HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-31 ccm MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN. MONTANA January 31. 1994 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, January 31, 1994, at 3:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for discussion. Minutes - Januarv 24. 1994 It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 24, 1994, be approved as amended. The motion . carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Letter of resignation from the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board, submitted by Katherine Ball, dated January 26, 1994. (2) Letter from Katherine Ball, dated January 26, 1994, regarding the traffic signal at the intersection of South 4th Avenue and West Babcock Street, as requested by the . Parents of Willson School. (3) Copy of a memo from Historic Preservation Officer Derek Strahn, dated January 26, regarding exterior improvements at the Beall Park Arts Center. (4) Copy of information submitted to the Gallatin County Commission by Judy Wilkes, 9354 Nash Road, regarding the proposed Triple Tree Ranch Subdivision. 01-31-94 --..--.,.. - 2 - (5) Minutes from the Highway Commission meeting held on December 19, 1993 and telephone meeting of January 3, 1994. (6) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 8:30 a.m., and reconvened at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 1994, along with daily minutes for the week . of January 17, 1994. (7) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 1, at the Carnegie Building. (8) Agenda for a special Design Review Board meeting to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, at the Carnegie Building. (9) Agenda for the City-County Planning Board meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, in the Commission Room. (10) Commissioner Frost submitted the following. (1) Attended the DRB meeting last Tuesday afternoon. He encouraged the new Commissioners to attend some of those meetings, if possible, to learn more about their operations, particularly in light of the comments made during the campaign and recent newspaper articles. (2) Noted that in one of the latest . editions of the Nation's Cities Weekly, there is a front-page article pertaining to the information super-highway bill and how it will affect franchise fees for cities and towns. He noted the fear is that the monies from franchise agreements will be lost to cities and towns. He stated the same issue also contains a good article on compliance with ADA regulations, and how serious the federal government is in gaining compliance. (3) Distributed copies of information from the Montana League of Cities and Towns regarding legislative issues and the stand which the League plans to take. He asked for Commissioner input, noting he will forward that information at the next Board meeting. (11 ) Commissioner Stueck stated that last week, he had lunch with Larry Aasheim and Terry Baldus, at which time they talked to him about possible locations for new ballfields. He noted this information was submitted to the previous Commission; and he is . interested in talking to the City Manager about those sites, particularly since some of them seem viable. (12) Commissioner Youngman stated that Ms. Mary Canty, who has been actively involved in the cable television franchising in Missoula, is to be in Bozeman next week. She suggested that, with the public hearing on cable television rate regulation and discussion 01-31-94 - 3 - on cable television franchising on next week's agenda, it may be beneficial to provide time for Ms. Canty to address the Commission. At Commissioner Frost's request, the Clerk of the Commission reviewed the agenda for next week's meeting, which includes a relatively light afternoon agenda and three public . hearings in the evening. Following a brief discussion the Commissioners concurred it would be appropriate to provide an opportunity for Ms. Canty to address the Commission during its discussion on cable television franchising, which will be held in the afternoon session. (13) The City Manager distributed a memo from Neighborhood Coordinator! Grantsperson Goehrung, dated January 31, inviting the Commissioners to attend a meeting of the housing task force at noon on Thursday, February 10, at which time the video tape entitled "Regulations and Affordable Housing" will be shown. Commissioner Youngman noted that a series of videos will be shown at housing task force meetings held during the month of February. She urged the other Commissioners to attend any of those meetings possible, so they can be prepared to act on the task force's . recommendations when they are forwarded later this spring. (14) The City Manager distributed information on a telephone call received by Assistant City Manager Brey regarding the "Fox" balloon. ( 15) The City Manager noted that the Commissioners have received a letter from Paul Ellis, Speedy Lube, dated January 25, forwarding copies of letters he has received from the Planning staff. The City Manager reminded the Commission that they heard Mr. Ellis' request for deviations and, after providing him an opportunity to resolve any differences with staff, made a decision. He noted that Mr. Ellis is still not happy with that decision and is requesting an opportunity to address the Commission once again. Commissioner Stueck noted that the previous Commission took action on this issue; . and neither he nor Commissioner Youngman were parties to that process. Commissioner Frost stated he feels the Commission did the best they could when they previously addressed the issue. He noted that Mr. Ellis' attorney was present at those meetings; and he feels the issue has been closed. He also noted that he feels staff's letters to Mr. Ellis are reasonable and to the point. 01-31-94 - 4 - Responding to Commissioner Stueck, the City Manager stated that staff does not have the authority to waive the bonding requirements for the installation of improvements. Following discussion, Mayor Vincent suggested that Commissioner Stueck meet with the City Manager to gain background information on the processes completed to date. He then . forwarded his feeling that the issue is best dealt with at staff level at this time. (16) Ms. Daria Joyner, Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, invited the Commissioners to attend a breakfast meeting of the Governmental Affairs Committee, to be held at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, February 11, at the GranTree Inn. She noted there is no set agenda for the meeting, but that it is a time for informal discussion. (17) The City Manager noted that inflatable balloons, or promotional devices, took a considerable amount of time at the end of last week. He noted that the "Fox" was set up in front of the United Building Center, showing the Commissioners some pictures taken after its initial set-up. He stated that the cement blocks set in the middle of the public sidewalk and the guy ropes from those blocks to the balloon created a real hazard and a liability issue. He stated that after that issue was resolved, then the issue of non-compliance with the zone code . became the major issue. The City Manager stated a separate complaint about this particular device, pertaining to the high volume at which the accompanying radio is played, has been voiced on different occasions. He noted that the radio station is interested in boosting its ratings as much as possible, and are taking all sorts of steps to accomplish that. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, the City Manager stated that it has been determined this inflatable balloon does not meet the zone code and, therefore, a cease and desist order has been issued. He noted that this order applies to all locations within the city limits except for the Montana State University campus. (18) City Manager Wysocki submitted his weekly report, as follows. ( 1) Noted how icy it was the past few days, with the drop in temperatures and a little bit of snow. (2) . Stated he is working on an extension of the lease for the Beall Park Arts Center. He noted the letter from Derek Strahn, submitted earlier in this agenda item, pertains to ensuring that the building meet code requirements. (3) Stated that the Hockey Association wants the City to spend more time watering the ice skating rink at Bogert Park; but the City staff doesn't have the resources. He further noted that the warm weather has created a frustrating situation for 01-31-94 -----..---.-... -- ----------.--- - 5 - those who like to play hockey. He stated that after the season ends, it may be possible for City staff to train some of the Association members to use the hose to spray the rink. He cautioned that the hoses can be difficult to handle if one is not familiar with them. (4) Attended the grand opening of the new Wal-Mart store. (5) Attended a meeting of the . Montana Ambassadors in this area of the state, in preparation for the Montana Ambassadors' annual meeting set for next month. (6) Attended the Cemetery Board's special meeting last week, at which time several Questions about the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund monies were addressed. He noted that in 1986, when it became apparent that the CPC Fund would never grow to a level where it could fully cover the costs of maintaining the cemetery when it is full, the Commission adopted a resolution under which 85 percent of the CPC monies are placed in the General Fund, with the remaining 15 percent going into the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, so that better annual maintenance of the cemetery may be provided. He then noted the Hospital's interest in acquiring some of the City's cemetery land; however, after discussion, the Board determined it is in the City's best interests to retain all of its existing land, and possibly attempt to acquire abutting land as well, to avoid the duplicate costs incurred when . maintaining more than one cemetery site. (19) Ms. Daria Joyner, Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, announced that the Economic Outlook seminar will be held in Bozeman from 8:00 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 2, and invited the Commissioners to attend. (20) Mayor Vincent submitted the fOllowing. (1) Announced that he will be speaking to another Rotary group this week. He noted that in future presentations to service clubs, he plans to ask for their input. The City Manager suggested that the Mayor also ask if those individuals giving input reside inside or outside the city limits. (2) Attended the grand opening of the Wal-Mart store. Consent Items . City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following Consent Items. Commission Resolution No. 2952 - intent to imDlement a 5% increase in water rates: set Dublic hearing for Februarv 22. 1994 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2952 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOlEMAN, MONT ANA, ORDERING A PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD ON A PROPOSED 01-31-94 ...---.- - 6 - FIVE PERCENT (5%) INCREASE IN THE WATER RATE CHARGED TO CUSTOMERS OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM. Commission Resolution No. 2953. intent to imDlement a 9.5% increase in waste water (sewer) rates: set DubUc hearina for Februarv 22. 1.iH COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2953 ;. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, ORDERING A PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD ON A PROPOSED NINE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (9.5%) INCREASE IN THE WASTE WATER (SEWER) RATE CHARGED TO CUSTOMERS OF THE MUNICIPAL WASTE VVATER (SEVVER) SYSTEM. Buildina InsDection Division reDon for December 1993 Claims It was moved by Commissioner Stiff, seconded by Commissioner Stueck, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. . Work session ~ Commission discussion re various tODics raised by individual Commissioners Mayor Vincent noted that copies of each of the Commissioners' lists were included in the packets. Commissioner Youngman distributed copies of a compilation she had prepared from those lists, dividing the comments between "process-related concerns" and "issues and needs", with like comments grouped together. Following a brief discussion, the Commission concurred it would be best to work from the list prepared by Commissioner Youngman, addressing those items under "process-related concerns" first. The Commission then proceeded with their discussion, as follows. A. Provisional adoption of ordinances before hearings. . Commissioner Frost expressed concern that to add a public hearing to the process of adopting an ordinance, particularly if that public hearing is held before provisional adoption of the ordinance, could lead to a four to six week process to get an ordinance approved. He asked if there is any wording that would make it more acceptable to take the first vote on the ordinance prior to the public hearing. 01-31-94 --.- - 7 - City Manager Wysocki characterized the initial vote on an ordinance as procedural, providing for setting of a public hearing and the attendant publication. Mayor Vincent stated that he briefly discussed this issue with the City Attorney last week; and the City Attorney characterized the first vote on an ordinance as substantive under . the State law. He stated that if it were a procedural vote, he would have no problem with taking the first vote before a public hearing; however, since it is a substantive vote, he cannot in good conscience participate in that vote. He expressed concern that an affirmative vote for initial adoption essentially reflects support for the ordinance and, after a public hearing is held, he may no longer feel it is in the City's best interests to finally adopt that ordinance. He stated reservation about voting two different ways on an ordinance, suggesting that could be construed as a change in position. Commissioner Youngman asked about the possibility of changing the language for first adoption of an ordinance, to more closely resemble the wording of a resolution. Commissioner Frost asked if a public hearing would be necessary prior to final adoption of an ordinance if one were held prior to provisional adoption; the City Manager . responded that a second public hearing would not be necessary. Clerk of the Commission Sullivan cautioned that some type of Commission action is needed, to authorize and direct her to publish an advertisement for public hearing. She noted that the State statutes mandate public hearings for some types of ordinances; however, she characterized those as being few. Commissioner Stiff stated he, too, is concerned about the appearance of a Commissioner voting differently on the provisional and final adoptions of an ordinance. He also expressed concern that adoption of an ordinance prior to a public hearing seems to send the message that "it is a done deal"; and he feels that is inappropriate. Mayor Vincent characterized some ordinances as pro forma, while others are more controversial. He then suggested that the Commission make the decision on whether a public . hearing is necessary on a case-by-case basis. He then noted that another option available to each of the Commissioners is to abstain from voting on the provisional adoption of an ordinance. City Manager Wysocki asked that the Commission defer any type of decision on this item until the City Attorney is available to participate in the discussion. 01-31-94 - 8 - B. Audience question period as part of a hearing. Commissioner Youngman suggested that it appears some people would testify differently if they were able to have questions answered before submitting their testimony. She forwarded the suggestion that after the staff report and Commission question period, the public . be given an opportunity to forward their questions, without the need to first identify themselves. She stated that the information received could lead to dramatic differences in the testimony given in many instances. She suggested this process could also lead to increased efficiency in the public hearing itself. She emphasized the fact that the Mayor would need to carefully control this portion of the process, if it were implemented. Commissioner Frost noted that during the past four years, staff has maintained a list of questions raised during the public hearings; and they respond to those questions after everyone has spoken. He stated that he has also maintained a list of questions, forwarding them again if staff fails to address them during the response period. He then expressed his concern that this step would further delay the time when people have an opportunity to forward their comments on an issue. He suggested that it may be worth trying. . Mayor Vincent suggested that this process be considered on a case-by-case basis. He noted that it can be tried when the Commission reaches a consensus prior to the public hearing; and he suggested it may need to be tried twice before they can adequately determine whether it seems to work. Commissioner Stiff suggested that staff should possibly be more attentive to the questions raised, and very careful to address each one of them during the response period. C. Compromise/negotiation step before or atter a public hearing. More discussion among Commissioners prior to decision making. Commissioner Frost stated he feels the compromise/negotiation period should occur at the dais after the public hearing is closed, either before or after a motion has been made. He does not feel it is appropriate to conduct such a step during the pUblic hearing, or to allow . the public or applicant to become involved in the process. City Manager Wysocki cautioned the Commission to be careful in its compromise step to ensure that it does not include compromises to provisions mandated by ordinance. He reminded the Commission that this is a representative form of government, and that they are responsible for making decisions, in a timely manner. 01-31-94 --...,...- --.-. -...-- ,. --- ----.-.--- -..----...... .--..-.------ ------ --. --.... -- ..-..- - -.-. ...-.-.. ---...------..-- ....- .-....--.---.- - 9 - Commissioner Stueck stated that during the time he observed the Commission and during this past month, discussions among the Commissioners have been limited to each one stating his or her position on a motion that has been placed on the floor after the public hearing has been closed. He suggested that more give and take during the Commission discussion . could lead to a better understanding of each other's position, and possibly lead to better decisions. = City Manager Wysocki stated it is important for each Commissioner to state the reasons for his or her vote, particularly if it is a process in which staff is to bring back findings of fact. He also cautioned that this step should not occur until the Commission has had an opportunity to adequately discuss the issues involved. Commissioner Youngman noted that the Commission sometimes receives a recommendation from a committee or a board regarding a specific item; and other times, it does not. She stated that the proposed compromise step would not always be necessary; however, she cited the sidewalk policy and the neighborhood parking district as times when a compromise step may have allowed an opportunity for a creative compromise. She stated that . conversations with former Commissioner Mathre revealed that there were times during her tenure when a public hearing was continued for a week, allowing Commissioners to meet with residents in a neighborhood to work out an acceptable solution. Commissioner Stueck stated his basic agreement with Commissioner Youngman's comments. He stated that sometimes he needs more input from the other Commissioners before making a decision. Commissioner Frost stated he understands what the new Commissioners are saying; and he does not find any fault with it. He noted there are times when a decision needs to be delayed for a period of one week to allow staff to research questions and issues that have been raised. He then stated that he does spend time on site, often taking measurements before and after the public hearing. . Commissioner Frost then expressed concern about the proposal to include a compromise step, questioning which side the Commission would compromise with on a controversial issue. He noted that during the past four years, he has learned to understand what is important to each Commissioner by the questions he or she asks about an issue or a 01-31-94 -..- -.....--...- - 10 - project. He suggested that this type of process could be accommodated under the Commission's current policies if the Commission determines it appropriate. Commissioner Stiff noted that with the current process of each Commissioner stating his or her position, by the fourth and fifth Commissioners, it often seems there's not much left . to say. He also noted that if one has a much different viewpoint and is one of the last to speak, it becomes difficult to forward his or her position; and it is much easier just to keep quiet. He noted that if these comments were forwarded in more of a discussion format instead of a rotation format, it might be easier for the Commissioners to discuss the issues that are of concern . Commissioner Youngman suggested that after the public hearing is closed, it may be more appropriate for the Commissioners to forward a round of questions, concerns or reservations prior to stating any opinions. Commissioner Frost stated this type of procedure would place emphasis on the Chair, to ensure that two or three Commissioners are not dominating the process, but that a loop is maintained. . Mayor Vincent stated he feels the current structure contains the flexibility to allow this type of step to be included in the process. He then noted that there have been times in the rotational discussion when it would have been nice to talk about comments that were made. Commissioner Frost then stated he feels it is important to have a motion on the floor before the Commissioners state their positions, so that everyone is addressing the same issue. Following discussion on the issues, raised, the Commission concurred that the current procedure allows for inclusion of Commissioner discussion after the public hearing is closed. D. Establish a standard for continuing public hearings. Commissioner Youngman noted that there are several options for continuing public hearings; and she feels it would be appropriate to establish a standard so there is no question . when the public hearing will be closed. She suggested that options include closing the public hearing at a specific time before the next Commission meeting or closing it after additional input is accepted at the second meeting. She suggested that closing the hearing before the next Commission meeting would allow for additional input yet provide for the greatest efficiency. 01-31-94 - - - 11 - City Manager Wysocki cautioned the Commission that in some instances, particularly on zoning applications, the Commission hearing is actually the fourth hearing in the process. He noted that there are often people who appear for the first time at the Commission hearing; and he does not feel it is appropriate to continue those public hearings when there has been . so many previous opportunities for input. Commissioner Frost noted that often the public will contact the Commission after reading a news article on a public hearing. He cited as an example, a telephone call that he received after the public hearing on the transportation plan, at which the closure of South 11 th Avenue was discussed. He stated that in that instance, many public meetings had been conducted over the period of a year; however, it was not until after the last public hearing that he received the call. Mayor Vincent stated he feels this issue should be addressed on a case-by-case basis, rather than trying to establish a policy for continuations. City Manager Wysocki suggested that if the Commission wishes to continue the written testimony portion of a public hearing to a time certain, it would be best to set the . deadline at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, so that the information can be copied and included in the Commissioners' packets on Friday. Mayor Vincent stated he feels that is a fair proposal; Commissioner Frost concurred. Break - 5:02 to 5:07 D.m. Mayor Vincent declared a break from 5:02 p.m. to 5:07 p.m., in accordance with Commission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983. Work session (continued) - Commission discussion re various tODics raised by individual Commissioners E. Weekly agendas in Chronicle. . City Manager Wysocki estimated that publishing the agenda in a display ad in the newspaper, like the School Board and the County Commission, would cost $3,500 annually. He noted that monies were not included in this year's budget to cover those costs; however, he indicated that if the Commission feels it is important to publish the agenda so that the public 01-31-94 - 12 - is more adequately informed, staff will forward a recommendation on funding for those additional costs. Responding to Mayor Vincent, the City Manager stated he feels it is important that all agenda items (including consent items), except the procedural items, be included in the . advertisement. During discussion, the City Manager asked if the Commission wishes to hav~ the agenda published, the staff will proceed with that publication and will find the money in the budget to cover those costs. The Commission concurred in publishing the weekly agenda. F. More details related to each item, especially past history, if available. Commissioner Stueck noted there are items appearing on the agenda with which the old Commissioners have previously dealt, e.g., the City Manager's salary for this calendar year. He noted that additional details, including legal issues and any precedent setting issues, would be beneficial in making him more comfortable in voting. He stated that he does not even know enough about some of the issues to ask questions, to obtain a level of comfort; and the additional background information would be helpful. . Commissioner Frost stated the staff is typically good about forwarding the support information to the Commission. He noted there are times like last week, when one of the Commissioners pulled a resolution from the consent items for discussion, and there was no background information provided; and each Commissioner must draw on his own resources and memory. He characterized that as an occasional situation rather than a typical one. Commissioner Stueck stated he is more concerned about the carry-over items from the previous Commission than any new items that are coming forward to this Commission. He then stated that any consent item removed for discussion is probably the one where he feels he needs additional background information. City Manager Wysocki stated the objective of the consent agenda it to place all of what staff feels are routine items in one group, for action with a minimal amount of time spent. . He requested that if a Commissioner is interested in removing a consent agenda item for discussion, he be contacted early on Monday, so he has time to prepare a response to any questions or issues that may be raised. He noted that if the Commissioners are routinely not comfortable with the items placed on the consent agenda, then it is not working properly. 01-31-94 ----.-....-... ...--..-- .---.--. -.---. ___....__..._n___._ __..._.______n.._ - 13 ~ Mayor Vincent stated the City Manager sets the agenda. He noted that occasionally, a Commissioner may not feel that an item should be on the consent agenda; and the mechanism has been established under which any Commissioner may remove that item for discussion. . G. Commissioner concern agenda Item. Commissioner Stueck stated that on the School Board agenda, which follows the same format as the City Commission's agenda, there was a non-agenda item early on the agenda entitled "trustee concern". He stated that at that time, anyone in the audience was given an opportunity to speak; and any trustee could forward any concerns or report on any telephone calls he or she may have received. He stated this provided an opportunity to forward any item of urgency to the Board. The City Manager reminded the Commission that he works from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day; and that type of item should be forwarded to him. He then distributed books of situation reports to Commissioners Stueck and Youngman, noting that if a problem is submitted to them, they should complete one of these reports and turn it in to him for action. . Commissioner Stueck stated that the book of situation reports addresses another one of his concerns, which is listed as avenue for public complaints to be responded to. Mayor Vincent stated he has used the situation reports on occasion and has found them to be an effective tool. He noted that if he turns in a report early in the week, the results are often in his packet on Friday. He stated that, while a citizen may not be happy with the response itself, he is usually happy with the quick response. Commissioner Stueck cited a request for a progress report on the traffic light at the intersection of South 4th Avenue and West Babcock Street as an example of what might be covered under the proposed "Commissioner concern" agenda items. The City Manager responded that he would construe that as a "surprise" and stated that he would be unable to answer the question until the next week's meeting because he would first need to get the . answer from his staff. Commissioner Frost noted that the Commissioners may forward their questions about various items and issues under the existing "FYI Items" agenda item. He cautioned that Commissioners are not to expect answers at that time, but should receive answers the following week. 01-31-94 --------.-----------.---..-.-. .-.. -- - 14 - Commissioner Stueck stated that if items of this nature are to be submitted under the existing "FYI Items" agenda item, he has no problem with the current process. Mayor Vincent noted that the Commissioners do have the ability to speak directly to the City Manager about issues which are of interest outside the Commission meeting. He . reminded the Commissioners that the City staff is very busy and may not always remember to forward information that may be of interest to an individual Commissioner or to the Commission as a whole. City Manager Wysocki noted that, while he generally knows where the interests of the three carry-over Commissioners lie, he does not yet know where the interests of the two new Commissioners lie. He asked that if the information he forwards under his weekly "FYI" report is not addressing their interests, the Commissioners let him know what it is they do wish to know about. H. Guest editorials. Mayor Vincent stated that every Commissioner has the right to write a guest editorial and, as long as the Chronicle is not inundated with guest editorials, they will publish them. He . noted that if an individual Commissioner wishes to write a guest editorial, he or she may do so without approval of the other Commissioners; and if the Commission as a whole wishes to write a guest editorial, it would be best if one person drafted an editorial for review and approval by the Commission as a whole at the following meeting. Commissioner Stiff stated his preference for Commissioners writing guest editorials on an individual basis, rather than trying to write guest editorials for the Commission as a whole. Commissioner Youngman stated she had forwarded this item in an attempt to determine whether the Commission wishes to write guest editorials on a regular basis or an occasional basis. She suggested that with a regular guest editorial, the Commission could forward information on complex issues, so that the public can better understand the processes . and the reasons for Commission actions. She stated her preference for the guest editorials being from the Commission as a whole, although she also recognizes the potential that the process involved in preparing an editorial which is acceptable to all Commissioners could really bog the process down. She suggested an alternative might be to rotate the column among the Commissioners. 01-31-94 ----.. - - -.... - -.. . .----..---- -------... -.------- - 15 - Commissioner Frost stated that on procedural items, it may be possible to write a guest editorial that is acceptable to all Commissioners; however, he noted that if any individual Commissioner position is involved, the editorial should be from that Commissioner only. He then noted that it is difficult for him to write a guest editorial that says what he wants it to, . stating the last one took him two weeks to prepare. Mayor Vincent stated it also takes him a long time to write a guest editorial, to ensure that it says exactly what he wants it to say. Commissioner Stiff reiterated his preference for individual Commissioners to write guest editorials, stating he may choose not to participate because of the arduous process that would be involved for him. Commissioner Stueck stated his concurrence with the position that individual Commissioners may write guest editorials as they choose. Mayor Vincent stated that on issues on which the Commission agrees, it may be possible to write a guest editorial that would be acceptable to everyone. He concurred that on controversial issues, it would be better for individual Commissioners to write guest editorials . as they deem appropriate. Mayor Vincent then stated that he will talk to the editor at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle regarding the possibility of the Commissioners writing guest editorials, possibly on a frequent basis. Commissioner Stiff noted that many of the remaining items which the Commissioners submitted could be addressed through an update on implementation of the transportation plan and through an update on the goals. The City Manager suggested that the Commissioners are beginning the goal-setting process with many of the remaining items on their lists. He then distributed a packet of information on the transportation plan. He noted that some of the Commissioners have expressed an interest in a general obligation bond to fund some of the improvements in the . transportation plan; and if they wish to pursue that possibility in the June primary, action must be taken quickly. He suggested that it would be best to have more than a two-hour period to discuss the bulk of the remaining items, suggesting that the Commission consider either starting their afternoon meeting earlier or that they be prepared to run the meeting later than usual. 01-31-94 ---....- n..__n.._....._. --.----- ... ~- - 16 - Mayor Vincent stated he will work with the City Manager in reviewing the remaining items on the list and submitting a recommendation on when those issues can be addressed. Adjournment - 5:55 D.m. . There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Stueck, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. ~y~ - ATTEST: ~x~ R BIN L. SULLIVAN . Clerk of the Commission . 01-31-94 _____ _... ___u___ ----- ----