HomeMy WebLinkAbout012203 Transportation Coordinating Committee Minutes BOZEMAN AREA TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2003 MINUTES ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE Chairperson Bill Murdock called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. Ms. Arkell introduced John Van Delinder, the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bozeman, Mr. Epple introduced Sara Folger, the Grants Administrator for the City of Bozeman. Chairperson Murdock asked the audience and the committee members to introduce themselves and directed the secretary to record the attendance. Members Present Bill Murdock, TCC Chairperson, Representative, Gallatin County Commission Bob Burkhardt, Designee @ FHWA Andy Epple, Director, City Planning & Community Development, City of Bozeman Debbie Arkell, Director, Public Service, City of Bozeman Lesly Tribelhorn, Engineering Services Supervisor, Butte District MDT Lee Provance, Gallatin County Road Supervisor Jeff Ebert, District Engineer, Butte District MDT Ron Brey, representing City Manager Clark Johnson, City of Bozeman Bob Lashaway, Representative, MSU Pat Abelin, Citizen Member, Gallatin County Resident Ross Gammon, Maintenance Chief, Bozeman Division MDT Ralph Zimmer, Representative, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Staff Present John VanDelinder, Superintendent, Streets, City of Bozeman Sara Folger, Grants Administrator, City of Bozeman Al Vander Wey, Urban, MDT, Helena Greg Megaard, Assistant Director of Public Safety, Inspections, City of Bozeman Rob Bukvich, Engineer, MDT, Bozeman Division Visitors Present Stephen Albert, WTI, MSU Mandy Drysdale, Senator Baucus’s office Lisa Ballard, WTI Suzy Lassacher, WTI ITEM 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Chairperson Chairperson Murdock asked for nominations for Chairperson. Ms. Arkell nominated Bill Murdock, Mr. Lashaway seconded. Mr. Bukvich nominated Andy Epple, Ms. Tribelhorn seconded. Mr. Murdock was elected Chairperson by hand vote. B. Vice-Chairperson Chairperson Murdock opened nominations for vice chair. Mr. Brey nominated Andy Epple, Ms. Arkell seconded. Mr. Epple was elected Vice Chairperson by acclamation. ITEM 3. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16, 2002 The minutes were corrected to show Jason Giard in the Members Present column in place of Jeff Ebert and the addition of Rob Bukvich in the Staff Members Present column. The minutes were approved as corrected. ITEM 4. TCC MEMBER REPORTS A. Transit Committee Report Chairperson Murdock reported that the City Commission and the County Commission met yesterday. He noted that Brian Close and his committee need $60,000 to do a survey. Ms. Ballard stated the funding is to develop a more thorough understanding of where routes and stops should be, who it should employ, the number of buses, what the system should look like, etc. Ms. Ballard noted WTI hasn’t been involved since the presentation. Mr. Albert, WTI, reported that the meeting with Belgrade went well yesterday. He stated one outcome of the meeting was the realization that a business plan was needed. Chairperson Murdock asked where TCC ’s role lies. Ms. Ballard stated this is a good organization to oversee the scope of the transit system and keep the project moving. She noted a study is needed to determine the number of stops, number of buses, routes, etc. Ms. Arkell reported on the meeting of the City and County Commissions, and noted both Commissions are in favor of a transit system. Chairperson Murdock noted the County would help fund the study. Mr. Brey noted he has spent a limited amount of time on the project as he hasn’t drawn the task. Ms. Ballard noted it would be appropriate for a City official to take the lead on the project since the political hurdles have been met and the technical aspects need to be probed. Chairperson Murdock appointed Ms. Arkell to take the lead for TCC and report to the group at subsequent meetings. Mr. Epple noted Grants Administrator Sara Folger would be available to look for grants that might be available. Ms. Arkell summarized the Transit Committee’s report to the City Commission including: the committee visited other cities; looked at a triangular area; hoped the $60,000 funding to get ball rolling would be granted; and get the total funding for a system on the November ballot. B. TSM’s Ms. Arkell reported that she and Mr. Hixson had met with Andy Kerr on TSM’s. She noted an RFP for College Street and Willson Avenue has gone out. Mr. Hixson noted Project Engineer Sue Stodola has contacted Leslie Tribelhorn for MDT’s input and how to bring the project to fruition. Ms. Arkell reported the City Street Department would be installing the stop signs and other minor requirements recommended in the 2001 Transportation Plan. Chairperson Murdock asked the members if the next agenda should have a report on the TSM’s. The membership concurred. Mr. Brey asked if there were any funds available through the State for intersection safety improvements. Mr. Bukvich noted there are and applications are due March 31, 2003. C. Airport Interchange Ms. Abelin reported the committee of Deb Youngberg, Joe Mennicucci, Rob Bukvich, Bill Murdock, and others met for an initial brainstorming session. She noted if TCC wants others on the committee, let her know the names. She reported the committee has determined the study for the feasibility or needs assessment of the project will cost between $20,000 and $40,000. She stated it was determined that Belgrade should take the lead on the project. The committee estimated the interchange will cost about $20,000,000 and discussed funding sources. She noted she asked the engineers on the committee to bring out their plans for the interchange. Mr. Bukvich noted the Federal Highway Administration has several requirements to be met and listed them. Mr. Lashaway asked if these modifications could be looked at in tandem with the Valley Center overpass. Mr. Bukvich noted the goal is to link a regional facility, the airport, with the interstate system. Chairperson Murdock noted the interchange should link with Love Lane or Valley Center to help alleviate traffic congestion on North 19th Avenue. Mr. Bukvich noted the first step is to convince the Federal Highway Administration that another interchange is warranted. Ms. Tribelhorn noted a recent study shows that the Main Street/Jackrabbit Lane intersection would fail as it exists. Mr. Provance asked what the cost would be to Gallatin County to construct a leg of the road to connect somewhere to the north of the interstate. He noted the construction of a high-traffic road would be costly. Mr. Bukvich noted the North 19th construction was done in conjunction with improvements to Durston Road, Valley Center from North 19th Avenue to the underpass, etc. Mr. Bukvich noted the problem would be in connecting the arterials. Ms. Abelin noted the next meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2:00 p.m. at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Ebert suggested that if the railroad is not represented that they be contacted. Ms. Abelin noted she would contact MRL and ask that a representative attend. D. Western Transit Institute - postponed until April Mr. Albert reported on WTI activities. He asked the Committee to help develop a “smart” corridor on North 19th Avenue. He stated WTI has $300,000 to get the study up and running. He reported that another project is the an animal detection system located on Highway 191 South. He noted there have been problems and the system is not always functioning properly. He noted the 511 system is up and running for weather condition reports wherever anyone is, on a 60 mile radius and 6 hours ahead. Ms. Arkell asked him to expand on the North 19th Avenue system WTI is proposing. Mr. Albert noted that detectors would be installed to detect road conditions at all times, transmit those conditions to WTI, MDT, or the City. Then the responsible agency could dispatch emergency vehicles to a site, and be prepared to take care of the situation. He noted the idea is in the concept stages. He stated his group would like to bring the project to TCC as they are ready to move forward. He asked to have WTI as an agenda item in April. Mr. Zimmer reported there are a number of pedestrian problems at the intersection of Kagy Blvd./South 3rd Avenue/Willson Avenue intersection. ITEM 5. OLD BUSINESS Ms. Arkell asked about the status of the Downtown Traffic Study. Mr. Bukvich reported on a letter he had received from the committee. He noted it contains a list of recommended modifications for vehicular traffic, and most of the items were supported by MDT. The committee is asking for input by January 27th. Mr. Lashaway noted he is a member of the committee and a question that arose at the last meeting was: Is this committee the decision making group on making the downtown a three-lane system. He stated he encouraged them to think of offering a recommendation, but they would not be making a decision. MDT staff noted that funding is slipping and the project to make improvements to Main Street is out to 2006 and 2007. It will be an agenda item in April. ITEM 6. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Bukvich reported MDT would be holding meetings for discussion of proposed railroad crossing grade changes in Belgrade and Bozeman. He stated the crossings at Rouse Avenue and Griffin Drive will be discussed January 28th, 7-9 a.m. at the library. Mr. Ebert reported the crossings were studied for improvements, priority ranking, and the overall needs. Ms. Arkell reported a meeting will also be held 3:00 p.m. on January 28th in City Hall for elected officials and city staff. Mr. Ebert noted the meetings are to determine the feasibility of improving the crossings. He announced the Belgrade meeting on January 29th, 7-9 a.m. at Belgrade City Hall. ITEM 7. PROJECT UPDATES - Discussion only as needed MSU Projects Update Belgrade Projects Update Mr. Ebert reported the signal on Jackrabbit Lane and Main Street is still in the works. Ms. Tribelhorn noted the signal is proposed for installation in 2004. She reported that with Belgrade being determined as an urban area, Valley Center Road became a secondary road as did others in the area. CTEP Projects Mr. Bukvich reported the Gateway tunnel will be a later CTEP project. West Babcock Street Improvements Mr. Hixson reported acquisition of right-of-way is proceeding. South 19th Avenue - Main Street to Kagy Boulevard Mr. Hixson reported the project is scheduled for 2004. North 19th Avenue and Main Street Intersection Improvements Mr. Bukvich reported the improvements are scheduled for April of this year and will be under construction this summer. Other North 19th Avenue Signal Projects Mr. Bukvich stated MDT has begun the process of signalizing the west-bound ramp on North 19th Avenue. He stated the signal would be in operation in April and would be interconnected with other signals on North 19th avenue. He noted MDT is proceeding with interconnecting the signals in the corridors, which should be completed in 2006 or 2007. North Rouse Avenue Ms. Arkell reported sewer mains will be replaced this summer on Rouse Avenue in anticipation of improvements by MDT. 10. Other ITEM 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS Mr. Provance noted that Valley Center Road probably wouldn’t be eligible for funding for up to 10 years as the Secondary funds have be allocated to other roadways. He stated improvements from the Valley Center underpass to Love Lane has funding to be completed in 2004 or whenever the design is finished. Mr. Bukvich noted there are considerable rights-of-way to be purchased. He stated the completion of those purchases by 2004 is a tall order. ITEM 9. NEXT MEETING AND ADJOURNMENT April 16, 2003 - Regular meeting 9:30 a.m. There being no further business to be conducted by the Transportation Coordinating Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. ____________________________________________ Bill Murdock, Chairperson Bozeman Area Transportation Coordinating Committee