HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 1492, Amends §§ 5.12.010-5.12.080, beer . .-.-.---- _u_....__..... ._ ORDINANCE NO. 1492 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING CHAPTER 5.12; PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLANTING OF THE LIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN MCA ~ 16-3-306(1) AND FOR REVISIONS OF THIS CHAPTER CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana that Section 1 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.010 Definitiens. l~p'I~9i~~I"I~' ~.. For the purposes of this chapter, the definitions, words, phrases and expressions as set out in Section 2 of "Montana Beer ^ct," Chapter 1 06 of the Lawc of tho 23rd LogiGlative A::;sembly of the otate, a~ amended by HOU3e Bill No. 3D of the Firat Extraordinary Scssion of tho 23rd Legiclativo ^ccembly, codified OG tho came warda, phraGos and exproscionc, and t:6.fth .:.:.~.~.~.~':':'=,~':':': !'~[~::[[~b!~:,[[:@~~:p~~r::"~:~~::::::~~::~::::~~:::::::~!D~lr:Y~9::'::~~~::::~:~~'tjj\*::~:::~~?',,1,~9~~::'~::~~~:::::f9r~~::::~::iq:::,::~h~M:::~:9m~lq~: ~::~[1[!9:9pei'i@:, ~~i~i~~'g~:~Egg~8 w~hereverthe words "Montana Boer Aet" "~:~:~~!~~:::I!:~g~'9!!9::::!~~:~~~:~:~::m:~ii," are used in this chapter, they shall be held and construed to refer to Chapter 1 06 of the law::; of the 23rd Legiclative Aacombly of the Stato of Montana, ac amended by ~ouce Bill No. ao of the Fir::;t Extraordinary Session of the 23rd Icgiolative ^Joembly of the atate ~~~~i;:99~~. a; ,,"'m',!:':'~~::~~~:::i~gh'lpft9ry':i:n~,:;:r~i~:m~~~ty':'pr~MH~i:g:n~::@gQ!,~:!'Q~~::::!:Q@h'~';:N!,;n~i~~:::llg:g:pg!J~ l~x~r~Q~":lri~::~:::~~:~:::::~~~gp~ij~,,..:~,~:',:,:pr~M~i,'~:~~"::::g~',!ffl!I:::~::~ffl~:~~~r"~:~~::::::~:!:!:::j::~r~~~~i~::::::!~I~i~:::::"~,~~i:~:::::~h i Rt9x~~j,~:~~1:!:9~:i::~~:!~'::'sm~'p~~r1,~t1,~'IJ:11:~~i'i:~~'~i~Q~,":~g:'ii:!!!:1~1~,p~I"~~~~~:::::Rf:g-~~~'~g~y..::,i:~~::j::r~~Q'~!~~g~~j:::Rr9~'I~gn~ ~~:::~:~~:::::g9~'~~::'1tt::~9~~19Q:@9:::~ti~::::prgM!~!mq~:::@1::::~m~::ii9:h~:Bl~:r:r Section 2 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.020 Montana Beer Aet Provisions adopted by referenGc. ~~piJj~i:::::t:j::i~~!pj~iij,~~: All of tho prohibitory and regulatory provisiono of tho Montana Beer Act aro adoptcd as provision:J of this chapter, e)(oept the provisions of the Aot relating to tAe lieenJing of common earrior::;, and it ia made the duty of all offieialo and particularly of tho police force of tho oity, to aid in the enforcement of the Montana Bcer Aet; and alllicen:Je~ iSJued under thc provisiona of thio chapter chall be aubject to all applicable prohibitory and regulatory proviaionc of the Montana Beer Act in addition to the provisions of thi::3 chapter. ~:ill,"':":"'%n~':::~~,!~:::@~':~'I@:9'Hg!:!g::::~:~~~t~9~~::::!~::1:p~tm~~~q:::E~!Y":'~m"::g:!~~~:!@!~:~m'b~r~~:~q'j:J'Q:i::m1~!~:::::~'~ @~,'b~'::i:~~~'~rn~D,~YQi9ip~:I"'::BiI:~,:!9'::,~'li~~,"~Y@h",~~i~'~ij, 1;.....:.::.:.::::i::i:::i::i~~:::nin~~:~J~n~::~~~:~gr~~::::m:::::I::~::~t.~tg~~.~.:~..~:::;J~#111::::~.~:~!~~::::~~::::np~:.:~:pp,~~::::~~::::r~~~~i~in~~ m~;H~!.QQ::::~..::~ffli~~~~.~f:~M;I~ir.~p~Mt!iMi:f::g,!ij:~ft~~:~..~ti9..~M:gIM::::~~..~:i:tl~@,~:r~~:::li:ir.i:i:!1~f::~!fi~:.~!q':Q~:i:;; Q:9~"':"fq':~1;\9~~..:.:91:QJQi::::!:ij':'::':t~:~:~~riQfg...:::~Q~:9ti!~:~h~:j::':::i~:':::fb:9~~:::::;~:rffiii::.:::~ri::i::~:~f!Q~~.::::::!.ij::f::~:~~::: :::M'~QU~f!~ ~199m~~,~::::i:I~~~r~i~.....9qq~.~:.......'..Hgw:~~~t:f:...:;:Q~~~~Qg.",:.'lfi:i:.:~~f!~f:::::~h~:p~~~i:::i~:~~:!:!::::.:~i'.'.:g~9!~t:~i~::...:tq':--'~:~I~~ ::..:~:~i ~:~~iQ:~$$_mijiQ!~:::~~::::~~::::~fQJ~~~~r'~!!y'~ipprAv:i~:iii~:~q::!:~U"~@~t.:;!~:pi~J~::::~~r:::IQ~::i:rigil:~i:::I:::M'i~q~i!~ij!~E:gsi i~~r-rn'I~::i:~~:i:~~~:::~~r~~::::Ig::::w!~~i.:;:]..~::::":~~::::~~i::::~~~~:m.~:Q::::-f.lH~:!I~~~.I:.::::gg~'~f;: Section 3 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.030 City License required - Application - Limit on number issued g,!~~~~~:::];i~~. A. No person shall manufacture or sell beer or wine :ij!pfph91: in the city, under the provisions of the Montana Beer ^ct~9a1i:Q:~:i::i~!~~b~m:9,::.:::~'M~iri~i'.::.B~~:i, or at all, without first procuring a license to do so from the city. Application for a city license shall be made to the ~ity €;gommission on a form to be provided by the d~:ireetor of fpinance. M1eparate license~ shall be required for the sale of beer and for the sale of wine. The form for such application sfl.aH- be oubotantiQlly os followo: CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT A~JA Application for City Lieense under Chaptcr of Bozcman City Code and Montana Beer Act To the City CommiGsion of the City of Bozeman, Montana: The undersigned hereby makes application for a City lieenDe under Chapter 5. 12 of the Bozeman City Code relating to City Lieenses undcr the MontanJ Beer Act, as 0 _. My namc i: _, and my agc is . I am J holder of liccnse from the State of Montana, under thc Montana Beer ,'\ct, 00 a , and it Q)(pirC3 . My reoidenee ia . 'have - resided there The location in the City of Bozeman where I propooe to carryon bu::;ineos and under said lieense hcreby applicd for is_ ' and I understand that the City license hereby applied for, if granted, sholl not be good for any other location in said city without the conccnt Jnd permi:sion of the City Commission first had and obtained after applieQtion and sueh permiosion endorsed on ouch license by the Director of Finance, which endorsement shall refer to book Jnd page of thc offieial proccedings of the City Commission where reference to ouch application and permi::;sion arc entered. Thc fee of $_, as prescribed by said ehapter, is tendcred herewith. I underotond and agree that the lieense applied for, if granted, shall be subject to all of the provision::; of SQid Chapter 5.12 of the City of Bozeman, and of the Montana Beer Aet; that the - 2 ~ u__ ___ __.._.___..__ . .. ---. ----.. ---.-.-.-.. --- ---- ----- .n .._.. .-.- ...... -. ---.---.----.--.- u::;e of a bar, os that word i3 generally understood, for 3erving beer or wine at retail for eonoumption at :Jueh bar, i::; not permitted under said Chapter 5.12 nor under any lieenoe granted pursuant thereto. I also understand that revocation, withdrawal or ouspension of any license granted to me by the State of Montana pursuant to the montana Beer Act, GRail at once and simultaneou31y therewith operate also as a revocation, withdrawal or sU3pen3ion, 83 the case may be, of ~ny lieenoe granted pur::;uant to thio application. STATE OF MONTANA ) County of Gallatin ):so City of Bozeman ) , the applicant above named, being first duly sworn, on his oath, saY3: that he hao read the obove and foregoing application for a eity licenoe and knowo the content::! thereof, and the 3ame is true. Subocribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 - - Notary Public for the State of Montana Reoiding at Bozeman, Montana My Commission E)(pires 1~!:!.::.~~:j:i~Q:D~~j:[:~~::~'Hij'~PR!:!~:~fl~[;:[:::D:~~~t@ijP:~'[::i.m$~~q~:::j~H~'J!9~q~I:::jf:~i':'~Qg.:::9PQ~~:lrm:j.i~[::i[[[tlji.jM~rriYmj~::j[~~i ~~ljl~l.i.QQ:!::[':Q~q~Ii,~~:I~~:;: :~'::~::::::'''.':.:::!::::::lijpJ~9~:~~~:i''j1ili,i~:::::i~~jf:jj::ifi~:::::igg~~il:~' r.i~1i"CWIIIIIII1it'.1 .~.','I~ltBI"" B. The application shall be filed with the €jElerk of the €Eommission and presented for the consideration of the eommission~. at ita first regular meeting following the filing thereof, 00t wh~'gqm'~:!~~~gg[..m~Y;'.:[~fi::::,~~::.~i~9ri1',gg[i[:[::P9~1Pg9[~U~.9M action thereon may be postponod for investigation or other good cause in the discretion of the commission. The action of the elommission with reference to the application shall be recorded in the In.~~t'19~:~~ minutes ef-..i.ts .... ..................".".. proeecding3, and no liccn3c ohall be i33ued without the approval of the eommi3sion 00 entered - 3 ~ upon its minutes the dote of such permio::Jion and the book and page where it is entered upon in the minute book sholl be noted on any liccnsc issued pur3uant thereto. (I';: If the application is rejected, the reasons for oueh rcjeetion ::;hallm,yl be noted in the minute entry, the applicant notified thereof, and the tendered fee returned to him. ItC License fees shall must be payable in advance and shall accompany the application t heref ore, w heth e r orig i 1'1 a I or re ne w a I. ~!:!::m:9~:~~~~::::Y'~~,!~[::~~'!~',::9:~~:R~~~::[I:!!~::::~i~!~~'[:!~~!!:I:!~:~[1~~~:::::R~ m~9~i9~~:::[:~:'~::~'~"["Q~h~',',,~:~~'~:::~9~':"ln,!in:[::!iy~~::[:]I~~'p~~:[:::[r~:::::,,~Y~~,~: No rcbate will be allowcd for fraction of a year, exccpt that if lieense !ft:':~~:I,:::lx~,iii~:[~t1i~,:::~:::l'9:iftij~ is granted after June 30th of any year, the license fee for the remainder of thc calendar 'fcar shall will be one-half of the entire yearly license*', and cxccpt, 0100 thot Ef: tlf the entire yearly license fee has been paid in advance and the business under :':. the license!~ shall bc discontinued before July 1 st in the year in which such license is granted, the 4irector of .f.~inance w'm sfta.U refund one-half of the yearly license fee ::;0 paid upon surrender of the license, make ~~ appropriate book entrY~[,~Q~ of the fact of surrender, and refund, and;) report thercof shall be made to the commission at ito next meeting and entered in thc minutes. All lieenoes under the ehaptcr shall expirc at midnight of Deccmber 31 st, in the year in whieh sueh lieensc is i::J::Jued. No license 'I.-ill be granted to sell beer or winc as defined in the Montana Beer Aet in any residencc distriet of the cit'f, and the dccioion of the city commi::J::Jion 00 to what conotitutcs a "residencc diotriet" of the cit'f sholl be coneluoive upon ;)11 applicant::; for lieenoe::J undcr thio chaptcr. Thc number of retailliccnccs iooucd and in force and cffcet under thc provi::Jion::; of thi::J ohapter, at any timc, ohall not bc marc than , but this sholl not be construed to include permits issued under Section 5. 12.050 of this ehaJ3tcr." Section 4 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.040 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.040 Form of city license. A. Licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter sholl be in oub3tantially the following form: MONT ANA BEER ACT City of Bozeman Lieensc The City of Bozeman, Montana, hcreby licenses _, as 0 _ under and subjeet to 011 the provi3ions of Chaptor 5.12 of the Codc of the City of Bozeman and Montana Beer Act. Tho busines::J authorized under this lieensc sholl be tranoacted or carried on 01'11'1 at the prcmioeo known and de::;cribed os , Bozeman, Montana and at no other place, unless othen.vise - 4 - endorsed hereon. This license expires December 21, 10_, unless sooner suspended er rcvoked. This license shall be prominently posted at the above described premiscs, and is subject to ouopension and revocation 00 provided in Chapter 5. 12 of the code of the City of Bozeman, and Montana Beer ^et, Minute Book No. _, Page _, Date Dated this day of - , 10 - Director of Finance, City of Bozeman, Montana mM~]::::::~~::::::~~~mip~fit!M::i::::R9~~~~::::::'i'i't:,~m~":,::p:q~!:p~~~:.:,:.~:pft,i:.:,:I:,,,~:::j::~:ij:p~~m:~:::::::~~:::::~:::::::ffi~rWro:~:ffi~:::: ::~~:i::,::~g!Jgl:~~Q !o~:grro~~~~~:~: :1"~::::':' :,,:,::::,:::ili~ij,:,':I:!g~Q~~:~j'~::::fij:li:::::~Q~:::.~hi::::~:q~~~:~~~~..::'~i:~~::j:j:nq:;: j~q~ij:~~~, 6:f",:",':ilitj~..:::R~r~~~!:':::~gr"~ffl~::::n~i:~~i; ~:f'::::::::::::::::::::::::.mhi:::::~ipi:tij!,i:n::::~~~~::::~~::::~~i::::I.:!~~:P.~I:~:::i:~:p'~' B. The em;ireetor of .f.minanee sfla-H.I:O.! keep an accurate record of all licenses issued under ..., ..., ......... this chapter, showing the date issued, the minute book and page where authority for its issuance is found, the date of issuance, to whom issued, the amount collected, the date of expiration, @ 9iigf:l.:p~i~Q:::'ijt::~:h! premises deGeribed therein, change of location, or transfer, if any, and minute entry showing authority therefor, and any other pertinent fact with reference to such license, so that the same may be conveniently available." Section 5 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 1/5.12.050 Special permits - For fairs, exhibitions or rodeos IIftin::::gIQti~. ~S,:',::,:i:.,:M~i::::j;~~9':'&9iTIm,!~~~~~:~.::::!~'::::!~~::::9,!i~~it~~~:::::~'Q~::::ipg~:;:i.~:~p!,!~~~!:~i~]::.'i.li:~::::ir~~~::::~::::i~li:i~:! :pgrm'i~::::~~J~IHjj:::pl:~r:::@~:"I~~'~Ut9I:j::BBQ~~:i'ijm:!gD.:::j:9Q::::~b~::::~r~:m:!ii~:'i'~~::::~p.:~::::~:~:!~~I~n:Q:~: ;1~ Any association or corporation Ghall, in tho disoretion of the oity commis:::;ion, and by order entered on its minutcs, be granted a special permit to sell beer to patrons of such exhibition, to be consumed within the exhibition enel03urc. The application for ouch permit Ghall Gpecify the location of ouoh enclosure wherein such o)(hibition ie, or io to be held, the nature of ouch cxhibition and the period for which it is, or is to be held. Sueh application shall lac signed by one or mere of the offieera of such aooGciation or corporation, thereunto duly authorized, be aecompanied by the amount of tho parmit fee horeinafter preoeribed. The pormit iccuod undcr this section shall be a special permit and ohall not authorize the aale of beer for a longer period than one day before such Q)(hibition io te be opened to the public, and for which admiosioA fee is ehargcd, during the period it is open to the public for an admiocion fcc, as stated in the application therefor, and for one day after it io closed to the public for an admisoion fcc, as stated in the application. The permit fee shall be ten dollaro for each day the permit is granted, but in no case less than twenty five dollaro, which j::; fi>ccd DC tho minimum fee for ouoh permit. Where ever - 5 . the word "license" and/or "Iieensee" is used in this ehapter, it is also held to include permitG and permittee€: uAder thia €:eotion, except as otherwice ~~i;~~i~y'.~:~~i~j~~!~;"ii:t:"ill"11111~iil~fll[~!llilll~~lr(~!~fi:!.r~:::::::~~~!~::jjP:r: Section 6 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.060 Special permits - For East Side Munieipal ReereatioR Complex ~i!ln.i~~~M:H::::Fii~. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ,. -. A. Any softball or baseball aoooeiJtion conducting 0 reereational program at the Eo:::;t Side municipal Reoreation Comple)( of the city shall, in the diooretion of the city commission, by order entered on its minutes, be gr~:tntcd a ::Jpeeial permit to sell beer to patrono attending 0 Goftball or baceball game at the BOloman East Side Municipal Reoreation Complex, to be consumed os said complex. The permit shall specify the location of the baseball or softball game, the period for which tho permit is to bo held, and choll bo cigned by one or more of tho officers of :Jueh a::;::;oeiation or corporation, and ohall be accompanied by the amount of the permit fee hereinafter precoribed. The permit i:::;:::;ued under thio cection ohall be 0 special permit and :::;hall not authorize the oale of beer for a longer period that the day or days of the scheduled game or tournament. B. The permit fee shall be ten dollars for each day the permit is granted, but in no cace leoG than twenty five doll:m:, whioh is fixed 00 minimum fee fer such permit. Section 7 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: - 6 . .. ..---.---."...--. ___ ___n "5.12.070 City license not transferable - exceptions No license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable except as provided in the Montana Beer ^ct~99~i'p'i:"~~!~9~Q!J~;::~::~~i~ri~~:;::~:~;t~, and then only after such transfer is approved by the city commission after written application for permission to transfer. Such application shall be in writing, :::;totc the namc, occupation, age, :::;cx and color of the proposed tranofcrec, hiG residence and the length of time he ha:) resided there, and if it is dcsired to change the location of the place where the buoincss licensed under thc licenoe Gought to be transferred is carried on, and if so, where. Thc application for tranofer shall be filed with the clerk and brought to the attention of the city eommb:)ion ot its firot regular meeting thereafter. Action thercon may be postponed for investigation or other good eauoe, in the dioeretion of the commi:::;:;ion. If permi3cion for tranofer is grantcd, the applicant 3hall preoent the originallieenso ;:md/or permit for endor:3ement by the director of finance as to the fact of the J3ermisoion to transfer, date when such permiooion was granted, minute book and page, and name of the tran::Jferec. The director of finance sholl charge and collect 0 fee of five dollors to cover the coot of 0 II p r oe e cd i 1'1 g:3 in conn e ct ion w h ie h :::;uc h tr a nof cr. ~m~";~;:1:m:~:~::~~~".~~m:~::~:~~~rm:"':~~j~:::~:~~::::;i!t"Q!:m~:!: ~:~~~P:~~:~::]H~g9~i.:.:.i~R!J9:i~!~tt:~!p.i9R~r~:~~9!'lj~P:::::~:n~:~~~~9'g:.::ni~~~p:r Section 8 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 5.12.080 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.12.080 City license suspension or revocation conditions. ^ Conviction of any lioensee under this chapter, or of any employee of such lioonsee r ,. in the operation of or in connection with the buoinecs licensed under thb chapter, and/or the Montano Beer ^et, of any violation of this chapter and/or the Montana Beer :\ot, and/or of any IJW of the United State:; and/or the state of Montana relating to or controlling and/or regulating the sale and/or use of intOJ<iooting liquor, chJII make cuch liccme cubjcet to revocation upon the foct of ouch conviction being certified to the city manager by the cleric or judge of the court in which Guch eonvietion wac had. The city manager shall thereupon endorse upon such certificate notiec that the licen:::;e of the person so oertified as convicted b revoked, and cause the same to be served upon such lioon:::;e or person in charge of such buoiness at tho time of such servioe, and thereupon such licence shall ctand revoked, and the police sholl sec to it that sueh buoine:::;s is discontinued while sueh revoeation i3 effeotive. ^ny lieensce whOQe license i:J revolted under the provisions of thio ohJpter may appeal from ouch revooation to tho city commission for such action os it may Jee fit to taite, but pending final action upon such appeal by the eity commission - 7 - th e lie e nse 0 h J II sta nd rev 0 ked . wft~::::~~~~~~~H?9,,:gr:::~~~~~Q~i9:9:::::9~:::I:mi:::,m?~:g~i::::it::::p~r:oo'!~::::~~~mlg~ Yng,iN,~,~~:::'~~~i!:~!~~~:::,9~,::~'~~,:"f09D~i:D~::::1~~~pgl[!~::::'~~'ii~~[~~[~:p;Ii,~:::I:![m:~'![~,9,:,S#!i~~~i:::~i::::~::~~~:i:~i~~!~n: 9r::r~,Y99~~i90i::::i:~:~:~ft~::::~~~~:",mi'y::'~~:*::::~~:r~Q~::~,!,!p,~n~~::'::~~~m~~,~,::'Y-pq~:t::::~~~!~~:::9~,~~1~~:;: B. Every peroon lieensed under this ohapter shall conduet tho busincss liconsed in a quiet peaceable and orderly mannor, and licenses may be suspended by the oity maAager for any improper or dioorderly eonduet which is permitted, or which ocours, in or abut the promioes where :Jueh lieenood buoiness is earried on, and whieh, in tAe opinion of the city mEmager, io obno>douo to the public welfare, safety, health, peace, quiet and good ordor. Revocation or suspcnoion of any license or permit granted under the provioions of the Montana Beer Act shall forthwith 0100 operJte as 0 suopen3ion or revooation, as the eose may be, of any liconGe granted under thi::; chapter. Suoh sU3ponsion by the city manager Ghall be by written notice to tho lioonoee or per::30n in charge of ouoh businoss and thereupon 3uch lieenso shall otand suopended until the next regular meeting the oity eommission, whon the oity managor 3hall report suoh suspension and tho reaoon therefor to the city eommi:J3ion for such action as it shall see fit to tako with refer en co thoroto 03 to oontinuance of 3uspenoion for a definite period, modification or revocation of the 3u3pon:Jion, or revocation of the lieenso. No person whose lioonoo shall have been revoked under tho proviaions of this ehapter and/or the Montana Beer Aet sholl thereafter be oligiblc to receive a lieonce under tho provisions of this chapter." Section 9 ReDealer All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 1 0 Savinas Drovision This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. Section 11 Severabilitv If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. - 8 - --- Section 1 2 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of May 1999. f#!ifi~ ATTEST: AL6 D M. ST FF, Mayor ~.:!~ ROBIN l. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 17th day of May 1999. ~/ ~.-.~~ ALF M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: ()~ J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission - 9 - ---------- --.-....---.-.-.--