HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-06 Planning Board Minutes.docTHE CITY OF BOZEMAN PLANNING BOARD
President JP Pomnichowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and directed the secretary to record the attendance.
Members Present Staff Present
Brian Caldwell Allyson Bristor, Associate Planner
Randy Carpenter Jody Sanford, Senior Planner
Steve Kirchhoff Lanette Windemaker, Contract Planner
JP Pomnichowski Andrew Epple, Director, Planning and Community Development
Caren Roberty Carol Schott, Recording Secretary
Ed Sypinski
Erik Henyon
Visitors Present
Dave B. Packer
Scott Hacker
Catherine Koenen
Ken Smith
Rob Pertzborn
{Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board and not scheduled on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker.}
President Pomnichowski called for additions or corrections to the minutes of February 7, 2006, and hearing none, she declared the minutes approved as presented in the emailed version.
A. Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application #P-06001 - (Baldwin). A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application requested by the property owners, Kenneth & Florence Baldwin
(Baldwin Trust) and Kenneth Robert Baldwin, represented by Paul Cook, Arrowhead Surveying, to allow the subdivision of 0.335 acres into 2 residential lots. The property is legally described
as being situated in the NW¼ of Section 7, T2S, R6E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Montana, and is located at 529 and 533 North Rouse Avenue. (Bristor)
President Pomnichowski asked the applicant, Bob Baldwin, if he had a presentation for the Board. He stated he was just glad to get it done.
Since there were no questions from the Board, President Pomnichowski OPENED THE HEARING FOR PUBLIC COMMENT, and hearing none, she CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.
MOTION: Ms. Roberty moved, Mr. Sypinski seconded, to recommend approval of application #P-06001 with conditions as in the staff report. The motion carried 7-0.
B. Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application #P-05076 - (Annie IIIC). A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application requested by the property owners and applicants, Roger
and Rosalind Smith, represented by Gaston Engineering and Surveying, PC, to allow the subdivision of 3.991 acres into 3 single-household residential lots and one four-plex lot. The
property is legally described as a portion of Lot 1 Annie Subdivision Phase II, is situated in the SE¼ of Section 2, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Montana, and is at 2305 Durston Road
in the northeast corner of the intersection of North 25th Avenue and Durston Road. (Sanford)
President Pomnichowski asked the applicant, Katherine Koenen of Gaston Engineering and Surveying and applicant’s rep, if she had a presentation for the Board. She stated she would
answer questions.
Since there were no questions from the Board, President Pomnichowski OPENED THE HEARING FOR PUBLIC COMMENT, and hearing none, she CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING.
MOTION: Mr. Caldwell moved, Mr. Henyon seconded, to forward a recommendation of approval for application #P-05076 with staff’s conditions. The motion carried 7-0.
A. Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application #P-05078 - (LeClair). A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application requested by the property owner, Highwood Estates, Inc., represented
by Rocky Mountain Engineers, PLLC, to allow the subdivision of 1.646 acres into 5 residential lots. The property is legally described as Lots 1A – 4A, Block 2A of LeClair’s Rearrangement
of Graf’s First Subdivision, is situated in the E½ of Section 18, T2S, R6E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is generally located east of Kenyon Drive and adjacent
to Josephine Park. (Sanford)
Senior Planner Jody Sanford presented the Staff Report, reviewed several recommended conditions.
President Pomnichowski asked if there was any conflict for the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Committee with the trails not being dedicated. Planner Sanford noted the trails are
in the public right of way and in the appropriate location.
Mr. Henyon asked for an explanation about access and location of the manholes in Josephine Park. Planner Sanford noted access is required to service sewer main in the manhole. She
noted Staff has suggested the access be moved to the south and onto the subject property.
Ray Center, Rocky Mountain Engineers and applicant’s representative, explained that the water main and the access to the watertower were mistakenly located outside the platted easement
years ago. He noted it didn’t make sense to the applicant to leave the southern with a lot over 20,000 sq. ft.; therefore, they are proposing to create two 10,000 square foot lots from
that lot. He described the proposed placement of the trail and manhold access right of way. He noted the trail has to be realigned as it is currently located on Mr. LeClair’s property.
He noted the turn around is located in the proposed location to better serve the property to the north when it is developed. The applicant prefers to leave the all weather access road
for manhole access where it is proposed.
Mr. Henyon asked if Kenyon Drive would be extended to the hospital property boundary. Mr. Center noted the hospital doesn’t want through traffic; therefore they aren’t proposing to
extend the street to their property boundary.
Ms. Roberty asked if the emergency turn around was properly protected for emergency use. Mr. Center noted the turn around is for people to access the trail and to turn around if they
desire. He noted if there were a gate across the turn around, city crews couldn’t plow it.
Mr. Carpenter asked if the turn around area is temporary. Mr. Center noted it depends on how quickly the hospital proposes to develop their property. He noted there is a grade of 7
½ to 8 %. Randy asked how far the cul-de-sac would have to move. Mr. Center stated the cul-de-sac would have to be moved 35 to 40 feet to properly locate it.
Mr. Caldwell asked if the fire flows and water pressures were adequate. Mr. Center noted they really haven’t looked at it as all the other homes to the south are higher than the proposed
lots. He stated he hasn’t run any numbers on those statistics, however.
Dave Parker, 1716 Kenyon Drive, noted the homes in the area have be issued Jacuzzi water pumps provided by the City to raise the water pressure. He noted he isn’t happy with the increase
from four lots to five lots as it won’t help the water pressure or the density. He noted there is noise from the antennas mounted on the water tower, which decreases the livability
of the area. He noted an amazing number of people park on Kenyon Drive for access to the trails. He stated he was opposed to having the cul-de-sac extend across the trail, and opposed
to extending Kenyon Drive into the hospital property.
President Pomnichowski called for further public comment, and hearing none, she CLOSED THE PUBLIC COMMENT PORTION OF THE HEARING.
Ms. Roberty asked if it would be possible to do a gravel cul-de-sac on lot 1. Planner Sanford noted a recently submitted pre-application from the Bozeman Deaconess Health Services does
not show the connection; however, DRC has recommended it be extended for access and connectivity for emergency vehicles. She explained the requirements for marking any trail which crosses
a street.
Mr. Carpenter asked why the hammerhead should be installed at this time. Planner Sanford noted it is a timing issue. She noted if the hospital proposal goes forth, there may not be
a need for the hammerhead.
Mr. Caldwell noted during public comment it was noted an access currently exists to the trail from Kenyon Drive. He questioned making the hammerhead more obtrusive. Planner Sanford
noted there would be no parking permitted in the cul-de-sac as it is being designed only as a turn around.
Ms. Roberty noted she was concerned about the trail crossing the road. She noted it is an infill project, and they plan to improve the trail connection.
Mr. Carpenter noted the existing lot is very large and, in general, it is better for the density of the City to have smaller lots.
Mr. Kirchhoff noted it looks like a fine project. He concurred with Mr. Caldwell’s comment on the future connection of Kenyon Drive. He stated it was worth exploring and should make
the connection easier.
Mr. Center commented that when the street grades were designed connect to the north, they
designed them as low as they could, though the street would be higher than the trail. He noted the current design would be easy to tie into from the hospital property.
Mr. Sypinski asked if they were opposed to extending Kenyon Drive to the hospital property. Mr. Center noted it would have no negative impact on their development.
Mr. Henyon noted he was in favor of the density as proposed. He stated it was appropriate for the neighborhood. He noted connectivity is encouraged in Planning documents. He noted
he disagreed with Staff about moving the access to the manhole. He stated he had no issue with the applicant’s proposal on the access. He noted he would strike condition #15.
President Pomnichowski noted the lot size was appropriate, and was sensitive to the neighborhood and the site. She noted streets cross trails all over the City, and the design promotes
handicapped access. She noted the hammerhead was no problem as the street should go through before the development is completed. She noted she disagreed with Mr. Henyon as a manhole
access should be located in an access easement. She noted she supported the application as conditioned.
Mr. Caldwell noted the access to the manhole wasn’t an issue for him. Mr. Henyon stated it wasn’t a sticking point for him.
MOTION: Ms. Roberty moved, Mr. Caldwell seconded, to recommend approval of application #P-05078 with Staff conditions. The motion carried 7-0.
B. Major Subdivision Pre-Application #P-05082 - (Crestview). A Major Subdivision Pre-Application requested by the property owner, Montana Crestview, R. Scott Hacker, represented by
T, D, and H, Inc., to allow the subdivision of ~ 42 acres into 42 single and multi-household residential lots. The property is legally described as Lot 3 of MiSub No. 221, is situated
in the SW¼ of Section 26, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and is generally located northeast of the intersection of Davis Lane and Catamount Street. (Windemaker)
Contract Planner Lanette Windemaker presented the Staff Memo. She noted Cattail Creek doesn’t flow into the lake.
Ken Smith, owner’s representative, noted they have made several revisions based on comments during the informal process to create this plan. He noted it is more of a cluster of residential
development with a continuation of the City street grid pattern. He noted the park dedication is adequate with the lake and open space around it. He noted the park/open space corridor
south of the lake will be maintained as a public space. He noted a variance would be required to install the asphalt trail as requested by the Parks Department. He described the enhanced
wetlands spaces. He noted storm water would not be dumped directly into the lake. He noted the storm water wetlands would be in addition to the wetlands they are replacing.
Overall, the Board was pleased with the new design. There was discussion concerning the amount of parkland being dedicated, the location of the trail, the quantity and quality of the
wetlands being replaced, the width of the alleys and streets, the action and location of the retention/detention ponds, the location of the Rae Fire Department fire fill site, and the
design of the berm and its ability to be an attractive amenity.
It was noted the parkland requirements are being exceeded. Mr. Smith noted about 1 ½ times the existing wetlands are proposed to be reclaimed. He described the various alley widths
in the proposed subdivision. He noted the street widths are standard City widths within 60 foot dedications. He noted they will apply for the necessary permits for streets crossing
the stream. Mr. Smith noted the fire fill site for Rae Fire will not be changed. He explained how the storm water areas were engineered to perform. He assured the Board the berm would
be aesthetically pleasing and the outlet would not be obtrusive
President Pomnichowski called for public comment on the proposal and hearing none, she closed the public comment portion of the meeting.
Ms. Roberty stated the proximity of the multi-family homes to the lake seems to be cramming density and a dangerous situation together.
Mr. Carpenter commended the applicant on the design of the non-rectangular retention/detention ponds.
In response to Mr. Kirchhoff, Mr. Smith noted they are planning a variety of structure types from one to three stories and single family to apartment styles with a traditional neighborhood
look, but not cookie cutter design. He noted they are planning for two cars per unit. Mr. Kirchhoff noted there was an opportunity to purchase more than one lot for larger structures.
Mr. Smith noted his goal is to create brownstone houses with individual character for each home. Mr. Kirchhoff noted he is concerned that the public might have the feel that they are
entering the multi-family complex. He noted there is a huge slip between the cup and the lip. He asked how they will control the design until buildout. The owner noted they plan to
do the complete buildout themselves and control design features with covenants and design guidelines.
President Pomnichowski asked if the whole open space south of the lake would be public or private open space. She stated she was concerned about the multi-family lots and didn’t want
the structures to be cookie cutters of one another. She noted she felt the density was too great and the parking proposed inadequate. She asked that they be sure to provide adequate
alley widths. She asked the applicant to drive Michael Grove Avenue to get a feel for what she doesn’t want to occur here. She noted she was opposed to the sidewalk being located within
the setback along the lake/creek. She commended
him for keeping the lake as a feature of the subdivision. She suggested he seek a waiver for the 38% street frontage along the parks/open space corridor.
Mr. Kirchhoff suggested the applicant include all housing types on each block. Mr. Smith noted his initial reaction is that developing to a comfortable human scale requires some amount
of repetition, and breaking up a block too much would break the human scale of the structures.
Mr. Henyon noted the density may be over engineered.
Director Epple noted on a 3-2 vote the City Commission denied the Churn Creek GPA. Mr. Henyon noted the annexation and ZMA were tied to the GPA. Director Epple noted a sub area plan
was a contingency of the preliminary approval of the Annexation and GPA prior to finalization. He discussed options available to the applicant.
President Pomnichowski asked that another City-County Planning meeting be set up soon.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Andrew Epple, Director JP Pomnichowski, President
Planning and Community Development City Of Bozeman Planning Board