HomeMy WebLinkAboutLedgend SANBORN MAP LEGEND CODING OF NON-RESIDENTIAL FIRE-RESISTIVE STRUCTURAL UNITS FOR FIREPROOF AND NON-COMBUSTIBLE BUILDINGS G L O S S A R Y FRAMING FLOORS ROOF ����ggy�l�ryvgeyv An.rbitrary boundary M �in eta. CODE STRUCTURAL UNIT CODE STRUCTURAL UNIT CODE STRUCTURAL UNIT The oodle(to lent for fremitl(,nber and roof.troa.—I brit.I. A�•gy Asov{r.ya,he A. Reinforced Concrete I. Reinforced Concrete. Reinforced Conerola .d in deaerible iha em.lrmllm of fire-roe lathe building.In A.I.p. Equ epee witn Fire dateetlm de- Frame. Reinforced Concrete with Ralnfor<ed Concrete with Wdpim -.port.fur fire-re.t.tlw bdWtZ:rill.how tM date TT .nlch.utattulfeally elgrweeen- Me.o Umte. Mao Units. bulLL,.ill comtrmtloe dh.a lMn Drlct,.M eelll roe demremanl. B. RaleforoM Cmtrote..... ^r; nrY tea' AIp�CO�NDr. plrcaoling.y.tem ampbying Column.,...m., l.r..a., Pre-c.a Cone a or R<info.I Gypsum Comrale. wry Roar. Archa.,Ma.onry Pler.. Cypsum Slabs or`Plenke. Pro-test Co crate or APR A nbeonry well a.tanaing pN WAI L C. Protected Steel Frame. Gypsum Slabs or Plenka. —5' �ove founp.tuon. ��1✓KR" A fireproof amld ft built In IB82 rith con ASSpC,plgN Rlet near.-Klan by 2. Cmcrele ib Metal Lelh, b. Concrete or Gypsum I ('CCAfD� crate am eM ralMoreM emcrate frame, toe—g-r.F A..Campenlee. D. Indlvld at Protected Incombmtible Form Metal L.th,Imomomt Nl< MMe�i�AWg elory loving Re floor Below Steal Jal.t.,Column., Bberds,Paper backed Fmm Bmrde,P.per-backM w "' floor.aM root grourl�6 R.eelllry .'.owe Beam.,Trmaaa,Arch•.. Will Fabrle,Steel Deck, Wire Febrlc.Steel Deer, r Cellular,Ribbed or or Collide-.Ribbed or Cook C'sty,Ill.: (floor ofe building o n.n ba ow .i Ilrot oar. S own by the E. indirectly ProleclM Steal Corrugated Steel Unit.. Corrupted Steel U-Ill.. 1�"'X A fireproof buildln(built In 1882 alto metal 01 B rollwing.tory height Sub Frame. 3. Open Steal Deck or Gr.ttng. c. In—bu.11ble Cum paame•Icon reel nor<ed conoe^eT column end be smenla or ale Ilar�(.�rle�be poaltion ,` �, b c floor. <t.l IaIA end 1w the 1 b.aamen0 . . .n�tha F. indirectly Prole<ted Steel Bmrde wtlh or without 9......,..�,. gypsum.lab roof;nm-combustible callfn(.. .ymbol 50(ollowlm maament.y ol. Jolata,Column.,Baam., �. pt+•R..I o.rr er o,voy, 1..Weilon. a^^.^^vlvvvYr CNIM1][l $(Appllceble to meD.In Pocky Troe.a,Arches. M.e my o:Metal Tllae. �T. un4ln L Peclllc Cw.l Sl.le.l. T. G. Unprotected Steel Frame. •�• �'~ d. Steel Dark,Corrugatad NC-/961 A.....mb Uble butldtng built In 1912 with a$ Brl,a'chlmney. ncrate brick L Ma41 or AaMatoa rcla blurt wall.;unprotected.teal col- C U concrote a cnlmo.y. H. Unprotected Steal Jol.le, .e ti �C.L) baame endcrate floor-on �'.'�N�on-.tend.Ire c ncrem chlmne Column•,0eame,Trw.e., Protected Metal with or m J The cnlmneY. Y. iay.a...rwly in...0 rmewus. .Ilhom Imulatlom y�2 d tat lath aM.teat deck rmf. �klil—c o k A-cl himneoY O. Me.onry Ba.rin[Wall.only. P�Del.itn plant venlllalor. MASONRY CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL(3CCUPANCY SYMBOLS gv e I, ore qby Important Inlarlor and all exterior ma..rY..It.of.11 non-raaldantiel Mumry wall.of r..lde"I l building.are.horn with .I.ndard Iine end F.--APTS"A multi-f.m11Y W W let buildinge are eho.n ellh weighted(�)line.. I the eorbt-balm V rated oo ell b2wiel,.die[r.med aver July.IBBJ. pulW log cor L 1pona gwlthlocalR.l- Ing Bureau In family unite r floor,at.rY_ebt,L.ap.r.t tan WALLS PARTITIONS OPENWGS a_re- 9�L�{A resident,l.tiding normally (Ileerfor) (Exterior) oeeupredbyaelMgle hmlly bu-witn 10 eMed for lodging ®B"Brick ®Mixed Cmetructlon of Wall.tth No 0p.Iegs I.t Floor EXCEPTIONS:a room. In Arizom, Cmcrele Blooks.Beict Frema 2 Wall.lih DoWle B*otlard Fire Ce IUor-.N-ede,Uten4 Monbm; Faced —� Doors let Floor J room N Oregpn L Waehingtan.4 12"Concrete lit 6 2nd Floors rooms In Idaho 6 Hawall. Mixed Coo.trmlion on m Tile from FmMm ali to Wall atth Standard Fire Door ®1B"k 20"Stme ee Concrete Block.6 Top Cellleg bely L Buement Jrd Floor RE RESI TlvE CONSTRUCTION Brl<k Wall.1.Sub.taMard Fir. 12"L B"Hollow The M..be Well.,Me41 Cmerale 1.1 Floor only Door.1.1 L Jrd:boor. let lk 8th FI.with Airodar atl ma.omya eof.pl000ved Wall Thic tne..a.Placed ®Faced Wall.Hh Yela14 WIrM GW. Metal SnNlar l.l. m.eanrY.concrale�M/or protected Ralatlw to Re.pee a Xolloa Clod•-m Cm- Fir.Dder..11 Floor. F.p,gmlUlc.Um.except ln- Floon ®Adobe 6L et.Bock tat Floor IOth L 22ed mly ror.ub-n.—d eal4. only Wall wltA Suhat.Mard Fire (e eR Cinder,C...rate or Holler Cinder m Cm_ i Unyra«led Op.hq Qh-' IOth to 22M Fl. N,I- n.ei`Irma with acted Cement Brlek crate Blurt Inlarlor Brlct 2M Floor oNy Iloor re rM Wall Ba.amlbt to goof N^N L A eon ae ry w.0 W.H.Ilh Small Utlprol.<aad y Glee.Bbmk LE a rvP n t^dewroan�electric P enLv it Hot—It-ar o-Cm- Tile Interior wall Tlb 1N L Jrd Fiore op....mly ( PLy_A�9A.•v Nourt'.bveruYl bee.to eon- le Block.,Pida.- Be.emant to Roof 1 Wired Gle..In Metal {�Ap�I GT��IWALLfA Bred Cement Brick EM Wall m y big.all Floor. otootod ^• ( Se.h 2nd L Jrd FI, v TZ ledgaa tor.upport f�r. �r7 LTT•mc.oa br m aomr o-lee .. plater pH.d to .00d.tuaamg.. NON-MASONRY CONSTRUCTION M..S�G.nb. M—.1 epp le... tl4T9E1 ng o r.rnr Non-quamry mode.e..noon wIh fie.(�)Iln•.. (�ml non g—i n (W.11 eomtrmtlm mbar thin coed aM.imm m.cod tram•Y mtedl Ti r ca ro.poming�m"or.n a�alo n�ng woos L sti«o�cement emmme. liq) Iron BNldm(wnn woo. Op.n Mw.en graina.rd ro-a near. Ple.ter,Ete. Woad • Wood S.h L OL.e Roof.(Looetlm d Eaten• Aprm wall.WItA Woad ST•.. M...br,re iMorelnQ column Frame W (<a� `aqM A.pbelt M/or A.b<etoe T alve Wood Ara..Syectf- S.n aM Ole.. Protected Metal on Steel YT 9lrylignts. 1<ally nMM) / Frame ........ened m woad a1dMQ. BNek Vamered on Wood Mat.l 9a.h L Gla.. aJn ShornbYcroeaitlg di.ilb-It Frema(Other Ty".of aY.t a. Stud C <PIL.t.r. L1aQrom. It.. V aerod on Wood Fr. �� Arbe.lo Clad m Wood tk"e{. Rib.eon 81.e1 Frema SUSP'D. 9u�p•MM telling.n•Im Raor S'_Ulcally Noted) mo Fw to.Nmed to Non- $- a�tl r y.t f beam.. Metal Cled on Wood Reeidentl.l 8lrm Dnly. (A.q P t,,Ihaft and/or o,W oe may', s' /'�'�)Frema tw : <metad Metal on Wood WoMromrormer. Mlzed Me.omy L Non- M o ry ITypv of Maamry M1xM Wall--B•of CB A� SpaeUlcelly Noted) �� With Metal Se.h Abwa Gmite m Steal Promo O.mvv.•ro Or ••tire.-,v.,p (MOV) Iron B.IbU.g O:�••.•,•„ O am..r.. Giese P.ml. A". •�� Wood Brick Lured,Br. � Netel Pamis = Filled or Brfek Nog(M FIRE PROTECTION .0 Foe Daparlmenl Cme—b.. Mngl•Hydrent Frame Etrlm.d El-v .ith Se. 2 Stories L Benement `-- Clo.tng Trap. _5 1st Floor—pied by Store AW omaHe 9prlNtlee.throughout BN Double NydraN A 9 2 Reaid—W Unite shove let —rilim ue.e<llon.of.fn(be rl.t C.—r.l.Blook E-1...d Ela..tor Auto In Basement TN Triple Hydr.gt r—• r.h Trap. —�`1�— Drive or Paeeagew.y ® AMometic Spriekler.all Door.of N ydr.nt of the H Wood 9hitlgle Aoo( building Q Qbedruple N High p The Emlowd Elawtm.Ith SaH Pre..wa 9erHca r--' Cboebe,Tr �N It..Chimney ®Brlek Chimney .g.Lr A Udin,c SPr(Note o d r SY of ,,rLN,�ag Water Plp.of the H Pr•aowa VI building only(Nola under Symbol W•-.jC'J(Lj yrvl<e III' f.-1. GB�:: toed Elewtor.11h wired /O JA, (wltn SparkArrealorl IiT G.eollne Teel, fgreY(Y b llb,"e.praeeted Perri-of tom-r ® building) _=12 L_• Water P1pea el the Hr Pregame `N1 Open Hot �UV9 Vertical Steam Boiler *Fire Pump Net Sprintlered Rarvt<a as Some m IC y Map rr Hori...let Stem Boiler ® ANomeHC Chemical 3prinkldra �J'/P,��}Public Uh Traps Water Ssrvloa Cr� Hot.. 1LN Opan Role,Bewment to let I Width of Street between Block Chemical Sprfnklare be part of Water H.r—. Line.,not Curb Lin.. b.ildindfe.las praeclad porllm be (Note Ibed.,eof bob :3 '` 2 MISCELLANEOUS ©Ground Elev.tlon bufldin() VERTICAL OPENINGS ��JDl Houe<numbers nearest to BulB ilp Mq NYD are INflc lab or Actmlly up on Build- O O Y—W.1 Pipe or Bleed Plpe Numbs of Stories .D In(e. Old Nome Number.ere ♦��C�A $yll(M Itgntin[top.tory only Nal(ht In P..1 ♦ Farthest from Building. AM AMomaiic Fire Alarm ® Sbyll hi lightin[t Norfa. Compo.11lon Roaf Cowrin( ® Water T,ea Parapai 8".bow Rmf / Blook L Skylight with Wfrad Glee.In From.co . (� paferanca to AGJolning P.ge 5 Number F —aid.V.rtical Pipe de fire ® Metal Se.h Parapet 12"aII—Roof T wcepa �gl Open Elewlor P—leal 11"111—Roof Fir•ALrm Baz W NO Ot.Wbad by W—ho..e ® Na1W HPFB"m h Prowura � From.Emlm.d Elawlor Metal,Slate,TII.or Aebeeto. + Fire Department Le.hoa.on Key Map Foe " PIP HI( ��.q Obbegle Roan:orerin, FJJ Fr.m•Emlmed El.......h Trop. ParmM 48" brae Roof B 168 Map legend for understanding black-and-white editions of fire insurance maps issued in recent years by the Sanborn Map Company.