, based on the area and assessable area methods of assessment described in Section 7-12-4162, M.C.A. All lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District except for one will be assessed on the actual area of such lot, tract or parcel. For the purposes of equitably apportioning benefit to Tract 1, cas 2050, the assessable area of the lot shall be limited to the actual area of the lot located east of the northerly extension of the west property line of Block 1, Cattail Creek Subdivision, or 983,479 square feet. The total estimated cost of the Improvements is $250,000.00, and the total assessable area of the lots, tracts or parcels benefiting from the Improvements is 12,807,259 square feet. The costs of the Improvements shall not exceed $0.019520 per square foot of assessable area. On Monday, May 1 0,2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation of the District, or the making of Improvements, that may be filed in the period hereinafter described. NOT-1 Written protests against the creation of the District and the making of the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, not later than 5:00 p.m., M.D.T., on Thursday, May 6,2004. Further information regarding the proposed District or the Bonds or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated: April 20, 2004. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA GJt:~~ Clerk of the Commission Legal Ad Publish: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 NOT -2 --- ------- -------- -- EXHIBIT "A" ...,~~ -,. ., '" ; ... 1)'j'l[ I ~nll\ \'F:'011F 'I' (.., 'I"I'.'IJ. '-'1 f'l' I. 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EXHIBIT "B" SIGNAL AT CATTAIL STREET AND NORTH 191h A VENUE DESCRlPTION: AU that part of Sections 35 and 36, Township I South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana lying within the following described 1ine: Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot I, Tract 2, Gardner-Sirnmental Plaza Subdivision; thence easterly along the north 1ine of said Tract 2, Lot 1, and its easterly extension to the easterly line of Simmental Way; thence southerly along said line to the easterly extension of the north line of Tract 7, Gardner-Sirrullental Plaza Subdivision; thence west on said easterly extension, on said n011h line and on its westerly extension to the westerly right-of-.way line ofNOt1h 19th A venue; thence southerly along said right-of- way line to the south line of the East Half of Section 35; thence westerly along said south 1ine, to the southwest comer thereof; thence north along the west line of said East Half of Section 35, to the southeast comer of Cattail Creek Subdivision Phase 1; thence westerly to the southeasterly extension of Lot 4, Block 5 of said subdivision; thence northwesterly to the northwest comer of Lot 5, Block 5 of said subdivision; thence northwesterly to the southerly comer of Lot 1, Block 6 of said subdivision; thence northwesterly, along the southwesterly line of said lot, to an angle point of said Lot 1; thence north along the west line of Lots 1-4 of said Block 6 to the northwest comer of Lot 4; thence north to the southwest comer of Lot 5 of said block; thence north along the west line of Lots 5-8 to the northwest comer of said block; thence north to the southwest comer of Block I of said Cattail Creek Subdivision, Phase I; thence north along the west line of Block I to EXHIBIT "B" the south line of Tract 1, Certificate of Survey No. 2050; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the boundary of said tract, to the northwest comer of Tract E-I, Certificate of Survey No. 1827; thence southerly along the west line of said Tract E-l to the southwest comer of said tract; thence easterly, southeasterly and southerly along the boundary of said Tract E-I to the southwesterly right-of-way line of Valley Center Road; thence southeasterly along said right-of-way line to the northeast comer of Lot 4, Gallatin Center Subdivision P.U.D. Phase 1; thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3678 Intent to create SID No. 678 - installation of traffic signal improvements at the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Cattail Street This is to certify that I did personally mail, on the 21 st day of April 2004, postage prepaid, a copy of the attached Notice in Re to the owners in Special Improvement District No. 678, as identified on Exhibit "C", attached hereto. ~yI~ RO L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission CA TT AI L STR EET & NORTH 19TH A VENU E SIGNAL SID SID Amount $250,000 2/5/04 Assessment Rate 0,019520 $ISa.FT. , ...... ......H.- .-.. ....1. w, 'T' .------...-------------..-.-----J-u -...---..--5--------- l S..!-l~ivis.i.9.I1... 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PO uSe; 30918'" .. 1--- .-. . " . . Ga':a"n Cen'er 0 Gallat.n Cannes Bj~'~5:~~3~~t~t 2.193 .3~,~:~ 1!8~{31~=~_;;E~~~n~~.,,0-_-. _~n 1.,.2.~~.290 L 13€8,9,e? ~Heslauram PUG Phase 1 Boze",a". MT 59715 . , 0304.35-1--40:1'J ,_.un ... . _u_~.___n__"__' u_ r GaliallnCenler 5 Gallat'n eenler LP ..~. j2EV~L:.aJT-r!i~~j~__sl€ if ___ 1 967- ------- ~_____d_____ 293674. + - -359)78 Undevel. PUD Phase 1 Bozeman, MT 59715 .., 1-40.25 ". "'j . -- ---------::~=__=_:::_:-.___=_.:=~_. r GaliatlrJ Center 6 Ga:1at:,., CSr1ter LP iic-- ',/,/ Lar-.rr.-e SX,S~e_1 F 0 759 33.036 644.87 3.;: 14 156_636 166 011 Unde.'..e! .PUO- ...---. Phase I" Boza-man, -r,if- 59i'~5~ 1-40-05-.----- . . u --.-- t-:-:~=_------.-----~:::u ..---. ; I Ga"a"r; Cerw 7 Galla!ln CenW LP 220Y'L~;;':ne S:,~ Ste 1F 2257 98,3221,~i 9.26 __:---.8:971_=-- 0 .,- 32E.520 354,424 IUocevel PUO PhaS-8 1 Bczerr-ar: MT 59715 1:40-01 ':::_=-.-- -- -_. '- I Galla~~'c;e;'t"~ 8 Dayton HudsonrTa!get .. ,,0 __~"5~45Eu . 472451 '_9,222~33 - ::_.A)-:106 --:':=::0_'_':'-(,56:3,5.881 7697669Dlscouct Mrnor ....Su~" 2 ~:' Phase "- pi_s-cc:un~ ~_~ore M-nn MN 55440.54:56 .__~._. Store 1-...:17--.... ; Gallatin Cente' Lol9 8Gb Ward&Scns Inc. 3015 Paxsor. S: 33CC' '43,748 i,805.99 12,3i2'- --'3-015,505 3,055,557 RetarlSpcr. 1..~~~~.r.~~_u_~~?.19-._..__ Phas'~_z"- t . - ... - -- ..--.. .~~~o~~j;Ifj~y1 . .-... -.-.-..----.-~~==-=.-~~.~-= --.--~- -. -. .~.-. .-. ..- . ...- .. 0904.3~-1-,,7.15 I ... .u..-_... ______.___.___ .- ___u ...-~..-=--:=.--=-::::- -----.-- .~ '---"; : Gal:a:i" Cen1er 3 GallatlnCe~1er LP 220'010/. La",,,,e St. Ste 1F 97 sea 4,251456 82,9B9,19' 327,959" o' '4.584 115',1ge 'Undevel. M,.nor::;ul'::?19_ , .. ... - --. ... ... i--"-:[o~em~u~:r-=-59r15-'._ ..-.-.... ....----:~_~-------:-_:-:.~:::~-:_~-==_ =... .... .. 0904-35.1 -D5-0 1 :, ., i~0..j5~!-{)5-iJ3. - 0351"1;1 + --~"--"-=n~'::'::"-= c. I Gall at ,n'c'enier LOI9~. PDB Gallat,r.__cl"_ADF<a.r:EtT\'."st,, 17C-: 74.052 1'445.51" --- .--:=~:::--- v' .- -'263',095 277354 Pet Shop I P U D_ Ph a se 2 1"55_0 _LBJF !e"-,,,~S te3..9'~ . _ __ ._ _____ __ _ , Dallas TX 75240-2332 Ga!:atin Cemer Lo, 10 DOB Ga:\atl~ . ....CieA[TR',-~d;'--Tw:,st.. - 9.620 419,047 8,179.88 H" .----. 0 4,056, '22 4,' 36,en '!etall PUD Phase 3 5556-~8j-F~8-8way: -Stfi_380 . - -.. - -- - -- - -.- -.... ---~--- -----.--~ -------- . -- --. .-. -~ -- -- ---- . . . I i- __ O~I_I.ai~t~ T~~f~_Q~~~_3}:~_.~ j - - ------ ~------ and Ga:'atin CerJer LP 220 W_ Lam'11e St.. Ste_ ",F --1----- . . -- -- -- - --- - ..~~~~~~~~~~~)~f~~7~~~ _.___...1___ ___ _____________~ . .j. COS 331 19,n AvenCe P'operi,es, LLC- , . clc'Ti;;;oti,;:'c Lou5. .-22 .j00 958,322 18,706,61 ----702SS---------:-,----.m,934 432.755 AgrLclR-"S;(f .. ... n_ . : 4:Y;3TCa:;n"iback-R'd::- #210 .. ..-. __n" . ,.-.-.--- --~---.--- ---. '-' .~--.-. . O"~~,;;;~OT (;',l;:'i"W:~:'i"~';ft%~l'J~~~;;;.~.j;~- ~.9'" to,,,, ...! -";'}-S=~~_~==~i=i~ ",~l"J_ .. "". iC"'".,,", . ~ -1 c? Page 1 Caltall Cree< La; 1 a', 2 Bin" f-<a. Li P O. Box 11071 1 225 533e' 1 ,041.62 ~::r- 0 0 , 3e.784 137825' U~devel-PH 1 SL'bdivls~on Phase ~ Re5!d....h.j-us~, C.omr'1 Ja~k~o-r;'.'~'Y}~--83G-~-? --- .---. d.. .. ____.n_ ---. --.- _'_'_'.'U' ~_-~_~----- --~---- __._un_ .--.... - - .... - - I -.-. CaUail Creek L Let 2. Blk 2 Sar-dan LLC P.O. 80x 1254 1 399 60585 229,063 2302<:4 Undevel-PH1 Subdivislor- Pr.ase 1 Res'd_-,- !n-~_:~~L-:-CC-MM Bo-z~0a~~~__-~T. -:S~i71" . . . Callall Cree, L_CI '. 8ik 3 _. Sar-'~a~ LL::;. _..PO_. ~cx1~54.. _ 2~~,442 2326A1 :Undevel-PH1 Subdivisic-n Phase 1 ~_~~ d__._I~d_'-:J~!.___.:QJ_f!l~__ B..9~~~~~~~""!"~?771 __"_ Catta,1 Creek Lc11, 81k 4 Sanean LLC 'i:'-6.'B-,,~ 1254 2.817 122.709 390.793 39318B Undevel.PH 1 Subdrvi5ian" -P"hass" 1'- -. ~~~~I_-~;'.: I~~u~~-:_~<,i..~'~~~. -?~_~~m~:n~T~~$~~f1 ....- -- ~--- ___. __n .-..-_.-.... .-.--- - . CaHa', Creek Let 2. 81k 4 San'dan L~C ;:'O'-B.;;; -1.254- 2385 103.85' 2,027_96 8 .0' .. 341-:86'7 343,B95 Urdeve'.PH' SubdLvlsian --Phase 1 Re5:r:i-,--lr,dus~-.---'CQ;j'Jm Sozem-an- -MT 59"771" ---"--"- --- . . ... 'UH.' ..- ._.m. . ...... . u_. .-.. ... . _. _. . .:-1 :-~--:-. '.H. Gatta,1 Creek Lct3. Blk 4 . SandanL~C: . .'pOBox1_2.54. 2.390 104' 882~032,.21 __~ 0 0 342.03' 3<",463 Unaevel.PH 1 Subdivrsion pi1aS€ 1 f3esi.d: _ Incl..:st.. Comm 8Q~em~n, MT 5977 ~ I Caltall Cree, La; 4 BIK 4 Sanda" LLC_P()!J.()X '254 1 545 . . . .84,7681,_654:6'8_ ._-1. 292 '47 293,802 Unoe',e!.PW Subdi'Jfslon Phase 1 Re.Sld Indust, Carr",' L Bozen:',ar,~T5577' ~ I Ca<1allGrssk Lo~5 BIk 4 San.daniLC i:P_08;)x115,'_ .. 1322 57:S86J,i.iX1.0:r 221"74 222,598 Unaeve'.PH1 Subdl''''lsion Phase I Resid.. Indust.. Comrr l ~9z:~r:na~.,_ ~T .5977. --f-" .---- ---- -. -. --- -i-. Cat~ail CreeK La( 1_ Bji<: S .S,:=n_o::1~iI_LLq__. P.O. 80x j-254 1 7~3 74:?1B __ 1_,~5~,_~~. m.i 267.214 U"devel~PH1 Subdivis.on Pr,ase ~ _f3.e~ld__: !n~u?t_, CCrlrl. ~_~?~~~:~~_~.~.'1T.__~-:r~_71 ___ _ _._ _ .._ .--1 _ Cat~all Creek ~ot 2.81k5 RobertR &5he"a~;1alore 'PO. Sox ieA. 1 -... --47-i85 - u9-32:'78-'1 0'- . '95,991 196,924 Undavel.Pl-<1 S u bd ivi S I Or1 . Ph a'se' l' f{~sjd__-, .:1 nd~~\~. ~.~ ni.0. - -:y.{~IT~_~-'~ r~ik~' ~~f ~5'$ 7~-9- - . . _. - -. .---- -. - :._~-[. - ~ :'_=~_~:'~..'_- ~=~ .. - ~ - - i Cat1ail Creek Lot 3. 81k 5 -S-Ghr-oede-r-H-orr-es~lr.c 3S0-'Hi-gh K S~re-et. 1 'J73 46.7 ~C 912.37 .-_. -- 0 -- ..-.. - 194,186 Undev81~PH1 SubdiviSion . Phase iRes;(i,lndu~t..(;-;mm.ifeiQrad-"J~T597i~.. ..=.'~~.~ =. u' . .. - - Catlall Creek Lct4. Blk 5 i,"larb'er[)e',eioprr,en'., LLC P o Box ~G5e8 1638 71.351 1,392.79' c. 257.263 25SS5€ iJndevel.PH1 Subdivision 'P"hase"1" - ____R:~Si.~-._, I~_~u.~~:. _ .~~"~.,-~~-_.___ f30Z~~_~:;. MT" - 5~71-9~09?~ .-------- - . -----~ _~~_=;- E! knorn C andos - 2G i.J r-I ts ~-E I;(h or"r . Condo;r;]n;-um~:- HOA:"' . 293Bl'la'bar\/'ay#7 .. 80zeman M'r'5~7i8 - ------ -.-.. Gattail Creek Lot 5. 81k 5 Ledd'_0Ds.op_rrer",lnc 552 T'ipls_ TreeRd 1626 7G.B29 1,382.59 0 C' _ 255,905 25728S Undevel.PH1 Subdivision Phase 1 ~es,-~._~_I_~~~~~__..~~:TI~ B~~~'TI~~:.MT __59.115 - - - , Cat~ail Creek Let', Blk e E....e" , Jethy, Jamee 137G7 CampCCeekRd:" 0.621 27.G51 528_04 0 78982 79,430 Undsvel-PH1 Sut}(fi~i-StO~r1- Phase ~ ---~~~r-n~~a YV1er.da -M~r~~~~_!?-~,Jir-~-~~~.~.__ .....---- -- - - - ...- -.---- - ---. -- .. Res id , ! ndust.. Co mm CattallCreek ~ot2.Bik fin Tr"VlsS~r"G~~ 12..~OO 8_uck'h..or~..'2::.Cle..1~:;:'3}.. 385.19 0 .... 62 883 63,18B Undevel.PH 1 Subdivision Phase 1 '3e~:~_, _Ir:!d_~_~~... C_~_m~_-_ ~- ~_..~~_g_~~~,__~~. ~?}?~ __ __ .._____~______ .- - _....-~_~ _.~ Cattail Creek Leti EJlk6 T8retiFasney ,13340 Burt'-an, BI,d #-5. 0442 15.254 375.63 61.7"9 62,125 Undeval.PH1 SubdivlS<or. . ph"saT Rei'd~ 1.r.dusi:(o!n"2..:. -Stiarm~;';:-Oak5,gA ~14g'1 - Cattail Creek Lot~.8Ik6 Steven&Danlsa'Ar';'kr~C"t415~_~e"slerA'~ . 0442 19.254 375,63 .....~. 61}A9 62,125 Unde,el.PH1 SubdivISlor Phase 1 Res!d.l~du~t_ Gomm!!oz~",-anJ>1T 59718 .. Cattail Creek _. :_ ~()t~: ~I_~._~. - S"ie~~f!~-~__-I?_~~!-i8}:r~k~~~~.t ~T~__~~~E_~~!__~_V?~__. C.471 2G,517 400.49 ___ __ 1:.4527 64,927 Undevel-PH1 SubdivisLor. ! Phas~ ~ Res:d ,_Ir:d_Ll~~.. <;o.~m Bozeman. MT 59718 Cattail Creek Lot€-, 81k 6 Jerry__Lo.~a~~ CL.'S~od'i.a~fbr 4:02__~_~~t""'<3i_n__ __ G.442 -.- --. . ~~~;~~4 375.83 ..~_. 0 --~-.... 61,749 62,125 Uncevel~PH1 m Subd",ision. Phase 1 Ryan_LQ:Catl Bozeman..MT 59715 n .L .. _n X ReSid, Iraus! Comm i I I ...~ OJ -I C1 Page 2 I S ~~~[~i~~n i~ ~*~:i~~r im __nun f~~ tnnn]--~_---- --~~i~~J~~]]~~r~eJ~~~~1ri~~~. t ~~fi~~s~ OwnerlB~!;iness ~~n~ ~_~_~_Q.I"!:1E!.r:n_~~___ ___Lot_____~.L~_~_ ~ Assess. SID 665 ., Name ___~ . _ _ _.__~~~e~s.__ ~~_. _ _~ _~2:E!_ _ ___~i~_ ~____~ ~~off ~_ ~ _ _! Tract _. ._mn. ..._ n.._ _ _ __ ~ __ .~ _. __~~____~_~_ .. (~.r:es) mn,_JSq. FJ..L_ _n_~L_~---.!!L_ CaHai1 Creek Lei 7. Blk 6 Jerr..... Lc.catl. CListodian for 1102 East Mair Q.442 '9,254 375.83 0 C- i 61.749 62.125 U'ldevel-PI-:1 SubdJ\1 i s io n Phase 1 Oaniel Loca:1 - ------ ---._----------- - . .-_.---... .-.._-~- . .------- 1 _~2~em a r"J, r'AT 59715 RE3s:irj. ~ .Indust.: c:;c-r'1r:'1. --.- Ca~ta" Creek Lo18. Blk 6 Da'.'id \....... Rhea .------------.- . :.523 69,510 69 955 Undeve:-PH1 5551 EClla .;"". 22,782 444_71 - -- ..----..-._-- ... ... - Subd. v IS ion Phase 1 Resic . Ir.dust , Ccmr1 '\Nestrrirs~er CA 92683~2a12 . - -- ----.. - - - . Ca:ta. i C ~8 8 k L-011. BIk. 7 Sandan LLC '" O. Be, 1254 . 788 77,~~-~ _ 1,52o.,}} --- 21 4.251 275,771 IJ nd-s-....e: ~ P H 1 Subdl V iSlo'l Phase 1 Resic_, Indu~t., CC-["'11-! Be-zeman. MT 597'71 ! CaHa C~8ek Lot 2. Blk 7 Sandan LLC F O. Bo, 1254 . 788 77,885 1,520,33 0 r 274.251 275.771 Unje'/el-PH1 " Subd;v i s ion Phas 8 1 Resic_ Ind..JsL, C:::i1M Bozeman_ MT 59771 -----. ----- - .--- - . -. C a~tal i Cree to:. Lot 3 Blk 7 Sandan LL C ? O. Bc, 1254 .767 .!?~971 1 ,50,2, 4~.____ ., 0 271 875 273,377 Unjevei-PH: . --.. -. ..-._. --- - - -.. Subdi VISion P~.ase 1 R.l3~id.: Ind'..J~L, C8_M_r1._ _ ~ o_~~~~,~ '. M~. _5~?~ 1 .'--~.' C a~tal i Creek Lot 4. Blk 7 G_ C. Moms LLP :51 Da'"la Lar.e -8_633 2~~?7~_ 538_24 -~----u~O~' - - - 0 ,50,951 50 589 Unde'....e!-PH ~ Subdl~,isjon Res IJ::_-- _-_-I_~~~~~~ _ ~:~?~~;;.:~ ...----- --- ----- ------ ~---_. ~-------- ._._-----~ .~-----_.. ---- Phase 1 ,B.el~rade~1T 597_1." ----.- ------ :: .:;:;tall Cree k Lol 5. Blk 7 Jor,r' Rosa 85 \Nes1 Clara O.51C 22,215 ------- --. -~---_.... --. _.~- ._~- 68,265 68699 Uodevel-PH1 - -.. . --- ------ ----------- ~.-- -~ ---- -- --- ---- --, ___ ,4~~6i. _________9___ Subdi vision Phase 1 Resld.lndust, Com", Be-zeman MT 59718 -..- 0allall Creek Lo! 6. Blk 7 Ebb Ighausel1 H om 8 S, 1 nc. PO. Box 93G D502 21,867 426_ 8 5 ..9---L~ 0 67,497 67 924 UndevE:!~PHt S ubci VJS10n Phase 1 Resldl'lduSI:,C."m.:n: 1,1" nha!t,,'l':"iY1f59 7 41 .- and SageCreek(:;en_dos-1 G L1'l Its ------------------- - Ca1 ta'f Cre€.k Lot 7 Blk 7 Ebbl ghausen He me sin "- PO. Box 93G 0_535 23,3c-5 454.91 556:871 556.526 Und€ve!-PI-i1 . -... . Subdl \l1.s;on Phase 1 R~si-:j., 1~.'~l:'5t., Q~'Tl.rn ,____ Manhatan. MT 59741 ~ Shann_o_n 9'fjr~'~, _~cnEc_~_sS~~ - -~. . .-.-- - -.- .... ; 2775 rv~~ny~n _q_c_Lj,_t ~?__. 1 - ! .!--. Bozeman MT 59718 Cattail G,Be:": LQ1 8 81'; 7 Jeff P r' co( eit . 561J'a~n~e_d CanyonDr. 0_537 ... 23,392. 456_61 70,.~5? 71 309 Und8....el~PH1 - ... .-- ---. j-' S ubdi '...rSron Phase 1 ~e_~id:. _1'1d'~~L_ C-Jm,~ Bozencan MT 59715 .-._~. -. ._.---_.~_.------..-.. C atta i 1 Creek Lot 9 81k 7 .E~bi9.~~lj:se~,.H8m~~ l!l.~._. PO Box 930 05~'" ---- -- --.-.-.~-- --t 67,689 -- 21~954 _ "-28Ji~ _____ 0 0 68_r18 Undevel-PHI Subdi '....is~on Phase 1 Re~_i~ '_- _I ~dus.t , _ ~?51!11-. ---,~~_~~~t~a-~~-~f-59-741 -- ---~~----~-~------ .---- c a:it~1", i - Creek- Let tD, Blk 7 -- .--- ---- ._-. ---- P.O. Bo, 930 O.5G3 .. -- - - -- ----- --- 4~I:.r~,. _____ .-o___~: 67_,594 Ebblghausen Hom~,,-slnc_ 2_1,911. 0 68_2122 Undel/eJ.PH~, S ubrjl.....~sjon Phase 1 Resld., "odust, Comm~~_____~.M~~n:~I_a~~=Mf59j41 -----.--.-. -.. __J-_ ...-_..~- ; Ca~ lal I' Creek -.- ---------------._- 2j:34e--~455. 76~ ...;.- - Le111, Brk 7 J elf Prlckel', & _ _~6J.J'_,,' n_~e LCanyon. Dr 0.536 .. 0 -~ .. 0 7J,?S6 ... 71.212- Undeve'-PH' s-ubcii v4sion _____________H. _._. Phase 1 R og e_,_ ~u_~ f!1.,-iS:_k. . .~_~~e:_~~r1_'__ ~!._ _~~~~_?_ .--..---- ---- --- - .----- .~..- - -..--- - .--- ------ ; Ca1tai' Creek L01 1. Blk 5 Sandan L L C PO Be, 1254 1.102 48,003 937_03 , ----- 0 0 196,559 197 495 'Jndevel-PH 1 .-.- -.-_..--.._~--_.._---.-- Subdil!i~ion_ Phase 1 R_esi:d.:_lndu~_t-,_ C:omr~. 8 ozeman. MT 59771 -..-. - - - -..~-_. ... - Ca1laJ1 C re e k LGI2. Blk 8 Sa nda.o LLC .- . ..- - - - ? O. Box 1254 '.083 "7,175 920.87 0 194,,~5 195_ 325 Unde'~'e I-P Y 1 ----- - - -- . -. -- -. -- -..~ - -- - . Su bdjvis io n Phas e 1 Resld, Indusl. Comm. ~ozeman, MT 59771 Cai tat! "Cre e k- Lo13, B.lk 8 Sandan LLC PO Box 1254 .1_062 46,:'61 903,02 0 192,029 192932 Lhdevel-PH 1 - ...--. . Suodw i s Ion Phase 1 Res,e , Indus!., Cem",. Bozernao, MT_ 59771 Cat:ail Creek Lei ", Blk 8 Sandan LLC PO 80x '254 1200 52,272 ~ . ..1 ,0}0_.36_ --.o-- ^, .207,6t27 208 E-77 U'ldevel~PH 1 L___ - S ubd ;;;i slc-n- Phase 1 R e sid '_ !ncust. Co_~m__ _- .~-?i_€-;n.a'ri J~.t-- ~ 9~tf1 C OS 205C Ron Da'....is -......- --. -. -- --. '2998 --t--~ 15530 SE Clelc C~ 56?,_~74 _11.._0.5_1~~2 ,117 226,590 Undevel. -- --..-.-----.--.--~--_.- ._-. .---- - -I~ 35-0904-2-01-30 ~~~~~;r:~.~~_ O~. ~?_q!_? reduced -<..- Gardjr.er Tr 2 .- - - ------ Ame ,i ca n S i:TImenta I __~ _~I~r.1~~1_a!_yy'a'j' 7406 ~ ~~?:_~C'O .6,<.9r.}_O , Exempl 1558Y9 S i:'T1men! a I pr aza 1 As-soCI at io,"'! Bozeman,MT.59715 1. .482c.13}00 m 1-09-06 X __n.._._____. .__ I ..______ d. _._.__ ._ COS 1979 C-1B U, S. P-osta', Se,vice _~ _f?_ _C i~l.'?_!__B?_~~ _111_~_n 5.992 261,012 5,0.9",9.9__ 0 0 50,260 OJ Boz-eman, MT 597 ~5 I ---- - - --I ~ Page 3 SUbdiViSI?_nj Lot and fu OwnerlB usiness I Owner ------~ ~~- -y- ___~i~~=i-AS~e~S~- f:~:~~~E~a;t;:_1-:~~~a_~:rke~_l1~&~}~}~~~:. 1_~Uf~_~;SS I Geocode Phase or Name ! Address -. ~. . Tract i I (acres) : (~q'F"tJ ... _ . JS)_J$L_L_'Ia.xJ$LJ ($) ..... ($) Gar:jin8~ ! Simr:l8i1tai Plaza. T~ 2 AVA T A,R, LLC 2057 Tr:8le Tree Rj 11 34'J 493970 9!64~:39. 0 3 933,882 4,066,098 Au~::: C.ea-:er -- ---- ------ ... ; 1-8'9-02 2,t., Bozeman For.j BozeC1an, MT 59715 I ..._ _ ___0 _._ _ -1-' _'_m ~._- ._.1.. "~__'_'_ Gardiner -------- ------------------.- . ....... ___ __~_ _________ u_ Slmma!lta! Plaza T-3 8oie.& .K!'1~t. .P:8rt~_~fs.h;p -1-925 c.ea(j"~~ian-'5- -G-l..IC-~.- 4.12-8 180 269 3,S1a,S7 ..'1- 14.313 m_ 1.441,131 Gor-ta i-1B ~ - "." - _"_ nO _ _______. _ __~~ 1.089-0' 1 DBA __MI C~ntai~er Corp ~Q;~_~~~,__.~1T ~~7". ~ M~g.&Dist MCC Gardinar - ..... -~- SIMI1"IR'ltal F='1.aza i T.'3 Ma::r.inerf Pc....var & Equip P.O. Sox 3562 4 CBS 177 261 3,460,16 ! 14 ":D5 0 1 805937 1.114_236 Re~-ail Rertal ------ -------- ~ ~3 ~>OS 2 CA 7 Renlal Seaitie ".'VA 59' 24~:35c-2 Slore 0904-:3:5- Gardiner S~rrment.a: Plaz.a To 4 Gi t'SOr: G I..; i tar MC_?_~~ __~~1_a~~_(T~.J) A5.~JC 2 ce 97.431 1,_706,66 7.35-3 ! .::.;:: ~ 27 <!,287 298481 Mfg &Dis.t "-38-C7 1 ~;Q '~~J_~ ":?C8Y & C ~ 50 RQ-::.ke'eller Plaza Ciardin_-er__ . L Sin.'T19n1?1 P'aza : Tr ~ Gibsc-n GUitar i="loc-r 2 2 . S7 94.3e~ 1,a42AQ i 7,905 28,?32.. 1 2CE.687 ' ,232.766 Mfg &Dist 4-30-08 2 Nv,t'-iY 190~C~-1 i.?G? j-- -I Ga:-diner ! S,rrmantai Plaza ,'4 Glb-sc.n Guitar -2_0t.? 1,706:68 .. i- })5.L~__ 27",,287 298 481 iJndev. ~ ~30-06 3 -, : _c;ardin_er. I .i !. . -. -. --- - -- -..~ -. - - -- - : S:rrrrenta~ Plaza Tr" ,Ti~dhy _Hortor: POBox 2035 2 IS7 1,a42,4Q _;. . _.~. _(J_ 9.~_ 1 '<5.932 ~,171, ~ 13 PrcdL-ce Dis:. 4-30 -0 5 4 I nte ~[110 unta i n Produce i aozem ~~: ~-1-5.g-ii 1~2 635 8. 'Warehouse Gard i ne, SI IT! manta I P laz a Tr S Dccbl€ S Hold'nGs 145 Ravl,wllje 1 :5:53 67,634 1,J20.2.2 5.463 :J 69~ ,20~ 709 688 Restaurant 4-3C~C t 1 Ma-ckenzle River Pizza Bozeman. '~'1T 59718 ....--. Gardinw --~.-- Sir'lr.'1en1al Plaza T( ::: Keiler SUp:)iy 32C9 17~r. A'.'e_ '~~~,- 2 ~5. 94,107 1,a37,76 8,19'!...~~__ . " ,029 928 "Nhcle:saie ---------- --- 4-30-C2 " Seattie. \oVA 98119 --- --- Plbg. Suppiy Gardiner SIITImen1al Plaza Tr 5 Art-:lOny "l,/ayne Oil Corp AD % Diane Ste\'.'art 2 ~a7 ]5,276 1,aS9.S1 __: ',062.717 Vacail1 4-3 ~ -03 3 ~}_~~~ _~ ~~~i i{'~g _.9.r_ ~.- . C ommerci a I Eoz-ej.'lan 59718 -----~ ..- -~-_. Gardiner S:mm ental p ia-za : TrS Anthony '",:a)'ne C) I Co. }3~~ 12 1,~ 19.,5.1-_='-~:--;';84.L_I 825,320 Wg. X-30-04' - r 4 ~ierry Mfa. ._.______. _~ .____1.. ; _..... ..u ..__.-__ -- .--------- ---- - -- - .-- -t-. ~~.~~~r~e~__. __ .l. PO Box1M " ~544 . .._u fitj73 ----.-- --__~_..i.- Simmer1tal Plaza! T'6 G_aryf-i a I ku ~ 1..3.1 J._1!I. ._9.__..J 0 247.916 260,870 Unde'~' 4:ds:i T -- , .. - ~- - ~-~ ------_.__.~._-_. -. ---- 1 B_o~~.,,!a~n~~1T. 5.9.771-81.04, ------..- ...- G-a.rdi-n-er ......--.-..-----. - .-..-. ..- .. S Immen taJ P I a za Tr6 Gar,. Halkup PO. 80x 10~ 2161 94153 1,637,aS 0 339,205 357,33.5 Ur.cev -. --.- -------- --------- --..----.-- ---------- - ---- 4-08-11 2 __8oz.E3:~.~~'_ ~l. 5~771 -_G1_'~~ -- -.---- -. Gardll1er S i '11ment a I P~aza Tr6 F~ank & ~ois Armkr.ach~ .. 970_8 C.ou:"", D- 2140 93 220 1,819,67 7.434._ 0 987,709 ~ ,013.J93 \.'Vh QI e sa! e 4-08-10 3 Vall~y_G~a_~~_~ \Nindo...... _E3-(1z..~f'1_ar, MT 597~ 8 Glass SuPP:Y Gardner Simmental P:aza Tr6 Th 0 mas & S haron Re~ner 1711 V,lill.::)','.' VVay 2 187 95 262 1,859,SJ 7,848 760,623 785 815 ShlPPICG 4-08-09 0 Lux T ran-sfe r Bazemar, Mf597; 8 --- - ~ --._--------- m .-., . .-..- X I CD -I C"1 Page 4 s~~~~:~~o I~~:,::,~,t ...-q"'H.B~~O."=t .A~:.i, .:-fl.ti~"+ls~~;,]A';~"l~~~~!~~~~~~Jj~:,k"~A~~\~r:~;i !~ 8';;;:" PAYElACKglSTRICT .... .. I': COS2C50 Ron Dav:~' P.O Box 2672 9.S8C '::;',7.305 --8,145~86 - '__.n 8----- u' --- 1.117 ?2E.E9{) .Jnd-e.....e 35-8904.2~01.30 CI:ac.kamas. 9.R 970~_:5 recuced -~ . . ... TOTALS 294.01412,807,269__ $250,000 $72.9.,201 _ 54.3,633 $56,866,138 $60,,,72,423 m X I OJ -I ~ Oage 5 Column Descriptions Column 1, Subdivision Geocode - subdivision name or certificate d sur,'ey number description used on the plat or certificate of survey, geocode numbers are provided where available Column 2, :"'ot and Phase or Tract - more de~ailed lot, block and tract description off of the plat or certificate of sUr\.'ey Column 3, Owner/Business Name - property ovmer listed for a giver. parcel ir. County Clerk & Recorder's, Treasl;rer's and Department of Revenue databases as of January 2004. Column 4, Owner Address - owner address provided in the Clerk & Recorder's, Treasurer's and State Department of Revenue databases Column 5, Lot Size - parcel sizes off of the plats or certificates of su rvey in acres Column 6, Lot Size - parcel sizes in square feet column 5 multiplied times 43560 Column 7,- ,A.ssessment - individual assessments for the parcels equal Ie the quotient cf their column E area and the tota! area, multiplied by the SID amount. Cocum n 8, SID 665 Payoff - 0 u tstand ing amo u nt of pcin cipa I and i".terest fo r each parcel in SID 665 as shown 'n ~he C'ty' of 80zem an data base Column 9, Gal. Co. Del;nq. Tax - each parcel's outsta:1ding taxes as shown in he Department of Revenue database as cf January 2004 Column 10, 2003 Market Value - total market value of each parcel and its improvemerts as shoym in ths Department of ReverlUe database as of Janual)' 2004 Column 11, Estim. Value After Improvs, - Column 7 + Column 8 + Column 10 Co lu mn 12, Busin ass Type - descriptjon of type of CUlTent land use m X I OJ -I q