HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Fund Budget Materials q� • - Commission Memorandum CO. REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2011 (FYI 1) Budget Work Session General Fund and Other FY 11 Budget Items MEETING DATE: August 23,2010 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Work Session RECOMMENDATION: Listen to staff presentations, ask questions, give direction, as you see fit. BACKGROUND: Attached are a Budget Information Sheet and other materials regarding the General Fund budget and Planning Fund budget for FYI 1. This information has been prepared to assist us in developing the City's Final Budget. The hearing for adoption of the Final Budget is tentatively scheduled for September 13,2010. Ordinarily, we review the details of the General Fund budget recommendation and then discuss the ramifications of Certified Values and other changes. We plan to review the information in the following order: 1. Budget Work Sheet for the General Fund, attached. 2. Updated Budget Work Sheet for the Planning Fund, attached. 3. Information below outlining changes since the recommended budget was presented. Since presentation of the City Manager's (CM) Recommended Budget in June,the following items have further developed concerning the General Fund: I. Certified Taxable Value Information. We received our Certified Taxable Valuation information from the Montana Department of Revenue(DOR) on August 2"d. Although the number in total for the City looks within reason (increase of 3.2%),the amounts for our Tax Increment Districts all decreased from last year's Certified Values. Discussion with DOR indicates that they have issued and continue to process a number of revised tax assessments to property owners through the tax appeal process. Also, a significant property tax payer in the Mandeville Farm Increment District went out of business this year(a cell-phone company.) DOR indicated that they will not have completed the 2009 tax appeal process until December 2010, at the earliest. This means that we could likely have decreased tax collections related to tax appeals from 2009, into FY 11 and FY 12. They would not report to me on the value of the appeals to date,but will issue a report when the process is completed. Based on strictly on the new Certified Values,the City's authorized maximum tax levy for FYI I is 197.77 mills. The new value of one mill levied city-wide is $80,783. The amount of additional revenue above the CM Recommended estimate due to the the Certified Values is approximately$150,000. As you'll see through a number of changes discussed in this memo, we are proposing our final tax levy be revised from the CM Recommended number of 181.95 mills to 173.86 mills (see Adjusted Mill Levies &Mill Values sheet attached.) This is a savings of 8.09 mills ($653,534) from the CM Recommended Budget level. It represents a 3.67 mill increase from last year's levy. II. FYIO Vacancy Savings in Police& Fire Departments. With the close of Fiscal Year 2010, we are able to calculate the vacancy-savings (unspent personnel budget) in the Police Department budget for Officers and in the Fire Department budget for Battalion Chiefs. The FYI budget"gave back"unspent FY09 personnel amounts to the taxpayers by way of a one-time levy reduction. If a similar policy is adopted for FY 11, the tax levy is reduced by 7.29 mills for this one-time savings. This has been reflected in the General Fund Revenue number listed below. Department1 Number of Mills in FYI I Police $339,000 4.19 Fire $250,000 3.10 Total $589,000 7.29 Mills I. Street& Tree Maintenance Assessment Off-Sets. During the adoption of the Assessment Resolutions, the Commission indicated that they would be looking to reduce the final levy calculations by an amount equivalent to the average lot"s Street and Tree Maintenance Assessment. In total Assessment increase for the year was $116,700. This equates to 1.44 mills, and has been reduced from the tax levy (and corresponding General Fund revenues listed below.) II. Clean-Up Items. During the course of our summer budget work sessions, we have identified the following items that can reduce the General Fund's expenditures for FYI 1. We have also reduced the tax levy by 0.61 mills to account for this savings, and factored it into the revenue and expenditure numbers listed below. Department Snow Enforcement—Personnel $20,000 Incorrect houry budgeted fir part-time position. Neighborhood Coordinator—Personnel $25,000 See Planning Fund discussion worksheet. Old City Hall Building Maintenance $4,540 Total $49.540 III. Revised General Fund Revenues and Expenditures. Due to the changes described above, our revised Revenue and Appropriation amounts for the General Fund are as follows: CM Recommended Adjusted Budget General Fund Revenues CM Recommended: $ 24,019,473 less: Police & Fire Vacancy Savings $ (589,000) less: Street&Tree Assessment Off-Set $ (116,700) less: Increase in Appeals/Uncollectible Accounts $ (50,000) less: Clean-up Items Identified $ (49,450) plus: Increase for Taxable Values $ 150,822 Adjusted Budget $ 23,365,145 General Fund Expenditures $ 23,513,881 less: Clean-Up Items Identified (49,450) Adjusted Budget $ 23,464,431 Change in Fund Balance $ 505,592.00 $ (99,285.10) IN'. General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance. Revised Estimate. At the time the CM Recommended Budget was presented, we had two large unresolved financial concerns that have now been settled. The sale of the Old City Hall property took place on June 24, 2010, and an agreement and payment have been received from Pacific regarding clean-up costs on the Library property. In addition, we are very close to closing the books on Fiscal Year 2010. Every department within the General Fund left some portion of their FYI 0 budget unspent, totaling an estimated $1.3 Million (after we take into account carry-over building/repair/maintenance items to be completed in FYI 1.) With these factors taken into account, and our new tax levels proposed above, we have revised the estimate of the General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance at the end of the proposed budget year. Given this scenario, we will be above the newly adopted minimum reserve level. ESTIMATED! We have not closed the books on FY10 yet... General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance. End of FY10 $ 4,543,000.00 Less: FY10 Capital Carryover $ (300,000.00) Add: FY11 Estimated Revenues $ 23,365,145.90 Less: FY11 Appropriations $ (23,464,431.00) FY11 Projected Ending Unreserved Fund Balance $ 4,143,714.90 As a%of FY11 Operating Revenues 18.9% 16.66%Budget Ordinance Minimum $ 3,660,843.01 Diff Between Projected and Minimum $ 482,871.89 FISCAL EFFECTS: Although the Final Budget adoption has far-reaching fiscal effects, there are no immediate fiscal effects as a result of this work session. In describing the likely impact of these proposed General Fund budget changes on"average"residents,there is a decrease from the CM Recommended budget by$22.61/year. BudgetFYI I Average City Resident-Annual Increase CIVI Recommended Adjusted Street Assessments $ 4.22 $ 4.22 Forestry Assessments $ 0.64 $ 0.64 Property Taxes $ 33.00 $ 10.39 Water Services $ 12.12 $ 12.12 Sewer Services $ 30.72 $ 30.72 Total Estimated Annual Increase $ 80.70 $ 58.09 Attachments: General Fund Budget Worksheet UPDATED Planning Fund Budget Worksheet CM Recommended Budget, Page 94 Municipal Court-Revised Adjusted Mill Levies & Mill Values Report compiled on: August 11, 2010 General Fund - FY11 Budget Worksheet In January and February of 2010,the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Finance Director held meetings with each department in the organization. For those funded by the General Fund,we talked about the elements of revenue in the General Fund budget,the likely diminishing of property taxes from new construction,the need for continued service delivery and maintenance of existing buildings, and the effect of the recession on citizens in Bozeman. In preparing their budget requests, we asked departments to not consider this a year to expand into new areas-but rather look at this as another year of necessary belt tightening. As a result, there were not many new programs or personnel to cut from initial department budget requests. 1. Commission Budget -$141,000 a. Commission's operating budget decreased by -$35,000 because this is not an election year; no election fees anticipated to be paid to the County. b. Special Bodies division includes operating budgets of$7,500 for the Ethics Board and $2,500 for the Economic Development Council (new for the FYI I budget year.) 2. City Manager's Office - $950,000 (Administration, City Clerk, Human Resources, Neighborhoods, Economic Development.) a. Payroll Officer moved from Finance to Human Resources division. b. Economic Development duties added. c. Executive Assistant duties eliminated. d. Neighborhood Coordinator Duties. Can reduce preliminary budget by$25,000. See below discussion in Planning Fund budget worksheet. 3. Finance Department (Admin, Accounting, Treasury, Grants/Sustainability) - $876.000 a. Payroll Officer moved to Human Resource division. b. Replacement of IBM i5 server that operates the enterprise-wide financial system $50,000. c. Purchase of Qrep reporting software module$23,750. 4. Facilities Management- $1,375,000 a. Listing of Facilities included on page 115 of CM Rec. Budget. b. FYI I Projects (to be completed via FY10 budget carry-overs) include Shops Complex remodel and completion of New Vehicle Maintenance Shop, and the Energy Efficiency& Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Upgrades to City Buildings. c. Can eliminate$4,540 for Old City Hall building maintenance, since the building has been sold. 5. Information Technology- $935.000 a. Replacement of Switches - $25,000 Budget Work Sheet,August 23, 1010 b. Virtual Storage for City records- $39,000 c. Email Exchange Update- $35,000 6. Cemetery- $440,000 a. Lot sales and interments are relatively flat over the past three years. b. When developing the budget we reduced our estimate for lot sales in FYI I based on actual receipts, but we did see an increase in sales during May&June. c. Mower replacement program - $13,000 7. Parks- $1,115,000 a. Park Improvement Grants (PIG)—No additional dollars from the General Fund this year. Based on report to the Commission in early 2010,the PIG program will utilize unallocated grant balance from previous years (--$130,000), and focus on completing existing approved projects over the next 12 months. b. Irrigation System at Story Mansion -$35,000 8. Recreation - $1,508,000 a. Includes the budget for Swim Center, Bogert Pool. and Lindley&Beall Centers in the General Fund. b. Swim Center Pump & Lighting Replacement project - $ c. Bogert Pool Filtration System - $ d. Replacement of ADA Chair Lifts at both pools- $ e. We've been working to "square up"the personnel allocations for lifeguards and pool coverage. In the past, large numbers of part-timers were on staff. Some part-time positions have been combined into full time positions. More effective lifeguard schedules, with a focus on pool zone coverage, have resulted in reduced personnel costs,in total, for the coming year. 9. Library- $1,606,000 a. Proposed addition of 0.5 FTE Library Assistant. b. No capital this year(Last year was installation of Radio Frequency 1D System for monitoring/tracking of materials.) 10. Police Department- $6.2 Million General Fund a. Fully Funding the Addition of 4 Sworn Officers (Levy Approved.) b. Replacement of 3 patrol vehicles,including equipment. c. Completion of the E-ticketing System, $78,000. d. Reduction of FYI I levy for FYI vacancy savings of$339,000. 11. Fire Department - $4.1 Million General Fund a. Reduction of FYI I levy for FYI 0 vacancy savings of$250,000. b. Reduction of FYI 1 levy—postpone hiring of Shift Manager positions. Don't plan to fill in FYI 1, $259,000. c. Carry-over completion of the Fire Training Facility at lower yards. This was funded in FYI 0,but could not be completed due to the construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Building on the same property. Will complete in FYI 1. Budget Work Sheet,August 23, 1010 d. Purchase of Engine#1 Replacement (From Fire Equipment Fund) 12. City Attorney's Office- $950,000 Recommended Budget a. Proposed addition of 0.5 FTE Legal Assistant, $13,000. b. Intern Prosecutor budgeted for the current summer. $6,000 c. Upgrades to JustWare Case Management software. $6,000 d. Funding the Domestic Violence Prosecutor through grant proceeds and $20,000 General Fund contribution. We won't find about the grant award until September 2010. e. Funding returning Prosecutor(currently on military leave) for 75% of the year. 13. Municipal Courts - $611,000 Recommended Budget a. The CM Recommended Budget document did not include the updated FYI Exl7enditures Sheet. Attached. b. Addition of 1 FTE Court Clerk, $32,000. c. First full year of operating 2nd Court at the Law&Justice Center facility. Rental expense of$25,855. Outside Requests 1. Animal Control - Request from Montana Spay/Neuter Task Force for$5,000; $2,500 is included in CM Recommended Budget under the Police Department,Animal Control. 2. Streamline—Request for ongoing annual support of$150,000, Request of one-time money related to FY 10 of$25,000. Neither of these requests are included in the Recommended Budget. 3. New: Gallatin County Attorney/City Attorney request for a$7,500 contribution to the Sexual Abuse Response Team. The specific purpose of the contribution will be to assist in funding the program's coordinator to enable the director to apply for a grant to develop a child advocacy center. The City currently has a Victim/Witness Fund comprised of fines received in Municipal Court: this would be an appropriate source of funds for this request. Summary of Position Requests—by Full Time Equivalency(FTE) Position Requests Not Funded: Police: Parking Enforcement Officer I (Outside of Districts)- 1.0 FTE $ 40,000.00 Facility Maintenance: City Service Worker-1.0 FTE $ 50,000.00 Position Requests Funded: Lega I: Legal Assistant-0.5 FTE $ 13,000.00 Library: Library Assistant-0.5 FTE $ 13,000.00 Court: Municipal Court Clerk- 1.0 FTE $ 32,000.00 Summary of Items Cut from City Manager's Recommended Budget Items Not Funded: Request: City Hall, Phase 2 Site Improvements $ 35,000.00 Budget Work Sheet,August 23, 1010 City Hall Energy Upgrades(Use EECBG, instead.) $ 30,000.00 Fire Station #1 Hose Tower Repairs (Use EECBG, instead.) $ 1,500.00 Fire Station #1 Parking Lot Patching $ 8,000.00 Shops Complex Concrete Repairs $ 1,000.00 Proposed New-Hire Vehicle $ 18,000.00 Professional Building New Handrails $ 3,500.00 Professional Building Site Improvements for Snow Removal $ 4,500.00 Senior Center Dining Room Screen Repairs $ 2,500.00 Library Gravel in Storm-water Retention Area for Odor Control $ 3,000,00 Library— Hauling Snow from the Parking Lot $ 6,000.00 Lamme Site House Demolition/Hauling $ 28,000.00 Radio & Uniforms for Additional Parking Officer New-Hire $ 3,600.00 Vehicle & Fuel for Additional Parking Officer New-Hire $ 8,300.00 Increase in Police Expert Witness Fee Budget $ 3,000.00 Detective Training Budget $ 7,100.00 Automatic External Defibrillator(AED) for Fire Utility Vehicles $ 4,800.00 Fire EMS Jump Kit Bags $ 2,400.00 Park Trail Maintenance & Repair $ 5,000.00 Park Mowing/Snow Removal Contracts $ 3,000.00 Park Improvement Grants (CIP item) $ 75,000.00 Park Dept. Light-Vehicle Replacement (CIP item) $ 25,000.00 Items in Adopted Capital Improvement Plan for FY 12 (not all-inclusive) RECREATION BOGERT POOL REPAIRS GF-055 57 $ 382,000.00 RECREATION LINDLEY CENTER DECK GF-102 51 $ 34,000.00 RECREATION LINDLEY CENTER BASEMENT RENOVATION GF-129 51 $ 21,000.00 FACILITY MTC. CITY HALL PH2 SITE IMPROVEMENTS GF-130 45 $ 35,000.00 PARKS ARTICULATING TRACTOR GF-030 43 $ 110,000.00 FACILITY MTC. SENIOR CENTER MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS GF-128 42 $ 30,000.00 IT DEPARTMENT AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY GF-065 37 $ 95,000.00 PARKS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENTS GF-092 37 $ 50,000.00 FACILITY MTC. SHOPS COMPLEX REROOF GF-131 35 $ 34,000.00 CEMETERY CEMETERY VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS GF-116 34 $ 42,500.00 PARKS 44TRACTOR WITH BUCKET GF-100 33 $ 75,000.00 PARKS LARGE DECK LAWN MOWER GF-034 33 $ 48,000.00 CEMETERY COLUMBARIUM EXPANSION GF-132 32 $ 40,000.00 CEMETERY 4X44WHEELER WITH PLOW GF-133 32 $ 10,500.00 FACILITY MTC. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING PARKING LOT LIGHTS GF-067 30 $ 28,000.00 FACILITY MTC. SENIOR CENTER FLOORING GF-134 30 $ 15,000.00 Budget Work Sheet,August 23, 1010 Planning Fund - FYI Budget Worksheet *******UPDATED******* During the July 26. 2010 Budget Work Session, the status of Planning Department's FY I 1 budget was discussed. The budget wasn't balanced,and there were questions about personnel allocations and the reported expenditure total possibly being short roughly$7,000. 1. Balancing the Budget: At that time, we proposed a number of different options for balancing their budget. Since that discussion, we have prepared to make the following changes: Options for balancing the Planning Department FY 11 Budget: ✓ Increase in General Fund Contribution, via adding Neighborhood Coordinator Duties. This position was originally budgeted in the General Fund, kith a total cost of'$50,000. Transfer of'tliese duties to the Planning Department iritlz a General Fund transfer of$25,000 will save the General Fund$25,000 as it-ell. ✓ Funding from Tax Increment Finance Districts (North East Urban Renewal &N 7t"Urban Renewal.) ✓ Reduction in workforce. Based on that discussion, the following changes are proposed: a. 10-hour/week (0.25 FTE)reduction in workforce for an existing Planner I, beginning September 1, 2010, saving $10,300 in FYI 1, and b. Assignment of Neighborhood Coordinator Duties to current Planner II,beginning September 1, 2010, and c. $15,000 total transfer from Tax Increment Districts to support Planning Department work on North East Urban Renewal District ($5,000) and North 7t" Urban Renewal District ($10,000.) 2. Personnel Allocations: After the last few years of significant changes in department workload,the budgeted amounts for personnel allocations (how much of each employee's time is allocated to each division) didn't seem to match up with the reality of work in the department. The proposed allocations contained in the Preliminary Budget were: Asst Admin Planner Planner Planner Planner Planner Planner Zone Prelim Budget: Director Director Assistant I 1 II II II III Code Operations 100% 100% 100% Subdivision Review 25% 25% 100% 25% Long Range Planning 25% 100% 100% Annexation 25% 25% 25% Code Enforcement 100/10 Historic Preservation Zoning 25% 50% 50% Budget Work Sheet, August 23, 1010 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The Interim Planning Director believes the following better reflects the allocation of work at this point in time. We also have adjusted for the inclusion of Neighborhoods duties and the reduction of hours, as listed above. Asst Admin Planner Planner Planner Planner Planner Planner Zone Final Budget: Director Director Assistant 1 1* II II II III Code Operations 15% 15% 30% 10% 5% Subdivision Review 10% 10% 10% 5% 35% 60% 45% Long Range Planning 10% 15% 10% 50% Annexation 10% 5% 10% 15% 25% Code Enforcement 10% 10% 100% Historic Preservation 20% 10% 15% 80% 10% Zoning 25% 35% 25% 20% 5% 45% 60% 25% 30% Neighborhoods 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Position redaction of hours listed shore Allocation of Department FTE's Proposed Revised Prelim Budget Final Budget Operations 3.00 0.75 Subdivision Review 1.75 1.75 Long Range Planning 2.25 0.85 Annexation 0.75 0.65 Code Enforcement 1.00 1.20 Historic Preservation - 1.35 Zoning 1.25 2.70 Neighborhoods - 0.50 10.00 9.75 3. Expenditure total possibly being short roughly $7,000. Upon investigation, there was $6,463 in overtime coded to an old, inactive account for Planning Operations within the General Fund. The amount was generated in error by the personnel budgeting module. It was such an anomaly that it was completely missed in the budget worksheets from July 26`I', and improperly reported in the Planning Fund on page 109 of the budget book. It did not get included in the General Fund expenditure totals, so it's a matter of system clean-up and not something that will affect the General Fund totals. 4. Taxable Value: With the new certified taxable value, the planning levy is worth $161,564, up approximately $1.800 from our previous estimate. Budget Work Sheet,August 23, 1010 Summary: With all of the following adjustments, the Planning Department's budget would be balanced and we'd see a total reduction to the General fund of$25.000. Changes are in blue font. Budgeted Revenues: Planning Fund- FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Actual FY10 Actual* FY11 Budget Revenues Application Fees $517,000 $245,000 $237,000 $134,500 $125,960 General Fund Transfer, 245,000 245,000 476,000 348,000 327,000 Including Neighborhood +25,000 Coordinator workload Taxes 128,000 136,000 151,000 147,000 161,564 State/Grants 61,400 85,000 85,000 84,500 76,500 Other,Including TIF 15,000 33,500 21,300 20,400 18,000 Transfer +15,000 Total $966,400 $744,500 $970,300 $734,400 $749,027 Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures: Planning Fund FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Actual FY10 Actual* FY11 Budget Revenues $966,400 $744,500 $970,300 $734,400 $749,024 Expenditures 922,000 1,079,000 746,000 718,850 730,365 Surplus/(Deficit) $44,400 ($334,500) $224,300 $15,550 $18,662 Budget Work Sheet, August 23, 1010 MUNICIPAL COURT FY09 FY10 FY10 FY11 DOLLAR % ACTUALS APPROVED AMEND RECOM'D CHANGE CHANGE Staffing: Full-Time Equivalents 7.00 7.50 8.50 13 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY Cate go 1000-1999 Salaries,Benefits&Overtime $ 499,276 $ 415,259 $ 462,069 $ 46,810 11 2000-7599 Operating 121,728 220,915 149,175 ,71.740) -32 8000.8999 Capital 8,117 - 9000.9699 Debt Service 9900-9999 Transfers Total All Categories $ 629,121 $ 636,174 $ $ 611,244 $ (24,930) -41, EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION Division 1310 Municipal Court $ 629,121 $ 636,174 $ $ 611,244 $ �24,930) -4 Total All Divisions $ 629.121 $ 636.174 $ $ 611,244 $ (24,930) 4% EXPENDITURES BY FUND Fund 010 General Fund $ 629.121 $ 636,174 $ $ 611,244 $ (24,930) -4 Total All Funds $ 629,121 $ 636,174 $ $ 611,244 $ 124,930) -4% CM Recommended Budget FY11 94 City of Bozeman,Montana ** Adjusted ** MILL LEVIES & MILL VALUES FISCAL YEAR FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 MILLVALUE $ 58,063 $ 63,249 $ 68.981 $ 74.178 $ 78,290 $ 80.783 PERCENTAGE CHANGE 8.9 9.1' 7.5 5.5 3.2 GENERALFUND: All-Purpose 111.39 110.57 101.26 111.91 111.96 114.77 SPECIAL REVENUE: City Planning 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Police Retirement 3.54 4.07 4.27 4.14 4.34 4.45 Firefighters'Retirement 1.71 2.68 2.81 2.72 2.85 2.97 Public Employees'Retirement 3.59 4.39 4.61 4.52 4.75 4.86 Comprehensive Insurance 3.45 4.45 4.67 4.53 4.61 4.73 Heafth/Med Insurance 23.21 22.91 22,36 24.31 23.67 24.29 Fire Capital&Equipment 4.00 4.00 4.00 Fire Truck/Equipment 6.00 Senior Transportation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Workforce Housing 1.46 1.00 1.00 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE 44.50 41.50 41.72 48.68 48.22 49.30 DEBT SERVICE: Library G.O.Bonds 5.39 4.95 4.53 4.27 4.03 3.94 Transportation G.O.Bonds 6.98 6.40 6.67 6.30 5.98 5.84 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 12.37 11.35 11.20 10.57 10.01 9.79 TOTAL ALL LEVIES 168.26 163.42 154.18 171.16 170.19 173.86 Percentage Change -2.9'- -5.7 11.01, 10.4 - 1.6 Property Taxes Levied $9.769,893 $10,336,467 $10,635.491 $12,696,306 $13,324,175 $14,044,743 Percentage Change 5.8" 2.9° 19.41 4.9> 5.4 * Tax Authority Authorized but Not Levied $ 166,270 General Fund Reduction $ 583,000 $ 849,000 Police&Fire Police&Fire Levy Reductn Levy Reductn $ 350,120 $ 303.570 $ 189,720 FY09 SAFER FY10 SAFER FY11 SAFER $ 174,189 $ $ 620,829 $ 667,602 $ 704,610 $ 727,047 911 Mills 911 Mills 911 Mills 911 Mills Res.No.3954 Res,No.3954 1 Res.No.3954 B-4