HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3728 Intent to create SILD 680, Baxter Meadows, Phase 1 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3728 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. G80 (BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PUD, PHASE 1) DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING AND MAINTAINING LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSING THE COSTS FOR INSTAllATION, OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BYTHE lEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman (the "City"), Montana, as follows: Section 1 . Intention to Create District: Proposed Improvements. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Part 43, as amended, a special improvement lighting district to serve the Baxter Meadows Subdivision PUD, Phase 1 (the "District") for the purpose of installing certain lighting fixtures and paying annual ownership, maintenance and energy costs. Pursuant to an agreement (the "Agreement") between the City and Northwestern Energy (the "Company"), the Company will install, maintain and provide energy for thirty (30) Domus Series light fixtures with segmented cut-off optics (the "Fixtures"), of which seven (7) will be 175-watt fixtures mounted at 20 feet; nine (9) will be 1 DO-watt fixtures mounted at 17~ feet; and fourteen (14) will be 70-watt fixtures mounted at 17~ feet at the locations shown on Exhibit A (the "Improvements"). The initial monthly charges per fixture per month (the "Monthly Charge") are as follows: $41.13 for the 175-watt fixtures, $38.77 for the 1 DO-watt fixtures and $37.91 for the 70-watt fixtures, for a total of $1,167.58 per month. The initial Monthly Charge is based on price of Fixtures quoted by manufacturer as of the date hereof, which are subject to increase on 30 days notice prior to placing an order. The Monthly Charge is composed of an ownership charge for the Fixtures, an energy charge and a charge for operation and maintenance of the Improvements. The Monthly Charge may be increased as approved by the Montana Public Service Commission, the rates for each component of which will be shown on the Company's Schedule No. ELDS-1. The costs of the Improvements will be payable from special assessments to be levied against property in the District. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District No. 680 (Baxter Meadows Subdivision PUD, Phase 1) of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and more particularly described on Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District is shown on Exhibit 0 hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefitted Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibits B, C and D are hereby declared to be the special lighting district and the territory which will benefit and be benefitted by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The Improvements, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefitted by the Improvements. Section 5. Assessment Methods. 5.1 Property To Be Assessed. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements, as specified herein. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefitting from the Improvements, based on the actual area method of assessment described in Sections 7-12-4323, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in this Section 5. 5.2 Actual Area. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements. The annual costs of the Improvements at the initial Monthly Charge is $14,010.96 per year, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 49.3 acres, or 2,147,508 square feet, exclusive of parks and open space. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $284.20, or $0.00600 per square foot. Section 6. Payment of Assessments. Special assessments for the annual costs of the Improvements in the initial amount of $14,01 0.96, plus any increases, as may be permitted by the Public Service Commission, and any additional authorized charges shall be levied each year against all properties in the District and shall be payable in equal semiannual installments. Section 7. Extraordinarv Repair or Replacement. The costs of the Improvements and assessments set forth in Section 1 and 5.2 are based on normal conditions and do not cover charges for extraordinary repair and/or replacement pursuant to the Agreement. The Company may make an additional charge to the City for costs of labor and actual material costs for repairs and/or replacement of the fixtures for damage caused by third parties and not paid by such third parties. The City will assess such costs and charges against the properties in the District in the same manner as the other assessment is made. Section 8. Discontinuation of District. The City is obligated under the Agreement to maintain the District for seven years. If at any time after the initial term of the District a petition is presented to the City Commission, signed by the owners or agents of more than three-fourths of the total amount of property within the district, asking that the maintenance and operation of the special lighting system and the furnishing of electrical current in the district be discontinued, or if a majority of the City Commission votes to discontinue a special improvement lighting district, the City Commission shall, by resolution, provide for discontinuing the maintenance and operation -of the lighting system. If the Commission has, prior to the presentation of a petition or by a majority vote of the Commission to discontinue the district, entered into any contract for the maintenance and operation of the lighting system, the maintenance and operation may not be discontinued until after the expiration of the contract. Section 9. Public Hearina: Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements may make and file with the Clerk of the Commission until 5:00 p.m., M.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (October 13, 2004) written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District or both, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday, the 18th day of October 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room at City Hall in Bozeman, Montana. Section 10. Notice of Passaae of Resolution of Intention. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on September 28 and October 5,2004, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. -2- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 27th day September 2004. L. CETRARO, Mayor ATTEST: (J~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ .---r-; I ' I i D~ ... LR TIMOTHY A. C R f ,- Acting City Attorney -3- CERTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. 3728, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 680 (BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PUD, PHASE 1) DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING AND MAINTAINING LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSING THE COSTS FOR INST ALLA TION, OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BY THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT." (the "Resolution"), on file in the original records of the City in my legal custody; that the Resolution was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City at a meeting on September 27, 2004, and that the meeting was duly held by the City Commission and was attended throughout by a quorum, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that, upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the fOllowing Commissioners voted in favor thereof: Commissioner Younqman. Commissioner Kirchhoff. Commissioner Hietala. Commissioner Krauss and Mavor Cetraro ; voted against the same: None ; abstained from voting thereon: None ; or were absent: None WITNESS my hand officially this 28th day of September, 2004. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 680 (BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PUD, PHASE 1) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on September 27,2004, the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement Lighting District No. 680 (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of installing lighting improvements (the "Improvements") to serve the Baxter Meadows Subdivision PUD, Phase 1, and paying ownership charge, maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A list of properties in the District and the amount of the initial assessment accompanies this notice. Pursuant to an agreement (the "Agreement") between the City and Northwestern Energy (the "Company"), the Company will install (30) Domus Series light fixtures with segmented cut-off optics (the "Fixtures"), of which seven (7) will be 175-watt fixtures mounted at 20 feet; nine (9) will be 100-watt fixtures mounted at 17% feet; and fourteen (14)will be 70-wattfixtures mounted at 17% feet (the "Improvements"). The initial monthly charges per fixture per month (the "Monthly Charge") are as follows: $41.13 for the 175-watt fixtures, $38.77 for the 1 OO-watt fixtures and $37.91 for the 70-watt fixtures, for a total of $1,167.58 per month. The Monthly Charge is composed of an ownership charge for the Fixtures, an energy charge and a charge for operation and maintenance of the Improvements. The Monthly Charge may be increased as approved by the Montana Public Service Commission. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements which will be payable in equal semiannual installments. The annual costs of the Improvements at the initial Monthly Charge is $14,010.96 per year, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 49.3 acres, or 2,147,508 square feet, exclusive of parks and open space. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $284.20, or $0.00600 per square foot. The annual assessments for costs of the Improvements may be increased as approved by the Public Service Commission and may be increased to cover extraordinary expenses of repair and maintenance. On Monday, October 18, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room at City Hall in Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation or extension of the District, or the Improvements. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana not later than 5:00 p.m., M.T., on Wednesday, October 13, 2004. Further information regarding the proposed District or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the Clerk ofthe Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated: September 28. 2004. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA Gi/~ Robin L. Sullivan Clerk of the Commission Legal Ad Publication Dates: September 28 and October 5. 2004 ___m.._____ _n_ NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 680 (BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PUD, PHASE 1) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on September 27,2004, the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement Lighting District No. 680 (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of installing lighting improvements (the "Improvements") to serve the Baxter Meadows Subdivision PUD, Phase 1, and paying ownership charge, maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A list of properties in the District and the amount of the initial assessment is available at the office of the Clerk of the Commission. Pursuant to an agreement (the "Agreement") between the City and Northwestern Energy (the "Company"), the Company will install (30) Domus Series light fixtures with segmented cut-off optics (the "Fixtures"), of which seven (7) will be 175-watt fixtures mounted at 20 feet; nine (9) will be 100-watt fixtures mounted at 17~ feet; and fourteen (14) will be 70-watt fixtures mounted at 17~ feet (the "Improvements"). The initial monthly charges per fixture per month (the "Monthly Charge") are as follows: $41.13 for the 175-watt fixtures, $38.77 for the 100-watt fixtures and $37.91 for the 70-watt fixtures, for a total of $1,167.58 per month. The Monthly Charge is composed of an ownership charge for the Fixtures, an energy charge and a charge for operation and maintenance of the Improvements. The Monthly Charge may be increased as approved by the Montana Public Service Commission. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements which will be payable in equal semiannual installments. The annual costs of the Improvements at the initial Monthly Charge is $14,010.96 per year, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 49.3 acres, or 2,147,508 square feet, exclusive of parks and open space. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $284.20, or $0.00600 per square foot. The annual assessments for costs of the Improvements may be increased as approved by the Public Service Commission and may be increased to cover extraordinary expenses of repair and maintenance. On Monday, October 18, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room at City Hall in Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation or extension of the District, or the Improvements. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana not later than 5:00 p.m., M.T., on Wednesday, October 13,2004. Further information regarding the proposed District or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Dated: September 28, 2004. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA Robin L. Sullivan Clerk of the Commission Legal Ad Publication Dates: September 28 and October 5, 2004 ------.......----- ___..___u___.,._.__._..__.._ - ,...-.- ,..---- .,.,...."".~. ,'-'c .~'wp' 1:;:;J1IJ1.JIr.". . r ,),,;IV Jill ,'. . . . '.' . . "?'. '".' ". " "'. '.""'~"'..~. =. .'''- 1iJ'! I .1 jW .1~H1".;! '.' ':~-F~.',...~~t,.'~~~;~:i ,~ '.~.'.'-.u...I.,"';;'.u """" ' _ ....J',..' -..... ,",. ,",' ,.,"- "":"f".!"J.'"',:~'.''' ...' '" ~ :'-,' ~;: ' .!:~jlf .t.;>r,,,!:,';"',"'.h',-- '......., -',' '. ....~30 ,. t ,oj' ", -~1 t- i Ii '... IL ,'/JII. n..;,>.""( . ",: . ' ...."'10 ) , . ., . . . tQlXVS . ill ~ f ~ I....... !",. . .-;:-';1. ,. '-:"3AU..W08VT10:> liilt I ." NV'ld '3SVHd :;.iJ. LO ri' .. ,.,-. . ~ ~ ~ --- ~~ ~ / ; .' ,~ ~~ ---- --" ..~ ..- / ' ! \."111 I I I -. 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PHASE I LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER & THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECflON 3{, TOWNSHIP I SOUTH, RA.~GE 5 EAST, AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONT ANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONT ANA OWN:F.:R [lAA'TF.Jt M...MXrWS DF.''F.LOPM'I!Nl". L1" .,.1'OIUmRL" .t:JfO\\~ AS w.ILC.- L!' ~ "- HQN1-MoI.... !.-[)IInm 1".!\'RTNERSHrP m PIlRP'OSF~ 1.'0 CII:r~\\"E B/.XH;::&: KF.AOOW:S-:S\.IIIDIVISION 1".U.D.l"HASF. [ X I CD CF.R1"[nCA TF. O~. DEDL.c",--.iON CJ;;(I:11FIChlT::OI'SUfl:\'"E\'09: =i I.. th~ ~...:r prqH<~f -a-n..,.-, 00 n.~r .:erti'~ tJtcj , rttJ~ o;c....~ La:IM _~. ~ I;I'Id pIoltri i1-L-a toC1. l:o'-DCtS;.. bIooIos. publil:: a...;!! pr.O'O'It ~.. 'S'I'.....L'S ""..:I ....f$.. por1cs. an.::! -fI!I)eIl s,paee. GrIod ~ d'W5ions or"~ .oj~at;..ns.O'$""""bythe.plQ1.h""~I.oD:nci.odt:d.tI1aioN...-..g-de'scri;oe:l~oQ(:te>llatLd.lo",",,- t,. -cr.q.:ry II..- Finck.. -en. 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G"td po't.1 Cf'I s.gkI-plaII_ 'fh.to;:Vbliio: sl;.reti!ts, akl'5.l4ne:s.- ~ m4 p.grIos ~ -D<1 soid ~t ~-e .g~'~~!::or ~ at~ of B.a~_ for """ I.Be!I ~ to t-he Cil, or~........ for ""' pub!< "'"'" cl.....fCllldi GlIon<b "'-'"..... tII~ pIo-! (1$ being ~ ta.....,;,..n.e -HllQ1h~.... _ 200_ GJt....."l1 01' M.JDUC tnlUTY F~J Dgtldth;.;_,x,rof_ 'R'1~.....~ prape'"lr"'- ner..y......1$ _ta ~ CI"Id -,.."...,.....,. frm. CI'" ~tian........_ putIiC 0< ,""",~e.. -pta""din4 CIt dl'erinq 'La p<....odt: I~e. t...oeqr..... elec:I.ric~. '9"S. Dr ~......... ~ to Ih'II put.IC.. ~ riqh-l ta tht! IJIin.t va ",... ~enol iIo< 'IIw- o;onS'Irvc1ion-.. .....o;.l_tB. ~. -and r~ of -It>er IO->n.gn(l o\I'Itt!r l'ociIit.ies. i'I. 0__. _de<. .-:I acr== e.gd'I 0<-8Q ~t-ed on -ttr.is -pf.g~ CI$ '"UtiiIr e:~.. on,;~ar ,..I Public ~ far- 1J'IoI, C;ly~6oum"" ~~ rlqhU_co:><:I ~ n,g. ~1C:1IiI,.q'"onted hoeo'>Ib~ CIte ~ t". ITC"'to<. !lUbjK11.<> ~:&a.s.. ii>du_g ""'.ng..t to ;"stalll .....-speed .r,t~ iIOer t:T -coNe ~ irrl~ i\pciiIit-ia. (;.1t,'\Xl 01' 5ln~i'."'cr. DRAI~F. F.'ISF..w::H1 CF.R.'1UIC....TF.O~. COUNT'!{1'RF~ The ~ P"UP*t~ c-.- n.-.bJ 9"G"'13....to eot;I1 CI'1d ilV'el'YP""- .....a- Os an ___ oJ- a lot or okm -.il:hin tile pIott.d orfil gI ,.gn-~..,~' :lor dr~ -gl surlooo 'IOO'tet __-ttt. ...-!Iou- og-f fido,_ ~, ~__ ~ GI GaIIa1i'1 e:-1y. .......tanG. .cIo -hereby ~....~il'y ~ t'oB ao;omp<n~ plat "'- bHro""-y ~.".,01 tIIat...- <"eCII ~~, ....--.. on6 ~ _,-"ls ~toodon-u.eplal'"""util:O'l,....,;IOr........~t.. ~_;.,~_tf1e-\o<ldtolbe~""p.gid. DGledlhis__ofo~of__200_ -D.atedlhis_do~.pr__ ""-. F'n:>p.o<tr-o-.er: B...~ttR: UE,I,(IOW'S DE\l'C...ClPWENT. Lf'.. I'o<'rn<erly............. oDS ".B_C_. L.P_, A -WQNToUU. l/WIt'ED PAAtNERSHF' fre.asur.... or Co:IICltirl County -- B, SU:$ WEADOIII"5: CONS'fRUC:T1CN, INI:.. 01, UONT.......~ ~.I,TQ.I. fonnt<1-,- ~ ~ J.G.W_ 'IIIC. -CF..RTII'IC.....TE Of CLERK JI.ND RECORDF.R 19.-=~.R.~"Prl!'SClcnt 0erI0. and ~ gl GClA.at;" ':-t,. w:or.l....."., -do ~r ~",.til'p- tho{ 'iJ'Ioe ~'"""'" ...st.rum.....! __ ft;ed... "'y olll;a-.g! __ o't1ack (...... 0< PW} 1P>it- ____ oar ..r ~ 2:00_ -and ~.ec~'" 8ooi< _ -a4 """ts CII'I.p-D9" _ RKV<I$ <:If tr>c -Oe4.".,d A~. C.gIt.gI;.i1 Count~. ......~an<:L -s-.go1~ g.f "'OI"tor'>o } ""- ):s.s D.a~edthoil;_day.,r e:.....tr,..lCCll<llin) 'IJo1 !this _ ilGy.gl 200_ bef"", me.. ~ ~ .. """trlE, P\.dic: kr ttJe SlCIttI of I.Icnt...... 'P""'"SG'IaII~_apsI__ed- Cer-ald 11_ lfQIi.gms. krw- to me to he th.I Po-esiOerII of Ik>;t. III~ Oeo1ocrtdR..::or-cIer -- oCcnslr'uc:lion.lnt_. 0 ~tan~-c:c..p-gr."tk>n, U1e'fe"ll!<gj p.ortner al'8o;o:deo- ~$~t.t.P_ r.:.-mtrt~kn"""'-G:!i ".B_c:..LP." ttI-I ~bO:n thal t........led tile wi!)'in ~L and~ t<I""", I:I'I4tk~ted' 1Ih<!_-rarand-anboehalrorSCllid~1!iCI<IL ~t;.,l:o.In\y '" WTNESS Wl-lERED"'. I "'-'" ~ta sell"l1yh.and ancI-offi0:e4"'~ Not-:riCII Set:t tI'tt! dor and ~ -JrFI ~ .ntl-B"l ~theSt.gte"...w..:nl"""" (PmoLo3l ~~) - R..,,;~..,:I_ "'anl_ 'Wy~~---":'_-- ~TIFl-c.-\ n:: Ol' roMPUnl.ON Ot- u.rPKOVF.MFNl'S .....-a....!....-W.....o-. ~_t, LP.. and I, T.......rL. ~..-..oId. ...~"""~ ~~toll"'<>Ctie!'i'L-tfite-State ~....~_,t>e<..."tertifTtt.atthe foIk,~,~.....!,. ~CIS a ~(i.}..f Qppt....... a-I E!la~L.- MlOG-6oon Sub6-oisiOn PM.D-. Ph..asto 1. -1'>0:1.... ~ ~ t>-n ir\s-I:aiIIld in _~..'" I:tM!: CIQP<-o...ed p!on-$ O"td 1IIj)eC'l'M::otian-s,. """d!'loa..- b"", ~~ ~.....IHd.]:h. irrv~ts to Ibl ~1 gu..-an~ cooe:..g) sl:f"ee1. .....a___ls-. II;I} ~-d ~ ~ts...:~ i-ts'l<III..u- of _1.0'" -.I :s.gni!or~...............,irI M.......1. d} .-e..ted ,t""", _t...- -dr.....,.. ....asbruc::.......e ~t... I) Ibrftl ~t:iCIn 11gh.ts. I} BLOCK MAP t dt!di=lcd' p.go'tiond Io'1dscop<!. fj] p.goIdanrl Lano;fscapt -in"igootion. ~) pt,tbIi<: peIInlriano t.".ai 'SJ'5le'T1. 'fht, ~ ~~ ......-cnts aqor.-s'l ~ in It>n-e __..--....ts ",. period at an,", reo< I<<om th.is delte_ Th4! ~ 9'"G"'ls ponessIan 0:1 all ~ intr.,,'JtrI.od..... imp<a........t. I.<> III.- CIty gol eo~. .gnd ""- Cit~ """'-et:-,act~ts-p"':nefli.gr,or<1l-publit-nl'r-asl7\.H::t""~~1$.:oub;..cttCII;NCIboYe.o.crlCClted......-oniy. NOT TO SCi\LE _ _________ __ 200_ &>1.... -101-.... De...,.!C!>""enl, 1...-p_ (D-a1...} iIIr:r:..-.:;j.:R'lJiI;.g",,5..~id.....1 _____________ ____ 200_ PRO~IlREAc...-: T.......y 1. 1'tu-eIIteId. lwIontcno lkense t4Q 7,",~5 PT- (l)Ql-e) __~______ ____ 200__ ~~Oirect~alp",j)Jk:s..er-.o.:e {(h;,lt) COr.--gm(l- 01' MORTGil.Gr::F.S . / ~ ~~~~~ e"1a~~7'~ ~ ~6t::1 ~::..o...~.~~o~;c~~~~:t~g ...~ ~~;..., I~ -t:kWns or ~ ~ ~~=~~~~_~~_~-~~ ~~~pla1~irriCI.S~~ts, -.-....s. Do....:! ~h,~ __ CI<I~ of ________ 20(:_ F;,-,,;l .....l-ers~a1~ Bonk -" '"'~"""""""" Br:___~________ II~:____-~-------- 'S~a~~ (>1 L,I,y-.l...-..o I )~ .;:::...u.,tr .,.-I (;-gI~I," ) 0--. ""i5 _____ -dOl ""' ________~ ZOO_ bBfol"t """'. ttw- ....-.de-s:i~ a Nota, PLlblic. fe< Uw- -S1a.1~ go! U""lO'"tt1. ~r appeo'"ed __________ !kt'Io-,'a- """ ta 1M Ih.. VICINITY MAP ________~__ .,.f F,rsl 'hl.-orst-gt~ Bal"k th ~-gl"'" tI1a~ ,"",ecu!e<f 1M ","tJ-,<n ""'1J'umen.1. O"d -aclnowledqed t<J I"I'>e 1:/'10l"., ...~ecutood I.ht!: ~~ lar Qno:' "" ~f ",r '$Od GIC":;>o'"-:ll;,:r. ;r.; 'WTNE'S'S 'M-I(Pf:I)F. I ...0..... I"teo--ount".sell"l1yhand.....d .,.fI....,j m~Noto;:rial Seo> l:7Ie-(\.g~gnd ~ 4rsl ab.g.... ...-itten NOT TO 5C.'<LE N;t-;;P.;;i;-';"~Iot;~~-- OJ; I Civ; I Engineering I ""='<'-' "'"" -PROJ[C. SlJRl,I'[YQR Glf SHEET ~~;~ ~~~-=--==---=-~:"1~ Land Surveying oo.z.a..w.r.).{J S'9m -oRA'M-Ie:....: KINO lod Wr t...........~ ~o:pirl!S ___________ ALLIED Geote-chnica[ Engineering J'HO?-.'E (~) m_..jJw RE:VlEWE'D flY: GLr !='ROLCT :No. Q1 - ;;'4. ENG[NEE-RING ~ Struct1lral Engineering fAX (-4Q6) -m_5T:'G .~~II!".-c. OAT(: 3/05/02- FmAl F'L....'-d~ - FINAL PLAT OF ..,... BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION P.U.D. PHASE I :.'.~:,"":.''':::=~_~-=:':x.';': ~~::,.:::~~,;g:~~:. LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER &~THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, R,\NGE 5 EAST, <0, -:: ~ "":,,=.: ~"-'..""". .,'"" i:C'~::rit.~. :!:f~~~ ]" J.~ ~1IR"1M'l ___'IA.1.. ~. -"tl. <XIMS1III.JC1[DOI'I'Dt:1R'I'Or.......PLuJoPf"R.D'o'.......'IIIt..C5'S AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, ~~ ':.::~ '::"':,,;";,'~ :o~':::'" ~k.~o~"::;=" ~ ~ ~ PRlNCIP AL MERIDIAN MONT ANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA ;;;;'=L~.>>o.{.;~:i..-;.~:i '" _ <000"""",," -"<' 0>06 .."" . m ,j OWN'''. .,me.. ",M>O'" DC-T.W'""'. '-"..H,""ER..,. "NO"'NAS WjlC, LI'. "'.m'H"'.' "Mm,o 'M',,"OS"" ::.,=~,'" ~:;;,-::, ~ ~~ I. ~~GAH..:~~:::: =~.... X ! ~ ptJ"""".TOCIl'.\1UM",," "'ADO'''''''~DfV"","'.".D. "'^'" :"".""'""""...... """" "'_" =::;:~m::"..="""~"'" I ;:: M -J t<<DRO:..CQC ~ CENTER fIf\O! JtM,I.l'fS15 ~T8oI MTH F1RL1IUI:SIEIIEKfS:SE00IIS'IRUCTB:I MI1tOl!I' OJ ::.: I:- J: -ARiT CONSULTIIIG ~ PROIFe5SiONAI- DtGIHEER. oIF - { ~g :=~t~-:X~:~~~~E~~ =:~~=:..~~=::~:t~ ~ ~~ 5~1IOI:1S"'~<lIICEl~~fO<i~T. ~:;''(:~~~~:d::~~ cj >. ~::l~=';i;'f::..~~~::~~~~ CROWNOF11'ESTJIEEJAtOII~trlS$SIYED. : ; ~;:. ;~i~' ttf' ,'i" ; HM"41'51""E 1372..67' ~"1E' .p-L8lJC SElBAO< N01TS:- , ~ ~~ 'J -t T _ - - -- ,..,,,- - {l01181OCX1); i .11'l" _-r;"p"[ . ~[t irS' R!BAA Wllki CM> ::\:::.-;" ~ ....,""5. .. l1lI _.....,:0;: ~ SDE.....u;!O'" s' ~ ..s IUL--\ ~ ...... puauc- floIJIIo; ~ ~ '- : ~ .. rJrJ; 2 0 $€T % - REB,I,R "II/I'IH 2~ A.UJ.,m~JiA C:II.P (Ulrs. 1 THRU 5 Bl:O(:I( 2): .~ ~ r UJ_",-:;; t-.:%,E. ~ ~,i ROW",RlQi'T-OF-WAY =,(=""5~ ~:.~ ....~ L-IJ-Tl \ llJors ~'- 5 __ ,~~'l"'> : R = R,IJ)I1JS 'SID[ ~AAD" [f' 1 I . .,)-~,- {LOt 0& 9lQC:K 2\ _ .-.--:-_~.~:-:-:::-':l'i \ "'"'_:"';""'"'-"". L____ -T-- - __--.J I l ..lENG~ ::\;'::"-5~" "~ J ..';:~~_""'-IO"..:..J L.....n.:.;.~ ".- "'" u.u. ;:) ...- u_u. lJ," OELTA OF CUR\'E SIX"'N'm .. (I' j I ~_ r::: -LOT 2 1 : ~~ ~ a ~ F .. f"R.J<<T ...-...ro (~~~U~;1 6: 13 THRlf 2'0 &.OCK J); Lf,~ ~ .~:; _ 1_ .....,;_'". '~ 00" "-0-0:.. g ~..r 't ... WJTVil.ltlf :: y-r;:..... S~. .::; ~ . _ Z s..aa- _ tJ..o.E. '"' lJ1iUrY AND ~"'G(" EASEIIIEt.I T "'g "0'V'"I j ". G ~ (LOTS 1 .6: 12' BLc.o: :5); ::;~=2. II _: : u l ~ ~ .'S>' OF Bt_C CO, '0 2202^ :;: ;:.;.i: ... f::! ji; ~DI J 'I to! , ! S [/I.S'\' 5ICK 'f"MI(!... ~ LOT ~ ~......n.. I: ......... I ~ lOT, {WT 21 Bl.OCK ~: .. "'~"'!:'I 1 r 0- .f'IIKJoIT .,.J!IJID .. ,t' <: I L , DR:I\'["'AY II(JoII '(.utI).:J' ~ 0 "",,-;:0T-"._;-:._-:1 .. .,,:; ("''SE~J W:S-T'SIDE 'I'"IIIJI(t. I~. ...._ ;3 .--'....:.:.~-~'....a , I L.:~~~;.; -. =>z g (".0$1 50: y~ - S' ~ < Iii . ~ ---.:! I-........E. ;: .. (LOTS j THFIV 40. 8I..OCX 4): .. i LOn ! : LOH ,... t } ~,!:.::.f2~~~F :=...:=_"';0. LOT II; :;; , I '"-II... ~ ~"'" SI:J[ .,/IIfEJ ...". . l \ 0 1"...r9tJC P\W( ~ ~ (I r:; {lIJ-'fS.11HRU-118{:OCKS.k f':': _____:....,. r _ .....so- ~ ".i _.....,n: nu-r:ru<l. P"'-W LClTS 1 ~ -IIi i!\.0C'f( 60); ~~~'~'" 7 _ -~~~ ""'-"'-,,""'" I _..'n,;;:;> ,_ "u;' -=---- ""'"EN' ~:=-'l' I..I::IT 1- . ___--.>"1: I r . ~ ....-.1'10-": Q1~ A1O" ~ ..... ~_ ~_-cr .....,.. .......... ...... ..-0'1 C TIi."SH CAN .c..tto;:\ 1 l '\ '- ... ~ ~ AOOI,I'[ CiROOND "'-""" I! ~<i 'lO~2. ~: S WI 15- 1..1)1 ~ LOTI "'" lJ~rY:E"'SEWEf.n : 1.012 t ~~I[~ _ ~ .00-.. ~-;...... bUO... ;'"-..... ;....... ~'::~ · ,~,,:;::d"';~'>;'~::-:"! ., ~" ~W .::: - =C~:<7E';'k":.',"" : i:::~.:..!.' ::: ~ ~~"'''iL ~ ....- .......- <1M ...... LOTS 2-O.t:Z~ BL.;X;Jo;:]. I _ It' ",...-D.L , <"=, ~:' .';"~:.' . ';",: " .',',::; .,;";;",,;,,,:;; ~~:.' ,';"':;' I ! .. ~ .; t. ~ ;; .; EASEM-ENT DETAILS : '" : : <> ;-I~-...a[ -...oT TO $CA1.[ j I~"- ~ L ~':n ..... .......0:1" _ ,,111$". -...,.,. l.- '....... ------ --- --------- --- I _so.., :ns..ar. J i" --,,':101"'[ <;;Q;.\1'tI(~ST~ ....;JXSS ~E'f -u..- .hx~ ~:'~J::~.]~ _~, t"[ ~ ~ == ~~: ~~;~5.~:: m c<:1 W 'Se9"SO.5-'-fIIr 1J6J.J.:2' 10 SW ~ PtlASE t ~ SO;,rf'l.t ';"OIIfIIIE1! 3..u...EII;LAI"F. J. .t tJj 5 t'D[]>'''101 ro:;C:INNIN(;. f ~5}:. FOAR ----.,- ------------------ -c~,~~:,--- - ---} 4:;":--- - - - - - ---~- - "~'~:"..:': "-::.":~- - --- ~.":~-'''"-'''''~''''':~~ -~<:f...:"";,~"''''"' ~ "... ~ ~;~~::~,----- _n__ ------- _______n -- - - - -,-- a I xr-..:w.IQO__ ; r; ~ L015-[loLI1J ~ B_'1~""'" ....:t j 'S("~__""-"'~ j ". 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I) _"'--<-I RE ~1E'II'E D 8....: G-F PA-:)..EcT No. 01- 2 41 1-or...... -D"'E~ 5I'..a: E 1!..99 000-... {~:=; C'f" TOr"'l .o.R(~) S8i..fs7...... 6QG-_2EI' E':'tGtNEE-RlNC StTuc_tural Engineering ! ['_0: (~) ill-SUI] 1 s.>'..v-c.""s_.....c DAT[- }!c-S.f[);!. rtNAL f'L....T_I;!'....go ~- FINAL PLAT OF BAXTER MEADo,~rs SUBDIVISION P.D.D. PHASE I LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER & THE SOUTHWEST m..E-QUARTER OF SECTION 3+, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONT ANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA -OWNER; [I.'Y.,-F.R Mr-:....OOW:S reva..oP1o!T::!IT, ~r, t"OitMERL\" IOIO""'NM......nJ:., LI'.hIlliONT!'I,JII....Ut.m1:::Df'AR1'WT:JI:SHW SI--1EET 2 ~ P-IJRf'OSr-~ TO ctt:;~""Tr: IJ............TEIR Mr'-....DO'I."S-SUI3D1VtSlOIf P.L.LD. PHMF. 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O4YUGIfT .g I ~;::'I'.. ~CS .. aASEMENTS,IoRE IIfCORI"ORATa..T1ECONSTIIItJCTIC) fI- SIC€" 'f,o,R[)... 5' 0;f~ElWB.UllGS,T1tEY5IIDULD1tOTHA-VEA. Z I . "DEI"'rK GREAtER THAN (1.j THREE FEETeEUlWbE TOP' '" I {LOTS 1 .6: 2 elOCK 7}; .. ~ Of' TMECUREI ORCROMIOF TlESTREET'FfIDIIIWHlCKI1' I f'ROII"! ~JSI&J .. ]5" ..--' 1$ savED. ~ :: T": .- g' , . ; . , , 1 I 1 o {-:'" ~.," ~ :,tf"'J,? ...\.~ "'~ l ..~~'''''~ .iI~'ZL" 1.-cr,t-'U>>N .~~ r O'EM ~ ~ !., [ ---~~ ~Jii.~,~~ ~ ~:: '/ I " :i j '"' _ I DUM. No.1 I 'SCJ..LE IUS ~ I ?li. .... L o ' ~ i , L___ """""'" .....- r--- ;. I ~ ~ _ I r ~ --- - - ----- ~ ~ ~ - - ~ l ~ --- _ - -- \~~ ~ I Civi] Engineering I nDlSCO'o'ER'I'VRt'o'E PRo..ECT'SUR'Io(YGR -:;;-LF SHEET ....Jl-.J'!:I~-lid~U-a S'E ~ Land Surveying BOZ.EM.-'\J'.I.I<ofTY/11! GJRA'M-I BY: KIM) 30F3 -:;:.:---_ -,. ALLIED Geot~dmjc.aj Engineering :i'J-!mn:;l"i06Jm.IJ-UI R['o'I[W:;:1J BY, GLF PROJECT fuI-_ 01-204-1 ~.-.:-~ ~ Structur.a~ Engineeriag fAX(04Q6tm-511'O 1)A!E: }/lJ5/O~ FlNAl PL,I,T.d_g EXHIBIT "C" A tract of land being a portion of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 2202A, located in the Southeast One-Quarter and the Southwest One-Quarter of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, and the Northeast One-Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the One-Quarter Corner common to said Sections 3 and 34, thence South 89050'54" West, along the common line of said Sections 3 & 34, a distance of 1363.32 feet; thence North 06018'37" West, a distance of 1296.73 feet; thence North 89052'19" East, a distance of 384.06 feet; thence North 00024'33" East, a distance of 412.28 feet; thence North 89052'19" East, a distance of 355.00 feet; thence South 63008'36" East, a distance of 78.38 feet; thence North 89052'19" East, a distance of 316.61 feet; thence South 00018'03" East, a distance of 956.44 feet; thence North 89041 '57" East, a distance of 1372.67 feet; Thence along said Tract 2A through the following courses; South 00018'03" East, a distance of 710.00 feet; South 89041'57" West, a distance of 203.83 feet; South 01012'20" West, a distance of 325.12 feet; South 89041'57" West, a distance of 800.28 feet; North 01012'20" East, a distance of 325.12 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Said tract of land being 66.54 acres, more or less. -- --..- - -- AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss County of Gallatin ) Robin L. Sullivan, being first duly sworn, says: That I deposited a copy of the Notice in Re to the owners in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 680, as listed in Exhibit "0", in the U.S. Post Office at Bozeman, Montana, on Tuesday, September 28,2004, directed to the owners at the addresses shown on Exhibit "0". ~J~ R IN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of September 2004. ~'@"""""'e ~te; name ~,,\\\ qtQf~8~I) ~ ~ .... \S'~ s;'V.. . ~~ ~~ . ~ :::1 <:' L_ i ~ .~o1ARI.~i.~% Notary Public f r the State of Montana 20: -- .'~ = . ..-......... . j ~E Residing ~t ~ozema~, Mo~a~ ;Jcxf6 g *. SEAL :11;: ~. . ~ My Commission expires: ' . - , .#.,!:: ~d'. '. s ~~. .~$ %..,~.. ...~ i~ ~III. OF --tAO ~\\'~ 11111"" ""'\\\\\'\ EXHIBIT "0" LISTING OF PROPERTIES WITHIN DISTRICT WITH ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS BAXTER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1 NAME ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ACREAGE ESTIMATED ASSESS Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 1, Block 1 4.77 $ 1,355.62 Now Development LLC P.O. Box 10968 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 1, Block 2 0.54 $ 153.47 Now Development LLC P.O. Box 10968 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 2, Block 2 0.56 $ 159.15 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT59108 Lot 3, Block 2 0.52 $ 147.78 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinqs, MT 59108 Lot 4, Block 2 0.44 $ 125.05 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinqs, MT 59108 Lot 5, Block 2 0.34 $ 96.63 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 6, Block 2 0.30 $ 85.26 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 Lot 1, Block 3 0.11 $ 31.26 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 Lot 2, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 Lot 3, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 Lot 4, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 Lot 5, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Stan & Rainy Wagner 3938 Bosa! Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 6, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Bridget Mentel 3922 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 lot 7, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Dan Cerino 3906 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 8, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 John & Bridget Stipe 3896 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 9, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Brett & Anna Safran ski 3567 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 10, Block 3 0.11 $ 31.26 John & Mary Cardenas 3541 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 11, Block 3 0.09 $ 25.58 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 lot 12, Block 3 0.11 $ 31.26 Rosa Construction Inc. P.O. Box 11113 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 13, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Joe Trudgeon P.O. Box 10801 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 14, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Brian Potter Family LLC 15220 W. Edencrest Drive Spokane, WA 99208 lot 15, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 John & Amber Garner 3935 E. Baxter Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 lot 16, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Warren & Lynn Taylor 3929 E. Baxter Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 lot 17, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Paul & Sue Waaner 49825 Gallatin Road Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730 Lot 18, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Melinda Monroe 3905 E. Baxter Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 19, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Aaron & Kamela Anderson 3891 E. Baxter lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 20, Block 3 0.10 $ 28.42 Michael & Jo McGullam P.O. Box 10908 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 21, Block 3 0.23 $ 65.37 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 1, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 2, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 3, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 lot 4, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Baxter Meadows Development lP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 5, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 lot 6, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 7, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 8, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 9, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 Lot 10, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 11, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 EXHIBIT "0" Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 12, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 13, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 14, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 15, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 16, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 17, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 18, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 19, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Paul Bertelli 3908 Equestrian Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 20, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 McCormick Development Corp. P.O. Box 10927 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 21, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Daniel Stratton 3945 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 22, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Betsy Swartz 3929 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 23, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Cynthia West 3917 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 24, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Mark & Jennifer Poertner 3911 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 25, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Valerie Britt-Kalberg 3876 Equestrian Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 26, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Zane & LeAnne Yenny 3880 Equestrian Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 27, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Seth & Jennifer Mi1linQton 3886 Equestrian Lane Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 28, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Gary & Carol Lister 382 Peace Pipe Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 29, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Derek Flikkema 3897 Basal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 30, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Nick Brunner 3883 Bosal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 31, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Leif & Melissa Summerfield 3879 Bosal Street Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 32, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Karen Flowers 3697 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 33, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Gregg & Jennifer Perry 124 Hitching Post Road Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 34, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Ben Selznick 3675 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 35, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 John Carter 3659 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 36, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Aaron & Erin Yost 3647 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 37, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Lome & Jackie Darnell 3641 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 38, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Joshua & Rebecca Oberly 3629 Gallatin Green Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 39, Block 4 0.06 $ 17.05 Andrew Malucelli P.O. Box 10594 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 40, Block 4 0.07 $ 19.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 1, Block 5 0.19 $ 54.00 Ron Rushmeyer 100 Teal Court Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 2, Block 5 0.20 $ 56.84 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 Lot 3, Block 5 0.23 $ 65.37 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 4, Block 5 0.26 $ 73.89 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 Lot 5, Block 5 0.23 $ 65.37 BS&G P.O. Box 1327 Bozeman, MT 59771 Lot 6, Block 5 0.17 $ 48.31 Kent Schroer 2418 9th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 Lot 7, Block 5 0.17 $ 48.31 Kent Schroer 2418 9th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 Lot 8, Block 5 0.17 $ 48.31 Kent Schroer 2418 9th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 Lot 9, Block 5 0.17 $ 48.31 Kent Schroer 2418 9th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 Lot 10, Block 5 0.17 $ 48.31 Kent Schroer 2418 9th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 Lot 11, Block 5 0.20 $ 56.84 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 12, Block 5 0.29 $ 82.42 EXHIBIT "0" Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 13, Block 5 0.30 $ 85.26 Daryl DeFrance 601 Arnold Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 1, Block 6 0.18 $ 51.16 Daryl DeFrance 601 Arnold Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 2, B!ock 6 0.17 $ 48.31 Daryl DeFrance 601 Arnold Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 3, Block 6 0.17 $ 48.31 Daryl DeFrance 601 Arnold Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 4, Block 6 0.18 $ 51.16 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 5, Block 6 0.20 $ 56.84 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 Lot 6, Block 6 0.18 $ 51.16 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 Lot 7, Block 6 0.18 $ 51.16 Baxter Meadows Development LP P. O. Box 81487 BillinQs, MT 59108 lot 8, Block 6 0.19 $ 54.00 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinas, MT 59108 lot 1, Block 7 11.29 $ 3,208.58 Geske Properties LLC - Sue Geske 155 Bison Trail Bozeman, MT 59718 Lot 2, Block 7 1.00 $ 284.20 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 3, Block 7 0.42 $ 119.36 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 4, Block 7 0.37 $ 105.15 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 lot 5, Block 7 0.35 $ 99.47 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 6, Block 7 0.37 $ 105.15 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 1, Block 8 0.34 $ 96.63 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 2, Block 8 0.31 $ 88.10 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 3, Block 8 0.35 $ 99.47 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 4, Block 8 0.33 $ 93.79 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 5, Block 8 0.33 $ 93.79 Dr. Dorothy Dobbs P.O. Box 10634 Bozeman, MT 59719 lot 6, Block 8 0.35 $ 99.47 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinas, MT 59108 Lot 7, Block 8 0.35 $ 99.4 7 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinas, MT 59108 Lot 8, Block 8 0.39 $ 110.84 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 9, Block 8 0.32 $ 90.94 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 10, Block 8 0.38 $ 107.99 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 11, Block 8 0.32 $ 90.94 Baxter Realty lLC - C. Metzler P.O. Box 10037 Bozeman, MT 59719 Lot 12, Block 8 0.34 $ 96.63 Baxter Meadows Development lP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Lot 13, Block 8 0.40 $ 113.68 Subtotal 23.41 1 Baxter Meadows Development LP Ip.o. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 1 Tract 1 I 10.70 1$ 3,040.91 I Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Private Open Space A 0.13 $ 36.95 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billings, MT 59108 Private Open Space B 2.70 $ 767.33 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinas, MT 59108 Private Open Space C 1.07 $ 304.09 Baxter Meadows Development LP P.O. Box 81487 Billinas, MT 59108 Lot 1, Block 7 11.29 $ 3,208.58 Subtotal 15.19 Total 49.30 1$ 14,010.91 I