HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoint City-County Minutes from December 18, 2009.pdf LINKED MINUTES OF THE JOINT CITY-COUNTY MEETING OF THE CITY & COUNTY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA December 18, 2009 ********************** The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in a Joint Roundtable Discussion at the County Community Room, 311 West Main on Friday, December 18, 2009 at 7:00 a.m. Present were Deputy Mayor Jeff Krauss, Cr. Sean Becker, Cr. Jeff Rupp, and Cr. Elect Chris Mehl, County Crs. Steve White and Bill Murdock, City Manager Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. *Please refer to the audio recording of this meeting for additional detail 0:11:42 Call to Order County Commissioner Steve White called the meeting to order at 7:09 a.m. 0:11:56 Introductions Those who were present at the table introduced themselves. 0:12:42 Cr. White Cr. White asked that County Commissioner Joe Skinner be excused. 0:12:56 Public Comment Cr. White opened public comment. No person commented. Cr. White closed public comment. 0:13:04 1. Discussion Regarding Valley Drive Cr. White introduced the first Agenda item regarding Valley Drive. 0:13:24 Mr. Ted Newman, Resident from Valley Drive Mr. Newman stated that traffic on Valley Drive has been impacted by City Development. The residents in that area are looking for alternatives and some help for Valley Drive even though it is in the County. He spoke regarding the City right-of-way near Fowler, and the new elementary school in the area 7 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 2 which have added more traffic. He spoke regarding using tailings or millings for surfacing Valley Drive for dust mitigation and the possibility of the City contributing financially to dust control. 0:16:06 Debbie Stober, Valley Drive Resident Ms. Stober stated that Valley Drive is a County road owned by 2 subdivisions. In the last 4 years Durston and Babcock entrances and exits were added and that has added more problems to the road. There needs to be more dust control with the additional traffic. She spoke regarding access points. 0:17:23 Cr. White Cr. White asked about the distance of the road. 0:17:29 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated about a half of a mile. 0:17:34 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober stated that Fowler goes through half way. She spoke about possibly paving the City 50 ft right-of -way. 0:18:07 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman spoke regarding the Fowler Subdivision. He spoke regarding the trail in the area. 0:20:18 Mr. Mathers Mr. Mathers asked how many residences are on the half mile stretch on Valley Drive. 0:20:27 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated around 25. 0:22:03 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober stated that people go around 45 mph on Valley Drive. Fowler needs to be opened. 0:23:01 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that paving Valley Drive would just encourage traffic. 0:23:16 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that it doesn't matter because it is the shortest route. 0:23:43 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober stated that the more the street is graded the more people come through it. 0:23:50 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that the drain mitigation was not done properly. 8 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 3 0:24:27 Mr. Earl Mathers, County Administrator Mr. Mathers asked if they had tried to do a Rural Improvement District (RID) in the past. 0:24:28 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that they have not. Coming into the City is not an option for them. 0:25:11 Cr. White Cr. White stated that the road is a subdivision road, not a county road but it is open to County citizens. It is his understanding that if an RID is implemented; they would not have to come into the City. 0:25:49 Lee Provance, County Road Superintendent Mr. Provance stated that the road is an interior subdivision and is the responsibility of the Home Owners Association (HOA). 0:30:14 Cr. White Cr. White spoke regarding the grading of the road. 0:30:50 Cr. White Cr. White spoke regarding a possible RID. 0:32:12 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss asked which end that they would prefer closed. 0:33:08 Mr. Murdock Mr. Murdock asked if they have thought about installing speed bumps. 0:33:10 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober stated yes but that they can't do the speed bumps based on County road policies unless they pave. 0:33:26 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober stated that in her opinion the best thing to do would be to finish Fowler. 0:33:45 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that the City is not going to build a street that is not up to City standards. 0:33:59 Mr. Provance Mr. Provance stated that if the neighborhood paved the street, the County could possibly oversee the project in their off time. 0:35:22 Mr. Mathers Mr. Mathers stated that from the County perspective we can only go so far. 9 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 4 0:37:00 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that the simplest temporary outcome is if the City is willing to throw money per year for dust mitigation. 0:37:34 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss wondered if the residents would be willing to close the road in the middle. 0:37:38 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman spoke regarding the possibility of closing the road in the middle. 0:37:58 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that there are two issues. There is a lot of traffic on the road and they have to maintain the road. Cr. Krauss stated that if the City assists with maintenance, it is going to encourage more traffic. There are access issues and there is not money to do this. It bothers him to speak about RIDs. We need to talk more about the County suburban and urban interface. He doesn't think putting Fowler through would be easy. 0:40:09 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that the City already has the right-of-way. He spoke regarding closing Valley in the middle. 0:40:59 Mr. Provance Mr. Provance stated that at this point, millings may be the best. 0:41:05 Mr. Murdock Mr. Murdock stated that the County does have some removable speed bumps. 0:41:54 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that the road closure needs to be worked out with the County. 0:44:23 Deputy Mayor Krauss Cr. Krauss asked if there was a speed limit marked on the street. 0:48:48 Ms. Stober Ms. Stober asked what an idea of costs would be and what the City, County and residents would need to do to accomplish putting millings down. 0:49:18 Cr. White Cr. White urged that speed bumps be used. 0:50:15 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock spoke of an area where a barrier was installed. 10 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 5 0:52:06 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that the County represents all residents whether they live in the County or the City limits. 0:52:51 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that the edge issue needs to be addressed jointly by both the City and County Commission. 0:53:25 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke regarding annexations and the impact fee side. 0:53:53 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that once you leave Valley Drive, residents are on the City streets. 0:55:46 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski spoke about annexation districts. 0:57:51 Cr. Rupp Cr. Rupp stated that the long term needs to be dealt with. 0:58:22 Mr. Newman Mr. Newman stated that the short term needs to be dealt with as well. 0:58:34 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker stated that the area could be annexed. We do need to look at long term. He spoke regarding county pocket areas. He spoke regarding payback districts. We could try to create some kind of mechanism so costs can be paid back over time. We have to look at the long term that they will be part of the City. 1:03:39 2. Update on L & J Campus 1:03:51 Larry Watson, County Grants Administrator Mr. Watson stated that solicitation for the Master Plan study for the L & J Campus. He has proposals from coast to coast. The process will close on the 11th. He spoke regarding the main two goals; an objective including an update of a needs assessment for court and administration space and to look at a way to keep law enforcement together at one space. They hope to have someone under contract by mid-February. 1:07:08 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker spoke regarding combining courts and enforcement. He wondered if there was third option for separate County and Municipal services. 1:07:18 Mr. Watson Mr. Watson stated that separate services are not listed in the study. 11 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 6 1:08:07 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock spoke regarding the City contributing financially for the planning process. 1:08:17 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski asked if he heard correctly that the update would include the Municipal court and the Police. 1:08:27 Mr. Watson Mr. Watson stated yes. 1:08:41 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski stated that if the City gets updated data for the Municipal Courts and Police facility we would be a partner with proportionate costs. 1:08:54 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock stated that the City benefits from this process. 1:09:06 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated only if the selling price and location occur the City would benefit. 1:09:59 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock stated that he feels that we will be heading towards a fair solution. 1:10:22 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski stated that in the prior study there was not enough attention given to the patrol cars and substations. 1:11:12 Cr. White Cr. White asked if the City determined to own the land for the Police facility or is leasing an option. 1:11:30 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski stated he would embrace a leasing option. 1:11:38 Cr. Rupp Cr. Rupp stated he only cares about staying with the County. 1:12:17 Mr. Mathers Mr. Mathers stated that we want the best solution for the public. 1:13:59 Mr. Kukulski Mr. Kukulski stated that the discussion regarding separating from the main facility was due to timing. He spoke regarding combining City and County administration. 12 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 7 1:15:35 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that the most important thing to him is to find what works for the citizens of Bozeman and what works for the Courts and Police the best. 1:17:01 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss spoke requesting that the County state that they are willing to still sell the property to the City prior to the study would be nice. 1:17:17 Deputy Mayor Krauss Deputy Mayor Krauss reiterated that it would be nice to know if the County is still willing to sell the land prior to the study being done. 1:17:45 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock asked why the City needs to know if the County is still willing to sell the property. 1:17:55 Mr. Mathers Mr. Mathers stated that it implies the segregation of facilities. 1:18:40 Cr. Becker Cr. Becker stated that he is ok with leasing. 1:20:39 Mr. Watson Mr. Watson spoke regarding the amount of the money allocated. He spoke regarding the selection team. 1:21:34 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock asked if the team has a City representative on the selection team. 1:21:37 Mr. Watson Mr. Watson stated that the team does not have a City representative. 1:21:46 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock asked at what point a City representative would be present. 1:21:51 Mr. Watson Mr. Watson stated when the City participates financially. 1:22:00 Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager Mr. Winn stated that this is the first that he has heard of the City participating financially. 1:23:27 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock stated that he apologized if the County has not formally asked the City to participate in the team. Cr. Murdock urged that the City write down what the terms the City wants in order to sit at the table. 13 Linked Minutes of the Joint City-County Meeting, December 18, 2009 8 1:25:32 Cr. Murdock Cr. Murdock suggested the Mr. Kukulski and Mr. Mathers sit down and try to make sense of how to proceed with this. 1:26:25 Adjourn Cr. White adjourned the meeting at 8:25 a.m. ____________________________________ Jeffrey K. Krauss, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Stacy Ulmen, CMC, City Clerk Approved on ___________________________. 14