HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-2010 LINKED City Commission Agenda.doc THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday, June 07, 2010 Call to Order – 5:30 p.m. – Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Executive Session – Personnel * The Mayor may close to the public all or portions of this meeting pursuant to Sect. 2-3-203(3), MCA, if the Mayor finds the meeting relates to a matter of individual privacy and determines the demands of individual privacy exceed the merits of public disclosure. C. Call to Order regular meeting – 6 p.m. D. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence E. Changes to the Agenda F. Public Service Announcement – Citizen Advisory Board Vacancies and Expiring Terms (Kissel) G. Authorize Absence of Commissioner Andrus H. Minutes – Executive Session April 19, 2010, April 26, 2010, May 10, 2010 *Consider a motion approving executive session minutes from April 19, 2010 and regular meeting minutes from April 26, 2010 and May 10, 2010. I. Consent Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) Authorize City Manager to sign North Seventh Sidewalk Infill Public Access Easements (Johnson) Authorize City Manager to sign Bozeman Peaks Condominiums Public Access Easement for Open Space Area No. Z-06079A (Krueger) Authorize City Manager to sign Notice of Award for the 2010 Street Improvements to Knife River, Inc. in the amount of $385,447.60 (Kerr) Authorize City Manager to sign a Contract with Massive Studios in the amount of $8,995 to Design and Print Bozeman Area Bike Maps (Van Delinder) Authorize Chief of Police to sign the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application (Gauley) Acknowledge Receipt of City Manager's Recommended Budget Document for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (FY11) (Rosenberry) Approve Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of March 31, 2010 (Clark) *Consider a motion approving consent items I. 1-8 as listed above. J. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. K. Action Items Commission discussion with and direction to the Planning Board (Saunders) *Conduct discussion among the Commissioners and the Planning Board. Commission discussion with and direction to the Board of Adjustment (Saunders) *Conduct discussion among the Commissioners and the Board of Adjustment. Evans Annexation No. A-10002 (Riley) *Consider a motion adopting the findings provided in the staff report and approving Evans Annexation No. A-10002 with the eleven recommended terms listed on pages two and three of the staff report, and directing staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the involved parties. Evans Zone Map Amendment No. Z-10047 (Riley) *Consider a motion adopting the findings provided in the staff report and approving an initial municipal zoning designation of R-1 (Residential, Single Household Low Density District) for the property subject to the contingencies listed in Zoning Commission Resolution No. Z-10047. Public Hearing & Adoption of the Solid Waste Fund Capital Improvements Plan for Fiscal Years 2011-2015 (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion adopting the Solid Waste Fund portion of the Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2011-2015. Public Hearing & Approval of Resolution No. 4259, Establishing Solid Waste Collection Fees for Solid Waste Services (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion approving Resolution No. 4259, establishing Solid Waste Collection Fees for Solid Waste Services. General Willson Building Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness Application No. Z-09235 (Bristor) *Consider a motion preliminarily approving the General Willson Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness, Application No. Z-09235 with the conditions of approval and code provisions recommended by staff. Appointment to the City Planning Board (Kissel) *Consider a motion confirming the Mayor’s appointment of one new member to the City Planning Board. Appointments to the Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board (Kissel) *Consider a motion appointing up to two new members to the Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board as at-large representatives. L. FYI/Discussion 1. The June 14th Commission Meeting will be an On-Site Tour and Presentation of Habitat for Humanity, meeting at 1766 Buckrake Ave. No transportation will be provided. (Kissel) M. Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, James Goehrung, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that agenda submissions must be received by the City Manager the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting. For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net. Monday Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 20 and streamed live at www.bozeman.net. See link on the bottom, left side of the home page.