HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 97- 1446, Amends §§ 6.04.010 6.04.090, 6.04.110, 6.04.120, 6.04.130, 6.04.150, 6.04A60, 6.04.170, 6.04.180 and 6.04.210, animal control _,n ._-,-" ----- - ORDINANCE NO. 1446 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 6.04.010, 6.04.020, 6.04.030, 6.04.040, 6.04.050, 6.04.060, 6.04.070, 6.04.080, 6.04.090, 6.04.110, 6.04.120, 6.04.130, 6.04.160, AND 6.04.170, AND BY ADDING SECTIONS 6.04.180 and 6.04.210; PROVIDING FOR REVISIONS TO THE DEFINITIONS; LICENSING REQUIREMENTS; EXEMPTIONS FROM LICENSING REQUIREMENTS; ISSUANCE OF LICENSES; KENNEL . LICENSE REQUIREMENTS; ANIMALS AT LARGE; DOGS IN HEAT; RABIES VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS; QUARANTINE FOR DOGS BITING PERSONS; PROHIBITING NUISANCE ANIMALS; IMPOUNDING UNLICENSED ANIMALS; PROVIDING REDEMPTION REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPOUNDED ANIMALS; AND PROVIDING ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER; BY AMENDING AND ADDING PENAL TIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER; AND BY ADDING PROVISIONS FOR EXOTIC ANIMALS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That Section 6.04.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.010 Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to each: . ~~:..::::.:.:::::.:.::.::m~~.Q:!mi~.;;....msiQ~-'~PY:-::f:!yi-pr~i~y,*i-:RQt~..~qm~it!q:::i:p~:::::I:!J~'~::'::~i~~P1"'n4miq~~ :jln~!D~~:j::;:~P@!:9i~~::::~9i~:~:::~!ip:::::iqg,:::::r~p~~!iif ~.~::,'::,;;:;'.,;,.:;~;:~;Q:!mi~:::"EPp.t,rir::;gn~9~r;~~:;;::;mi~:Q$:;;:~;m;::p:ii:~~,,;:.9~f~g~r!.~~~~i,':::~irm:::::I~::::iif!ii~;,:':!m Mgmjinii!ijilil:-:i~:;-Yi,illii-i~liylyipP9ipl~iQimiI9PQ~r9'1:::::91!:~i~i::::i:Q~iF:i.pimil - -'-'-'-'-'---'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'---'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-','-',',','- ,',', -"""'-""""""""""""'-"""'-'-""'-"yif"'" ... d'" r"" ,','-, -,'-'-'-'--'- ,--'-'-'- PQHn9!:$up~My!$9t~~iJ~pgtijt~tFlitinti@jtY9f:iQt@m~HtQ;~W~f::Qp.j:;)!nt::..?ijtt::Qtgg::Jh!$ ..................................................................................................................................................................................,.",..""." ,."......,.".............. .... 9P:ip~~,r~ AG. "Animal shelter" means any premises provided by the City and maintained by the poundmaster for impounding and caring for dogs and other animals, or any facility which contracts with the City to provide such services. BD. "At large" means off the premises of the owner or keeper of said animal, and not under the leash oontrol of a eompetent person i~i~:;:i:D::::ip:!:i:i!...~~-AM:-~Q~pr~m'~i~ . ~'t:':'~p:i::':919'if/::,giipif."'g'~iipp'gi~II~:.@qi~p~ii'p:::::9J:::~~:i:j::i~~li~/:;;jiq~::.@:9!,..~n-:-i.Iiiih"-p'r ~~:~~!'~i~::::;:,]P~~j:j:i::::~ftQQ:~m;::~~i:~~:~:~:g:r:~:mp~g~:::~ftPi~!j~:~::::~;MA1H.~';~~~I.rp~ir:,m~:;j;1:m:mft~~ijl: ~pij~r~:!::j::~~:::~l:::~i~~~Q::::RQY~~9~~~Y,::jgili~!i:;,:p~:,::~~~~f~:!~~~i::::~p:~:~::~q~m~~. Gi~: "Cruelty" means the ondangcrmcnt of life or health or to cause mental suffe rin gar fea r i:~~:::i~~::;~~r:~~ffiiJ~~!~9:~;:I~:~f~~~~j::9Pj9~t!~'ip~i-ppy~iPil':iji~!~:~:::i91~d~s.~::j9:r ~@im.:::9f::)~nj:jj~q~m~~::::~~::::gi~~!~:::::9r::::p.!rm~i~,. . . G. "Humane" means marked by compassion, sympathy or consideration. 6liiL "Kennel" means any:,p:r,m;!~I:~~:j~lij~~~~W'any ,:p~r~q~t~~~'~ges:-in:\t~i::::~~~Wt~S$,,:q~ arty,:,ppry::!jQ9!Pm!,rQiAI &ft establishment or place where more than two dogs 9Fi~'h R@'~ are kept, whether for breeding or otherwise. BJ' "Nuisance" means an annoying or disturbing #:#y thing or practice w:t:Ug~ :~:~.j . . GR. "Owner" means any person, group of persons, or corporation o\.vning, keeping HE. "Poundmaster" means the operator of the City animal shelter or any operator of a facility contracting with the City to provide the services of Iii animal shelter. :.:.:.:.:.:.: - 2 - - ---~~- - - -. -- _ ~._ n~ ._ - J. "Vicious" means having the nature or qualit', of being dangerousl', aggressive without provocation." 1.",:':::;:;;,j~~~~~~:::~i~~I:!rn~~:::m:iitJi'~D~~-ijtJ-i9imi~:j~"i~iH~i~PYilgi~m-:QpttpgX9iji9@ix ~:~)::::~~~J::::~p:::'i~:Q9~tf:,g:r:::!!99,~h~:::::~O@!:li~9.::::I:II!o::::Jiji::::~ii:I::::i:~lij*t~j::J~I~~i::::I!:::Jiji::::~I~i:t:j~ ij:ti[~~iii~::::::::::::ill~i::::Jii'~~:nijjijitj~h:::::::~h!m::i[~:~j:i:i:l~il.if:::~p::::::9~~~~Ii@I:~~~~:;:'Pt9yigig::;~g~:~h . i!:9~~g:O:::::~~:~!:;:~A~HI;H:11 Section 2 That Section 6.04.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.020 Licenses - Reauirements generallv - Fee EXDiration A. Every person, other than owners or keepers of €l-ettgAmm~:rQ:!@J kennels, owning, keeping or harboring any dog over six months of age within the corporate limits of Bozeman, shall cause such dog to be registered, numbered and licensed annually with the department of finance of the City, and shall pay for such license twenty fivc dollars for eaoh dog or, in the event that the dog has becn ncutcrcd or spJycd, shall pay the sum of ten dollars for eaeh neutered mole dog or spayed female . ~ ~rn::::i:!\ft@:~9~:::i:i::::@iJ:::::P~:::'~~@9i'Y~j!~'-!f_,-tni':-Q~~i::::Q9mmli~i9Q:i:::"'::lIHM::::9~H:~~:::::g:!i:!fi1,:19~ ~~[ij~:::::b:ii::::::~:9~::::::~~i::,:::t,I!Q.-ip~yiq,grQ.~y]!rn~;roH!~-iJJgi~91~i",i~1!if:i,9t!gQ,:,,:,g~::::::~fi~ l:iB!:g~inij::::::~'y~h~~~1i:::::~i~:,:::~Mi~tt,:::,9:~~:ti:~~p~:::::~h~:i:::)I~n::::::~i~~~~Ii~g:;: No liocn3c shJII be i~sucd for a spayed female or neutered mole without presentation of proof of suoh spaying or neutering. No license of any type shall be issued without proof of vaccination against rabies disease. First-time licenses issued after July 1 st shall be prorated on a semi-annual basis. All licenses shall expire on December 31 st of the year of issuance. A late licensing fee will be assessed upon all renewal licenses issued after February 15th of the current license yearp~U~q@Pt'::~~::tm~::::f~!:::::~:~h:~:~:~Ji. B. Every person owning, keeping or harboring any cat over six months of age within the corporate limits, shall cause such cat to be registered and numbered annually with the department of finance of the city, and shall pay for such . registration tcn dollars for eaeh oat or, in the event the oat ha3 bccn ncutered or spayed, shJII pJY thc sum of fivc dollars for eaoh malc CJt or spJycd female oat ',R iji~~:~~:::i:~::::~i~:::~iM::::ffl~~~~H~~p,g",rm,m~9i,~YE~Iiro,j~~ipg",:~,P~::::9:~,P~:t:::~?Jii!mlQ,~::::j~~!~~:::'b:l~ qij]""'b'~i:[::!:~~~:Q[::::~i:ijM~~:i:i:~rj:::~~p~~:riq[::i::i9~i:::iln:9:i:i:i:~9:::::jn,,:::i:,ij~li~~~~I:g~::::::9~:;:'Jhi"'1I9~O!iQ.9 ~H:#J:p:r'i\fi~~::~q9fi:::Pp.r~~,gQ:::m~:i:::p"q:::p~Mf:~f:mi9:~: No registration shall be issucd for J spJycd fcmJle or ncutercd male without presentation of proof of sueh spaying or - 3 - neutering. No license of any type shall be issued without proof of vaccination against rabies disease. First-time registrations issued after July 1 st shall be prorated on a semi-annual basis. All registrations shall expire on December 31 st of the year of issuance. A late registration fee will be assessed upon all renewal registrations issued after February 15th of the current calendar year ;~~~~im~i-!9-~~i.tiiig"i~y:li'." . Section 3 That Section 6.04.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.030 Licenses - Exemetions from chaeter aeelicabilitv The licensing and vaeeination requirements of this chapter shall not apply to any doggir:::gij~ belonging to a nonresident of the City and kept within the City for not longer than fifteen days, p rov ided a II su ch d ogs Rr9it~f:i9fi:i:~~i~i~~~i,~:~g:~i sha II at ~n'lif"~im~:::.~~:::#i:g~r~:::::1g~9@nl:ii:gl~::::i~~:::iiijir~i~,f:~: ~~~~i9~Ui~::::iii~J~~1:::i::~~9i~i[.-:i~i::::&tfi~!i::]s1~~:::i:I'i~1jiimi:-:'Ef:ii:~::::if9iii::j\~!:!::::::i:1~:i~:::i:i~ii:Y:!~~I:I~J.i:i::::~~::::~~!j Rnl~~i~ all times while in the City be kept within a building, enclosure or vehiele, or be under leash restraint by a eompctcnt pe mon. IQi::::~lii~::@iilmi9Q'iQY"'-9f..:iiii.:::iximp~ipp:ii::i~iji:i:li:i:iiptiiQ:::;~~ PirqY:!99....Ji:ii~nl::i:ii~~~~iG~!9~...'.i~:::~ii::::!:j~g~JiQ:::::ig~fJ~rllt'li~:ii:i:.':~.~i..::Rr;:':iij:i::~~::::iiij,il~~~:::i:li::::i:~~1~i~~::::~~ . _!Mil" Section 4 That Section 6.04.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.040 Licenses - Issuance and reaister conditions - Taa reauirements On payment to the City of the amount of 5t:feA.li license fee, it shall bo the duty of tho Clark to ~h:i:]!:ili:~!~Q:'JiY~h:.9ti,~ii:jfiin issue a license to the person applying for the same, providingie that all other requirements have been met, and the Clerk shall provide and furnish with each license a metallio iYri91~ tag upon which shall be stamped or engraved the register number of the dog9.r Q~t and the year registered. The City shall keep a suitable record', to be designated "Dog license ......... '" ......... '" Register" i:09:::](:iii:i:li.B9~~ii]::ffl!IJ~i[;;::, in which shall be recorded the data and number of such . license and the name of the person to whom issued. Every owner of a dog 9:r:]~~; within the City shall place and keep around the neck of each dog ~r::::iij~ owned a collar or harness to which shall be securely fastened the motallio 1:1~~~ii tag issued to him by the City, and to which shall also be attached a tag showing that the dog ;~t:::ii~ has been vaccinated for rabies. In the event that a dog 9f9it tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued for the current year, afl4 qPQQ the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . payment of a fee of two dollars for such duplicate '~~~iy@iJ~:::'t9::'1~g.'~ii.i~!i~.Y~!:. No person shall use for any dog 9irj2i~ a license receipt, or license tag issued for another dog i~::::g~l:;i:::'::::'ll:::~.!1~m..::.P!. - 4 - Y9Iij'l~y~:::t9'r"iQY')~ir~gQ:,:~I;:::iig~i:::~(im:j!J~~:::Q~~~rit::~pY-!,9~9::,i:M~~~::~~i':]~piD,~:,:mi::::i!iY~~":'P'y,til~D~ ~~::::~~:1~::::I~~~,i:~::!jj*,f:::ij~ir::'ii~p"::tii!:j!ij:jinY-j!:9n~:~:ni:~. II Section 5 That Section 6.04.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: . "6.04.050 KennellicensinQ reauirements - Limit on number of dees ip~m.i~ keDt I~ It is unlawful for any person, group of persons in the same dwelling, or family, to keep, harbor~ 6f maintain pr:_iij9i~ni~M:j::~i~~m::j:I~~-in:Imi:!:!:~i,I! any number more than two dogs 9r-:pil::::9~i~:::i~i]mi~ib:i:j!9:!!!:iQi, in or \:Jpon an,! property, single famil'l rcsideneo, apartment, townhouse, condominium, or any building not used 0:) ;) d well in g 1~~!'i;9y~j!-::f~r~J,',j,!'i;ii1!9i::!::!j9:~~j~:pig!!j!:!ij::j!:'~ip'~~!-~~9igli:j::!!n9:ro'~~i",S~Ii!::!!!~~F:!:lji't~!g Rrpxiqi~. This section shall not apply to licensed veterinarian hospitals ar-~n~m~J ......................... ......................... i?i!lri;.: but it is intended to apply to keeping or maintaining &--6eff kenneli!::::~{id~i:ti iD!i,i!,i,::ib~l~i~~:::~9~ &R6 breed ing ~@ii!i,~!:!:~P~~~i,D:i:!:!R9rppi~i~::::~~~:rgiQi~,R~:j:~9~:::~~~ i~j'9iligf::::'~~j:-:-jbi,-:j::~:9!ii~j9j!1 which are hereby doelared to bo nuisances, unless licensed after permission granted by the City Commission after application and . hearing. ~i:~ji::iit~i~::]~iiB~qi,irmi!9~i~~j!99:::::i::::~im9i!i?il:!!!j:jro:i~i:~:i,pp!i,9i~!i9::::~*,~:::li m~~:~:::;:~~:~:~ii!~g:':'~Rr'::iii~::!j~inri!i~j:!n~ini~~:::::~t,jwh...ih~,!~!!::ii:::~j~~h~r!iig....~r::::~i~~iig.!'"g...m~ i9!i':'g~~r~1i,9,i::!:g~!j:~~ij:!:mi~mf,~i!~92 Such hearing shall be held after investigation of the premises of the kennel or breeding faeility by an Animal Control Offioer, who shall make a recommendation to the City Commission. A I(ennellieense shall be required where thc applicant owns, harbors or keeps more than two dogs, and .shall be authorized or refused in the sole discretion of the City Commission. The lieense fee shall be fifty dollars per calendar year, or aAy part thereof, and the license shall e)(pire on the thirty first day of December, unless sooner revoked. Upon complaint being mode to the City Commission thot a licensed kennel is being operated in an "improper mannor," tho City Commission may rovoke the lioense of suoh kennel, . after a proper hearing oAd notice of the licensee. 1:;::!:j:",!"":":",,,,,ii9ig!".-_~~9in'~in;:::.I~~iil9:ti .~.::f~J:::::::::::::j:::j:-8!~,ipp~!iiti9ni::::~~:~::.:i:::::~in~:i~::J~~inii~'iniJ,Y:~:~ns.j!::j!ep!_!iI~~~:g~:jj:j~ir ~ini'l~19'f!iimiimin~~:::::.:iJjim!:!!::~i:!:,::ti~mlil:::::Ji)i:!!!:~D:--;~9i,miJ,:.::];~i:p~f9~ i~~!i~r~:"::lp~:::itj!m:!:i,n!!i!"Qi!w....jni....prim~i~i:.:.:9~i::1t,ji....iii):gi:!::::~:g~.::::mi~i....i r~P!rn:m:in:~~i"!:6!:!~9j!jmij:Ji!il::::Q,9rn'OOJ~i"!:~!::ff,;I:tf.t!D:Q::'~I~:::~I~I.:i!~i~!gp:f:'-:!'~ ~i.iniU!:gi~!!I::in!i!:!:::i9~Q~:ri!i::ei:ri~~:i~j:~gif:iiti9ni':~i:j~ii!jln"mi~:";9n~f:~I.: - 5 - ---------- . ii::~:t6nQ:W~k . li:~::j:~~I,~i~~~~:~:~~~~:~; . w(' The license fee shall be fifty dollars per calendar year, or any part theroof jig . ::.:::~: :,:".:.;.:. ~ij:::ilm:~u.Q1::J~11:::~!t:J?Y?~~~QI'~tiali:::d~:::1hi:~::~:'I:~]f~mm~~.ip:ti, a nd the license sha II exp ire on the thirty-first day of December, unless sooner revoked. Upon complaint being made to the City Commission that a licensed kennel is being operated in an .!!.improper - 6 - - --------- may revoke the license of such kennel, after a proper hearing and ,,\Qj,~h:!tri:~~~~::~r:24i . Section 6 That Section 6.04.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended, so that such section shall read as follows: The owner or koeper of any animal within the city limits sholl at all timcs prohibit and prevent :Juoh animal from boing ot lorge. "At largo" mcans off the promi3c3 of the owner or kooper of said animal, and not undor tho Ica3h control of a competent person. . . - 7 - . Qf\Zd~!:~~~~~~::::~iii:::~i\~~::::\I~y;9;rlyii1g; . p:rg~~I!t.qij;(~Y:)~1ij;'i::::}""tw~~~: . Section 7 That Section 6.04.070 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.070 .~I,.i~t--anl,:lgofjolmgnt Doas in heat EAeloSl:lre reauircd - 8 - - ---- - - - - - -------- -- - - --- .". - . tM AU ~v~iy female dogs qr~j:;if, while in heat, shall be kept in a secure enclosed :.;.;.;.;.;. ,,'.....,................ ',',',',',',',',',',',','.'. manner so as not to come in contact with malo dogs aniotffiiWiifhJffiid except for :,;"::,,,;.:,:,:,;.:,'.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.: planned breeding. . Section 8 That Section 6.04.080 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: . "6.04.080 Rabies Drevention reauirements - Tag - Penalty for violation vaccinated against the disease known as "rabies." Upon vaccination of such dog(s) and/or cat(s), the veterinarian shall issue to the owner or owners of said animalfsl a certificate showing the inoculation thereof, and shall keep a duplicate of such certificate, and shall issue a metallic tag showing such vaccination and the date thereof. The owner shall cause the tag to be attached to - 9 - a collar or harness on such animal. The animal control officer or any police officer of the City shall have the right to dispose of ~~pqpnq any dog or 6e{f5 gl~ at large and unmuzzled in the City, not wearing a collar or harness on which is displayed the license tag and also the vaccination tag. The owner of any dog(s) and/or cat(s) who fails to comply with the requirements of this chapter in having his or her dog(s) and/or cat(s) vaccinated against rabies shall be guilty of maintaining a . nuisance. and shall be punished by a fine ~!_(~t1!J!)m!R!m,m!_ not to exceed five hundred dollars '~[~:~~1&UI~~~: or by imprisonment in City or County jail not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment." Section 9 That Section 6.04.090 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.090 Quarantine for doas bitina Dersons Every animal which bites a person shall be promptly reported to the animal control officer. Any dog or other animal which has bitten any person 5RaH mil be kept under Quarantine under the direction and authority of the Animal Control Officer. Such Quarantine shall be for a period of fourteen Hid days. If the owner of the animal has not appeared to claim the animal within ninety- .:.:,;.:.:.:.:.;.: six hours of the beginning of such Quarantine, the animal sAaH- ijiijij be destroyed and examined for . rabies. If. during the quarantine period. the animal is adjUdge:"':: having rabies. the animal shall be destroyed and appropriate health authorities notified. If, after completion of the Quarantine period, the animal is adjudged free of rabies, the animal shall be released to its owner upon written ............. ....................---------.----...............................................-.---------.------------------------------------...-...............-............... ....................................6---4-'.-$.0 .. f th . I tiff ......r..""""'h"".......'............a....."a"fj"ld""""."....tl..........Q1:fofr'O -" - - . permiSSion 0 e anima con ro 0 Icer 9r:V!~~Hit:,::~JMMiH~~h9:L:!:r!}i!it::::,/PH!~B!n:::::L.:9}~!!r:::,}:::y::::;::3~:~U::::.::,:/::: 9f-:.~8igli8:1':hg. Quarantine @nq~~~~lq9~i~i~~:::P:9il~i:i:~q919~ii:~:@:~M[[:~~i~~:~::~~~i:~iiU!q~iRQ:?: shall be at the owner's expense. No person shall fail or refuse to surrender any animal for quarantine or destruction as required herein when demand is made by the animal control officer Rr:::::i:qy....I@M( ggtp:t~iWi~i't~::9U~~~:~. " Section 1 0 That Section 6.04,110 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: . "6.04.110 Nuisances desianated - Nuisance animals Drohibited - ComDlaints Any dog or other animal that destroys property or other pets, bites or molests persons not trespassing on the property of the owner, or injuring or attempting to injure the person, family or property of any person, or for a prolonged period howls, barks, yelps, or has been permitted to habitually run at large, or by other means causes annoyance or disturbance to any person, shall be deemed a nuisance animal. It is unlawful for any person to own, harbor, keep or maintain any such - 10 - -....- . nuisance animal, and it shall be the duty of the animal control officer and all law enforcement officers to file complaints for all such violations occurring in their presence, Any person aggrieved by a nuisance animal may file a complaint with the oonsont of tho oit'! prosccutor in thc city court, charging thc ownor with thc violation of this scction igi~m:i!:::.q9D~fm,,-pfnR~r"'jt~-M~'D~:j;i,il&~~~pr9~imi~g!~ :~i!:~i~, where the offense is not committed in the presence of the animal control officer or a law . :;:~~:~;=~I~~;::::~~= IlifdiM~":'.:.mg~!::b~;,!o.:I~~m:::f!fl~:~:~t9f:::Yii!it~iP:~::~I:~:mi!:;:!!i~RP~~~ip"n;;;;li!!!~!ji~~;;~~i~I~:::~qJ:li:r~"::~:~'l'~p;'~~~r Section 11 That Section 6.04.120 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.120 ImDoundment - Authorized when - Records reauired Unlicensed dogs, or other animals found at large, shall be taken up by the animal control officer or any law enforcement officer and impounded in the City animal shelter. Any dangerous or vicious dog or animal may be taken up and impounded ii:::~h~1:i:~~imi]:::iggl~9!..9~t!E!r9rigy]il gDl~:t~!~ivj'9Ii~~r by i~~r~~[fij~.pii:o.i~:::~'P9~4~.iflQ a tranquilizer gun ~~.-D!qiiiii by thc animal . eeRtr.1 elfieer. The animal shelter shall keep a complete register of every dog or other animal impounded, showing the time and place of taking, the breed, color, sex and distinguishing marks of such dog or other animal and, if licensed, the number of the license and the name and address of the owner. mi:;]fti::;:~:i~n~::.:pi'i!il!:!. male dogs shall be separated from female dogs at the City animal shelter, and healthy dogs shall be separated from unhealthy dogs." Section 1 2 That Section 6.04.130 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "6.04.130 Imooundment - Notice to owner - RedemDtion conditions i:~ It is the duty of every owner of any dog or other animal to know its whereabouts at all times. In the event that any dog or other animal is impounded, . the owner shall redeem the same within ninety-six hours, or it shall be subject to disposal by the poundmaster as provided in Section 6.04.140. The owner of any impounded dog or other animal may redeem the same within such a period of time by appearing at the Municipal Buildingiiii:iii::::m9!:!i!:Jqi.p,i:i.;m"n~~'~~::;:I~.;;.III--iag 14~~qi::::::@i~j~r, accepting a citation for violation of any ordinance of the City for which the owner may be properly charged, posting the required bond. and paying a per diem rate arranged by the City with the operator of the City animal shelter for - 11 - -- - -------- - -------- - ---- each twenty-four-hour period or any part thereof that the animal is held. Any unlicensed dog that is impounded may only be redeemed by the owner procuring a license, as required by Section 6.04.020, in addition to paying the fees herein prescribed. . $h~1dh:be{jlt~t<<g~~:~p~i:grm#iMigimpt,grt:~~:::~~!::::~~riii:~::~~Ii:IQ~,:~::::::J~:J~~f::!Witirit(Qa.~qquMm#.i A complaint may be filed in ~ :Sity eCourt against the person redeeming any dog or other animal impounded for violation of any provision of this chapter. Failure to license a dog shall be punishable by fine as specified in Section 6.01.180 of this chapter. . Section 1 3 That Section 6.04.150 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section . shall read as follows: "6.04.150 Cruelty to animals prohibited. A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals if without justification he knowingly or negligently subjects an animal to mistreatment or neglect by overworking, beating, tormenting, injuring or killing any animal; carrying an animal in a cruel manner, or failing to provide an animal in his custody with proper drink food or shelter; or abandoning a helpless animal or abandoning any - 12 - _._..,-~--- animal on any public street, railroad or in any other place where it may suffer injury, hunger or exposure or become a public charge; or promoting, sponsoring, or conducting or participating in any fig ht between a ny anima Is. mftii~::tiii.D!m:qm::f!Qg~9r~d9l~iq9nQ~;m:!$i:~:~~~PtipQ::j~h~:n::::~~:::j:9:Q~:::::h:qij~:t~Q .....,..............................,..... . . .............,....,.........,...............,.."..,.....,......,....."...,..,........... ... ................... .., . .... ..... ............ ...... ..................................... ~gllir~::],,~;J,:II*:~~~:;~~'1 Section 14 . That Section 6.04.160 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "1~B:i::~:5t Enforaement Animal 80ntrol offi8er 8t1thoritv IJiip~~9~i'!-t!~!iij~mi~ For the purpose of dischorging the duties imposed by thi:::: chapter and enforcing its provisions, the animol control offieer or any poliee offieer is empowered to demand from the ooeupants of any premises upon or in whieh a dog or other animol is kept or horbored, the exhibition of such dog or other animal and the lieense for such dog. ImY:;R~ri9ij:::pliiijQf':::~ii:pj!i:~:,:i,~9:iiiii~mij::@itj:::m~r~9:fi~:Q::"ii!y--~9Q~pi1~:,:jg~::::9Ii~::1ii!:i:i~::::i~i:!'! :~:mmplY;:::rim9Mi,-iQ~,:~~~pqii':~nl'f-fi$iiMil,'~iUhi:,(liJ~iiJ~gr-iQi,mi:!::::gq::,ijp*~::P:yj~!:,j~:::p:f~piii:::Ipft pn-'-i!Y::-:Bt!Yi-~i::,:Pti~i!~yiji:~:9ij:jii:liji~:::::~y:::::i~~tt::Ririi:ij:j:j:i:t:]i:l:f~:il,y,':i99P9P-jip::::PY:::iM"~:jjjii!i9:m:;:" Section 1 5 . That Section 6.04.160 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be renumbered to Section 6.04.170. and amended so that such section shall read as follows: "~.()4.1~O~~lli?~j'g, Pros8el:ltion for ehsBter vialations Liability of awner Permit transfors. :~f:t~r,~~ijijit:::::t:::IQiiiljj:RiQI{)~::::~ft'9i~j:::'~~~~~iii For the purpose of discharging the duties imposed by this chapter and enforcing its provisions, the animal control officer, or any police officer, ~!\::ijgl:'~!~~i::~g:jjlrty::j@~I:i~!~!,:,:9!b.!r!9Iqr!ji ifP9Ii'f* is empowered to m~~:; ~& Demand from the occupants of any premises upon or in which an dog or othor :.:.:.:.:.:. animal is kept or harbored, the exhibition of such dog or other animal and the license for such 6eft animal. ':i::;:::::::::,:f'-::lmpq9DP-:--~!!'_-:'iiimi~itH9h:'::~ii":'ilii~ii;:---i----pir~9P"9r'9~fui:r::::::i:p~!mi:!:*:::::::9~:~~:]i gJ~ir&.f:~i:i:::,iiiqQiJ;)I}{:ii!!iM!I:::J9:::Ri:.I@rtg~rg4i:~i::i91:-gr#ir:J~i~::i:q~mi:!:::n!J~j:HB~!!::;~~j~ffl, . ~~iMi::::ii:::I:::fiii:t!~~.:::liin:::jlij::fii~~:::lit9ri:::jmi::,'gtjy,-::€gqB:::J9::::~i~ijili~!~i::::I~i~b,i.t:::i!~::::#:D:~lr itbi~:::9991!!~qii"'m~""i9,!mi~"ib.:9,y~(I:::,~::::ri~ii!ig::::!g::::!hi:,::g,lh~r; g,;,,;__:__:',':,':::g'~9m::i:::gUii:t:i:i:9t:j:::li::jj:jl:!~~::j:jjI9g,1~:::~~ftli~r9M:::::i:p*:::jji~~liEJ~ii:~:ij~'~":i'qifl~ijrgyiqr \JiiclQbis:miHiimaU" :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.: Section 1 6 That Section 6.04.170 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be renumbered to Section 6.04.180, and amended so that such section shall read as follows: - 13 - "&,04, 170 ,119~~,~q~ Prosecution for chaeter violations - liabilitv of owners - Permit transfers "".............. In all prosecutions for violations of this chapter, the person who applied for and obtained the license for the dog i~~:::~m~~m-i! in question shall be deemed the person responsible for the violation unless there has been a transfer of ownership prior to the violation. Any transfer of ownership must be evidenced by a transfer permit issued by the department of finance. A transfer permit may . be obtained by furnishing the name and address of the transferee to the department of finance. N~i~:!~9nifi:i~::::~~i.m~~erij9!Q@i::::J.ffli:::~!~~p$"i~:':'ii~i:~i~i~~~::~:r:~i9P.!Ji_~~i!t8~:i~~:ij~::::j:~:i:!:~i~:::ipypij~gp'iiif: !Qij:ij::::!~~'::"g-w.Q~:r:~~:~fu:~:f:~!~_-_-IBfu~~~~~~~:i~g~y::':g!.:.~b~(::iij~mi~:::" Section 17 That Section 6.04.210 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be added, and that such section shall read as follows: "~MgI2:~:1::~ ",FQ!~:~~m~n~-t"ij~Qi:!~~::::~g:r::::y!qlij]!9'g~2: i:;':::::::::::::::::::::::::J~:'::!i:::::i:-:m~~~ij:i:~ingr:::::~gr:':::ipy:::::Jji:tigp,,:,~q$t~9IiJi:::::ipy:::::~~:~:::~iji:::::Jj~gx:!i!qpi:::::ql::::~~~ii g~i~~~~:;: ii-:-':':::::::::::~i8~::::::::~i:ri9~l.:.:::igfi~:!8~~['9!':.ij:::::::ffHi~itp:ijipgr"'~qri.M!9~i~i~p::::::::g~::~:::~ip:~:::::::9f:::::~:lij P:tg~'~!9'g~-B~",:lh:i$::::~~:ii1!t::~g:f:::::ln:!:gh:::::~:g:91Qir.:..R!ij!:!!Y:::::I,$::::Q:g~::::R:rgMi~i9::::~D:ill'~gr,:~(.:~.'r!~ . 99:~Mi:~~~9:~::::~:Jj9'~:i~~:ij9:::!y::::i:::!~~ij-'~~::::pq~:::!:!i~:::ii~:.:,t!fiy":~~~J'!i:t#::::~::~:m~s~~1:::::q:r:::mg~i::]t1im ~Jji:::D:Y:m~ri~'~'~mit~~:::~:~:1,f?~.~~m~:2:::::~g:r::ij:::!i:99:gI9qDY!9~lqD::::~:i~Q:iJj:::8:gi::::(:1::):::y~i,r,iUir~fi! !!t#~:::i9R:gi!:~~~9:g-~--~ni::::iji:riRg::::ivin:-~~:::e~:H::!i8!9::::J.?Y:::,i,!jp~.9f"m-p~:::!:iii:::i8i:p::::R:qi:::n~:DQ,f:~q ~BII~:r~!::::~~:!~:I::~::~~:;:~r::j:~:~::::~:i:~i!:::miq"t~:r~!::~::~~n:~.~i~_::::~-g!l-iri:-~.~'g~Q,:i:I;),:2:UU:~:~~:D::::i:!:::~fi~r~:::::gr .~M9~,i@:~~:~~:@-PQY.!i~!iQ::::I:I~ij'lg':"9pg::~l,},:::&~i:~:::!fli!':'~~'i';~lri~".9gP.Y!:9~!gpi::ji:~::!k~:t#gp':':~ij~'i'i ~~::::iY:9'i@~~~--~M::::~::::~~gg:::,9t-99!~~*~:::~~:~9::::~lqhYn~r~~"::I~m~:r~::::~:~:~Q,~8~Q,):::,:gr,mBr~~bin mii:::::8MP:q,rWg9il'li:r~::::~i;~:~Qgf~9g E2.:..:::::::~::::~:::::::::gpBDggn~!I,,:iQ~,:::,:m~-:-qBY.r~.::::'%~~~':::::'9r"inypirt...:9.t,]H,~::::@gy:1i::j:jj~g~~~:,j:::miy",pi il~~~i~::::~'~i-iD~~."!fug::::qiti9q:ip~---iJ"I~::::~Uigri~iR9'-gf::::ii'B~M~~':" Section 1 8 Repealer All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof . in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 1 9 Savinas Provision This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. - 14 - Section 20 Severabilitv If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance . are declared to be severable. Section 21 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PROVISIONALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of October 1997. (O~ L ~~'~-A. DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: GJt;;/~ . ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission FINAlL V PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of November 1997. ~O~(~~ D E. STUE K, Mayor ATTEST: ~ cZ~p~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . APPROVED AS TO FORM: /'7 .' / - 15 - -... _.~ .--. ,<, State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) City of Bozeman ) I, Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1446 was published by title and number in the Bozeman . Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City, in the issue dated the 7th day of November 1997, and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office. a~;/~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . . - 16 -