HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 91- 1341, Amends §§ 18 ---------- ~_. < . "'.' ". O~DINANCE NO. 1341 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNIC- IPAL CODE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1332 AND NOT CURRENTLY CODIFIED IN THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 18.04.010; 18.08.020; 18.08.040; 18.10.030.B.; 18.28.020; 18.32.020.A. ; 18.42.050; 18.43.050; 18.43.060; 18.50.020.C.6.b.; 18.50.030.D.; 18.50.035.A.;; 18.50.035.Q.; 18.50.100.B.; 18.50.100.D.3.d.; 18.50.100.E.; 18.50.110.B.; 18.50.120.K.; 18.50.160.B.; 18.51.010.A.; 18.51.010.C.; 18.52.020.A.; 18.52.030.D.; 18.52.050.A.; 18.52.070.C.; 18.65.030; 18.65.050 and 18.65.100 OF SAID CODE, PROVIDING FOR REVISION TO THE FOLLOWING: DEFINITIONS OF DES I G N REVI EW BOARD, DEVIATION, AND OFFICES; COMPLIANCE WITH ZON I NG REG U LA T ION S REQUIRED; YARDS AND LOTS -~ REDUCTION PROHIBITED; LOT AREA AND WIDTH -- A-S DISTRICT; PERMITTED USES TO ALLOW OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES IN THE B-1 ZONE; PERMITTED USES IN THE B-3 ZO NE TO INCLUDE LABORATORIES EXCEPT ON THE GROUND FLOOR; CERTI FI CA TE OF APPROPRIA TENESS IN NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICTS; CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS IN ENTRYWAY CORRI DOR OVERLAY DISTRICTS; WEEKEND PROJECTS IN THE ENTRYWAY CORRIDORS; DESIGN CRITERIA AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS; ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES; WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM REQU I REMENTS; GLARE AND LIGHTING; NOISE; REQUIREMENTS FOR BICYCLE LANES; VARIOUS REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO LAN DSCAP I NG ; PROPERTY FRONTAGE AND DRIVE ACCESS STANDARDS; PARKING IN REQUIRED FRONT OR SIDE YARDS; PROVISIONS FOR TERMINATION OF NON-CONFORMING USE; PURPOSE STATEMENT FOR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE; SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL REQU I REMENTS; SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; SITE PLAN INFORMATION; BUILD- ING DESIGN INFORMATION; SUBMITTAL REQU I REMENTS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS; RE-USE, CHANGE IN USE, OR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF SITES DEVELOPED PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE; DELETE TITLE OF PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER; DEFINITION OF IN- CIDENTAL SIGN; TABLE OF PERMITTED SIGN CHARACTERIS- TICS OF ZONING DISTRICT; AND SIGNS EXEMPT FROM REGU- LATION; AND REPEALING SECTIONS 18.42.090, and 18.54.010, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. PREAMBLE The purpose of this code is to promote public health, safety and general welfare for the City of Bozeman and its extraterritorial zoning jurisdictional area by dividing the city and its surround- ing area into districts restricting and regulating the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residences and other purposes; to provide for adequate transportation, wa- ter, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; to regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such build~ ings and structures; to establish building lines and location of buildings designed for specified industrial, business, residential and other uses within such districts; to fix standards to which bui Idings or structures shall conform there; to prohibit uses, bui Idings or structures incompatible with the character of such districts, respectively; to prevent additions to and a Iterations or remodel ing of existing bui Idings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed hereun- der; to limit congestion in the public streets by providing for off-street parking and loading and unloading of vehicles; provid- ing for the gradual elimination of non-conforming uses of land, buildings and structures; to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to provide ad~ equate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land and undue concentration of people; to preserve historic buildings and ---- --. ---- --- .. -' structures; to conserve established neighborhoods; to regulate signs; to provide methods for seeking deviations and variances to this ordinance; and to provide penalties for the violation of this ordinance. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman did, on the 3rd day of September 1991 , after due and legal proceedings, adopt Ordinance No. 1332, redrafting the zone code for the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has solicited public input concerning amendments which are determined necessary to "fine tune" said code; and WHEREAS, copies of the entire unrevised sections of the zone code as specified in the title above are attached as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the City has followed all due and legal proceedings to imple- ment said amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 That Section 18.04.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, Definition of Terms, be amended so that the definitions of "Design Review Board" , "De- viation", and "Offices" of said section shall read as follows: "Design Review Board: That Board appointed by the City Commission, charged with the review of certain plans and proposals as specified in this or- dinance. The Board shall consist of six (6) professiona I and (jft-€- -H- ) two (2) non-professional members as follows: Professional members degreed in their re- spective disciplines or the substantial equivalent thereof -- four architects, one architectural historian, and one landscape architect or landscape designer; Non-professional members -- 81"1 individual~ with a demonstrated interest in and knowledge of urban design and/or historic preservation. No member of the De- sign Review Board shall serve concurrently as a member of the Bozeman City-County Planning Board. ::r-he- -l"'l"eseftt':-e- -of- -t-h-ree--f- 3- t - ~essmCtI-""fflefl'tber s 8 t -a- -8-es+9 ft~ -Revtew -B"6fH"-d- "'ffle'eft1'l"9" -g.fiaH -emt51~ -s- -qttO'l"t:l nr. A quorum of the ORB shall be three members, of which two must be professional members, and one of the professional members must be an archi- tect." "Deviation: A modification (j I" - ""'\f'"(t....i-utffrft - -o.f- -Nte - -p-t"OV"ts1 em of physical standards of this Ordinance as applied to a specific piece of property located within the Neighborhood Conservation Overl ay District or Entryway Corridor - 2 - .-. ,,- --. -"- _..,,- "'-_.. "\. ' Overlay District. No- -devta-tte-I"I- f'e~ I"t9"" "'t;t3e' -e-f -pfflJ5er ty - ma-y-...e.e -l3ermi1 teef . A deviation may be permitted only by the City Commission." "Offices: Structures, or portions of structures, in which commercial ac- tivities take place but where goods are not produced, sold, or repaired. These include: general and professional offices; governmental offices; insurance of- fices; real estate offices; tax i -ca b offices -;--bt:tt--1"I6t--taxi--st-aR8S--: (but not taxi stands); travel agency or transportation ticket offices; telephone exchange; utility offices; radio broadcasting and similar uses." All other parts and definitions of Sect ion 18.04.010 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 2 That Section 18.08.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "18.08.020 COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING REGULATIONS REQUIRED No bui Iding, structure or land shall hereafter be used or occupied, and no building, structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered, and no development shall com- mence unless it is in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified..... rer tRe- elf!'ffit:1-i-rt-wf1-iefi-ft--i-s- <<a-teft. " Section 3 That Section 18.08.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "18.08.040 YARDS AND LOTS -- REDUCTION PROHIBITED No yard or lot existing at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this title shall be reduced in dimension or area below the minimum require- ments of this ordinance except as set forth herein. Yards or lots created after the effective date of said ordinance shall meet at least the minimum requirements established by this Ordinance." Section 4 That subsection B of Section 18.10.030 the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section shall read as follows: "B. Cluster Development Option This option is intended to encourage land reassemblage and clus- ter development, or other planned development meeting the intent of the Rural Residential land use classification of the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan Update. - 3 - --- .------ ._" .--- ,.-."'''.-... ...----.- .. ' ~ For developments using this option density bonuses over the one dwelling unit per 20 acres may be permitted where the deve-lOpe1" eontl"ofs land to be subdivided consists of at least twenty-five (25) acres, and where the average net size of residential lots is limited to not more than one (1) acre, thereby maximizing the amount of land remaining in agricultural production or open space. Any development using the Cluster Development Option shall be subject to the requirements of Figure 1, 'Cluster Density Bonus~ es. . However, additional density bonuses may be avai lable where the proposed development enhances such as wildlife habitat, open space corridors, ridge lines or riparian areas." All other parts of Section 18.10.030 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5 That Section 18.28.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such Section shall read as follows: "18.28.020 PERMITTED USES Ar.-----A~+v~~e~-~hti+~~4+~~-~~~h+en-Bl"e~ -------f.-----€~~ete~-ene~-~1h+n-tr~~~~-not-~Fgel"-1~-~-~~- S B n-d- -sqtta-I"e - fee-t- ~ n- -g-ros-s- -f-km.... -a-I"ea- . Principal activities shall be limited to those which are completely enclosed within a building not larger than five thousand square feet in gross floor area. Ac~ cessory activities such as play areas associated with day care centers and patio dining areas for restaurants shall be permitted outdoors subject to approval by the appropriate reviewing authority. Permitted uses in the B-1 district are as follows: A. Principal Uses Day Care centers Apartments located on the second or subsequent floors Essential services (type I) Food stores, such as grocery stores, bakeries, etc. Personal and convenience services Restaurants (exclusive of drive-ins) Retai I uses B. Conditional Uses Automobi Ie service station - 4 - ... n..___. __n___ .... ._._..._n__ .__._._ ~.. . '. Chu rches Essential services (type II) Professional and business offices Restaurants serving alcoholic beverages Any use approved as part of a planned unit development subject to the provisions of Section 18.54 of this Ordinance C. Accessory Uses Fences Signs, subject to Chapter 18.65 Refuse containers Other buildings and structures typically accessory to permitted uses Temporary building and yards incidental to construction work Parking areas as required by Chapter 18.50" Section 6 That subsection A of Section 18.32.020 of the Bozeman Municipa I Code be amended so that Section 18.32.020.A. shall read as follows: "18.32.020 PERMITTED USES Permitted uses in the B-3 district are as follows: A. Principal uses Ambulance service Antique shop and store Apartments, except on ground floor in "core area" as described above Apparel and accessory store Art galleries Art supply stores Audio-visual equipment sales and rental Automobile parking lot or garage (public or private) Auto supply store Bakery for on-site sales, less than 4,000 square feet Banks and other financial institutions Barber shop Beauty parlor Bicycle sales, service and repair shop Book and stationery store Business and office machine sa les, service and repair shop Butcher shops (retail sales only) Candy and ice cream store - 5 - ---- - - --_._----~ .--.---.-- _... _..._u_.u _.__ ._unu._ .._... ,,__ , ~ Churches, except on the ground floor in "core area" as described above Cigar and tobacco store Clothing and costume sales and rental shop Community center or meeting hall Convenience food store Custom dressmaking, furrier, millinery or tailor shop employing five persons or less Dancing or theatrical studio Delicatessen and catering establishment Department store Dry goods and notion store Dry cleaning and laundry establishment, for drop off-pick up service Essential services (type I) plus police and fire stations Florist Furniture store Game rooms, pool halls Gift shop Grocery store (including retail markets and produce store) Handicraft manufacturing, primarily for on-site retail sales Hardware store, no exterior storage Health and exercise center Hobby, and coin shop Hotel or motel Hunting and fishing supply store I nterior decorator's shop Jewelry and metal craft store laboratories, research and diagnostic, except on ground floor in "core area" as described above laundromat, self service laundry, dry cleaning Leather goods and luggage store Libraries Liquor store lock and key shop Mai I order catalog store Medical, dental or health clinic, except on ground floor in "core area" as desc r i bed above - 6 - ....--..- --.-- . ~ Messenger or telegraph service station Museum Music and instrument sales, service and repair shop Music or dance studio Newspaper office Newsstand Offices, public or private, except on ground floor within the "core area" as described above Optician Package liquor store Paint and wallpaper store Parking lots, except on ground level in "core area" as described above Pawn shop Pet shop Pet grooming shop Pharmacies Photographic equipment and supply store Photographic studio Picture frame shop Printing offices and publishing establishments Private club, fraternity, sorority or lodge Private schools, such as dance, business secretarial and technical, but not private or public pre-school, elementary or secondary schools, and not on ground floor in "core area" as described above Public buildings Radio or television sales, with/without service and repair Radio and television studio, without transmission towers except on ground floor within the "core area" as described above Repair services for clothes, dolls, small appliances, watches, glasses and such other items Research laboratories, except on ground floor within the "core area" as described above Restaurants Second hand stores Sewing machine store Shoe store Shoe repair and shoe shine shop - 7 - .~.._._._- . ~ Sporting and athletic goods store Tailor shop, less than 5 employees Theatre, excluding drive-in theatre Toy store Travel agency Upholstery shops, excluding on-site upholstering services of cars, boats, trucks and other heavy equipment Variety store Wallpaper store Watch repair shop Wholesale establishments that use samples, but do not stock on premises" All other parts of Section 18.32.020 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7 That Section 18.42.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that this Section 18.42.050 shall read as follows: "18.42.050 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS A Certificate of Appropriateness, received from e i th e r the Design Review Board, Planning Board, or the City Commission, shall be required before any and all alterations(s) other than repair as defined herein, are undertaken upon \ any structure in the Conservation District. For alterations not requiring City Commission or Planning Board approval, compliance with the Design Review Board's decisions will be mandatory subject to appeal to the City Commission as set fo rth in Chapter 18.58 of this Ordinance. Application procedures are as follows: " A. No building. demolition, sign, conditional use, or moving permit shall be issued within an Entryway Corridor unti I a Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued by the Design Review Board or the appropriate review authority, and until final action on the proposal has been taken. B. Application and review procedures for proposals located within Entryway Corridors are set forth in Chapter 18.51 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. Additionally, in order to accommodate limited, "weekend" type projects, a Certificate may be applied for and issued without posting the property, if the Administrative Officer and an architect on the DRB approve and sign the application. "Weekend" type projects may include such - 8 - --.--.. ~. ..~,. .. --_.,---_.~-.-- ---- -~.._.~--,.. ,. . alterations as fencing, sidewalk and driveway construction, or removal of dilapidated, unsafe structures. C. A denial of a certificate shall be accompanied by a written statement of reasons for the denial. D. Aggrieved persons, as defined in Chapter 18.58 of this ordinance, may appeal the decision of the Design Review Boa rd pursuant to the pro- visions of said Chapter. In such event, the issuance of a Certificate shall be stayed until the appeal process has been satisfied. II Section 8 That Section 18.42.090 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby repealed and declared null and void and of no effect. See Exhibit IIAII attached hereto for text of Section 18.42.090. Section 9 CODIFICATION INSTRUCTION That Section 18.42.090 of the Bozeman Mun ici pa I Code be reserved for future use. Section 10 That Section 18.43.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so such section shall read as follows: 1118.43.050 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS A Certificate of Appropriateness, received from either the Design Review Board, Planning Board, or the City Commission, shall be required before any and all alterations(s) other than repair as defined in Chapter 18.42, are under~ ta ken upon any structure in the Entryway Corridor. For alterations not re- quiring City Commission or Planning Board approval, compliance with the Design Review Board's decisions will be mandatory subject to appeal to the City Com- mission as set forth in Chapter 18.58 of this Ordinance. Application procedures are as follows: A. No building, demolition, sign, conditional use, or moving permit shall be issued within an Entryway Corridor untif a Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued by the Design Review Board or the appropriate review authority, and until final action on the proposal has been taken. B. Application and review procedures for proposals located within Entryway Corridors are set forth in Chapter 18.51 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. Additionally, in order to accommodate limited, IIweekend" type projects, a Certificate may be applied for and issued without posting the property, - 9 - - ------------- -..--. ---.. - --..---..-..--.-.... . f if the Administrative Officer and an architect on the DRB approve and sign the application. "Weekend II type projects may include such al- terations as fencing, sidewalk and driveway construction, or removal of di lapidated, unsafe structures. C. A denial of a certificate shall be accompanied by a written statement of reasons for the denial. D. Aggrieved persons, as defined in Chapter 18.58 of this ordinance, may appeal the decision of the Design Review Boa rd pursuant to the pro- visions of said Chapter. In such event, the issuance of a Certificate shall be stayed until the appeal process has been satisfied. II Section 11 That the title of Section 18.43.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that such title shall read as follows: "18.43.060 DESIGN CRITERIA AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR--GER- €-ER=r-l-R-c-A:r-E&-9F--APPHGP-R-I-A'f-ENES.s IN ENTRYWA Y CORRIDORS" All other parts of Section 18.43.060 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effort. Section 12 That the title of subsection C.6.b. of Section 18.50.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that the title of Section 18.50.020.C.6.b. shall read as follows: lib. Arclti-teehlf'e Architectural Guidelines" All other parts of Section 18.50.020 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 13 That subsection D of Section 18.50.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section shall read as follows: "0. Water and Sanitary Sewer System Requirements 1. Whenever any building lots and/or building sites are created w-itRtr-t-any- -r&tif't9" -cli-9-tfle~ -~-'l:fte--€+ty - HfIl"it3 , inside the City limits, except for those lying within A-S or R-S zoning districts, and prior to the issuance of any bui Iding permits on said lots or sites, central water distribution and central sanitary sewer col- lection systems, public or private, shall be provided to the site. eI-e-vdeped- -aRe- -t::t t-i..j.j-z-ecl- . Each building site must utilize and be connected to both the central water distribution and central sani- tary sewer collection systems, public or private. II 2. These improvements shall be designed, constructed and installed - 10 - .---- . ._.. ...__n___._._._. .._._.~.._._- n___ .-.-.--- __n ..-- , , , according to the standards and criteria as adopted by the City and approved by both the City Engineer and Water Superinten- dent prior to the issuance of any building permits. II All other parts of Section 18.50.030 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 14 That subsection A of Section 18.50.035 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section of 18.50.035.A. shall read as follows: IIA. Glare and Lighting 1. Deflection Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged so as to deflect I ight down and/or away from any adjoining residential district and shall not detract from driver visibility on adjacent streets. In addition, all lighting (except for security purposes) shall be tu rned off be- tween 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Exceptions will be granted to those businesses which are operating during these hours. 2. Light Standards Lighting standards used to illuminate off-street pa rking areas shall not exceed 20 feet or the height of the tallest building on the lot, whichever is lower. 3-;-----f-ftreftsi-ty II All other parts of Section 18.50.030 not specifically amended above shall rema in in full force and effect. Sect ion 1 5 That subsection I . 1 of Section 18.50.035 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section shall read as follows: III. Noise 1. The maximum S6 ttftd- - f31"'eS"Sttre--1eve-I noise level radiated in each standard octave band by any use or facility (other than transportation faci lities or temporary construction work), measured at the site property line, shall not exceed the values shown in the following tables: Octave Band Range in Sound Pressure Level in 2 Cycles per Second Decibels rep. 002 dyne/em Below 75 72 75-150 67 151-300 59 301-600 52 601-1200 46 1201-2400 40 2401-4800 34 Above 4800 3211 - 11 - --- -.-.. ......-...- --- .. -.-- ...-----.-- ------.-.- - .-. ..--- -". -.-.-----....-- . . All other parts of Section 18.50.035 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 16 That subsection Q of Section 18.50.035 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be, amended so that Section 18.50.035. Q. shall read: "Q. Bicycle Lanes Required Wherever new streets or roads are to be developed as a result of a de- velopment proposal, or wherever existing streets are required to be improved, and upon a recommendation from the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB) , the developer Sflfl+l may be required to incorporate 3--t:o--4--fe0t striped bicycle lanes along the shoulder meeting current AASHTO standards into the design and construction or improvement of said streets or roads. II All other parts of Section 18.50.35 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 17 That subsection B of Section 18.50.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50.100.B. shall read as follows: liB. I nterpretation and Scope 1. The provisions of this section of the Bozeman Zoning Ordinance shall apply to a lot or site when an application is being made for: a. Site plan approval pursuant to Section 18.52 of this Ordi- nance; b. Signs pursuant to Section 18.65 of this Ordinance where landscaping is required. c. Restoration of a building that has been damaged or de- stroyed by fire, explosion, flood, tornado, riot, act of the public enemy, or accident of any kind. For purposes of this paragraph, "restoration II means the act of putting back into a former or original state, only. 2. Not withstanding the application of Section 18.50.100.B.1. above, these provisions shall not apply to the following: a. Lots containing only single family and/or residential duplex uses when located outside Entryway Corridors, except that such lots shall be subject to Section 18.50.100.D.5.e. (Street Frontage Landscaping). - 12 - .______..___.__...._._n ._.. __, ._.._n___.' __,__..... --,. . b. Lots or sites within an approved planned unit development which has been approved with its own landscape plan. However, these provisions shall be used as the basis for determining the landscaping plans for future planned unit developments and such planned unit development landscap- ing plans shall meet or exceed the standards of these landscape regulations. e~-----t~9-or-5~~~~+H~~4;Rt~y~~orr~o~-or-~9~06 ~~a~~~~~et~--~e~,-t~e5e-~~~Rs-~~~-be tl5~~-t~e-~~a~-ba9~-~-~erffHR+Rg-~~-~~a~HT9 re~tHre~~-fo~-~e~e~5--~e~-~t~~-~~-eHs- t~i-ct"5- -afOR 9""" -w~fi- ~r+ay- -cli-s..tr+et-""<.tb }ecNves - a ttti- -de-s-i-g-rt -o-b- j-eet-i v-e- -p-I a R~. €Ie. Lots or Sites which are designed, reviewed and approved - according to the deviation provisions specified in Section 18.50.100.F.1I All other parts of Section 18.50.100 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 18 That subsection D.3.d. of Section 18.50.100 of the Bozema n Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50.100. D. 3. d. shall read: lid. Contents of Landscape Plan A landscape plan required pursuant to this Zoning Ordi- nance shall contain the following information: (1) Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, address- es, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. (2) Location of existing boundary I ines and dimensions of the lot, the zoning classification of the lot, and the zoning classification of adjacent properties. A vicinity map should also be attached on or made a pa rt of the plan. (3 ) Approximate centerl ines of existing water courses and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the ap- proximate location of significant drainage featu res; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, - 13 - -- - -- ----- -, ----- ----'.- . .---.-...-.--.- , < . driveways, and sidewalks on the lot and or adjacent to the lot. (4) Project name, street address, and lot and block de- scription. (5) Location, height, and material of proposed screen- ing and fencing (with berms to be. delineated by 1 foot contours). (6) Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips. (7) Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typ- ical symbols, names ( common and botanical name) , locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread, and spacing. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicat- ed. (8 ) Complete description of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount ( in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces. (9 ) An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage dur- ing construction. (10) Size, height, location, and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. ( 11 ) A description of proposed watering methods. (12) Location of visibility triangles on the lot (if applica- ble) . (13 ) Tabulation of "points" earned by the plan (see Sec- tion 18.50.100.D.6.J. (14 ) Designated snow removal storage areas. - 14 - ----- -....--..------.--. --- (15 ) Complete description and detai Is of pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters. (16 ) Front and side elevations of buildings, fences and walls with height dimensions. (17 ) Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control. (18 ) Existing and proposed grade. (19 ) Location, dimension (size and height) and use of existing and proposed buildings, fences and walls. Show open stairways and other projections from ex- terior building walls. ( 20) Table of landscape performance point totals as per Section All other parts of Section 18.50.100 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 19 That subsection E of Section 18.50.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50. 1 00. E. shall read as follows: liE. Landscaping of Public Lands ~~~~jr;ftBy,-at-~~~~ef~~,-aeee~t-~~~on~+bH+~-~~~;ftBHT~anee Bn-d-~I""a-t-i01'T-of- -e-I f- -1tmcI-!ea~ i-r't9 - Bnd- -ap~ tjften'BflCe"S--1n-s-taHed--.j.fr-a-cco-rd-B-nee-wi tn B ~-SHe"'-P-Ia"f'l"S"'""wHfttn- ti'l-e- p-t.,tb-He- r;.g.i'lt--c:tf-way. An-y-....-eqtti....ed-..+a~tftg- - of- p-t.,tb-He -fan ds- -wi'l+en--ha-9--not-b-een--aeee~ t-e6 ~1""-~ntena~~-ti'le-~-1ty-~f--be-~fi{'B+ned-~-ti'le-~~-6f-tt=te-a~aeent j':t1"6pef'tfe% . Maintenance of landscaping installed within the boulevard portion of the public right-of-way, with the exception of tree trimming and tree removal, shall be the responsibility of adjacent property owners. The City shall accept re- sponsibility for the maintenance of all other required landscaping installed in accordance with approved Site Plans within the public right-of-way or on other publ ic lands. II All other parts of Section 18.50.100 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 20 That subsection B of Section 18.50.110 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50.110. B. shall read as follows: liB. Drive Access From Improved Public Street or Alley Required - 15 - -- ...-- -.--"..-- ....-.-.------- , , . Except as otherwise allowed or required by this Ordinance, primary drive access to buildings on all lots shall be provided from the abutting improved public street or alley. For purposes of this Code, "improved public street or alley" shall in- clude: 1. any street or alley within the City of Bozeman constructed to a standard which meets or exceeds standards established by the City Engineering department; 2. any street outside of the City of Bozeman within the three mile jurisdictional area constructed to a standard which meets or ex- ceeds standards established by the County Road Superintendent; or 3. esta-bHsfted constructed public streets which may not meet current City or County standa rds but which are constructed to a stan- dard which has historically provided an adequate level of service to adjacent properties, which level of service would not be de- graded as a result of a pending development proposal. II All other parts of Section 18.50.11 0 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 21 That subsection K of Section 18.50.120 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50.120.K. shall read as follows: ilK. No Parking Permitted in Required Front or Side Yards Required parking spaces shall not be located in any required front or side yard, except fe-r that detached single-fami Iy dwellings and townhouses, and duplexes with physically separated individual driveways, -;---5-ift9"!e-fa-I'I'tHy--€!weH- ~S~-+A€!+vkj~B~-~A~-tlA+~~-a-A€!-~p~~-~tn-~s~~-se~~e€!-~A~- V+€!tlfl+-~~S may have one space located within a driveway area in the required front yard. II All other parts of Section 18.50.120 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 22 That subsection B of Section 18.50.160 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.50.160.B. shall read as follows: liB. The right to operate and maintain a non-conforming use shall terminate when the structure or structures housing such use are removed, razed, or damaged to an extent of 50 percent of the structure's fair market - 16 - ~- --- , , . value as determined by the last equalized assessment role of the County of Gallatin. However, in the event of damage by fire, wind, earthquake or other act of God to the extent described above, said structure or structures and the non-conforming use or uses housed therein may be re-established through a Conditional Use Permit procedure as set forth in Chapter 18.53 of this ordinance." All other parts of Section 18.50.160 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 23 That subsection A and subsection C of Section 18.51.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.51.010.A. and Sect ion 18.51.010.C. shall read as follows: "A. Purpose The Design Review Board and the Development Review Committee are es- tablished to coordinate, expedite and assure fair, equitable implementa- tion of this ordinance. The objective, to be implemented through their procedures and deliberations, shall be to encourage development quality that will enhance both the natural and built environments, with full con- sideration to present and future property values." "C. Design Review Board Procedures Established 1. The Board shall consist of six (6) professional and OA-e--{+) two - (2 ) non-professiona I members as follows: Professi ona J members degreed in their respective disciplines or the substantial equiva- lent thereof -- four architects, one architectural historian, and one landscape architect or landscape designer; Non-professional members -- BA--tAfflVffltfBI individuals with a demonstrated interest in and knowledge of urban design and/or historic preservation. No member of the Design Review Board shall serve concurrently as a member of the Bozeman City-County Planning Boa rd. =r-h€ ~~~~f-tR~ee-~~~p~ofe~~-~e~-Bt-~-43es~R-~v~ B-oo-rd- -me eHn9' -:3"R8 H- et>ftStttti-re-"'iT -q-tfO ~ tfflr. A quorum of the DRB shall be three members, of which two must be professiona r members, and one of the professional members must be an architect." All other parts of Section 18.51.010 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. - 17 - .. -~ - "..-- ..--..- ..~ --... . Section 24 That subsection A of Section 18.52.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.52.020.A. shall read as follows; "A. Sketch Plan Submittal Requirements A. Certain independent development proposals (i. e. not in conjunction with other development) are required to submit only Sketch Plans, drawn to scale and in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with all zoning requirements. Sketch Plans shall be oriented with north at the top of the page and shall also show site boundaries, street and alley frontages with names, and location of all structures with distances to the nearest foot between buildings and from buildings to property lines. Separate construction plans are necessary for building permits when the proposal requires such permits. Additional information is also necessary when the proposal requires the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriate- ness (see Section 18.52.050). Examples of independent projects which qualify for Sketch Plan Review are: individual single-fami Iy.!.. find two-fami Iy, three-fami Iy , and four-family units, re3fcle.RtifM-tj-n1h, each on individual lots; mobile homes on individual lots; fences; signs in compliance with zoning requirements; special temporary uses; home occupations; and accessory structures as- sociated with these uses. Other simi lar projects may be determined by the Planning Director to require on Iy Sketch Plan Review. The Planning Director shall determine all submittal requirements. II All other parts of Section 18.52.020 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 25 That subsection D of Section 18.52.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.52.030.D. shall read as follows: liD. Site Plan Submittal Requirements 1. Applications for all Site Plan Approvals shall be submitted to the Plan- ning Office on forms provided by the Planning Director. The Site Plan application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and development plans showi ng sufficient information for the City Commission, Planning Board, Design Review Board, or Development Review Committee to deter- mine whether the proposed development wi II meet the development - 18 - - .-. -- --- . .--- ~-~=,..,....".~--: ~. . _._..,~,~ ------.- requirements of the City. Unless otherwise specified, twenty (20) copies of the application and required supplemental information addressing the following shall be submitted: a. General Information (1) name of project/development; (2) location of project/development by street address and legal description; (3) location map, including area within one-half mile of site; (4) name and mailing address of developer and owner; (5) name and mailing address of engineer/architect, landscape architect and/or planner; (6 ) date of plan preparation and changes; (7) north point indicator; (8 ) suggested s.cale of 1" to 201, but not less than I" to 1 00'; (9) list of names and addresses of property owners within two hundred (200) feet of site, using last declared County real estate tax records; (10) stamped, unsealed envelopes addressed with names of above property owners; ( 11) zonin g classification within two hundred (200) feet; (12) listing of specific land uses being proposed; and (13 ) compl ete, signed application. b. Site Plan Information The following information is required whenever the requested in- formation pertains to: 1 ) zoning or other regulatory require~ ments; 2) existing conditions on-site; or 3) conditions on-site which would result from the proposed development. (1) boundary line of property with dimensions; (2) location, identification and dimension of the following exist- ing and proposed data, on site and to a distance of 100 feet outside Site Plan boundary unless otherwise stated: (a) topographic contours at a minimum interval of two feet, or as determined by the Planning Director (b) adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a dis- tance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet - 19 - ..- ...--.--.------- . . ~,-" (c) on-site streets and rights-of-way (d) ingress and egress points (e) traffic flow on~site (f) traffic flow off-site (g) uti lities and uti lity rights-of~way or easements: ( i) electric ( i i) natural gas (iii) telephone, cable TV (iv) water ( v) sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm) (h) Parcel size in gross acres and square feet. ( i ) buildings and structures (j) Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size ( Floor Area Ration, FAR), with a breakdown by land use. (k) Proposed coverage of buildings and structures for parcel(s) and total site, including the following: ( i ) Percentage and square footage of building coverage. ( i i ) Percentage and squa re footage of driveway and parking. ( i i i ) Percentage and square footage of open space and / or landscaped area. ( I ) surface water holding ponds, streams and irrigation ditches, watercourses, water bodies, and wetlands. (m) Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps. (n) grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-si te retention/ detention and water quality im- provement fad I ities as required by the City engi- neering department, or in com pi iance with any adopted storm drainage ordinance. (0) significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15%, or other significant topographic features (p) detailed plan of all parking facilities: including cir- culation aisles, access drives, bicycle rac ks, - 20 - -------- -- --- --.-----.---.-- . -.,.----- .__n."'. u..___........ ----...---- .. n_ .__ _._.__.__._~___ u____..__..__.___ . ~ compact spaces, handicapped spaces and motorcycle parking (q) sidewalks, walkways, driveways. loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details (r) provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to wheel chair ramps, parking spaces, hand rails, and curb cuts (s) fences and walls, including typical details (t) exterior signs (u) exterior refuse collection areas, including typical detai Is (v) exterior lighting, including typical details (w) landscaping (detai led plan showing plantings, equipment, and other appropriate information as required in Section 18.50.100) (i) landscape legend, including botanical and common names of vegetation to be used (i i) size of plantings at time of planting and at maturity (i i i ) areas to be irrigated (x) Unique natura I features. significant wi Idlife areas. and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than two and one-half (2 1/2) inches, by species. (y) snow storage areas (z) Location of municipal and extraterritorial boundaries within or near the development (zz) Existing zoning. (3) number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, ex- isting and proposed, and total square footage of each. (4) site statistics including site square footage, non-residential bui Iding square footage, percent of site coverage (bui Iding and parking), net dwelling unit density, percent park or open space. (5 ) total numbe r, type, and density per type of dwell ing units, and total gross residential density and density per residential parcel. - 21 - ----. .---.-.--. --.--.-.- -------- - ------------ . . (6) a reproducible copy of the Site Plan with appropriate sig- natures shall be submitted upon approval. c. Building Design Information (On-Site) (1 ) building heights and elevations of all exterior walls of the build- ing(s) or structure(s). frt----~~~~~~a-ee~~-3eM~~-ftT-be-~~--~T~~#~-~-~or-+R erea~~-~-a~5~R-~~~~-~-~p~B~e-~-afta-e~~fttHe ~~M-~Me-area-~H-~~~~ f3t@ height above mean sea level of the elevation of the lowest floor and location of lot outfall when the structure is proposed to be located in a floodway or floodplain area. f~H3) floor plans depicting location and dimensions of all proposed uses and activities." All other parts of Section 18.52.030 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 34 That subsection A of Section 18.52.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.S2.0S0.A. shall read as follows: "18.52.050 CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS: ADDITIONAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, REVIEW PROCEDURES, AND REVIEW CRITERIA A. Submittal Requirements for Certificates of Appropriateness All development proposals requiring Certificates of Appropriateness (i. e. located in a Neighborhood Conservation or Entryway Corridor Overlay District) shall submit the following information in addition to any Sketch Plan, Site Plan, or Special Development submittal requirements for the proposal. 1. Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Certain information shall be provided to the Design Review Board to review prior to granting or denying a Certificate of Appropri- ateness. All materia Is to be submitted shall be prepared on a 8 1/2" X 11" paper and packaged or bound to fit a standard, letter size fi Ie. Applications that involve more voluminous architectural plans and specifications shall be accompanied by simplified sketch- es, details and sup porting documentation, on letter size pa pe r , which synthesize the detailed design documents. The extent of documentation to be submitted on any project shall be dictated by the scope of the planned alteration and the information reasonably - 22 - -.-----..-. ----...---.-- ___.u__.__. . -~_.~.... ---.... " . necessary for the Design Review Board to make its determination. At a minimum, the following items shall be included in the sub- mission: a. Completed application on form provided by the City-County Planning Office. b. One current picture of each elevation of each structure planned to be altered and such additional pictures of the specific elements of the structure or property to be altered that will clearly express the nature and extent of change planned. Except when otherwise recommended, no more than eight (8) pictures should be submitted and all pic- tu res shall be mounted on letter size sheets and clearly annotated with the property address, elevation direction (N,S,E,W) and relevant information. c. Sketch Plan or Site Plan, as per Section 18.52.020 or 18.52.030 of this Ordinance. d. Historical information, including avai lable data such as pic- tures, plans, authenticated verbal records and similar re- search documentation that may be relevant to the planned alteration. e. Materials and color schemes to be used. (The effect of color in creating a design character that is appropriate for and compatible with the neighborhood or district will be considered. However, no requirements or conditions per- taining to materials or color schemes shall be imposed un- less approved by a unanimous vote of the Design Review Board members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.) -e-f . Plans, sketches, pictures, specifications and ot her data - that will clearly express the applicant's proposed al- terations. ~9.. A schedule of planned actions that will lead to the complet- ed alterations. 9~. Such other information as may be suggested by the City-County Planning Office. ., i . It is further suggested that the appl icant seek comments - from the neighborhood or area. 2. Entryway Overlay District - 23 - .. ---.--..--- ---.-....--.. . ----- ...._...__._. ....._.._ . ..._.. .n ._._..__.. ...-.-. -.... .--- ---.--.. . ......- Depending on the complexity of development, either Sketch Plans or Site Plans will be required as specified in this Chapter. If the proposal includes an appl ication for a "deviation" as outl ined in Section 18.43.080, the appl ication for deviation shall be ac- companied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce, so as to enable the City Commission to make the determination that the deviation will produce an environment, landscape qual ity and character superior to that pro- duced by the existing standards, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Chapter 18.43. 3. Sign Proposals Which Do Not Specifically Conform to Zoning Re- quirements Independent sign proposals (i.e. not in conjunction with other development) which do not specifically conform to zoning require- ments, are required to submit full Site Plans. Additional site de- sign information in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the Design Objective Plan encompassing the property's location shall be provided. If no Design O bjective Plan has been pre- pared for the location, additional site design information, if nec- essary, shall be determined by the Design Review Board through the design review process. II All other parts of Section 18.52.050 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 35 That subsection C of Section 18.52.070 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Section 18.52.070 shall read as follows: IIC. Re~use, Change in Use, or Further Development of Sites Developed Prior to the Adoption of this Ordinance Sites legally developed prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall be considered to have developed under an approved Plan. Proposals for re-use, change in use, or the further development of sites legally devel- oped prior to the adoption of this ordinance may be approved by the Planning Director upon finding that no significant alteration of the pre- vious use and site are proposed, and upon review by the Publ ic Service Director to assure that adequate access and site surface drainage are provided. All such proposals shall be shown on a Plan drawing as re- quired by the Planning Director. - 24 - ~--- -- --- u......__..___ --....-- ~.- :"\ :/ ' The criteria for determining that no significant alteration of the previous use and site will result from the proposed re-use, change in use, or further development of a site shall include but not be limited to the fol- lowing: 1. The proposed use is allowed under the same Zoning District Use Classification as the previous use; however, replacement of non-conforming uses must comply with the provisions of Section 18.50.160.F. r7 -----~-he-re--i"5-flt)--chenge-I'1"'~-f'f)f'- ..the- -s-f'te-o-I"" -e:><: tel""tor-'t){- tA~-bt.ti+el- ~7--5rt9fir~ge"5-~Me-"5~~~6t-AeeeSSa1"'~~~-e6A5~el""ea-"5+g- M+Rea~-a+~46M-~~"5-"5e-~~~~y-tAe-P~MA+A9-fHfeet6~7 2. Changes proposed for the site, singly or cumulatively, do not in- crease lot coverage by buildings, storage areas, parking areas, or impervious surfaces by more than twenty (20) percent, nor add more than twenty (20) percent in assessed value to the prop- erty. 37-----~~-~~o-e~-kT-+RteR3~-6~-~"5e-~~ea"5~-b~~~l""k~ req1:ti re I'fteftt-, - -tre-f.fie- - gene-rat-tfiM -, - 'f)f'_ -17ther- -ffieftSt.tt"8'1e- -17ff--stte- - i-m- f'ile-ts7 3. Changes proposed for the site, singly or cumulatively, do not re- sult in more than a twenty (20) percent increase in intensity of use as measured by parking requirements, traffic generation or other measurable off-site impacts. 4. The proposed use does not continue any unsafe or hazardous con- ditions previously existing on the site or associated with the proposed use of the property. If it is determined that the proposed re-use, change in use, or further development of a site contains significant alterations to the previous use and/or site, the application shall be resubmitted as a new application and shall be subject to all Plan review and approval provisions of this Chap- ter. When proposals for re-use, change in use, or further development of a site are located in Entryway Corridor or Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Districts, review by the Design Review Board may be required to determine whether resubmittal as a new application is necessary. II All other parts of Section 18.52.070 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. - 25 - . _.--_.....__._~..- .,- , , . - Section 36 That Section 18.54.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby repealed and declared null and void and of no effect. See Exhibit "A II attached hereto for text of Section 18.54.010. Section 37 CODIFICATION INSTRUCTION That Section Number 18.54.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be reserved for future use. Section 38 That Section 18.65.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS, be amended so that the definition of "incidental sign" of said section shall read as follows: "incidental sign: A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the zone lot on which it is located, such as "no parking, II "en- trance, II "Ioading only, II "telephone, II and other similar directives. No sign with a commercial message which is designed with the intent to be legible from a position off the zone lot on which the sign is located shall be considered inci- dental. II All other parts of Section 18.65.030 not specifically amended above shall remain in full force and effect. Section 39 That Table 18.65.050.E. of Section 18.65.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that Table 18.65.050.E. of said section shall read as fol- lows: - 26 - -----.---- ... ._._.n._ .___._ . . - " TABLE 18.6S.0S0.E PERMITTED SIGN CHARACTERISTICS BY ZONING DISTRICT AS R RM RH B-O B-1 B-2 B-3 M BP PLI HMU ON SR d Animated N N N N N N N SR N N N N N SR S/SR S/SR Changeable Copy N N N N N N S S S N S N N SR S/SR b Illumination, Internal Sa a N N N N N S S S S S SR SR SR S/SR S/SR Illumination, b pa a pa Sa a External N N P S S S S S SR SR SR S/SR S/SR Illumination, b Exposed bulbs c or neon N N N N N N SR S N N SR SR SR S/SR S/SR S/SR P : Allowed without sign permit S : Allowed only with sign permit N : Not allowed SR : Allowed only with sign permit and certificate of appropriateness from the Design Review Board (DRB). S/SR : Allowed with sign permit only if in compliance with all applicable stan dards; allowed only with sign permit and Certificate of Appropriateness if any exceptions to specific conformity are requested. a. No direct Light of significant glare from the sign shall be cast onto any adjacent zone Lot that is zoned and used for residential purposes. b. Signs which are to be illuminated electrically shall require a separate electrical permit in conformity with the Electrical Code of the City of Bozeman. c. Illumination Illuminated signs must conform with the following requirements: i. Any direct light used for the illumination of a sign shall be shielded so that the beams or rays of light will not shine directly onto surrounding areas. ii. Neon light less than 30 milliamps may be direct, between 30 and 60 milliarnps must be shielded or diffused, and above 60 milliarnps shall be prohibited. 11i. Internal fluorescent sign lighting shall be limited to 800 milliamps. iv. Signs in agricultural and residential zoning districts may be non-illuminated, in- ternally illuminated or indirectly illuminated. Illuminated signs, other than identification signs, shall be turned off between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless illumination is required for safety purposes/ v. Signs in non-residential zoning districts may be indirectly, directly, or internal- ly illuminated. Any illuminated sign located within three hundred feet of any lot in a residential zoning district and visible from said lot shall be turned off no later than 11:00 p.m. or one-half hour after the use to which it is appurtenant is closed, whichever is later, and remain off until 7:00 a.m., but this time limit does not apply to any light primarily used for the protection of the premises or provisions of light for safety reasons. Prohibited Lighting i. Open light bulbs, excluding neon less than 30 milliarnps. 11. Blinking, flashing or rotating lights except in those situations in which atten- tion-drawing devices are required to alert the public to a potential hazard. d. Movement Limitations The movement of a sign or signs, or any parts thereof, shall be limited to two revo- lutions, changes, or actions per minute and shall not be designed or operated in a manner which will simulate blinking, flashing, or rotating lights." All other parts of Section 18.65.050 not specifically amended above shall rema i n in full force and effect. - 27 - - .-- --- ---- --- . Section 40 That the introductory paragraph of Section 18.65. 1 00 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended so that this introductory paragraph of Section 18.65.100 shall read as follows; "18.65.100 SIGNS EXEMPT FROM REGULATION UNDER THIS ORDINANCE The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this ordinance: Any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state of local law, regulation, or ordinance; Any sign inside a building, not attached to a window or door, that is not legible from a distance of more than three feet beyond the lot line of the zone lot or parcel on which such sign is located; Works of a rt that do not include a commercial message; Hol iday lights and decorations with no commercial message, but only between November 15 and January 15; and Traffic control signs on private property, such as Stop, Yield, and similar signs, the face of which meet Department of Transportation standards and which contain no commercial message of any sort. Temporary, non-illuminated real estate signs that do not exceed six square feet per face in total area and six feet in height and no more than one such sign per street frontage. Signs commonly associated with and limited to information and directions related to the permitted use on the lot on which sign is located, but on- ly if each such sign does not exceed two square feet, including without limitation such signs as "no smoking II , II restroom II , "no solicitors", "self service", and "vacancy". Non-illuminated or indirectly illuminated signs that identify items as a courtesy to customers such as credit cards accepted, redemption stamps offered, menus, or prices, but no more than one sign of each use and no more than two square feet per face or four square feet in total area; such signs may be attached to the building as projecting or wall signs, suspended from a canopy, or included as an integral part of a free- -standing sign in commercial/industrial areas. A flag, pennant, or insignia of any nation, organization of nations, state county, city, religious, civic or fraternal organization, or any education - 28 - - .n L.':J - ,.._~,..,-".- -~~ -"--. _. - - .,~'j.,,--- 'II -, .Av- December 1991. .~ ~~~~ Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: ~.trl~ Clerk of the Commission FI NALL Y PASSED AN D ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of December 1991 . RO Mayor ATTEST: ~oi~ Clerk of the Commission r . APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ 4 - 30 - ~ ------------- --- ..-...-- --.----------- .--- ..',..,...::..........~ .-------- ----.,... ---.---...---