HomeMy WebLinkAbout10- Concrete testing for the City Shops/HRDC Bus barn, Agreement for Engineering ServicesCLIENT: City ofBozeman DATE: 4/37/ U 814 North Bozeman Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715 ENGINEER: THOMAS, DEAN &HOSK|NS.INC. 108VV.Babcock Bozeman, MT 50715 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Concrete testing for the HRDC Bus Barn SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED Testing concrete pours at the HRDC Bozeman Bus Barn as outlined in the letter to James Goehrmng dated April 27,2010. AMOUNT OF FEE: [>] The estimated fees to complete the services tobn performed io $ 4900,00 . The Client will bn notified bythe Engineer prior to performing any services that would substantially increase the estimated fee. [ ] The lump sum fee to complete the services b)be performed will bn$ . The charge rates shall be Standard 201 rates A retainer ln the amount of$U is required before beginning services. The amount of the retainer will be credited toward the final billing when the services are substantially complete. The Engineer will begin services within 1 days of receipt of this signed agreement. PAYMENT TO THE ENGINEER: Progress payments shall be made in proportion to the services rendered and shall be due and owing upon receipt of the Engineer's monthly statement. The Client agrees hu pay interest at the maximum legal rate allowed on accounts 38 Days past due, plus a reasonable attorney's fee, court cost and actual collection of any past due amounts. This agreement consisting of this sheet plus any attachments, is hereby accepted by the respective parties. 1. ENGINEER shall perform professional engineering and norma� incidental service thereto, The ENGINEER is authorized to proceed as of the date of this contract unless otherwise noted. z PAGES ONE AND TWO of this form constitute written authorization for the ENGINEER to proceed. Follow this authorization, the ENGINEER will consult further with CLIENT to clarify requirements for the Project and review available data. 3. The ENGINEER will perform its services ina manner consistent with generally accep professional standards required of it and other design professionals providing similar services under similar conditions, in the same for-21e. 6. CLIENT shall provide all criteria and full information asm CLIENT'sequiwmvnts for the Project; designate n person ao,wam uumo|tyonCL|smTG behalf |nre^pon,n/ all aspects uf the Project; examine and respond promptly x, ENGINEER'S submissions; and give prompt written notice to ENGINEER whenever ho observes vr nmomwiou becomes aware of any defect in the work. The ENGINEER and its consultant has the right wm|yon the auoraqyv{ CL|EmT-fum !shed information, *Any Opinion of the Construction Costpen oedhy*mEmGINEER represents his judgment sma design professional and m supplied for the general-guidance of the CLIENT. Since the ENGINEER has no uunuol over the cost of labor and m«teNo|, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, the ENGINEER does not guarantee the accuracy nf such opinions a^ compared m Contractor bids oractual oust to the CLIENT. 5. ENGINEER shall not Ue responsible for t acts or omissions of any Contractor, or subcontractor, ur any of the Contractor(s)' or vuh*n"maom/ agents or employees or any other persons (except EmGUN6EFrs own employees and agents) at the site urotherwise performing any *fCuntr*^wr(o)' work; however, nothing contained herein shall heconstrued to release ENGINEER from his responsibilities m properly perform duties undertaken uyhim asa part v[ this AGREEMENT, CLIENT shall also do the following and Pay all costs incidental thereto: (1) Provide such legal, accounting and other counseling services as may be required for the project. (2) Furnish approvals and permJs from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. ENGINEER will obtain design approval from appropriate agencies. (3) Pay all costs incidental to obtaining bids or proposals From Contractor(s). (4) Pay all review and filing fees required by governmental agencies. (5) Guarantee full and free access for the ENGINEER to enter upon all property required for the performance of the ENGINEER's services under this Agreement. 7. The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days written notice in the event substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. In the event of any termination, ENGINEER will be paid for all services rendered to the date of termination, all Reimbursable Expenses and termination expenses. The CLIENT may terminate this contract for their convenience by using a formal notice to the ENGINEER which completes the termination when acknowledged by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER acknowledgement shall occur within 7 days of document receipt. 8. CLIENT and ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives to the other party of this Agreement to the partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives of such other party, in respect to 211 covenants, agreements and obligations of this Agreement. 9. All documents including drawings/specifications provided or furnished by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service and ENGINEER shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. CLIENT may make and retain copies for information and reference in connection with the project use and occupancy. Any CLIENT reuse without ENGINEER's authorization will be at CLIENT's sole risk. 10. Dispute Resolution - The CLIENT and ENGINEER agree to negotiate in good faith for a period of thirty days from the date of notice of all disputes between them prior to exercising their rights to mediation. Mediafion by a CLIENT-ENGINEER agreed upon mediator would occur after the 30 day period. If litigation does occur, it would be in the legal jurisdiction of Gallatin County, Montana. CLIENT: _City of8ozema BY: TITLE: r c. H r U DATE: to ENGINEER: THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC, By: TITLE: Project .rXanager DATE. 4127110 11. Nothing herein shall be construed to give any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone otherthan CLIENTand ENGINEER. " Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 1 Y' TD&H Engineering Consultants April 27, 2010 City of Bozeman Attn: James Goehrung 814 North Bozeman Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Bus Barn Testing Dear James, At your request we have prepared the following proposal for testing of concrete at the City Shops/HRDC Bus Barn Facility. We propose the following scope of service based on the drawings and specifications: • Trip I and Trip 2 — Test footing concrete and take two sets of five concrete cylinder samples. • Trip 3 and Trip 4 — Test foundation wall concrete and take two sets of five concrete cylinder samples. • Trip 5 and Trip 6 — Test stem wall concrete and take two sets of five concrete cylinder samples. • Trip 7 through Trip 1 — Test slab concrete and take eight sets of five concrete cylinder samples. I have assumed that we will only be casting laboratory cylinders and not field cure cylinders based on a conversation that I had with the Jeff Sandholm with Dowling Sandholm Architects, We can provide the above scope of work on an hourly basis for an estimated fee of $4,900. The estimated number of trips outlined above is based on a conversation I had with Brian Nostrant with BN Builders on April 27, 2010. Depending on the efficiency and construction schedule of the contractors placing concrete, this schedule and our estimated number of trips and associated hours could vary. We believe this is a reasonable schedule for the contractor to meet but also recommend including some contingency for material testing and inspection. We could also provide services to ensure that the floor is within specified flatness and levelness in accordance with ASTM E 1155. Please let me know if you would like a price for these services. IONM - Bo, - (400) 586-0277 - FAX(406)586-4951 If our proposal is acceptable, please sign the attached Short Form Agreements and return one to us. The other copy is for your records. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this proposal. Sincerely, Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. Keith Waring, P.E. �--� J:1B00 -000 Small Johs=6 Cay of Bozeman -HRDC Bus Bam1DOCilM NTS\AGREEMENT& Bus Barn Testuag4.27,10 Bus Barn Proposal,doc