HomeMy WebLinkAbout042606 Transportation Coordinating Committee Minutes BOZEMAN AREA TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE
Chairman Andrew Epple called the meeting to order 9:35 a.m. and directed the committee and audience to introduce themselves.
Members Present:
Andrew Epple, Director, Bozeman Planning and Community Development, TCC Chairperson
Debbie Arkell, Bozeman Director of Public Service
Joe Olsen, Engineering Services Supv., Butte District MDT
Jon Henderson, Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board
Lee Provance, Gallatin County Road Supervisor
Jeff Ebert, District Engineer, Butte District, MDT
Walt Banziger, Representative, MSU
Ross Gammon, Maintenance Chief, Bozeman Division, MDT, TCC Vice Chairperson
Bill Murdock, Representative, Gallatin County Commission
Kerry White, Representative Gallatin County Planning Board
Jeff Krauss, Mayor, City of Bozeman
JP Pomnichowski, President, City of Bozeman Planning Board
Al Vanderwey, Urban Planning, MDT
John Van Delinder, Street Superintendent, City of Bozeman
David Smith, Citizen Member, City of Bozeman Resident
Pat Abelin, Citizen Member, Gallatin County Resident
Ralph Zimmer, Representative, Pedestrian & Traffic Safety Committee
Chris Scott, Gallatin County Planning Department
Staff Present:
Chris Saunders, Assistant Director, Bozeman Planning & Community Development
Rick Hixson, Bozeman City Engineer
Sara Folger, Bozeman Grants Administrator
Rich McLane, Lieutenant, Bozeman Police Department
Tracy Oulman, Bozeman Neighborhoods Coordinator
Tom Stuber, Montana Dept. of Transportation
Rob Bukvich, Engineer, Bozeman Div. MDT
Carol Strizich, Statewide and Urban Planning, MDT
Guests Present:
Erik Henyon, City of Bozeman Planning Board
Jeff Patten
Debe Youngberg, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce
Doug McSpadden
Corey Lang
Charles Day
{Limited to any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Bozeman Area Transportation Coordinating Committee not on this agenda. Three-minute time limit per speaker}
Chairperson Epple opened the meeting for public comment, and hearing none, he closed the
public comment portion of the meeting.
Corrections: Pg. 7. Should be Mr. Ebert on A & B, Pg. 8 should also be Mr. Ebert.
Approved as modified by Andy Epple.
Informative Update by Safe Trails Coalition
Mr. Doug McSpadden distributed a handout to each Committee member that reported on bicycle
and pedestrian safety within the city. He noted several statistics reporting unsafe street crossing
and streets that need drastic safety improvements. He requested that he be given a temporary seat
on the Committee to represent the Safe Trails Coalition during the 2006 Transportation Plan
Update process.
In response to the unsafe streets and crossings, Mr. Kerry White noted to the Committee that
Bicycles pay nothing to City or County and asked where the funding source would come from
for these safety improvements. Mr. White also noted that on several occasions, he’s noticed most
cyclists do not obey traffic signals with no way to report their traffic violations since they do not
have license plates.
Mr. McSpadden noted there is sufficient funding for the safety improvements. He noted that
statistics show the age group of Non-Law abiding bicycle riders were in the 15-25 year old
range and could not be managed properly by licenses alone. The age group of cyclists most
likely to get hit by a car are the working class, 25-45 year olds.
Mayor Krauss stated bicyclists are ticketed in the city of Bozeman. He would support a one time
funding of licensing of bicycles. He noted he would like more discussion on safe trails within the
City of Bozeman and Belgrade.
Mr. McSpadden noted that at this time, their initial emphasis is on bicycle safety on the roads,
not connectivity between cities.
Mayor Krauss asked Mr. McSpadden about what differences there are between a sidewalk and
what the City designated as a ‘safe trail’. He responded that sidewalks are meant for pedestrians
only, bicyclists need to have a designated place to avoid getting hit by cars and hurting or even
hurting a pedestrian.
Mayor Krauss noted that this issue is an extremely difficult challenge for the City and all
Committee members should strongly advocate for safe trails to which Mr. Zimmer commented
that this was a primary responsibility of the Bicycle and Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Committee. Chairman Epple requested that between now and July 26th, the Safe Trails Coalition
should get together with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Safety Committee and discuss some
possible solutions to these unsafe streets and propose these ideas at the next TCC meeting.
Chairman Epple commented to all Committee Members to figure out where the Safe Trails
coalition fits into the TCC. Mr. White noted there might be a connection through the Montana
Rail-Link due to the fact they’ve had safety success in the past by working closely with the Safe
Trails Coalition in Missoula.
Mayor Krauss noted that safe trails concepts need to be included in the transportation plan
update. He suggested to all members they think about the possibility of whether or not the
SafeTrails Coalition should have a temporary appointment to the TCC. Mr. Gammon suggested
that both BPTS Committee and the Safe Trails coalition need to meet prior and see how their
shared interest can be best represented if a new seat were given to them. Chairman Epple
motioned that this temporary appointment be added as an item on the next agenda. Ms. Arkell
seconded the motion and noted the by-laws needed to be amended if a new seat was added.
Motion to add the Safe Trails Coalition as a temporary appointment on the TCC. All say
aye, motion passed unanimously.
A. Transit Report
1. Transit Committee Report
Chris Budeski noted to the Committee Members that there was little to report. He stated an
Updated RFP was sent out and they would be expecting responses by the end of this week. Mr.
Budeski did note that the Transit Committee is looking at four routes and a total of six busses.
He noted that by the beginning of the school year, this should be up and running. Mr. Budeski
commented to all members that there will be two busses to Belgrade from Four Corners.
Mr. Kerry White questioned Mr. Budeski on the routes to both Four Corners and Belgrade. Mr.
Budeski informed him of the suggested routes, however they are still being addressed and have
several dynamics to work on before he could give any further information.
Mr. White questioned the capacity of these busses. Mr. Budeski noted that each bus has a 23
Passenger capacity and includes a ramp for handicapped individuals. This ramp has proven to be
extremely efficient for those who are physically challenged.
Mr. Chris Scott asked Mr. Budeski if all the funding has been acquired for these busses. Mr.
Budeski noted the application has been submitted and anticipates the funding to be matched. He
also stated that MDT is working closely with the funding proposal and currently have enough
funds to match. Mr. Budeski noted the HRDC, MSU, and others have already matched funds.
2. Transit Partnership
Chairperson Epple hearing nothing to report, he closed part 2 of the Transit Report and moved on
to Item 5B.
B. I-90/East Belgrade Interchange Report
Mr. Bukvich, speaking in Pat Abelin’s absence noted alternatives were presented on the
Interchange design through the gravel pits East of Belgrade. He also noted they are working on
preferred alternatives as well as airport authority and county/city funding for this project.
Chairman Epple questioned Mr. Bukvich on the time frame for these alternatives. Mr.
Bukvich estimated that within the next month, they would be able to hold a public meeting on
citizens preferred alternatives for this Interchange and have an answer for the Committee by the
next meeting date.
Mr. Scott commented on the EA requirements. Mr. Bukvich explained that MDT will be
reviewing it’s environmental requirements and he doesn’t anticipate any conflicts.
C. TSM’s Report
Ms. Debbie Arkell asked the City Engineer to facilitate this portion of the meeting. Mr. Rick
Hixson noted many TSM’s have been completed. He commented that they will be paving
the north end of Wallace Avenue and noted there will also be improvements to the Rail Road
Crossings. New rail road crossings at Rouse and Wallace Avenues will be done with concrete
due to the heavy truck use.
Ms. Arkell noted to all Members that on June 14th, she will meet with the public to address
the issue of Wallace Avenue and their ‘Cut-Through’ traffic since this is a residential street.
She noted that statistically, the latest traffic counts have shown there is less overall traffic on
Wallace Avenue than in the recent past.
Mr. White noted a dangerous corner on Story Mill Road. He stated there is a ditch on the South
Side of the street that goes down 12 to 14 feet with no guardrail to protect drivers along with
poor visibility along this narrow stretch of road. Mr. White questioned Ms. Arkell as to whether
or not this issue would be resolved with the newest road construction. Ms. Arkell responded that
hopefully the construction will incorporate upgrades to Story Mill Road, but will not be able to
make that determination until work commences.
Mayor Krauss commented that the new development at Tamarack and L Street will be growing
and impact the already heavily trafficked areas of noted streets.
D. Bike Advisory Board
Mr. Jon Henderson stated the board has been working with the Pedestrian Traffic and Safety
Committee since September of ’05 to ensure all mutual concerns are addressed.
Other TCC Member Reports
Mr. Ralph Zimmer noted the PTSC will be meeting on May 10th. He commented that this will be
a webcast meeting and training session. Mr. Henderson noted his board will also be attending.
A. Status of Bozeman Area Transportation Plan 2006 Update
Mr. Chris Saunders commented on the Draft RFP which had been distributed. He wanted
confirmation from the members of the Committee that it was ready to be distributed to
Motion to approve the draft and send out to applicants by Ms. Pomnichowski. Motion seconded
by Ms. Arkell. All say aye, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Zimmer questioned the deadlines for these proposals. Mr. Saunders noted that usually the respondent is given 30 days from the date mailed. He also stated that possibly June 2006
would be the earliest he would be receiving results from these RFP’s.
Mr. Henderson inquired to Mr. Saunders as to whether or not a selection committee would be involved with proposal reviews. Mr. Saunders noted a sub-committee of the TCC will be reviewing
them and make a recommendation to the body as a whole. Chairman Epple asked all committee members if they would be interested in serving on this review committee. Mr. Scott suggested
keeping the same group as the ones who created the RFP. Mr. White commented to the members as to the guidelines for selecting an engineering representative. Mr. Bukvich noted to have
the sub-committee members be those experienced in writing and evaluating proposals, not necessarily ones with engineering experience. Mr. White requested that someone from the County
Road Department be represented as well.
Motion to select a sub-committee to review these RFP’s by Mayor Krauss, seconded by Ms. Pominichowski to consist of: Chris Scott (County Planning), Al Vanderwey (MDT), Rick Hixson (City
Engineer), JP Pomnichowski (City Planning Board), Jon Henderson (Bike Advisory Board), Lee Provance (County Roads), and Andrew Epple (City Planning). Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. White noted the analysis on the impact fee revisions and if they could be incorporated into the Transportation Plan 2006 update. Chairman Epple commented that the revisions will
rely heavily on the completion of updated plans. Mr. Saunders stated the City Impact Fee RFP is based off of the 2001 Transportation Plan. He recognized that this is older data, but
has only recently been made available. Mr. Kerry White inquired as to how much of the collected data for the 2006 Plan can be shared amongst Committee Members and if the costs for this
can be split evenly between each department being represented. Mr. Saunders noted the strict timelines will not allow the sharing of data as the data is not likely to be available soon
enough for this update.
Mayor Krauss noted the licensing of bicycles will have an impact on the road fees. He stated his concerns to proceed with the impact study otherwise there will be a higher cost in having
this study delayed.
Motion to license bicycles to help offset safety improvement costs by Mayor Krauss. All say aye. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Other Old Business
Ms. Pominichowski emphasized the need for coordination between all plan updates currently underway. Mr. Bukvich noted that major projects are always coordinated between Water and Sewer
and related facilities before they go to contract. Chairman Epple noted all updated plans are working from the same population growth projections and planning area boundaries.
Ms. Sara Folger noted the design work on the library site has commenced. She stated
the construction activity is anticipated to start very soon. Ms. Folger noted that most of the
Milwaukee Trail project should be halfway completed by the time the new library construction is
Mayor Krauss inquired from Ms. Folger as to the status of the safe trail along College Street. She
Noted she is still working on the cost estimate as well as working closely with MSU on the
ITEM 8. PROJECT UPDATES - Discussion only as needed
MSU Projects Update
Mr. Walt Banziger noted no new projects to report on at this time.
2. Belgrade Projects Update
Ms. Debe Youngberg and Mr. Bukvich noted the project on Main Street and Jackrabbit is
currently underway and the estimated time of completion is targeted for the end August ’06. Ms.
Youngberg noted there will be a weekly meeting regarding this project and it is open to the
3. CTEP Projects
Existing CTEP Projects:
Ms. Folger reported that the Soroptimist Park CTEP project bidding period begins May 4th, 2006. The Milwaukee RD Rail-Trail project has been amended to include site work at the new Public
Library site, as a special appropriation for the library via SAFETEA-LU will be administered through CTEP. CTA Architects is the selected Consultant for all these projects.
The Bozeman School District budgeted for additional funding to make up increased costs for the East Willson School Roof Rehab project, but the long-anticipated project manual has not
yet been forwarded to Helena for concurrence and authorization to bid.
New CTEP projects:
MDT has authorized Consultant selection for the College & Huffine Shared Use Path project. MSU’s CE Capstone class presented several design scenarios for the College Street portion
of the project; portions of which will be incorporated into the design once a consultant is selected.
Ms. Folger stated that the CTEP Steering Committee has been evaluating new project proposals. The Main Street Streetscape Expansion will be presented to the City Commission once details
are fleshed out and when FHWA has made its budget allocations to MDT for 2005 – 2006.
West Babcock Street Improvements
Mr. Rick Hixson noted this project is virtually completed. He stated the level of pedestrian and bicycle use has increased dramatically and the public seems to be very pleased. He requested
this item be taken off the agenda for July’s meeting.
5. South 19th Avenue - Main Street to Kagy Boulevard
Mr. Ebert noted they will be working with Thomas, Dean and Hoskins on the design for the intersection of College Street and 19th Avenue since this is most problematic. He stated there
is no current access to a physician’s property (Dr. Rogers) and that this might entail a public
meeting, noting there has not been a public meeting since he started working on the South 19th Avenue project. Mr. Ebert stated a consultant is looking at trying to reconfigure the left
hand turn lane so it does not block the married student housing entrance and exit. He noted South19th Avenue will eventually end up being a five lane street. He commented to all members
that he is coordinating the development of South 19th in conjunction with the housing and other road projects in that area.
6. North 19th Avenue/Valley Center Project
Mr. Gammon noted it will be the “Maintenance Project” on their next agenda at the City Council meeting he attends. He stated this project will start just north of Durston Road and tie
into the Valley West Project. He added there will be some milling and then final epoxy will be put on the entire roadway. Mr. Gammon noted the job was awarded to JTL and will commence
on May 1st, 2006.
Mr. Gammon also noted the new speed limit from Durston Road to the I-90 Corridor will be 40 MPH.
Chairman Epple inquired about the right hand turn lane on South 19th Avenue and Main Street going East down Main. He questioned members as to the possibility of adding two turn lanes
to allow a smoother flow of traffic through that intersection. Mr. Gammon stated they cannot open up another south-bound lane on the north side of main until another lane is added on
the south side of Main.
Mr. White noted the wearing away and even missing lane lines on Durston Road and questioned the timeline to have them replaced. Mr. Gammon responded it will commence in the next couple
of months.
7. Signal Projects
a. Willson Avenue/College Street
Mr. Ebert noted this intersection is currently under a “4F” analysis. He commented that the issue
is whether this needs a signal versus installing a round-about because it lies within the ‘Historical
District”. Mr. White questioned him on the proposed signals in this designated area and if
they looked ‘Old Style’ or ‘Time Period Style’, would it be easier to get this approved? Mr. Ebert
responded that the only requirements for the Historic Area be that any street that needs a signal
must have some sort of arm. He noted the signal design itself is not what’s holding this project
b. Other
Mr. Gammon noted the signal on 7th Avenue and Mendenhall has been fixed, the light pole and
cabinet is now replaced.
Mr. Bukvich also noted that the Springhill and North 19th Avenue will now have two signals, one for the straight-away and the other a turn signal.
8. North Rouse Avenue
Mr. Bukvich stated that public meetings are continuing. HKM Engineering is doing the public
outreach and preliminary design work.
Mr. Ebert noted there has been a significant resistance from Fish and Wildlife on this project and
MDT is working closely with the environmental agencies to do an assessment. He also noted the
public is very concerned about losing their front yards.
Chairman Epple noted there were two new signal proposals on Rouse.
Mayor Krauss commented on the proposed stoplight at Story Mill Road. He stated it will make three stoplights in that area, which are needed because this is a primary route for many citizens.
9. Durston Road Street Improvements
Mr. Hixson noted that this project west of 19th is being worked on and has the same timetable as Babcock did last year. He stated the East portion will open bids on May 9th and will
commence construction starting this summer.
10. I-90 Improvements
Mr. Bukvich noted they will be working on east-bound lanes this summer, for area bridges confirming the work that was done last year on the west-bound lanes.
Mr. Ebert added that ‘chipseal’ will start this summer as well. It will begin at about the North 7th Avenue Interchange and continue through the canyon.
11. Huffine Lane Access Control Study
Mr. Bukvich noted the consultant they were using is going through personnel changes at this
time, no progress has slowed.
Mayor Krauss asked for an update on the Huffline Lane and Fowler intersection. Mr.
Bukvich he anticipates improvements will be completed around mid-August and the new signal will be turned on when the striping is in place.
12. Jackrabbit Lane
Chairperson Epple hearing nothing to report, he closed and moved on to Item 8, subset 13.
13. Other
Ms. Arkell noted there will be ‘chipseal’ in progress on North 7th Avenue in late May to stretch from Main Street to I-90.
Mr. White commented on the development of Cottonwood Road and Huffline Lane. He stated he ran into an issue on Gooch Hill and noted they improved the road to the canal bridge, however
they did not widen the bridge.
Mr. White questioned the members as to whether or not there will be a round-about at the intersection of 191 and Huffine Lane on the way to Big Sky. Mr. Ebert stated they are looking
that intersection there for safety reasons, but there’s no confirmation on whether or not a round-about would even be a solution for the heavy traffic. Mr. Bukvich noted the environmental
study was out and it did not include a round-about at this intersection.
Mr. Olsen commented on the Main Street Overlay project noting it will extend from Grand Avenue all the way to the Interstate and construction will commence next May. Mr. Ebert also noted
the signals on Main Street will all be timed.
Officer Mclane gave positive feedback to the Committee noting the traffic improvements on Babcock are successful. He stated the drivers are staying within the speed limit and have not
turned it into a drag strip.
Ms. Arkell noted that crosswalk striping will commence in mid May and again, in the early Fall instead of just doing it once a year. This will keep the crossings visible to all drivers
and help ensure pedestrian safety.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - Regular meeting 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - Regular meeting 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 – Regular meeting 9:30 a.m.
Chairman Epple reviewed meeting dates with all Committee Members. With nothing more to address and no further comments, Chairman Epple adjourned the TCC meeting at 12:00 p.m.
*Transportation Coordinating Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a special need or disability, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306
(voice) or 582-2301 (TDD).