HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-28 ccm \ r MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA June 28, 1993 ***************************** ,& The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, , unicipal Building, June 28, 1993, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Commissioner Stiff was absent in compliance with Section 7-3-4322(2), M.C.A. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for discussion. Commissioner Knapp requested that reconsideration of last week's Commission decision on the deviation requested for the proposed guest house at 220 South Bozeman Avenue be placed on next week's agenda, since a fuller Commission will be present. . . City Attorney Luwe indicated that under the Commission's rules of procedure, this is an appropnate request. Responding to Commissioner Vincent, the City Manager indicated that those who were present and spoke at last week's meeting will be notified that this item will appear on next week's agenda. Minutes - June 21. 1993 It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Vincent, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, 1993, be approved as amended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. . Presentation on ProDosal For a Community Park as Drepared bv the Parks Task Force - Terrv Baldus City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commissioners that they received a copy of the Proposal For a Community Park under "FYI Items" at the meeting of June 14. He then stated that 06-28-93 -.---- .- ._~ ---.....--.-.. r - 2 - Ms. Terry Baldus, member of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, has requested an opportunity to address the Commission regarding this document. Mayor Swanson thanked Ms. Baldus for the work that she has done, through the Gallatin Valley Softball Association, on the landscaping at the Recreation Complex parking lot. Ms. Terry Baldus, 6931 South 19th Avenue, thanked the Mayor for that comment, noting ahat the Parks Department has assisted in the effort; and a grant from the County will enable the Association to install lots on Field 4, when the weather cooperates. Ms. Baldus then stated that approximately one and one-half years ago, the Recreation Department created a Sports Complex Board, which quickly recognized that more fields for softball, baseball and soccer are needed. She noted that a park task force was then created, comprised of a representatives from youth fall soccer, spring soccer, baseball, girls' slow pitch, girls' fast pitch, the Gallatin Valley Softball Association and Bozeman Baseball, and was charged with the responsibility of finding additional parkland or an area which could accommodate the development of additional ballfields. She stated that, because of the amount of space needed, most of the parkland areas that they reviewed where not large enough. . Mr. Larry Aasheim, 1031 East Olive Street, stated he has been involved in recreational programs in the Bozeman area for many years, dating back to initial development of the Recreation Complex. He stated that the need for additional ballfields has become increasingly obvious, particularly a few months ago, when children and their parents were competing for use of the same fields. Mr. Aasheim stated that over 3,000 people in the community, from ages 7 to 60, are involved in the recreational programs available. He then reviewed statistics that dramatically reflect the increase in those programs from 1988 to 1993, as follows: (1) youth soccer (fall) has increased by 24 teams and 350 children, with one additional field; (2) spring soccer has increased by 10 teams and 200 children, with no new facilities; (3) girls' slow pitch softball has increased by 15 teams and 200 children, with a couple new fields; (4) girls' fast pitch softball has just begun en the past five years, and now has 5 teams and the use of two fields along with the girls' slow pitch softball; (5) the Gallatin Valley Softball Association has increased by 14 teams, and has just begun co-ed teams, with 29 teams now in place, with no new fields being added; and (6) the baseball program has 19 new teams with more 275 children, and two new fields. 06-28-93 , - 3 - Mr. Aasheim stated that with the increase in Kindergarten through 9th grade that is anticipated over the next five years, pressures on these programs will only increase. He stated that since there are no new facilities, with more teams and more players per team, the amount of playing time for each participant has decreased. He stated there are no fields for practice and no place to make up any games. . Mr. Aasheim stated that the various user groups are willing to participate financially in the building of fields. He requested, however, that the City acquire and provide the land and complete some of the initial improvements. He observed that the City has not done much for the recreation groups over the last few years; and he suggested it is time that such steps be taken. Ms. Terry Baldus stated that the community is growing to the northwest, an area where few facilities are currently available. The task force has been made aware of the fact that Mr. Don White could possibly assist them in acquiring 20 acres in the Annie Subdivision as the start of a community park. She noted that since that area has not yet been developed, it might be possible to expand that park through additional parkland dedications. She indicated that 25 acres would provide an adequate area to construct ballfields to address today's needs; and it could be expanded eto 50 acres to provide more fields in the future. Ms. Baldus stated that a concept plan for the community park has been included in the plan submitted. She noted that it is simply a concept plan to show how the initial development might occur, including five baseball fields and five soccer fields. She suggested that a trail through the parkland could help to meet the master plan for a trail system throughout the community. Ms. Baldus stated that the task force would be willing to talk to Mr. White and assist the City in acquiring the property for the proposed community park. She stated that participants in the various programs would be willing to assist in preparation of the land for fields, including leveling the land and planting grass. She stated the biggest problems will be installation of an irrigation system, development of the parking lot, and the extension of roadways to the site. She suggested that ISTEA monies could possibly be used fo~, improvement of the parking lot. She noted that e\Jorth 19th Avenue is to be extended in 1995 or 1996; and West Oak Street is to be constructed between North 19th Avenue and North 7th Avenue. She stated that at the current time, the only access available might be through Brentwood Subdivision. Mayor Swanson noted that the Commission has just completed an arduous goal-setting process; and the addition of recreational facilities surfaced in the top seven priority goals for the 06-28-93 .. u__._._ - 4 - upcoming fiscal year. He stated, however, it is important to realize that this goal also competes with implementation of the transportation plan at an estimated cost of $40 million; and there is not any extra money in the City's budget. He challenged the task force to seek alternatives for funding the purchase of land for the proposed development of ballfields. Mayor Swanson stated he feels the task force needs to be expanded, to include a .representative of the area in which the ballfields are being contemplated and representatives from the school system and the University. He stated that County participation should also be strongly considered. Mayor Swanson then forwarded several questions, indicating that he does not anticipate immediate answers but wishes that they be considered in any future consideration of this request. He asked whether or not Mr. White is willing to donate the 20 acres as parkland, or what price he is seeking if he is contemplating sale. He also asked whether Mr. White is acting on behalf of himself or a client. He then stated that ISTEA monies probably could not be used for improving of the parking lot, noting that it would not qualify and, furthermore, does not appear in the fifty projects that have been prioritized for those monies. . Commissioner Frost stated an interest in knowing the price of the land. stating that is the first step in the process. He recognized there is a need for additional fields in the community; but he feels the costs must be known before any serious consideration can be given to the issue. Commissioner Vincent stated that, while he recognizes more information is needed, he feels it is important to proceed with this proposal. He stated that, as a school teacher of 22 years, he recognizes the need for these facilities, since "active kids are happy kids and tend to stay out of trouble". He indicated his willingness to work toward the development of additional fields as much as possible. Commissioner Knapp stated the Commission recognizes the need for additional fields. She then asked how much of the increased demand on existing facilities is because of the popularity of the sports and how much is because of an increase in population. . Ms. Baldus stated that both factors are contributing to the pressure on the existing fields. She stated that some companies are moving to Bozeman; and some of them are bringing softball teams with them. She also noted that softball is becoming more popular on a nationwide basis, particularly co-ed softball, which is just beginning in Bozeman. She characterized these sporting activities as social events, thus contributing to their popularity. 06-28-93 ----------.-- ._n ___._.___.__ - 5 - Mr. Aasheim stated that soccer, which is a non-contact sport, is growing at a very rapid pace. He noted that when a soccer team becomes successful at the competitive level, it generates additional interest at every level. He then indicated that girls' fast pitch is becoming much more popular, and is now a high school sport. Ms. Terry Baldus stated that each soccer field takes approximately 1 Y:z acres, and each easeball field takes 2 to 3 acres. She noted that the task force did review different parkland areas; and the parkland in Valley Unit Subdivision as the next largest, with approximately eight acres available. Commissioner Knapp asked how the space to be occupied by the proposed fields might be used during the remainder of the year, and what would be done with those fields if there is a decline in popularity. Mr. Larry Aasheim stated that the existing fields are used from March through early June for spring soccer and from August through October for fall soccer; and the baseball season extends from April through July. He stated that at the present time, football is played at Christie Fields after baseball season is complete; and fall soccer is played on the softball fields at the Recreation .comPlex. City Manager Wysocki noted that these sports are relatively inexpensive; and these types of activities tend to become more popular in harder economic times. The City Manager then reminded the Commission that during the land exchange with the School District, in which Christie Fields became the City's property, one of the caveats was that the School District would make any land not being used for the building, playground and parking areas available for possible recreational uses, thus expanding the amount of land available in that area for park/recreation use. He suggested that a parking lot could be constructed in such a manner that it could be used by both a future school and recreational uses on the parkland and possibly a portion of the school site. He stated that since access is already available to the site, it could probably be developed much more rapidly than the task force's proposed site in Annie .Ubdivision. The City Manager encouraged the task force to approach the School District to determine where a future school might be located, to see if it might be feasible to construct ballfields in the Valley Unit Subdivision within a short timeframe. He stated support for the community park concept as the long-term solution, noting that the addition of fields in Valley Unit Subdivision could 06-28-93 - 6 - relieve the immediate pressures until the long-term solution can be implemented. He noted that any softball fields and soccer fields installed for the short-term could easily be converted to other uses when necessary. Mayor Swanson noted that improvements to the intersection of West Main Street and . West Babcock Street could relieve the traffic problems that currently exist in that portion of the _ community, making this a much more attractive location. Ms. Baldus stated that when the task force was reviewing the Valley Unit Subdivision site, they were not aware of the potential for using a portion of the school property. She then indicated a willingness to contact the School District immediately in an effort to determine what portion of their land could possibly be used for ballfields in the near future. Responding to Mayor Swanson, the City Manager stated that this proposed community park is what is designated as the regional park in the park master plan. He noted that there are few large parks developed in a community; and this proposed 50-acre park is probably the only large park that will be developed in the next twenty-five years. He cautioned that anticipated residential development will surround the proposed site, so care must be taken to ensure that use of the park .does not negatively impact development. He noted this could include the use of lights. - Mr. Aasheim indicated there would probably be no need for lights in the immediate future, since the fields would be used for little league and soccer. Mr. Dick Harte, 2607 Spring Creek Driye, noted the number of new parks being developed in Billings. He questioned whether grants may be available for this type of development, indicating that the task force and user groups might be able to assist in matching funds. Mayor Swanson stated the City has a Grantsperson; and he could be asked to explore on that possibility. Responding to the City Manager, Ms. Baldus stated that she is seeking City support for this proposal before approaching the County Commission about County participation. She stated that since this is a community park, the task force believes that the County should participate in ~s funding. She then stated that the task force has asked all of the user groups to keep a record of the number of city residents and the number of county residents registered in their programs; and that information will be used when they approach the County Commission. Mayor Swanson noted that the Bozeman Area Master Plan encourages the development 06-28-93 - 7 - of a community park. He then stated support for the City Manager's suggested short-term/long- term solution, stating he believes it will work well. Ms. Terry Baldus stated that baseball and softball currently share the same field. She noted that this is unfair to the participants because the regulation fields for these two sports are not the same size; and youth fields are an even different size. . Mayor Swanson cautioned that if a short-term solution is to be provided in the Valley Unit Subdivision, it is extremely important that the task force notify the residents in that area as soon as possible. City Manager Wysocki suggested that the task force should proceed with contacting the School District. He cautioned, however, that Park Superintendent McNeil should be involved in, or aware of, any discussions that may occur, as the City's contact person. Mayor Swanson stated that Commissioner Vincent has agreed to serve as the Commission's liaison for the Parks Task Force. The Commission thanked the members of the task force for their presentation. City Manager Wysocki presented Ordinance No. 1368, as approved by the City Attorney, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 1368 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM "R-S" (RESIDENTIAL--SUBURBAN) TO "B-2" (COMMUNITY BUSINESS) ON 14.2 ACRES LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, MONTANA PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. The City Manager reminded the Commissioners that they had provisionally adopted this ordinance at their meeting of June 14, and recommended that it be finally adopted at this time. It was moved by Commissioner Vincent, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the .ommission finally adopt Ordinance No. 1368, amending the zoning district designation from an "R-S" (Residential--Suburban) to a "B-2" (Community Business) on 14.2 acres located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of 1-90 and North 7th Avenue, as requested by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being 06-28-93 - 8 - Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. ADpointments to CDBG Loan Review Committee . City Manager Wysocki stated that. included in the Commissioners' packets, was a memo .. from Clerk of the Commission Sullivan, dated June 25, forwarding the names of applicants for the various boards and commissions. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the Commission appoint Donald W. Belflower to replace Monte Cooper in the "real estate financing" position and Monte Cooper to replace Robyn Erlenbush in the "real estate sales" position on the Community Development Block Grant Loan Review Committee, with three-year terms to expire on June 30, 1996. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. .PDointment to City-County Health Board It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Vincent, that the Commission appoint Linda T. Belflower to replace Warren Jones on the City-County Health Board, with a three-year term to expire on June 30, 1996. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. Appointments to Desian Review Board Mayor Swanson noted that the one applicant for a professional architect position on this board has filed for reappointment, and attached a letter to his application. He noted that in that letter, Mr. Tintinger indicates that staff has no business in designing buildings and no business .ommenting on the architectural design of buildings. The Mayor indicated that he takes strong issue with that comment, particularly since there are design professionals on the Planning staff; and he welcomes their comments on design issues. It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Vincent, that Bennett Tintinger be reappointed as a professional architect member on the Design Review Board, with a 06-28-93 - ..__...______.._.._.____.__._..._u___ - 9 - two-year term to expire on June 30, 1995. The motion failed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vincent; those voting No being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Frost and Commissioner Knapp abstained. It was moved by Commissioner Frost that Ellen Kreighbaum be nominated to serve as the non-professional member on the Design Review Board. . There being no other nominations, it was moved by Commissioner Vincent, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that Ellen Kreighbaum be reappointed as a non-professional member on the Design Review Board, with a two-year term to expire on June 30, 1995. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. The Commission directed the Clerk of the Commission to readvertise for two professional architects and a landscape architect for the Board. ADDointments to Historic Preservation Advisory Commission It was moved by Commissioner Vincent, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that Catherine .Goetz and Beth Mentzer be reappointed as professional members and Dora Anderson be reappointed and James G. Webster be appointed to replace Patty Ecton as neighborhood representatives on the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, with two-year terms to expire on June 30, 1995. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp that Lee Hietala be nominated as an at-large member on the Historic Preservation Advisory Board. It was moved by Commissioner Frost that Edward C. McCrone be nominated as an at-large member on the Historic Preservation Advisory Board. There being no further nominations, it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by .ommissioner Frost, that Lee Hietala be reappointed and Edward C. McCrone be appointed to replace Nan Beber Darham as at-large members on the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, with two-year terms to expire on June 30, 1995. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. 06-28-93 -- -. ----. ..- - 10- ADDointment to Librarv Board of Trustees It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, that Michael Kennedy be nominated to serve on the Library Board of Trustees. There being no further nominations, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by .:ommissioner Vincent, that Michael Kennedy be appointed to replace Patricia Tietz on the Library oard of Trustees, with a five-year term to expire on June 30, 1998. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. ADDointment to Parking Commission It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the Commission reappoint Larry Bowman to the Parking Commission, with a four-year term to expire on June 30, 1997. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. .DiScUSSion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Letter from Noreen S. Alldredge, dated June 21, forwarding her resignation from the City-County Planning Board. In response to the Clerk of the Commission, the Commission authorized her to incorporate this vacancy in her advertisement for board applications. (2) Memo from City Attorney Luwe, dated June 25, regarding the Supreme Court's decision in Story versus the City of Bozeman. The City Attorney stated that Attorney Bob Planalp is out of town, however, Attorney .3teve Reida is reviewing the decision to determine if there is a basis for seeking a rehearing. He noted that a rehearing must be requested within ten days of the ruling; but it does not appear that a rehearing will be sought. He stated that the language in the decision is favorable for the City's lawsuit against AIU insurance, which was the insurance carrier. He stated that if the City is 06-28-93 ------ ..--.-- -.- .. ....------.-. .---- - 11 - successful in its lawsuit, a portion of the judgment costs can possibly be recovered. He then stated that a copy of the decision is available in his office for Commissioner review. (3) Notice of Special City Commission meeting, to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, for the purpose of reviewing the City Manager's budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. . (4) Notice of Special City Commission meeting, to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, for the purpose of reviewing the City Manager's budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. (5) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 29, at the Carnegie Building. (6) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 29, at the Carnegie Building. (7) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 29, at the Courthouse, along with daily minutes for the week of June 14, 1993. (8) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Announced that .the well at the edge of the East Babcock Street/South Rouse Avenue parking lot has been drilled, and is yielding approximately 90 gallons per minute. He stated that the water will be used to control icing in the creek, hopefully under the buildings along Main Street, so that City crews will no longer encounter the hazardous ice chopping duty. (2) Announced that disabled parking spaces are to be provided in the parking lots at the Library. Also, an automatic door is to be installed on the east side. (3) Announced that an automatic door is to be installed on the Rouse entrance at City Hall. He noted that this is the door used for evening meetings, when the rest of the building is locked. (4) Announced that Bernie Phelps will be leaving her position as SID Clerk for the City, to be with her husband in Butte; and Bill Kolwyck has just retired from his position as Mechanic. (5) Stated that Director of Public Service Forbes and Park Superintendent McNeil have been involved in numerous meetings about the caterpillar infestation and how to best address it going ento the fall and winter, noting that a number of suggestions have been forwarded by Commissioner Knapp. (6) Reminded the Commission that in October 1992, Bozeman and Kalispell enter into a self-insurance program through Blue Cross/Blue Shield for health insurance, noting his concern about such a small group participating in the program. He stated that on July 1, Helena will join the group, making it a more viable program. He stated that this year's adjustment will be 06-28-93 - 12 - approximately 10 percent, characterizing that is relatively good. (7) Stated that Commissioner Stiff is home and resting; and indicated more information will be available after his appointment with the doctor on Thursday. (9) Commissioner Knapp suggested that, during the budgeting process, the .0mmiSSion consider the possibility of funding a routine study early in the year by an i' arborist/entomologist to determine the potential for any type of infestation during the upcoming year, and how to best address it. She suggested that the City could then provide information on potential hazards during the year and the most effective treatment, so that residents can react in a timely manner. She noted that to address the infestation in mid-stream seems to be futile. (10) Commissioner Frost stated that his two-week trip to the east coast made him glad that he is in Bozeman. He noted the strip development and the terrible things that are occurring in very historic cities, with the interiors falling apart and the exteriors being a strip development of motels and filling stations. He stated that at this stage, Bozeman can still address its problems and salvage its beauty and character. (11 ) Clerk of the Commission Sullivan briefly highlighted the items to be included on .ext week's agenda, reminding the Commissioners that the meeting will be on Tuesday, due to the Monday holiday. (12) Mayor Swanson submitted a brief report on the meeting of the ad hoc committee which was recently appointed to review bicycle/pedestrian/motorist issues. He stated that Police Chief Dick Boyer, Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Chairman Ken Bryson, Gallatin Valley Bicycle Club President Boone Lennon, and BABAB Chairman Scott Dreblow were present. He stated that the discussion was very productive, with those involved being assigned to very specific duties. He noted that the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and the Pedestrian/Traffic Safety Committee will be responsible for crosswalks, the BABAB will concentrate on educating the adult rider about the rules of the road and not riding on sidewalks, the Bicycle Club will concentrate on commuters and outlying areas; and the Police Chief will concentrate on the laws that need to be eddressed, and possibly changed. He stated that the Chief discussed community policing during the meeting; and the concept of bringing courtesy back to travel on the streets was aired. He indicated that another meeting of the committee has been scheduled in a few weeks. 06-28-93 ---------- ------- -.... .--.--..- . . - 13 - Consent Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following Consent Items. Deviation to Section 18.18.050 of the zone code to allow addition to existing structure to encroach one foot into the required eight-foot side yard setback - Disanti Construction for Lawrence Bayern. 408 West Colleae Street: Der DRB recommendation . Commission Resolution No. 2922 - establishing the 1993 Sidewalk Program and ordering that sidewalks be installed along sDecified streets COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2922 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING THE 1993 SIDEWALK PROGRAM AND ORDERING THAT SIDEWALKS BE INSTALLED IN CERTAIN AREAS OF BOZEMAN, AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIONS 7-14-4109 AND 7-14-4110, MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED. Reauest for Dermission to close East Babcock Street between South Black Avenue and South Bozeman Avenue from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday. July 16 - Bozeman Lodge No. 463 B.P.O.E. Authorize City Manaaer to sian - Chanae Order No. 3 - Water Treatment Plant EXDansion - Diamond Construction - add $4.330.00 and 0 calendar davs Ratify City Manaaer's signature - Agreement between the Montana DeDartment of Commerce and the City of Bozeman re $375.000 CDBG grant . Authorize absence of Commissioner Stiff from meetinas of Julv 6 and July 12. in comDliance with Section 7-3-4322(2), M.C.A. Authorize use of annual leave for City Manaaer Wysocki - July 12: confirm aDDointment of Assistant City Manaaer Brey as Acting City Manager It was moved by Commissioner Vincent, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vincent, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. Recess - 4:43 D.m. e. Mayor Swanson declared a recess at 4:43 p.m., to reconvene at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of conducting the scheduled work session. Reconvene - 7:00 D.m. Mayor Swanson reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of conducting the 06-28-93 . - 14 - scheduled work session. Work session - City Manaaer's recommendations for budget for Fiscal Year 1993-1994 This is the first is a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for .he budget for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. Since this is a work session, the minutes are very bbreviated. . City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt reviewed the Introduction section of the City Manager's Budget Recommendation for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. Included in that section are the City Manager's letter of transmittal, which highlights major changes in appropriations and revenues in this year's budget. It also covers changes in personnel and capital improvements. Also included in this section is the "Policy Direction", which lists the Commission's top priority goals for the upcoming fiscal year and how this budget addresses each of those, and the "Fiscal Policy", which sets forth the formal policy statements followed in . - . administering the City's financial resources. The Introduction also provides the financial structure of the City, its organizational structure, and a narrative on the budgeting process, and ends on Page .7 of the City Manager's Budget Recommendation for Fiscal Year 1993-1994. Adiournment - 9:30 c.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Vincent and Mayor Swanson; those voting No, none. ATTEST: . ~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission 06-28-93