HomeMy WebLinkAbout041603 Transportation Coordinating Committee Minutes BOZEMAN AREA TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Chairperson Bill Murdock called the meeting to order at 9: and directed the secretary to record the attendance.
Members Present
Bob Burkhardt, FHWA
Andy Epple, Director, City Planning and Community Development
Debbie Arkell, Director of Public Service, Bozeman
Jeff Ebert, District Engineer, Butte District, MDT
Clark Johnson, City Manager, Bozeman
Bob Lashaway, Representative, MSU
Pat Abelin, Citizen Member, Gallatin County Resident
Ross Gammon, Maintenance Chief, Bozeman Division, MDT
Bill Murdock, Representative, Gallatin County Commission, TCC Chairperson
Kerry White, Representative, Gallatin County Planning Board
Mark Haggerty, Citizen Member, City of Bozeman Resident
Chris Scott, Gallatin County Planning
Staff Present
Rob Bukvich, Engineer, MDT, Bozeman Division
John Van Delinder, Streets Superintendent, Bozeman
Bill Kayser, Bozeman Police Department
Al Vanderwey, MDT, Urban
Visitors Present
Mandy Drysdale, Office of U.S. Senator Baucus
David Smith, Bozeman Chamber of Commerce
Steve Albert WTI/MSU
Suzy Lassacher, WTI/MSU
Mr. Ebert noted Mr. Bukvich’s name should be added to the attendance. MOTION: Mr. Gammon moved, Mr. Epple seconded, to approve the minutes of January 22, 2003, as amended. The motion
carried unanimously.
A. Transit Report
Steve Albert reported the city had approved the work scope as recommended. He noted the County is awaiting the outcome of legislation prior to action. Chairperson Murdock noted the
County Commission would hold its discussion on May 13th. Mr. Lashaway asked if the issue would be on the November Ballot. Chairperson Murdock noted he differs with Mr. Close’s assessment
that the issue should be on the November ballot. He stated his suggestion would be to place the creation of a transit district on the ballot. Mr. Bukvich and Mr. Albert noted the timeline
for completion of the analysis is June of 2003, which, it was noted, was nearly impossible as the dates for ratification by the City and County keep moving. Mr. Johnson stated that
the City Commission looks to the TCC for guidance and would want either issue to be reviewed by TCC for a recommendation. Mr. Epple explained TCC’s role in the preparation of the Bozeman
Area Transportation Plan 2001. He noted this committee might be the entity to forward a recommendation for a ballot issue. Chairperson Murdock noted if it is to be placed on a ballot,
it should be on the November ballot to save money. Mr. Albert noted this group would be great for reviewing questions raised by the public. Chairperson Murdock asked that “Transit”
remain an agenda item in July.
B. TSM’s Report
Ms. Debbie Arkell presented a report on the progress made on the 2001 projects, noting many of the projects are either completed or in the works. She highlighted the South 19th Avenue
improvements and the temporary signal to be added at Wallace Avenue and Main Street by MDT. Mr. Bukvich added that the project for improvements to Main Street is getting farther away
and, in place of those, MDT is making improvements to handicapped ramps on Main Street intersections. Mr. Bukvich clarified that CMAC funding is available for these projects.
C. Downtown Traffic Study – Rod Payne – Postponed by DBA
D. Western Transit Institute
1. Traffic Management Team - Steve Albert
Mr. Albert presented “Transportation, Research, Applications, and Instrumentation Laboratory”. He suggested the formation of a traffic management team and suggested the membership.
He described the use of “Real-Time Information Systems”. He suggested this group become more of a traffic management group rather than a construction management team.
Mr. Haggerty asked if communities that have changed their philosophy have improved the pedestrian/bicycle safety, to which Mr. Albert stated was usually the case. Mr. Albert suggested
addressing the education of the public and discussing how traffic would be routed when the improvements to 19th Avenue/Main Street intersection are done this summer. He offered to assist
MDT with developing the systems.
Ms. Lassacher presented the “Transportation, Research, Applications, and Instrumentation Laboratory” (TRAIL) system, Smart System, proposed for 19th Avenue. She suggested the effort
could be a collaboration between the city, county, and state. She noted the WTI Center is funded for three years to compile this information and disperse it.
Mr. Bukvich asked how the locations were chosen. Ms. Lassacher noted the sites were chosen with congestion and incident issues in mind present a full picture of the 19th Avenue corridor.
Mr. Bukvich suggested adding the intersections of North 19th Avenue and Tschache Lane, Baxter Lane, and Oak Street. Mr. Gammon noted the spread of time between projects could delay
the research by WTI. Mr. Albert noted the data collecting systems are portable. Mr. Hixson stated the technology needs to adapt to the fact that the 19th Avenue corridor will never
be complete and will always be adapting to traffic generated by a growing city. Discussion followed on using the technology for determining traffic routing during the construction phase
intersection improvements.
Mr. Hixson was appointed to continue working with WTI on the Smart Systems.
Airport Interchange – Pat Abelin
Chairperson Murdock suggested that this group could support a needs assessment study since the City of Belgrade isn’t taking a lead on the Airport Interchange. Ms. Abelin noted the
committee appointed in January has about $45,000 committed at this time. She reported the committee has held two meetings, with a great amount of interest shown from West Yellowstone
to points to the north. She stated MRL is interested taking part in planning improvements to create a vehicular access north and south of the railroad, which would not be affected by
the presence of trains. Chairperson Murdock asked if the group is interested in conducting the study if the City of Belgrade doesn’t take the lead on it. He noted Mr. Menicucci had
a concern that other Belgrade projects might be delayed if they reprioritize the airport interchange. Mr. Gammon explained that interchange projects are separate from other projects
and would have no affect on them. Ms. Abelin stated that the Belgrade City Council would be discussing the issue on May 5th. Mr. Gammon noted that MDT tends not to participate in preliminary
studies as they are usually a grass roots effort. However, he stated, when the study is completed and the State can be assured it is a viable project, MDT will work with the TCC involved
to possibly move it up on the priority list. In response to Mr. Haggerty on the needs assessment, Mr. Bukvich explained the items usually included in a needs assessment/feasibility
study. Mr. Epple stated it would be a real long shot for the City of Bozeman to fund a portion of the Feasibility Study. Mr. Gammon suggested that now is the time to address the issue
rather than looking back in 10 years and wishing that something had been done. Mr. Bukvich noted that, though the feasibility study can be done, if the City of Belgrade doesn’t participate
in the interchange construction, it wouldn’t be constructed.
Ms. Abelin noted suggested several people who could take the leadership role, including the airport, the City of Belgrade, Gallatin County, etc. She noted that she has pledges from
several private contributors for funding the study and the interchange. Chairperson Murdock noted that one Belgrade councilmen has been absent during the Legislative session. Mr. Johnson
stated he would not expect the Bozeman City Commission to support the installation of the interchange unless there was a proviso attached that no traffic would be permitted south of
the interchange, thus allowing no commercial development further west of Bozeman. Ms. Abelin stated one selling point for the City of Belgrade is that the existing railroad crossings
are at-grade. Mr. Ebert noted studies on the railroad crossings indicate that none of them are candidates for structures above or below grade.
ITEM 6. PROJECT UPDATES - Discussion only as needed
MSU Projects Update
Belgrade Projects Update
CTEP Projects
Mr. Epple introduced Sara Folger, the Grants Administrator for the City of Bozeman. She gave an update on the most active projects, including: 1) reproofing of the Willson School,
2) improvements scheduled for sidewalks located at 24 intersection, 3) rail to trail bike/pedestrian path construction, and 4) downtown park/open space area.
West Babcock Street Improvements
South 19th Avenue - Main Street to Kagy Boulevard
North 19th Avenue and Main Street Intersection Improvements
Mr. Gammon noted the letting of the contract for the 19th Avenue/Main Street intersection is scheduled for June 2003. Mr. Bukvich reported that the northbound lane to North 19th will
be closed for a week in May. Ms. Arkell noted that lane would be closed at night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Other North 19th Avenue
Signal Projects
9. North Rouse Avenue
MOTION: There being no further business to come before the TCC, Ms. Arkell moved, Mr. Epple seconded, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. with the next regular meeting
scheduled for July 16, 2003 at 9:30 a.m.
Bill Murdock, Chairperson
Bozeman Area Transportation Coordinating Committee