HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 99- 1497, Adds §§ 13.12.322--13.12.324, 13.12.375; amends 88 13.12.320, 13.12.330, 13.12.340 and 13.12.410, water service utility operations, and 13.16.010, water system rules and regulations --.- ~. .-J,: - ORDINANCE NO. 1497 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 13.12.320, 13.12.330, 13.12.340, 13.16.010 AND ADDING SECTIONS 13.12.322,13.12.323,13.12.324, AND 13.12.375 PROVIDING FOR THE CITY TO MAINTAIN SERVICE LINES FROM THE MAIN WATER LINE TO THE CURB BOX, REQUIRING NEW PROPERTY OWNERS MAINTAIN THEIR SERVICE LINES FROM THE CURB BOX TO THE METER, PROVIDING FOR THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF METERS, AND PROVIDING FOR RATES FOR WATER CONSUMPTION TO BE SET BY RESOLUTION. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that Section 1 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 13.12.320 is hereby amended to read as follows: "13.12.320 Installation conditions - Curb box required Credit or dCP03itltgj:i~ty !1~;!:tji::::~!!RP[9!~~:"J,,:~~i~g:t:':'I!rm~J.::::r!g:M~r*~. All vy'atcr services to any premises shall be installed by the utility, except under special conditions approved and inspected by the utility 1~::::::::i;lGi:p~::\:~:~ilgf:::~p,,~!i]:::~~91:!i![R~i ip.Rr9*@~\:\:\::I~:::::[~~:~:::::::91!.!.~~M.i::::...:t~~[:;:::~~~i~IY::::..glm@r~::\\\::i~::::::~~~:::::::Rr9:~~:B.:.:.RI~[~:r~i::::::@~.ei:m~i~:::::::lm::.::::~~ rili9:~IJ.~1~:::::f~:r'::'!g!1inJ,qg[\\:\in:::::li~it::'"i@1119@:::::nq~~:~:::::~ri::::::!:!:~:~i~::::::~iq~::::ngl\::::Mj!y@~:::::im~:::::~II..Q1~~\t Q~Q~~~:~:r~:::~~\~:~:t~~:~'~~-8~~':::9:r:::~I~~~m~,~!~:::.:tr~:h1::\:~:~:~::::E~rp':::~~i:::!~.:::l~~"]:ij~!~t::::~D~i'g~:::~tl~:\::~~:r~~~: ~'r~g~.~:r~:i:\\:::::::\ln:[:::I~~~'r"$~I.!9@i:\::!~\::::~:~~::::~t~'Ii,~~$.::::I:~~:!:I::::::~~''.'!.O$~I:!:!!~~:::::PM.~..::.p:!:~I~~f.l!E~~~~~':';~~.q ~gmglq:::\i,:~:::[~:~~p:rq~~~@,:::I!!h\:::lp:~~~~~:::~~~19::::~il:::~~~:::~mi:::::19!~:I~:!j:\::m!:WQ~~!~~!:.:lpg~:~ Services lines must be so installed that the supply of water for each separate building, house or customer shall be controlled by a separate curb stop placed within or near the property line. The curb stop and box must be kept in a readily accessible condition by the owner of the premises. :1:;: An application for introduotion J.~~tif:!~t~g~ of water service to any premises must be signed by the property owner or the property owner's designated agent and must be made on a regular form furnished by the utility for that purpose. Prior to approval of such application, the utility 1IIIil@,~~lllil~~i~~gl~~~~!1!19Ip:~i~III~I.:I.III:~i~~!Ili~~~: may require the property owner to establish credit or to furnish a deposit as provided in Sections 13.12.150 through 13.12.270. H:*:::::::::::::::::[\:::::::::::::::::::::~.igm.:"pqIp:!~i!:RU.:::::~~::::~h!ipP.!:!eit,~!j~::::"ri2g!:R~::::~~::::;~~...[p:!:~I:I:r-!js:'_.p@:fm;!;:::::~qg R~~:~~~~:::q~':@:i!'.:Ghitg.ii\:\ri!!:iti~::::~q';';fi~-R9Q~~;~!~~::~~'I~lit:\:$.:~:r~J.9i~~:-'~~.g::::~~:!:!::\;!'mi@~g~l~:~::::RY-,!b~: "-:-'-''''::''U'''':-'--':-:-'-:-:--'-:-: ';"-;-"'r-'-'-:-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-:-'-:-:---'-'-'-"""""""""-"""""""""""""""'1"":':':';-,-,.,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-:-._--,-,.,.,., -,.,.,.,.,.,.,.'ff"";':':':"-;';-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-"'-:-'-""'"""""""""""""""",;,;,,-:,;,'-'-'-'-'-'-'-,-,-,.,.,.,-,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.:.:.;.;-:-:-,-,-,-: Uti t"" +th t'l't h II th """ rr"."""it....dr..........t ..''..''''''''''a.....t..t ...".".""""" "....:w;.""""".""""."..."""""....".""" ::::'::::Yb:: e u I I Y s a e n iYJ::m::.,~!::\"J~~M!::.::.gn?9q:::::::!~;t.::::\:.i./::,,?[:Br9\R!\!,:r::.::::::(::9:W{Q@ri:m[~1n~;P!:Oi!~ ----- n__ _ "- 661. " :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.' Section 2 The Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 13.12.322 so that Section 13.12.322 reads as follows: Section 3 The Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 13.12.323 so that Section 13.12.323 reads as follows: ~~jm~~:;j Section 4 The Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 13.12.324 so that Section 13.12.324 reads as follows: - 2 - -- --- ------ - - ---- - ~ Section 5 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 13.12.330 is hereby amended so that such section reads as follows: "13.12.330 Maintenance - When utility responsibility. a distance of sixty feet, as measured from the curb box, or to and including the meter, Section 6 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 13.12.340 is hereby amended so that such - 3 - section reads as follows: ~Jo connection shall bc macle to service lines between the main and the inside stop and/or motor. Section 7 The Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new section to be numbered 13.12.375 so that Section 13.12.375 reads as follows: Section 8 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 13.12.410 is hereby amended so that such section reads as follows: - 4 - ------.-.--- "13.12.410 Metered service - Billing - Penalties for delinquent payment. All metered services shall be billed for actual water consumed, based on rates and charges on file with and approved I~~~~ the commission l~n..i~~::::~M::::~i:!9J9ti2Q' Payment is due upon receipt of the bill, and will be considered delinquent if not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is received. If the bill is not paid within thirty days after it has become delinquent, t~~:i::91~~~IM:.i~i:i!t,i:~:9if:~::::~~~~~~i!!m.~:~::mi.M:::~[~!~iQ'~i9,~ the water services wtH be disoonncoted after ~~:!!!1Itm:~ a ten-day written notice. I~~~~~::.~~i:::::~~m\l::::~:iigiqii~~::::i ~:~:~~~:lirili:i::i:iifYiPi-::~!r::i:~~:!:!:~~i::::~!::::~1:1f;::::~::::~i~~9qW~Q~::jlj,1:!~:~ S~e rvice s ha II not be re instated u nti I delinquent charges are paid, together with the cost incurred by the utility in disconnecting or subsequently reconnecting the line." Section 9 The Bozeman Municipal Code Section 13.16.010 BRule G-1 is hereby amended so that Rule G-1 reads as follows: "13.16.010 Rules and regulations adopted - part of contract with eOA3Uff1cr qgl~!I!r. A. The following rules and regulations are made for the government of the waterworks system of the city. B. These rules and regulations of the city, pertaining to its waterworks system, approved by the Publio Sorvice Commission of Montano are made a part of the contract with every individual, firm or corporation who takes water, and every sueh individual, firm or corporation agrees, in making application for water to be bound thereby. The following rules and regulations are adopted by the city: Rule G-1. An application for the introduction of water service to any premises must be signed by the owner of the premises and must be made on the regular form furnished by the city for that purpose. When such an application has been granted, the city, at its own !P!::::I:rl~~~~::[~I~:i.tt~ expense, will tap the main and furnish corporation cock, clamp when necessary, and any other material used or labor furnished in connection with the tapping of the main. All expense of laying and maintaining the service pipes from the mains to the consumcr's~~9:Bi:~'9IQ~:ttl premises must be borne by the oonsumer B~9~~rt~:::::91~g~. 11~~~~!n~H~~:::::::!~i:::::[Pf9P~m~:i::::!I~~t::::::~:!::::::f!~ppt1'!!~~~M::~!~:::::[t~i':'-il~:!:~~~pi~9,i::::::p~::::::i~~::::::~ilf~gi::::::!1Pii iQGlq~'!Bg::::~I~:::::~[~:~~:i::ifi~-:~Ii'p!G~:!!~:rM[:[:!~xtqfii-i-:~:Qg::::ip~:qrti'~:~'g:Gi~::::~i'~i9:~:':~i:~i::['fr!:i::::t~~::::9,q[~ '~9~::::~~::::~~:i::::'II~~r.Ai::::I;~~~::::~I::::An:i::i.i'~gg~i~II::::~ii~liffi The service pipe "1,[911 must be laid below the street grade and on the consumcr'sp:r!ill~:::ilg~r~i premises, at a standard depth~9t - 5 - ---- -- !:~~I!!:::~~I:~:::!!!~~~::::!::r,:~~:~~:~~~I~~::..I~I:, designated by the city, to prevent freezing. A curb cock of approved pattern with a cast-iron curb box must be installed by the oonsumer :~~~:~~!~I Qvt~:i~~ at a point designated by the city. Whenever a tap is made through which regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. service is not immediately desired, the applicant will bear the entire expense of tapping, subject to a refund whenever regular service is begun. The form for applioation follows, to wre- Register No. Servioe Na. Bozeman, Mont. , 19 - TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: A supply of water is desired for the following purposes only, at the premises, Lot _, Blool< _ (No. _, _ Street), in the City of Bozeman, _ Addition. Frontage feet. Oeoupied os by for whioh agree to pay not later than the first - - - - day of eaoh month in ad'lanoe in aooord::moe with, and use the water os prescribed by the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the City of Bozeman, pertaining to its Water Works System, it being distinotly understood and agree by that assume all risl< of freezing in the service pipes and will pay the water rote hereby specified whether the servioo pipes be frozen or not, if the water is running in the street mains. SPECIFICATIONS. RATES. Dwelling, No. of rooms Bath \'Vater olosets Wash basins Urinal basins Total Monthly Rate, $ Cows Horses Payable Monthly in Advanoe Hotel, No. of rooms Hose Store of offioe Store or office Steam power Irrigation, Area Sq. Ft. Meter Applioant" Section 1 0 ReDealer All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11 Savin as Drovision This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. - 6 - --.-..- . --- Section 1 2 Severabilitv If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 13 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PROVISIONALL Y PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana at a regular session thereof held on the 21 st day of June 1999. ALFRED M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 6th day of July 1999. ~6E MARCIA B. YOUNGMAN, ayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: ~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,/'/ (' ......' . /'7 /Jou&IIJ5./W)-f PAUL J. LUW;E City AttorDBY - 7 - ~ ,.;. ... Section 1 2 Severabilitv If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 13 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PROVISIONALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana at a regular session thereof held on the 21st day of June 1999. ATTEST: ~~ ~ 41/ ~ . TIFF~ lI1Iayor ~2~ ROBIN l. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the day of 1999. ALFRED M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN l. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL J. LUWE City Attorney - 7 -