HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-2010 LINKED City Commission Agenda.doc THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Monday, April 12, 2010 Call to Order – 5:30 p.m.– Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Executive Session-Litigation Strategy *The Mayor may close to the public all or portions of this meeting pursuant to Sect. 2-3-203(4)(a), MCA, if the Mayor finds the meeting involves a discussion of litigation strategy and an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the City.”   Call to Order Regular Meeting – 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence Changes to the Agenda Public Service Announcement – Gallatin Earth Celebration (Fontenot) Minutes – March 4, 2010 Policy Meeting, March 11, 2010 Special Meeting and March 29, 2010 Regular Meeting. *Consider a motion approving the March 4, 2010 Policy Meeting, March 11, 2010 Special Meeting and March 29, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted. Consent Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) Authorize City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to a Professional Services Agreement with Great West Engineering for the preparation of a Deed Notation for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for the Story Mill Landfill (Johnson) Accept the Monthly Building Report for March 2010 (Risk) Approve Resolution No. 4253, Authorizing Submission of the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) Application (Meyer) Approve Resolution No. 4252, Authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 5 for Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, Phase I Improvements (Murray) Approve Buttrey's Solvent Site Cost Recovery in the amount of $6,119.55 (Cooper) *Consider a motion approving Consent Items H. 1-6 as listed above. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. Action Items Audrey's Pizza Cabaret License Conditional Use Permit, Certificate of Appropriateness and request for Variances, Application No. Z-10018 (Thorpe) *Consider a motion approving the Audrey’s Pizza request for variance No. Z-10018 to Section 18.44, Bozeman Municipal Code for required improvements to North Rouse Avenue and the north side of East Peach Street adjacent to subject property including curb, gutter, sidewalk and drive access improvements; AND *Consider a motion approving the Audrey’s Pizza request for variance No. Z-10018) to Section 18.46.020.J, Bozeman Municipal Code for required parking lot curbing; AND *Consider a motion approving the Audrey’s Pizza Cabaret License Conditional Use Permit/Certificate of Appropriateness No. Z-10018 as conditioned by staff. Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1784, Providing that the Bozeman Municipal Code be Amended by adding Chapter 2.86 of said Code providing for the Creation of the Economic Development Council and Establishing the Duties and Responsibilities thereof (Fontenot) *Consider a motion provisionally adopting Ordinance No. 1784, Providing that the Bozeman Municipal Code be Amended by adding Chapter 2.86 of said Code providing for the Creation of the Economic Development Council and Establishing the Duties and Responsibilities thereof, and direct staff to return to the Commission with changes, if any, for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1784 on April 26, 2010. Discussion on Amendments to the Bozeman City Charter (including the voter referendum required by Sect. 9.04(b) of the Charter (whether to add two members to the City Commission to be elected at the general election in November, 2011)) (Sullivan) *Discuss possible amendments to the Bozeman City Charter; AND *Consider a motion directing staff to bring back to the Commission an ordinance transmitting ballot language to the Gallatin County Election Administrator that would place before the Voters at the General Election on November 2, 2010 an amendment to the Bozeman City Charter increasing the number of Commissioners from four to six. Public Hearing & Adoption of the General Fund Part of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2011-2015 (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion adopting the General Fund part of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2011 – 2015, with any modifications, after public comment and Commission discussion. Update on City of Bozeman Adopted 2010-2011 Work Plan (Kukulski) *Consider the Update on the City of Bozeman Adopted 2010-2011 Work Plan. Appointments to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (Kissel) *Consider a motion appointing two new members to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board. FYI/Discussion Reminder of April 19th Commission Meeting Early Start Time of 5:30 p.m. (Kukulski/Kissel) Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, James Goehrung, at 582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that agenda submissions must be received by the City Manager the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting. For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net. Monday Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 20 and are streamed live at www.bozeman.net See link on left, bottom side of the home page.