HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 00- 1529, Adds § 12.24.045; amends §§ 12.24.020, 12.24.040 and 12.24.050, snow removal from sidewalks ----.. -- - - .I.~~':~'. ._".. ORDINANCE NO. 1529 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MONTANA PROVIDING THAT THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 12.24.020, 12.24.040 AND 12.24.050, CLARIFYING WHEN THE REMOVAL OF ALL SNOW OR ICE FROM SIDEWALKS IS REQUIRED, REMOVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR AN ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION TO BE PASSED BY THE FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER, AND REVISING THE CODE TO MAKE IT CONSISTENT WITH MONTANA MISDEMEANOR CRIMINAL PENAL TIES; AND BY ADDING SECTION 12.24.045, REQUIRING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN APPEALS PROCESS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana that Section 1 Section 12.24.020 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "12.24.020 Snow and ice to be removed from sidewalks. A. Every pcrsoA in charge or control of any Building or lot qlpi~ of land within the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , city fronting or abutting on a paved sidewalk, whethcr os owner, tenant, oooup=:mt, lessee, or otherwise, shall remove and clear away, or cause to be removed and cleared away, @:Q~ snow and ice from so muoh af said ~m!!'P9~1U~:~:1!:9t:.:~~~ sidewalk as-is in front of or Jbuts on 5aid ~~gn:':m:~::::1~~'i building or lot of land. 1. Sidewalks which front on or abut both the rear lot line of a lot and an arterial street shall be excepted from this chapter. l!pp~rl_i!iiflri~li,.;[~..!~..~l6"~"~~!~~! ice shall be removed from sidewalks in all business districts within the city by nine a.m. of the next business day, by twelve noon of the next nonbusiness day or within four business hours after the cessation of any faH ~O~'.~D~I:1:::!:~:.1.~~~1:11:#~~R"~1_~ of snow, sleet or freezing rain whichever period is shorter. mi9Ri~."'tQl.~fi!m~~~ !!l!~!!~~!!1 removed from all other sidewalks within the city within the first twenty-four hours after the cessation ~fiY".~tt~I:::~r::.!9!:11~i:~~~~~ of any fall of sno''v, sleet or freezing rain. B. However, in the event the dircetor, in his discretion, mir~~~gt'p:~:::11~~'IIG"..g~~M~G! determines tAat the snow and ice on a sidewalk has becomc so hard that it cannot be reasonably removed~:::::~~:i'1i~t!g~~~ fle may rCE1uest that the person charged with its removal causcr!9g:\~~:::JQ!-q:!i:::l~~ sand or other suitable substance to be put on the sidowoll( to make R,~:,itt~i:i travel thereon reasonably safe:;;; said person or entity sholl comply with such Q ............................... " 11!~ request Im~i.:1::i~I~~!ii;t.--I~~~, within the time mentioned ii~fg:f~:~ in subsection Affi -- -..- .-..-- __._ no. ~- ....... hereof and shall then, as soon 89 thereafter 89 weather r;termits, cause soia ~;m;:;;I~~~~:!::IMlrn~~ I1IIYlr*!::!~fI sidewalk te ~U be thoroughly cleaned :~!!;::llgm~~i~i~i:::lql:j::lti~~@r:~~::Bi:tl~~I:~" Section 2 Section 12.24.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "12.24.040 Violations - Work dOAe, Ii&bilit., therefore Civil penalty and collection A. In the event of the failure of Ilii"~. any person !i:!~: to clear away or treat with abrasives and subsequently clear away any snow and ice from any sidewalk as hereinbefore provided ~!i~:';~~I, or cause this to be aone, the director may, as soon as practicable after such failure, cause such work te be doneq~~~::::I!~;:~I~~~I!f-II::::~~~~r~R' B. The director shall ascertain ana keep a record ef t~~l::~lml::i~:::~~:~..,.~r9:~~:fl:,91~~t~ th~:':~!i~tj:I~~~~~~~~irn']~rn~:;;;ittil~:::ifUltii~::!~~:::~h@':]9UI;~:~: the exact date~ and cost~ of all W6fk he eo uses to beIQ91I]f:~m9i~! done in accordance with this section j~QPf-p~~~:i:l:~!91..Q9~:::f-!:mi~~9 ~9"'l~~!::j::~91:~~::j:.efpr~Mij~lj:j:j~9.i)trijEt.it~::j:jfflj!:ril[9:f:l:l:l:i:~~I.p~:f:pl:l~:::.!Q~::::l:ij9:miiJ:!:~~f@~JMi'::l:l~9~Ji~6ft account of each oct or omission of each person; a legal description of thc lot or lots fronting or abutting on the sidewalks eleared aloAfJ with the street address; an€! he shall identify the owner(s) of the premises along with any tcnant(s), oceupant(s) or lessee(s) with particularity. C. Each person whose act or omission makes it neoessary that thc direotor oausc Ifu~t::!~~~:!i::::ti.91~!r:::~~~:l:ll:!~:".f-! in a timely manner as required herein and thus requires the city to perform the work to be done in accordance with this section shall be liable to the city for the cost of such work plus a civil penalty of tweAty t6J.it~ dollars or twenty percent of ';';':':':':':':':':':':'...:. such costs, whichever is greater. ":':':':':':':':':"':'!<<f""""':':"""""""':.,.,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.,.,.;.,.;.;.;.,.,.,.:.,.:.;.:.:.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.:.,.,.,.:.:.,.,.,.,.,.'.'.,.,.,.,.,.;. ;.;.,.'.,.,.,.,.,., D. The directorQt]IJ.~C.:e$J'rUned:'ttr.tJ$INtatiYe shall ive eaefl the crson(s) ro ert ,.:.:.:.,.:.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~it.:.,.:.,.,.;.:.;.,.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,Q,.:.:.,.,.,.'';.,.,.,.,.:.:,:.:.:.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. g ,.,.,.:.,.:.:.:.:.: p p p y mIQ'iri~~'" written notice of the amount owed to the city as soon as practicable !gnqlJ.~~:::tfj~ E9'lpl~lj.9fl':::it::::~~!:::::IWf'~. The payment of such amount may be enforced through suit for collection or by levying an assessment on the premises or both. E. In the event of assessment, the city commission shall annually and bcforc the first Monday of Ootober of caeh year pass and adopt a resolution levying an assessment and tax against each lot or parcel of land fronting or abutting on the sidewalks 9:r~~ti~ cleared '~~!!::~~~::~::I~~~Gtl:r:'--'~@l:::lii:9g~~~:iJ~~:::::li!~'JI!:':::~!rQi~lj!g@i:::::9t"'lm'l:i:::::~~~:p~irj un d e r the a rd e r of thc direotor and according to his report. Upon all il! assessments levied and asscssed in accordance with thc provisions of this chapter, i:~:~j!:I::j:::~".::.9fjirg-i9 simple interest shall bc ~ 2 - --- .._.. u__ ----- ~.. .-- .---- eharged at the rate of ten percent per year from the date wfleA the work is performed aR6 up to the dote when 9m!n the assessment becomes due and payable '!I:~~~:::~~nM:::::ip~~I::~':'~~Q: i~li!t~iQ:. II Section 3 Section 12.24.045 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby added and shall read as follows: ":j::I~:.:~IIR~".IRPI:~li'~ mJj~::::::litii~I~::\:::~f""'f!gl'il~~:~~~lItymi:::::i~~~1~::::llliliQ:::::i:\::::i:~ig~I:~~:::::~mglt~i:::::'in:::\::J.~j~~9;1liri ~~~"I:~~,::-:-im,:,:'~~~~t~~-i);~t::::::I~~~:'::,:,tn~~::::::~~~ptt!:'::::~~::::i~pp~jf:::I~~,:'::~i~i!~li:~':~\::::--:::-:~~~:~~ftY:::::@.~'~~ 1~~:m~~I'''~I-,\~ppi~f:I~~\-~~!ii:~I~01::::I!:m:~19pmj,l:::I~~t,t-::iRP~it'tg:::I~~::::g~~!:i19r-it:::m:~:I~i9:::I:~t~~~~~ ~~:j@::jB!!19m!t~~:~::tte_r!~~~t~t~M~-\-II.~~~!::lmHli::~i~~~::::!iM~:::~~::~tj~\:::!~~i:-~~:\:~~:I'~i,r~t::::~9ti9~::::rilp!:~i~ 1,:~::j::~~:::I'*_6IJg.~:~:~~:::::I~r~:I,:~:\::I~:::\~y!:::::~:I~:::::lgt~!:~~::::~:~yi-:::ir~ii~::::!9':\::iffl!:Iy!'I:::::I~i:I:I.~!i~9i:::j:I!~!!i9:~~~:!t .:19:~::::1~1::j:~~i~I~I~jm1:::::!~::::~@i,99.:l::9~:m~!1@[I~:*:~::ltji,Gfi@~~!:::~~:::j\i~p'~:r:~ II Section 4 Section 12.24.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: II 12.24.050 Criminal penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount of not ~ :iq~~ than twenty five five hundred (500) dollars or more than three hUAdred dollars :~ij:::iIRt!~19~~::]n ~fil::'::S9Mlj~::\:~~:,:t::::f9r:':A:::j~i:~I::::m91:::::~~::::~~~9i@I::\::~~~:::::I~mllij*:::::~t-:~'~~~~. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereuAdcr. II Section 5 ReDealer All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6 Savin as Drovision This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. - 3 - _.__n_ -- ... .----- - u.__...._.... ____.. --- Section 7 Severabilitv If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 8 Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of November 2000. MARC~N~t;[;;;or ATTEST: (2~ c:i ~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 4th day of December 2000. MA~~~aYOr ATTEST: ~J~ R BIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 4 - __n... __._ __ - ---~