HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-23 ccmSPEC --- ..~ - ~ \ , MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 23, 1992 *********************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, July 23, 1992, at 7:00 a.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - Review of City Manager's BudClet Recommendations for FY1992-93 This was the time and place set for the second in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93. Due to the fact that this is a work session, the minutes will remain quite brief, setting .forth only the important issues. City Manager Wysocki indicated that in this session, the Commission will begin reviewing the individual budget units contained within his recommendation, beginning with Planning and Zoning and all the related budget units. He noted that Planning Director Epple and Chief Building Official Harlan are present to respond to any questions which may arise. The City Manager reviewed some of the changes in this year's document. He noted that, at Commissioner Knapp's request, a "staffing summary" for the individual budget units has been added. He also noted that a listing of the "major objectives" and "selected workload indicators" was added. He stated that the addition of these items has added two more pages for each budget unit. The City Manager then reminded the Commission of the new format which was adopted .for the appropriation ordinance last year. He noted that under this new format, the ordinance provides for appropriations to each budget unit in total dollars only, even though this document splits that total into the various categories and line items. He further reminded the Commission that this change has been implemented with the understanding that if anyone of the three main categories (salaries, operations and capital) is to be exceeded, he must provide an explanation to the Commission. 07-23-92 Special - - 2 - Building Inspection. Pages 82.85. The City Manager reminded the Commission that one new building inspector was hired during last fiscal year, and will remain on staff through this fiscal year. He noted that at that time, the position will be reviewed once again to determine whether the workload is substantial enough to warrant its continuation. . The City Manager then reviewed the specific items contained in the various line items; the Commissioners had no questions or comments. Zoning. Pages 118-121. The City Manager noted that the summary of staffing levels and the selected workload indicators reveal the substantial increase in zoning items. He noted that a zone code enforcement officer was hired during FY92; and this will be his full fiscal year. He then stated that the budget includes a half.time intern position. The Planning Director stated that implementation of the sign ordinance will have a definite impact on the staff's workload, particularly if the amortization schedule remains a part of it. He stated that to accommodate this bulge, he is proposing to hire someone with a good eye for detail to assist in preparing the inventory and processing applications in the office. He noted this could be an intern or someone else who would essentially work for one-half of the year, possibly over .an eight-month period. Planning Director Epple stated that he has prepared some very preliminary figures on the actual hours and costs for the various reviews which are conducted through his office, and the fees which are currently charged for each of those. He then distributed the information, reviewing the information carefully. He noted the per-hour fee of $17.00 has been developed, based on the 2080 hours in a year, realizing that not all of the staff's hours can be billed out. He stated that the number of hours spent on each category is an average, based on historical data which staff has been collecting since September 1990. The Planning Director stated that conversations with the Missoula Planning Office revealed that they have established a fee system under which people pay the actual costs of the review. . He noted that the office has established an average cost for each type of review; and that is the fee initially charged at the time of application, with the understanding that if the review is completed more quickly, the difference will be refunded, and if the review takes longer, the difference will be billed. He noted that this fee structure also encourages applicants to make a more complete and comprehensive application, thus reducing their costs. Planning Director Epple stated that the Planning Board had requested that the staff review 07-23-92 Special --.--..... - - 3 - the fee structure and forward a recommendation on whether those fees should be adjusted. He noted that the staff will forward its recommendation to the Board within the next few months, with that recommendation including fees that may be as much as double the current level. He then stated that, even though the fees for certificates of appropriateness for "weekend" projects don't . come close to covering the actual costs, he does not feel it would be appropriate to raise those fees. He noted that most of the projects are small; and the $40 fee is generally a higher percentage of the actual costs than the other fees are. He also noted that typically a homeowner is involved rather than a developer. Mr. Don Weaver noted he has been involved in the development of subdivisions and, therefore, has had opportunity to work closely with Planning Director Epple and his staff. He then stated the Planners are very helpful, providing services far in excess of what the fees cover. He then asked if a fee for appeals has been considered, particularly in light of the staff hours involved in researching the issues and submitting them to the Commission. The Planning Director characterized appeals as a "black hole" in terms of staff time. He also noted that under the zone code, appeals are to be available to anyone, not just those who have .the ability to pay the fee. He suggested, however, that to establish a fee may help to minimize any frivolous appeals. Mayor Swanson noted the number of enforcement hours sometimes necessary to ensure that development occurs in conformance with the conditions for approval, asking if any thought has been given to charging for that service. The Planning Director noted the difficulty of charging someone for the hours of enforcement time along with a notice of violation. He then stated he feels the best way to address this would be through immediate suspension of the business license or occupancy permit, allowing for a quick turn-around rather than the protracted prosecution/court process that now exists. Commissioner Stiff noted that basing the costs assessed on total hours in a work year .generates an artificially low dollar amount. Responding to Mayor Swanson, the Planning Director stated that he is encouraging his staff to take time off, to reduce their compensatory time hours and give them a needed break from work. He also noted that, after gaining experience in working with the new code, the staff is becoming smoother and more efficient in its operations. City Manager Wysocki stated he feels there are some community responsibilities in this 07-23-92 Special . . . __ m ._ ___n.._____.__..._..___ .. ...-.-.-.".... - 4 - area, particularly in enforcement. He then suggested that in areas such as this, cost recovery should not be the ultimate goal. He noted support for revising the fee schedule, establishing one which is similar to Missoula's. The Planning Director then cautioned that to establish a fee structure based on total cost . recovery would establish fees which are extremely high, noting there is a point where it is not politically feasible. He also noted that some of the staff's time is spent in continuing education activities; and that benefits the entire community rather than an individual application. He also noted that review of each individual application does have a benefit for the community as a whole as well as the applicant; therefore, he feels it is appropriate for the General Fund to support a portion of those costs as well. The Director then stated his willingness to review the issues which the Commissioners have raised prior to forwarding any proposed fee changes. Commissioner Stiff noted that at last night's meeting, which was attended by seven citizens, it was apparent that people would prefer that growth bear more of its costs; and he would support revising the fees to do so. Mr. Don Weaver suggested that to recognize the professionalism required for efficiency . in the planning process is important. He then suggested the possibility of requiring that submittals be made by professionals on behalf of applicants, thus reducing the demands on staff created by incomplete or inaccurate submittals. Planning Director Epple responded that option has been discussed; however, many applicants have registered their lack of interest in incurring additional up-front costs. Commissioner Frost noted that with professionally prepared plans, the staff has a much easier review time; and the volunteer boards appreciate them. He then noted that if the fee schedule is revised as proposed, having a professionally prepared plan could actually save on costs in the long run. He stated that staff has been very accommodating, and shown a willingness to discuss various issues and problems with applicants. He then noted his interest in ensuring that . any changes to current policies do not remove the "user friendly" aspect of the department. Responding to questions, Planning Director Epple indicated that a checklist is included with each application distributed; and the applicant is required to check "yes", "no" or "n/a" for each item. He noted that problems can arise when an applicant feels an item is "n/a" and staff does not concur. He then stated an interest in making this process more "user friendly" by creating pamphlets and checklists for each individual process so that applicants know what to expect and 07-23-92 Special ---------- --- .- - -. --.- ---.---.-------- .________________n___.____n__ ._____" __. - 5 - approximately when. City Manager Wysocki reviewed the various items contained in this budget unit. Responding to Mayor Swanson, the Planning Director stated his interest in doing the pamphlets and new checklists, if he has time. He noted that if he does not have time, after .finalization of the zone code amendments, and if he encounters additional unanticipated individual staff problems, he will hire someone to do the work. Planning Director Epple then noted the heavy workload his clerical staff has, with minutes for the many board meetings. He then stated he requested an additional .5 FTE in secretarial support, which would bring the total clerical staff to 2.0; however, that has not been included in this budget. Commissioner Stiff noted the recent problems encountered due a staff member's time off because of exhaustion. He then stated there are other professionals working for the City who are also pushing their limitations; and steps should be taken immediately to ensure the City does not lose those valuable people. The Planning Director noted that the workload indicators reflect a substantial increase in .the number of applications processed over the past few years, with the majority of those increases being the result of the new zone code. He stated this places an additional burden on all of the staff, including the professionals and clerical. Planning. Pages 123-126. The Planning Director noted that, while staffing levels have remained constant, the workload has tripled. The City Manager reviewed the revenues and expenditures for this budget unit, noting it is one of the special revenue funds. He noted that revenue sources include a special mill levy of up to 2.0 mills, a County contribution, revenues from fees and a subsidy from the General Fund. He noted that under this budget, the carry-over reserves have essentially been eliminated. He then stated that is one of the reasons he did not feel he could support the addition of another half-time _. secretarial position; however, he noted that if the fees are revised, a portion of the additional revenues could possibly be used for that purpose. Responding to Commissioner Knapp, the City Manager stated that the revised fee structure may be implemented at any time during the fiscal year. He noted that if the fees are revised during this upcoming fiscal year, it is very possible that the Commission will be asked to support the addition of the secretarial position. 07-23-92 Special --------- - 6 - City Manager Wysocki then reviewed the figures contained in this budget unit. He noted that under "contracted services", $25,000 has been rebudgeted for the transportation plan because it crosses fiscal years. He then noted that, due to the billing cycle, this number must be revised to $45,000, to reflect the actual amount. . The City Manager noted that preparation of master plan maps is also included under "contracted services". The Planning Director expanded on this activity, noting that this would include the building of a computerized, digitized mapping system that would be utilized by other City departments as well as other utility companies. Mayor Swanson stated an interest in receiving a more comprehensive presentation on this new technology, suggesting it be placed on an upcoming agenda. Break - 8:22 to 8:27 a.m. Mayor Swanson declared a break from 8:22 a.m. to 8:27 a.m., in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. .work Session {continued} - Review of City Manager's Budget Recommendations for FY1992-93 Community Development Block Grant. Pages 1 51-1 54. The City Manager stated that the City does not anticipate receiving any new grant monies this year; therefore, no revenues have been projected. He noted that if a successful grant application is filed, a budget amendment will be utilized to add those monies to this budget unit. He then reviewed the figures in this budget unit, noting that the Gallatin Development Corporation is currently administering the grant for Lattice Materials Corporation. Housing Revolving Loan. Pages 155-158. This budget unit is the result of individuals repaying loans through the CDBG monies which the City received a few years ago for neighborhood revitalization. The City Manager noted these monies are for single-family, owner-occupied .residences located in the target area, which is essentially the northeast sector. He then noted there are approximately $36,000 in funds available for this fiscal year. He indicated that this program is administered through the Planning Department. HUD Rental Rehab. Pages 159-162. This budget unit includes repayment monies from HUD monies previously granted the City for renovation of rental units. This program should have adequate monies available to fund approximately eight dwelling units this year. 07-23-92 Special --- -- __ ......___.._ ____.____ ._._________________._._n . . - 7 - Responding to the Mayor, the Planning Director estimated that 70 to 90 rental units and 50 to 60 single-family residences have been rehabilitated under these two programs. Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund. Pages 163-166. The City Manager stated that this fund is the result of repayment of CDSG economic development loans previously made .through the State for individual businesses, Le., Schnee's, ILX lightwave, Lattice Materials Corporation and CVR Oak. He noted that slightly over $100,000 has accumulated in this account, which is administered by the GDC. He reminded the Commission that the guidelines for application for these monies have not yet been finalized; however, it is anticipated that they will be in the near future. Responding to the Mayor, the Planning Director stated that this program has not been advertised because the guidelines are not yet finalized; and the account has just grown to the point that monies are available. He then noted that when the Committee is ready, it will probably advertise for applications. He noted that in the future, periodic advertisements in the newspaper will be adequate, noting that is the manner in which applications for the above two funds are handled. . Responding to Mr. Don Weaver, the Planning Director stated that the guidelines have established a minimum of 5-percent interest on the economic development loans. He noted that the actual interest rate is based on the ability to repay; and on some of the housing loans, there has been no interest charged. He then noted that, to date, there has been no loan default. Mayor Swanson noted the substantial amount of rehabilitation which has occurred in the northeast sector; however, he noted there is no park in that area. Discussion about needed infrastructure upgrades ensued, including water main upgrades and paving of streets. Historic Preservation. Pages 183-186. This budget unit includes a half-time Historic Preservation Officer. The City Manager noted that a new Officer has just been hired, at a higher rate than the previous one because that salary had not been adjusted for several years. He then .stated that a $5,000 grant has been received from the State; and the City will contribute $6,100 toward this budget unit. He then noted that this has been a very successful program. Commissioner Frost noted the importance of this position, and the input which the Officer provides for reviews before the ORC and the DRB as well as the Commission. The Commission recognized the renovation work which has taken place under this program, as well as the impact it has had on newer neighborhoods. 07-23-92 Special -----..---.-. -.-. .-.. -. _______...__n...._________ . ------- . ~ ~ . - 8 - City Manager Wysocki noted this completes the reviews which had been scheduled for this work session. He then stated that at next Monday evening's work session, he proposes to complete reviews of the budgets for police, fire, library, and recreation, including all of their attendant budget units. . Mayor Swanson reiterated his appreciation for this newly improved budget format, noting the various comparisons are very beneficial. Commissioner Vincent noted that during his sixteen years in the Legislature, he reviewed many budget books, which were much thicker than this one because of the substantial number of activities involved at the State level. He stated that the clarity of this document is extremely good; and thanked the staff for their efforts. Adiournment - 9:05 a.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, . Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. ATTEST: (j~ J ~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . 07-23-92 Special ------.--- --- ___..__._______.._n_n_.u.. --------