HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-10 Table of Contents.pdfTable of Contents Agenda 4 Authorize Payment of Claims Claims Memo 7 Approve Resolution No. 4228, American Legion Cultural Significance Sign Designation Findings American Legion Sign Resolution 4228 CC memo 8 American Legion Sign Resolution 4228 9 Approve Resolution No. 4229, Baxter Hotel Historical Significance Sign Designation Findings Baxter Hotel Sign Resolution 4229 CC memo 13 Baxter Hotel Sign Resolution 4229 14 Approve Resolution No. 4236, Authorizing City Manager to sign Change Order No. 3 for the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, Phase I Improvements Commission Memo for Change order 3 for WRF 18 Resolution No. 4236 19 Change Order No 3 21 Approve Resolution No. 4238, Ratifying the Director of Planning and Community Development as the Environmental Certifying Official for Garden City CHDO's HOME Grant Application for the Dorothy Eck House on Farmhouse Lane Commission Memo - Certifying Official 126 Resolution No. 4238 127 Copy of January 22, 2009 Correspondence 129 Approve Resolution No. 4239, Authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 3 for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Barn Comm Memo CO #3 lower yard 1 27 2010 130 resolution 4239, change order #3 lower yard 1 27 2010 132 Change Order 3, lower yards-hrdc 134 Approve Resolution No. 4240, Authorizing the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 4 for the Lower Yard Vehicle Maintenance and HRDC Bus Barn Comm Memo CO #4 lower yard 1 27 2010 149 resolution 4240 change order #4 lower yard 1 27 2010 151 change order 4, lower yards-hrdc 153 Authorize City Manager to sign Amendment to a Professional Service Agreement with TD & H Engineering, Inc. for the Depot Park Memo and Prof. Ser. Agree. Amend for Depot Park 162 Acknowledge Receipt of the 2009 Annual Report transmittal by the Department of Planning and Community Development cover memo - 2009 Annual Report, Department of Planning and Community Development 167 2009 DPCD Annual Report 168 1 Accept Cash in Lieu of Open Space for the Northside Planned Unit Development (PUD) No. Z-05253B memo for Northside PUD 176 application 177 narrative 182 appraiser 183 drawings 184 Final adoption of Ordinance No. 1778, Police Authority regarding Animal Violation Enforcement and Court Procedure Timelines Ordinance 1778, Commission Memorandum 186 Ordinance 1778, adjustment to Title 6 animal regulations 188 General Willson Building Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness Application No. Z-09235 (Open and Continue to February 8, 2010) General Willson SPCOA open and cont memo 195 Policy Discussion on Substantial Long-Term Encroachment into Public Right-of-Way Long Term Encroachment into ROW CC memo 196 Tim Cooper Memo 200 BPC draft minutes 203 General Willson Site Plan 205 Approve Resolution No. 4237, Formalizing the previously established Park Improvement Grant Program Commission Memorandum PI Grant Resolution 206 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 4237 Park Improvement Grant AK 208 Consider removing the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board from the list of board members required to submit Financial Disclosure Statements Memo - Consider Removing RPAB from Disclosure Statement 210 Disclosure Statement - Revised 212 Public Hearing and Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 1779, Authorizing the City Manager to sign Purchase and Sale Agreement with GSC Family Limited Partnership for the Former Bozeman City Hall Property Located at 411 East Main Street CC Memo sale of CH 02-01-10 216 cc meeting feb 1, 2010 ord 1779 sale of city hall attachments 1 - 5 219 Appointments to the Economic Development Council 2-01-10 Economic Development Council appts memo 241 Economic Development Implementation Matrix 243 Re-appointment to the Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment memo 244 Lee application 246 Appointment to the Design Review Board Memorandum for Design Review Board appt. 247 2 Noble (partial) application, Design Review Board, 1-10 248 Change in Voting Designation for a member of the Downtown Bozeman Improvement District/Tax Increment Finance Board (IDB/TIF) Comm. memo for IDB/TIF 249 Stoddart application 250 IDB/TIF recommendation letter 251 3