HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsider removing the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board from financial disclosure statement.pdf Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Commission Members FROM: Anna Rosenberry, Finance Director Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Consider removing the "Parks & Recreation Advisory Board" from the list of board members required to submit Financial Disclosure Statements. MEETING DATE: February 1, 2010 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: If Resolution No. 4237 is adopted (previous agenda item,) consider removing the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board from the list of board members required to submit Financial Disclosure Statements. BACKGROUND: On November 2, 2009, the City Commission approved the form of the City's Financial Disclosure Statement and identified the positions and persons required to file an annual Financial Disclosure Statement. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (RPAB) was included on the list due to their "expanded financial authority" as it related to awarding Park Improvement Grants. Resolution No. 4237 clarifies that the RPAB has only an advisory role in recommending award of Park Improvement Grants. The grants will actually be awarded by the City Manager, the Park & Recreation Director, or their designee (who would all be required to submit a Financial Disclosure Statement by virtue of the fact that they are "authorized signatories.") The RPAB has no other duties that would make them a "major financial decision-maker," and thus required to submit a Financial Disclosure Statement. By Municipal Code, they are purely advisory to the City Commission and the City Manager (BMC 2.36.070 & 2.36.080.) FISCAL EFFECTS: None. 210 ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Suggested Revised "Financial Disclosure Statement" Report compiled on: January 27, 2010 211   V. 1‐2010  1  City of Bozeman   Financial Disclosure Statement   Required by Sect. 2.01.100, City Charter.    Introduction:    The City of Bozeman and the Bozeman Ethics Board would like to help individuals understand the need  to complete the attached Financial Disclosure Statement. Those who serve the City of Bozeman  represent the community by their actions each and every day.   The public deserves to be represented  by individuals that are free from conflicts of interest.   With the completion of a Financial Disclosure  Statement, individuals are further indicating to the community a responsibility to be above reproach in  their financial affairs.  With the annual completion of the financial statement, the signer will be  reminded of the need to avoid financial conflicts of interest in fact or in appearance.    Montana’s public records laws require that, once singed, these forms are on file in the City Clerk’s office,  for review by the public.   This is not meant to discourage individuals from participating in City  government, but is meant to assure the public that relationships that may be of concern are properly  disclosed.    A list of individuals who are required to fill out this form will be prepared each year and will be on file  with the City Clerk.  Persons required to file will receive mailed notice each year.    This form must be filled out annually by those who are “major financial decision makers:”  • All City Commission Members, the City Manager, and Department Directors; and  • Any employee or board member who is an “authorized signatory” for claims approval,  according to the official signatory forms in the finance office; and  • Members of City boards that have expanded financial authority (not just advisory roles):  o Library Board of Trustees  o Parking Commission  o Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (due to Park Improvement Grant program)  o All Business Improvement District Boards  o Board of Adjustment    212   V. 1‐2010  2  ANNUAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY  ________.  Return to:  Bozeman City Clerk, 121 N Rouse, PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771  Section  1.  IDENTIFICATION  Name: _______________________________________________________________________________  Address of Permanent Residence:_________________________________________________________  Current Position with City of Bozeman: _____________________________________________________  Section  2.  BENEFITS CURRENTLY RECEIVED FROM EMPLOYERS (Present & Past)  I currently receive salary and/or benefits (health insurance, retirement payments, retirement accounts  that continue to accrue interest, dividends, or shares, etc.) from the following present or past  employers:    1.  Name of Employer: __________________________________________________________________  Employer’s Address:____________________________________________________________________  Type of Benefits_______________________________________________________________________  2.  Name of Employer: __________________________________________________________________  Employer’s Address:____________________________________________________________________  Type of Benefits_______________________________________________________________________  Section  3.  BUSINESS INTERESTS  I hold an ownership interest of 10% or more in the following businesses (including self‐employed  occupations), firms, corporations, partnerships or other businesses or professional entities or trusts.     1.  Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________  Address: __________________________________________  Type of Business:____________________  2.  Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________  Address: __________________________________________  Type of Business:____________________  3.  Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________  Address: __________________________________________  Type of Business:____________________  4.  Name of Business: ___________________________________________________________________  Address: __________________________________________  Type of Business:____________________  213   V. 1‐2010  3  Section  4.  POSITIONS HELD WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTS, NON‐PROFITS, BOARDS OF DIRECTORS,  ETC.  In addition my current position with the City of Bozeman, I am also currently an officer, director, or  registered agent for the following entities (including non‐profits, government boards, private boards,  etc.)    1.  Name of Organization ___________________________________Office Held: ___________________  Address:______________________________________________________________________________  2.  Name of Organization ___________________________________Office Held: ___________________  Address:______________________________________________________________________________  3.  Name of Organization ___________________________________Office Held: ___________________  Address:______________________________________________________________________________  4.  Name of Organization ___________________________________Office Held: ___________________  Address:______________________________________________________________________________  Section 5.  REAL PROPERTY  Not including my home, I, as an individual, own or have an interest of 10% or more in the following    real property.  This includes property that I own outright, under a mortgage, leased, held in trust, is  owned as a tenant in common or owned jointly with other individuals.   (Indicate whether the nature of  the interest is investment, vacation, business/commercial, timeshare, etc.)  Attach list of necessary.   1.  Address of the Property: _____________________________________________________________  Nature of Interest Held in the Property:  ___________________________________________________  2.  Address of the Property: _____________________________________________________________  Nature of Interest Held in the Property:  ___________________________________________________  3.  Address of the Property: _____________________________________________________________  Nature of Interest Held in the Property:  ___________________________________________________  4.  Address of the Property: _____________________________________________________________  Nature of Interest Held in the Property:  ___________________________________________________      214   V. 1‐2010  4  Section 7.  OTHER  OPTIONAL :  I would like to take this opportunity to disclose the following relationships that may be  perceived as a conflict in the function of my duties.  (ie. Spousal or familial relationships, past employers  that I no longer work for, other items that are not required to be disclosed above, etc.)  _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________    Section 6.  CERTIFICATION  I hereby certify that the foregoing statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  I  also understand that filing of this statement DOES NOT release me from the requirements to disclose  upon the record and/or abstain from voting in matters where I have a conflict of interest.    _________________________________________________  ________________________  Signature        Date  ***Print and sign.  Clerk must receive an original signed form.  215