HomeMy WebLinkAbout09- Hyalite/Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project, Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement to Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer PIN Rick Hixson, City Engineer Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement for Hyalite /Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project MEETING DATE: December 7, 2009 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for the Hyalite /Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the partially executed Amendment Number 1 with HDR Engineering, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project. The original agreement covered the pilot testing of various membrane systems and the predesign effort. It also included completion of the membrane procurement package. All of this work is nearing completion, and this amendment is necessary to complete the rest of the design work. Construction is planned to begin in early 2011. The document is in the City's standard format. FISCAL EFFECTS: The proposed fee of $2,172,700.00 for design and $158,000.00 (membrane purchase adminstration) for construction appears to be commensurate with the project complexity and anticipated total project cost. This will be paid for from the water fund, and the water impact fee fund. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Amendment No. 1 Report compiled on: 11 /30/09 AMENDMENT NO. I TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR HYALITE /SOURDOUGH WATER TREATMENT PLANT REPLACEMENT PROJECT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of 2009 between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59771 -1230 (OWNER) and HDR Engineering Inc, 8404 Indian Hills Drive, Omaha, NE 68114 -4098, (ENGINEER). WHEREAS the parties previously entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated November 17, 2008 herein referred to as the Original Agreement, for professional engineering services for the Hyalite /Sourdough Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project; and WHEREAS, the scope of the Original Agreement included conceptual design, membrane pilot testing, membrane equipment pre purchase assistance and preliminary design engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend provisions of the Original Agreement to add final design services, construction administration services, and miscellaneous services for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT D (AMENDMENT NO. 1) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA HYALITE /SOURDOUGH WATER TREATMENT PLANT REPLACEMENT PROJECT ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE, are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. Exhibit E Add the attached Exhibit E Proposed Project Drawing List Amendment I, as Exhibit E. Exhibit F Add the attached Exhibit F Proposed Project Specification List Amendment 1, as Exhibit F. 1 ARTICLE 4 Basic Engineering Services The Title of Section 4.3 of the Original Agreement is replaced with the following: "4.3 FINAL DESIGN PHASE" The Title of Section 4.5 of the Original Agreement is replaced with the following: "4.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE" Article 5 Additional Services Article 5.1 of the Original Agreement. Add the following: "5.1.8. Prepare discharge permit application and provide application support to modify the discharge permit for the new facility. Provide assistance to the City for gaining DEQ approval for the current Water Facility Plan prepared by Allied Engineering and Robert Peccia and Associates." Article 6 Compensation For Enaineerine Service Article 6.2 of the Original Agreement. In Paragraph 6.2.1 Payment, Delete "and 4.3" Article 6.2 of the Original Agreement. Add the following to 6.2.1 Payment. "The OWNER shall for final design services performed as Basic Engineering Services under Section 4.3 (Task 600 of Exhibit C) of this agreement pay a total in the amount of $2,136,300.00 for such services." Article 6.2 of the Original Agreement. In Paragraph 6.2.2 Payment Schedule, Delete "and 43" Article 6.2 of the Original Agreement. Add the following to 6.2.2 Payment Schedule. "Total cumulative payments for the final design engineering services (section 4.3 Tasks 600 of Exhibit C) shall not exceed the following ceilings: $1,068,150.00 (50 of final design fee) until the Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. $1,922,670.00 (90 %n of final design fee) until the Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities." Article 6.2 of the Original Agreement. In Paragraph 6.2.4 Reimbursable Expenses, Add "and 600" after "500 Article 6.3 of the Original Agreement. Change "NOT PART OF INITIAL SCOPE OF SERVICES" TO "TASKS 700, 900, 1000, AND 1100 NOT PART OF INITIAL CONTRACT OR AMENDMENT ONE Article 6.3 of the Original Agreement, In Paragraph 6.3.4 Add: " For Task 809 Coordinate Design with Selected Membrane Supplier, Task 810 Review Membrane Equipment Shop Drawings, and Task 811 Membrane Contract Administration, The OWNER shall pay an amount not to exceed $94,600.00 except as provided under and 2 t. For Task 1201, The OWNER shall pay for Discharge Permit and Water Facility Plan Assistance Services an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 except as provided under and 6.3.43 For Task 1202, The OWNER shall pay for Miscellaneous Services designated by the OWNER an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 except as provided under and 6.3.4,4 Costs Compensation. Compensation for these services shall be based on the ENGINEER' Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 3.15 for services rendered which shall cover Direct Labor, Direct Labor Overhead, General Administrative Overhead and Profit. Notification. At any time during the task that it becomes apparent that the services rendered under this Agreement will exceed the negotiated compensation for these services, and prior to performing services in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereof. Promptly thereafter OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope and progress of the project work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorization from OWNER, prior to any additional costs being incurred under paragraphs and 2. If it is determined that due to a change in project scope under paragraph 5.2.1, the ENGINEER is entitled to additional compensation, OWNER and ENGINEER may negotiate terms as provided under The amount and terms of any additional compensation under 6,2.1.1 or shall be negotiated and agreed in writing pursuant to 9.16, Costs Exceeding Estimated Compensation. Except as allowed under 5.2.1, when the total cost of the original scope and amendment one services exceeds the negotiated compensation for these services, the OWNER shall pay only for the direct costs incurred in excess of the estimated compensation. These costs consist of an amount equal to the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 2.80 for services rendered which shall include Direct Labor, the federally audited payroll Direct Labor Overhead, and General Administrative Overhead costs, but shall not include any allowance for profit." Exhibit C CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA HYALITE /SOURDOUGH WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES In the two places it occurs, for Task 600 WTP Process Final Design, Delete *Future Tusk Task 600 WTP Process Final Design. Subtask 601- Schematic Design Summary (20% Design), Delete last sentence of second paragraph and replace with the following: Fhe new plant would also include a preliminary treatment facility, membrane chemical cleaning equipment, a new clearwell, a backwash waste system, hypochiorination and fluoridation systems, a new lab /office /control room, gravity, and vacuum assisted drying beds for solids dewatering." Subtask 601- Schematic Design Summary (20% Design), Delete the following: Installation of a backwash recycle membrane skid to reduce backwash quantities and increase filtration efficiencies." 3 Subtask 601 Schematic Design Summary (20% Design), Delete the fifth bullet item and replace with the following: Provide residuals handling at the WTP in lieu of sanitary sewer to City's wastewater collection system." Subtask 608- Coordinate Design with Selected Membrane Supplier, Delete and Replace with the following: "Subtask 608— Final Design Project Management, Progress Meetings and Coordination Meetings HDR/MMI will provide continued project management during Final Design as described in Task 100. HDR/MMI will conduct review design meetings with the City at 20 and 95% to review project progress and obtain input on the design to date and on future design and operation issues. HDR/MMI wilt continue internal coordination meetings for Final Design as described in Subtask 102." Subtask 609- Review Membrane Equipment Shop Drawings, Delete this Subtask in entirety. Subtask 610- Membrane Contract Administration, Delete this Subtask in entirety. Task 800 Construction Administration In the two places it occurs, for Task 800 Construction Administration, Delete *Future Task Subtasks 801 to 808, add *Future Task to each subtask heading. Add the following subtasks: "Subtask 809 Coordinate Design with Selected Membrane Supplier HDR/MMI will coordinate the City WTP design with the installation and equipment requirements of the selected membrane system. The membrane SCADA system will be integrated with the City's SCADA/telemetry system and a new overall plant SCADA system, as appropriate. HDR/MMI will meet with the City and representatives of the membrane supplier to coordinate the design and obtain necessary information to complete the design of the plant improvements. Subtask 810 Review Membrane Equipment Shop Drawings HDR/MMI will conduct review(s) of the membrane equipment and will coordinate with the City's General Contractor for the WTP replacement project. Approved shop drawings will be transmitted to the City's General Contractor for their use. Equipment delivery schedules will be coordinated with the membrane equipment procurement and general construction contracts. Subtask 811 Membrane Contract Administration HDR/MMI will administer and provide oversight of the membrane equipment supply contract during final design. This will include coordination and monitoring of equipment manufacturing and delivery schedules, completing reviews, issuing notices as required by the contract, issuing change orders as required, and reviewing and recommending requests for payment. Equipment delivery schedules and membrane construction services during installation will be addressed during future Subtask 801." Task 1200 Additional Services Only Upon Authorization of City, Add the following: HDRIMMI Subtasks: Subtask 1201 Discharge Permit and Water Facility Plan Approval Assistance HDR/MMI will prepare discharge permit application and provide application support to modify the discharge permit for the new facility. HDR/MMI will assist the City in gaining DEQ approval for the current Water Facility Plan prepared by Allied Engineering and Robert Peccia and Associates. Subtask 1202 Miscellaneous Engineering Services 4 HDR/MMI will provide engineering services as directed by the OWNER per Article 5 or as otherwise requested. Owner Provided Services: Owner will provide excavation services for septic system test pits. Exploratory excavation, if required, to be provided by owner. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. In witness whereof, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY O F BOZEMAN, MONTANA HDR ENGINEERING, INC. BY: BY: (City Manager) (Amanda McInnis, Department Manager) DATE: 1 Z I DATE: ATTEST!p B 0�. BY City 5 Exhibit D City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Engineering Fee Estimate Amendment 1 Task Cost Summary E xpenses By Task Task Descri tion Direct Labor Task Task Total 100 Project Management and Administration Original Contract 200 Conceptual Design Original Contract 300 Membrane Pilot Program Original Contract 400 Membrane Eq. Procurement Assistance Original Contract 500 WTP Process Preliminary Design Original Contract 600 WTP Process Final Design 1,984,300.00 152,000.00 2,136,300.00 700 Bid Services "Future Task" 800 Construction Administration (subtasks 809, 810, 811) 88,400.00 6,200.00 94,600.00 900 Project Startup Assistance and Commissioning 'Future Task" 1000 Application Software Programming Services "Future Task' 1100 Project Close- Out/Certification 'Future Task" 1200 Addit. Services Only Upon Authorization of City 100,000.00 100,000.00 Total Labor and Expenses Cost by Task 2,172,700.00 158,200.00 2,330,900.00 Expense Summa Ex enses Miscellaneous 41,500.00 Travel Expenses 20,700.00 Mapping /Photos /Surveys Printing and Photocopying 20,700.00 Technology 75,300.00 Total Expenses 158,200.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED ENGINEERING SERVICES FEE 2,330,900.00 Page 1 of 1 11/9/2009 Exhibit E City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Drawing List Amendment 1 Dwq No, Drawing Name HDR MMI Genera OOOOGOI Cover Sheet and Building Code Summaa x 0000G02 Index x 0000GO3 Project Location and Vicinity Map x 0000G04 Standard Symbols x 0000GO5 General Abbreviations and Notes x 0000G06 Equipment and Piping Abbreviations x 0000G07 Mechanical Legend, Abbreviations and Notes x 0000GO8 Electrical Legends and Abbreviations x 0000GO9 Instrumentation Legend and Abbreviations x OOOOG10 Process Flow Diagram I x OOOOG1I Process Flow Diagram II x 0000012 Process Flow Diagram III x 0000G13 Design Criteria Summary x 000OG14 Hydraulic Profile x OOOOGI5 Valve Schedule x 0000SO1 Structural Standard Notes x 0000S02 Structural Standard Details x 0000503 Structural Standard Details x OOOOAO1 Doors and Windows Schedule, Details x 000OA02 Architectural Standard Details x 0000M01 Mechanical Schedule and Details x 0000MO2 Mechanical Details x 0000E01 Site Plan x 0000E02 Overall One -Line x 0000E03 Electrical Standard Details x 0000E04 Electrical Standard Details x 0000Y01 Instrumentation Standard Details x 0000Y02 Instrumentation Standard Details x �a0 Civll 0000001 Master Site Plan and Site Plan Key x 00000O2 Site Demolition Plan x 0000003 Site Demolition Details x 0000004 Site Grading and Paving Plan A x 0000005 Site Grading and Paving Plan B x 0000006 jSite Grading and Paving Plan C x 0000007 I Site Gradin and Paving Plan D x 0000008 ISite Piping Profiles x 0000009 ISite Pipin2 Profiles x 0000010 ISludge Drying Beds x 000OC11 iSludge Drying Beds x 000OC12 jSlud qe Drying Bed Details x 000OC13 ISludge Drying Bed Details x 0000014 ISludge D!Xing Bed Details x 000OC15 JSludge Drying Bed Details x 000OC16 Overflow /Neutralization Lagoon Plan x 0000017 Overflow /Neutralization Lagoon Sections x 000OC18 Overflow /Neutralization La oon Details x 000OC19 ISite Details x 0000020 Site Details x 000OC21 Site Details x 0000022 Site Valve Vault Details x 0000023 Site Valve Vault Structural x Page I of 5 11/9/2009 Exhibit E City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Drawing List Amendment 1 Dwg No. D rawlnq Name MDR MMI 000OC24 Landscaping Plan A x 000OC25 Landscaping Plan B x 000OC26 [Landscaping Details x 000OC27 Landscaping Details x 000OC28 Landscaping Details x 0000029 Septic System Plan x 0000C30 Septic System Details x 0000031 Storm Drains a Plan and Profile x 000OC32 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile x 100'- EXISTING WATER PLANT PROCESS BUILDING 010OX01 Demolition Plan x 010OX02 Demolition Details x 010OX03 Demolition Details x 200. PRETRBATMENT BUILDING Future 300 OPERATIONS BUILDING 0300DO1 Orientation Plan x 03001302 Pretreatment and Solids Handling x 0300D03 Pretreatment and Solids Handling x 0300DO4 Grit Tank Sections and Details x 0300D06 Rapid Mix Tank Sections and Details x 0300DO6 Floculation Tank Sections and Details x 0300DO7 Floculation Tank Sections and Details x 0300DO8 Settling Tank Sections and Details x 03001309 Settling Tank Sections and Details x 0300010 Dissolved Air Flotation Sections and Details x 0300D11 Thickener Sections and Details x 030OD12 I Membrane Feed Pum s x 030013`13 ITreatment Process Plan x 030OD14 ITreatment Process Chemical Plan x 030OD15 Treatment Process Partial Plans x 0300016 Chemical Partial Plans x 0300017 Chemical Partial Plans x 030OD18 Chemical Partial Plans x 030OD19 Sections x 030OD20 Sections x 030OD21 Sections x 030OD22 ISections x 030OD23 Sections x 030OD24 Sections x 030OD25 Sections x 030OD26 Details x 030OD27 Details x 030OD28 Details x 030OD29 IDetails x 030OD30 IDetails x 0300SO1 Foundation Plan I x 0300802 Foundation Plan II x 0300503 Foundation Plan II x 0300SO4 Foundation Plan IV x 0300SO5 Foundation Plan V x 0300506 Foundation Plan VI x 0300SO7 Foundation Plan VII x 0300SO8 Foundation Plan VIII x 0300509 Framing Plan I x Page 2 of 6 11/9/2009 Exhibit E City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Drawing List Amendment 1 Dwg No. Drawing Narne HDR MMI 0300S10 Framing Plan II x 0300S11 Framing Plan III x 030OS12 Framing Plan IV x 0300S13 Framing Plan V x 030OS14 Framing Plan VI x 0300515 Framing Plan VII x 030OS16 Framing Plan VIII x 030OS17 l Foundation Sections and Details I x 030OS18 Foundation Sections and Details II x 0300519 Foundation Sections and Details 11 x 030OS20 Foundation Sections and Details IV x 030OS21 Foundation Sections and Details V x 030OS22 Foundation Sections and Details VI x 030OS23 Foundation Sections and Details VII x 030OS24 Foundation Sections and Details VIII x 030OS21 Framing Sections I x 030OS22 Framing Sections II x 0300523 Framing Sections III x 030OS24 Framing Sections IV x 030OS25 Framing Sections V x 0300526 Framing Sections VI x 030OS27 Details I x 0300528 Details II x 030OS29 Details III x 030OS30 Details IV x 030OA01 Overall Floor Plan x 030OA02 Floor Plan 1 x 030OA03 Floor Plan II x 030OA04 Floor Plan II x 030OA05 Floor Plan IV x 030OA06 Floor Plan V x 030OA07 Floor Plan VI x 030OA08 Floor Plan VII x 030OA09 Floor Plan VIII x 030OA10 lRo of Plan I x 030OA11 Roof Plan 11 x 030OAl2 Roof Plan Details x 030OA13 BuildinR Elevations I x 030OA14 Building Elevations 11 x 030OA15 Buildinq Elevations III x 030OA16 Wall Sections I x 030OA17 lWall Sections II x 030OA18 lWall Sections III x 030OA19 Interior Elevations I x 030OA20 Interior Elevations 11 x 030OA21 Interior Elevations III x 030OA22 Interior Elevations IV x 030OA23 Interior Elevations V x 030OA24 Interior Elevations VI x 030OA25 Room Finish Schedule and Details x 030OA26 Reflected Ceilin Plan I x 030OA27 Reflected Ceiling Plan II x 030OA28 Details I x 030OA29 Details 11 x 030OA30 Details III x 030OA31 Details IV x 030OA32 Details V x 030OA33 Details VI x Page 3 of 5 11/9/2009 Exhibit E City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Drawing List Amendment 1 Dwg No. Drawing Name HDR MMI 030OA34 Details VII x 030OA35 Details VIII x 0300M01 I HVAC Plan I x 0300MO2 IHVAC Plan II x 0300M03 JHVAG Plan III x 0300M04 IIHIVAC Plan IV x 0300M05 I HVAC Plan V X 0300M06 JHVAC Plan VI x 0300M07 IHVAC Plan VII x 0300M08 JHVAC Plan VIII x 0300M09 I HVAC Roof Plan I x 0300M10 HVAC Roof Plan II x 0300M11 HVAC Sections X 030OM12 HVAC Sections x 0300M13 Plumbing Plan I x 0300M14 Plumbing Plan It x 030OM15 Plumbing Plan 111 x 0300M16 IPlumbing Plan IV X 0300M17 IPlumbing Plan V x 0300M18 IPlumbing Plan VI X 030OM19 Plumbing Plan VII x 030OM20 Plumbing Plan VIII X 030OM21 Plumbing Isometrics I x 030OM22 Plumbing Isometrics II x 0300E01 Power Plan I x 0300E02 IPower Plan II x 0300E03 JPower Plan III X 0300E04 I Power Plan IV x 0300E05 JPower Plan V x 0300E06 Power Plan VI X 0300E07 Power Plan VII X 0300E08 Power Plan VIII x 0300E09 Lighting Plan I x 0300E10 Lighting Plan 11 x 0300E14 One Line Diagram I x 0300E15 10ne Line Diagram 11 x 0300EI6 IMCC Elevations x 0300Ei7 ISchedules X 0300E18 ISchernatics I x 0300E19 ISchernatics II X 0300E11 I Block Diagram I x 0300E12 IBlock Diagram II x 0300E13 Block Diagram III x 0300Y01 Control System and Block Diagram x 0300Y02 P& I D I x 0300Y03 P ID II x 0300Y04 P ID III x 0300Y05 JP ID IV X 0300Y06 IP&IDV x 0300Y07 IP ID VI X 0300Y08 IP ID VII x 0300Y09 P ID VIII X 030OY10 P MID IX x 0300Y11 P ID X x 0300Y12 P ID XI x 0300Y13 P ID XII X Page 4 of 5 11/9/2009 Exhibit E City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project E=stimated Drawing list Amendment 1 Dwg No. Drawing Narne HDR MMI 0300Y14 P ID XIII x 030OY15 P ID XIV x 030OY16 P ID XV x 030OY17 P ID XVI x 0300Y18 P ID XVII x 0300Y19 P ID XXIII x 030OY20 P ID XIX x 030OY21 P ID XX x 030OY22 P &ID XXI x 030OY23 P ID XXII x 030OY24 P ID XXIII x 030OY25 P ID XXIV x 030OY26 P ID XXV x 030OY27 Control Panels I x 030OY28 Control Panels II x 030OY29 Control Panels III x 030OY30 Control Panels IV x 030OY31 Control Panels V x 030OY32 Control Panels VI x 030OY33 Schematics x 030OY34 Schematics x 030OY35 Schematics x 030OY36 Schematics x 400 CLEARWELL 04001301 Plan and Sections x 04001302 ISections and Details x 0400S01 I Foundation Plan x 0400SO2 Roof Plan x 0400SO3 Inlet/Outlet Box Plan Section Details x 0400SO4 Sections and Details x 0400SO5 Sections and Details x 500 SOURDOUGH INTAKE 050OX01 Plan and Sections x 0500D01 I Intake Overall Plan x 0500D02 JIntake Site Plan x 0500003 Wipe and Hydraulic Plan and Profile x 05001304 lintake Detail Sheet x 0500005 lIntake Detail Sheet x 0500DOB JIntake Detail Sheet x 0500007 JIntake Detail Sheet x 0500DO8 Intake Detail Sheet x 0500009 Intake Detail Sheet x 0500D10 JIntake Detail Sheet x 050OD11 Intake Detail Sheet x 050OA01 Floor Plan x 050OA02 Building Elevations x 050OA03 Details x 0500SO1 Structural x 050OS02 Structural Details x 0500M01 JHVAC limited to vents x Page 5 of 5 11/9/2009 Exhibit F City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Specification List Amendment 1 DIVISION 0 BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, CONTRACT FORMS, AND CONDITIONS OF THE 20 INVITATION TO BID 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 130 NOTICE OF AWARD 140 NOTICE TO PROCEED 200 SOIL INVESTIGATION DATA 301 BID FORM 410 BID BOND 411 CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 460 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 480 INFORMATION REQUIRED OF BIDDERS 500 CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 610 PERFORMANCE BOND 620 PAYMENT BOND 700 GENERAL CONDITIONS 801 EXHIBIT B PROJECT SIGN DETAILS 810 SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS TO THE GENERAL. CONDITIONS 811 FUNDING AGENCY SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES 821 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE 825 FEDERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATE DETERMINATION (DAVIS BACON RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS IN MONTANA 900 FUNDING AGENCY SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR MONTANA PUBLIC WORKS I FACIL[TIES MISCELLANEOUS FORMS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST CHANGE ORDER FIELD ORDER WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE ORDER TO CONTRACTOR TO SUSPEND WORK ORDER TO CONTRACTOR TO RESUME WORK APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION CONTRACTORS CERTIFICATE AND RELEASE DEACTIVATION REQUEST DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1060 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1062 MAJOR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS 1150 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1340 SUBMITTALS 1370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 1400 QUALITY CONTROL. 1560 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SPECIAL CONTROLS 1600 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1640 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS 1650 FACILITY START -UP 1700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1710 CLEANING 1733 DISINFECTION OF FACILITIES 1750 TESTING CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR WATERTIGHTNESS 1800 OPENINGS AND PENETRATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 2 SITE WORK 2072 DEMOLITION, CUTTING AND PATCHING 2110 SITE CLEARING 2200 EARTHWORK 2221 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING FOR UTILITIES 2222 HYPOL.AN LINER 2234 SUB BASE COURSE Page 1 of 4 111/9/2009 Exhibit F City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Specification List Amendment 1 2235 BASF COURSE 2260 TOPSOILING AND FINISHED GRADING 2270 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 2423 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 2441 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 2444 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATES 2510 ASPHALT CONCRETE. PAVEMENT 2515 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE STRUCTURES 2528 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2529 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND STEPS 2660 WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 2930 SEEDING, SODDING AND LANDSCAPING DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 3108 FORMWORK 3208 REINFORCEMENT 3308 CONCRETE, MATERIALS AND PROPORTIONING 3311 CONCRETE MIXING PLACING, JOINTING, AND CURING 3348 CONCRETE FINISHING AND REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS 3350 TESTING 3400 CLEARWELL RESERVOIRS: PRESTRESSED WIRE WOUND 3431 PRECAST AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 3500 CLEARWELL RESERVOIRS: PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (INTERNAL TENSION DIVISION 4 MASONRY 4050 COLD AND HOT WEATHER MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 4110 CEMENT AND LIME MORTARS 4155 MASONRY ACCESSORIES 4210 BRICK MASONRY 4220 CONCRETE MASONRY 4 MASONRY CLEANING DIVISIONS METALS 5120 STRUCTURAL STEEL 5131 STRUCTURAI, ALUMINUM 5211 STEEL JOISTS 5313 METAL DECK 5410 LOAD BEARING METAL FRAME SYSTEM 5505 METAL FABRICATIONS 5522 JALUMINUM RAILINGS DIVISION 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS 6100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 6200 FINISH CARPENTRY 6410 ARCHITECTURAL CABINETWORK MILLWORK 6610 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC FABRICATIONS DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 7120 FLUID APPLIED WATERPROOFING 7162 DAMP PROOFING 7176 LIQUID WATER REPELLENT 7190 UNDER SLAB VAPOR RETARDER 7210 BUILDING INSULATION 7412 METAL ROOFING 7534 ADHERED F.LASTOMERIC EPDM SHEET ROOFING 7550 ELASTOMERIC ROOF DECK COATING 7600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL, 7720 ROOF HATCHES 7813 SKYLIGHT 7840 IFIRESTOPPING 7900 1JOINT SEALANTS DIVISION 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS 8110 IMETAL DOORS AND FRAMES AND BORROWED LIGHT FRAMES 8305 JACCESS DOORS 8332 ISTEEL ROLLING OVERHEAD DOORS Page 2 of 4 11/9/2009 Exhibit F City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Specification List Amendment 1 8410 ISTOREFRONT 8700 IFINISH HARDWARE 8800 IGLASS AND GLAZING DIVISION 9 FINISHES 9110 NON LOAD BEARING WALT. FRAMING SYSTEMS 9130 ACOUSTIC SUSPENSION SYSTEM 9250 GYPSUM BOARD 9310 CERAMIC TILE 9512 ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS 9660 VINYL COMPOSITION TILE FLOORING AND RESILIENT BASE 9690 ICARPFTTILE 9905 1 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES 10100 LIQUID CHALKBOARD AND TACKBOARDS 10162 METAL TOILET PARTITIONS 10200 LOUVERS AND VENTS 10270 ACCESS FLOORING 10400 IDENTIFICATION DEVICES 10444 SIGNAGE 10500 LOCKER AND LOCKER BENCHES 10520 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 10650 FOLDING PANEL PARTITIONS 10800 TOILET AND BAT14 ACCESSORIES 10950 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES DIVISION I1- EQUIPMENT 11005 EQUIPMENT: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 11060 PUMPING EQUIPMENT BASIC REQUIREMENTS 11072 PUMPING EQUIPMENT: VERTICAL TURBINE LINF.SHAFT 11090 GRIT REMOVAL EQUIPMENT 11126 INCLINED PLATE SETTLING E UIPMENT 11127 FLOCCULATION EQUIPMENT 1 1303 GRINDER PUMP STATION 11313 PUMPING EQUIPMENT. CHEMICAL METERING PUMPS AND ACCESSORIES 11362 POLYMER BLENDING AND FEED SYSTEMS 11377 UV LIGHT DISINFECTION EQUIPMENT OPTION 11389 DISSOLVED AIR FLOATATION EQUIPMENT 11601 LABORATORY GLASSWARE, APPARATUS AND REFERENCES 11610 LABORATORY FUME. HOODS 11651 SHOP AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT 11980 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS 12346 LABORATORY CASEWORK WOOD 12500 WINDOW TREATMENT 12601 OFFICE FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS OF) 12690 FLOOR MATS 12915 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES DIVISION 13 SPF,CIAL CONSTRUCTION 13110 GALVANIC CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM 13180 POLYPROPYLENE BAFFLES 13212 REINFORCED MEMBRANE BAFFLES 13400 INSTALLATION OF OWNER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT 13416 POLYETHELENE CHEMICAL STORAGE TANKS 13440 INSTRUMENTATION FOR PROCESS CONTROL: BASIC RE U[REMENTS 13441 CONTROL LOOP DESCRIPTIONS 13442 PRIMARY ELEMENTS AND TRANSMITTERS 13446 CONTROL AUXILIARIES 13448 CONTROL PANELS AND ENCLOSURES 13500 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER PLC CONTROL SYSTEM 13850 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM DIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS Page 3 of 4 11/9/2009 Exhibit F City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Estimated Specification List Amendment 1 14301 HOISTS, TROLLEYS, AND MONORAILS DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL 15060 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 15062 PIPE DUCTILE 15063 PIPE COPPER 15064 PIPE PLASTIC 15066 PIPE DOUBLE WALL CHEMICAL PIPE 15076 PIPE. HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE 15090 PIPE DUCT AND CONDUIT SUPPORT SYSTEMS 15100 VALVES BASIC REQUIREMENTS 15101 GATE VALVES 15103 BUTTERFLY VALVES 15104 BALL VALVES 15106 CHECK VALVES 15114 MISCELLANEOUS VALVES 15183 PIPE, DUCT AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION 15240 MECHANICAL SOUND AND VIBRATION CONTROL 15300 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND E U[PMENT 15515 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES 15555 BOILERS 15605 HVAC EQUIPMENT 15833 RADIANT HEATERS 15890 HVAC DUCTWORK 15970 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL FOR HVAC SYSTEMS 15990 HVAC SYSTEMS BALANCING AND TESTING DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL, 16010 ELECTRICAL: BASIC RE UIREMENTS 16060 GROUNDING 16080 ACCEPTANCE TESTING 16120 WIRE, AND CABLE 600 VOLT AND BELOW 16125 HEAT TRACING CABLE 16130 RACEWAYS AND BOXES 16132 CABLE TRAY 16135 ELECTRICAL: EXTERIOR UNDERGROUND 16140 WIRING DEVICES 16230 ENGINE GENERATORS: DIESEL 16265 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES LOW VOLTAGE., 16410 SAFETY SWITCHES 16411 TRANSFER SWITCHES 16432 ARC FLASH REPORT 16440 SWITCHBOARDS 16441 PANELBOARDS 16442 MOTOR CONTROL EQUIPMENT 16460 DRY -TYPE. TRANSFORMERS 16490 OVERCURRENT AND SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES 16491 LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES SPD 16492 ELECTRICAL METERING DEVICES 1. 6493 CONTROL ES2UIPMENT ACCESSORIES 16500 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16510 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 16682 ACTIVE HARMONIC CONDITIONERS 16711 PASSIVE TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM Page 4 of 4 11/9/2009 n t a e r weR r f §1 O 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 p O 0 g p O o 0 4 O O n g 4 O o o Q O tl o q O O G n 4 O O O 0° 0 4 O n 0 0 4 p o O 4 0 0 0 o Q 0 O o Q 0 tl o Q p 0 C O O 00 n o p O CS (71U C7OM CO cq n a0 4 q h Natl�NNafJgO�A Q1 ()f O 4O q4 S Le) N d r N u7 H O N CO Cl) n f9 a0 n p l+l O (CNnM W NO mm w( 2(y <r CCO(P�p 4(O 49n 4CV a74N O)[V Oyl G C) QI 41 d N M w N N O^ O O N N (•f N �D W elf V! VY W iR Vf Vi V) W 69 Vi Vi (A V! V3 d? Vr K �R �w M vl vi K vi vi M iFf (R w fn Yf W H i+f w b@ Vf w w w N Q O o o Q O tl o o p n tl 4 p O o n o g p O o 4 p O tl n 4 p n o 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 q 0 C? �0p op q p O O o 4 O o N (U <D f+ N N 0 LO N In P L d 1! 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