HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiscussion on Appointment to Vacancy - Final with support letters.pdf ti co. Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Greg Sullivan, City Attorney Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Discussion on Appointment to Vacancy in an Office of Bozeman City Commissioner(No Decision on Appointment Will Be Made). MEETING DATE: January 19, 2010 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the process for appointing a person to fill an Office of Bozeman City Commissioner left vacant by the recent resignation of Eric Bryson. BACKGROUND: Eric Bryson's resignation from the City Commission took effect at 11:59:59 p.m. on January 11, 2010. The Commission noticed its intent to fill the vacancy at a date no earlier than January 19, 2010 through publication in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and on the City's website. The purpose of the agenda item for this evening is to discuss the process for appointing a person to the Commission. The Commission may, at its discretion, discuss candidates and may take public comment. Because the deadline for interested individuals to submit their names and statements of interest was Friday, January 15, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. (noon), the Commission is not slated to make the appointment on January 19th but rather discuss issues related to the appointment, including accepting public comment on interested individuals, possibly setting a date for when a motion to appoint and decision will be made, among others. The City Clerk, upon closing of the time for interested persons to submit their names and statements of interest, will compile the statements and send them to you on the afternoon of Friday, January 15, 2010. The public will continue to have the opportunity to review the statements on the City's website at wy w.bozenian.net under"Notice on Commission Vacancy." FISCAL EFFECTS: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Report compiled on: January 13, 2010 173 Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Stacy Ulmen, CIVIC, Bozeman City Clerk Bozeman City Hall PO Box 1230 121 N. Rouse Avenue Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Dear Stacey, Please find attached my application for the upcoming vacancy on the City Commission. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the community in this capacity. If you or any of the commissioners have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. I can be reached at 581-1228 (cell). Thank you for your consideration. Warm regards, Cyndy Andrus Cyndy.andrus@gmail.com 581-1228 Application for Vacancy, Bozeman City Commission Cynthia Andrus 3247 Gardenbrook Lane Bozeman, Montana 59715 Interest I am pleased to have the opportunity to offer my application for an appointment to the Bozeman City Commission and to serve our community because I am inspired by my surroundings that in so many ways shape our culture and support our livelihood. I work here, play here,vacation here, own a business here,volunteer here, have family and friends in school here,fell in love and got married here. Bozeman has been my home for over 15 years and it will continue to be my home for many years into the future. I believe that a balanced blend of commerce and community where both benefit will provide long term economic vitality and a higher quality of life. I believe my professional,volunteer and community service over the last fifteen years would bring many benefits to my service on the commission. I serve on several state and regional boards with people from varying education,economic, political and social backgrounds. From this board experience I have the skills to lead by listening and collaborating, which results in effective decision making. I am one of forty people from across Montana who was accepted in and graduated from the Leadership Montana program (class of 2007). 1 am good problem solver and an independent thinker. I like hard work, success and a good laugh. City government can be strengthened and improved through the implementation of new ideas in ways that will strengthen and diversify our economic base and inspire a more vibrant community. I also believe that the city government must live within its means. I would prefer that any proposed tax increases be placed before the voters on a ballot. I am committed to a process of informed discussion and nonpartisan problem solving. Qualifications Convention and Visitor Bureau Director, Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce My job as the Convention and Visitor Bureau Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce is to effectively spend Bozeman's share of the Lodging Facility Use tax to successfully promote and market Bozeman and its many amenities. Tourism generates more revenue in the state of Montana than any other industry with the exception of Agriculture. Its impact to the Bozeman community is significant. Every day at the chamber of commerce I work with business owners who are directly and indirectly involved in this industry. I have seen these businesses succeed and fail. I would like to be a part of a governing process that helps more businesses succeed. 1 Business Partner,Andy's Grille, Andy's Grille is a popular family owned eatery at the Minnesota State Fair(3`d largest state fair in the country). We employee 50 people and have been in operation over 20 years. As a partner with my siblings in this corporation, I engage in budgeting, marketing, accounting, and managing the day to day operations of the business. It is unique in that it is open 12 days a year. Making a profit in those 12 days is a serious test of our business, communication and collaboration skills. Failure is not an option. Montana Tourism Advisory Council, Executive Board-Appointed to two terms by Governor Schweitzer. The Tourism Advisory Council (TAC) is a thirteen member board that works with the Montana Tourism Regions, Convention and Visitor Bureaus (CVB's), Department of Commerce and The Montanan Office of Tourism to promote and market Montana and advise the governor on matters of tourism. It is also the responsibility of this council to oversee the spending of all bed tax funds as they relate to the Regions and CVB's. During my time on the council I have worked on two successive five year strategic plans for statewide Tourism and Recreation, participated in defining and implementing the Montana Brand, championed the development of the Montana Tourism Charter, and served on the executive committee. I have chaired the Tourism Infrastructure and Investment Grant Program. I am also the parliamentarian for this Council. Montana Arts Council,Vice Chair, Appointed by Governor Martz, reappointed by Governor Schweitzer. The Montana Arts Council is a fifteen member board appointed by the Governor with consent from the Senate.The council is charged with promoting and expanding the significant role of arts and culture in our lives through a variety of grant and technical assistance programs,which benefit Montanans of all ages and cultures. I am the vice chair of the council and serve as the chair of the Professional Development and Opportunity grant committee. Our decisions are generally reached though consensus. Tourism Infrastructure Investment Grant Program, Chair(Travel Montana program) Opportunity and Professional Development Grant program, Chair(Montana Arts Council) PPL Community Fund Advisory Board (past board) I have reviewed and scored hundreds of grant applications involving both private and public dollars. This process involves diligence, focus,trade -offs,trust building, and the ability to articulate your thoughts in a clear manner.The end result is to choose the projects where the public receives the best benefit. 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Fish Wildlife and Parks (citizen advisory board) The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) for Fish Wildlife and Parks was established to broaden public input on the many resource management issues that FWP deals with. The CAC helps the department work more efficiently and effectively within the constraints of the state law, FWP commission rules and department policy.There are 6 CAC's across the state, each made up of community members within those regions.The Region 3 (SW Montana) CAC is composed of 16 members who reside in communities across SW Montana. Meetings are held in various communities around the region and often the topics on the agenda are related to relevant issues surrounding that community. Many contentious issues are addressed including, bison issues, wolf issues, land management issues, hunting and fishing regulations.The responsibility of each CAC member is to put in the time to understand the issues, listen to public input and make recommendations that are legal, in accordance with policy and fiscally responsible. I led the effort to produce the multimedia 'Respect Your Rivers' campaign. Public Service A list of Bozeman boards and committees that I have served on is detailed below. I believe that public involvement on boards and committees ultimately contributes to the cultural and economic success of our community.A list of voluntary continuing training and education is also provided. Bozeman Transportation Task Force (2004) Downtown Bozeman Association, Ex-Officio Member(2001-2004) Bozeman Community Cultural Council- Founding member Sweet Pea Festival,volunteer board member(1996-2000) Wally Byum Festival (2008) Community liaison Blue Angels in the Big Sky (2003, 2007) Hospitality operations (hotels, car rentals, recreation) Olympic Torch Committee- Bozeman Co-chair 2001 Yellowstone Country Tourism Region—past president Public Service Education Toastmasters International Leadership Bozeman Leadership Montana National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Pilot Program on Cultural Tourism The Grantsmanship Training Center program The Center for Collaborative Solutions, Mediation Fundamentals "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.And then go out and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." HARLOD WHITMAN 3 Z Stacy Ulmen From: Shatan Braziel [mageo240526@yahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:30 PM To: Stacy Ulmen Subject: Re: FW: Public Notice of Vacancy on the Bozeman City Commission Hello Stacy Here is my statement for the vancancy. Thanks Shatan I Shatan Braziel would like to become Bozeman City Commissioner because it is an opportunity to embrace diversity in a growing community. I have the personality that is built for the position. I will to my best to uphold a fair, honest, and biased mind, heart, and soul to one of the highest seat in the the city. I have no previous political experience, I am for the people, and of the people. "The People's commissioner", "Bozemanite's commissioner". I not doing this for the quick "15 minutes of fame". I'm doing this for the city of Bozeman and myself to make HISTORY. January 13, 2010 Mayor and City Commissioners This is my application to serve as a Bozeman City Commissioner INTEREST My first experience in public office was in 1998 when I was selected to serve full-time for 6 months as a Gallatin County Commissioner. In that capacity I was a member of the County Zoning board. I enjoyed working with the other commissioners and directly with county employees. This experience taught me some of the challenges and rewards of public office. In 19991 ran for the Bozeman City Commission and served four years. I later ran for the county commission but was not elected. Although I was born in the Midwest,my mother was from southwestern Oklahoma and as a child I lived several years in New Mexico. Although our family moved back to the Midwest, I vowed to return to the west at my first opportunity. After graduate training, my family and I only considered job opportunities in the west, moving to Bozeman in 1967. The Iast four years I have been heavily involved as the treasurer of Friends Of Regional Parks (FOR Parks) during the design, fund raising and building of the Dinosaur Playground. This$270,000 park has now been completed in the county's 100 acre regional park (purchased with open space bond money). I now have more time available and would be honored to serve as a Bozeman Commissioner. QUALIFICATIONS For over 30 years I taught and conducted research at three different Agricultural Colleges. These three land grant Universities, by charter, all had an emphasis on service to the public. As a teacher I particularly enjoyed one on one contact with students,including graduate students from other countries. My research emphasized the study of problems relevant to Montana farmers,namely cold hardiness in winter wheat and drought resistance in barley. I have experience writing grants, conducting research, and accounting for all grant expenditures. After early retirement from Montana State University,I wanted to learn more about how businesses function. Because of the critical role money plays in business, settled on an accounting major in the Business College. I received my bachelors degree with honors. Several years were spent working at a financial institution in Bozeman. I served 9 years on the local hospital board,the last year as chair. Six of these years I was the board representative attending physician staff meetings. I have always been committed to community service, even while working full time. Currently I help with`Faith Health Ministries' at my church. The homeless in Bozeman are made more comfortable by offering showers, warm clothes and Iunches plus health screening and medical referrals. During the last few years I have spent two weeks in Chile helping to rebuild rural school buildings and two weeks in Mississippi renovating homes damaged by hurricane Katrina. Having grown up on a small marginal farm, I have always been fiscally conservative. We still own farm and woodland that have been in the family for over 100 years. I try to apply this fiscal conservatism while in public office. As a City commissioner I served in many capacities. I was the city representative to the Gallatin Development Corporation(now Prospera)for the review of grant proposals from local businesses. I was a voting member of planning board during adoption of the Uniform Development(UDO)ordinance. I also served on the Gallatin Water Quality Board.I continued to be active with the Downtown Business Association after my commission term was completed. I was the city representative for the transportation study that resulted in Skyline. I have experienced the responsibility of being the swing vote on several critical Bozeman issues as a city commissioner. I would consider all input and am willing to make the hard decisions. My past experience as a city commissioner, a teacher,an accountant, and a county commissioner give me a broad background to serve as a Bozeman City Commissioner. 11vis Brown 587-8237 Jarvis59715@hotmail.com "rr j�f-^' �` A 1 I Dear Mayor and City Commissioners: I respectively submit my name to be considered for the upcoming open commission seat being vacated by Commissioner Eric Bryson. s Experience and Oualifications ; ` Y I believe my experience as a small business owner and civil engineer has provided me with the experience, knowledge and <� i insight to be an effective Commissioner for the City of Bozeman. In addition, the thousands of hours that I have volunteered on numerous boards and committees over the past 10 years, for both the City and County,has given me a greater understanding and awareness of the needs of our community. As a small business owner I will bring a unique perspective and diversity to the Commission. I believe having a representative from the business community, as well as a diverse Commission, is vital to make sound decision for the future of Bozeman. Being a small business owner I understand the need to be fiscally responsible. I believe it is imperative that we plan for and budget all future City projects and purchases. Being fiscally responsible means more than just not spending money. Fiscal responsibility means being proactive, not reactive, and planning for necessary future expenditures. As a civil engineer, I have over 17 years of experience working with both government entities and private businesses,resolving complex issues surrounding growth and development. I understand the need to research all facets of an issue and then based on facts make an educated decision. Bozeman is going to continue to grow because it's a great place to live and raise a family. This growth makes it especially important to plan for future water, wastewater and traffic infrastructure. My experience as a civil engineer will be a tremendous asset for the Bozeman City Commission in planning for the future growth. Proper planning for future development is essential if we're going to continue to enjoy the quality of life in the future that we all enjoy today. I strongly support our community and have volunteered thousands of hours on a variety of boards and committees for both the City and County. The experience that I have gained serving would be a great asset to our community. For an example, my work with the Detention Center Construction Committee has given me experience and insight to law enforcement; Streamline Bus has given me experience in transportation;my work with HRDC has given me experience with low income families; my work with the Fair Board has provided me with experience with tourism; and my work on the affordable housing task force has given me experience in the low income housing needs. Below is a list of past and present boards that I have served on: Present Boards • Chair- Streamline Advisory Board • Vice chair- Gallatin County Fair Board • Gallatin County Community Block Grant Review Board • Human Resource Development Council • Bozeman Blitzz Soccer Board Past Boards • Chair- Gallatin County Detention Center Construction Committee • Chair- Public Transit Stakeholder Advisory Board. • City of Bozeman's Affordable Housing Task Force. • Chair- Gallatin County Fair Foundation Board Endorsements During my recent campaign for City Commission I was endorsed by a wide variety of members from our community. As a volunteer on boards I worked directly with many of these individuals. Following is a list of individuals and groups that supported and endorsed me during my campaign. • Mayor Jeff Krauss • City Commissioner Eric Bryson • City Commissioner Jeff Rupp • Gallatin County Commissioner Bill Murdoch • Gallatin County Commissioner Joe Skinner • Gallatin County Commissioner Steve White • Roxanne Klingensmith • Dorothy Bradley • Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce • Bozeman Chronicle Editorial Board • Southwest Montana Building Industry Association • Gallatin Association of Realtors Conclusion I believe my experience in the business community, as a civil engineer and the experience that I have gained volunteering on numerous boards and committees has given me very good insight into our community and understanding its needs. I believe I will be an asset on the commission and I would appreciate your consideration and support. Sincerely: Chris G. Budeski Bob Chase 433 S. Black Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 406-599-0698 bobchase.chase(t0ozeman.net January 6, 2010 Bob Chase 433 South Black Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 Stacy Ulmen Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Statement for Commissioner Dear Stacy Ulmen, I am writing this statement to express my interest in filling the position of city commissioner that is being vacated by Eric Bryson. I think the decision you make regarding this matter will be telling for the future of this commission and for the city of Bozeman. It can be daunting at times when planning for the future in our diverse city. I believe a common sense approach to solving problems and planning for future generations is no small task. For me I find the process both challenging and stimulating.As a retired businessman I have the time and my business experience is something that can benefit the citizens of Bozeman and the commission. I recognize the importance of serving the citizens of Bozeman and I understand it is the citizens of Bozeman who elected Eric Bryson to the commission.The commissioners should consider the will of those who elected Eric Bryson by choosing a candidate who philosophically is as closely aligned with Commissioner Bryson as possible.This would honor the electorate whom we are called to serve. It is for these reasons that I believe I am the best person to fill the remainder of Commissioner Bryson's term. I trust this commission will do the right thing for the people of Bozeman. Thank you for your time and consideration. iS;i, erely, C4 Bob Chase To: Madam Mayor and Commissioners From: Erik Henyon 3213 Augusta Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 406-920-2808 erik.henyon@owlsinc.com t 4 1� Please consider me for appointment to the commission seat being vacated by Eric Bryson. WHY: I am interested in the vacant seat because I feel it needs to be filled by someone who is currently up to date on current city issues. I also think that;the city residents would be best served by someone with small business experience in this economic climate. CITY RELATED QUALIFICATIONS: I have Chaired, in JP Polmonowskie's absence,the Planning Board and I have been Vice Chair since 2005. 1 have been involved in: • UDO edits • Drafting and approving the Bozeman Community Plan • Editing and approving the Economic Development Plan • Approving the Downtown Business Improvement Plan • 1 have been a seated member of the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for three years and I have served on their economic development committee SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: I have over 14 years experience in management training and consulting. I demonstrate excellent communication and people skills. I have delivered hundreds of training programs for both large and small corporations, schools, and government agencies. I am a senior consultant and certified behavioral analyst with Organizational Wide Leadership Solutions. I have an excellent ability to work independently and cooperatively while managing a number of projects concurrently. I have extensive experience facilitating groups and coaching teams. I also interact with many different types of people, and communicate well with all levels of an organizational structure. I have strong management, organizational, customer, marketing, and facilitation skills. EXPERIENCE • 01/1997 — Present. Organizational Wide Leadership Solutions Chief Executive Officer & Founder Bozeman, MT • CEO of a successful and dynamic corporate development and team management firm with over 60 independent contractors and employees and 20+ resort affiliates. Responsible for developing marketing plans, generating all new business, preparing presentations for potential clients, delivering programs, hiring and training instructional staff. Companies utilizing the program include: Philip Morris, Capital One,The Discovery Channel, Northwest Mutual, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Department of Defense, Exxon Mobil, City of Culpeper and others. • 01/2008—Present. Board Member Bozeman Chamber of Commerce • 11/2005- Present. City of Bozeman Planning Board -Vice Chair • 02/1996 - 09/1996 17Davey Resource Group/Pacific Gas and Electric Kent, OH,M Environmental Consultant/Arborist MMCompleted environmental contract with Davey Resource Group out of Kent, Ohio for Pacific Gas and Electric. Worked in Northern California doing environmental assessments on electrical lines for adherence to California's fire code. Permission property operated hand held computers and collected data. • 09/1995 - 09/1996 MPolitical Appointment Laramie, WY Environmental Advisory Board. IMAppointed to the Environmental Advisory Committee. This appointment entailed analyzing assigned environmental issues, receiving and analyzing citizen concerns and complaints, formulating options, and advising the City Council and Board of County Commissioners. • 09/1992 - 01/1996 DAlbany County School District #1 Laramie, WY (]Teacher Assistant SACC Program 1MMWorked with children in an educational and recreational situation as a school aged childcare provider under the City of Laramie's Recreation Department. Substituted for one year and then secured full time status at Thayer Elementary School. Designed weekly lesson plans and provided a safe environment for children to learn, play and grow. EDUCATION • 05/1996 University of Wyoming Laramie, WYO Bachelor of Science in Conservation of Natural Resources/Environmental Science. IflMinor in English. Cumulative GPA: 3.4MGraduated May 1996. • Pertinent Course Work: • Computer Aided Mapping, OGeographical Information Systems, OPhysical Geography, Planning (E.I.S.) (S.I.S), [AScientific and Technical Writing,0 Water Resource Management, RINatural Resource Policy, DEnvironmental Politics, [flBusiness Law, DENR Approaches,MPublic Land Management, Statistics ACCREDITATIONS • American Mountain Guide Association, AMGA TRSM Certified 20070 • Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services: Certified Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) #223375854 • 12/2001MAmerican Red Cross: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid Certification M • NOLS: 30 Day Educators Course 1999 • Colorado Outward Bound: Alpine Mountaineering 1987 • Leave No Trace Trainer Certified ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Activities: • Member: 2008-Present Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors • Vice Chair: 2005-Present City of Bozeman Planning BOard0 • Chairman: 2003-2006 Bridger Creek Subdivision Covenants Committee0 • Member: 2004 Bozeman Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Resource CommitteeM • Member: 2004 Bozeman Chamber of Commerce: Convention and Visitors Bureau Ed • President: 1995 Golden Key National Honor Society.0 • Member: 1994 Associated Students of The University Of Wyoming's Marketing Committee.M • Member: 1991-1995 Lacrosse Team, The University of Wyoming • Member: 1992-1994 Ski Team, The University of Wyoming M • Hobbies: Family, Skiing, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Backpacking, Sailing, Travel PATENTS AND PUBLICATIONS(] • Earth Savers, Becoming Economically Sound in the Environmental 90's. University of Wyoming, 1994 • Social Impact Statement, Route National Forest/Catamount Ski Resort Project. University of Wyoming, 1993. 1/2/10 To: Bozeman City Clerk re: vacant City Commissioner's seat per Bryson's resignation I'm interested in being appointed to this Commission chair. Following is a little about me. 3`d generation Montanan, born 2/2/29 in Missoula and lived there till graduating from h,s., then U.S. Army time, then attending MSU (then in Missoula while Bozeman's college was MSC), graduating in '52. At that time my Dad was retired Fire Chief as the longest employee ever of Missoula, 51 yrs, starting part time while in h.s. as his Dad passed away early. So, I've been around City gov't and budgets my entire life and also served on the City Commission After college I went to work for a chain company and was moved around the state, living in Billings, Havre, Red Lodge and Plentywood so know the state fairly well too. In Plentywood served on the City Commission, as an appointee, then elected after the Mayor(serving at no charge as City Atty as he was an attorney)was shot/killed,while the attending cop was shot and the judge in a wheel chair was also shot after a man pulled $40 out of a Wellington boot to pay his fine,then was told he was free to go and pulled a gun out of the other Wellington. The wounded cop on the floor shot and killed the shooter. Cop did return to work in a year or so,but never carried a gun again. So, I've been around City governments all my life. I was elected and served on the same Bozeman City Study Commission as Commissioner Krauss served on. So I'm fairly familiar with City governments. I worked selling real estate in Bozeman since I moved here in 1976, owning Century 21 Bozeman Realty for several years,. Bought a condo and moved in 1/31/85 and have lived here ever since. Because of the real estate business I feel I know the town fairly well and feel somewhat qualified by my history and profession to serve as Commissioner for Bozeman. I'm basically retired and feel I have the time and energy to give back to Bozeman, as the town had been good to me since I moved here and I'd like to show my appreciation by this service. Respectfully, Robert(Bob)F. Kern 1611 w. Koch #31 ph 587-7949 E MAIL: bzmnrltyu;bresnan.net web: CashNow4CashF1ows.com .- Steve Kirchhoff 516 South 6th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 Stacy Ulmen, CMC Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 January 2, 2010 Dear Ms. Ulmen: I am writing to express my strong interest in the commission post to be opened by Commissioner Bi'y son's anticipated resignation. It is a privilege to place my name alongside those of other citizens interested in the position, all of whom share the same desire to help the city provide the best quality of life it can for its citizens. I am no stranger to the role of commissioner, having served for two terms, from 1999-2007. Those years were characterized by record-setting population growth in the city, steep increases in demands for services, and no shortage of contention as to the best way to manage it all. Though I cannot say I always cast the right vote on every question that came before the commission, I can say that I strove to serve the interests of the community as a whole, without privileging any particular neighborhood, business, or individual, above another. The work of a city commissioner is multifaceted. With assistance from staff, and input from citizens and boards, the city commission plans and allocates funds for infrastructure and services. The commission approves land development proposals and adopts budgets. It passes ordinances that affect businesses and individuals. Through leadership, the commission can reinforce community values and create community identity. I was a member of several commissions that showed such leadership when they adopted a clean air ordinance, a living wage, the 2020 Plan (the first "new urbanist" growth policy in the state), affordable housing, and the climate action plan. Serving on the commission is fascinating and serious work. Planning and land use have always been my special interests. Even though the land rush of the last decade has temporarily subsided, we can be assured it will resume in time, because Bozeman is a great community, and it will continue to attract new residents and businesses. If appointed to the commission, I will forge strong working relationships with colleagues and staff and will put my knowledge and experience in planning, sustainability, and land use to work. It is said the mark of a wise person is freedom from his or her own ideas. This is a graceful way of saying that one shouldn't view the world from a hardened notion of how things should be. One shouldn't be stuck on a particular viewpoint, but remain open and flexible, ready to bend when the occasion calls for it. This freedom from one's own ideas can only be attained by a willingness to consider alternatives. My term as Mayor taught me the value of this expression, as I worked to mediate discussion, provide fair time for all viewpoints, and encourage thorough, civil debate of questions facing the community. I understand the challenges that confront city commissioners, and I am eager to do the hard, stimulating work that our citizens rightfully expect our commissioners to do. If I am appointed to the commission, fellow commissioners and citizens alike can expect an animated, interested, dedicated, fair-minded, and hard-working servant of the people. Thank you for the opportunity to apply, and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, Steve Kirchhoff Aimee Kissel From: Leland [leland@montana.com] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:00 AM To: Aimee Kissel Subject: FW: City Commission appointment From: Leland [mailto:leland@montana.com] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 9:42 AM To: 'Stacy Ulmen' Subject: City Commission appointment Mayor Krauss and Commissioners, Prior to this last Fourth of July, I didn't think I had the patience to serve in city government. However as the founder of The Green Coalition I was subject to lambasting in the newspaper's editorial section, on talk radio and was the recipient of some fairly rude treatment from the city commission. As a result, I found that 1 did have the ability to take all the schoolyard negativity with a grain of salt, an important skill for a progressive public servant. Unfortunately the revelation occurred after the filing deadline. I believe public service is one of our highest callings. My 11 years on the City-County Board of Health has allowed me the privilege to serve our community and the opportunity to help make Gallatin County a healthier place to live. Adept at critical thinking, unafraid to be the lone voice, and a willingness to do the homework are all traits that have helped me make concrete progress in public health. I would like to continue that approach on the City Commission. The recent string of gaffs by City Government begs for a Commissioner attuned to the responsibility of leadership. As an example, resurfacing city tennis courts is certainly a worthwhile expenditure of recreational funds. But using Federal stimulus funds (which are already a bone of contention) to pay an out of state company to fix tennis courts during these tough economic times was a mistake. It sends the message that local jobs and infrastructure that supports commerce are not as important as playing tennis. Stimulus funding provides each community an opportunity to make a statement on what they think is a priority and to showcase local innovation in the economic recovery. I know the right decisions are not always the popular ones, but the City Commission must find ways to re-instill public confidence. I would appreciate your consideration for appointment to the City Commission. Brian Leland 528 N. Bozeman 587-0011 i BIRDMAN UNLIMITED _BRIAN SEGAL 315 SOUTH BLACK BOZEMAN, MT 59715 406-580-5760 Application For 2 year Appointment to Bozeman City Council Dear Commissioners, I am a dad. My kids go to Longfellow School. I live at 315 S. Black Avenue. I am married to Meg and this August will be our 15th anniversary. I have been designing and building homes and businesses for 30 years. I am a landlord with 3 rental units. I am 50 years old. I would like to add a second story and upgrade my 1958 Prairie Style Home to be a net zero energy home. I came to Bozeman in 1993, via Santa Fe, New Mexico for 13 years, and was raised in Walnut Creek, California, born in Oakland. I ski at Bridger Bowl and go to Chico Hot Springs for brunch. I just had ACL replacement surgery. I vote, and keep up to date on local issues. I have local accounts at Kenyon Noble, Simkins-Hallin, and Ace Hardware, Bozeman Brick and Block, but I also can be found in Walmart and Costco. I donated my time, my shop and my expertise, to help create the T-Rex Scull for the new Dinosaur Playground. I am the typical Bozeman Man. I am also a recovering spec house builder. I have participated in 2 major building booms, once in Santa Fe, and then here in Bozeman. The difference between my spec houses and most anyone else, is that all of mine have been passive and active Solar Homes, voluntarily, since 1993. I have always kept my values in place while earning my way in a competitive market place. I am also a craftsman and locally known for my decorative concrete counters. I have made the news, more than once, for being an innovative solar designer. In 2006, I designed and supervised the construction of a 5,000sf passive/active Solar Home on the banks of the Missouri River, in Columbia, Missouri. Though Boone County had a law on the books regulating grid tie connect and net meter policies, no one had done it yet. Not only did I design the house, but I helped the local utility and building code officials choose which net metering device to purchase and provided information on why grid tie inverters are safe. When all was done and said, they agreed to drop the requirement for a $100,000 bond they wanted my client to purchase. Education, empathy, and trust help various parties move forward towards a common goal. Patience and courtesy always come in handy, as well. At UC Santa Cruz in 1981 we proved that biological wastewater treatment works and can treat blackwater to tertiary grade without chemicals or large energy inputs. We also learned why the water Hyacinths used to clean the wastewater could not be recycled into fertilizer and used to generate income. They were filled with toxic heavy metals, and became a cost liability instead of a revenue stream. We knew then, that things would not really change much until environmental costs started to appear on the balance sheet. 30 years later, environmental economics are now gaining general public acceptance. We knew that solar energy could not become competitive until the U.S. stopped subsidizing the oil industry, and the costs of pollution and cleanup became part of the bottom line. Now the time has come, the public has opened their eyes to the relationship between the environment and the economy. The reason the recession is coming on so hard is that we, as a Nation, were in denial too long. Another issue that is affecting all of us, is the disappearing middle class, the backbone of the American Dream. As a municipal governing body, we need to encourage sustainable growth that's based on cradle to cradle thinking and realize that reduce, re-use, recycle, is good, but is still energy consumptive and in fact down cycling. Cradle to cradle development theories involve creating markets and services that are good for the expansion and stability of the middle class. Greed is as addictive as narcotics. The big banks, Wall Street, and insurance companies hypnotic addiction to money is currently being brought under great scrutiny. We had somewhat of a functioning economy in the Trickle Down Years, but now the greed is overwhelming and the trickle has been shut off. The purpose of life is to serve others; to give is always better than to receive, no matter what your religion may be. So now that you know a little about me, let's talk about Tennis. The Courts at Bogert Park have been in need of repair. Besides providing our community with another recreational opportunity, it shows our sense of civic pride, attracting visitors and homebuyers, increasing local property values, and thereby stoking the local economy. And for those who wonder why the city didn't buy locally, I'll refer to the Missouri Project again. I wanted to use a Missouri company to provide and install the photovoltaic panels, but there were none, in the entire state. So, I hired Independent Power Systems of Bozeman to supply, engineer, and install the system. The planning, design, and sales were all done over the internet. We drop shipped the equipment directly from the manufactures to Missouri, and then sent just 2 people by plane, to install the system. We ended up promoting business in both localities. The money came back to our community, and new solar commerce was created in Missouri. Each situation has a unique solution. The future is constantly unfolding in front of us. Our job is to keep asking the right questions, creating appropriate solutions, always moving closer to cradle to cradle, closed loop development. In this age, the local economy is the global economy, we cannot consider one without the other. As project coordinator, I have learned the value of open and straight forward communication, taking time to explain the connections between design theory and actual implementation, listen to the input of others, and be willing to modify my agenda for the overall success of the project. I believe in the principle of co-operative competition. I admire the work of Doug Mavor and others. His success in the sustainable building arena, helps my business thrive and visa versa, and the community moves forward together. I have also learned the value of failure and how take the knowledge gained to move forward again, and not get bogged down in the past. Why did I wait till the last day to apply for this position? I wanted to make sure it would be a good choice for my family, and I also wanted to check out my competition. What a great collection of individuals who have put their names forward! They have contributed so much to this community, and I am humbled by their qualifications and achievements. I wish them all good luck. However, I feel compelled to serve my community, and I too feel that I am ready for this new role. It is time for me, once again, to step up to the plate. Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely, Brian Segal 315 South Black Ave. 580-5760 brian@birdmanunlimited.com ,E .(L i, From: Sandra L Smiley[sandraleesmiley@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Friday. January 08, 2010 1:39 PM To: Cc: Subject: I am applying to finish the two years left of Commissioner Bryson's term as City Commissioner Attachments: Sandra once.jpg: SANDRA SMILEY RESUME.doc Dear City Commissioners: 1 am applying to finish the two years left of Commissioner Bryson.s term as City Commissioner. 1 was a City Commissioner from 1998 to 2001. 1 have kept up with what is going on with the City of Bozeman, the City Departments and the issues and decisions that have come and are coming before the City Commission. I am very experienced working with our community. My foc us really centers on assurance of quality of our City of Bozeman services as it has over the year with the agencies and businesses I have worked with. Another focus is assuring those who pay the salaries of the City of Bozeman staff that they will be treated and served well by the City staff. Having served as a liaison as well as a member of different City of Bozeman Boards and keeping track of those Boards over the years would be of help as well. 1 have done consulting helping people start businesses and foundations as well as helping them find funding .sources for grants. I've spent years and years studying systems for others and for agencies where I have been a supervisor or program director and then recommending changes that would benefit government agencies, businesses and individuals. It's been both interesting and crucial to help different entities look at how they relate to other community providers and government agencies and businesses and then teach how to improve those connections because over time some of those community providers and government agencies run into legislative changes,funding changes, and internal and external requirements that along with personnel changes can very much either improve or undermine the effectiveness of all involved working together well. Over the years,I have had dual careers in my work life because of my vitality and interest in different aspects of life. My resume reflects the Social Work,Elected City Commissioner,and Communi(v Activist,as well as other Political roles and my own Businesses. The resume also reflects in a separate category the Secretarial and Retail Work doge as well. There are also marry years of volunteer work helping,families and kids and communities. Social Worker,Supervisor,Program Director, Elected City Commissioner, and Community Activist 1 Sandra Smiley, Consulting. People/Business, Behavior Consultant, Teacher, Owner 1/1992-12/2008, Teaching relationship skills to partners/spouses, families, children, individuals, and also teaching classes. People (individuals. families) and Business consulting (regarding staffing problems, patterns, as well as behavior, staff and technology problems,technology research,recommendations for reorganizing/change). Guardian Ad Litem, 2/2003 to 2/2008. Gallatin County CASA/Guardian Ad Litem Program, 615 S. 16"'. Bozeman MT 59715. 406-582-2051. Trained as a Guardian Ad Litem and appointed by the District Court to represent four teenage boys from different families in our county court and human service systems. Volunteer position. Answering Plant Questions on the Phone/Secretarial, 8 years working weekends during my political career, 5/1998- 11/2005, Cashman Nursery, 2055 Springhill Road, Bozeman MT 59715. 406-587-3406. As well as answering plant questions, also created and continuously edited 60 handouts and brochures. Position primarily weekends during the landscaping season from March to November. Court Appointed Visitor.July to August of 2005, appointed by Judge Holly Brown, Gallatin County District Court, 615 S. 16"', Bozeman MT 59715. I was a social worker consultant to evaluate the need for guardianship of an adult person. Volunteer Position lasted approximately 1 month during m) determination for the court hearing regarding placement of this person. Court Appointed Visitor is as defined in Montana State Code. Lead Crisis Intervention Worker, full time, 11/04 to 4/05. Hope House Crisis Stabilization Unit, Gallatin Mental Health Center, 301 N. Willson, Bozeman MT 59715 406-585-1180. Providing crisis stabilization for clients. Supervisor of other staff during my shift. Left when fiscal problems prompted the beginning of staff leaving including three psychiatrists,therapists, supervisors and all but one nursing staff person. City Commissioner-Elected,4 years. full time work, 1/1998-1/2002. City of Bozeman,PO Box i230. Bozeman 59771. 1. Legislative branch of city government. 2. Supervisor of City Manager and City Clerk of Commission. 3. Liaison to City Boards. Licensed Respite Foster Parent, 4 years, 1/99-12/02. Department of Health and Human Services, 220 W. Lamme. Bozeman MT 59715. 406-585-9984. Provided respite foster care on weekends for other foster parents. Acknowledging Differences While Appreciating Diversity,2000. Leadership Training Institute,National League of Cities,Boston,Massachusetts. PATH (Permanent Adoptive Treatment Home) Training, 2/99 and 3/99. . Intermountain Children's Home, 500 S. Lamborn, Helena MT 59601, 406-442-7920. Supervisor: Twila Costigan. Intermountain Children's Home works with children with attachment disorders. Training was in the Attachment Model. PRIDE Foster Parent Training, 8/98 to 9/98. Dept of Public Health and Human Services,220 W. Lamme. Bozeman MT 59715. 406-585-9984. Foster Parent training for six weeks(twice a week)in Sept and Nov 1998. Mental Health Worker IV, full time, 1/92-9/92. Mental Health Services, 126 S. 2nd, Livingston, Montana 59047 406- 222-3332. This agency went out of business - it was part of an agency in Helena. I supervised the activities of the day treatment mental health clients. Taught a core group of clients how to set up a management system for their new thrift store. Note: Social work Case Management in the following positions includes teaching public education classes and workshops as well as supervision of and helping clients to manage crisis situations,finances, health problems, access to services, and advocacy with clients to improve their education, legal problems, work and financial stability, and home/relationship stability. Supervisor of Elder Protective Services, while attending graduate school, full time work, 9/1990-10/1991. Elder Protective Services, Mystic Valley Elder Services„ #19 - 300 Commercial Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148. 617- 324-7705. Program Director: Marsha Webster. 2 Supervised four social workers doing investigations of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in the six small towns on the northern edge of Boston. Provided services to abused, neglected,and at risk elders. Case Manager, while attending two graduate schools, worked 4 days a week. 3/1990-9/1990. Aids Project Los Angeles. 6721 Romaine Street. Los Angeles,California 90038 213-962-1600. Supervisor: William Bartlett. Caseload of 150 clients(agency caseload of 5,000 clients each month). Social work case management of clients with Aids or Aids related illnesses. Social Worker IV, while attending graduate school. full time work. 1/1989-2/1990. Elder Protective Services,State of Hawaii, 420 Waiakamila Road, Suite 101, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. 808-832-5066. Supervisor: Luanne Murakami and Brian Kagihara. Covered the Western half of the island of Oahu. Three positions with Catholic Services to the Elderly while attending graduate school,3 years, full time work. 8/1987- 1/1989. 250 South Vineyard Street, Honolulu. Hawaii 96813. 808-537-6321. Acting Program Director and Program Director. 6/88-1/89 Supervised the Intake Unit, Two Service Aide Units,and the Counseling Unit. The Program Director position was held concurrently with the Counseling Supervisor position- I had two jobs at once. Formed Case Management Team: had weekly meetings to assign, assess, and develop care plans for clients. Individual meetings with team members for client plans. Assigned clients to staff in the Palama Unit and Counseling Unit. Unit meetings with all four units monthly. individual supervision meetings with staff of Counseling, Palama,Chinatown, and Intake Units. Assisting the Agency Director with budgets. planning for new programs and positions in the Housing Assistance Program and at Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center. Held first retreat day of employees in my units to build team connection. Acting Counseling Unit Supervisor and Counseling Unit Supervisor. 12/87-1/89. The Program Director position was held concurrently with the Counseling Supervisor position - I had two jobs at once. Supervision/management of professional counseling unit including four social workers, residents of six Small Group Homes for the Elderly, and a Clerk. Computerized for the first time in the agency and revised all of the policies and procedures as well as wrote and computerized job descriptions for positions. Cut the paperwork needed to open a case from 15 pages to 4 by revising and combining information needed and worked with State agencies (grant/agency funders) regarding approval of changes. Assisted the Agency Director with budgets,planning for new progn•ams and positions. Social Work Case Manager. 8/87-12/87, Social Work position providing casework for individual clients and residents of a Small Group Home for the Elderly. Task Force on Guardianship Member, 1/88 to 1/89. Honolulu, Hawaii Community Elder Abuse Network, 1/89-12/89, Honolulu, Hawaii. Community Hospital Ad Hoc Committee. Honolulu, Hawaii. Co-chair from 5/88-1/89, member 12/87-1/89 Assistant Director. while attending 2 graduate schools, 8/1986-6/1987. Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Santa Monica, California. Supervised 30 in-house volunteers. Placed some of the 425 total volunteers. Sandra Smiley's Home Health Registry, 6/1977-6/1986. Created my own Home Health Registry and supervised provision of care to people at home after hospitalization (prior to Home Health Agencies) that included 60 RN's, LPN's,Nurses Aides,and Sitters. 3 Montana Society for Hospital Social Work Directors. 6/1977-7/1986. State President 1984, Vice President 1983, Secretary/Treasurer 1981& 1982,Member 1977-1986. Director of Social Services, 1/1977-7/1987, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital and Extended Care Facility, Bozeman, Montana 59715. Took an educational leave of absence in 1986 and then quit in 1987 to go to graduate school and after I quit in 1987 this position ceased to exist. Supervisor: Corrine Nelson (retired RN). Extended Care Facility no longer exists. Hospital moved from downtown to eastern edge of town in 1987. Created this position including all policies,procedures,paper-vvork systems and job description. Counseled patients with chronic or terminal illness,financial problems, and crisis situations. Discharge Planning. Counseled staff who had work related problems. Referral/information source for patients,hospital staff. and community. Created and published Patient and Family Resource Book in which I compiled 400 entries of local, state, and national resources (agencies, support groups, counselors, and associations) available to help people experiencing health crises. Supervised two oncall social workers and three university student practicunrs. Member of the following hospital committees: Diabetic Committee/Teaching Team, Deaconess Extended Care Committee, MI Committee, Utilization Review Committee, Employee Needs Committee, and Department Head Meeting. Created and taught classes to county residents about Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Alzheimer's Disease.and Senility. Created and taught adoption procedures in-services to physicians and hospital staff. Formed Birth Mother Support Team to provide consistent support to birth mothers considering adoption. Created and taught relaxation techniques and meditation classes to patients,family and hospital staff. Created and taught Patient's Rights and Confidentiality class for new hospital employees. Created and taught a four hour Guest Relations class to hospital employees(with RN Supervisors). Created and taught emotional aspect of diabetes as a member of the Diabetic Teaching Team. Created and taught aspects of stress, relationships, and relaxation techniques to the Diabetic Group for Families and Patients. Created and taught class about Suicide of Children with the Education Manager of the hospital. Worked with the Ministerial Associations of the county to develop a Chaplaincy Program. Worked with the Parents of Chronically III Children Support Group. Developed the Deaconess Companion Program with a 4H Junior Leader providing companions for long term care patients in our Extended Care Facility (60 beds).. Area Representative for NASW (National Association of Social Workers, 1982-1984. Bozeman, Montana 1/1982- 12/1984 Advisory Board, 1/1982-1/1985, Bozeman Convalescent Center. Bozeman, Montana. Owner, Pendragon Business Service, 1/1976-12/1977. Bozeman. Montana. Provided secretarial services for 30 small business owners. Social Worker 1, Sweetgrass and Stillwater County Welfare Depts, Big Timber and Columbus, Montana. 3/1974- 10/1974. Social worker for two counties -caseload of adult and children cases. Traveled 1,000 miles a month taking care of cases in the two counties. Social Worker I,Richland County Welfare Department, Sidney, Montana.9/1972-3/1974. Social work case management of 80 cases. Foster care supervision of homes and placements,Adoptive placements, Investigation of child abuse and work with neglected and abused children. Started Foster Parent Association. Started the first interagency council with the Director of Welfare Dept and Public Health Dept. EDL/C.4TION 4 Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology, Russian Language Minor, Montana State Universit,,, Bozeman, Montana. 81/1970. One year completed towards Masters in Social Work (in a two year MSW Program), Universit} of Southern California, Los Angeles,California 8/1986-5/1987 SECRETARIAL, RETAIL AND SALES EXPERIENCE Excellent computer skills: AP. AR, taxes, bookkeeping on various software programs, Excel, Word, Publisher, PageMaker. WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Access, Medical Billing Programs (for insurance reimbursement), and proprietary software systems written especially for different industries,companies, and government. Office Manager for my own businesses *beginning with Pendragon Business Service in 1976 with the first computerized IBM typewriter, *then it was Sandra Smiley's Home Health Registry from 1977 to 1986, *1992 to present: 1. teaching relationship skills to partners/spouses,families, children, individuals through sessions and classes, 2. people and business consulting. Answering Plant Questions on the Phone and Secretarial, Cashman Nursery 1998-2005. Also created and continuousl} edited approximatek 60 handouts and brochures. Customer Service/Data Entry for International Customers, 1993-1996. Stewart-MacDonald Guitar Shop Supply moved international part of business back to Ohio 8/98. Owner,Pendragon Business Service, 1/76-1/77. Provided secretarial services for 30 small business owners 5 Sandra Smiley 618 S. 14r", Bozeman, Montana 59715-406-585-1787 sandraleesmiley@sbcglobal.net Over the years, I have had dual careers in n(v work life because of my vitalihr and interest in different aspects of We. Al y resume reflects the Social Work, Elected Citl' Contntissioner, and Contntuniti,Activist, as well as other Political roles and nij,own Businesses. The resunte also reflects in a separate category the Secretarial and Retail Work done as well. There are also nutiq j ears of volunteer work helping.families and kids and contnumities. Social Worker,Supervisor,Progrant Director, Elected Citr Contntissioner, and Community Activist Sandra Smiley, Consulting. People/Business, Behavior Consultant, Teacher, Owner 1/1992-12/2008. Teaching relationship skills to partners/spouses, families, children, individuals, and also teaching classes. People (individuals. families) and Business consulting (regarding staffing problems, patterns, as well as behavior, staff and technology problems.technology research,recommendations for reorganizing/change). Guardian Ad Litem, 2/2003 to 2/2008. Gallatin County CASA/Guardian Ad Litem Program, 615 S. 16"i. Bozeman MT 59715. 406-582-2051. Trained as a Guardian Ad Litem and appointed by the District Court to represent four teenage boys from different families in our county court and human service systems. Volunteer position. Answering Plant Questions on the Phone/Secretarial, 8 years working weekends during my political career, 5/1998- 11/2005, Cashman Nursery, 2055 Springhill Road, Bozeman MT 59715. 406-587-3406. As well as answering plant questions, also created and continuously edited 60 handouts and brochures. Position primarily weekends during the landscaping season from March to November. Court Appointed Visitor, July to August of 2005, appointed by Judge Holly Brown, Gallatin Count) District Court, 615 S. 160'. Bozeman MT 59715. 1 was a social worker consultant to evaluate the need for guardianship of an adult person. Volunteer Position lasted approximately I month during my determination for the court hearing regarding placement of this person. Court Appointed Visitor is as defined in Montana State Code. Lead Crisis Intervention Worker, full time, 11/04 to 4/05. Hope House Crisis Stabilization Unit, Gallatin Mental Health Center, 301 N. Willson, Bozeman MT 59715 406-585-1180. Providing crisis stabilization for clients. Supervisor of other staff during m) shift. Left when fiscal problems prompted the beginning of staff leaving including three psychiatrists,therapists, supervisors and all but one nursing staff person. City Commissioner-Elected,4 years,full time work, 1/1998-1/2001. City of Bozeman, PO Box 1230, Bozeman 59771. 1. Legislative branch of city government. 2. Supervisor of City Manager and City Clerk of Commission. 3. Liaison to City Boards. Licensed Respite Foster Parent, 4 years, 1/99-12/02. Department of Health and Human Services, 220 W. Lamme. Bozeman MT 59715. 406-585-9984. Provided respite foster care on weekends for other foster parents. Acknowledging Differences While Appreciating Diversity,2000. Leadership Training Institute,National League of Cities,Boston,Massachusetts. PATH (Permanent Adoptive Treatment Home)Training, 2/99 and 3/99. . Intermountain Children's Home, 500 S. Lamborn, Helena MT 59601, 406-442-7920. Supervisor: Twila Costigan. Intermountain Children's Home works with children with attachment disorders. Training was in the Attachment Model. PRIDE Foster Parent Training, 8/98 to 9/98. Dept of Public Health and Human Services,220 W. Lamme, Bozeman MT 59715. 406-585-9984. Foster Parent training for six weeks(twice a week)in Sept and Nov 1998. Mental Health Worker IV,full time, 1/92-9/92. Mental Health Services. 126 S. 2nd, Livingston, Montana 59047 406- 222-3332. This agency went out of business - it was part of an agency in Helena. I supervised the activities of the day treatment mental health clients. Taught a core group of clients how to set up a management system for their new thrift store. Note. Social work Case Management in the following positions includes teaching public education classes and workshops as well as supervision of and helping clients to manage crisis situations,finances, health problems, access to services, and advocacy with clients to improve their education, legal problems, work and financial stability, and home/relationship stability. Supervisor of Elder Protective Services, while attending graduate school, full time work, 9/1990-10/1991. Elder Protective Services, Mystic Valley Elder Services„ #19 - 300 Commercial Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148. 617- 324-7705. Program Director: Marsha Webster. Supervised four social workers doing investigations of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in the six small towns on the northern edge of Boston. Provided services to abused,neglected,and at risk elders. Case Manager, while attending two graduate schools, worked 4 days a week. 3/1990-9/1990. Aids Project Los Angeles,6721 Romaine Street, Los Angeles,California 90038 213-962-1600. Supervisor: William Bartlett. Caseload of 150 clients(agency caseload of 5,000 clients each month). Social work case management of clients with Aids or Aids related illnesses. Social Worker IV, while attending graduate school, full time work. 1/1989-2/1990. Elder Protective Services, State of Hawaii, 420 Waiakamila Road, Suite 101, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. 808-832-5066. Supervisor: Luanne Murakami and Brian Kagihara. Covered the Western half of the Island of Oahu. Three positions with Catholic Services to the Elderly while attending graduate school, 3 years,full time work. 8/1987- 1/1989. 250 South Vineyard Street. Honolulu. Hawaii 96813. 808-537-6321. Acting Program Director and Program Director. 6/88-1/89 Supervised the Intake Unit, Two Service Aide Units,and the Counseling Unit. The Program Director position was held concurrently with the Counseling Supervisor position- I had two jobs at once. Formed Case Management Team: had weekly meetings to assign, assess, and develop care plans for clients. Individual meetings with team members for client plans. Assigned clients to staff in the Palama Unit and Counseling Unit. Unit meetings with all four units monthly. Individual supervision meetings with staff of Counseling. Palama,Chinatown,and Intake Units. Assisting the Agency Director with budgets, planning for new programs and positions in the Housing Assistance Program and at Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center. Held first retreat day of employees in my units to build team connection. Acting Counseling Unit Supervisor and Counseling Unit Supervisor. 12/87-1/89. The Program Director position was held concurrently with the Counseling Supervisor position - I had two jobs at once. Supervision/management of professional counseling unit including four social workers, residents of six Small Group Homes for the Elderly,and a Clerk. Computerized for the first time in the agency and revised all of the policies and procedures as well as wrote and computerized job descriptions for positions. Cut the paperwork needed to open a case from 15 pages to 4 by revising and combining information needed and worked with State agencies (grant/agency funders) regarding approval of changes. Assisted the Agency Director with budgets, planning for new programs and positions. Social Work Case Manager, 8/87-12/87. Social Work position providing casework for individual clients and residents of a Small Group Home for the Elderly. Task Force on Guardianship Member, 1/88 to 1/89. Honolulu, Hawaii Community Elder Abuse Network, 1/89-12/89. Honolulu, Hawaii. Community Hospital Ad Hoc Committee, Honolulu, Hawaii. Co-chair from 5/88-1/89.member 12/87-1/89 Assistant Director, while attending 2 graduate schools, 8/1986-6/1987. Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Santa Monica,California. Supervised 30 in-house volunteers. Placed some of the 425 total volunteers. Sandra Smiley's Home Health Registry, 6/1977-6/1986. Created my own Home Health Registry and supervised provision of care to people at home after hospitalization (prior to Home Health Agencies) that included 60 RN's, LPN's,Nurses Aides,and Sitters. Montana Society for Hospital Social Work Directors. 6/1977-7/1986. State President 1984, Vice President 1983, Secretary/Treasurer 1981& 1982,Member 1977-1986. Director of Social Services, 1/1977-7/1987, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital and Extended Care Facility, Bozeman. Montana 59715. Took an educational leave of absence in 1986 and then quit in 1987 to go to graduate school and after I quit in 1987 this position ceased to exist. Supervisor: Corrine Nelson (retired RN). Extended Care Facility no longer exists. Hospital moved from downtown to eastern edge of town in 1987. Created this position including all policies,procedures,paperwork systems and job description. Counseled patients with chronic or terminal illness,financial problems, and crisis situations. Discharge Planning. Counseled staff who had work related problems. Referral/information source for patients,hospital staff,and cone nunity. Created and published Patient and Family Resource Book in which I compiled 400 entries of local, state, and national resources (agencies, support groups, counselors, and associations) available to help people experiencing health crises. Supervised two oncall social workers and three university student practicums. Member of the following hospital committees: Diabetic Committee/Teaching Team, Deaconess Extended Care Committee, MI Committee, Utilization Review Committee, Employee Needs Committee, and Department Head Meetin . Created and taught classes to county residents about Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Alzheimer's Disease,and Senility. Created and taught adoption procedures in-services to physicians and hospital staff. Formed Birth Mother Support Team to provide consistent support to birth mothers considering adoption. Created and taught relaxation techniques and meditation classes to patients, family and hospital staff. Created and taught Patient's Rights and Confidentiality class for new hospital employees. Created and taught a four hour Guest Relations class to hospital employees(with RN Supervisors). Created and taught emotional aspect of diabetes as a member of the Diabetic Teaching Team. Created and taught aspects of stress, relationships, and relaxation techniques to the Diabetic Group for Families and Patients. Created and taught class about Suicide of Children with the Education Manager of the hospital. Worked with the Ministerial Associations of the county to develop a Chaplaincy Program. Worked with the Parents of Chronically 111 Children Support Group. Developed the Deaconess Companion Program with a 4H Junior Leader providing companions for long term care patients in our Extended Care Facility (60 beds).. Area Representative for NASW (National Association of Social Workers, 1982-1984. Bozeman. Montana 1/1982- 12/1984 Advisory Board. 1/1982-1/1985. Bozeman Convalescent Center, Bozeman. Montana. Owner, Pendragon Business Service, 1/1976-12/1977, Bozeman, Montana. Provided secretarial services for 30 small business owners. Social Worker I, Sweetgrass and Stillwater County Welfare Depts, Big Timber and Columbus. Montana. 3/1974- 10/1974. Social worker for two counties-caseload of adult and children cases. Traveled 1.000 miles a month taking care of cases in the two counties. Social Worker 1,Richland County Welfare Department, Sidney, Montana. 9/1972-3/1974. Social work case management of 80 cases. Foster care supervision of homes and placements, Adoptive placements, Investigation of child abuse and work with neglected and abused children. Started Foster Parent Association. Started the first interagency council with the Director of Welfare Dept and Public Health Dept. EDUC ATION Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology, Russian Language Minor, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. 8/l 970. One year completed towards Masters in Social Work (in a two year MSW Program), University of Southern California,Los Angeles, California 8/1986-5/1987 SECRETARIAL,RETAIL AND SALES EXPERIENCE Excellent computer skills: AP, AR, taxes, bookkeeping on various software programs, Excel, Word, Publisher, PageMaker, WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Access, Medical Billing Programs (for insurance reimbursement), and proprietary software systems written especially for different industries,companies,and government. Office Manager for my own businesses *beginning with Pendragon Business Service in 1976 with the first computerized IBM typewriter, *then it was Sandra Smiley's Home Health Registry from 1977 to 1986, *1992 to present: 1. teaching relationship skills to partners/spouses, families,children, individuals through sessions and classes, 2. people and business consulting. Answering Plant Questions on the Phone and Secretarial,Cashman Nursery 1998-2005. Also created and continuously edited approximately 60 handouts and brochures. Customer Service/Data Entry for International Customers, 1993-1996. Stewart-MacDonald Guitar Shop Supply moved international part of business back to Ohio 8/98. Owner,Pendragon Business Service, 1/76-1/77. Provided secretarial services for 30 small business owners January 4, 2010 Mayor and Bozeman City Commissioners c/o Stacy Ulmen 121 N Rouse Ave PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 VIA EMAIL Honorable Mayor and Commissioners, I respectfully submit my application for appointment to the Bozeman City Commission. Attached please find a statement of interest in and qualifications for the office of City Commissioner. As is outlined in the statement I have over 13 years experience in planning and design review in both the public and private sector. During the past 10 years in Bozeman I have served on the Planning Board, Climate Protection Task Force and the Design Review Board. Highlighting my professional experience is 10 years of business ownership/management along with 3 years experience working for the Northstar Subdivision in the capacity of architectural design review. Thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to continuing my service to Bozeman. Sincerely, Dawn M Smith Dawn M Smith 307 Pondera Ave 406-539-9749 Bozeman MT 59718 dawnsmith@montana.net Statement of Interest: There is a dynamic and infinite challenge to growing and guiding Bozeman in a manner that best serves its citizens. This is a challenge I have been committed to meeting during my 10 years of residency in Bozeman. I am excited to serve as a City Commissioner and to use my knowledge and experience to help the community meet its long and short term goals. I will work to advance Bozeman and sustain a healthy economy while preserving the community character and livability. I will approach all decisions without prejudice or bias and will serve with honesty and accountability. Statement of Qualification: With over 13 years experience in planning and design review I am prepared to make decisions related to Bozeman's growth and community development. My business management and ownership experience provides me with knowledge and understanding of the challenges of small local businesses. The combination of these experiences, along with my commitment to the community, has prepared me for success as a Bozeman City Commissioner. Professional and Civic Experience: City of Bozeman Planning Board— Member 2008- Present Mayor's Community Climate Protection Task Force— Member 2009- Present City of Bozeman Desiqn Review Board- Past Chair and Member 2000-2006 Commercial and Residential Development Design Review, Northstar Subdivision—2006 - Present Project Manager, Quick Start Energy Grant, Cottonwood Elementary School- 2009 Owner/Business Manager Avalanche Auto Repair Inc. and LB Commercial Prop., LLC. — 1999-Present Upper Blue Planning Commission, Summit CountV, Colorado— Past Member 1996-1999 Countywide Planning Commission, Summit County, Colorado— Past Member 1998-1999 Community Experience: Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, Government Affairs Committee - 2007-Present MT Chapter USGBC, Build Green Schools Committee— Member 2009 - Present Girl Scout Troop Leader, Daisy Troop 3826—2009- Present Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Corporation Board- Past Member 2001-2006 Bozeman Business & Professional Women— Past Member and Legislative Chair 1999 -2005 MARCIA B. YOUNGMAN 1214 West Koch, Bozeman, MT 59715 • marciay@mcn.net • (406) 587-5704 January 5, 2010 Dear Mayor and City Commissioners: Please consider me for the appointment to serve the citizens of Bozeman as City Commissioner. Why do I want to fill this post on the City Commission? I've enjoyed and found worth in everything I've done professionally, but I've enjoyed nothing more than my 12 years of service on the City Commission as both commissioner and mayor. I love serving the community in this way. I understand Bozeman's issues, and many that were addressed while I was on the Commission still need attention because they're fundamental community issues—such as water resource management, sewage treatment, downtown development, economic development, regulatory reform, land use, neighborhood quality of life, transportation connectivity, affordable housing, and long-range planning. I've researched these issues extensively, participated in numerous public hearings on each of them, and am familiar with the particular challenges facing Bozeman. I've loved Bozeman since I came over the pass from the east in 1979 looking for a community in Montana in which to put down roots and saw Bozeman laid out before me. At that moment I knew Bozeman was going to be my home, and it has been for 30 years. After years of working 30-40 hours a week for the city, mostly while I held another job, I needed a break, but I've had the time I needed and believe I could be of use to the community in this position now. People still stop me in places like grocery stores and on trails to ask questions about city issues. One of the things I value about serving in local government is the direct access constituents have to Commissioners. Also, I believe my track record of concern for people with limited resources, a focus of my entire professional and volunteer life, would be an asset as the Commission grapples with the issues of tough economic times. When many taxpayers—citizens and businesses—are finding it challenging to make ends meet, I would like to be a voice for shaping the City budget and City programs with that financial reality in mind. What are my qualifications? To fill a Commission position mid-term is a tough challenge and potentially disrupting for the City, with the two new Commissioners already having participated in orientation and the other two Commissioners having already served for several years. I believe someone who has not only run for the office but who has been chosen by the voters three times in the past and who has served has the best chance to hit the ground running and to hold her weight. I don't need orientation, except regarding whatever has changed since 2005. 1 have kept familiar with City issues, and I've read the latest documents-2020 Growth Plan Update, Transportation Plan Update, Downtown Plan, Economic Development Plan, Recreation and Parks PROST Plan, and so forth. Serving as Commissioner is about relationships as much as it is about issues. I have good relationships with many staff members, all four Commissioners, area nonprofit organization staff, legislators, many of the City's volunteer board members, neighborhood leaders, and the public. I believe if I'm appointed we could work together effectively as a team for our community. I'm concerned that the City has lost a number of senior staff members recently. The resulting loss of institutional memory may affect consideration of issues that have a long history. On several occasions when I've watched City Commission meetings on TV, I remembered something about the issue being discussed, a fact from past citizen involvement or consultant research, that could have helped the discussion. I attended my first City Commission meeting 30 years ago, served on my first city board (Community Development Block Grant Committee) 25 years ago, was the city housing consultant from 1984-1985, and served on the City Commission from 1994-2005, during Bozeman's period of explosive growth. I can bring institutional memory to the Commission and help provide context for its deliberations. When I first lived in Bozeman, I served two years as a VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America—now Americorps), working as a community organizer. I helped citizens organize a grassroots affordable housing group and a neighborhood group, and I helped people learn how to have a voice with City government. I knocked on hundreds of doors and met many residents. Then when I ran for a City Commission seat, I door- knocked in every neighborhood and visited nearly every residence that existed at the time—houses, apartments, mobile homes. I still make it a practice to take walks in different neighborhoods to remain familiar with changes and with ground-level needs. I know Bozeman's nooks and crannies. I believe this intimate familiarity with the community, and my instinct to listen to residents with diverse perspectives and respect their input, are important assets I would bring to the Commission. I respect and learn from different points of view. When I served I sought to make sure issues of concern to residents or business people were put on the agenda to receive full public discussion—whether or not I agreed with the concerns. I also seek solutions that resolve differences whenever possible. When the Commission began to appoint special task forces (library lands, big box, capital improvements, workforce housing), I was delighted with the trend that the very diverse members of these committees committed to making consensus recommendations. Leadership Initiatives The following are examples of programs developed by the City in large part because I pushed for them. They weren't necessarily my ideas—they often came from citizens or City boards—but my role in championing them was pivotal: Inter-Neighborhood Council and neighborhood coordinator position 3 • Land Use Mediation Program, staffed by the Community Mediation Center (which gave project applicants and neighbors an opportunity to talk through development proposals informally, outside of Commission hearings, and try to resolve differences) Traffic calming included in Transportation Plan, traffic calming implemented for Kirk Park neighborhood (an issue neighbors had been raising for 20 years) • Critical Lands Study (the idea was in the 1990 Master Plan, but it didn't happen until there was a lot of advocacy) Adoption of stronger Affordable Housing Plan (the City had one, but to strengthen it took working out compromises with SWMBIA and the Chamber of Commerce to gain support) o Water Conservation Study • Package of regulatory reforms Don Stueck and I brought forward in 1994, determined with SWMBIA and neighborhood residents (and planning staff) • Fast-track review process for commercial and residential development Fundraising campaign for creation of Tuckerman Park, with the City matching citizen donations • Capital Improvements Program Citizen Review Board, first time the City had the CIP reviewed by citizens and first special board to make consensus recommendations to the Commission First Budget Town Meeting to encourage citizen input • Creation of City liaison position on Gallatin Development Corporation (now Prospera) board • Development of first joint legislative platform with the County and other municipalities in the county, and then a joint platform with MSU, the schools, and major nonprofits as well for a later legislative session o Televising of city and county meetings • Competing for and winning the All-America City Award in 2002 from the National Civic League, the most prestigious civic award in the country (I facilitated planning meetings with community leaders and wrote most of the winning application, scripted the video, and co-scripted the presentation of Bozeman's representatives) • City newsletter (went to all residents, staff wrote some articles, I wrote others and laid out the issues) I've remained involved in City issues in the years since I was on the City Commission, serving on the Workforce Housing Task Force and the Affordable Housing Advisory Board, facilitating a community meeting on establishment of mixed used zoning (now adopted), and working with a citizen group to prepare recommendations for City adoption of the Mayors' Climate Change Proclamation and action on climate change. Boards I've served on many City boards as a voting member or as Commission liaison: (as a voting member)—Local Water Quality District Board, Board of Health, Transportation Coordinating Committee, Affordable Housing Advisory Board, Community Development Block Grant Committee, Workforce Housing Task Force, Audit Committee, Victim Witness Program, Library Lands Task Force, Land Use Mediation Program; 4 (as commission liaison)—Library Board of Trustees, Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, Bicycle Advisory Board, Tree Advisory Board, Design Review Board, Beautification Advisory Board, Historic Preservation Advisory Board, Community Alcohol Coalition, Inter-Neighborhood Council, Big Box Policy Task Force, Capital Improvements Citizen Review Panel, Gallatin Development Corporation. Other boards I've served on: Montana Outdoor Science School (vice president of board, 2009), Montana League of Cities and Towns Board of Directors, Food Bank, Montana Low-Income Coalition, Community Food Co-op, Human Resource Development Council, Bozeman Community Cultural Council, Affordable Home Ownership and Management Enterprises, Inc., Women in Transition, MSU Sex Equity Project, local church, Bozeman Wetland Preserve action group, Economic Education Center (Minneapolis), Work Education Council (National Alliance of Business); other volunteer activities: Sunday School teacher, Big Sisters volunteer, Gallatin Valley Land Trust volunteer to build trails, National Insurance Issues Specialist (BPW/USA). Recent Honors 2009, Bozeman Beautification Award for "fantastic fence"; 2002, Fannie Mae Foundation Fellowship to Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government Senior Executives in Local and State Government Leadership Program; 1998, Montana Woman of the Year, awarded by Federated Business and Professional Women's Clubs (BPW); 1998, Bozeman Woman of Achievement, awarded by Bozeman BPW. Work Because I served on the Commission, my other work experience seems less relevant. I'll provide a brief overview here. Present: I'm an editor (mostly science textbooks), writer, and researcher, self-employed, dealing with all the challenges small businesses face—finding clients, maintaining good relationships with companies and authors, hiring subcontractors, adjusting to market changes, dealing with the difficult economic climate, invoicing, purchasing supplies, mastering new software and hardware. Past:Associate Editor, SCO World Magazine (computer trade publication); Director, National Clearinghouse for Ending Sex Discrimination in Insurance; City of Bozeman Housing Consultant; Public Interest Consultant (contracted with groups such as City of Belgrade, Career Transitions, Bozeman Housing Coalition); VISTA community organizer; program manager, Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. I hope you will give me the opportunity to resume my service to the citizens of Bozeman in your capable and talented company. Sincerely, Marcia Youngman Aimee Kissel From: Chris Mehl Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:04 PM To: Agenda Subject: FW. Appointed Commissioner Input From: mike [mailto:m.comstock@bresnan.net] Sent: Sun 1/10/2010 9:34 AM To: Chris Mehl Subject: Appointed Commissioner Input Hey Chris: Met you at the Gallatin Republican Women forum for the Commission candidates a few months back. I was impressed with your background, ideas,and passion for the position. Congrats on a great campaign ! Just dropping a note today to voice support for either Chris Budeski &Bob Chase. Both clearly were interested in being on the commission,spent the time and money running for office,and are both up to speed on the issues of the city. Unlike the other candidates trying to cash in on an unexpected opportunity,these guys have paid their dues and both have a strong passion for the position. And they both are clearly close in their approach and philosophies to Eric Bryson whom they'd replace. Eric's election was a clear mandate for a common sense business friendly candidate over his socialist elite opponent by a huge margin,and it would be a shame to replace him with a has-been from a bygone political era that the people of Bozeman clearly do not support and who caused many of the problems still being rectified today. Understandably the decision will be somewhat difficult with many candidates to consider. Best wishes for a clear and concise choice. cheers, Mike Comstock 1 Aimee Kissel From: Norman A. Bishop[nabishop@q.com] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 5.50 PM To: Agenda Subject: Selection of candidate to replace Eric Bryson Bozeman City CommissionersJanuary 14, 2010 P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59 7 71 Dear Commissioners: With the departure of Commissioner Eric Bryson, you have the responsibility of selecting a replacement for him. Your choice will determine whether the commission will respond to calls for"balance," guaranteeing gridlock, or to promote progress on the issues voters elected you to pursue. The U.S. Congress is nearly"balanced." They are deadlocked on every issue I can bring to mind. The Montana legislature is"balanced." They live in happy acrimony. Chris Mehl and Carson Taylor were elected over their opponents by a solid majority of the voters of Bozeman. They were voting for planned, regulated progress toward goals set forth in City planning documents and guidelines. Quality of life, not a development free-for- all, is what residents of Bozeman and surrounding suburbs came here to enjoy. Appointing anyone whose intent is to run roughshod over those plans and ignore those guidelines is indefensible. The good news is that we have a number of highly qualified, experienced applicants, who have been vetted by the conservation community, and found deserving of our support and endorsement. I refer to Cindy Andrus and former mayors Steve Kirchoff and Marcia Youngman. The choice is yours: gridlock or progress. I'm depending on you to make the right choice. Thank you for your service to the Bozeman community. Sincerely, Norman A. Bishop Co-chair, Gallatin-Park County Chapter, Montana Conservation Voters 4898 Itana Circle Bozeman, MT 59715 "•/ C O 1.1 M E k( 1 January 5,2010 I submit this letter in support of the application submitted by Cyndy Andrus for a seat on the Bozeman City Commission. I have personally known Cyndy and have interacted with her professionally as well for nearly 10 years. As a colleague and a friend, I believe that there is no one more suited to bring her experience forward and serve her community than Cyndy. Cyndy has been a Bozeman resident for 15 years, and has served on many different civil, political,professional and community boards in that time. She has been an active and dedicated member to the organizations for which she serves,offering her broad perspective and knowledge to discover better ways of conducting business, smarter paths to progressing business, and more just ways of advocating for the things she believes will better her community. Cyndy's dedication and unwavering efforts in so many areas within the Bozeman community and statewide have proven that she is an outstanding candidate for the City Commission, one who will bring much varied experience to the table to contribute to the decision making and policies that will guide Bozeman into its future. Her positions as Director,as volunteer, Chair,student,employee,leader, advocate,and citizen have given her the perspective that will be needed as a part of the City Commission. As Director of The Bozeman Convention and Visitors Bureau, Cyndy has gained valuable insight into the business climate that drives Bozeman's economy. Her personal experience in small business,along with the opportunities presented to her through Leadership Montana and PPL Montana has given her insight into so many communities across the state; communities and experiences that have given a perspective that cannot be taught or learned in any other way. Cyndy's experience has served her community well and will continue to serve her well in a position with the Bozeman City Commission. Her knowledge coupled with a fair and open demeanor contributes to her strong ideals and a positive work ethic that stands to benefit all with whom she works. As Director of the Big Sky Chamber of Commerce and CVB, I have had the pleasure of working with Cyndy on many occasions and under many varied circumstances,and I have always been proud to call her my colleague. Cyndy would be an invaluable asset to the group who currently make up the Bozeman City Commission. She is without a doubt perfectly suited for this esteemed position. Sincerely, /flawire lfage5, Marne Hayes Executive Director Big Sky Chamber of Commerce January 5, 2010 Bozeman City Commission delivered via e-mail: agenda@bozeman.net City of Bozeman-City Hall POB 1230- 121 North Rouse Bozeman, Montana 59771 Subject: Appoint Cyndy Andrus to Bozeman City Commission! Dear Bozeman City Commissioners Becker, Krauss, Mehl, and Taylor: As is to be expected in local politics,filling the vacant city commissioner position will be filled with drama, emotion, and more than a few interesting meetings. The games have already begun, and while I understand the need to show transparency in your decision making, I hope you'll appreciate that many citizens of Bozeman aren't eager to express their views in the Op/Ed pages of the Bozeman Chronicle (I tried it once and still get random,angry notes about my position regarding tire burning at the Holcim Cement Kiln)! Appointing your next commissioner is not a popularity contest gauged by total number of letters to the editor, but rather a rare opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current commission so that a candidate can be selected that improves your effectiveness, enhances understanding of the Bozeman community and its needs, and adds a skill set or two that may be lacking on the commission. That said; please accept this letter as my hearty endorsement of Cyndy Andrus as our newest Bozeman City Commissioner. I got to know Cyndy professionally as a fellow Leadership Montana student(Class of 2007) and am privileged to call her a close friend and colleague. Cyndy has a superior understanding of Bozeman people and our businesses given her experience with the area Chamber. She's smart, a quick learner, has budget and finance experience, can organize a community, listens well, is connected across the state, understands how government works, is dedicated and dependable, and brings no agenda other than her enthusiastic support of all-things-Bozeman. Cyndy is a professional—all the way—and appointing her to the City Commission is a decision that you and the citizenry of Bozeman will not regret. Thanks very much for your serious consideration of Cyndy Andrus for the Bozeman City Commission. Sincerely, L NfaryJaf a McGarity, Executive Director Big Sky Owners Association/Big Sky Community Corporation Bozeman Resident 624-6240(h)995-4166(w) Aimee Kissel From: Sean Becker Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 8:55 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Cyndy Andrus ------------------------------------------- From: Cindy Christin(SMTP:CCHRISTIN5(cDGMAIL.COMI Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 8:55:09 AM To: Jeff Krauss; Sean Becker; CTaylor587(cDaol.com; chris6a headwaterseconomics.org Subject: Cyndy Andrus Auto forwarded by a Rule I am writing in support of Cyndy Andrus' application to fill the vacant City Commissioner spot. I have known Cyndy for over 30 years. She is a committed and involved citizen who would bring both business and tourist perspectives to the position. She has worked for the Chamber of Commerce for many years and serves on several boards, and is eager to become active in local government. Her knowledge of local and state issues would be an important addition to the Commission. I encourage you to consider Cyndy as a fellow commissioner. With thanks, Cindy Christin i Aimee Kissel From: Rick and ML [rmlreese@xmission.com] Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:39 AM To: Agenda Subject: Cindy Andrus Dear City Commissioners, We would like to lend our voices for your selecting Cindy Andrus to fill the current vacancy on the Commission. There are, of course, many fine candidates who have come forward with impressive qualifications, but we think Cindy has the very best combination of assets. She bridges a very wide-range of interests in the community, and can speak knowledgably about business, quality of life, women's; issues and responsible future directions for our community. Sincerely, Rick and Mary Lee Reese Bozeman Aimee Kissel From: Chris Mehl [mehlchris@hotmail.comj Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 9:02 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Happy New Year, odds and ends, ice cream For comments on possible next commissioner.... Subject: RE: Happy New Year, odds and ends, ice cream Date: Mon, 11 ]an 2010 08:46:57 -0700 From: rpertzborn(c)intrinsikarchitecture.com To: mehlchris(cbhotmail.com Hi Chris— Happy New Year. I have updated our mailing list and added the Ice Cream date to my outlook calendar, A check of the schedule and it looks like I will be in town with Lukus, my son and veteran of the event. My wife and older son will be in Miles City for hockey, but we will stop by after Lukus' home game. I will let others in the office know as well. The swearing in event was surprisingly meaningful to witness. Commissions come and go, and citizens react to their actions without much thought, but to see each individual take the oath and commit to 4 years of serving the public was significant. It was kind of like a wedding, when we all focus for a few minutes what it is really all about. Unfortunately, I had a hockey board meeting at the same time, so I had to bolt right away (Lord knows they can't survive without my wisdom . . O ). I hope the new commission settles in nicely and doesn't let the Bryson replacement fuss spoil the honeymoon. On that subject, I would mention that I have known Cyndy Andrus for many years, first meeting her on the Sweet Pea Board of directors. She always impressed me as being smart and objective. She would make a fine commissioner some day. I realize there are many good candidates that have stepped forward, and the decision will be difficult, even without politics in the mix. I am confident you will review the issue comprehensively and do what you think is right. I will see you on the street, if not on the tube. Smile! Cheers, RJP Robert J Pertzborn, AIA intritlSik architecture, inc 111 north tracy avenue bozeman, montana 59715 t 406 582 8988 f 406 582 8911 www intrinsikarchitecture com T ;�mwd .���i!e�e7 ark i�tendEd sc'e'�G:r the use c'1"��,.�!�al I,a:hem d is a�dres�ed 'f tr:s en,�d has been received in errr please rcl+'y frie se�+er Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 1 Aimee Kissel From: Barb Cestero [msbarbaloot@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 9:53 PM To: mehlchris@hotmail.com; CTaylor587@aol.com; Sean Becker; Jeff Krauss Cc: Agenda Subject: Letter of support for Cyndy Andrus Dear Commissioners, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Cyndy Andrus to fill the vacant City Commission seat. I can think of no better candidate for this appointment. I have known Cyndy for several years as both a colleague and a friend. Recently, I had the honor of working with her on a project with National Geographic to create a Geotourism Map Guide for the Greater Yellowstone region. As the director of the Bozeman Chamber's Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Cyndy served on the stewardship council that helped create this map guide. Through this project, I got to witness her energy, creativity, vision and leadership skills first hand. She is effective at getting things done and at encouraging others to invest in new ideas that will make our community better. Cyndy is well known throughout this community and is a proven leader at the state and local level. She has served on numerous boards and committees within the government, non-profit and business sectors. As a result, Cyndy understands the opportunities created by building strong partnerships among each of these sectors of our community. Between her job at the chamber and her diverse community service, Cyndy has worked with a wide variety of people with diverse opinions and ideas. Through all of these experiences, she has gained strong skills as a problem solver and a good communicator. She listens well to a variety of perspectives and when she speaks, she presents her ideas in a thoughtful, constructive and articulate way. She does her homework so that she is well informed about an issue at hand. Cyndy is someone who will work with diverse interests to find collaborative solutions to the challenges our city faces. She'll bring fresh, new ideas, a sense of humor and a commitment to Bozeman. She will be an incredible asset to this new commission, and I strongly encourage you to appoint her to fill the vacant seat. Sincerely, Barb Cestero 611 N. Bozeman Ave 587-5387 i January 14, 2010 Bozeman City Commissioners Bozeman City Clerk To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to show my support for Cyndy Andrus for the vacant City Commission seat. In the four years that I have known Cyndy, she has always been actively engaged in a community activity, whether the Sweet Pea Festival, or the Community Cultural Council, or through her job at the Chamber of Commerce. Cyndy is one of those rare individuals that truly listens. She is soft-spoken, yet a strong independent thinker, someone who is truly interested in finding workable solutions to complex problems. Most of all, Cyndy can be counted on to get the job done. In these difficult times, we need a steady hand at the wheel. I think Cyndy Andrus would be a perfect candidate for City Commissioner. Sincerely, Deborah Love 1013 S. Black Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 406.582.5860 Aimee Kissel From: Chris Mehl [mehlchris@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:36 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Cyndy Andrus From: elinanddoug@hotmail.com To: mehlchris@hotmail.com; CTaylor587@aol.com; sbecker@bozeman.net; jkrauss@bozeman.net Subject: Cyndy Andrus Date: Wed, 13 ]an 2010 21:49:34 -0700 Dear Commissioners, First and foremost, my sincere thanks to each of you for your time and the good, hard work you do for our community! I want to share my support for my friend, Cyndy Andrus. I met Cyndy when she moved to Bozeman and we worked side-by-side at Off the Beaten Path, a local travel company. I always admired her strong work ethic, great ideas, boldness, honesty, sincerity, and commitment. Since those days many years ago Cyndy has grown in a variety of ways, due in no small part to her involvement with numerous boards, the community, and the State of Montana. She is an enthusiastic woman who isn't afraid of a good challenge, and who rises to the task at hand, regardless of its difficulty. Cyndy's position with the tourism arm of Bozeman's Chamber of Commerce often had her working with people and entities with varying perspectives, needs, and desires, always requiring her excellent listening and processing skills and her open mind. Cyndy worked with these oft opposing forces with grace. With Cyndy, the commission will be equipped with a hard working, fair, and honorable woman with a lot of passion for her community. Sincerely, Elin Hert Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. I Aimee Kissel From: Sean Becker Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 7:57 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Support of Cyndy Andrus for Commission ------------------------------------------- From: Kathleen Williams[SMTP:KATHLEEN-HOME6a BRESNAN.NET] Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 7:59:09 AM To: mehlchris(cDhotmail.com; CTaylor587(c�aol.com; Sean Becker; Jeff Krauss Subject: Support of Cyndy Andrus for Commission Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Commissioners— I write in support of your selection of Cyndy Andrus for the Bozeman City Commission. Her community service record is stellar, and she has the knowledge, enthusiasm, and positive outlook to be an effective partner in Commission deliberations and decisions. Her experience working with diverse interests and perspectives, history with Bozeman processes and institutions, productive business relationships, and excellent listening and problem- solving skills will serve the Commission well. Please select Cyndy as the successful candidate for the Commission. Kathleen Williams 28 Golden Trout Way Bozeman, MT 59715 1 Aimee Kissel From: Chris Mehl [mehlchris@hotmail.comj Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 11:15 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Support of Cyndy Andrus for Commission From: kathleen-home@bresnan.net To: mehlchris@hotmail.com; CTaylor587@aol.com; sbecker@bozeman.net; jkrauss@bozeman.net Subject: Support of Cyndy Andrus for Commission Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 07:59:09 -0700 Dear Commissioners - I write in support of your selection of Cyndy Andrus for the Bozeman City Commission. Her community service record is stellar, and she has the knowledge, enthusiasm, and positive outlook to be an effective partner in Commission deliberations and decisions. Her experience working with diverse interests and perspectives, history with Bozeman processes and institutions, productive business relationships, and excellent listening and problem-solving skills will serve the Commission well. Please select Cyndy as the successful candidate for the Commission. Kathleen Williams 28 Golden Trout Way Bozeman, MT 59715 Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. 1 Aimee Kissel From: don lint[thelints@bresnan.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:58 PM To: Agenda Subject: Open Commission Seat January 6, 2010 Dear City Commission: I am writing in support.of Chris Budeski for the commission seat that is beeing vacated by Eric Bryson. Mr. Budeski ran for a seat on the commission during the last election and came in a respectable third. He, in my opinion, most closely aligns with Eric Bryson. I feel the commission should have at least some political diversity. Thank you for your consideration. Christine Lint 406 Princeton Place Bozeman, MT 59715 1 Aimee Kissel From: Jeff Krauss Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 10:20 AM To: 'agenda@bozeman.net.' Subject: Fw: new commissioner You're welcome and thanks for your input ----- Original Message ..... From: shenningC'mcn.net <shennin a mcn.net> To: Jeff Krauss Sent: Thu Jan 07 10:11:54 2010 Subject: new commissioner Chris Budeski has my vote. Sue Henning RPAB PS Thanks for standing up for public recreation. ----------------------.............................................. mail2web.com—What can On Demand Business Solutions do for you? http://link.mail2web.com/Business/SharePoint rE K ® M M E P S LAW FIRM, PC James M. Kommers, Esq. 517 South 22nd Ave.,Suite 5 Bozeman.MT 59718-6842 Telephone: (406)587-7717 January g,2�1� facsimile (406)5V-9461 nT kounmer,lawfirm a u,a net Mr. Carson Taylor and City Commissioners Bozeman City Hall 121 No. Rouse Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Appointment of Chris Budeski to City Commission Greetings Mr. Taylor: I am writing in support of the appointment of Chris Budeski and the integrity of the voting process. The public's preference for Mr. Budeski, as expressed by the electoral vote, should be recognized by his appointment to the present vacancy on the Bozeman City Commission. Mr. Budeski and I share the parking lot of Bridger Professional Center on South 22nd Avenue. I am a litigation attorney,which requires me to work long and odd hours. If Mr. Budeski's work habits are concurrent with the time his car is in the parking lot, I can attest to his dedicated work ethic. I urge the Commission to recognize the preference of the electorate and appoint Mr. Budeski to the vacant position. Sincerely, J mes M. Kommers cc: Chris Budeski Aimee Kissel From: Patty Kent[pkent@wmmhc.org] Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 9:46 AM To: Agenda Subject: appointment to fill Eric Bryson's seat Dear Commission Members: This e-mail is to request your consideration of Chris Budeski for the soon-to-be-vacated commission seat of Eric Bryson. Of those who have expressed an interest in this position, only Chris has actually shown his commitment to the community through his recent run for a seat on the commission. The time and money required to run for office is significant and the 3,500+ votes he received well evidences his broad community support. I have worked closely with Chris over the last 18 months on the development of the Gallatin Mental Health Center campus. His intimate and quick knowledge of the local government regulations has been invaluable and this wealth of understanding would well serve both the community and the commission. I urge your support of Chris and thank you for your consideration. Patricia Kent Director of Housing and Development Western Montana Mental Health Center Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this transmission may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure under Federal Confidentiality Laws (42 CFR Part 2 and 45 CFR Parts 160-164). Any dissemination, distribution, or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited without the consent of the writer. If you are not the intended recipient, or you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately at the email address above or delete this email. 1 Aimee Kissel From: Sean Becker Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:37 AM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Appointment to Commission ------------------------------------------- From: Jennifer Smith Mitchell[SMTP�JENNIFER SMITH MITCHELL(a.HOTMAIL.COMI Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:37:07 AM To: Jeff Krauss; Sean Becker; Chris Mehl; Carson Taylor Subject: Appointment to Commission Auto forwarded by a Rule Commissioners, Please appoint Chris Budeski to fill the remainder of Eric Bryson's city commission term. Chris showed the willingness to serve by running in the last election. Chris has also "paid his dues" by serving on many volunteer boards over the years. We think that a fresh perspective by new faces on the commission will bring new ideas that this city needs to weather our current economic situation. Respectfully, Jennifer & Bill Mitchell 122 S. Church Ave. Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. I Aimee Kissel From: Sean Becker Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:59 PM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Additional Commissioner ------------------------------------------- From: Phil Rotherham[SMTP:PHIU�I-ROTHCONST.COMI Sent:Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:58:12 PM To: Carson Taylor; Jeff Krauss, Chris Mehl; Sean Becker Subject: Additional Commissioner Auto forwarded by a Rule Gentlemen: I do not live within the city limits but I do own several properties in Bozeman and frequently have projects within the City. I write to encourage you to select Chris Budeski for the vacant commission seat. I think it is important to select Chris for the following reasons: 1. He dedicated the time and effort to run for a seat (like Chris and Carson) unlike the others, I believe he will work hard and has the experience and skills to be a good commissioner. 2. Ex commissioners are just that, we've heard them before. 3. New faces in the crowd should have run during the election, stepping in later doesn't pass the straight face test. J. 1 have worked with Chris on several projects and have always found him to be honest, fair, and reasonable. Thank you Phil Rotherham 1 -----Original Message----- From: Candis Dorsch [mailto=candisC&men.net] Sent:Tue 1/12/2010 8:26 PM To: Chris Mehl Subject: Chris Budeski For City Commission Commissioner Mehl, I strongly believe Chris Budeski should be appointed to the vacancy in the city commission for the following reasons: 1. Chris is a small business person and his perspective is much needed. As we move forward in these challenging economic times, it's imperative that small business owners like Chris are elected to public office. 2. Chris is well respected in our community and has a track record of working with all stakeholders in our community through his service on city advisory boards. a. Chris has an engineering degree and experience critical to our growing community. 1. Chris is willing to listen to all sides - he is not a "politician"! 5. Chris was willing to put it all on the line in this last election - unlike many of the other applicants under consideration! With due respect, I encourage you to appoint Chris Budeski as the newest city commissioner. Professionally, Candis Dorsch Bozeman Broker Group GAR OF REALTORS 1/13/2010 Bozeman City Commission City Hall 121 North Rouse Bozeman, Mt. 59715 Mayor Krauss and City Commissioners, The new Bozeman City Commission will make the first of many decisions this year, as you decide which individual will serve out Eric Bryson's unexpired term of office. As you ponder this very important question, we ask that you keep in mind that during the 2008 election, Mr. Bryson was elected to the commission with strong bi-partisan community support. That constituency deserves continued representation. The Gallatin Association of REALTORS@ would like to reaffirm our enthusiastic support for Mr. Chris Budeski. Mr. Budeski's campaign enjoyed strong,widespread and bi-partisan support. Mr. Budeski has demonstrated a firm grasp of the issues as well as a clear vision for Bozeman's future. One remarkable aspect of the 2009 City Commission election was its lack of divisiveness or hard feelings. Each of the candidates, including Mr. Budeski, ran positive, issue-oriented campaigns. Our Association believes that the appointment of Mr. Budeski will promote an atmosphere of balance, fairness and diversity on the City Commission. As a small business person, Mr. Budeski knows how the heart of Bozeman's economic engine works. If Bozeman is to become a truly'business friendly' city, Mr. Budeski will help the City Commission chart that course. Mr. Budeski has a proven track record of volunteerism and community service. Our Association believes that Mr. Budeski has the intellect, the experience and commitment needed to serve our community well. It is our understanding that several other individuals have applied for this position. We appreciate their willingness to serve and we hope that when the time comes they too will file and run for office just as Mr. Budeski did in the 2009 campaign. Over the years the Bozeman City Commission has worked best when it represented a wide range opinion and perspective. When the Commission has acted as a deliberative body, the public has been well served. The appointment of Mr. Budeski will promote just the sort of diversity and forward thinking the commission will need as you tackle the issues of the next two years. We urge the City Commission to appoint Mr. Budeski to serve the City of Bozeman for the next two years. Myy n 2010 President Gallatin Association of REALTORS@) F� PERSONAL EXCELLENCE INC. D.B.A. THE MAIN STREET GYM 7 WEST MAIN SUITE 0-A BOZEMAN, MT 59715 1 believe that Eric Henyon is dually qualified for the open City Commission Position for a number of reasons. Eric has had experience with the Economic Development Plan, Community Update Plan, as well as the Downtown Improvement Project. From a small business owner's prospective it would be a reassurance to have someone with the mounds of experience that Eric has. In this time of economic downturn I would feel confident having someone that is up to date on current issues as well as having the experience. Thank You for your consideration, Michael Murgatroy, CEO Personal Excellence Inc. DBA: The Main Street Gym 7 West Main Suite 0-A Bozeman, MT 59715 406-556-2200 Aimee Kissel From: Sean Becker Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 12:45 PM To: Agenda Subject: FW: Letter of Support for Dawn Smith ------------------------------------------- From: Catherine Jett[SMTP:CJETT(a)MTNVILLAGE.ORGI Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 12:45:25 PM To: Jeff Krauss; Sean Becker; Carson Taylor; Chris Mehl Subject: Letter of Support for Dawn Smith Auto forwarded by a Rule Dear Bozeman Councilperson: I am writing in support of Dawn Smith to fill the current vacancy available on your board. While I do not live in Bozeman, let me explain my relationship to Ms. Smith. Dawn was the person who convinced me to volunteer for my local planning commission when we were both in Summit County, CO. She was on a separate board than mine, but had a huge influence on how I continue to serve the public to this day. She mentored me on how to build consensus, make unbiased, yet fair decisions, and how to manage my position to best serve our community. In doing that mentoring, she improved her negotiation skills, her people management skills, as well as her ability to branch out into the private sector and create her own successful planning consultation business. These skills along with her practical experience both as a volunteer to your community and through her own business ownership make her an unparalleled candidate. She only has benefits that can enhance your community - no hidden agendas, nor conflicts of interest. You must consider her as the most highly qualified candidate and base your decision on that alone. Please feel free to call me if you should have any questions or would like to discuss her skills specifically. I can be reached at 970.708.0830. Sincerely, Catherine Jett Mountain Village, CO Town Council 970.708.0830 i Aimee Kissel From: Chris Mehl Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 3:50 PM To: Agenda Subject: FW: recommendation for the vacant city Commissioner seat -----Original Message----- From: Mike McKenna [mailto:mikeinckenna_591 15(iiyahoo.com] Sent:Thu 1/14/2010 3:23 PAI To: Chris Mehl Subject: recommendation for the vacant city Commissioner seat Hi Chris, This letter is in support of Dawn Smith as a Bozeman City Commissioner. Having worked with Dawn for the past two years I can attest to her work ethic, commitment to all projects in which she is involved, her creative thinking and honesty. I believe that she will bring unbiased and well rounded critical thinking to the commission. She has an extensive background with working on various governmental boards both here and in Boulder, CO: this background will be invaluable to the commission. Thank you for your consideration of Dawn Smith as a recipient for your award. Sincerely. Mike McIienna Owner/Broker McKenna Realty 3805 Valley commons Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 i Stacy Ulmen From: Carolyn Hopper [cowgirl@bresnan.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:05 PM To: Stacy Ulmen Subject: Selection of Commissioner Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged To the City Commission: I am writing to endorse Marcia Youngman to fill the 2-year City Commissioner vacancy for the following reasons: i. She ran 3 times and won each time, once as mayor, and so has been thoroughly vetted by voters. 2. She could hit the ground running. If you take a look at her application and her record it is apparent that not only the breadth of her work, but depth as well more than qualify her for the position. 3-She knows the issues. Many subjects in which she was deeply involved are still being addressed. 4.She has institutional memory, since she began serving in 1994. It is very important that the current City Commission as well as the residents of Bozeman have the full history of citizen input and commission actions in order to make the best decisions about the future. 5-She has knocked on the doors in every neighborhood in Bozeman and is familiar with all of its parts - all the nooks and crannies. 6. She is passionate about Bozeman, its neighbor' 111ality of life, its parks, trails, and bike lanes, downtown long-range planning, housing, afforr' 0 ,;veness, how we manage our water resources, recycling, thoughtful economic dei _h economic times, etc. I would like to add that it is also importan v emission and that it not only be comprised o o men. Hal the citizens p f f f do consider that this does not mean that the men on the Commission cannot . Brent perspectives, it is important to have some balance in effect. Marcia Youngman is the best choice to fill the 2-year City Col,. Sion vacancy. She cares about Bozeman. She has worked hard in and out of office to help the people of Bozeman. 1 have seen her work to help the City personally and have served on committees with her. 1 sincerely hope that you choose her for this very important position. Thank you for giving this letter your full attention and consideration. Sincerely, Carolyn Hopper 312o Augusta Dr. Bozeman, MT 59715 1 Stacy Ulmen From: Valerie Harms [valerie@valerieharms.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:21 AM To: Stacy Ulmen Subject: new commissioner Stacy, To fill the new empty spot on the Commission, I highly recommend Marcia Youngman. She has never stopped being passionately involved in Bozeman's issues and is such a reasonable, well-informed person. Sincerely, Valerie Harms valerie@valerieharms.com 406-587-3356 wwkN,.N,alerieharms.com P.O. Box 1123 Bozeman, MT 59771 Writer, editor, publisher, coach i Aimee Kissel From: JP Pomnichowski [pomnicho@gmail.com] on behalf of JP Pomnichowski [pomnicho@montanadsl.net] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:16 AM To: Agenda; Jeff Krauss; Sean Becker; CTaylor587@aol.com; 'Chris Mehl' Subject: letter of support for Marcia Youngman Dear Mayor Krauss and Commissioners Becker, Mehl, and Taylor, I write to encourage you to appoint Marcia Youngman to the city commission seat vacated by Eric Bryson. You've already received many letters of interest by Bozemanites eager to serve the remainder of Commissioner Bryson's term, and each of those people bring unique skills, dedication, and experience with their nominations, but no one is a better candidate for the appointment than Marcia Youngman. When I first learned of Eric Bryson's departure, I began considering who might best serve the remainder of the term on our commission. Given that two of you, Commissioners Mehl and Taylor, have just been sworn in, the commission will take a little while to find its rhythm, as any commission does. I feel very strongly that a veteran of this very position—a city commissioner (and, in Marcia's experience, also mayor)—is the ideal fit. Marcia brings the hard-won respect of city staff, citizens, and business to the role, along with invaluable years of institutional knowledge about city decisions and actions. Marcia has been instrumental in policies that have both advanced and protected Bozeman. She served very well as commissioner and mayor, and I am grateful that she wishes to do so again. Marcia runs her own business and has extensive experience addressing business and economic development issues on the commission, including championing regulatory reform that businesses asked for. In this time of economic difficulty, her experience will serve us well in responsibly positioning Bozeman to recover from the current recession. I know that many of you have been encouraged to "follow the will of the voters". By appointing Marcia Youngman, you'll do just that. Bozeman voters elected Marcia to our Bozeman City Commission three times. Perhaps the most important thing about this appointment is to fill it with a person who'll carefully consider every issue that comes before the commission, and who'll help to be a rudder to the ship; where other applicants may wish to represent a particular sector, or to promote a particular agenda, Marcia gives her service sincerely to the city and its people, no matter the issue. You all know Marcia to be knowledgeable, capable, and devoted to Bozeman. Marcia's many years in service to our community on this very commission fills our new need perfectly. Please do appoint Marcia Youngman to our Bozeman City Commission. Respectfully, JP Pomnichowski Montana State Representative House District 63, Bozeman/Gallatin County 406 5877846 pomnicho@montanadsl.net 1