HomeMy WebLinkAbout10- Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Membrane Equipment Procurement Notice of Award4 6 8 9 10 TO: Pall Water Processing, Corporation 11 (Successful BIDDER SELLER) 12 13 ADDRESS: 25 Harbor Park Drive 14 15 Port Washington. NY 11050 16 17 18 CONTRACT FOR: Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Membrane Equipment 19 Procurement for the City of Bozeman, Montana, 2c) 21 23 You are notified that the Contract Time under the above contract will commence to run as of the 24 date of the Notice of Award, By that date. you are to start performing your obligations under the 25 Contract Documents. 26 27 Within fifteen (15) days of Notice of Award, you must each deliver to the Buyer (with copies to 28 ENGINEER): 29 30 Certificates of insurance are required to be purchased and maintained in accordance with the 31 Contract Documents, 32 Signed Copies of the Agreement 33 Bonds are required to be purchased and maintained in accordance with the Contract 34 Documents, 35 All applicable licenses required by the contract documents. 36 37 The award includes Bid Schedule A including additional strainers and associated control panels as =38 identified section 5 of the hid proposal and further clarified by the bid clarification letter dated April 39 21, 2010 from HDR to Pall and the response letter dated April 26 2010 from Pall to HDR, 40 41 43 44 By: 45 46 47 48 49 1 SECTION 00609 NOTICE OF AWARD City of Bozeman Hylalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Rant Membrane Equipment Procurement Dated VI, Gk 2010 CSWS 1 11 (Buyer) (Buyer's Authorized Sig,nator END OF SECTION Ca■, of lioreman HyallteiSaurdoegh freatment Plant Membrane Equmment Procurement NOTICP. OF AWARD Onf,Ocr 1 000 173/88 u4 April 21, 2010 Mat thew Montgomery Pall Water Processing 25 Harbor .Park Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 Re: Bozeman Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Membrane Procurement Bid Clarification /nu South xos°, zw,o Missoula MT 5'5301 44:3 Dear Matthew: The City of Bozeman is currently reviewing the Bid reeeived from Pal1 April for the above referenced project. Foliowing onr initial review of the Pall Bid, we have identified u number of elarifications needed irr order to cornpiete the evaluation, We request that you Please respond, in writing, to the Missoula HDR Engineering, Inc. office no later than m f�urUZ8 2010. The needed clarifications inciude: l. Pall included u cost addition of $458,300 for the provision ofxm additional four (4A strainers, and local control panels for all strainers to be included. In order to evaluate the additional costs associated with the strainer control panels, please provide an itemized cost breakdown for each component uf the proposed cost addition. Z. Please declare the 20-year present worth value for operating the air compressors. This ma.9buve been inadvertently omitted in the Procurement Cost Development Worksheet Section 0O3Olo[ the Bid, 3. The backwash pumps (RF pumps) require redundancy for system reliability. Please confirm a redundant spare pump is being provided in accordance with Section 11301, Table 6 (Page 103). 4. The minimum system components required are defined in Section 11301, Table 6 (Page 103). Please confirm all minimum system components listed in the table will be provided. 5. The expanded basescopeequipment is defined in specification ll3Ol, Table 7(Page )04). Please confirm all base scope equipment lin1odioTo6le7vilLbmprmvided. nmncnnommmn.m� 512-22Ei Fax: /mwqon =wer=w^cam Mr. Matthew Montgomery Page 2 6. The Procurement Documents clearly define in specification ]I30lI.8.J.3 (Page 28) Table keynote as well as in specificalion 11301, Tabie 6 (Pages 108'104): Minimal System Components that the redundancy required far the air compressors is twa (2) units. Please clarify that two (2) spare air compressors for use as redundant bo_� the du�'��z compressors will be provided. 7. Please verify that the proposed membrane feed pumps operating oo variable f«�oeocy drives meeting the design rolnironon �ownfl.9b�(]D listed i' specification 11301 Table (Page 104): Minimum System Components keynote 8. Please verify that Pall intends to provide two treatinent ftains as shown on Figure 2 and uo specified io Section lI30l.%'2'B.Ln. 9. Please verify that Pall intends to provide a total of six (6) MF units, consisting of one hundred twenty four (124) modules per unit and eightecn (18) blank spaces unit total uf seven lnuudredforty four (744) membrane modules. 10. Please confirm that Pall io providing blowers for the air scour during backwash as shown on the Pali P&ID and as specified in Section 1 130L2.3.D. in acldition, to the air compressors listed in the scope of supply for the integrity test and valve actuation, 11. In order to enable cost comparison of recent bids to the current propusal from Pall, please provide recent Bid pricing pricing for systems (ofsimilai' capacity to ihe Bozernan WTP Membranes). This inforrnation will be kept confidentia and can be dextnuvcdor returned fbUundugthe evaluation if necessary. Please call if you. have any questions with the above. Sincere] y, HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Cc. Nathan KutiLHDll Bryan Black, HDR mua Engine s mo.we. PA April 26, 2010 Pal! Corporation Mr. Dan Hannon 1715 South Reserye Street Suite C Missoula, MT 59801 RECEIVED 2 8 MID 1.f0 ENGIN'LRING, INC DQZEMANM0NDAnA MEMBRANE PROCUREMENT BID Dear Mr. Harmon: Pall c akar Prez. 25 farivr Pad, Dmo, nv+w'�xwru~, 51 Pall Corporation appreciates the opportunity to ���p�����»���J� our proposal for the I}iot�ct Our District. r�p responses are as follows regarding the questions presented to us in your letter dated 4/21/10. 1. Price per Panel =$9\338 Price per Strainer =895.898 2. The compressor ou utie17,61SCFK8 It wUI run for 15 mnutes every 2 hours. 24 ho d dwided by2.25 hours per run, dindodby5 racks is273J per day per okid The umpe� ay O.41Spu�ng these nunnbenninto the UU3O1spraad-heetgh�eo73DHp e«»»«em|ontonLoris $504/Y� worth of $7,854. spreadsheet �qu/»a�.�.358�$/-��y� 3,A redundant spare RF pump ininciuded per Section 11301 Table S (Page 1O3) 4 nd Some items in this i;st are not applicable to the Pall system. Tnese are noted in the exceptions 5, These items are includerj 6. One duty arid twa redundant ar compressors are inoluded, 85 shown on the P&[D 7. The minimum feed pump flow is 1,639.5 gpm. This corresponds to one rack onlne producing 8 Pall is provding a s whichiuc apab|eofbeinginniaUeduahwoeoparotntrain o The piping required 0000so/a outside mfPaU 'us�upeufnup�� trains, 8. We have iri our scope 122 moduLes per raok and no b[ank spaces. However the P&ID and th eva|uodonshow 124 modules per rack and no blank spaces o 10. Pall is providing blowers for a Fr scour and compressors for integrity te t and ve!ve actuation Project Bid Price Capacity(MGD' 33 Irvine Ranch, CA $8,250,000 Santa Clara, CA $5,742,500 20,0 Scottsdale, AZ $8,995,000 25,0 Bossier City, LA $9,625,000 25,5 Clarksville, TN $5,966,250 28 Pail Corporation 11. As requested please see the table below for projects recentiy bid by Pall Corporation that are of similar size to Bozeman Best regards, PALL WATER PROCESSING DIVISION MATTHEW MONTGO ERY Senior Sales Engineer Copy: Nathan Kutil, HDR Bryan Black, HDR Pi la Di IN ter Prrc Faris: Prwc Pi V NN 1 tO5u $'1