HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 1494, Adds Ch. 2.66, city planning board ------..-- . __u__.__.... .-. ORDINANCE NO. 1494 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY ADDING CHAPTER 2.66; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A CITY PLANNING BOARD, CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW. WHEREAS, on the 21 st day of August 1957, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 820, creating the City-County Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of November 1989, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 1291, amending the provisions to comply with statutory revision; and WHEREAS, the Gallatin County Board of Commissioners has taken action to dissolve the City-County Planning Board and assume jurisdiction of the extraterritorial area around Bozeman. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That Chapter 2.66 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be added so that such section shall read as follows: .................,::,lli~~!~!I,~II"",,',._------- i~JlliI]ig~~IN~N:gjj~:il!IB9 IB,~ljB!:~::g::::j:::::j~::::::j:jj::jj;;~:"::',,':'-I!!!,I~"~tl:i~:jjI9,I!ti::::il~';~'~'9!i!i~ Byt~y~:~~~:~9~~~,Y~~:~~::~ffl~:iJt9!~~j~:~:~::~~wi,~!~::::Z:~1::j.-I:9Q~~:~.~--2~~:~:::I~~g~~~<~jg~-::t1J~:::i~1 E9;i:i!~~:!iB::..2f1b~.;jj:E:,~~::::if.:.~;~:i~~!:i:i~9~i.pr!~~i:j:::~m~..:.i~~~~.!i~qj:;:i.::::~:!~~-p.!~:~:~:~Qg-!?2~:~g-~9;::~i: ~m~I~:::jijij;::~mi~.lqi@lij:~[[:':~!~.QP!mQ::[~9~;~~~~-ij~,p:r9~~gig-:,'m::::i~~~j::!~!J~~:::::~rng-~i~~:::!?Y---!~"i::!:~glp~":r ~9gpt,:::i!:~:::~~:::~~:~i:::~~9t!iB~:jj~~!ijj!fJi::__~~I~::::I!:[::I~.O!iBi:[::l:l~tilil~"~I!i,:.~li~~::ilp~g:!I~i:l.iY-pili~g:::t~ i9~1~:::::pJi~:~'I:Qg!pi[~g:~:::::~~im~~gg[.:.i:lg:::::~:~~igi~~gg:::::~~i~::1Ii[:.::g~~~:::::p~ipm:!:~:~:~j:~gi:rl::::~:!:!!:i~:ql:::!fJi:::::~'IS~ti:~: iJri*il!9ii::~j:::~II~r~~-::g:~~:!!i:::::!t~g:::-r-~~:~~~~JP!l'i~!~~:::~~~r~~9_...!~:~~:ttjin:!:m:~:; 'g~[~!:~!!g,:::.-.:,'.;.::::::::::::::::j:::j::g~t!!I:~E~~:~::~ w~i.~~~.~~~[[:[II~m.~ilQ.::i:.~:~~.-~1JI~~.:[[g~~~j~~j~H:PP[:[:~:~:~~~9iP~!:~~::::~~.A~~~!9'~~PM:::~~~~~t:::~~I~ IB:~I'B!!!.~:..::.:::::::j[:::j:::j:::jj:::~:::~:~:;:~9rpP9!~J.~9~:~: m~i:::I~~~i~m[::I!~:~:~:~P9.:.fmi:~g:::~I!~I::P~Q~:!~~:;1!:-i"g":~:::.:m~i:~~f.:.ij:QP~~I;m1!gjj!I::!~lq:::~!~:r ~!r:i~.~.:.~~::::~9!:!:~li:~ I#J~I.i!Rimli~!II.J_ii~BI.timJ:jrtji.1i! .-.-..."..---- .. .---.-- ---.--- --.... -.- .jjjl;;_.__. .j;;JJJi~"~"" .;;JJ~~~.BII"I w~~::::j:~!~~~t.l~tl~j:::~~:::im::~.Rij~i!:~~~il::.~fii:mj:i~p~~~:::i~!j!giqq~:I'-g~::~:::::~~21~::::::::mfi!r~~d~~r~:-_~~! ~9~i!q'iii:~:~~::::!ppiip~I~!~I"j:IU!:::::~i:!j::~9.rj.!:~I~~i~~:r!.:.tirl~:~' II!:-_::'Jnil:~@.r~"'~:g!n:::::::p!::...r~~~~~:~~::.:::!f~~~~:!~:@.r~:'::::I1~~J,q::::::~~~::::::9!~Y:::::::!:!:li1i-::::j:i~::::::~ffli::::::~:!~y:::lq~ 19~~:liQ.. mli...I!:i:r~:j@:~':'~I~.:::I~~I:flgmhl~I!:'~~::::lhi~~::::~i~ii,I::::~I~::::li:m~~:rij.::i.p~~:I:~~ig:::jj~if':::th:i::::~I~~ @9ro-m!i~:1gQ;m~i:::::~~I~~19it~~::::::iffl~I~:":II:::::1~~t:.:.:t9::::::I:~~::::::~;g:ro~:::j:i:::::jRi:~t:::::g!:::::f~i:::::r~99:rg!:::::gt:j:::~~:i ~~*!m~:ij,::::R'!ij,m1m'9':::g~:r~~,'..wp~::::I~:~gf-'~~~m::::lig~:::!:!:I~~!t:::~~:t~!~~!i~!I:~:...~9t:::~:b:!j:.~p~~:!:~~I~p~:::lt ijl~~~~:g'li:m:~i:ti:;:" Section 2 Repealer. All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof in conflict with the application of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3 Severability. If any provisions of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights or duties that matured, penalties and assessments that were incurred or proceedings that begun before the effective date of this ordinance. Section 5 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days from final passage. - 2 - . ----- ___.__...u _ .. - -- PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 17th day of May 1999. ALFRED M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 7th day of June 1999. a~Ad ~ ~ ALFR M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: ~J'~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: .//f / d::' ,pi / - / .... .c.c - 3 - --