HomeMy WebLinkAboutCollegeHuffine Packet Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Ron Dingman, Park and Recreation Director Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: College/Huffine Pathway Community Transportation Enhancement Program (CTEP) Project Construction Bid Award MEETING DATE: August 23, 2010 AGENDA MEETING TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Duneman Construction, Inc. for construction of a pathway along College Street and Huffine Lane, Pending Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) approval. BACKGROUND: The Community Transportation Enhancement Program (CTEP) is a Montana Department of Transportation program that funds transportation related projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of Montana's intermodal transportation system. The program requires that transportation enhancement activities must relate to surface transportation and expands the defined transportation enhancement eligibility categories as reflected below: • Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, • Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists, • Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, • Scenic or historic highways programs (including provision of tourist and welcome center facilities), Landscaping and other scenic beautification, Historic preservation, Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals), • Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails), • Control and removal of outdoor advertising [see 23 USC, Sec 131], • Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity, • Establishment of transportation museums. In 2005 the City Commission approved submittal of an application for CTEP funds to construct 2.08 miles of a 10 foot wide pathway to begin at 11th Street and College Street and continue to the corner of Huffine Lane and Ferguson Avenue. At the June 16, 2009 Commission meeting, the Commission approved the City Manager to sign a contract with Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) for the engineering/design and management of the CTEP funded College/Huffine Pathway project. The original contract was amended in November 2009, to include engineering for an additional spur pathway to connect Huffine with the Bozeman Pond trail system, bringing the total engineering contract to $108,669. All requested easements have now been donated to the City by the adjacent land owners and the Request for Bids for construction was advertised on July 18, July 25, and August 1, 2010. As part of the encroachment agreement between Montana State University (MSU) and the City, construction of the walk that runs diagonally through the MSU Park, at that corner of 11th and College would be considered as part of the overall project, if sufficient funds were available. MSU has agreed to assume maintenance responsibilities for the pathway running along or on their property. We requested that the engineers separate the main project and the diagonal walk into 2 separate bids, the diagonal walk being titled as “Alternate #1”. The reason for this was to assure that once bids were received, there would be sufficient funding to complete the main project and to include the alternate pathway if funds were available. Bids have been received and reviewed by Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), RPA, and City staff. We are recommending that the bid and alternate be awarded to Duneman Construction, Inc., the low bidder, for the amount of $439,719.15. Construction bid proposals received Company Bid Alternate Duneman Construction $420,769.15 $18,950.00 Big Sky Asphalt $436,401.20 $24,000.00 Hall Construction $468,914.50 $20,000.00 Knife River $625,915.00 $33,000.00 Timeline: Upon approval by the City Commission, the bid recommendation must receive a final approval from MDT prior to the actual award of the bid. We have begun the process with MDT, and anticipate formal notice within days. Once the award has been issued and the successful bidder has submitted all required documentation to the City (within 10 days of award), the City may issue a formal notice to proceed. The Contractor will then have 45 consecutive calendar days to complete both the main project and the alternate. The anticipated completion date for the project is the end of October. FISCAL EFFECTS: This project is funded with the City’s CTEP Allocation (held by the MDT) and a required 13.42% Local Match. Adding in the existing Design/Engineering contract and Easement Values to the Construction bid amount of $439,719 brings the current total project cost to $604,188. This is lower than our 2009 Estimate of total Project Costs. Project Costs 2009 Project Estimate 2010 Project Construction Bids & Alt 1 Design/Engineering $ 108,669.00 $ 108,669.00 Construction $ 503,600.00 $ 439,719.15 Approved Easement Value $ - $ 55,800.00 $ 612,269.00 $ 604,188.15 Project Funding Sources CTEP Allocation 86.58% $ 530,102.50 $ 523,106.10 City/Local Share 13.42% $ 82,166.50 $ 81,082.05 $ 612,269.00 $ 604,188.15 City Cash Required $ 82,166.50 $ 25,282.05 Within the General Fund, the City budgets $30,500 each fiscal year for our CTEP Local Match. In FY09 and FY10, we treated this amount as a “capital carry-over” knowing that the College/Huffine Pathway was underway, but uncertain of the easement values or final bid prices. Including the FY11 matching funds budgeted, there is currently $91,500 available in local matching dollars. Fortunately, the value of the donated property easements can fulfill $55,800 of our required local match. We will need $25,300 in cash to complete our share of project funding. After completion of this project, there will be approximately $320,000 in unencumbered funds remaining in Bozeman’s CTEP account. CTEP funding is cumulative and Bozeman received an additional $163,000 in CTEP funding for Fiscal Year 2010. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Final construction bid approval from MDT. We anticipate receiving this within days. ALTERNATIVES: The City could choose to not complete the project (not award the base construction bid); or, choose to re-negotiate our agreement with MSU regarding Alternate #1 (not award alternate #1 as bid.) We do not recommend either of these scenarios. Attachments: Project Site Map Bid Tab Sheet Report compiled on August 19, 2010 FOWLER AVEFERGUSON AVEHUFFINE LN MAIN STW. COLLEGE ST S. 19TH AVES. 11TH AVES. 19TH AVES. 11TH AVEMAIN ST BEGINPROJECT CONNECTIONTO EXISTINGPAVED PATH FOWLER AVETROUT PONDCONNECTION PATH TROUT POND BOZEMAN DAILYCHRONICLE CONNECT TOMDT S. 19TH AVEPATH IMPROVEMENTS CONNECT TOMDT S. 19TH AVEPATH IMPROVEMENTS MSU MARRIEDSTUDENT HOUSING END PROJECTCONNECT TOPROPOSEDROUNDABOUT £¤191 £¤191 §¨¦90 STPE 1299(22), UPN 5946 CITY OF BOZEMAN - COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (CTEP)!IPROPOSED COLLEGE STREET / HUFFINE LANE BIKE - PEDESTRIAN PATH Robert Peccia & Associates406.447.5000November, 2009 Map Prepared by: 0 0.1 0.20.05 Miles LEGEND Bike-Ped Path Proposed project10 ft wide paved path Existing path to remainor future by others