HomeMy WebLinkAbout09- Swim Center Natatorium HVAC, Change Order No. 1, Bzmn Plumbing & HeatingChange Order No. 1 Date of issuance: Scompledon (days or date): _ Ready for ai paymeM (days or date): _ Attachments: (L(st documents supporting change): CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME8: Original ConVact Price: Original Contract Times: ^ Working days Q C. $ '~,yo, o00 - [Increase] [Decrease] from previously approved Change Orders No. to No. Contract Price prior to this Change Order: $ 2..y U, o00 . - [Increase] (Decrease] of this Change Order: s 800. U O Contract Price incorporating this Change Order: $_ ~yo . ~s0o o a [Increase] [Decrees from previously a No. to Substantial Completion ys): Ready for final payment (d Contract Times prior to this Ch , e Substantial completion (d r data): . Orders Ready for final paymen ys or date): [Increase] (Decrees of this Change Order: Substantial c etion (days or date): _ Ready for . I payment (days or date): _ Effetdhie Date: ~ '~ ~CO ~ d~ s with all approved Chenpe Orders: completion (days or date): Ff eady for final payment (days w date): RECOMMENDED: By. /`' near ( horized Signature) Date: ?-/6-~9 Approved by Furuting Agency (H applicable}: ACCEHSED: Owner ( fAuttwrized Signature) Date: _? -Z3 -opt ACCEPTED: By. Co oor ( r[~ed~Sil~`nature) Date: ! - ~ CO - U Data Change Order -Page 1 of 2 N:10417105TDOCSISPECSIDIV 01chg_order_c-941.docx Revised 6127/03 The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution ofthfs Cheops Order. Descriptbn: (~g~~n, a C; ~~~ ~Z ~ ~ ,,c,,.~ l.J t ~ , BOZEMAN PLUMB/NG AND HEAT/NG, /NC ~~~~~ 5 E BOZEMAN, MT 59772-4270 BELGRADE, MT 59 14 BOZEMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC (406) 587-0378 (FAX) 585-8915 PROPOSAL CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: PHONE: DATE: Ci of Bozeman 7/16/2009 STREET. JOB NAME: SWIM CENTER NATATORIUM CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE: JOB LOCATION: 1211 WEST MAIN STREET, BOZEMAN CHANGE ORDER # 1 QTY DESCRIPTION COST/CREDIT TOTAL CHANGE OUTSIDE INSULALTION WRAP FROM BAT INSULATION $800.00 $800.00 TO RIDGID INSUALTION. TOTAL $800.00 NAME DATE PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO AUTHORIZE THE ABOVE CHANGES. BY AGREEMENT OF PARTIES THE ABOVE ITEMS HAVE BEEN DELETED AND UPGRADED AS LISTED. ~ .rw~ j~ bra ~eCa~saos ~ o ~» ~ ~ I TO: ~C~~/ Ir 1.! - ~ ~ ~~ Ff'n14f: '~ ice' 0~ Fax: l a ~ - 6 `1 n ~ Pte: ~ t coV~e-~ Phones Date: ~ - ~ ~ Q~ ^ Urgont ~ For Review ^ Pleese Comment ^ PIos.SO Reply ©Please Recycle ~. ~t V~~ 1~L' ~r1~4 e ,~3 =R-~-~ z Pj~~s G 1e~- r~-e, ~~vu ,~ ~~,~_s c~~~ ~~-~e~~~~ 0.hG~ ~r;Ge ~S ~CCe~~~b)~, 1 ~~ ks , ~~r,~ ~ ~ ati~sic 07/OZ/2009 11:12 E. J.Bartells ~~ Jahr~s li~a-~ville tle5c~ipticn 800 Series Spin-Glee duct end equipmantlnsulstion is manufac- turedfrom lnorgani>: glass fibers bonded tngstherwith thermo- setting fasin, 800 Series 5pln-filas IS available plain ar faced in a varlBtY of densities for use an systems which operate up to 450^F 1232°C). For faced products, surface temperature should not exceed 150°F {gg°C}- AP ar FSK vapor taterderfaeed mata- rlal meets the reggirements of NfPA 9QA end 908. Types $13, 874, a15 and 817 provide neat, square comers far en excellent finished appearance on ductand equlpnrantsystema. GpirrGlas can be readily cut with an ordinary knife and se^ured utilizing mechanical fastdners and/or adhesives. ifses 800 Series Spin-Gies can he used in plain of faced form to insu- late heating duets end equipment. Faced 800 Series Spin-Gies is designed for Systems which operata• bslaw ambient tempera- tures whore vapor barrier pfotecitan ]s required. 800 Series 5gin-Glee is ideal far application on eammercial end industrial heating, air comdRianing, power and process equipment. Those products are not designed for use inside air distribution ductwork or equipment whore the Insulation will be directly exposed to en air stream. Dn systems oparatinp below ambient temperatures, ell seams should he tightly sealed with quality ASJ, Foil, or FSK tapes depending oa tht desired finish. Specification Compliance Type 812 813 814 131b 817 ASTM C 612 Type IA X X X X ASTM C 812 a iB X X X X ASTM C 553, Type Ill X • ' (Plain material onl~_ •• HH-1-558C (Roplac8s HIf-I-I Form B, T a i Class 7 X X X X ASTM E 84, 01723, NFPA 255 CANNIC S102-M86 FHC 25f50, Surface Burning ChBrectar(sHcs (cant asits) x x x X x NRC i.38 Mll-1.24244C ASTM C 795 (Clequrne Material On) X X' X X X State of Cal'rfomia; Tile 20 X X X X X CenaCa: CGS951-SP-10M X X X_ X X ASTM C 113fi, Typal AP Facing lypa ll AP & FSK Facing (Replaces HH•e-1tT06 Typ e 1 & III NFPA soy & ~B, Ftle 25!50 ~ ~atlrgd combustibir ISO 90001ANSUAStIC 901 Certification ' 1N5ULH11 (FAXII9066526887 P, 001/002 S00 Series Spiln~Glias® Fiber Glass Duct and Equipment insulation Tl,errnal t;anductmtY (°k") gym,; C _ .44 '~~ .40 ~ ~ `- BY3 .063 .057 ,~~ -3ti ~$ .a52 :32 -28 a~~ .040 is ~~} .085 20 .028 , Mean Tem per ature 60 75 too tea 200 250 300 (-i') 10 24 38 fib 83• 121 t49 ('C1 Type 812 813 814 ~ 815 817 "k" ~ 75°F mean .24 .23 ,28 ~ .2z .22 "k' ~ 24`C mean .035 .033 .03s .032 ,032 Plsysical Properties Temperature ilmlt lmaximuml Uafaced 450°F 1232°C) Feoed-unfaeadside 450°F1232°G) -faced side 150°F fff6°C) wlaistare sorption Lsss than 5.0'/c by uvaight Alkalinity Less t#tan 0.fi% . exprossndasNe,O Crartt?slvlty Does not aecelarata Odor Nona Shrinkage None - Reslatence to fungi does not breed and bacteria or pmrnot~e Moisture vapor 0.02 penny max. transmission---FSK & AP q-9 11.09 pieplnt e9 9-0G) Operovng Te~retatute Limit Up to 450°F (232°C) 07/02/2009 11;13 800 Series Spin-Glaser fiber' Glass Dact and ~'qulpmantlrrsulaGon Facing faformation Available Densities. Thicknesses and Facings Thickness iin't~" [73 mmj lttcramantsl Qaas Faced Plain Type pcf kg/m' in, mm in. 632 1-50 24 FSK i ~{~ - 4 ~ ~ - 102 1'/1- 4 38 - 102 8 i3 Z25 36 FSI(, Ap 1'/t - 4 38 -102 1'i, • A 38.102 814 8.00 48 FSK, AP 1 - 4 25 =107 1 - 4 25 - l OZ 815 a.z3 6a FSK, AP f - 2'/, 25 - 64 1 - 2'/~ 26 - 64 8i7 6.00 86 FSK,AP 1 -Z 7~-51 1 -2 25.51 Atandxd 315lM SRe: 76't IB' prra Wm t rEJ9 rtm(.l~be-enalOeN a&as erakAft 4Do++~9t~R Sound Abaatptian Coefficient& IA$TM S 923 -Type "A" $Iluuntingl Thickness Fraguanc yiNz) (e (Plain) ~ in. mm 125 25D • 500 10DD 211D0 4D00 N1tC , 812 1.D Z5 0.07 024 0.83 0.87 1.00 1,02 0.70 2-0 61 0.24 0.88 1.10 t.13 1.90 1.07 1A0 8t3 1.0 25 0.D8 O.Z7 0.69 Q95 1.06 1.02 0.75 20 51 0.18 p.ee 1.15 i.t4 i.io 1.01 1.05 814 to 25 oA6 0,28 0.75 0:99 1A4 1.02 0.75 2D 51 0.24 1.00 1.11 ~ 1,08 1.Dti 1.05 1.05 815 1.0 25 ~ 0.03 0.32 , 0,80 1.D4 1.05 1.D5 0.~1 2A 51 0.27 0.91 1.11 1,09 1~9 1.09 1.05 8i7 1.0 25 0.10 0.35 O.B5 1.04 1.05 i.03 0.80 2.0 5t D.38 D.93 1.10 1.D7 1A7 i,tl7 t.Ob Available Rulls (no facia9) Density Thickness type pcP kg/m' in, mm 812 1.50 24 1'/t,2 38R5i 4063886649 E. J. Bartel is titt~tY[n n~aam^ a ~~ Johns lVlanvill~ part'attnance Materials Division P.0.9ox 5108 UeOVar, CD 80217-5108 Product lnforrnatian: X8001.654-31D3 p'scf~jm.cam vuvuw.jmplpeinsulation.c om eFS tt.oatRepleeese-cal FSl( Reiltiorcad Fail and Paper (Fail- 8cflat-iCrati), Aluminum foil reinforned with fiber glass yarn and laminated wide fire-resistant adhesive to krnft paper. AP (All-Purpasa}.-(}~e qP faclnp is white kraft bonded to aluminum foil, rainforaed with fsber glass yam. The kralt paper Is laminated with a 5re-reelstant adhesive that minimizes file pos9ible cDrrosian ci the toll PRO INSULATION (FA%)14066526887 Government Gertifcation PAGE 03f 03 002/D02 When ordering meterialtn complyvrlth any government specification ar any other listed specification, a statement of that fast must appear on the parchase order. Government regulAtlons and other listed specificalians require ap^cerlc lot testing, and prohibit the certificadan of camptiagce after shipment has been made. There may beaddidonal charges easocfated wi-fi specification compliance testing. Worth Antericam Sales Offices, Perlormanca Materials Division Eastern Reyian Weatarn Region P.D. Box 168 aad Canada Defence, OHaa51Z P.0. Box 91oe (80DI 334-2399 Oemter, CO 811217 Fax;~a19)784-7866 X800)888-4437 Fa~C (303) 971t-4881 The physical and•ehemical properklea of 800 Series Spin-Glds~ Insulation represent typical, ayerago values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods and ors suhJeotto normal manufaCtaring variations. They are suppted as a technical service and are subjectto change without notice. Numerical flame spread and smoke ilaveloped ratings are not iptended i4 reflect Hazards presented by this ar any other matartals under actual fire conditions. Check with tAe Regional 5elea OfGca nearest you to assure current infontiation- All .lobos Manville products are sold sabJactta Joltas INamill^: I.Imlted WarraatY ^rtd Limitation of Nermedy. For a copy of the Jabma Mattvills Limited Warranty sad Chaitation of Rantedy, sad information another Johns Manville tbermal it~sti(atio~ and systems, cal! (80g) fi54-8103. ®kLUtd tlh rleyel6d y~pYr. ~oPMr~9~ ®IauS Johu Mann7le P,InooA In USA