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Provisional Adoption of Ordinance No. 1769, Amending Title 18, (2)
CommissionMemorandum REPORTTO: HonorableMayorandCityCommission FROM: Andrew Epple,PlanningDirector ChrisKukulski,CityManager SUBJECT: FirstReadingofOrdinance1769,UDOtextamendments,Z-09151 MEETINGDATE: Monday,November23,2009 RECOMMENDATION: Considertherecommendedamendments,selectthoseamendments andoptionsforamendmentstheCommissiondeemsappropriateandadoptthoseamendments throughthefirstreadingofOrdinance1769. BACKGROUND: TheCitypreparesamendmentstoTitle18,UnifiedDevelopment Ordinancefromtimetotimeasneeded.The2009Legislativesessionmadeseveralchangesto statesubdivisionandzoninglawwhichneedtobereflectedinlocalordinances.Changeshave alsobeeninitiatedasfollow-upactionsfromtherecentlyadoptedgrowthpolicy,clarifications andrevisionsnecessarytokeepregulationsconsistentwithevolvingcaselaw,revisionsfor additionalclarityandinternalconsistency,andasitemsdirectedbytheCityCommission. TheprimarydraftamendmentsrelatingtosubdivisionarelistedbeginningonPage2ofthestaff report,thoserelatedtozoningbeginonPage7.Themajorityofamendmentsrelatetozoning. Theattacheddrafttextshowsalloftheeditsaseitherunderlinedorstruckthroughtext.The ZoningCommissionandPlanningBoardcompletedtheirreviewandrecommendationon rd November 3.Theirrecommendationwasfavorable.Theirminutesandsupportinginformation areincludedwiththepacket. AlltextiscontainedwithinorasexhibitstoOrdinance1769.Somesuggestedrevisionstothe textarecontainedintheanalysissectionofthestaffreport.Twooftheproposedamendmentsare inresponsetoCommissiondirectionearlierthisyear.Theseare: Section18.42.030,diversityoflotsinnewsubdivisions.Discussionbeginsonpage3of thestaffreport.Severaldifferentoptionsareidentifiedforconsideration. Section18.16.090,minimumrequireddensityinresidentialdevelopment.Discussion beginsonpage9ofthestaffreport. ThissetofamendmentsdoesnotcompletealloftheamendmentsconsidereddesirablebyStaff. AdditionalamendmentswillbebroughttotheCommissionforconsiderationasopportunityfor researchandtextdevelopmentpermits. UNRESOLVEDISSUES: Inadditiontothegeneraldecisionofwhethertoadoptanyofthe proposedamendments,theCommissionneedsto: 1.Selecttheirpreferredapproachforlotdiversity standards, 2.Decidewhethertheywishtoaddadditionallanguageregardingrequiredminimumresidential densities. 3.Decidewhethertheywishthefirst3,000squarefeetofabuildingintheB-3districttobefree ofparkingrequirements. ReportcompiledonNovember19,2009 CommissionMemorandum FISCALEFFECTS: Noimmediateordirectfiscaleffectsareexpectedfromtheedits. ALTERNATIVES: AssuggestedbytheCityCommission. CONTACT: PleasefeelfreetocalloremailChrisSaundersatcsaunders@bozeman.net,582- 2260,ifyouhavequestionspriortothemeeting. Respectfullysubmitted, Andrew Epple,PlanningDirector ChrisKukulski,CityManager Attachments:StaffReport Application Ordinance1769containingthetextofproposedamendments MinutesofthepublichearingsbeforetheZoningCommissionandPlanningBoard ResolutionsfromtheZoningCommissionandPlanningBoard MinutesfromtheParkingCommission Section7-21-1003,MCA ReportcompiledonNovember19,2009 Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑÓÓ×ÍÍ×ÑÒ ÍÌßÚÚ ÎÛÐÑÎÌ ËÜÑ ÌÛÈÌ ßÓÛÒÜÓÛÒÌ÷ôñøïîã Item:Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment Application #Z-09151, to amend the text of the Unified Development Ordinance to correspond with revisions to state law relating to subdivision review and implement direction of the City Commission relating to subdivision design and to amend various sections relating to zoning standards. Applicant: Bozeman City Commission P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Representative: Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Date/Time: Before the Bozeman City Commission on Monday, November 23, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana. Report By: Chris Saunders, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development Recommendation: Approval PROJECT LOCATION The proposed edits are applicable throughout the legal boundaries of the City of Bozeman. Edits which are specific to individual zoning district are effective within the district areas as shown on the City’s official zoning map. PROPOSAL AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION This report is organized in two sections. The first addresses amendments and the associated review criteria relating to the subdivision of land. The second section covers amendments and associated review criteria relating to the zoning of land. Land use standards and procedures must be kept updated to accommodate changing community needs and priorities, regulatory requirements, and changing knowledge. The City of Bozeman constantly monitors its Unified Development Ordinance as it is applied to the community. Several changes have been directed by the City Commission and others have been identified by the staff as probably beneficial. The public review process for the draft amendment text allows evaluation of ideas and refinement of specific text and standards. ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ï The draft text of the amendments contains both the subdivision and zoning related changes so the cumulative and interactive effects may be considered. When an edit is relevant to both Zoning Commission and Planning Board responsibilities it was presented to and considered by both bodies. Other staff and advisory bodies have also been consulted during the preparation of these amendments. Recommendation and minutes of the meetings are included with the City Commission packets. The tables below list the major edits by section and summary description. The draft text was made available to the public for review and public notice was given for the public hearings. The complete text of all edits has been available for review by the public in both print and electronically through the City’s website. Not every change is of equal impact or effects development in the same way. Some smaller changes are contained within the actual text but are not specifically called out below. The wording of the text in the amendments may change as the public process is completed. No amendment is effective until it is adopted through ordinance by the City Commission. SUBDIVISION RELATED AMENDMENTS Section/Chapter Summary of Amendment Purpose Section 18.02.040 Revise the purposes of the Unified Development Ordinance to conform to changes in state law by the 2009 Legislature and reorganizing the text. Section 18.02.070 Revise the standard for changes to conditions of approval to incorporate state law revisions regarding improvements agreements. Chapter 18.06 Revise the subdivision review procedures to conform to changes in state law by the 2009 Legislature. These changes affect provisions for public hearings, review periods, and other elements of review. Chapter 18.10 Revise subdivision exemption review procedures to conform to changes in state law by the 2009 Legislature. These changes affect provisions for agricultural exemptions and subdivisions subject to zoning and survey review. Section 18.42.030 Revise standards for the creation of a diversity of lots with new subdivisions. Three options are presented for consideration. Section 18.50.020 Clarify the application of exemptions from dedication of parkland requirements. Section 18.50.060 Change the street frontage requirements for linear parks. Section 18.50.080 Revise park development standards to provide for certain alternative means to comply with requirements with City approval. Section 18.66.070 Revise subdivision variance procedures to conform to recent changes in state law by the 2009 Legislature. Chapter 18.74 Revise multiple sections to incorporate improvements to public parks and other spaces with the requirements for installation and monitoring of improvements. Various Chapters Other minor revisions may be contained elsewhere in the text. As noted in the summary description, several of the amendments are being made to conform to changes in other laws passed by the legislature. These amendments tend to be simple and directly reflect the statute changes. Some of the amendments have been initiated by direction of the City Commission. For example, the draft language in Section 18.42.030 is one of several edits related to a former requirement ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ î in the UDO which expired due to a sunset clause in November of 2008. The Commission requested that language addressing those same topics be brought to them for consideration. Some elements were applicable to subdivision and some to zoning. When there are specific issues of concern or details needed to understand the proposed changes additional description is provided below. Discussion on Specific Subdivision Related Sections. Section 18.02.070. The Legislature changed the law to specifically allow local governments to establish minimum requirements in association with financial guarantees. The revised language clarifies that this new statutory authority is not an impermissible after-the-fact addition to conditions of approval. Chapter 18.06. The Legislature modified several elements of the review for subdivisions. This includes modified maximum review times for larger subdivisions and restricting when local governments may hold a public hearing on minor subdivisions. The edits simply insert the corresponding provisions into local ordinance. Section 18.42.030. The City Commission requested that code language be brought for their consideration which would ensure the creation of a diversity of lot sizes. Lot sizing is quite variable depending on the type of use expected within the subdivision. Local configuration issues, such as being on a corner or adjacent to a stream, also influence lot sizing. These standards would be applicable to both multi-household and single household development. The language of the amendment is focused only on the lots being created. Nothing in this section would regulate the size or value of the home(s) constructed on the lots. Staff prepared three alternatives for consideration and discussion. Each has a different emphasis. Staff recommends either option A or B depending on what point of emphasis is desired. Options can also be combined if the Commission so chooses. Options are presented beginning on page 42-2 of the draft. Option A focuses on providing lots in the lower end range of the allowed lot sizes while permitting some flexibility to address physical difficulties. Option A is the simplest and has the fewest calculations required. This option is closest to the previous requirement which sunset in November 2008. Option B emphasizes diversity in a range around the average lot size. The average lot size may be small or large and the proportions for measuring the required range would move accordingly. Option B gives the most flexibility but the calculations are dynamic and may change over the course of a review if lots are aggregated. This option does not allow you to go below the minimum lot area in order to meet the requirement. Therefore, it may require some larger lots to meet the standard. Option C focuses on the two endpoints of the range of lot sizes. A large subdivision could have a very large identical mid-point in the range with all the differentiation being manifested between two lots. The Commission needs to give direction on how they wish to address phasing of subdivisions. Options are to either apply the standard to each phase of a subdivision, or to apply the standard to all phases. Phasing is shown in Option D of the draft of Section 18.42.030.A. Option D1 would allow a subdivider to place groups of similar sized lots on particular blocks. This would be easier for the subdivider to do but could make administration and review of the development more complex. Staff recommends option D2 as being more predictable and simpler for assuring compliance over time. The Planning Board discussed this item extensively during its public hearings. Some members voiced opinion that there should be some requirement for lots which are the minimum size allowed in the zone. The Planning Board recommends that the range in Option B be expanded to be 20% of lots to have a ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ í variation in size 20% above or below the average for the subdivision, not to go below the minimum required lot size. If the Commission wishes to implement this recommendation, Staff recommends a tiered system. A subdivision with a larger number of lots has more ability to include a wide range of lot size variation than a small subdivision. All of the options as originally proposed would apply to any major subdivision, meaning those with 6 or more lots. Staff discussed the matter internally and inquired of some private engineers as to how many lots they thought would be necessary to provide the 20% variation. As a result of those discussions, Staff suggests a two tiered structure to the standard. This would require subdivisions with 6-19 lots to provide the minimum variation of 10% around the average and subdivisions with 20 or more lots to provide the minimum variation of 20%. Some example lot sizing calculations are attached. The revised language for option B is shown in the draft, see Section 18.42.030.A. Section 18.50.060. This edit clarifies a distinction between linear parks and other parks and the frontage standards which go with either kind. This text is on page 50-6 of the draft. Chapter 18.74. The amendments throughout this chapter are to clarify that the improvement review process and installation for park improvements are similar to those for water and sewer. Requiring plan and specification review, pre-construction conferences, and warranty for work completed minimizes confusion, saves expense from mistakes, and provides a better end product. The amendments specify who is responsible for performing this part of the review process. Amendments are distributed throughout the chapter. REVIEW CRITERIA The criteria for review of subdivision regulations are established in statute, which are in turn mirrored in local ordinance. The analysis notes that review criteria are met with the term ‘yes’, are not met with the term ‘no’, or are not materially affected with the term ‘neutral’. This report is a summary of the review conducted by Staff in evaluating the material. Interpretation and application of the Unified Development Ordinance must take into account the document as a whole. Therefore, the analysis is of the document as a whole as amended by the suggested text revisions. If a substantial change is made then a particular point may be emphasized. To prevent redundancy, when an earlier review criterion has addressed an issue a later review criterion addressing the same issue may refer back to the prior answer. Subdivision Purposes – Section 76-3-102 MCA. 1. Promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by regulating the subdivision of land. Yes. The revisions are in accordance with state law and mandates. As discussed above, improvements in parks, trails, and similar items will improve provision of services and thereby meet this criterion. 2. Prevent the overcrowding of land. Yes. The UDO establishes standards for parking, surface area coverage, and other performance standards to ensure that building mass, height, and other features may be adequately met on any given parcel of land. The proposed amendments are not expected to materially change the standards addressing this issue. By providing for good review procedures for subdivisions the ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ì necessary infrastructure will be in place as needed to serve the residents and users of those subdivisions. 3. Lessen congestion in the streets and highways. Neutral. The UDO contains a variety of transportation improvement standards designed to ensure the provision of adequate transportation facilities and the functionality of those facilities. The UDO also encourages alternative transportation modes such as walking, biking and transit. The changes related to these alternate modes are zoning related issues and are being addressed by the Zoning Commission rather than the Planning Board. 4. Provide adequate light, air, water supply, sewage disposal, parks and recreation areas, ingress and egress, and other public improvements. Yes. The UDO contains a variety of transportation improvement standards designed to ensure the provision public improvements and the functionality of those facilities. The amendments to Section 18.50.020 will clarify when exemptions to park land are appropriate. This will help to ensure that necessary recreation areas are provided. The other infrastructure requirements are not proposed to be changed. 5. Require development in harmony with the natural environment. Yes. The UDO contains a variety of requirements aimed at protecting the natural environment, including: wetlands protection; watercourse setbacks; floodplain protection; requirements to connect to City water and sewer service; prohibition of development on steep slopes and ridgeline protection; and soil conservation provisions. The current revisions improve and provide additional clarity regarding grading quantity and timing, permitting requirements, and conformance with the City’s stormwater control standards. Revisions to Chapter 18.58 for floodplains mirror requirements of state law and reduce the filling of floodplains. 6. Protect the rights of property owners. Yes. The UDO was crafted with the aim of balancing the rights of applicant property owners with the need to protect the rights of other property owners and the health, safety and general welfare of the community as a whole. This is reflected in the provisions of the ordinance including, but not limited to, defined criteria and procedures for reviewing development proposals, consistent noticing provisions that prevent delays in the review process, and clear statements of purpose for the regulations. Revisions are regularly made after each legislative session to incorporate any state law changes that affect this topic. 7. Require uniform monumentation of land subdivisions and transferring interests in real property by reference to a plat or certificate of survey. Neutral. The UDO requires compliance with the uniform standards for monumentation and the preparation of final plats as outlined in the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM). The ARMs are prepared by the state agency with responsibility to administer a given Montana law. The ARMs set forth how the responsible state agency will administer the law. No changes have been proposed relating to this criterion. ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ë Subdivision Purposes – Section 76-3-501 MCA. Requires local governments to adopt regulations that reasonably provide for: 1. Orderly development within the jurisdictional area. Neutral. The UDO has previously been reviewed and found to meet this criterion. The proposed changes do not affect this area. 2. Coordination of roads within subdivided land with other roads, both existing and planned. Yes. The UDO requires that the arrangement, type, extent, width, grade and location of all streets be considered in relation to existing and planned streets. When a proposed development adjoins undeveloped land, and access to the undeveloped land would reasonably pass through the new development, the UDO requires that streets within the proposed development be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining undeveloped land. The UDO also requires that developers arrange streets to provide for the continuation of streets between adjacent developed properties when such continuation is necessary for the convenient movement of traffic, effective provision of emergency services and efficient provision of utilities. No amendments will alter these provisions. 3. Dedication of land for roadways and for public utility easements. Neutral. The UDO requires that all streets either be dedicated rights-of-ways or be private streets with a public access easement. The UDO requires the provision of utility easements for both public and private utilities. No changes were made with these amendments. 4. Improvement of roads. Neutral. The UDO contains standards for the arrangement, type, extent, width, grade, location, design and construction of streets and roads. No material changes were made with these amendments. 5. Provision of adequate open spaces for travel, light, air and recreation. Yes. The provision of parks provides for light, air and recreation. The UDO also allows planned unit developments which can include an open space component for the provision of light, air and recreation. Finally, the UDO requires the provision of recreation and transportation pathways as open spaces for travel. The clarification on exemption from park land dedication in Section 18.50.020 will help to ensure that adequate open space is provided when needed. The amendments to Chapter 18.74 will ensure that parks and park improvements are installed in conformance with adopted standards and in a timely manner. 6. Adequate transportation, water and drainage. Yes. The UDO contains standards for the provision of transportation, water and drainage facilities. In addition, the UDO requires compliance with adopted transportation, water and stormwater facility plans. The revisions regarding grading will improve predictability in processing of applications. 7. Regulation of sanitary facilities, subject to section 76-3-511 MCA. Neutral. The UDO contains standards for the provision of sewer facilities. In addition, the UDO requires compliance with state requirements regarding sanitary facilities and with the adopted sewer facility plan. No material changes are proposed with these amendments. ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ê 8. Avoidance or minimization of congestion. Neutral. The UDO contains a variety of transportation improvement standards designed to ensure the provision of adequate transportation facilities and the functionality of those facilities. The UDO also encourages alternative transportation modes such as walking, biking and transit. The substantive elements of these standards which relate to subdivisions are not proposed to be altered. The current set of edits to encourage use of alternate modes of travel. These are more directly zoning matters and will be addressed by the Zoning Commission. 9. Avoidance of subdivision which would involve unnecessary environmental degradation and the avoidance of danger or injury to health, safety, or welfare by reason of nature hazard or the lack of water, drainage, access, transportation, or other public services or would necessitate an excessive expenditure of public funds for the supply of such services. Yes. The UDO contains a variety of requirements aimed at protecting public health, safety and welfare from natural hazards, including: wetlands protection; watercourse setbacks; floodplain protection; requirements to connect to City water and sewer service; prohibition of development on steep slopes and ridgeline protection; and soil conservation provisions. These provisions also minimize public costs. The UDO contains standards for the provision of transportation, water and drainage facilities. In addition, the UDO requires compliance with relevant state requirements as well as adopted transportation, water and stormwater facility plans. The revisions to Chapter 18.74 will help ensure that public services are provided in a timely way and that unnecessary expenditure of public funds is needed. ZONING RELATED AMENDMENTS Sections Summary description Section 18.02.040 Revise the purposes of the Unified Development Ordinance to conform to changes in state law by the 2009 Legislature and reorganizing the text. Section 18.02.070 Revise the standard for changes to conditions of approval to incorporate state law revisions regarding improvements agreements. Section 18.14.010 Add reference to Urban Mixed Use and clarify requirement to conform with other laws. Section 18.16.020 Add bed and breakfast to the list of authorized uses in the R-1 district and add extended stay facilities to the list of authorized uses in the R-S, R-1, R-2, and R-3 districts. SectionRevise the description of how to measure the size of restricted size units to be 18.16.030.Cgross square feet to be consistent with how building codes measure the size of a residence. Section 18.16.090 Establish a new section to consolidate and reestablish minimum density standards for residential development. Section 18.30.050 Coordinate entryway corridor provisions for certificate of appropriateness review with those in Chapter 18.52, Signs. ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ é Sections Summary description Section 18.42.080 Revise standards for grading and drainage. Section 18.42.130 Establish standards for gates in fences. Chapter 18.46 Revise residential and non-residential parking standards. Section 18.46.010Clarify purposes and provide additional flexibility with reuse of existing buildings SectionAuthorize the use of mechanical lifts to meet requirements for number of parking 18.46.020.Qspaces and set standards SectionResidential Parking – ADA spaces included in minimum calculations, revise 18.46.040.Aminimum numbers of stalls for certain housing types and locations (B-3), define mixed use projects, allow car sharing and transit reductions SectionNon-Residential Parking – ADA spaces included in minimum calculations, more 18.46.040.Baccurate reference to ADAAG, Clarify application of allowed reductions for transit availability, allow reduction for structure parking, Section 18.46.050Revise shared parking regulations to allow broader use of the provision upon a factual demonstration that it will meet the need for parking. Section 18.46.060Revise off-site parking to allow usage in more locations and give more specific guidance for when it is functional to use. Section 18.50.020 Clarifying the application of exemptions from dedication of parkland requirements and revise the standards for on-site open space to allow alternative means of compliance. Section 18.50.080 Revise park development standards to provide for certain alternative means to comply with requirements with City approval. Section 18.52.010 Clarify application of sign regulations. Chapter 18.52 Update for compliance with the evolving standards for the protection of speech. Section 18.52.065 Add opportunity for way finding signs for a approved district subject to review and approval of a comprehensive sign plan. Section 18.52.110 Revise illumination standards to be uniform for different types of equipment. Section 18.52.170 Revise to include specific review procedures per requirements of Section 7-21- 1003, MCA and clarify the timeframes for sign approval. Section 18.52.190 Revise requirement for compliance with sign regulations to be triggered with City reviews for installation of on-site energy collection. Section 18.58.130 Revise floodplain permitting compliance procedures to conform to state and federal requirements. ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ è Sections Summary description Section 18.58.260 Revise fill requirement for development in floodplains to allow development on different means of elevation other than fill. Section 18.62.010 Include references to the Board of Adjustment throughout the descriptions of the duties of various advisory boards. Section 18.62.020 Remove exemption from application fees for informal uses consistent with direction by the City Commission. Chapter 18.68 Revise the procedures for processing text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance. Chapter 18.70 Revise the procedures for processing zoning map amendments. Chapter 18.74 Revise multiple sections to incorporate improvements to public parks and other spaces with the requirements for installation and monitoring of improvements. Section 18.78.080 Add requirements for submittal materials specific to phased site plans. Section 18.80.1655 Add definition of Lot Coverage. Section 18.80.3165 Add definition of Way Finding Signage. As noted in the summary description, several of the amendments are being made to conform to changes in other laws passed by the legislature. These amendments tend to be simple and directly reflect the statute changes. Some of the amendments have been initiated by direction of the City Commission. For example, the draft language in Section 18.16.090.C, BMC is one of several edits related to a former requirement in the UDO which expired due to a sunset clause in November of 2008. The Commission requested that language addressing those same topics be recreated and brought to them for consideration. Some elements were applicable to subdivision and some to zoning. When there are specific issues of concern or details needed to understand the proposed changes additional description is provided below. Discussion on specific sections: 18.16.030.C This section establishes how to calculate the allowed maximum area for restricted size units (RSU). An RSU is a home which is specifically limited in the total area of the home in relation to the size of the lot on which it is located. The present language does not match with the language used by the building code in measuring home area. The suggested change will make the two different standards match. There has not been a consistent understanding of how to use the current language so some have measured from the interior wall surfaces and others from the exterior. This can make a meaningful difference in the living area in the home. The effect of the suggested change would be to measure the allowed area from the exterior walls of the home. This would reduce the maximum living area within those homes subject to the RSU provisions. There are an estimated 125-150 future RSU homes which would be subject to this revised requirement. Any homes already constructed would not be affected. Should the Commission choose not to accept the recommended amendment, Staff requests that the alternate phrase “total occupied area as determined by the Building Division” be used to replace ‘total ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ç floor area’ which will still correspond to the Building Code. The impact of this alternate term would be to measure that area which is the interior of the walls of the home and would allow a larger home as measured by the floor area ratio. The code requirement which required homes to be subject to the RSU standard has sunsetted and been removed from the City’s land use regulations. No new lots will be created subject to the RSU standards. This would only apply to those lots originally created during the period the regulation was in effect. 18.16.090. This section is created to reestablish a minimum density requirement within the UDO. The previous minimum requirement for most residential zoning districts expired in November 2008 because it was included as part of the Restricted Size Lots (RSL) provision. The RSL section was originally drafted to encourage a diversity of lot size and encourage a broad range of housing prices without directly regulating the sale price or owner requirements. The R-4 district has its own minimum density requirement which did not sunset. The R-S district has never had a minimum density requirement. The proposed draft of the section places all minimum density standards in a single location within the City’s regulations. The City Commission requested that this type of provision be provided to them for their consideration. The draft language largely reestablishes the standard which was in place before the RSL section sunsetted. The one change is that the R-O (Residential Office) standard is for 8 units rather than 6 per acre. Eight units an acre can be achieved in Bozeman with all detached homes. The R-O district allows a wide range of attached housing which readily allows the standard to be met. The Planning Board recommends that some additional purpose language addressing density be added to Section 18.16.010. Exact wording was not specified. Since this would be explanatory text related to a properly advertised amendment, Staff believes such an addition could be done at this time. Should the commission wish to follow this recommendation the following language is suggested to be included in 18.16.010 at the end of the introductory paragraph. “Residential density is correlated with many community goals and objectives that are contained in the City’s adopted growth policy, as well as many standards and purposes of this title. Section 18.16.090 sets standards for minimum densities in residential districts which will advance these goals, objectives, and purposes.” Chapter 18.46. The City has been reviewing and revising its parking regulations to reflect a more function oriented approach. As shown in the opening section of the chapter and the attached parking outline, the City looks at parking as one part of the larger issue of transportation and community functions. Both a lack of parking and an excess of parking cause problems, although of different natures. We are striving to get a ‘best fit’ for our local conditions and how people travel. Simply adopting another community’s answer won’t be a good fit. Suggested changes have come from multiple sources. Staff has reviewed the various changes and considered how they would interact both with each other and with the other provisions of the development standards. Some of the changes affect how parking is configured. For example, the amendment modifying the stall striping requirement to match with the option for parking surfaces which are not traditional paved surfaces. Other changes affect the numbers of parking spaces which are required by the City. For example, recognition that people using the accessible parking stalls are also part of the customer base for businesses and allowing those stalls to be used to meet baseline parking requirements. The final type of change is to provide opportunities for development to show alternate means of addressing transportation ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïð needs. For example, revisions to allow for on-site parking reductions when adequate transit service is available or the parking can be provided off-site. We have presented the proposed changes to the Parking Commission and they have expressed support. See the attached minutes of the Parking Commission. Some of the changes are a direct implementation of the recommendations of the Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan (DBIP) which is currently undergoing public review. The City Commission was scheduled to consider the draft DBIP document on November 9, 2009. The public hearing has been continued to December 14, 2009. If the City Commission chooses not to go forward with certain elements of the draft DBIP those text portions of the UDO edits can be removed. The sections most closely connected to the DBIP are the changes to the numbers of parking spaces required for downtown residences and a waiver of parking requirements for the first 3,000 square feet of a non-residential building. These are shown in Section 18.46.040. The recommendation for the revision for downtown residences and the waiver for the first 3,000 square feet are from the consultants who prepared the DBIP. Local staff has some concern and reservations on the application of the waiver provision. The effect of the waiver would be to allow smaller buildings, such as those along the 300 and 400 blocks of Mendenhall, to be used without any on-site parking. The other revisions proposed may address concerns about parking impacts on reuse/redevelopment of small sites without waiving the requirement entirely. The creation of the first parking garage available for use by the general public also stimulated an ordinance change. An allowance for reduction in on-site parking when use of a parking structure is available has been crafted. This allowance is not limited to the downtown area but may be used anywhere within the City that meets the defined criteria. These are shown in Section 18.46.040. If the City reduces or even entirely removes its parking requirements for some or all portions of the community, lenders may still require parking to be provided before they will provide financing for a project. Personal conversation with Missoula’s Planning Director indicates that this in the experience in their community. Section 18.50.080. The City has a standard to ensure that residents of multi-household dwellings have access to open space on their own lots. A growing body of national research finds that convenient access to open space and activity areas is strongly connected to individual and public health. The diversity of residential and mixed-use projects has increased over the years. Staff has reviewed the existing standard and concluded that a more finely adjusted standard which provides for more ways to meet the standard is needed. The draft standard adjusts the area per dwelling so dwellings likely to have fewer occupants provide less open space. There are 3 new ways to meet the requirement included which address different physical configurations and locations within the community. The overall amount of open space required by the standard is also decreased by excluding those dwellings which have open space access on the ground flood. This prevents counting required space twice. At this point the required area of private open space is calculated and applied equally across all different open space options. If desired, the Commission could choose to weight one type of open space more heavily than another in meeting the standard. Chapter 18.52. The proposed amendments relating to signs are limited to two subjects, st addressing protection of speech (US Constitution 1 Amendment), and way finding signs. Amendments addressing other subjects would require separate notice and public hearings. Sign regulations require periodic review and adjustment to accommodate changing local conditions, ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïï technology and evolution in the state and federal law and judicial decisions that affect signs. The City has adopted a new zoning district, Urban Mixed Use. It is necessary to include the new district within the sign standards. A. Sign regulations may regulate the time, place, and manner of signs. They may not regulate the content of a sign. Commercial speech may be regulated more than non-commercial speech, but both are protected. Several clarifications and adjustments are proposed to ensure the City’s regulations conform to the limitations. These include explicitly specifying the standards of review for special districts and zones where special standards have been adopted. A specific process for reviewing signs either in conjunction with an overall development or submitted independently has also been added. This makes the review process more transparent and predictable. A defined review process is necessary to demonstrate that the regulation is not creating an unnecessary restraint on speech. The structure of the review process in Section 18.52.170 is consistent with minimum standards required by state law. These amendments are preventative measures to ensure that procedures are clear and well established. A related change occurs in Section 18.30.050 relating to certificates of appropriateness in entryway corridors. There is a conflict in this section with the requirements for processing of applications in Sections 18.30.070 and 18.52.060. The proposed amendments bring all three sections into agreement on procedure. There are several large sections of text being added with these amendments. Sections 18.52.170.B, 18.52.200, and 18.52.210 are all directly related to the constitutional protection of speech. More so than many other regulatory areas addressed through zoning, it is important that the regulations be clear and well documented about how signs are reviewed, what standards they are measured against, and who is the decision maker. Regulations seen as governing the content of speech are held to the highest standard of judicial review. The language regarding the review of applications in Section 18.52.170, BMC directly implements the state regulatory requirement of 7-21-1003, MCA, see attached. It is permissible for the City to process a sign more quickly that the timelines given, and we typically do. However, this language provides both for conformance with state law and gives a clear statement of process and who makes the decision to any applicant. B. As the City has expanded in size and population there are more short term visitors and recent residents. A clear means of navigating the City as a whole has increased in importance. The present proposal includes the means to create ‘way finding’ signs. Unlike a sign which advertises for a specific business, a way finding sign gives direction to general areas of the community, e.g. MSU or Downtown. Since a way finding sign functions for the many owners and occupants of an overall district the designation and application of the sign package for a district is more limited than for an individual business sign. Way findings signs may be located off-site and within a public right of way. As MDT has jurisdiction over many of the major streets in town, we consulted with them in developing this proposal. They found the presented language adequate for their needs. If those proposing a way finding sign package do not wish to conform to the MDT adopted standards then they may seek permission to locate a sign outside the right-of-way. The present proposal is to allow way finding signs within designated districts which would be defined through a less formal process than a zone map amendment. Alternatively, a way finding district could be created as a zoning overlay district. If the Commission wishes to purse this approach some additional text amendment will be required. As presented the program is primarily administrative. Per Section 18.52.060.D, BMC if the sign were in defined special zones and required a deviation the City ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïî Commission would act as the decision maker. If deemed appropriate, the way finding signs could be applied through an overlay district approach. This would mean that prior to the approval of a way finding sign district a zone map amendment with accompanying public noticing would be required. Sections 18.58.130 and 260. These sections implement state or national direction on the administration of the protection from flooding program. The City Engineer administers this portion of the municipal code. The first section is amended to remove a commonly used throughout the state but incorrect approval procedure. We have been advised by the state flood plain administrator that there is no basis for this procedure and that it should be changed. The second section parallels a change in state law regarding how a structure must be elevated above the expected flood level. The previous requirement was to exclusively use fill, the new change allows other solutions such as piers which are less obstructive to water flow and lessen impact on the flood plain. REVIEW CRITERIA The criteria for review of zoning amendments are established in statute. The analysis below notes that review criteria are met with the term ‘yes’, are not met with the term ‘no’, or are not materially affected with the term ‘neutral’. This report is a summary of the Staff’s analysis. Interpretation and application of the Unified Development Ordinance must take into account the document as a whole. Therefore, the analysis is of the document as a whole as amended by the suggested text revisions. If a substantial change is made then a particular point may be emphasized. To prevent redundancy, when an earlier review criterion has addressed an issue a later review criterion addressing the same issue may refer back to the prior answer. According to Section 18.70.020 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the Bozeman Zoning Commission shall cause to be made an investigation of facts bearing on each UDO text amendment application relevant to zoning. The Zoning Commission must review the information they consider necessary to assure that the action of each UDO text amendment application is consistent with the intent and purpose of the UDO. Specifically, the investigation must address the following criteria as required in Section 76-2-304, Montana Code Annotated. The recommendation of the Zoning Commission to the City Commission is attached to this report, see minutes and resolution. The Legislature amended the criteria of Section 76-2-304 in the 2009 session. The City is amending its regulations to match those amendments with this application. Therefore, review against both sets of criteria is provided. There is much common purpose and language in the new and old criteria. In order to minimize repetition, where a new and old criteria match in intent they are grouped together. The City’s Bold adopted criteria are shown in and the State’s newly adopted criteria are shown in Italics. Upon completion of this text amendment the two sets of criteria will match. A. Consistency with the City’s growth policy. Be in accordance with a growth policy. Yes. Many of the specific edits advance goals and objectives from the growth policy. None of the edits are found to conflict with the growth policy. Examples of growth policy chapters and specific objectives being advanced and (related sections) in the amendments are: Chapter 3. Objective LU-1.2: Review and revise regulatory standards and City policies to ensure that develop advances the vision, goals, and objectives of this plan, and sprawl, as defined in Appendix K, is discouraged. (Section 18.16.090, Chapter 18.46, Section 18.50.020) ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïí Objective LU-3.2: Encourage the use and redevelopment of underutilized and brownfield sites to provide employment and housing which will help to maintain the vibrancy and vitality of the Historic Core area. (Section 18.52.065 and Chapter 18.46) Objective LU-3.4: Give particular emphasis to encourage living opportunities within walking distance of the downtown employment, retail, and neighborhood services. (Section 18.16.090, Chapter 18.46, Section 18.50.080) Chapter 4. Objective C-1.2: - Update design objectives to include guidelines for urban spaces and more dense development. (Section 18.16.090, Chapter 18.46, Section 18.50.020) Objective C-1.3: Support compatible infill within the existing area of the City rather than developing land requiring expansion of the City’s area. (Chapter 18.46) Objective C-2.5: Explore and encourage innovative parking solutions for both residential and commercial projects including parking best practices, expanded parking districts, cash in lieu of parking, and design guidelines for structured parking. (Chapter 18.46) Objective C-5.2: Encourage inclusion of plazas and other urban design features as public areas within developments. (Section 18.50.020) Chapter 6. Objective 2.1 - Encourage socially and economically diverse neighborhoods. (Section 18.16.020 and Section 18.16.090) Objective 1.3 - Promote the provision of a wide variety of housing types in a range of costs to meet the diverse residential needs of Bozeman residents. (Section 18.16.090, Section 18.46.040.A) B.Lessening of congestion in the streets. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Yes. The revisions to Chapter 18.46, parking, are designed to support multi-modal transportation which reduces congestion and improves the overall transportation system. Revisions to required numbers of parking stalls more closely match the anticipated demand to required mitigation. The revisions for transit access more closely link the actual service routes and conditions to those who can claim access. They also provide incentives for more intensive development near to transit and to development of transit shelters and other service amenities. Alternatives such as car-sharing are being recognized and allowed so creative solutions to transportation needs can be used and mitigate increases in traffic and reduce transportation related expenses. C. Securing safety from fire, panic and other dangers. Secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers. Yes. The revised purposes for the UDO (Section 18.02.040) continue to incorporate these criteria. Specific development standards are reviewed and evaluated to determine if they accomplish these things. The revision to Section 18.58.260 will improve security from flooding by removing requirements for fill in floodplains. Filling floodplains relocates and can worsen flooding elsewhere. The addition of specific submittal requirement for phasing site plans (Section 18.78.080) will help ensure that phased developments will be able to safely operate and that staged development will not lead to temporary safety shortfalls pending construction of a subsequent phase. D. Promotion of health and the general welfare. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare. Yes. The amendments create an overall improved set of development standards for the City. This ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïì promotes the overall health of the community and its general welfare. When regulations are clear, effective, and consistently implemented problems are prevented which minimizes the public and private effort required to address concerns and potential hazards to health, safety, and welfare. Increasing research on a national level through organizations such as the U.S. Center for Disease Control are demonstrating that access to spaces for physical activity and recreation have multiple positive impacts on physical and social health. (Section 18.50.080) Safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities have also been shown to have positive health impacts as well as a diverse multi-modal transportation system. (Chapter 18.46) E. Provision of adequate light and air. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Neutral. None of the edits change setbacks, required area per dwelling or, allowed percentage of lot coverage. The building codes and other standards remain in place and will ensure that adequate light and air is provided. Lot coverage is being specifically defined which will support consistent application of the existing standard. (Section 18.80.1665) F. Prevention of overcrowding of land. Yes. These amendments are not altering requirements for lot coverage or building density. With these amendments in place, underlying zoning and building regulations will still be in effect to prevent the overcrowding of land. Objectively, overcrowding is a condition where the use of land overwhelms the ability of infrastructure and buildings to meet the needs of users. This functional problem is addressed by ensuring the installation of water, sewer, transportation, and other services. G. Avoiding undue concentration of population. Neutral. The proposed amendments do not change standards for density of population. H.Facilitating the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements. Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirement. Yes. These amendments clarify the requirements for provision and installation of park improvements. Additional area is not required by these amendments. The amendments do specify procedural requirements to ensure that work done in parks is done in a timely manner and according to adopted standards. This helps ensure that the required services are available to mitigate increased demands for service. (Chapters 18.50 and 18.74) I. Conserving the value of buildings. Conserving the value of buildings. Yes. These amendments do not directly address standards for historic preservation. By facilitating reuse of buildings through revised parking standards and providing a diverse range of uses of property the long term viability and usability of existing and future buildings will be enhanced. When a building retains economic value its owner is more willing to reinvest and maintain the building with positive effects on the surrounding buildings as well. (Section 18.16.020, Chapter 18.46) The standards still maintain requirements for the mitigation of development impacts so that adjacent owners and land users are not negatively impacted. J. Reasonable consideration to the character of the district. Character of the district. Yes. The primary character giving standards of the various zoning districts remain essentially unchanged. Many of the amendments are to procedural standards which don’t alter standards for individual districts. The edits to create an opportunity for a way finding sign program may help to ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïë strengthen districts, such as downtown, which can then more effectively assert a common identity. K. Reasonable consideration to the peculiar suitability of the property for particular uses. Peculiar suitability for particular uses Neutral. The amendments are not specific to a particular parcel. Revisions to Chapter 18.46 may help to more finely correlated parking and demand with land use characteristics. If this is the case then that will be a positive influence on this criterion. L. Encouraging the most appropriate use of land through the municipality. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. Yes. Many of the procedural elements will not directly affect use of land on an on-going basis. Updating the regulations to conform to changes in state law and to reflect judicial decisions will generally provide a more accurate, predictable, defensible, and usable set of standards. (Chapters 18.02, 18.52, 18.58, 18.62, 18.68, 18.70) These characteristics show the removal of potential deterrents to development that would result from outdated and inaccurate standards. The regulatory standards more directly tied to daily land use (Chapters 18.16, 18.46, 18.52) are being revised to encourage the land use characteristics found desirable in the City’s long range planning documents. Since the regulations are intended to operate as a whole, if they are improved in general that should encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. M.Promotion of Compatible Urban Growth. Yes. The amendments make changes which make the City’s regulations in compliance with state and other law. The amendments create an environment to create new development and redevelopment in compliance with the community vision contained in the Bozeman Community Plan. The new development, whether infill or on the fringe, will therefore be compatible with the existing community. STAFF FINDINGS/CONCLUSION Planning Staff has reviewed this application for a Unified Development Ordinance text amendment against the criteria set forth in statute and reflected in the Unified Development Ordinance. Staff’s analysis finds that this application satisfies the required criteria. Based on the evaluation of said criteria and findings by the Planning Staff, staff recommends APPROVAL of the requested amendment. Pursuant to state law the Zoning Commission and Planning Board reviewed items applicable to their responsibilities in the Unified Development Ordinance text amendment application. The purpose of the review is to determine whether proposed amendments met the requirements of the Adopted Growth Policy, state statute, and other adopted state and local ordinances. The Zoning Commission and Planning Board recommend approval of the Unified Development Ordinance text amendment with some changes. The recommendation of the Bozeman Zoning Commission and Planning Board are: See the attached minutes and resolutions. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment had been received when this report was prepared. Correspondence from MDT is ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïê attached. In the case of protest against changes applicable to zoning signed by the owners of 25% or more of either of the area of the lots included in the proposed change; or those lots 150 feet from a lot included in a proposed change, such amendment may not become effective except upon a favorable vote of two-thirds of the present and voting members of the City Commission. ATTACHMENTS Application Ordinance 1769 containing the text of proposed amendments Minutes of the public hearings before the Zoning Commission and Planning Board Resolutions from the Zoning Commission and Planning Board Minutes from the Parking Commission Section 7-21-1003, MCA ýÆóðçïëï ËÜÑ Ì»¨¬ ß³»²¼³»²¬ ͬ¿ºº λ°±®¬ ïé ORDINANCE NO. 1769 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE (THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE) REVISING DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES, AMENDING AND ESTABLISHING DEFINITIONS, ESTABLISHING CATEGORIES OF USES, AND AMENDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. WHEREAS , the City of Bozeman has adopted a Unified Development Ordinance which establishes common standards for both zoning and subdivision development; and WHEREAS , the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment application has been properly submitted, and reviewed, and all necessary public notice was given for all public hearings; and WHEREAS , both the Bozeman Zoning Commission and Bozeman Planning Board each held public hearings on October 20, 2009 and November 3, 2009 to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a Unified Development Ordinance text amendment; and WHEREAS , as shown in Zoning Commission Resolution Z-09151, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that some of the Unified Development Ordinance text amendments be approved; and WHEREAS , as shown in Planning Board Resolution P-09151, the Bozeman Planning Board recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that some of the Unified Development Ordinance text amendments be approved; and WHEREAS , after proper notice, the City Commission held a public hearing on November 23, 2009, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS , the City Commission has reviewed and considered the relevant Unified Development Ordinance text amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment to be in compliance with the purposes of the title as locally adopted in Section 18.02.040, BMC; and WHEREAS , the City Commission has reviewed and considered the purposes of subdivision regulations established in Sections 76-3-102 and 76-3-501 M.C.A. and locally incorporated in Section 18.02.040, Unified Development Ordinance, and found the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment to be in compliance with the purposes of Section 18.02.040, BMC; and WHEREAS , at its public hearing, the City Commission found that the proposed Unified Development Ordinance text amendment would be in compliance with Bozeman’s adopted growth policy and applicable statutes and would be in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, upon a vote of ____ to ____, that: Section 1 Chapter 18.02 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit A Section 2 Chapter 18.06 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit B Section 3 Chapter 18.10 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit C Section 4 Chapter 18.14 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit D Section 5 Chapter 18.16 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit E Section 6 Chapter 18.30 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit F Section 7 Chapter 18.42 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit G Section 8 Chapter 18.46 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit H Section 9 Chapter 18.50 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit I Section 10 Chapter 18.52 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit J Section 11 Section 18.58.130 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: ïèòëèòïíð ßÜÓ×Ò×ÍÌÎßÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÎÛÙËÔßÌ×ÑÒÍ ßò ß °®±ª·¼»¼ ·² yïèòëèòðêðô ÞÓÝô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ Ú´±±¼°´¿·² ß¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® ¸¿ ¾»»² ¼»·¹²¿¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ³³··±²ô ¿²¼ ¸¿ ¬¸» ®»°±²·¾·´·¬§ ±º «½¸ °±·¬·±² ¿ ±«¬´·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ½¸¿°¬»®ò Þò Í»½¬·±² ïèòìîòïððô ÞÓÝ ¸¿ »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ ¿ °«¾´·½ °±´·½§ ¬± ¿ª±·¼ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ©·¬¸·² º´±±¼°´¿·²ô ¿´±²¹ ©·¬¸ ½»®¬¿·² »¨½»°¬·±²ò ̸» ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬·±² ±º ¬¸»» ®»¹«´¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ¼±²» ·² ¿ º¿¸·±² ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ ¾±¬¸ ¬¸» ´»¬¬»® ¿²¼ °·®·¬ ±º ¬¸¿¬ »½¬·±²ò Ýò ̸» Ý·¬§ Ú´±±¼°´¿·² ß¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® · ¿°°±·²¬»¼ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¿«¬¸±®·¬§ ¬± ®»ª·»© º´±±¼°´¿·² ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ °»®³·¬ ¿°°´·½¿¬·±²ô °®±°±»¼ «» ¿²¼ ½±²¬®«½¬·±² ¬± ¼»¬»®³·²» ½±³°´·¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸»» ®»¹«´¿¬·±²ò ̸» Ý·¬§ Ú´±±¼°´¿·² ß¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® · ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± ¿«®» ¿´´ ²»½»¿®§ °»®³·¬ ¸¿ª» ¾»»² ®»½»·ª»¼ º®±³ ¬¸±» ¹±ª»®²³»²¬¿´ ¿¹»²½·» º®±³ ©¸·½¸ ¿°°®±ª¿´ · ®»¯«·®»¼ ¾§ 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Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit N Section 17 Chapter 18.74 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: See Exhibit O Section 18 Section 18.78.080 of the Unified Development Ordinance be amended as follows: 18.78.080 Site Plan Submittal Requirements Applications for all site plan approvals shall be submitted to the Planning Department on forms provided by the Planning Director. The site plan application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and development plans showing sufficient information for the approval authority to determine whether the proposed development will meet the development requirements of the City. A. General Information. 1. Complete, signed application including the following: a. Name of project/development; b. Location of project/development by street address and legal description; c. Name and mailing address of developer and owner; d. Name and mailing address of engineer/architect,landscape architect and/or planner; e. Listing of specific land uses being proposed; and f. A statement signed by the owner of the proposed development of their intent to comply with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and any conditions considered necessary by the approval body; 2. Location map, including area within one-half mile of the site; 3. List of names and addresses of property owners according to Chapter 18.76, BMC; 4. For all developments, excluding sketch and reuse/further development, a construction route map shall be provided showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. The route shall avoid, where possible, local or minor collector streets or streets where construction traffic would disrupt neighborhood residential character or pose a threat to public health and safety. B. Site Plan Information. The following information is required whenever the requested information pertains to zoning or other regulatory requirements of this title, existing conditions on-site or conditions on-site which would result from the proposed development: 1. Boundary line of property with dimensions; 2. Date of plan preparation and changes; 3. North point indicator; 4. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet; 5. Parcel(s) and site coverage information: a. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet; b. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use; and c. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage for the following: (1) Existing and proposed buildings and structures; (2) Driveway and parking; (3) Open space and/or landscaped area, recreational use areas, public and semipublic land, parks, school sites, etc.; and (4) Public street right-of-way; 6. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total net and gross residential density and density per residential parcel; 7. Location, identification and dimension of the following existing and proposed data, on-site and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUDs) outside site plan boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way, unless otherwise stated: a. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Planning Director; b. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet; c. On-site streets and rights-of-way; d. Ingress and egress points; e. Traffic flow on-site; f. Traffic flow off-site; g. Utilities and utility rights-of-way or easements: (1) Electric; (2) Natural gas; (3) Telephone, cable TV, and similar utilities; (4) Water; and (5) Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm); h. Surface water, including: (1) Holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches; (2) Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands; (3) Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100-year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis; and (4) A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Chapter 18.58 of this title if not previously provided with subdivision review; i. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with any adopted storm drainage ordinance or best management practices manual adopted by the City; (1) All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: (a) The name of the drainageway (where appropriate); (b) The downstream conditions (developed, available drainageways, etc.); and (c) Any downstream restrictions; j. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features; k. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict, a statement requiring lot accesses to be built to the standard contained in this section, the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy, and the City of Bozeman Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications; l. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance; m. Fences and walls, including typical details; n. Exterior signs; o. Exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details; p. A site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. The materials required in §18.78.060.R, BMC, if not previously provided; q. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details; r. Landscaping (detailed plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in §18.78.100, BMC); s. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species; t. Snow storage areas; u. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development; v. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site; w. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites; and x. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc.; 8. Detailed plan of all parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, bicycle racks, compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking, on-street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each; 9. The information required by §18.78.060 L., BMC, subject to the following exceptions: a. Such information was previously provided through a subdivision review process; or b. The provision of such information was waived in writing by the City Engineer during subdivision review of the land to be developed; or c. The provision of such information is waived in writing by the City Engineer prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application; or d. The application for site plan approval involves the redevelopment of property located within the City’s established Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. In such cases, the City may require the property owner to sign a Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of a Special Improvement District, or other form of agreement, assuring participation, on a fair share, pro-rata basis, in future improvements to intersections in the vicinity of the development proposal; or e. The application for site plan approval involves the adaptive reuse of an existing building, regardless of its location within the City, or the redevelopment of a property located within one of the City’s Urban Renewal Districts. In cases where an existing building or complex of buildings is to be torn down and replaced with a larger building or complex of buildings, the City Engineer may require the information described in Section 18.78.060 L. to evaluate the additional traffic impacts resulting from development of the larger building or complex of buildings. 10. Building design information (on-site): a. Building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the building(s) or structure(s); b. Height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area; c. Floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities; and d. All onsite utilities and mechanical equipment; 11. Description and mapping of soils existing on the site, accompanied by analysis as to the suitability of such soils for the intended construction and proposed landscaping; 12. Temporary facilities plan showing the location of all temporary model homes, sales offices and/or construction facilities, including temporary signs and parking facilities; 13. Unless already provided through a previous subdivision review, a noxious weed control plan complying with §18.78.050, BMC; and 14. Drafts of applicable supplementary documents as set forth in Chapter 18.72 of this title. 15. The information necessary to complete the determination of density change and parkland provision required by §18.50.020.B, BMC, unless such information was previously determined by the City to be inapplicable and written confirmation is provided to the applicant prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan application. If a new park will be created by the development the park plan materials of §18.78.060.P, BMC shall be provided. 16. Affordable Housing. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Title 17 Chapter 2, BMC which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Title 17, Chapter 2, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. 17. Phased site plans: a. A phasing plan showing the location of phase boundaries and that each phase will be fully functional if subsequent phases are not completed. b. A utilities plan showing that each phase will be able to be fully functional if subsequent phases are not completed. c. A revegetation and grading plan showing how disturbed areas will be revegetated to control weeds and site grading and drainage control will be maintained as phased construction proceeds. d. If the applicant intends for multiple phases to be under construction simultaneously, evidence of financial commitment from the project lender for the completion of all phases to be undertaken at once. Evidence of financial commitment may be provided at the time the building permits for the multiple phases are sought. Section 19 Section 18.80.1655 of the Unified Development Ordinance to read as follows: 18.80.1655 LOT COVERAGE The ratio of horizontal area, measured from the exterior surface of the exterior walls of the ground floor, of all principal and accessory buildings on a lot to the total lot area. For the purposes of calculating lot coverage those portions of a structure which do not have exterior walls are not included, even if it is covered by a roof. Section 20 Section 18.80.3165 of the Unified Development Ordinance to read as follows: 18.80.3165 WAYFINDING SIGNAGE A set of coordinated signs which are intended to give directional guidance to and within a defined district and to assist pedestrians or vehicles in finding areas of common interest or convenience. Section 21 Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this growth policy which may be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this growth policy are declared to be severable. Section 22 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights of duties that matured, penalties and assessments that were incurred or proceedings that began before the effective date of this resolution. Section 23 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the ____ day of ___________________ 2009. ______________________ KAAREN JACOBSON MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________ STACY ULMEN CITY CLERK PASSED, ADOPTED AND FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading, at a regular session thereof held on the ____ day of ________________ 20____. _______________________ KAAREN JACOBSON MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________ STACY ULMEN CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________ GREG SULLIVAN CITY ATTORNEY Exhibit A ÝØßÐÌÛÎ ïèòðî ÙÛÒÛÎßÔ ÐÎÑÊ×Í×ÑÒÍ ïèòðîòðïð Ý×ÌßÌ×ÑÒ Ì¸· ¬·¬´» ¸¿´´ ¾» µ²±©² ¿²¼ ½·¬»¼ ¿ ¬¸» ˲·º·»¼ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Þ±¦»³¿²ô ØÅÚØÍÉÆÕØÏÚÔÉØÙÕØËØÔÏÆÕØËØÔÉÊÕÜÑÑÛØËØ×ØËËØÙÉÎÜÊlÉÕÔÊÉÔÉÑØk ïèòðîòðîð ßËÌØÑÎ×ÌÇ Ì¸· ¬·¬´» · ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¾§ ¿«¬¸±®·¬§ ±º yéêóîóíðï »¬ »¯òô yéêóíóïðï »¬ »¯ò ¿²¼ yéóíóéðï »¬ »¯òô ÓÝßò ß¼¼·¬·±²¿´ Ý·¬§ ¿«¬¸±®·¬§ · ¹®¿²¬»¼ ¾§ ª¿®·±« 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